The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Fertile Fields

Chapter 7: Drive-in Discoveries

The afternoon sun was bright and distracting in a cloudless sky. Dana and Ethan had only walked the few hundred yards to the turnoff when her headache suddenly intensified. The strange part was as much as she’d assumed there to be pain involved, she now realized it couldn’t entirely be described as pain. At least not accurately. It was a sensation, a sweeping tingle that swept through every muscle in her body. She could feel it in her head more prominently but the feeling, whatever it was, covered her all over. She nearly fell as they reached an old metal railing that covered a swinging gate. The gate was open and the road into the Drive-in was clear.

“You okay?” Ethan asked. He held Dana by the hips and looked her in the eyes.

Leaning over the railing, Dana appeared ready to be sick but the feeling inside was far from it. She almost felt something similar to excited. Yes, she thought, excited sounded like the right word. Excited but not in the way she’d like to be excited. This was an excitement that usually only came when she and Ethan were playing games in the bedroom. Out on the side of a country road where anyone could see her wasn’t what Dana usually had in mind.

“Fine, I think. My head just feels so strange.”

Ethan seemed convinced by that and looked around at the entrance to Fertile Fields Drive-in. The place seemed right out of some old 50s motion picture. “It’s probably just the sun, and the fact the roads suck out here.”

Dana stood up and stretched a little, rotating her head and pulling on her shoulder muscles. She grinned at her boyfriend. “Maybe if you weren’t a shitty driver, the roads wouldn’t have seemed so bad.”

“Oh you’re asking for it baby.” Ethan said playfully. He swatted Dana’s butt and she felt those sensations again. Every light contact with the boy caused the reaction, a tingling throb to flow throughout her. It was close to being just plain horny. But this was more than that. It had to be.

After a playful wrestle, Ethan hugged Dana to his front and looked over her shoulder. The Drive-in was typical looking. A large sloping lot led down to a giant white wall, which rose up and just barely grazed the sun which was beginning to slope lower in the western sky. Dotted across the empty pavement were poles with speaker attachments, any number of which seemed to be in need of repairs. Small signs hung on the tops of many, the wording of the signs not entirely clear. But it didn’t need to be in order to tell they were out of service. A few darkened figures could be seen moving around. The sun, being as it was, made identifying any clear features of these people out of the question. They were still several hundred yards away at best.

“Let’s head over there, see if they have a phone.” Ethan said.

Dana looked to where he was pointing. To the right of where they stood, not far from the large entrance sign, was a small flat-roofed structure. It had several windows on one side, all currently closed but with the large painted words Refreshments and Restrooms written above in bright red paint. Beyond several vending machines could be seen a door with the word Office written in plain black. That was where Ethan indicated they may find a phone.

“Okay.” Dana answered and allowed him to lead the way over towards the building.

Walking across the lot in the direction of supposed help for their troubles, Dana felt her steps become a little more awkward. She was having difficulty focusing clearly on why they were here. Staring at the closest of the figures working on the speaker boxes, the girl noticed something peculiar, something a little bit unusual she hadn’t been able to tell before.

“Did you notice anything odd about those people?” She asked, turning to Ethan.

“No, not really, what?” He answered, stopping for a moment to look at the workers.

“They’re all women. Isn’t that a little strange?”

Ethan looked over at the nearest person working on a speaker post. Although her back was turned, the long hair and curves of the hips definitely indicated it was a female.

“So, what’s wrong with women working at a Drive-in?”

“Nothing’s wrong. It’s just, well...” Dana struggled to say what bothered her. “Don’t they seem a bit underdressed or something?”

Ethan chuckled a little. “Babe, don’t tell me you’re jealous of some nameless Drive-in employee?”

“Of course I’m not. Seriously Ethan, I’m not kidding. Something just doesn’t seem right about this place.”

She felt the throbbing in her head grow worse as one of the women working looked her way. She was wearing something, something over her face, but Dana couldn’t clearly tell what it was. Probably just some mask, she reasoned, a safety mask when working with the old dusty speaker posts. That made sense, right? She tried convincing herself as Ethan pulled her along towards the office.

“Well, we can worry about the hiring practices or uniforms later. Right now, I think we need to get a call in to Sam and the others and get back on the road.” Stopping near some vending machines, Ethan turned and looked right into his girlfriend’s eyes. “Unless of course you want to be spending the night at the creepy old Drive-in in the middle of nowhere.”

Dana could tell from the sarcasm dripping in his tone that he was trying to be funny, push some buttons. Ordinarily, she’d push right back. It was a feature of their relationship she actually enjoyed on a normal day. Little fake bickering to get the blood flowing and making for some interesting nights. Somehow now, it just wasn’t in her to argue. She did want to know if she was imagining things though.

“Really Ethan, you don’t think they’re dressed weird?”

Ethan again looked at the women he could see. They were further away now, but still close enough on the wide empty lot that he could get a decent impression how they were dressed. The fact they wore dresses might have seemed out of place, and sure their tops looked a bit skimpy and revealed plenty of creamy white skin above and below. But this was an old place. They probably were just dressed in some old style period clothing to make the atmosphere more authentic.

“Really babe, they look perfectly fine. And no, they could never compare with you. Now is your head still bothering you?”

Dana swayed a little on her feet. “Yes, a little. I don’t know what’s wrong but it doesn’t seem to be going away.”

“Well here, have a seat on the bench by these vending machines and I’ll go see about the phone. Okay?”

Ethan was being much nicer. Dana had to give the guy credit. He knew when and when not to pursue the button-pushing games. Right now she almost felt like going to sleep or something. This day had been far from stress-free and his suggestion sounded fine with her.

“Okay.” She said. “Hurry up though.”

“You got it, my sweet little slut.”

The words caught her a bit off-guard but still succeeded in having the same effect as ever. Something about Ethan playfully calling her his slut lifted her spirits much more than she would have thought possible. She even smiled and licked the edge of her bottom lip. Giggling, Dana watched Ethan walk off.

* * *

Ethan Bridges had been with Dana for a few years now, ever since they both graduated high school. Their relationship was one of games. They’d always played games and he knew she was just as into it as he was. Playfully toying with each other’s emotions was only one of those games. The sex they’d had was as hot and passionate as any one might imagine young college age kids were capable of. But this time, he knew she wasn’t just playing around.

He might have thought the flirting in the car and just after blowing the tire was a game she was using to lighten the mood and build up some tension for later. But the headache or whatever was bothering her just didn’t mesh. It didn’t make sense in the reasonable way Dana was.

She may pretend being all slutty and wanton sometimes, but she wasn’t that way at all. The sex was great, but not at all risky. A few of the things Dana had done from the jeep to this Drive-in weren’t just risky, they were uncharacteristic of her.

From cupping his crotch to clearly fondling herself a few times during the walk, Ethan was beginning to get genuinely concerned. He almost mentioned it several times. He came close to asking Dana what her deal was, especially when she started in on the employees working in the large parking lot. Why would she complain about them when she herself was acting far more odd? For some reason, Ethan was getting a bit of a perverted thrill at watching Dana’s descent into a confused horny girl. He wasn’t sure until just now when he’d left her sitting on the bench. Something about her look made him just want to reassert that she was his slut, his skanky little whore. And this time, he felt concern for a different reason. Now the concern was because he actually felt that way when he spoke to her.

Dana had always been a tomboy, a girl who never went all out for her appearance before meeting and dating Ethan. He’d persuaded her to change some of her behavior to a more pleasing and typical girly attitude. Beneath the outer clothes though, the girl was fairly street tough, her brown hair and minimum of curves she had being the only difference between her and the other guys she often would beat up back in the old neighborhood. Ethan even remembered being one of those boys one time. She pounced on him on the playground as teenagers and he felt her budding breasts. That was when he knew she was the girl for him. Now, he looked back over at her from the office door and only thought one word, slut. Why didn’t that seem to bother him?

Knocking loudly at the door, Ethan patiently waited and turned to look out over the lot. The sun was just now dipping low enough in the sky where the trees and large white wall for movies blocked the bright light. He got a much clearer view of the workers Dana seemed concerned about. They were in fact all women, a strange thing to say the very least. Maybe they were tomboys too, Ethan thought. Being mechanical and all, working on the electrical wiring for the speaker boxes, they still looked anything but tomboyish to his eyes. In fact, a few he could see looked downright busty. They had large tits, much larger than your average girl. Considering this town was in the middle of nowhere, that seemed a shining feature so far.

He knocked again and glanced over at his girlfriend. If she had tits like those girls, she’d be one hell of a serious hottie. His mind drifted and he found himself picturing all kinds of dirty acts he and she could do with features like those women wandering the lot had. Looking back out there, Ethan noticed that something seemed to be covering the girls’ faces. At first he thought it might be a cloth of some kind, but now he just wasn’t sure. It almost seemed like a veil or something.

Turning back to the door, Ethan began to pound a little harder. He was concerned that nobody was here and who knew if those girls working the speaker boxes could let him in. Just as he thought this, the door creaked open under his fist.

Glancing over at Dana, she seemed lost in thought about something. She didn’t even look his way, instead focusing on one of the nearby employees, currently sweeping the area with a large push broom. Again, the word slut flashed into Ethan’s brain as he smiled and pushed the door open further.

“Hello?” He said, stepping inside. “Anyone here?”

The air inside the cramped office was stale and somehow cool at the same time. It reminded Ethan of the labs on campus. The strange smell was probably just an air freshener but it could just as easily be a disinfectant or something more suspicious.

There were desks on either side of the room and a door at the very back from where he now stood. The desks were cluttered, some of the mess falling off onto the thin worn carpet. On one desk, a little bobble head gently swayed with some unknown air current. The phone was on the opposite desk.

It was one of those ancient rotary kinds, the type Ethan hadn’t actually seen in person but remembered hearing his parents talk about once. Lifting the receiver, Ethan turned and looked back out the open office door. He wondered if something really was wrong with Sam and the others. Before, he’d been positive it was simply them drinking or something that led to the hints of uncharacteristic behavior he and Dana got from the phone conversation. Now, with Dana acting a little strange and he feeling that way, Ethan wasn’t sure. It could be more.

Silence. There was nothing on the receiver, no dial tone. Pressing the buttons on the cradle for the receiver, Ethan listened. Nothing, the phone was dead. He picked up the phone and quickly found out why. There were no wires, no cords leading off the phone. He looked around. The floor, the desk, anywhere a wire could be laying disconnected, Ethan hoped it was merely a fluke and the phone wasn’t missing a wire entirely.

“Shit!” Ethan shouted. He’d been right on track to get this day back in order. Now he was right back at square one.

Turning and leaning back on the desk, Ethan considered going out and asking one of those Drive-in babes if they had a cell phone or something. It seemed reasonable enough that one of them might, even in a backwoods town like this. Something convinced him that wasn’t a good idea. He wasn’t sure just why, but he felt speaking to those girls wasn’t the right thing to do. And then that same sensation that told him speaking to them wouldn’t help also corrected his terminology. Speaking to those sluts wouldn’t help, Ethan thought smiling. He idly wondered what his own slut was up to.

“Who the fuck are you?”

Ethan nearly fell on the floor, spinning around to see a large man standing in the open back door of the office. The room behind the man was mostly dark and a smell seemed to accompany him into the office. The smell wasn’t unpleasant, nor unfamiliar. In fact, Ethan thought, it almost seemed like. No, he thought. It couldn’t be that.

“Damn, you scared the shit out of me man.” Ethan said, taking a deep breath.

“Hope to hell not, that’s my desk your ass is on. Now what’s with the outburst I heard out here? I’m kind of busy at the moment.”

Ethan stood up and carefully brushed off the desk. The man was massive, not entirely obese, but very large just the same. “Um... I, I mean we had car trouble. I blew a tire a few hundred yards down the road and was hoping you had a phone I could use.”

“We had car trouble? Boy, I only see one of you.”

“My girlfriend is just outside. She wasn’t feeling so well, so I told her to wait for me.”

The man grinned and walked past Ethan towards the still partially open office door. Looking out, he grinned some more and then turned back inside. “Well well well, from out of town aren’t you?”

“Yeah, we’re supposed to meet some friends at the diner downtown. We were running a little behind schedule.”

“Ain’t that somethin? Well I’m Billy, glad to meet you son.”

Ethan shook the large man’s hand and noticed a slight dampness to his palm. He was imposing but now seemed somewhat jolly rather than threatening. “Hi, I’m Ethan. That’s Dana outside.”

There was a strange moment of silence as Ethan noticed the man scrutinizing him. He looked back towards the open door at the back of the office. There seemed to be the slightest hint of movement back there but he wasn’t sure what it was. He turned to Billy.

“So, I don’t suppose you have a working phone back there?”

Billy laughed, a real jolly chuckle that shook much of his belly. “You want to see what I have back there? You’ll get a real kick out of it I think.”

Ethan felt a little bothered and looked back at the outside door. The wind had blown it mostly shut so just a hint of sunlight streamed in around the edges. “I don’t know. I mean, I might should check on Dana, let her know I found someone.”

Billy walked over and slung an arm around Ethan’s shoulder. “Oh come on boy, it won’t take much time. I’m sure yer little slut out there can be by herself for a while.”

The word slut sank into Ethan’s brain faster than the realization this man had just insulted his girlfriend. He found himself grinning back at the man before he could even respond. “Okay, why not?”

* * *

Dana leaned her head back against the side of the building. The sun, now sinking low enough to where she wasn’t having to squint her eyes as much, meant she could rest and watch the workers moving around the parking lot. The way it sloped down away from her created the illusion she was on a hillside looking down over the tops of some women’s heads. Those heads definitely had something covering the faces. And what really struck her now, was it seemed everything was covered, not just the mouth and nose.

Pushing away the oddly intense feelings she got when she looked at those masks, Dana thought more about Ethan. He was a real sweetie sometimes, even with the buttons each of them liked to push. She knew it was all part of the relationship. He pushed her buttons, she pushed his. But what she really liked was him pushing his big fat cock between her legs.

She gasped out loud and shook her head. Did she really just think that? Had her mind just simply wandered off into that territory? She leaned back and closed her eyes a little. Oh well, she thought. Now that she was in that territory, she might as well explore it.

Ethan was an animal sometimes in the sack. She’d enjoyed that since the first time they slept together. He knew ways of somehow turning an ordinary missionary position into something much more devilish. And he always did so without compromising Dana’s own stringent rules regarding sex.

She might play wild sometimes and even tease the boy, but Dana knew deep down she was a good girl. Good girls didn’t do the kind of things they sometimes kidded about. Good girls never did some of the things Ethan pushed her buttons with. But what if that’s what he wanted? What if that were what he needed?

Dana sat up and looked down at herself. She was attractive enough. Sure she wasn’t as busty as some of these women working the lot right now. But she wasn’t bad, was she? Reaching up and pressing her hands into the sides of her chest, Dana deepened her cleavage, looking right down into her modest assets. Were these enough? Were these enough for Ethan?

They had to be enough, Dana thought. Ethan was a loyal guy. He’d never leave her for some big-titted bimbo. Would he? She let her hands slip lower, past her exposed midriff and down onto the skirt she wore. While she was a bit conservative when it came right down to sex, Dana knew she was far from it when it came to dressing the part. Even now, her hem was raised up her thighs significantly, allowing her to see the thin legs she usually felt were quite sexually attractive.

“Are they too skinny?” She asked out loud. Naturally, she was the only one in the vicinity who heard her own question. And she wasn’t sure how she’d answer it.

They’d always seemed like great legs before. Why now did she worry that maybe Ethan could be getting tired of them? He was a real stud himself, having that unkempt hair she loved in guys his age, the casual demeanor, and the way he called her his little slut lately. Those were things that melted her coldness. They had from the moment she first tackled him on the playground. It was a match made to be. Why was that seeming less true now?

“I can be a slut.” Dana said. She looked around, almost wishing someone had heard her say that.

She pressed her hands over her breasts again. Cupping them, she was easily able to cover most of each tit with her fingers. She squeezed lightly then began tightening that grip. In no time, Dana was pumping at her tits like squeeze bulbs, feeling a rush of adrenaline and that strange sensation she’d felt before. It surged into her body, seeming to vanish only once it reached her rather foggy mind. It felt good, very good. Leaning back, Dana nearly tore her own top off, crushing the flesh of her tits up and in and out and down, moving the mounds all over her chest and nearly getting off from the intense pleasure.

Breathing deeply, Dana suddenly realized what she’d been doing. She let go of her breasts and slipped her hands quietly down to her lap. The pain in her head seemed to grow, a dull throb that while not necessarily physical in nature, seemed to hurt no less. It felt weird not to be touching herself and again she stared at one of the distant women moving around. They had such nice curves, even from where she was seated. It was clear these girls were most definitely girls. Dana had often wondered if from a distance she might seem a man. Especially with her back to whoever might be looking.

Sure, she reasoned, the outfit she had on now would give it away. But what if she wore loose baggy clothing? Would her minimal curves vanish completely? The girls working the Drive-in seemed the type no baggy clothes could contain. They seemed so buxom that nothing outside of the observer being blind could hide the fact they were real sluts.

That word, sluts, seemed so right in her mind. Dana thought of the teasing she’d been doing recently. Originally it had seemed part of the games she and Ethan played. But now, as she thought more about it, she seemed to recall playing these games when she wasn’t intending to. Did she really cup his crotch and act like a slut on the walk here to the Drive-in? Or was that some loosely put together part of her mind? These last ten or twelve minutes, Dana had been having an awfully hard time telling what was real and what wasn’t.

“Slut.” She said out loud, as though trying the word on for size. She grinned and returned to studying her own physical features.

Letting her hair dangle in front of her eyes, Dana frowned. It was so plain and ordinary. A mousy brown color that really didn’t turn heads, she was sure it must have turned Ethan’s. At least that sounded right. He did like her the way she was, didn’t he?

Maybe she would dye it later, Dana told herself. Maybe that would spice things up. Who needed missionary style when he could bend her over like a whore and pound her brains out?

Again, Dana gasped. Where had that thought come from? Why was she feeling so out of sorts? She never actually wanted to be taken that way. Had she? Besides, whether she changed her hair color or not, Ethan still would have to be satisfied by her tiny tits and the boyish figure she maintained.

“Wait a second...” Dana complained, realizing she was now practically arguing with herself. She shut her mouth and thought the rest.

Ethan was happy with her and she was happy with him. He didn’t need some slut to make him really happy. Hadn’t she proven that time and time again? The slut thing was simply a game they played. He pushed her buttons, she pushed his right back. It intensified the relationship, made things fresh and exciting. That had always been the philosophy in her mind.

Philosophy, Dana thought. She giggled a little. What did that mean? Philosophy, she thought again. What a funny word. Giggling a little more, Dana raised one hand up and laid it across her breasts, tweaking at her hardened nipples. Letting the fingers of her other hand graze her belly, sinking just beneath the waistline of her skirt, the girl began to rub gently at herself. This felt good, she thought. This felt slutty. But having Ethan do this would be even sluttier. She wondered what he was up to. It seemed to be taking an awfully long time to make a phone call.

To Be Continued...