The Freeloader
part 3
by the Worm
* * *It was nearly 4:00 in the morning when Monica finally returned home, tired but satisfied. She was still a little sore, her muscles were pretty stiff, her thong was ruined (after Vikki tore it off with her teeth), the batteries were worn out in two of her vibrators, a buckle snapped apart when she was drilling her strap-on into her slave’s tight asshole, and it’d take hours to clean the vaginal juices from her gloves and boots, but all in all, it was defintiely worth it.
As she walked into the apartment, she noticed, with some amusement, that Cathy left the TV on, and her robe was still strewn out on the couch. After hanging up her coat, she quietly peeked into Cathy’s room to check on her. The gorgeous blonde was lying naked on top of the covers, fast asleep with a dreamy smile on her face. Between her soft moans and the way she was slowly writhing on the bed, not to mention her glistening wet pussy, Monica could tell that she was having a very enjoyable, erotic dream. Monica was nearly overwhelmed by the urge to stand there all night, just watching her, but she reluctantly backed away and closed the door.
Quickly getting the next tape ready for Cathy in the morning, she grabbed her leather bag, virtually dashed into her room, stripped off her corset, and pulled the only vibrator with working batteries out from her bag. She was so turned on watching Cathy dreaming, it only took a few strokes before she came, violently. She needed two more orgasms before she was even able to wind down enough to get ready for bed. She finally drifted off to sleep, the vibrator still resting against her clit, to dream of Cathy on her knees before her.
Cathy woke up shortly before 11 a.m. the next day, the last fleeting memories of an intensely erotic dream drifting through her waking mind. She smiled pleasantly and idly toyed with her slowly moistening slit as she tried to recall more details of the dream (something about Monica as a stage hypnotist, and Cathy as her willing subject). Her casual teasing slowly lead to more eager fingering, and she quickly brought herself to a crashing orgasm, her hips arched high off of the bed, practically screaming Monica’s name.
She slowly dragged herself out of bed, not even bothering to dress. She quickly showered, barely able to restrain herself from paying extra attention to her sensitive breasts and still-wet vagina. She fixed herself a sandwich, then went to the fridge to see if there was any of that delicious cream soda left. Not finding any, she grabbed a can of caffeine-free diet cola instead. She took her lunch into the living room with her. Weaving her way around a number of empty junk food boxes, dirty dishes, and scattered magazines, she made her way to the couch and sat down. She noticed a note taped to the TV:
‘Sorry, had to go in and grade some term papers. Left a little surprise for you in the VCR. Enjoy! Monica.’
Cathy tossed the note aside and smiled, as she thought back to that wonderful dream she had the night before. Scattered images drifted through her mind, of Monica wearing a low-cut tuxedo jacket, tight black hot pants and fishnet stocking calling her up on stage, swinging a gold watch in front of her, telling her to undress, to masturbate for her, to eat her out....
She toyed with her now hard and eager clit as the images passed. She did find it strange that these feelings for Monica suddnely began simmering to the surface, and the hypnotic images from her dream surprised her a little, but none of that stopped her from turning the tape on. She watched the psychadelic images with a pleasant smile, as she slowly drifted away....
She slowly shook her head to clear it as the tape finally stopped and began to rewind. She could still almost hear Monica’s soothing voice, though she couldn’t recall the actual words. But it didn’t matter. Something about the tone of her voice gave her shivers of pleasure, and she couldn’t help but gently stroke herself as she began to clear her dazed mind.
She casually glanced around, and noticed the mess around the room. Forcing herself out of the couch, she grabbed a plastic grocery bag and began picking up used wrappers, various food scraps, and other assorted garbage. She filled one bagful, and began working on another, when she stopped, glancing down at the take-out box in her hand. She began to wonder why she suddenly had the urge to tidy up, but before the thought could fully form, the tape stopped winding. She quickly sat back down and turned it back on, again drifting away on the ever-changing images....
It went on like this all afternoon. After the tape stopped, Cathy would clean up a little bit more while it was rewinding, a little more eagerly after each viewing. When it was ready, she’d watch it, and again slip into a deep hypnotic trance, allowing Monica to reinforce her suggestions. Suggestions such as “You love to clean”, and “A messy room is a bad thing”, and “A clean room pleases you”. By the end of the afternoon, Cathy turned from a lazy slob to a mildly compulsive neat freak.
When Monica finally returned home around 9:30 that evening, she was surprised to arrive to a clean home. She was honestly too busy to give the place more than a cursory cleaning, and Cathy had rarely been motivated to clean up after herself, so Monca had become accustomed to a messy apartment. Today, however, the living room was impeccable. All of the garbage and dirty clothes and dishes were gone. The thin covering of dust on the bookshelf was cleaned away. Even the windows were spotless!
She heard dishes rattling in the kitchen, so she looked in. She inhaled sharply, as she saw Cathy, completely nude, leaning over the sink, scrubbing a baking pan. The bubbles clinging to the blonde’s pubic hair showed Monica that the suggestions about Cathy’s arousal had definitely taken hold, and it was all she could do to refrain from wiping those bubbles away for her.
Monica coughed lightly, to get her attention. Cathy looked up, and smiled when she saw who it was. The brunette grinned and said, “Hi, Cathy. I see you’ve been busy today.”
Cathy smiled coyly, and relplied, “Yeah, I just had the urge to clean up a bit around here, y’know?” She began to turn back to the sink, then stopped and turned back to Monica. “It’s that tape, isn’t it?”
Monica was startled. “Pardon? What about the tape?”
“It’s the tape you made that made me want to clean the place up, isn’t it?”
“Uhh... well....” Monica started to stammer, then decided she might as well come clean. To a point, at least. “Yes, it was. You trust me, don’t you?”
“Of course I do!”
“Well, I couldn’t help but notice how you tend to be a bit untidy sometimes. I thought you could use a little help becoming motivated to clean up a little. It was for your own good, really. You’re not mad with me, are you?” she said, her fingers crossed behind her back.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m not mad. I could never be mad at you,” Cathy replied with a lacivious grin, her soapy hands roaming up and down her body, leaving wet bubbly trails along her thighs, hips, stomach, and chest. Thinking of her all day was enough of a turn-on, but being this close to Monica was almost unbearable for her. Despite her incredible lust, however, Cathy somehow managed to keep herself from masturbating right then and there.
Monica was herself showing trememdous restraint, barely able to keep her hands off of the horny blonde in front of her. After managing to tear her eyes away from Cathy’s glistening naked body, she said, “It’s getting pretty late. I’m going to my room for the night. If you’d like, I can pull out the third tape for you tomorrow morning.”
Her slippery hands caressing her firm breasts, Cathy replied, “Mmmmmmmmmmm, sounds good....”
“Goodnight,” Monica said as she backed out of the kitchen, barely waiting for Cathy’s soft reply.
She dashed to her room and pulled the door closed behind her. She turned the TV on, trying to find something to watch to take her mind off of the horny blonde in the kitchen. Surfing the channels in vain, looking for something even mildly entertaining, her eyes drifted over to her private video collection. After a brief internal debate, she took out one of her own homemade tapes, which one of her slaves took of her being serviced by Vikki in her skimpy maid’s uniform. She quickly stripped naked and began fingering herself, transposing in her mind the redhead on the tape for the blonde in the kitchen.
She was so caught up in her own desire that she failed to notice that the door to her room didn’t latch properly, and that it was open a crack. She also didn’t notice the naked blonde kneeling behind that crack, watching her. She didn’t hear Cathy moan softly as she drove two fingers in and out of her dripping wet cunt. She didn’t know that Cathy was staring transfixed at her writhing naked body, trying to summon up the courage to just enter the room and join her....