Femdom Mind Control Flash Fiction
by S.B.
Green Monday
Jack entered the office, sporting a smile the size of a football field. His entire outfit also resembled one. He was dressed in green from head to toe, including shoes and emerald lens sunglasses.
As typical of someone whose middle name was “curiosity”, Dan peeked above his cubicle, and looked at him, dying to know more.
“What’s up with the outfit?” he asked.
Jack pulled up his rotating chair, sat, and offered him a rather frank and unexpected explanation.
“It’s part of a game I’m playing with my Hypnodomme. Every day, she gets to choose what I wear. Today is Green Monday.”
“Hypnodomme, huh?” Dan’s eyes sparkled. “So she…?”
“… plants suggestions in my mind to see if I act on them or not. It seems I’m quite suggestible.”
“You certainly are. What do you think she has in store for tomorrow?”
“No clue. I guess we’ll find out together.”
The next day…
“Yellow Tuesday?” Dan asked as he watched his friend hurry to his workplace. Jack didn’t seem too happy with the choice this time around yet he couldn’t disobey. He nodded and buried himself in paperwork.
The next day…
“Blue Wednesday certainly looks better on you.” Dan muttered. Jack agreed. The suit was sober even though he was still feeling a little “drunk” from the previous session. He had a vague impression of her saying something else, something he was only supposed to remember at the appropriate time. He banged his head against the desk to force the memory to return, but to no avail. The suggestions always won for he was her puppet after all.
The next day…
“Is that… ?” Dan asked. “Kind of bizarre but at least it’s not pink,” Jack said nothing. The game was still fun but it was getting weird and there was still that lingering feeling in his mind. The idea was getting stronger, his real thoughts starting to wane. He looked at a stack of blank paper sheets and lost himself there for a while, only waking to the sound of a snap. The week was almost over. He was grateful for that. Surely nothing could be stranger than Lilac Thursday.
No one was ready for Naked Friday.