The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Warning: All the standard warnings apply. If taken internally, flush with water for five minutes and consult a psychiatrist.

All feed back is welcome

This story was originally released as part of Wiseguy’s June 2008 Writing competetion “Here Cums the Bride”

The Final Interview of Susan Treedy, Time’s Person of the Year 2089

Smoke gently waifed up from the joint between her fingers. She took a puff and exhaled the smoke out of her nostrils. My gracious host offered me a drag which I declined. She set the marijuana cigarette still lit in the ashtray on the table between us and sat back in her chair. Her long red hair trailed down her slender arms and curled underneath her enormous breasts. Her emerald green eyes sparkled at me in the dim light. It’s hard to believe she’s 102 years old.

She assured me that she was the Susan Treedy and not some young look-alike. You couldn’t tell her age from her graceful movements or her silky laugh, but after the interview her personal physician confirmed it. Susan Treedy’s skin may look like she was 21, but internally, she was her true age and she was dying. She said she started smoking medicinal marijuana several years before to help deal with the pain. However, she laughed that she could “still [copulate] and [perform oral intercourse] with the best of them.”

Susan jumped into the spotlight when she was well into her thirties. Her (at the time) wild wedding to the former Senator Allan Treedy created a national stir that propelled the mysterious figure and her subsequent wedding planning company into a household name. Little was known about her before then and she and her publicist have maintained it that way. However, in this, her last interview ever, the great Susan Treedy shared everything with me.

Before I asked a question, Susan handed me a picture of a plain woman with drab brown hair. When she told me it was the last photograph of her before her wedding, I had to look again. She looked like she was trying to smile with her thin lips, but the only description for her expression was a grimace. In contrast, the large maroon lips across from me curved up into the most seductive of smiles. The woman in the photograph had splotchy skin that couldn’t compare to the creamy version of her 102 year old self. Even her trademark bust-line was missing (Editor’s note: we were denied permission to publish the photograph).

“I know it seems incredible, but it’s really me,” she purred. “I was a completely different woman before my marriage. That’s why no one knew of me.”

Her wedding planning company and the sudden drastic shift in society’s views about sexual morality around the time of her wedding nearly put the pornography industry out of business. Now there are countless weddings and wedding videos where the bride takes her vow as the preacher penetrates her from behind, but none of them are quite as magical as Susan’s.

“It’s the video we show all of our potential clients. They love it. The fiances all get [an erection] as they watch my large pierced [breasts] shake with the preacher’s thrusts. A lot of times they deny it, but I know the fiancee gets [excited] when she sees my maid of honor [orally performing on] my husband,” she laughed. “There are still people out there that opt for the old-style of wedding, the type without all the [sex], but most people choose the deluxe package.” (A remake of Susan’s famous wedding plus royalties on video re-sale.)

Susan reluctantly admitted to me that the magical video was edited. “I was nothing serious. That’s actually what took place, but we had to change my eyes. Not the color mind you,” she took another slow drag of her medication, “but where I was looking,” she finished, smoke tumbling out of her mouth. “Originally, I wasn’t looking at the camera. I was looking at the mystery guest and we felt it would be artistically better if I looked at the camera. Do you want to see the original?”

She put a video in the player and started it up, leaning forward to give me an even easier look at her ample bosom. The scene came to life mid-ceremony. The camera panned across the shocked faces of the guests before cutting to the famous vow scene. “Do. You. Susan. [Surname]. Take. Allan. Treedy. To. Be. Your. Lawfully. Wedded. Husband?” The preacher asked. Each word came on a thrust that shook Susan’s mammoth breasts.

“Yes!” cried Susan’s image.

“You may now pierce the bride,” the preacher said. Senator Treedy grabbed Susan’s titanic left breast and pierced it with their wedding ring; her engagement ring adorned her right nipple. Susan stopped the tape and rewound it.

“This time, watch my eyes,” my host chided and re-started the video. Throughout the the scene, Susan’s emerald eyes were staring, not at the camera like the famous version, but off to the far left side of the gallery. “I could never take my eyes off of him, the mystery guest.”

She re-started the video and paused it during the brief scene of the guests. She pointed out a man sitting near the back. He was too far away from the camera to make out any details. “That’s him,” she said. “I still don’t know who he was.” There was forlorn sound in her voice. It was a tone that was absent even when she spoke of her late-husband. “I can’t prove it, but I know he did this to me.” She gestured at her body and shook her chest for emphasis.

If it hadn’t been for her husband’s influence in congress, though, she wouldn’t be the most famous wedding planner in the world either. “That philandering [man],” she laughed, “Before our wedding he [had relations with] numerous women, after it he’d [have intercourse with] anything that moved. The difference was after the wedding I was having sex more than him! I did love him, though. And just as you said, if he hadn’t changed the laws, I’d be in jail!”

70 years ago, after his wedding, Senator Treedy returned to congress and spearheaded the movement to pass the Outdoors Recreational Guidelines and Altered Sexual Mores Act of 2015 (ORGASM Act). Susan was filled with mixed emotions on it. “I think he could have done better. He let people [fornicate] in public but not show anything on TV. I mean, [fornication] could be shown on TV so long as the [breasts] and [penises] and [vaginae] are blurred out. You can’t even see my [flipping] nipple rings because of the blur. How lame is that?” She did concede that it was better than nothing.

After the bill passed, Susan’s company was the first to take advantage of it. Their first commercial was a simple 30 second spot of faceless bridesmaids bouncing up and down on top of groomsmen. In the middle, Senator Treedy and Susan were having sex facing the camera. The spot ends with Susan screaming out, “This is the best fornicating wedding ever!” The scene faded to black and her company’s name, Susan’s Fornicating Weddings, appeared in a simple white.

The commercial elicits another breast-shaking laugh. “That takes me back,” she said as she put her mammaries back in her tight fitting dress. Her wedding ring still hung from her left nipple. “At first, we got more complaints about that spot than clients, but that didn’t last long.” In a few months after the spot aired, Susan’s firm went from a struggling would-be to a major player in the wedding planning industry. Ten years later and her company was the undisputed king of the world-wide 269 billion dollar industry (not including video sales).

“Yeah, in the early years before Al got the bill passed, me and half the people at numerous weddings were arrested for public indecency [sic]. There was one time, I was going down on the father of the bride when I thought I saw the mystery guest from my wedding. I tried to get a better look, but the [stupid] cops arrested me first. There in the beginning, I always felt that he was watching over me, guiding me almost.” Her voice once again took on a tone of longing.

Who was this mystery person? Who besides her dear husband could be so important to the icon of the wedding industry? She herself doesn’t know. Despite all of the advances in technology, we were unable to get a clear picture out of the footage she gave us. Though we could clearly make out the people surrounding him, he always remained in an unremoveable shadow. Beyond what he looked like and his identity, how could he cause the change that Susan claims he did? What exactly were those changes?

“Aside from the physical changes from the picture I showed you, I used to be a real [mean person]. Even though I’d known of Al’s infidelity during our engagement, I’d planned on using him to springboard my career into politics then dumping him at the first opportunity.

“At the time, we were a big news item, well mainly Al. I didn’t want any press coverage of our wedding. In fact, I played up the mysterious part myself. I didn’t once appear in public with him and he kept my real name a secret to his grave. I’d this big plan of making a sudden splash on Washington (And boy did I! I went through the senate and half the house my first month there).

“Anyway, there I was, almost ready, when this guy walks into my dressing room. I had no idea who he was. I made the guest list and knew every single person there on sight. I was so worried about the press that I even hired security. I still don’t know how he got through, the guards claimed to have never seen him.

“I was about to yell at him to get out, or accuse him of being press when he told me, ‘Change the world, babe. I’m rooting for ya.’ That infuriated me to no end. I thought how could this loser barge into my wedding and call me ‘babe’?

“Before I could respond, he left the room. Well, at least I think he did. He seemed more to have just vanished; one second I could see him, and the next I couldn’t. But people can’t just vanish, right? I figured he had to be someone my fiance knew, so I went running to his room to confront him. That’s when I found out why it’s bad luck for the groom and bride to see each other before the wedding, or at least used to be.

“When I got there, my soon to be husband was plowing my best friend and maid of honor. Karen was screaming out like a wanton whore and he came in her as I burst in. I was [mad] before, but when I saw that I was livid. I screamed at the top of my lungs, ‘What the [explicit] are you doing? This wedding is...’

“This is where things started to change. The stranger from my room’s face popped into my head along with his words, ‘I’m rooting for you, babe.’ So instead of saying, ‘off’ like I wanted to, I said, ‘This wedding is starting soon! Get dressed!’

“You have to remember, at the time, the groom didn’t [have sex with] the maid of honor. That’s something my company did first. Plus, nowadays, they [have sex] at the altar like decent people and not locked up in some room somewhere, but I’m getting sidetracked.

“So, I go back to my room but I just keep getting madder and madder. The thought of his [penis] ramming into her tight little [vagina] just kept running through my mind. Later, I wound up having a three way with them, but that was the least of what I did. I can still remember the look on his face when I took all five of the groomsmen at once. Of course, at weddings nowadays, that’s pretty tame (thanks to me).

“I’m letting myself get sidetracked again. The thing was, I was a [mousy] little prude. I was mad that I was called ‘babe’, and then my husband and best friend were [being intament] before we got married. I thought I was going to burst. My head felt like it was on fire. Then something happened. As I was storming back to my room, I could feel all of my anger welling up in my chest, my [breasts] to be exact.

“I looked down and I watched them. As they swelled out, my anger receded, and [boy] was I angry, I mean just look at these,” Susan pulled her top down, showing off her incredibly large chest. “All of it went into them. You know, I’ve never been angry since.”

“When I got back into my room, and I finally saw myself in the mirror, I was shocked. My hair had turned from it’s dull drab brown to this beautiful red mane. I had two new giant anger [breasts] and flaming red hair. Even my face and eyes had changed. I was afraid no one would recognize me!

“I debated about just slipping out and disappearing, but my best friend came rushing in and stopped me. Karen didn’t know I was about to skip out of course, she just came in to apologize for screwing Al. I asked her if I looked different and all she said was is that I didn’t look as flustered anymore. I asked about my boobs and she said they were as massive as ever.

“She apologized again and it just reminded me of the sexy scene I’d barged in on, his [butt] going up and down as his pole went in and out of her. I started getting horny and then the stranger popped into my head again, ‘Change the world, babe.’

“That’s where I got the idea to change the way weddings were performed. Wedding aren’t about two people sneaking off to do it behind closed doors. They’re about two people announcing to the world, ‘Hey! We’re going to [fornicate] and make babies!’ I mean, that’s what weddings are! But why should just the bride and groom get to [have sex]?

“Change the world babe, I told my maid of honor. She asked me what I was talking about, and then I told her about my realization. She completely agreed with me and we came up with the plan together.

“When the preacher said, ‘Does anyone have any objections’ she would object that Al and his boys weren’t getting blow jobs (this is a standard in all of Susan’s Fornicating Weddings). Then she and my other maids would go service them. I’d use that time to seduce the preacher and get him to stick his [phallus] in me.

“It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. As soon as Karen objected, all of the men had their Johnson’s out. She must have talked to the other girls, too, because without hesitating, they all chose a man and went down on him, even my married friends.

“Now the preacher, he was married to the organist and being a man of God and what not, I thought he’d be a real tough sale. But the way that old letch kept staring at my chest, I got so horny that I thought I wouldn’t be able to wait. Anyway, when the guys got the junk out, the preacher followed suit and all I had to do was lift my dress up and sit back down on him.

“Everyone’s seen the video of what happened after that. But, as the preacher pounded into me, all I could look at was the mystery guest. He sat in the back and softly clapped his hands. ‘I’m rooting for ya. I’m rooting for ya,’ repeated over and over in my head.

“At some point he disappeared, and even though he’s in the video, no one remembers him besides me. I think he’d be proud of me though. I did change the world. Weddings have never been the same.”

When asked why she didn’t age externally, she gave credit to the mysterious man from her wedding, “Hell, he gave me boobs strippers dream of, hair the color of the setting sun, and eyes greener than the Emerald City. What’s to stop him from making sure I didn’t go the way of the Colosseum?”

Despite her guardian’s protection, and the best care doctors could provide, Susan Treedy past away two weeks after our interview. She was a generous and loving woman. She loved every man and woman of age that she met. Susan Treedy is the true Goddess of Marriage.