The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Finding a replacement

By Latexthom

chapter 24

Dolly took the phone from Silvia and said, “Derek, all those files you brought won’t all go into the cabinets. We need more file inserts and at least two more cabinets.” Derek stuttered, “I.. I.. I.. I’m sorry Mi.. Mi.. Miss Page, we have no more of either in stock. I will pass on your request to Mr. Marsh after Christmas and he will order some for you.” Dolly replied, “That is not good enough; you don’t want to see me when I am angry, Derek.” Derek continued, “I’ll ring Mr. Marsh at home and get him to call you.” Dolly was about to calm him down but the line was dead.

After Derek put the phone down he dialled 1471 to get Dolly’s number and then called his boss. Philip answered after many rings and when Derek explained the reason for the call, Philip said, “Ok Derek, you go home and relax. I will speak to Miss Page and I am sure I will be able to calm her down.” Moments later Dolly’s phone rang and when she picked it up, she found herself talking to Trisha, who opened, “Miss Page, can I say how thankful we are relating to our surprise. Philip has a very good tongue and an expert technique, and Derek tells us you need more cabinets. Unfortunately we have no more in that style, however, we have a pair of older cabinets which you could have this evening if you would like them and they come with used inserts. We will order the matching ones after Christmas and replace the older ones.” Dolly replied, “Thank you Trisha that will do nicely. I’ll wait here in the office until you come.” Dolly put the phone down and said, “I wonder whose they are.”

Philip was in Janice’s old office emptying out the drawers of her long time, disused cabinets. When they were empty, Philip dropped the back seats down in his station wagon and loaded the two empty cabinets in. Trisha said, “Should I get changed?” and Philip replied, “No, stay as you are. I may need to pop under your skirt before we get back.” Trisha jumped into the car in only her mackintosh and Philip pulled out of the drive. They were pulling up outside Dolly’s office twelve minutes later. Trisha jumped out and rang the bell as Philip went around to the open tail gate in order to remove the cabinets.

Silvia opened the door and said, “You must be Trisha; do come in and that is a very nice mackintosh you have.” Philip appeared behind her carrying the first of the two cabinets. As they all walked through to Dolly in the large room, Dolly said, “Well, look what we have here. Miss Trisha, saleswoman, in her uniform”. Trisha said, “I can’t go out selling dressed like this. I have just come from Philips bedroom.” Philip interrupted Dolly’s reply saying, “She does look exceedingly beautiful in her mac but I think that clothing underneath would be more appropriate attire for a saleswoman.” Dolly said, “She was willing to come here with nothing underneath. I think being dressed like that would give her an edge when selling and it would also give Philip access when she was in the home office.” Philip said, “Talking of access, I am in need of a fix.” Dolly said, “You two go into the kitchen. Silvia and I will bring the other cabinet in.”

All Dolly’s, files were all ready for filing so as soon as Dolly and Silvia brought the other cabinet from the car and closed down the tail gate. Silvia started filling up the drawers, of the two four drawer cabinets the last file went in the third drawer of the second cabinet leaving one empty drawer, just as Philip and Trisha returned. Philip said, “Everything is filed away already, you two are amazing.” Dolly replied, “How about you, did you get your fix?” Trisha was leaning against the table and said, “He certainly did, and I have never orgasmed as many times in one week as I have since five o’clock this evening.” Dolly replied, “Philip, are you all right and are you going to look after your Christmas present?” Philip took Trisha’s arm and said, “This is a better Christmas present than I could have possibly imagined. Thank you and yes I will look after her and treat her like the goddess she is.” Dolly said, “You probably already realise that you will do what she says but to keep everything balanced, you are now in charge of whatever she wears. Trisha, you cannot dress or undress unless instructed to do so by Philip and you cannot give him any instructions relating to your clothes. Now come with me into the kitchen. I would like to taste you.”

Trisha leaned back against the sink with her legs open and Dolly moved into place. Dolly used her now established technique of the back door orgasm and brought thru four sneaky orgasms. As Dolly escaped from beneath the mackintosh skirt, she said, “Stay there, Silvia should try this. Silvia, come here and taste this young lady.” Silvia and Dolly changed places and Dolly said, “You are very fortunate, she is lovely and tastes like strawberry cordial.” Philip said, “I thought that as well, she is absolutely amazing. How did you find her?” Dolly replied, “I met her in a shop and when she said she was out of work, I thought of you and sent her your way.” Philip said, “I can’t thank you enough. I feel as if my life has been restored.” Dolly said, “Well like I said earlier, take her as my Christmas present to you.”

Philip said, “That thing you said earlier about her clothing, do you really mean she can’t take anything off or put anything on unless I instruct her to do so?” Dolly replied, “If you want to get analytical about it I will take it away.” Philip replied, “No please don’t change anything; I’m sorry if my comments hit a nerve.” Dolly said, “Don’t worry, you can no longer talk to anyone about what you know or suspect about me and you will forget all the instructions I have given you, although they will all still apply.” Trisha and Silvia came into the room and Trisha said, “If he can’t remember about my clothes, how will I manage?” Dolly replied, “You will have to work that out between you because you have the same command to forget all instructions given by me and you no longer have the ability to talk about my suspected abilities to Philip or anyone else. As far as you are concerned, you found the job by yourself and the latex fetish you have discovered is your own and no one gave it to you. I am just your first customer and like you, Silvia and I both very much like latex, which is why you allowed us to share you with your new lover Philip. There was nothing unusual in that. Every time you come back to see us you will be dressed as you are now and you will allow both of us access to your pussy. Over the next six months your pussy is going to need all three of us before you can live normally.”

Dolly indicated to Silvia that she should show them out so Silvia said, “Thank you for lending us these cabinets. Please order new ones in the New Year and replace these at your convenience and I hope you two are happy together. You do seem to be made for each other.”

After they had gone Silvia said, “Who upset you, you are not normally that cruel”. Dolly said, “Was I being cruel, I forgot to protect us when I first programmed them and I just felt it was the right way to redress that situation.” Silvia said, “They need to be watched to make sure they don’t go off the rails. Do you know there is only one day left until Christmas and we don’t have any presents for each other or the other six.” Dolly said, “We will have to go shopping after we programme the ‘A’ team.” Silvia said, “I just realised there was no one in the house when we went back earlier. Surely they would have shut the shop by then.” Dolly said, “Simone always stayed open late on the days leading up to Christmas. Let’s go and see who’s there and if it is just us two we will go out to eat.”

They locked up and walked around to the house and when they entered, Simone said, “Where have you been? We haven’t seen you all day.” Dolly said, “We have been very busy. Where is Marissa?” Simone replied, “Some bloke came around the shop as we were closing and swept her off her feet.” Silvia said, “Any idea, whom it was, and have you started cooking?”

Simone replied, “I think it was that guy she was talking about yesterday, and no I haven’t started cooking.” Dolly said, “Good, get ready. We are going out; my assets grew a little today so we can celebrate.” Silvia said, “Don’t listen to her, they didn’t grow a little, they grew a lot. She is worth over 400 million pounds. While she was feeding off Trisha, I looked at her tax file and she paid more than £166,000 to the Inland Revenue last month.” Simone replied, “That is almost £2M a year in tax but who is Trisha what did she do to warrant Dolly’s tongue?” Silvia responded, “Trisha was Dolly’s plaything for the afternoon.” Dolly said, “Silvia thinks I was cruel regarding Trisha and that I need to do something. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we will be too busy; perhaps we can pay them a visit on Boxing Day and put things right.” Silvia asked, “What hours is the shop open tomorrow?” Simone said, “Marissa wanted to open at nine and stay oven until six or seven, depending on the people on the street.” Dolly said, “Ok, if anyone wants to change clothing before we go out, do it now while I make a phone call.” Dolly called the restaurant where John and Hilda took her and when she got through, she asked if the room John used to use was available and she was told that room is reserved for the owner. Dolly said, “Good, I’ll be there with two friends in about forty-five minutes.” The man on the phone said again, “I’m sorry Miss but I said the room is reserved for the new owner.” Dolly replied, “Did I not make myself clear? I am the new owner and if you want to keep your job, I don’t want to have to say that again.” The man calmed down and told Dolly the room would be ready before she arrived.

Dolly went upstairs and washed and got ready and all three were down stairs in their finest latex evening wear in no time at all. Dolly rang for a cab and they got to the restaurant at the designated time. The manager met them at the door and asked, “Which one of you lovely ladies is our new owner?” Dolly said, “I am Dolly Page and I purchased all the companies previously owned by John Redshank and have created a holding company to administer them, of which Silvia here is the Managing Director.” The manager replied, “Well I am pleased to meet you both. Please come in and I will take you to the special suite.”

He led them through the packed restaurant and into a private suite at the back. It looked different from the last time Dolly had been there and then she realised a partition between two rooms had been opened, revealing a three piece suite and comfy chairs and a boardroom type table. The manager said, “I had them open it up so you can see the full capabilities of the accommodation.” Dolly said, “This is very nice but what is it costing me? You must have done a financial analysis of potential income if you turned this space into more seating for the restaurant.” The manager replied, “That would be nice but this is dead space. We are already at the maximum seating according to the planning laws and John used it often.” Dolly continued, “Ok as its dead space, I will continue to use it as John did for board meetings and the like. What were John’s arrangements regarding the food supplied?” The manager replied, “If he just wanted to eat, we fed him and his guests from what we chose to give him, thereby maintaining the best option availability to the restaurant.” Dolly continued, “Under normal circumstances we will do the same, but today we are celebrating so we would like to see the ala carte menu and you can bill me.” The manager smiled as if the troubles of the world had been lifted from his shoulders and he said, “Certainly Miss Page, I will send your waiter in right away.”

He turned and left and Simone said, “You have certainly landed on your feet. Who was this John?” Silvia replied, “He was the previous Mr. Big and ran all the crooked deals in Scarborough and the surrounding area.” Simone asked, “Are you going to continue in the same way?” Dolly replied, “It is our intention to run the businesses legitimately and I am yet to learn of the lucrative fringe economy so I have not decided to exploit it or can it.”

The waiter came in with three menus and the wine list and asked, “Which one of you is Miss Page?” Dolly indicated she was and he gave each a menu and in addition, the wine list to Dolly, saying, “If you would like to choose your wine now, I can be getting that while you choose your meal.” Dolly said, “I don’t like to be pushed. We will choose our meal and then choose the wine and you will wait patiently.” They all chose filet steaks and Dolly chose a very expensive bottle of Merlot and the waiter left them. Dolly opened her handbag and took out the contacts and put them in her eyes and then said, “When he comes back I want you both to close your eyes tightly as I reach for the talisman.” Silvia and Simone acknowledged the request and they chatted about the other companies Dolly now owned. Simone asked, “So you don’t own the dress shop then?” Dolly replied, “I own the building but the business belongs to Silvia.” Simone said, “In the two months I have been here I have never been given a wage.” Dolly said, “You never asked for one. The shop is doing very well; since the summer no one has taken a wage from it and it has paid no rent. If you want some money, ask Silvia.”

The waiter came back with the wine and asked Dolly to try it. Dolly replied, “It’s more than your life is worth to give us bad wine. Just pour it out.” As he was filling the third glass, Dolly produced the talisman and said, “Put the bottle down and stand still. Now every time you have come in, the budge in your pants has got bigger. Is that because Silvia and Simone are the two most attractive females in Scarborough or is it because we are all in latex?” The waiter replied, “All three of you are attractive but yes, it is the latex clothing that arouses me.”

Dolly instructed, “Well young man, do you have a girlfriend and does she like latex?” The young man replied, “Yes, I have a girlfriend but I don’t think she has ever considered latex as a clothing material.” .Dolly continued, “Well you had better start persuading her because when you see ladies or girls dressed entirely in latex, your cock it going to be at its most extended, and if you see girls or women not in latex, your cock will never get off its most shrivelled base. Furthermore, you are now our waiter. You will always serve us whenever we come here. You will be at your most attentive and will serve us properly, i.e. silver service. Furthermore, any conversation you overhear you will forget before you get outside this room. You are also our slave and will do whatever any of us instruct you to do. Now as your cock is at its biggest, go into the corner over there and masturbate and wake up as you cum.” Dolly put the talisman away and said, “Ok ladies, you may open your eyes.” Simone opened her eyes and looked around to find which corner the young man was in before saying, “If I wasn’t a fully committed lesbian I would offer to help him out.” Silvia commented, “I am now a paid up member but I still like live meat sometimes.” Dolly asked, “Has anybody tried the wine?” Silvia replied, “It is delicious.” Dolly watched the young man spurt his cum all over his hand and said loudly, “If you have finished embarrassing yourself, go and see if our food is ready.”

A very red faced young man ran out of the room. A few minutes later the manager came in and said, “What have you done to poor William? He is too scared to come back in.” Dolly said, “Tell him we are sorry for embarrassing him but Silvia will make it up to him when he returns.”

The manager left and the young man reappeared pushing a hostess trolley full of piping hot food. He served the food perfectly and when he was finished, Silvia said, “That thing in your pants looks uncomfortable. Get it out.” As he unzipped his fly, the release caused his cock to spring out and Silvia took it in her mouth. She still had all the techniques Dolly gave her as a whore and William was soon spurting his cum into her mouth and she never lost a drop. When he was clean, Silvia returned the now semi-erect cock into his jeans and pulled up his fly. She then said, “Thank you, that was very nice and if you need relief again, all you need to do is ask.” Then she sat down and picked up her knife and fork.

The steaks had been cooked to perfection, each to a different specification and all the vegetables were perfect too. The wine accompanied the beef flawlessly and by the time the main course was finished, they were ready for a second bottle. William cleared the main course plates and Dolly order another bottle of the same wine and they each ordered a dessert.

William returned a few minutes later and as he came the bulge in his jeans grew. By the time he put the wine on the table, his cock was becoming painful in its tight confinement and William said, “What you said earlier, I need some relief.” Silvia said, “Well why is it still in your jeans? Next time you come in; open your flies at the door. You do realise you have a latex fetish, don’t you?” William opened his flies and said, “I had begun to realise what it was but how am I going to get my girlfriend to understand.” As Silvia got to work on his relief, Dolly said, “Get her to Scarborough’s Ladies Fashion and Simone here will help. She works there. If that fails, bring her to me and I will make you very happy.”

William said, “I am already happy. This lady has a magical technique. My girlfriend could never emulate it.” When Silvia has finished him off, William left the room and Dolly said, “Next time he comes in, Simone should provide the relief. She has done it before.” Silvia said, “Before we go, we should enslave the manager to ensure 100% loyalty.” Dolly agreed and pulled a bottle of water from her handbag and said, “Same as last time, when I reach for the talisman, close your eyes tightly.”

When William returned with the desserts, Dolly said, “before you bring the coffee, I would like to speak to the manager and while he is in here, you are to ensure that we aren’t disturbed.” William walked around the room with his erect cock hanging out of his trousers and only put it away before he opened the door the leave. They were just finishing their desserts when the manager entered saying, “William said you wanted a word.”

Dolly replied, “Yes, I would like to thank you for a wonderful meal and I would also like to show you something.” As he approached Dolly she pulled the talisman from her bag and when the manager was entranced, she said, “What is your name?” The manager replied, “Bruce Friedman.” Dolly continued, “Well Bruce, like William you have a latent fetish about seeing ladies in latex and every time you have been in here tonight, your cock has been ready to burst. I want you to drop your zip and drink this water and while I relieve the stress in your cock, you will forget that you drank the water.” Dolly knelt down and wrapped her lips around his cock. She used all the expertise she learned while with Walter to keep him going for thirteen minutes before taking him over the edge.

When he was clean Dolly continued, “Bruce, from now on you are a slave to Silvia and me. You will do precisely are directed and believe every truth you are instructed to believe. You are 100% loyal to your new owner and Managing Director, and you will never permit others to malign us or threaten us. When we wish to use your restaurant, you will never consider it a chore. You will delight in having us here and always do your best to make us feel welcome. Your latex fetish is not new but has come into a full blown craving, since we came in dressed as we are. You will keep William as our waiter and whenever we leave you will always thank the kitchen staff on our behalf when they do a good job for us. If they fail to live up to our expectations you will reap restitution and fire whoever was responsible for the failure. Now you will forget all about the talisman and the water and all knowledge of these instructions. You will wake up when you cum again, with a new challenge and that is to get your wife or girlfriend to take on your fetish for latex clothing and get them to wear it all the time.”

Dolly moved back into place and this time applied the technique to get him off the quickest and when he came he said, “Your clothing is very erotic and I am like that every time I see you.” Dolly said, “Well, don’t expect this every time. That was a one off to say thank you for a lovely meal. You can now send William in with the coffees.”

The manager was very confused but he left the room to pass on their request to William. As he closed the door he thought, “It must be their clothing. I must get Anna to try it.” William returned a few minutes later with the coffee and complimentary mints. Dolly thanked him for exemplary service and asked him the check with the manager if he wanted Dolly to pay now or open an account.

William returned and said, “The manager says tonight is on him and he will open an account after Christmas, so no money goes through the restaurant books, keeping this room out if sight of the local council.” Dolly passed on their thanks and said, “We will leave as soon as the second bottle of wine is finished and could you order a taxi for say, fifteen minutes.” William had released his cock as he came into the room and was walking around with it standing straight out. Silvia said, “We cannot let that go to waste, come here William and stick that thing in my pussy,” and she pulled down her latex knickers. William lifted her skirt and fed his mammoth protrusion into her waiting hole. He started banging away and he worried that he was coming too soon, however when Silvia orgasmed with him, he felt a lot better. As soon as his cock plopped out, Silvia pulled up her knickers and sat down to drink her coffee. William said, “I would like to thank all three of you for the very best night’s work I have ever had.” Dolly said, “Tonight we were celebrating and let you join in. Don’t expect the same next time.” William said, “I won’t, and I’ll go and order your taxi,” and then he left the room. As soon as the wine, coffee and mints had all been consumed, Dolly said, “Well I think our first visit to our new boardroom was very successful and I hope Silvia does not think she had had enough sex for one night.” Silvia said, “Just listen to her, she puts sex in a new dimension and she thinks because I dipped my toe back in the old dimension it would be enough.” Simone said, “She always was good but Walter has done something to make her what she is now.” Dolly replied, “It is nice of you to say so, but I don’t feel any different.” Simone continued, “When I knew you before, you would never have gate-crashed someone’s private room in a restaurant, nor would you have enslaved half the serving staff.” Dolly said, “So I have improved then. I certainly feel much more confident and...” Before she could say any more, Bruce opened the door and informed them the taxi was waiting.

All three stood and followed Bruce through the now empty restaurant and out to the taxi. As the taxi dropped them off outside Dolly’s front door and as Dolly paid the driver, the front door opened and Marissa stood there with a big smile on her face. As Dolly approached her, she wrapped her arms around her and said, “Thank you, your Christmas present came early and I have left it upstairs on Simone’s side of the bed.” Dolly said, “No bother, Simone can sleep with us. You make the most of your Christmas present, but don’t wear him out; he has to last you for the remainder of your life.” Silvia and Simone had gone through to the conservatory and Marissa said, “What about Silvia, will she not want him back?” Dolly said, “Silvia is now mine. Do you think I would have left another love in her mind?” Marissa said, “That’s ok then, he doesn’t seem to remember her.” Dolly replied, “His makeover to you was total. I had to do that to remove Megan from his mind. Roland was very devious.”

Marissa said, “Well thank you again. This is the best Christmas I have ever had and there are still three whole days left.” Dolly replied, “Silvia and I have an appointment in the morning and after that we are going Christmas shopping. Are you and Simone ok to manage the shop?” Marissa continued, “Yes we will manage. I did most of my Christmas shopping this evening with Norman and tomorrow he has to be at the bank all day.”

Dolly whispered, “You go back to your sex toy and we will be up in a little while, goodnight.” After Marissa had run back up the stairs, Dolly went through into the conservatory and there was another cup of coffee waiting. Simone said, “Marissa was very happy, was it her man?” Dolly said, “Yes she has her Christmas present so there are only six more for me to buy and by the way, you are sleeping with us tonight and until my sisters and nieces go home. Then Marissa and Norman can move next door.” Silvia interrupted, “Did I used to know a Norman?” Dolly replied, “If you did it must have been before you met me.”

They chatted for a while longer and then cleared up and went to bed. Dolly slept in the middle and felt very tired when she got into bed so she laid her head on the pillow and thought, “Sleep.” The other two were less fortunate and lay awake thinking about their respective evening. Silvia thought, “I did know a Norman” and started plotting.

Next morning Dolly was up first and in the shower. She was mentally preparing for the day so she could double check that she had everything she would need. She had the two sets of contacts and talismans and there were fifty bottles of ‘4’ water in the shed. As she finished in the shower and was drying her hair, Silvia came in and said, “Are you sure I didn’t know Marissa’s Christmas present?” Dolly said, “I don’t know, you tell me.” Silvia thought, “Yes you do, you lovely person; you gave Marissa my man.” Dolly was concentrating on the plan for the morning and did not notice Silvia’s expression. When Dolly returned to the bedroom she found Simone sitting on the edge of the bed and asked, “Are you all right, did you not sleep well?” Simone replied, “Eventually but I dreamed very much about those two men you enslaved last night.” Dolly said, “Don’t worry about men; they can look out for themselves. I did nothing cruel to them.” Simone said, “It was not because you were being cruel. I was thinking about their partners and how they would be persuaded to embark on a life in latex when they don’t have the techniques Walter used on you and me.”

Dolly said, “Does enslaving people still make your pussy wet?” Simone said, “I have no memory of enslaving anyone but yes, it does make me very aroused.” Dolly said, “Ok get ready and I’ll see you down stairs.” In the bathroom Silvia had a plan. She was forbidden to use any of the MC products on Dolly but she remembered Simone’s reprogramming in Gloucester and she had no such constraints and she was subservient to Silvia. She did not want to affect Dolly’s business dealings or her ability to operate and she did not want to come up against Walter’s programming but she did want to give her some issues with her clothing. She concluded her plan, making with a decision to start implementing her plan after Christmas when the girls had gone home. Simone joined her in the bathroom as she was drying her blond hair saying, “Could you help me with the cat suit? I don’t have time to dry myself and get it back on by myself.” Silvia ran the shower and then helped Simone out of the suit and after Simone had showered, helped her dry and dress in the suit again. They walked down stairs together and Silvia thought, “This will work.” Silvia had noticed Dolly put her underwear and stockings on before choosing her outer clothes, and all she needed to do was interrupt that process.

Today Dolly was in white latex underwear and stockings held up by a latex girdle with suspenders and topped off with a magenta mini dress with puffed up long sleeves. Her red hair was down to her shoulders and her big blue eyes were gleaming and happy. Her hourglass body and incredible legs showed the latex off to perfection and although Silvia had a prettier face, she was a little jealous of Dolly’s overall lovely appearance. They all sat in the conservatory eating their breakfast and when Dolly had finished, she said, “I am just going next door to see if anyone is awake or to leave a message.” Even as Dolly walked out of the room Silvia thought, “You make latex look lovely even from the rear.”

As Dolly walked into the bedrooms next door, she found four sleeping bodies so she wrote a note inviting them to join Silvia, Simone, possibly Marissa and her and to spend Christmas Eve in their company in the conservatory. Dolly thought, “Why cook when we have a restaurant?” and on her way back through to the kitchen she picked up the phone and dialled the restaurant.

A woman answered and Dolly asked, “Is Bruce there, this is Miss Dolly Page.” The woman replied, “Hello Miss Page, so it was you that has Bruce all enamoured with latex clothing. He did not stop talking about it all night.” Dolly asked, “To whom am I speaking?” The woman said, “I am sorry I did not introduce myself; I am Anna, Bruce’s wife.” Dolly continued, “Well Anna, I hope you are going to help Bruce embrace his fetish for latex and do you know if a party of eight or nine in the boardroom for a meal of the house’s choice would be an inconvenience, being Christmas Eve?” Anna replied, “No inconvenience at all, Miss Page. He would love to accommodate you at around eight o’clock. You had a bigger influence on him than anyone I have ever known, and I am looking forward to meeting you.” Dolly said, “You would be very welcome but as long as you observe the dress code. All females have to be in nothing but latex clothing.” Anna closed by saying, “I will go shopping this afternoon and look forward to seeing you this evening. Thank you and good morning, Miss Page.” Silvia said, “Who was that you were talking to?” Dolly replied, “Wife of Bruce, we are all eating at the restaurant again tonight. Simone, a lady called Anna Friedman may be in the shop this afternoon to buy a latex outfit. Please record her size and pick out another outfit that would suit her and bring it home. We will wrap it as a Christmas present.”

Marissa called down from the top of the stairs, “Are you there, Simone? We are running late. Would you please open the shop and I will be along as soon as I am ready.” Simone took the shop keys from Marissa’s handbag and rushed out. Silvia said, “What do we need for this morning and do you know where to go?” Dolly picked up the phone and dialled Jeffery’s cottage. Michele answered and Dolly said, “We now have furniture and files so on Monday we are in business, but I have a long list of tasks for you. Is Jeffery there?” Michelle replied, “I can’t wait, you are my shining guardian angel. Here is Jeffery.” When Jeffery came on the line Dolly said, “Sorry to drag you away from your new love but we need a chauffeur this morning to take Silvia and me with some MC materials to Gavin’s and to be there at eight thirty.” Jeffery said, “I will be there in five minutes. Michelle wanted to go shopping anyway and this is a good escape.”

Dolly went out through the back of the conservatory across the small remaining area of grass to the shed and opened the door. She returned two minutes later with a box of twenty bottles of water. Securing the shed, she returned with the box to the conservatory and placed the box on the table. Silvia said, “Those two up stairs are still at it.” Dolly said, “If you want to barge in, feel free, but they only got together last night. On second thought, bang on the door and tell them to get moving.” Silvia banged on the bedroom door and said, “Come on you two, there is always this evening, but you are both late for work.” Silvia then walked to her bedroom and selected two rubber coats; one for her and one for Dolly thinking soon you will not be wearing clothes like this, Miss Page.” She was on her way down stairs as Norman and Marissa nipped into the bathroom and Silvia thought, “Missed him again. I think I knew a Norman from the bank, but I cannot remember what he looks like.”

Down stairs Silvia handed the coat chosen for Dolly to Dolly and, after putting it on, Dolly picked up her handbag and the box saying, “Where are your contact lenses?” Silvia replied, “I thought you had both pair.” Dolly looked again and said, “Yes, here they are. Put these in now.” They both fitted the contact lenses just before the door bell rang. Silvia opened the door and Dolly walked out carrying the box. Jeffery was parked outside in Dominic’s Mercedes and the trunk was open. Dolly laid the box in the trunk and Jeffery closed the trunk. Jeffery said, “Do you want Gavin’s home or his construction offices?” Dolly replied, “Office please and are you able to wait for us?” Jeffery pulled away from the curb and said, “This politeness, Mistress, is a little confusing. You could tell me to wait and I would happily. What had brought about this change?” Dolly replied, “Silvia thinks I am too cruel and now that you have a partner to watch over, I would rather ask so you can consider if my request would harm her.” Jeffery said, “We both work for you and I would rather be instructed so I know where my boundaries are.” Dolly continued, “Well, if you would like to be instructed, please remain with us and watch over us until we return to the town centre.”

They all remained silent until Jeffery pulled into a yard in front of a five story office building. Dolly said, “Is this all Gavin’s business?” Jeffery replied, “There is a firm of architects on the top floor but the rest is Gavin’s.” Jeffery pulled up outside the front door and got out and opened Dolly’s door before walking around to open Silvia’s. He then opened the trunk and said, “I’ll bring those. What are you planning, a mass enslavement?” Dolly said, “We do not intend to enslave anyone. We want to ensure we get the right people and to make sure they are 110% loyal to our aims and objectives and not to Gavin’s or someone else’s.” Jeffery said, “I can get behind that strategy.” They all walked into the building and there was a young girl waiting in the foyer. As soon as Dolly approached her, she stood at attention and said, “I do apologise for yesterday, Miss Page. When Mr. Richardson said he had been taken over by a woman, I expected it to be some old woman, not a young attractive and nicely spoken young lady.” Dolly said, “Nice try young lady, but you will have to do a lot better than that.”

The young girl shrunk in stature and then said, “If you would like to follow me, I will take you to Mr. Richardson.” Dolly said, “What are you called, young lady”? The girl replied, “Leah, Miss.” Dolly continued, “Well Leah, lead on and we will talk again about your future before we leave.”

Leah guided the three though to the back of the building and into a worker’s canteen and Gavin was waiting there. Dolly said, “Thank you Gavin, I hope there haven’t been any problems getting everyone here.” Gavin replied, “No, they all agreed to come. I told them it would be over in an hour.” Dolly said, “Yes, we should be through very quickly and then I am going to have a quiet word with your secretary here.” Gavin replied, “Leah is my niece and has worked as my secretary for nearly a year. I do let her get away with too much because she is family. Please be kind to her, she didn’t mean any malaise against you. She thought she was protecting me.” Dolly said, “We will have to see how she responds when I talk to her. Where are your men?” Gavin said, “They are in their portable cabin outside. I’ll go and get them.” Gavin walked out and Dolly asked Leah, “How many men are there in this group?” Leah replied, “Twelve, Mistress.” Dolly took one bottle out of the box and said, “Jeffery, please take Leah out of this room and ensure she drinks this bottle of water.” Jeffery took the bottle and then held the girl roughly by her hair and walked her back into the main open part of the building. Leah was petrified and when Jeffery handed her the bottle, she broke the seal, unscrewed the lid and began drinking the water, only stopping to swallow and for air. The bottle was soon empty and she handed the empty container back to Jeffery. Jeffery told her to sit down and wait.

In the canteen Gavin walked in followed by twelve scruffy individuals, and as they approached Dolly and Silvia, Dolly spoke in a commanding voice, “Gentlemen, thank you for coming. I would like to inform you all that Silvia and I have taken over from John Redshank and I also manage a 400 million portfolio of real estate. I am looking to develop your little team and to use it across both businesses. Tell me, do you have all the skills in your current team to detect, analyse and repair all types of buildings across all parts of the building?” One of the men at the front said, “Yes, we have all the skills but we work for Mr. Richardson and you can access our services through him.” Dolly said, “I am aiming for a slightly different structure. If you report directly to the holding company, every manager of every enterprise can have you and you will be paid a lot more. You can still be loyal to Mr. Richardson, only his requests for your services will have to come through me. As we live and a democracy, I would like to see a show of hands. All those in favour of earning more, put your hand up.” Ten people showed approval and two did not, one being the leader. Dolly called them all together and pulled the talisman out of her hand bag. All the men were looking at the talisman and Dolly said, “I wanted to give you each a Christmas gift but we have been so busy we haven’t made it the shops yet, so I want this little trinket to change the water in these bottles to be your favourite beer or lager. Please take a bottle and enjoy.” Eleven men took a bottle and Dolly said to the leader, “Do you not want to take my gift to you? It may only be water but it still tastes very nice.” He took a bottle and started to drink. After twelve empty bottles were back in the box, Dolly said, “Now I hope my little piece of magic did not frighten you away. I want nothing from you other than cooperation and loyalty and I would like to talk about how I see this working. I won’t keep you more than fifteen minutes or so. Silvia, would you go and see to Leah, please.” Then Dolly whispered to Silvia, “Full enslavement.” Had Dolly been able to see Silvia’s face she would have seen the Cheshire cat with all the cream.

Dolly continued, “Gavin tells me you are the ‘A’ team and have all the necessary skills to tackle any job in this line of work. I have taken over the assets that have been managed though an agent who has not been doing his job properly and has employed tradesmen who did not do a proper job. From you what I will expect, no demand, is a professionalism that either recognises what is the right thing to do to fix the problem for good and then undertakes the work in the right way. I would also expect that if you come across a job that requires special skills not found in your team, you will step back from the job and either gets the required subcontractor who you trust or report back that the task requires a different approach. Now, are there any questions?” The one wearing dark glasses who did not respond to the talisman said, “Where are these jobs likely to be?” Dolly replied, “Mostly in the northeast but there are a small number of properties as far down as Swindon and Reading.” He replied, “We would need better transport.” Dolly replied, “If we can do business the way I want to, then we will sit down after Christmas and you can list what equipment and materials you will require and Gavin will get it for you. This can still be your base. I don’t want to change what you do, just the way you do it and with what.”

Dolly could now see that they were all under the influence of the water so she said her usual start up gambit, enslaving them all to Silvia and her and then made them 110% loyal and then restated all she had already told them, only this time it was worded as if the decision had been made and they had all accepted.

Outside in the open area, Silvia was programming Leah to be her tool to get Dolly. She had started by making her totally subservient to Dolly and her and not able to discuss or deploy any of the MC products except in one special circumstance. When Silvia said the special key, she would carry out the programming actions as defined by Silvia with no adlib or divergence at all from the plan. Until the password key was given, she would have no knowledge of this special attribute, even if Dolly were to push her. She was also given an all embracing latex fetish and the need needed to have sex while being bound. Silvia was counting Leah out of her trance at the same time Dolly was getting her work force to count themselves awake.

Gavin was walking towards Silvia when Leah became animated and Silvia said, “Ok Leah, run along with your uncle while I go and see how Miss Page is getting on with Gavin’s ‘A’ team.” Silvia opened the door as the men were becoming animated and Dolly said, “Well gentlemen, I would like to thank you all for coming and I look forward to meeting up again after Christmas to discuss your equipment and material needs. Start making your shopping lists with the proper justification.”

After the men had all departed, Dolly asked Silvia how she got on and Silvia told her about the enslavement, the mandate not to talk about or dispense any MC products and the new latex and bondage fetishes. Dolly seemed satisfied and they went to find Jeffery, taking the box of unused water and empty bottles. They found him sitting in the car listening to question time on Radio 4.

End of Chapter 24