The Freeloader
part 5
by the Worm
* * *Monica slowly ate her breakfast the next morning, dejected. She just knew that Cathy was well aware of what was being done to her, and was extremely angry. ‘And she has every right to be,’ Monica thought. ‘After all, I am playing with her mind for my own selfish reasons. I’m surprised she hasn’t called the police!’ She slowly chewed her toast, lost in thought, failing to notice the nude blonde nervously peeking into the kitchen. ‘It must be because of our friendship. That’s the only reason I can think of. Oh, my God, what posessed me to try this with her? Was it sexual frustration, having her so close to me, but still so unattainable? Or was I just pissed off because she never cleans up after herself? Damn, I should never have let my emotions cloud my judgement like that. It’s the same thing I lecture my students about....’
She nearly gagged on her coffee as she suddenly remembered a lecture she was due to give that morning. She quickly looked at her watch, shocked to see how much time had passes while she was brooding. It was already quarter past seven. If she didn’t hurry, she was going to be late! After quickly wolfing down the last of her coffee, she slipped what was left of her eggs and ham between two slices of toast, so she could eat it on the run. In her haste to finish preparing to leave, she thought she heard Cathy’s door open and close. She quickly looked into the living room, but didn’t see anybody there. Dismissing it as her imagination, she quickly slipped on her coat, picked up her briefcase, grabbed her keys, and dashed for the elevator.
After she heard the front door close, Cathy slowly crept out of her bedroom, carrying a black video case. After making sure that Monica was, in fact, gone to work, she nervously walked over to the television. She slowly pulled the tape from the case and eased it into the VCR. She sat down on the couch, closed her eyes, and took slow, deep breaths, in an attempt to calm herself. Finally ready, she took the remote, reached up with a trembling hand, and pressed the “play” button. The wonderful graphics slowly eased her troubled mind, and she let all her fears, her worries, her conscious thoughts just slowly drift away....
Monica sat alone in her office later that morning, brooding. She was so lost in her own depressing thoughts, it took her almost ten minutes to notice Vikki’s soft knock on the door. After quickly making herself presentable, she allowed her assistant to enter.
“Yes, Vikki, is there something you wanted?”
Vikki nervously replied, “Well.... I know you’ve cleared your schedule for the rest of the day, and I was hoping.... I mean....”
Monica held her hand up to stop her before she could finish her answer. “I know what you’re getting back, Vikki. And I’m sorry, but I’m just... not in the mood today. I just wanted some time alone, to think, is all.”
Vikki nodded. “Yeah, that’s kinda what I figured. I just thought I could help you, y’know, take your mind off of whatever the problem is, that’s all. Look, I’ll be out her by the phone if you need me, ok?”
Monica thoughtfully watched the petite redhead meekly slip out of her office. ‘Oh, my God,’ she thought, ‘I can’t believe I haven’t considered how Vikki might feel. Sure, our relationship is almost purely sexual, but she’d still probably be hurt if I brought in a third party. Then again, it might not bother her at all. Hell, I’m not really sure where she goes at night. She could be married with two and a half kids, for all I know. Damn! Am I really that insensitive, I’m not even sure if the woman I’ve been using for my own pleasure the last few months is even married or not?”
The buzz of the intercom snapped her out of her self-deprecating funk. She hit the button and said, “Yes, Vikki, was there something else?”
The meek voice from the speaker replied, “Yeah, there was a phone call that came in during your lecture. I’m sorry, I forgot to give you the message.”
“That’s all right. Who called?”
The sound of rustling paper came through the intercom. “Someone named Cathy called looking for you. She said she was sorry about last night, she just panicked. She’ll talk to you about it later.”
Despite being startled at the news, it lightened Monica’s mood a little. In a surprisingly calm voice, she responded, “That’s good to hear. Did she say anything else?”
More paper rustling filtered through the line. “Yeah. Something about a tape she borrowed.”
Monica’s eyes widened in surprise. “What was that about a tape?”
More rustling. “She said she took the fourth tape. Why, is it important?”
“Ye.... No, no it’s not. Thank you, Vikki.”
“My pleasure, Ma’am.”
After hitting the release button on the intercom, Monica quickly opened her briefcase and rummaged through it. Sure enough, the fourth tape was missing. Pausing only for a moment, she picked up the phone and dialed her home number. It rang ten times, with no answer. Putting the phone back on the receiver, she sat back, pondering this new development.
‘No answer. Better give her about ten minutes or so, then try again. She must be watching the tape now. The one with all of the clips from my private tape collection. All of those images of bondage and domination being bueried deep in her subconscious mind. Hell, if it works like it should, she should be begging to be tied down by the time I get home tonight.’ She squirmed in her seat as she began to moisten between her legs. ‘I am surprised that she was so eager to watch the next tape, though. The was she was acting, I figured she’d be too scared to watch the tapes again. I guess the need to watch the tapes that I instilled must’ve overridden any fears she may have had. It’s definitely past the point of no return now. No choice now but to go all the way with it, and give her the final tape tomorrow. My God, it’ll just be a matter of days, now....’ Her hand slowly crept down between her gently parting thighs, her sense of guilt forgotten for the moment, as she imagined Cathy kneeling before her, begging to serve her....
Cathy woke up from her trance on the verge of a massive orgasm, with two fingers driving in and out of her dripping wet cunt, with a number of bizarre, kinky images flooding her mind. Images of leather restraints, of vinyl clothing, of whips and chains, of horny women submitting to a statuesque dominatrix. An oddly familiar dominatrix....
She was so wrapped up in her own lust, she almost didn’t hear the phone ring. Reluctantly pulling her hand away from her eager snatch, she reached over with slippery fingers and answered the phone. “Mmmmmmmmm.... Hello?” she softly purred into the receiver.
“Hi, Cathy.”
“Oh, Hi there, Monica!”
“Where’ve you been? I’ve tried to call there four times already.”
“Oh, sorry about that. I’ve been... distracted today.”
Monica chuckled. “Yeah, I imagine you have. I understand that you’ve been watching the next tape.”
“Uhhh... yeah, I have,” Cathy stammered. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
“Oh, don’t worry, Cathy, I’m not mad,” Monica replied. Cathy noticeably relaxed, and her hand slid back to her eager clit, almost of its own volition. Smiling as she heard the blonde’s soft moans of pleasure, Monica added, “I am a little surprised, though. Especially after what happened last night....”
“Mmmmmmmmmm.... Sorry about that. I guess I panicked, all these new... mmmmmmmmmm... new thoughts and feelings... uuuuuhhhhhhh... that I’ve been having lately....”
“Nice to know you’re not upset with me or anything,” Monica replied, her own hand slowly creeping under the waistband of her skirt.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I could never be upset with you, Monica... uhhhhhhhhmmmmm.... Listen, can we... mmmmmmmmmmmm... can we talk about it when you get back? The tape just... uhhhhhhmmmmnnn... just stopped rewinding.”
“Okay,” Monica said with a smile. “We’ll talk later. Enjoy the tape! ‘Bye.”
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm... ‘bye....” Cathy hung up the phone and picked up the remote. Her finger circled her swollen clit as she turned the tape back on, her pleasure building and building as she felt herself slowly floating away....
Vikki busily sorted the papers on her desk, in a vain attempt to keep her mind off of how horny she was feeling. Her thoughts kept drifting back to the many times she and Monica had had sex over the past week. It made her pussy wet, knowing how much she pleased her Mistress these last few days, and following Monica’s kinky orders excited her in a way that her boyfriend never could. Yes, her little fling with her boss was defintiely the most intense purely sexual relationship of her life, and it didn’t matter to her if Monica had one slave or one hundred, as long as Vikki was allowed to please her in any way she could.
‘It’s too bad she’s so depressed today,’ she thought, ‘I’m really in the mood for a good fuck right now. Maybe even a good spanking, I’ve been really naughty lately. I figured that phone message might’ve cheered her up a bit, but if she hasn’t called me in by now....’
The buzzing of the intercom snapped her train of thought. Almost automatically, she hit the button and said, “Yes, Professor? Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Yes, Vikki, as a matter of fact, there is. Are you alone in the front office?”
The redhead practically squealed with delight. She quickly glanced around to make sure nobody was standing around the corner, then answered, “No, Ma’am, there isn’t.”
Monica moaned audibly over the line. In a husky, throaty voice, she said, “In that case, you horny little bitch, lock the door, crawl in here on your hands and knees, and beg me to allow you the honour of tasting my glorious cunt.”
Vikki shivered with lust. ‘God,’ she thought, ‘I love it when she talks to me like that!’ Barely able to compose herself, she happily responded, “Yes, Mistress. I’m here to serve you.” She quickly turned off the intercom, activated the voice mail, locked the front door, and sank to her knees, crawling eagerly towards the wonderful nectar between her Mistress’s thighs.
It was almost ten o’clock that night by the time Monica finally wandered home. She and Vikki had explored each other’s bodies with fingers and tongues and numerous toys and objects for the rest of the afternoon, and much of the early evening, before finally tiring each other out and reluctantly parting. After they each parted ways for the night, Monica stopped for a quick bite to eat, and then visited her favourite lingere shop, to pick out a little “present” for Cathy. She quickly looked at the package in her building’s elevator, hoping that she remembered Cathy’s size properly. She put it away again, figuring that if it wasn’t, she could always get one properly fitted later on. She got off of the elevator at her floor, idly wondering what Cathy’s reaction to today’s tape would be as she slid her key into the lock.
The apartment was dark, except for the light from the television. Monica quickly looked at the screen, watching herself from over a year ago, dressed in black vinyl, grinding her crotch into the face of a waif-like blonde wearing a leash, who had her hands tied tightly behind her back. The only things that told her it wasn’t one of her own private tapes was the psychadelic afterimage superimposed over the scene, and her own voice in a sultry sultry whisper, saying, “She loves being treated like a slut... It excites her to be my bitch.... Serving her Mistress arouses her....” She tore her eyes away from the screen, and looked over to the couch. Cathy was sitting up straight, completely nude, her glazed eyes glued to the screen, her right hand slowly stroking between her widespread thighs.
After drinking in this incredibly arousing sight, Monica reluctantly went into her own bedroom. Quickly dropping her package and throwing off her clothes, she jumped into her bed and practically attacked her own eager pussy with her fingers. She couldn’t believe how horny she was, so soon after she and Vikki fucked each other mercilessly. Just the sight of her gorgeous blonde roommate, naked, entranced, and aroused, and the knowledge of what it would lead to, turned her on more than any sight she’d ever seen. It only took her a few minutes to bring herself to a massive, shudering orgasm, and within ten minutes she was well on her way to another one.
She was so caught up in her own desire, she didn’t notice her door slowly creep open and Cathy nervously walk into the room. The tape had just finished, and the overstimulated blonde heard Monica’s lusty moans from the living room and was just drawn to them like a siren’s call. Cathy walked over to the bed and knelt down, just inches away from Monica’s writhing body and moving closer, no longer able to resist her desires.
Monica was on the verge of orgasm when she felt a wonderful sensation on her right breast. Looking down, she saw a blonde head gently bobbing on her chest, and felt Cathy’s tongue slowly gliding over her hard, eager nipple. The wonderful sight sent her over the edge. Her hips bucked sharply off of the bed as she fingered herself wildly through a violent, screeching orgasm, her hands coated with her own hot juices. After finally coming down from her orgasmic high, she looked up at Cathy with a combination of surprise and desire. “C-Cathy, wh-what are you...” she stammered, before the blonde held a finger to her lips to silence her.
With a wavering voice, Cathy said, “No more words, Monica. Just shut up and make love to me. I want... no, I NEED to make love to you right now. Tonight.” She bent down to kiss Monica’s left nipple. “No whips.” She kissed her right one. “No chains.” She kissed the nape of her neck. “No mistress, no slave.” She kissed her chin. “Just you and me, making love to each other, the way it used to be.” She kissed Monica’s lips softly, and looked at her with pleading eyes. “Please?”
One look into the blonde’s eyes, and Monica couldn’t resist. She softly pulled Cathy’s face down, and kissed her passionately. Their lips parted, and their tongues intertwined. Cathy slipped into the bed with Monica, and their naked bodies seemed to melt together. Breast pressed against breast, hips grinding together softly, their passion mounted with each teasing touch and gentle caress. They made love for hours, their tongues and fingers exploring every inch of each other with more passion than they ever had before, bringing each other to one wonderful orgasm after another, each one more explosive than the last. Finally exhausting each other, they rested and cuddled, finally drifting off to sleep in each other’s arms....