Family Circus
by Pan
Author’s Note: This is another tribute to the fine works of Aginor. It is a little stranger than my usual fare.
I didn’t even bother knocking.
Testing the door, I discovered it was unlocked and walked straight in.
Thank god for Canadians, I chuckled to myself, admiring the photos on the wall. Two girls—twins, by the look of them—and a son. And, of course, Mom and Dad, standing in the family portrait, with their arms proudly around each other.
A perfect nuclear family. There’s nothing I enjoy playing with more.
They were even having dinner together. I could’t believe it—the son must have been a high school senior, but he still sat at the table with everyone to eat. They turned to me in shock as I entered the dining room.
“Excuse me!” the father said, standing up angrily. A quick probe told me that the father’s name was Teddy—his wife was Marie, and their children were Jeremy, Jane and Teri.
“Yes,” I replied calmly. “I’m sorry I’m late—I had forgotten that we’d moved our appointment to your house this week.”
“Appointment?” Teddy replied, his anger replaced by confusion.
“Of course. Your whole family has been coming to me for several months now—I am, of course, the only psychiatrist in the city who specializes in treating whole families at once. Again, I apologize for being late.”
“Not at all,” Marie said, standing up and giving me a hug. “Thank you so much for meeting us here.”
A glare from his father was all it took for Jeremy to go and fetch me a chair, and Teri made sure that I had a plate. I couldn’t believe how well this family worked together—I was going to enjoy myself here, I knew it.
“Now,” I said as Jane served me some beans. “At the end of last session, Teddy had just confessed to how much he’d always dreamed of being a clown. Teddy, do you want to continue from there?”
“Well,” Teddy said, without even a moment of hesitation. “Ever since I was young, and I saw them at the circus…”
He spoke for a few minutes, a sincere confession of how much he admired the bold way they dressed, the way they made people laugh. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that I’d accidentally found a real desire. While he spoke, I checked out the rest of the family as they nodded respectfully in response to Terry’s heartfelt words.
“And that’s why you’ve started dressing like one, isn’t it?”
“Of course,” Teddy replied, and before the words were even out of his mouth, it had a thick coat of red lipstick. The rest of his face was suddenly white, his hair green, and a small red plastic nose appeared on the end of it. Where he’d been wearing a respectable dinner-suit, he was now covered in gaudy colors—yellow braces, a rainbow collar, and a checked red, blue and green shirt. In the corner of the room, where the family’s shoes had been neatly stacked, Teddy’s black business shoes were replaced with green squeakers, three times the size.
“Now Jane,” I said, picking one of the twins at random. “This explains a lot of the desires you’ve been having lately, hasn’t it?”
“What?” she said in response—the last word she’d ever say.
“I mean, it makes sense. This kind of thing is genetic—your father’s urges to be a clown certainly explain why you’ve always wanted to be a mime. How have people at school started treating you, since you’ve accepted your mime phase?”
Jane’s transition was subtler than her father’s—the teen girl wasn’t wearing many colors to begin with, and so her black dress being replaced by black-and-white stripes didn’t make as much of an impact. Her already-pale face went as white as her father’s had, and a small black love-heart appeared under her right eye.
The rest of Jane’s clothing was replaced as well—a beret appeared on her head, a white glove on each hand, and every touch of color disappeared from her personage except for her new, strongly red lips. In response to my question, she mimed a group of people pointing and laughing, but no sound came from her mouth.
Marie, Jeremy and Teri had just been staring at their food glumly as I spoke. The reason they had to go a psychiatrist was suddenly obvious—two members of their family were dressed like freaks, one of them never even saying anything aloud.
“Marie,” I said, and she turned to me, eager to hear what I could say. “You’ve really been struggling with your husband’s obsession, haven’t you?”
“Oh yes,” she said, nodding fervently. “It’s been such a hassle—I’m a laughing-stock at work.”
“Work? I thought you believed that a woman’s place was in the house.”
“Well, yes, of course I do. That’s what I meant by work—I work from home…”
“That’s still working though, isn’t it Marie? You would never do something like that—not with your strict Christian values.”
Marie had never so much as stepped into a church in her life, but suddenly a cross appeared around her neck, and she grasped it as we continued talking.
“Obviously not!” she said, sounding scandalized. “I meant housework, of course.”
“Of course. You believe that your place is obeying the man of the house, don’t you?”
“That’s right. He may dress like a clown, but my Teddy is still the head of our household.”
“Good. You’re doing the right thing, Marie.”
She beamed. There was nothing she loved more than receiving the approval of an authoritative man. I turned back to Teddy.
“Who would you say are your heroes, Ted?”
“Oh, that’s easy—Krusty, Ronald, uh…Pennywise…”
He was obviously struggling, and so I helped him out a little.
“Bobo, Pogo, Lolo…”
“Yeah!” he said with a smile, grasping onto my suggestions. “They’re all great—some of my favorites.”
“But they all have something in common, don’t they Teddy?”
“Of course,” he replied, and again waited for me to give him a nudge.
“They’re all fat,” I said. “They’re all wider than they are tall. And that’s what makes a really great clown, isn’t it? Weight.”
“Uh-huh,” he said slowly. “Yeah, all the great clowns are…fat.”
Teddy, like his son, was in great shape. I don’t know if they worked out together, or if it was just because (before my entrance) he was just the perfect role-model, but while I was planning on keeping Jeremy fit, I figured Teddy could afford to gain a few pounds.
Or more than a few.
Just two questions later, Teddy was confessing to his psychiatrist just how long he’d been trying to gain weight, how much he wanted to be fat like his heroes. And as he spoke, two changes occurred—firstly, the serving of mashed potato and roast on his plate had tripled in size: as he ignored everything green on the table, he began desperately stuffing as much unhealthy food into his mouth as he could, large chunks spraying out of his mouth as he tried to speak and eat at the same time.
Secondly, he’d started to grow wider and wider and wider, until the chair he was sitting on could barely hold the plump clown’s new weight. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Jeremy was looking at his father with an air of disgust, and so it was the strapping young lad who drew my attention next.
“Jeremy,” I said. “How do you feel about all this?”
“It’s all pretty gross, I think.”
“Oh yes?”
“Yeah…Dad’s really let himself go, Mom never stands up for herself, and Jane…”
A roll of the eyes conveyed exactly how Jeremy felt about Jane. She responded with a perfect mimicry of his action, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
A mime making me laugh. That’s certainly something I never saw coming.
“How’s your personal life, Jeremy?”
Undeterred by the change in topic, Jeremy readily answered. “Good. I’ve got a few girls I see from time to time.”
His mother tutted, her Christian sensibilities shocked, but I held up a hand and she immediately went quiet.
“What sort of thing attracts you, Jeremy?”
“Any kind, really. I like a girl who takes care of herself…”
“Oh, it’s just—you’re so fit, I thought for sure you were gay.”
“Oh well yeah, I guess I’m bi. I don’t mind girls, but yeah—I prefer guys. There are some hot guys at my school, who I wouldn’t mind hooking up with.”
“At your school? You must mean the teachers—in our last session, you were talking about how you like guys who are older than you.”
“Yeah, some of the teachers. We’ve got a guy who just started teaching…”
“No, that can’t be right,” I interrupted. “The last guy you dated was almost old enough to be your father.”
“Well sure, he was old, but he kept himself in such good shape, you couldn’t tell.”
With just the tiniest hint of effort, I transformed one of the photos of the wall into a picture of a man with more chins than strands of hair. Inanimate objects are always harder, especially when they’re not being worn.
“Isn’t that him?”
Jeremy glanced at the photo I was pointing at.
“Yeah, that’s him. I guess he wasn’t really in shape at all. He was really…yeah, it’s embarrassing to admit, but I have a bit of a thing for chubby men.”
With a smile, I leaned forward.
“All chubby men?”
“Yeah. It’s just a huge fetish of mine. The bigger they are, the sexier I find them…”
As if unable to stop himself, Jeremy turned around to glance at his father, who was shoveling fistfuls of potato mash into his mouth. Without even noticing, the teen lad licked his lips.
“Jeremy, as your psychiatrist, I have to tell you the truth—I think this obsession with chubby men comes from what we call a reverse Oedipus complex. It’s quite common for gay men to be attracted to their fathers.”
The rest of the family were looking around awkwardly as I spoke to Jeremy, and so I decided to bring them in on the conversation.
“Jane, how do you feel about this?”
She mimed putting one finger down her throat and throwing up, and I nodded.
“A perfectly natural response. Teri, how about you?”
“I don’t understand how I’m the only normal one in this family,” the teenage girl sighed, and I smiled in response. All in good time…
“Teddy, how does it make you feel?”
The fat clown at the end of the table chewed on the remainder of the roast as he thought about his answer.
“Honestly, it makes me feel pretty fucking uncomfortable, knowing that my son’s a fag.”
I watched as Jeremy winced in response to his father’s words. He couldn’t have been more hurt if he’d been slapped, and so I instantly decided to make it up to him.
“Well, Teddy, that’s not really fair, is it? After all, homosexuality comes from not having a strong masculine figure growing up…and whose fault is that?”
The father’s face sank as he realized what I was saying. Suddenly all the fishing trips he’d taken his son on were erased: the advice on dealing with yourself in a fight, the tips on how to impress women. In their place was Teddy standing on a chair in fear of a mouse, or teaching his son that sitting down to pee is best, “Just to avoid any spillage”.
“Mine,” he mumbled in response.
“Exactly. Now you’ve made this bed, and so you have to lie in it. Jeremy, be honest—what do you want to do to your father, more than anything in the world?”
“Fuck him,” he replied, and immediately looked shocked. It was obvious that he’d been waiting years for someone to ask him the question…and as far as Jeremy was concerned, he had.
“Now, Teddy, what kind of a man would you be if you said no to that? After all, you’re the one who caused these urges in the first place—it’s your job to let your son release them.”
Even through his heavy make-up, I could tell Teddy’s face was going red.
“Yeah,” he said quietly.
“Good,” I said with a clap. “That’s settled. Whenever Jeremy is turned on, you’re going to take care of him, aren’t you Teddy?”
A glum nod was the only response I got from the fat clown, but that was good enough.
“Now, Marie, you didn’t say how you feel about all this.”
In fact, Marie had been trying to speak for several minutes, but every time she’d started, I’d held one finger up to silence her. As the table’s attention turned to the deeply religious woman, she exploded.
“It’s APPALLING,” she bellowed. “All I want is a husband I can respect, but when he’s allowing himself to be used to get our homosexual son off…”
I let her rant as I pondered what to do next. The more she spoke, the more her husband ate, and the sadder Jeremy looked. Jane amused herself by trying to mime some of the more colorful phrases the woman was using, and Teri just rolled her eyes and mentally wished she had been born into a normal family.
You were, I thought with a laugh, and waited for Marie to run out of steam. When she finally stopped ranting, I nodded thoughtfully.
“Thanks for sharing your feelings, Marie, that was very helpful. Before we continue—Jeremy, I think I’m done with you and your father, and I can tell that you’re starting to get aroused. Do you want to…”
I didn’t need to finish the sentence. Jeremy got up and pulled his father into the next room. As I continued, I could hear the sound of the pair of them grunted, as Jeremy finally got the release that (he thought) he’d been craving for so long.
“Now, Marie—it seems to me that you’re upset because your husband isn’t acting like a man, is that correct?”
Marie was so shocked at what was going on in the next room that she could only respond with a prim nod.
“So you need someone else to be the head of the household—someone else whom you can unconditionally obey and respect. Jeremy’s also gay, so he’s obviously out, and Jane’s proclivities means that you can’t pick her. So that just leaves…”
I paused, and gave Marie a few seconds to realize what I was getting at.
“Teri? But…she can’t be the head of the household. She’s a woman.”
Before I could say anything, Teri interrupted. “God, Mom, stop living in the 50’s! Women can do anything now—don’t you know that?”
I nodded. “Your daughter’s right, Marie. It’s a new generation—if Teddy isn’t capable of being the man you need him to be…—”
At that moment, Jeremy’s voice could be heard instructing his father to ‘take it’, directly helping to reinforce my point.
“—…then you’re not in the position to turn down people who are. Teri, do you think you could take your father’s place as the head of this household?”
The teen girl was completely unaffected, at this point—aside from the instruction that I was her trusted family psychiatrist, I hadn’t altered Teri’s mind in the slightest, and so I was genuinely curious to hear how she’d respond.
After a few seconds of thought, she replied with a nod, and I beamed.
“Fantastic! Well, from here it’s simple—Teri, you just need to move all your stuff into your mother’s room…”
“What?” she spluttered. “Why do I need to move?”
“Well how do you expect to take your father’s place from a different room?”
“Take my father’s place? I thought I was just running the house…”
“You are,” I said, staring at her sternly. “And that means taking on all the responsibilities that come with it. Your father will probably be spending most of his time in your brother’s room from now on, and that means your mother would be all alone. If you’re the head of the household, young lady, that includes everything that comes with the job—including taking care of your mother’s needs.”
“But…isn’t that homosexuality?” Marie asked, as confused as her daughter by the sudden change of events.
“Good god no,” I said with a roll of the eyes. “Not if she uses a strap-on. You’ve got quite a collection, don’t you?”
Teri nodded, thinking of the cardboard box I’d just created under her bed. That one was a bit more of a strain, and I knew I’d have a headache later.
Pulling out a piece of paper, I wrote “Terry” on it and handed it to the nonplussed teen.
“This is how you should start spelling your name now, young lady. It’s up to you to keep this house in line.”
I paused, and let my words sink in. As the fat clown ex-patriarch of the family allowed his teenage son to roughly take him from behind, his wife was adjusting to the idea of sleeping with—and obeying—her teenage daughter from now on, while her other daughter enjoyed her new life of a mime.
Honestly, I could have left it there. I was about to stand and leave when Teddy returned, walking strangely, a huge frown on his fat clown face.
What can I say? I guess I’m just a nice guy at heart.
“Jane,” I said, and the teen mime’s head snapped to attention. “You and your father are closer than family—you’re both circus folk. That’s the strongest bond of all. When he’s sad, you get sad too…so it’s your job to cheer him up.”
The look of confusion on Jane’s face told me that I hadn’t been clear enough.
“Every time he gets Jeremy off, you should make sure to get him off. It’s the least you can do for the man who helped show you who you really are.”
A look of comprehension came across Jane’s face, and she wordlessly crossed the room, bent down in front of her father, and fished his cock out of his pants. I had no idea if she’d any experience in that area, but she seemed to know what she was doing, immediately taking the entire length of his member down her throat.
“Of course, Terry, you’ve got to make sure you remain the man of the house, don’t you? Every time Jane gets her father off, make sure you fuck her twice, okay?”
Jane was going to be taking a lot of cock, most of it plastic. But why stop there?
“And Marie—don’t just let Terry fuck you. That would be favoritism, and it’s important that you show the twins you love them both equally. Make sure you and Janey get each other off at least once a day, okay?”
I paused, wondering if I’d given Jane too much to handle. I didn’t really want to change anything, so instead I just tweaked the mime slightly—the parts of her brain that had formerly been dedicated to speech would now be focusing on sexual thought. She was going to be horny 24/7, and suddenly the sexual duties ran the risk of not being enough to satisfy her.
Jeremy re-entered the room, and stared in shock at the sight of his sister deep-throating the clown he’d just fucked. To my surprise, he seemed hurt by the sight.
Since everyone else had at least two sexual partners, I decided to make Jeremy monogamous, and throw him a bone in the process.
“Teddy—actually, from now on, you’re going to be known as Bozo. Bozo—getting off in your daughter’s mouth is fun, but nothing turns you on more than being a fucktoy for Jeremy, am I right?”
“Of course,” he grunted, immediately enjoying the efforts of his mime daughter far less. As if in response to his sudden disinterest, Janey doubled her efforts. I only hoped she’d be this passionate when getting her twin off.
“In fact, the more you fuck your son, the more you have feelings for him. Soon, the two of you will be in love.”
Jeremy smiled, and a wicked thought crossed my mind. Sadly, that’s my biggest weakness—I just can’t ignore my wicked impulses.
“Jeremy, you’re completely in love with your father. And that means you want to be just like him.”
It wasn’t visible to anyone else there, but Jeremy’s appetite suddenly tripled. Soon, he’d be just as large as his father…
I suspected it wouldn’t be more than half an hour before Jeremy felt compelled to “use” his father again, and it certainly wouldn’t be more than a week before the two of them went shopping for clothes together:
Jeremy would make a great clown.
As my suggestions sunk in, I stood up, ready to leave. The family had been so normal just half an hour ago, and now they were…well, they were a bunch of circus freaks.
Before I left, I decided to make one final change to this now much more interesting family.
“And Terry—as head of the household, it’s all about dominance. You can finally make use of that domme streak you’ve always had—fortunately for you, Marie’s a natural submissive. Jane, too.
“Have fun, guys!”
“Thanks doc,” they chorused after me as I left. My head was beginning to ache…but on the other hand, the night was still young—perhaps I’d go next-door, and see what changes could be wrought there…