The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: 4th Dimensional Editor

Chapter 3: The First Test

After hitting enter, a wave of regret flows over me. But it’s done–or I did it, I guess. With zero edits left, I’m not able to do anything else. What the fuck did I do? Maybe I’m misunderstanding this device… there’s no way it can alter consciousness, right? And how do I get more edits?

I don’t know how to test whether it worked besides getting to class. As I get up and put the laptop back into my bag, the imprint of the hard toilet seat eating into my sore ass is salt in the wound to my guilt.

I check the time and notice that I’m 30 minutes late to meet Holly in the classroom, and it’s a 15-minute walk there. Suddenly, the weight of my potential actions dawned on me.

I quickly wash my hands and run out the door toward the engineering building.

Before I enter the classroom, I see the one lonesome figure sitting angrily through the glass door: Holly has taken note of my absence.

As soon as I walk into the room, the booming echo of the door clicking open only exemplifies the otherwise dead silence. Holly peers back at me.

“You’re late,” she says with an unlively tone that I can’t recall ever hearing.

“Yeah my bad- I had to use the bathroom,” I stammer as I stand awkwardly uncertain, waiting to see what she does next.

Without letting the quietness of the room linger for one second longer, she gets up.

“For 45 minutes?” she says, speed-walking across the lecture hall at an alarming pace. “And what about this morning too? You were late for me there too?”

“Yup! So what happened was—” I say, thinking of a way to answer her concerns without telling her that I’ve been messing around with an extra-dimensional laptop that has been haunting me for almost 10 years.

Yeah, I got nothing. Within 2 blinks, Holly is standing at 5’5” directly in front of me–her face so close to mine that I have an easier time focusing on the minute details of her somehow perfect irises than the overarching structure of her face. Her green, glistening eyes flare with a powerful intensity of emotion that I cannot quite place. Frustration? Inner turmoil? Confusion? Maybe a mixture of all three.

But despite her anger, Holly seems to know the task at hand.

“You’re so helpless sometimes,” Holly says as she rolls her eyes, reaches up to grab my collar, and pulls me in for a kiss.

And not a wholesome, sweet smooch either. Or maybe it started like that, but when I didn’t initially break the kiss Holly didn’t either. And when I started to lock my lips just a little bit tighter between hers, she didn’t do a thing to stop the delicate breaths from escaping from her mouth into mine. As I reach my arm around her neck to carefully caress her soft hair, I am instantly enthralled by its silky and satisfying smoothness. Things quickly get out of hand the second I hear a faint moan slip through her breath and I begin allowing my tongue to explore the outer edges of her lips.

Somehow, by just changing one word in Holly’s memory to ‘kiss’, she is okay with all of this? She doesn’t question the jump in logic? No… was she already feeling similar before?

I try to focus on the moment instead of wasting this opportunity overthinking about the future. Staying in tune with an internal rhythm created purely from our unspoken connection, Holly and I continuously alternate between who plays top and bottom lip. Her gentle, cushiony mouth beckons mine to surrender just a little bit further into her warmth with each rotation of role. I know this is wrong, but how am I supposed to resist?

After some time of this, it isn’t long before my tongue wanders past the pillowy border separating our souls. I find the warm, moist sensation of her mouth surprisingly similar to my own–it’s oddly inviting. Although Holly herself does seem a bit hesitant at first, she doesn’t express any interest in stopping me unless you count the sound of her heart beating faster and harder.

Just as with our first interaction, our tongues meet with friendly caution. I can tell the sensation is new to Holly—that her pauses are more a result of unfamiliarity than of discomfort.

But within a moment, Holly makes the next move as she begins her French reciprocation. Again ensuring not to go too fast, Holly and I simply take a few moments to acclimate to the strangely soft yet rough feeling of another tongue against our own. We retreat back into our own mouths as we continue with our regular make-out session.

In the second after, all I can do is analyze the innocently naughty taste that Holly’s saliva had left in my mouth.

Things have calmed down but the floodgates have been opened and it is clear that we both want to take it back to the next step. This time, Holly’s tongue enters my mouth as she begins using her softness to caress mine. She takes it a step further and I feel her tongue explore the further regions of my mouth.

Despite the clear positive signals coming from Holly, I do everything in my power to stop myself from reaching down to hold her ass.

I’ve never held a girl’s butt before, and this seems like the perfect opportunity to try. But I think about the thought I implanted into Holly to make this all possible: “Caleb will kiss me in the lecture hall”—not ‘will grope my ass’, only ‘kiss’. What would happen if I tried to take this to the next step? I decide not to risk it and keep my hands away from danger.

However, this lack of further escalation doesn’t have me too down as I am currently in sensory overload. Holly begins to pick up the pace as we both get more excited.

Holly isn’t the greatest kisser—I mean she isn’t the worst. She’s definitely better than me; her natural attractiveness with a nerdy personality makes her a not completely inexperienced yet still raw kisser.

However, both her inexperience and excitement begin to show as our slow, rhythmic kissing is replaced by an overly eager and slightly wet make-out.

But if I am being honest, I don’t know if I could ever describe a girl’s kissing as “overly” eager. To me the more Holly tongue fucks me, the more spit that travels from her mouth into mine, the more intensely I can feel that she wants me all the more I want her in this moment. All the more I’ve wanted her my whole life.

As my lust defeats and replaces any sense of control I had over the situation, my hands slide deeper and deeper down Holly’s back towards her ass–an action that my gut is again screaming at me to avoid.

I know what I did. I know that this situation was inorganically manufactured by me. Heck, I even understand the exact intricacies of how I did it, so I know the only directive I gave to Holly was to kiss me and she’s fine with that. Anything beyond kissing might result in completely unpredictable behavior. However, that still didn’t stop my hand from falling below her shoulders nor will it stop me from reaching below her waist…

Thankfully, something else interrupts to save me from myself: other students arriving to class early. Suddenly, we hear footsteps approaching from the hallway. Holly and I quickly push away from each other as we tidy ourselves up.

Without saying a word, Holly is back in her seat before other students enter the classroom leaving me standing against an awkward portion of the wall by myself. I look over to Holly and she looks odd… shit.

* * *

After the midterm, students filed outside of the lecture hall in an unorganized blob of people. I was way more unprepared for that thing than I expected. Even with my extra notes, I think I barely got by with a decent score.

I snake my way through the crowd looking for Holly, and the fact that I don’t immediately notice her doing the same for me is a bad sign.

I hurry out of the hall and spot her heading home, somehow already a short jog away from me. Once I catch up, I walk alongside her but don’t know what to say. I know she sees me–I mean, she hasn’t acknowledged my presence yet but over the years I’ve learned to recognize when I have her attention.

Finally, she breaks the silence.

“I’m sorry about that. I mean- whatever happened back there,” Holly says. Suddenly, she turns to look at me and for the first time, I can see the anxiousness weighing behind her eyes. “Whatever happened back there, I shouldn’t have let it happen. Like I know I’m the one who even brought it up in the first place! But I don’t know why I did? I promised myself I’d never cross that line with you, but for some reason I did! And when you went along with it… I didn’t know what else to do, okay?”

“What do you mean?” I say, not because I don’t know what she’s talking about, but because I don’t want to accept it deep down.

“Don’t you see it? I’ve always had feelings for you, Caleb. I mean, how could I not? We’ve been attached by the hip since the day we met!” Holly says in frustration as she wipes tears from her eyes. “And I know you feel the same about me. But we both know something else too, don’t we?”

Fuck, being the cause of Holly’s tears twists the blade of guilt even deeper into my chest.

“Mhm,” I mumble out in simple acknowledgment.

“Then what is it?” she prods.

“We could never be more than friends. We could never risk our friendship,” I say. Somehow, without the help of the laptop, I am certain I spoke her thoughts verbatim.

She gives me a simple nod.

“So you understand why that was a mistake now, right,” Holly says with a hint of regret lingering in the edge of her voice. “And why we can’t ever do that again.”

“Yes ma’am,” I say with a heavy heart. Hearing her explain the ‘almost-yet-impossible’ nature of our potential romantic life is a sting that is hard to hide. Nonetheless, I try my best to break the silence. “Well… was I at least any good of a kisser?”

Instantly, Holly’s fist lightly impacts my shoulder as a chuckle escapes her mouth in between her sniffles.

“You idiot. Of course not,” Holly says in a slightly uplifted way, even cracking a smile. It’s still hard to tell what is serious and what is a joke, but I can tell we both begin to process the situation more lightheartedly. “Now, let’s get back home so I can have my second scheduled breakdown in private.”

It’s not until halfway there that I notice Holly back to her usual self: the lively sparkle in her eyes, the upbeat bounce to her step, even the stupid giggle that she’s so embarrassed by that she covers her mouth as soon as she hears it–all back to herself.

Of course, deep down I know this whole thing is a mutual peace offering from both sides. It’s hard to forget what happened but we both maintain this facade of normalcy to try and move past it. And even deeper than that, I know the real truth: none of this is Holly’s fault. She shouldn’t have to meet me halfway because she wasn’t really in control of her actions. Maybe all I did was give her a nudge in the right direction, but I seriously damaged a crucial part of our friendship.

I’m just lucky that our relationship is strong enough to survive such a stupid mistake like that. I’m not gonna pretend that I’m some saint who’ll be able to resist whatever power I’ve just unlocked, but at the very least I have to set some standards to follow. Some rules to not only protect the people I care about, but to also hold myself accountable to some ethical standard and to keep me out of trouble.

Zoning out of the conversation with Holly, I think for a few moments about the type of guidelines I should set. There are obviously ways to abuse this power without hurting anyone, but that’s a slippery slope depending on who you ask. Like cheating on the test is fine because no one was physically or mentally hurt. But what about what I did with Holly?–Hmm, she wasn’t physically hurt and she was into it, but forcing her to act against her usual will caused her emotional distress. She didn’t have any reason to kiss me so she was hyper-aware that something was off.

First of all, as her friend, that’s terrible of me to do. But also, if I keep making extreme edits then I’ll surely be caught. It is at this moment that I mentally note down a list of rules to follow to avoid something again:

  1. No making edits that would cause physical harm to someone.
  2. No forcing someone to abruptly act contrary to their character.
  3. I need to pair each selfish abuse of power with a selfless one.

I know the last one may seem stupid, but I think it’s important not to let this whole thing get to my head. I need to think of this laptop as something I stole, not something that belongs to me. If I play my cards right, I can use this to sway almost any situation to my advantage without being caught. But if I just start using this thing for personal gain, people will begin to ask questions. However, if everyone around me starts to get good luck I will start to stand out a lot less.

If I just follow these rules, I’ll be able to maintain an ethical relationship with this tool.

* * *