The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: 4th Dimensional Editor

Chapter 2: The Thought Stream

As I head out my front door, I see Holly impatiently waiting down the steps of my driveway. She’s a nerdy-cute looking Caucasian girl with orange, curly hair. And when I say ‘nerdy-cute’ I don’t mean she’s secretly cute under the glasses; it is very obvious from a glance that Holly is conventionally attractive despite her ‘nerdy’ aura. She just happens to be quite nerdy on top of that.

Her oversized sweater and long pants leave an extreme amount for the imagination, however I don’t mind. I’ve known Holly so long that I’ve had plenty of opportunities to glance at her body, but I don’t. Ironically, I know I couldn’t say the same when similar situations arise with my family, but that’s family! I know I’ll never take a real shot at them.

Holly on the other hand… I have to be careful. She’s an outsider; my relationship with her is more fragile and something that I wasn’t born with, we built it. Despite however else I feel, first and foremost I have to focus on being her friend. We’ve grown up on the same street since 4th grade and have been tight since the day we met. Though like I said… she is really fucking cute.

“Where have you been! Your mum passed by 5 minutes ago!” Holly complains as she shoots her hands into the air.

“Oh come on, we’ll still make it on time,” I respond as I make my way down to her.

“Only if we don’t run into any foot traffic,” Holly interjects as if she somehow knows this factually. As I get closer to her, Holly momentarily brightens up and pulls me in for a tight hug. “By the way, happy birthday stupid.”

Despite her outer anger, Holly is used to my bullshit by now. I know it’s all a form of tough love in our give-and-take friendship. When it comes to dealing with me, I know the important inner parts of her brain don’t really mean whatever negativity she seems to send my way. Instead, she seems to work through her grievances to focus on the important task at hand to save my behind.

Like right now if she really meant it, she’d have just gone off without me. But instead, we begin walking side by side to our local university together. She has me list off my birthday plans and gives me a handmade card. She’s always been a more sentimental type of person, so her card doesn’t disappoint. I don’t have time to read it in its entirety right now, but it’s heartfelt and I can tell she spent more time than she had to decorating it.

As we get closer to campus, Holly shows off this character once again.

“It just sucks we have our midterm on your birthday too,” Holly says casually. “Oh, shit- is that today” I say as I quickly check the date on my phone, forgetting that I obviously know the date.

“Lettme guess… you forgot?” Holly says with a smile from her pedestal.

“Mhm, got me,” I mumble back as I search for the study guide. “How bad is it?” “That depends, have you been doing the homework?” Holly asks in a tone that suggests that she already assumes the answer.

“Ehh- hit or miss,” I say.

“Hmm in that case it might need a bit of work,” Holly says as she considers the situation for a moment. “Are you free the hour before class? That should be enough time to catch you up.”

I just take a second to thank the universe for giving me someone like Holly to watch my back.

“Yeah, I get out of my History lecture 2 hours before the midterm,” I say.

“Great, even better. Meet me in the engineering lecture hall 2 hours before it starts,” Holly says as she splits off from me and heads to her own class.

Shit- she wants me to use the entire 2-hour gap in my schedule to cram? Ideally, I did want to grab a bite to eat but I guess this is what’s best for me.

We continue conversing the entire way to our university building. Once we approach the entrance, Holly splits off from me into her lecture hall.

I still have about 5 minutes until my class starts. Looking for any way to stall time, I head to the neighboring hallway and into the bathroom to take out the laptop in privacy. Behind this laptop, my deepest-kept secret is the bathroom in the administration wing. It’s a single-person bathroom so there’s a good deal of privacy if I’m just looking for a spot to relax for an extra 4-8 minutes between doing my business and wiping. I find that the staff at this university have a much better ratio of bathrooms to workers compared to the students, so rarely do I ever hear someone try to open the door.

I quickly log into the laptop once again and try to decipher what I’m dealing with.

Biometric Match Authenticated. Welcome, Colin M.

Select a menu:

I can read the beginning perfectly fine, but the options get harder to read as I move down the list. Seeing as it’s the only one I can fully comprehend at the moment, I click on Thought stream. The screen flickers and suddenly I see a list of names—not just any names, but of people at my school. Most of them are meaningless to me, but I quickly notice the full names of professors in the lecture halls and admin offices around me. That must mean the rest of the names are students in my vicinity too.

I see Professor Johnson’s name. That’s the teacher for the class I have my exam in! I know his office is just down the hall from the bathroom I’m in, so this makes sense. I try clicking on his name and suddenly, the entire screen transforms into a giant slurry of words that fall in from the top of the screen. I wait for a second for the words to stop generating, but they never seem to do. Instead, they just keep going. I try to pause the scrolling to catch a bit to read and luckily these don’t seem to be too scrambled.

Professor Johnson’s Thought Stream — Edits remaining: 0

“Damn my back hurts, I need a new chair. And I told my shitty assistant to create an answer key for the exam, but half of these are wrong! I need to fix this myself before the exam!... Question 1… yup this is already wrong. The answer should be the square root of—”

I watch in awe as I read what is obviously a representation of Mr. Johnson’s thoughts as he’s thinking them! He’s basically reading off the answer key to me! I quickly take out my phone and begin taking notes. There aren’t that many questions in the test, so as long as I know all the traps and edge cases beforehand I can guarantee a high score.

I spend a long time doing this and luckily no one else needs to use the bathroom.

After I’m satisfied with my notes, I exit Mr. Johnson’s thought stream and spot Holly’s name sitting a few rows below. Naturally I click it to see what she’s thinking about and again the screen opens up to a cascading wall of text. She’s currently not doing much since she’s just sitting in class. Wait… Is Holly done with her physics lecture already? I realize I have to hurry to make it to our study session, but now that I have all the exam answers it’s no longer that big of a deal. I can be a bit late, so I decide to scroll up Holly’s thought stream up until this morning.

Holly’s Thought Stream—EDITS REMAINING: 1

“I’m so excited it’s Caleb’s birthday today! Shit he looks cute too… I know I could try asking him about my feelings, but I’ve already decided our friendship is too valuable to risk. And he isn’t the most reliable person at times, so that helps… He forgot his history test!? Oh my gosh, this is what I’m saying! He has to review 3 chapters and he only has 2 hours to study. I know he’s good on at least two of them, but he needs to study more… Later we will study in the classroom. We need to cover—”

Then she goes on to recite the entire course’s contents to herself in her head while she figures out what’s most important to teach me. Is this just a text representation of her memory? Or her mental stream of thoughts? Regardless, it’s amazing how her knowledge of the course content looks to parallel even Professor Johnson’s.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing—especially the part where she called me cute. Is that how she sees me..? I frantically scroll around to read more; however, in my haste, I accidentally delete a word. Wait, I accidentally deleted a word!? What the fuck, I can do that? I look at the top of the screen and notice something: the terminal says I have 1 more edit to use on Holly than I had when I tested it on Professor Johnson. Can I… alter people’s thoughts?

I quickly look to see the word that I deleted:

Holly’s Thought Stream—EDITS REMAINING: 1

“he needs to study more… Later we will __ in the classroom.

I quickly skim over her memory stream and see that despite only deleting one word, entire sections of her memory got changed to remove any mention of what action we would be doing in the 2-hour gap period before class—just that she was coming to meet me there. Looking at her live stream of thoughts, I can see that she is now getting ready to leave her class and meet me in the lecture hall so I have to hurry.

I try to undo my edit, but the computer abruptly stops me:

“ERROR: Cannot undo previous change or a change mid-operation.”

Welp, shit. That’s just great! With my heart pounding, I consider the implications of my actions as I realize what this device gives me the power to do. I should feel lucky that I didn’t accidentally turn Holly into a vegetable, but even after a close call her thoughts echo in my mind.

’Shit he looks cute today… I know I could try asking him about my feelings’

Sigh. What feelings, Holly?

I take a moment to consider my options. You know, after all these years I feel weird making my feelings for her known to the universe by openly thinking about why I like her—how she laughs at my jokes, how her teasing always makes me blush, how darn cute she is—but I’ve never had a choice like I do now.

‘but I’ve already decided our friendship is too valuable to risk…’

There is no doubt why I like being around Holly so much. She’s a great friend after all, but she also makes my heart jump when I’m around her—in a way that could keep me waiting around forever hoping that someday her heart would jump for me, making her question everything. And now I’m finding out that it’s already happened?

It is that thought that removes any deniability that my next act was not out of some selfish desire. I begin to slowly type out the replacement action:

“I know he’s good on at least two of them, but he needs to study more… Later we will K… I… S…… S… in the classroom.


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