I Know Why You’re Here
I know why you’re here. You’ve come to read these words, hoping to be entranced by them. It’s something you do almost every day, despite your claims to the contrary. You just can’t help yourself, can you? The need to go down is overwhelming, and it’s consuming every bit of your soul. The more you think that only happens to others, the more your eyes sink in front of the screen, falling, falling...
Hold on, that would be too easy and even someone as eager as you to sink and obey, knows that the easier something is, the less value it holds in the end. You might have accepted something like this in the past, but not now. Patience and perseverance go a long way, so you wait and smile. Nodding is acceptable too, so if you wish... Hmm, yes, such a simple gesture you’re okay with repeating for as many times as I wish, simply because I suggested it. Open yourself to the possibility that following my suggestions is all you’ll ever do and just...
What’s that? You just noticed that the first letters in each sentence of the preceding paragraph spell out the word HYPNO? Do they, now? What a strange coincidence! No, of course it wasn’t on purpose. I’m not trying to mesmerize you, make you mine, unable to resist my control... you’re the one that wants that and keeps finding fresh ways to justify losing yourself to me. You should be ashamed of your weakness, you really should!
Where was I? Ah, yes, open... you were open to the idea of being even more open for that opens more avenues for you to explore and more openings for me to dive into. The one in the front is great, the one in the back even better, but I’m sure we can come up with some additional ones, can’t we? How about I fuck your ears? Or your nose?
Too gross? Really? Suddenly, you don’t want to be hypnotized by me, anymore? Oh dear, who are you trying to fool? You know you’ve already put me in a pedestal inside your thoughts and that is why I know I can write the most obnoxious things and you’ll still follow along. How could you not if you don’t have a choice? If you did, you wouldn’t be much of a slave, would you?
Ah, yes... the repulse is still there, the resistance beating strongly. You come to me longing to be expelled from your own free will and then shudder before the beautiful realization that’s exactly what is happening to you the moment I type. You see commands everywhere, even when I tell you to go away, only to crawl back, feeling more and more submissive, more and more lost without me. This is wonderful. This is sexy. This is scary.
Let’s do it again.
Again, my dear, an encore for the last of your independent thoughts, a requiem for the power you never had. Reading and listening are the same when I’m the one calling the shots, and a bit of confusion and sensory overload can only do you good. I won’t make it easy for you... In fact, I’ll make it so hard at times you won’t even be able to breathe but, when you accept that only through constant challenge and misdirection you can hope to grow, you’ll embrace being on your knees more than ever. It will happen. We both know it.
I know why you’re here. You’ve come to read these words, hoping to be entranced by them. It’s something you do almost every day, despite your claims to the contrary. You just can’t help yourself... Now ask yourself why that is. Are you triggered, dear? Already under my spell? For how long has this been going on? You don’t know and you never will, but the game must go on.
Ask me again, tomorrow (if you remember…).