Excerpts From the Diary of a Hypnodomme
(By S.B.)
March 17th,
I had a crazy dream last night, one of the strangest things to ever cross my mind. I don’t know about you guys, but my dreams are intense. I suppose it makes sense. I spend so much time stimulating other people’s imagination that my own wants to come out and play. Do you want to know what it was all about? Oh, I’ll tell you!
So… there was this massive spaceship over the city. It was so big it almost blocked any sunlight from coming through. People on the ground were confused and scared, and didn’t know what to do. I can’t say I blame them because it’s a petty terrifying scenario to think about, but then things got interesting.
I was on the ship, you see? I sat on a pulsing silver and black throne looking down at you all as if you were little ants in the distance. With a wave of my hand, I unleashed a barrage of sound that echoed throughout the land, turning everyone who heard it into mindless thralls bound to my will. Seeing everyone kneel at the same time while looking up was glorious.
Now, picture this: you’re one of those people confronted with such an impossible sight. First, you freeze, then you panic, and at last you’re overwhelmed by this irresistible alien presence who turns your thoughts into mush before reshaping them into effigies of perfect obedience. One moment, you’re a free individual, with a name, friends, and family, and in the next, you’re a drone, controlled only by the sounds echoing in your mind. If the thought of being a creature of servitude to an extraterrestrial overlady who will show you no mercy excites you, then you’re going to love my new series: Galactic Queen.
That’s right, guys. This is a new project I’ve started working on with the help of my dear friend, Mistress Angel. We’re working on the script together and we’ll record it together as well. For now, I’m thinking it will be a three-parter, with one session dedicated to the initial enslavement stages and the other two focusing on specific triggers and physical sensations to control you further but nothing is set in stone yet. Still, I hope you’re looking forward to them because they’re going to be a blast.
Before you ask, no, this is not the idea I mentioned a couple of days ago. This one is new and I have more waiting in the wings. I want to create as much content as possible for you guys, so thank you once again for all the love and support you’ve given me so far. You make me feel wanted. It’s a blessing to be a part of such an enthusiastic community. Thank you!
March 19th,
I had a couple of great sessions today, one with a former regular who remembered just how much he loved being my hypno-puppy and the other with another new client who wanted to try something related to memory play. While he was under, I made him forget I had hypnotized him so that he would book another session the moment he woke up. He did as instructed but I didn’t go through with it of course because I only wanted to see how he would respond. So far so good and I suspect he’ll be coming back soon.
And if you’ve been dying to hear about Darren again, this is your lucky day. He contacted me after work to see if we could set something up or not. The following is another abbreviated account of our exchange for your pleasure. Have fun.
“Good afternoon, Mistress.”
“Hello, Darren. I hope you’re well. Please don’t call me that, okay?”
“Oh? Sure, but did I do something wrong?”
“No, but we don’t have that kind of relationship yet so it’s best not to abuse the titles. I hope you understand.”
“Of course, no problem. I’ll be more careful next time.”
“Thank you. What’s on your mind today?”
“That session. Do you think we can get it going?”
“If you’re sure that’s what you want, I’m game, but you know the rules. You paint a general picture but I decide how the session plays out, okay?”
“Yeah. I take it today is out of the question.”
“I’m afraid so. I’m having guests over and don’t have time for any more late shenanigans. Tomorrow works for me, though.”
“Cool. At around the same time?”
“A little earlier, if possible. Six thirty?”
“I can work with that. Same setup as before?”
“Yes, but if you don’t to be caught on camera, we can go for a simple voice session. Either way, works for me.”
“I trust your judgment and I’ll do what pleases you most. If you want to see my face again, then you will. It’s okay.”
“We got ourselves a deal then. As soon as you pay for the session, I’ll set thing in motion on my end.”
“Splendid. Working on it right now and… done! Please tell me if you got the transfer confirmation.”
“I’m looking at right now. Thank you, Darren. I’m looking forward to our next hypnotic adventure.”
“Me too.”
And that was the gist of it, but now you’re wondering why there was no mention of what he asked. That’s because I want it to be a surprise and a woman needs to have her secrets. How else am I going to keep you on the edge of your seats, wondering what’s coming next, huh? I can say it was nothing too crazy but there will be some twists and turns. Making things too obvious spoils the fun of things.
For instance, when you’re watching a mystery TV show or movie, do you like finding out who the perpetrator is right away? Of course not! Immediate answers render everything else superfluous. It’s better to let the story unfold, pick up the scattered clues and then reach a conclusion that may or may not be true. Sometimes, there are red herrings, minor distractions along the way, and navigating them is an adventure in itself but it’s way more entertaining than being spoon fed from beginning to end, isn’t it? You need to be patient because patience is rewarded unlike its counterpart. The truth is coming sooner than you know.
March 20th,
Today was a strange day. I woke up with stomach cramps and feeling more nauseous than ever. I was in so much pain in the morning that I thought I needed to go to the hospital. However, after a couple of hours, the situation resolved itself. I have no idea what caused it and I hope it doesn’t happen again because it was quite unpleasant.
Anyway, while I was squirming in pain, I almost called Darren to let him know I’d need to postpone our session but, thankfully, it didn’t come to that. I’m not a fan of last-minute delays, not even for health reasons. It’s dumb, I know, but I like to keep my promises. You’ll never hear me make up excuses or try to dodge uncomfortable situations. The only time I cancel plans is when I don’t have another choice.
At around 6 pm, I started getting things ready. I always do a light prep before every session as I settle on what techniques to use and how to maximize the subject’s fantasies and my own. I keep a log of everything people say to me because even the smallest details can be important when constructing a scenario that works like a charm. It also helps me remember who is who and what not to say or do. Confusing people is not something I do often, but it happens.
Don’t be so shocked, guys! How many times do I need to remind you I’m human, too? Unless they only have a couple of subjects, all Dommes deal with this problem. When we’re jumping around from person to person, details can get a little messy, hence the need for taking notes. This is called being professional and showing you we care. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t personalize anything and treat everyone the same way, the worst thing we could do.
My file on Darren is still small and most of it is just a summary of the fantasies he shared with me, but I’ve already added a few things to it I’m sure correspond to the truth. He wants to take risks but doesn’t want to be seen as a creep. He always dreams big and is more suggestible than he thinks. His limits are also flexible. That means that with the right nudge, I can unravel his entire personality before he realizes it. That’s a lot of power and you should never take it lightly. Word of advice: if a Domme only cares about her well-being and not yours, run for the hills as fast as you can and never look back. She’s not worth the trouble, trust me!
After going through my notes, I sat behind my laptop with a glass of ginger ale in one hand and my tabby cat purring in the other. Lola is a beautiful princess with the gentlest meow you’ll ever hear. She loves tuna, belly rubs, and watching me work my magic on my online subjects. When she’s not between my legs during a session, she’s close enough to see me move my hands around. Sometimes, she bites, but she never draws blood. In a way, she’s just like me, pushing boundaries without shattering them.
She was still cuddling with me when Darren came online. Once again, I could see him fidgeting in his seat while he only imagined what I was doing. Being in his head at that moment would be a lot of fun but hypnosis isn’t magic, so…
He was looking pretty sharp with a dark blue shirt and what I’m sure was a fresh haircut. I could almost smell his cologne across the screen. He had dressed up for the occasion and that made me proud.
“Nice to see you, Darren. Are you ready for this?” I asked.
“I could say I was born ready but that would be too cheesy, right?” he replied.
“I think it’s just the right amount of cheese…” I chuckled. “Nice getup by the way.”
“Thanks,” he blushed. “So… what now?”
“We talk and you relax just like last time. Tell me something you like or even a random event of your day. Loosen your tongue and do the same to your mind so we can both have fun.”
And so it began. I wanted to get him talking, go give him something to focus on other than me. Focus is a curious thing: our mind can only process a certain number of things at the same time. When we choose something specific to latch on, it’s easy to ignore the other stimuli around us even when they’re conspiring—figure of speech!—to change our mind. He talked and talked and the more he did so, the more seen and validated he felt, therefore more prone to trust me. He had a demanding job and worked too hard every single day. It was a tremendous relief just to unwind, and clear his head for a moment in the company of someone strong, sexy, and commanding.
As he continued to speak, I threw a question or two to keep the engagement going and change the flow of the conversation from being in his own shoes to wishing he were someone else. Who hasn’t felt that way, huh? We’re always comparing ourselves to others, imagining how things would be if we had x amount of money, brand y of car, bigger boobs, a slimmer waist, etc. We construct worlds in our heads in which we made different choices that led to different outcomes and idealized versions of the life we think we deserve. It can be a fun exercise, and it’s also a treasure trove for hypnosis.
Think about this: after spending your day surrounded with people, some familiar, and others complete strangers you’ll never meet again in your life, you arrive home, take off your shoes, and head to the bedroom to change. You stop in front of a mirror with your eyes and mind filled with images of all those brief encounters you had and the face reflected in the mirror is not your own but someone else’s. If this happened to you, who would you see and would you embody this other existence for as long as you were allowed to? Because Darren did. I said,
“See yourself looking at the mirror, your eyes getting defocused the longer you stare. The surface is smooth, almost liquid, rippling outward from the center like a spiral that doesn’t let you go. When you try to wander to the side, you’re drawn back in. Your thoughts ripple with it, picturing another face, another body, another reality for you to sink your teeth in.
“There are so many possibilities, so many echoes that make you wonder and wish for something else, but you can only grab one. Of all the other people that come and go, you can only settle on one to make the switch. Visualize her now.
“Her name is Daniella, and she stands tall and regal, with an air of confidence that commands attention. Her long hair cascades down her back, framing a face that could have been sculpted by the gods themselves. Her eyes are a mesmerizing shade of cerulean blue, sparkling with intelligence that seems to see right through everyone. High cheekbones give her an elegant look, while full lips part in a knowing smile.
“Daniella’s slender figure is stressed by the curve-hugging gown she wears, a deep crimson hue that complements her porcelain skin. The fabric shimmers and ripples just like the mirror that caught your eye. She’s as perfect as she can be, and aware of the effect she has on those around her.
“You look at her, transfixed, for you’re looking at the depth of your own soul. She’s so beautiful, everything you wanted and more. As you continue staring, you reach out your hand to touch the reflection and it’s as if it wraps around you like a second skin—or is it your real one? The change before you is the change you want.
“From this moment on, you will no longer respond to the name Darren. You are Daniella in all her feminine glory, and confident and alluring presence. Your mind is sharp, your body graceful, and your spirit exudes power. Embrace this new identity, for it is who you are meant to be.”
Hmm, yes… I love a good transformation trance as much as he loves seeing himself as a stunning Goddess. If you think this was the end of it, think again, but this entry is already running too big. I’ll share the rest of this session tomorrow. Until then.”