Synopsis: A hot MILF and her luckless husband check into the Glamity Bay Island Resort for a vacation filled with sun and sand. Instead she becomes addicted to the giant black island cocks they both become addicted to a mind bending fuck drug called Sinsemilla Diablo, or Devil’s Weed.
Author: Comments are welcome.
Fuck Weed is a work of adult fiction and contains sexually explicit material that some may find offensive. It is meant for persons over the age of 18 and is not suitable for children.
All characters contained within are purely fictional, any similarity of any character, event or place to any actual person, event or place, is purely coincidental.
The author reserves all rights to this work. It may be freely distributed, posted and archived electronically only in its entirety including all header material. It may not be sold in whole or in any part, or as part of an electronic document, printed material, voice recording or any other manner without proper copyright clearances being obtained from the author.
Fuck Weed
Chapter 5 – Hold Your Breath and Dive In
Chase awoke to the sun streaming in through the open curtains blasting into his aching head. It took him a few moments to remember where he was and to orient himself. He sat up quickly to see if Mindy had made it home last night, and regretted it as his head pounded. Still, he was happy to see that his wife was indeed sprawled next to him on the bed, barely covered by the sheet, one arm hanging over the side. He shuffled into the bathroom to pee, his cock and balls aching from overwork. He looked at his bleary reflection in the mirror before heading back out to the bedroom.
By the time he returned Mindy had sprawled out across the bed, her legs spread wide. Chase couldn’t believe it, but there was still cum leaking out from her pussy, and her body and hair had dried cum everywhere. Chase wasn’t sure whether to throw up, cry, or laugh.
Instead, he looked over at the clock to see what time it was. Crap, they were signed up for the snorkeling trip today, and they had to be at the dock in an hour!
“Wake up honey! We need to get moving if we want to catch the boat! I’ll hop in the shower! You get woken up!”
Chase dashed into the shower and hopped under the cool spray, not waiting for it to heat up. He quickly washed himself, being gentle between his legs, and jumped out to quickly dry himself.
“OK Mindy, I’m done!” He called out from the bathroom, “I left the shower on for you, come on!”
But Mindy didn’t arrive. He quickly donned one of the provided robes and went to wake his wife up. After some gentle prodding, and some not so gentle nudging, Chase pulled his wife upright to finally wake her. She stared at him through groggy eyes and mumbled something.
“Come on honey, we need to get going to make the boat, and you need to, um, well you need to get washed up a little.”
Chase was able to drag Mindy to the shower, leaving her with the water washing over her face. He quickly dressed in a bathing suit and shirt. Looking at the clock he stuck his head into the bathroom again to find Mindy slowly waking up and getting washed.
“I know, I’m up, I’m up.” She mumbled looking at him through half closed eyes. “Why don’t you go ahead and get them to hold the boat. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“OK, but hurry, we don’t want to miss this, I hear it’s unbelievable.”
Chase headed out the door, still not awake himself, and headed toward the dock. It was early, so there were very few people up and about. He had the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the resort. The paths were shaded by the huge growths of trees and plants, and the ubiquitous Kali flowers provided both beauty and a pleasant smell everywhere that lifted his spirits. Chase wondered about the transformation he was seeing in his wife. Prior to Glamity Bay they hadn’t never smoked drugs, their sex life was sparse at best, and Mindy had the same racist opinion of blacks that her father did. Now it seemed like neither of them could wait to spark up the Sinsemilla and Mindy couldn’t control herself around a big black cock. And even stranger, Chase didn’t seem to mind all that much. Maybe he was just too stoned to get upset about anything. He hoped things would return to normal once they got home, or at least more normal, he hoped Mindy retained some of her new found libido for him to enjoy.
Chase found himself standing on the path thinking when he suddenly realized he had walked all the way to the dock. Tied up there was a large sport cabin cruiser with a large open area in the back covered by a bright blue canvas top, a big enclosed cabin with a small pilot enclosure at the top, and an expansive deck on the front. The boat looked more like a luxury yacht belonging on the Riviera than something for a snorkeling daytrip. Standing in the shade on the back were a young woman and an older man. Chase made his way along the dock to the boat.
“Hi there, I hope you’re not ready to leave just yet.” Chase called out as he got closer. “I’m really sorry, but my wife is running a little slow this morning, she was, uh…”
“Up all night partying with our well endowed hosts.” The older man finished Chase’s sentence for him with a hearty laugh. The man was older, probably in his late fifties or early sixties. Scraggly grey hair blew in the morning breeze on the top of his balding head. He wore a loud Hawaiian shirt that covered his big belly and his small nylon swimsuit. “Welcome to the waiting club. All the female members of my party are in the same sorry state this morning. Hi, I’m Stuart Hinnigar, call me Stu.”
Chase laughed with relief and shook hands with the older man. “I’m Chase.” He turned to the young lady and shook her hand too. The girl was petite and blonde, she wore a light windbreaker and a small white bikini top that enhanced her small taut breasts rather than hiding them. On the bottom she wore a matching white bikini that complimented her firm tanned thighs.
“Welcome Chase, and don’t worry, I’ve been doing this for months now and I think we’ve actually left on time about three times.” She laughed as she bent down and picked up a tray to offer Chase a muffin. Chase happily took one; Stu helped himself to two. “I’m Jesse; I’ll be your hostess today, and your dive leader. Our Captain, and fantastic lunch time chef, will be Big Al. Make yourself at home; I’m sure we’ll be pushing off within the half hour, well, with any luck.”
She put the tray back down on the small table as the two men sat down. Chase couldn’t help but look at the young blonde’s firm ass as she bent down. As she stood back up to face the men Chase quickly looked away hoping she didn’t catch his stare.
“Oh, don’t you worry Chase, you can look all you want.” She slid the jacket off her shoulders and showed off her firm athletic build. “I don’t wear these bikinis to hide my body. We’re all adults here, and I love having you boys looking at my body, makes me feel special. Now is there anything else I can get you boys for now?”
Stu cleared his throat and motioned as if he were smoking a joint.
“Now Stu, you know the rules, no Sinsemilla until after the snorkeling. We don’t want you so stoned you swim into a shark’s mouth.” She scolded jokingly. “I have muffins, coffee, fruit juice, and Mimosa.”
“Well, two Mimosas then,” Stu said with mock disappointment. “and one for Chase here too. You know it’s not fair, I don’t even snorkel, so I should be able to smoke my head off all day.”
Jesse gave Stu a quick kiss on the cheek. “You really should try snorkeling, you would love it.”
“I’ll just stay on the boat and watch your ass bobbing in the water.” He retorted reaching out to playfully spank her ass. Jesse giggled and danced just out of his reach. “Have a seat boy, the girls are going to be a while, trust me.”
Chase took a seat in the shade and happily stuffed his face while sipping on the light Champaign and orange juice cocktail. Stuart explained that he was here with his wife, daughter, and ex wife.
“Part of our divorce settlement states that I have to bring my ex here at least twice a year, well, I don’t have to bring her technically, but why not come along for the fun.” He laughed out loud. “This year she made me bring our daughter. That took a lot of getting used to with what goes on here, but what the fuck huh?”
A beautiful young blonde climbed aboard the boat. She was a pretty and petite woman in her late twenties or early thirties. Her face was mostly hidden behind big black sunglasses and a broad hat. She was dressed in a pair of pink warm up pants and matching zipper front jacket. The jacket seemed to be in imminent danger of bursting as it tried to restrain her very large breasts.
“And of course, how can I not bring by beautiful wife: Tabitha.” Stu gestured to Chase. “Tabs, this is Chase. He and his wife are doing the cruise today too. Did you have a good evening?”
Tabitha waved at Chase and smiled. “Pleased to meet you Chase, and I’m looking forward to meeting your wife too.” She reached down and plucked the remaining Mimosa Stuart’s fat hand. “And yes, I had quite an overstimulating time last night, thank you.”
The top heavy blonde stepped over into the sun and pulled off her track suit to reveal a tight athletic body and her huge breasts wrapped only in a tiny string bikini and thong. She pulled out a bottle of suntan oil, poured some onto her hand and started to spread it over her body. The oil glistened in the sunlight showing off her smooth tanned skin. With her skin literally dripping with oil she grabbed a chocolate iced donut, kissed her husband on the cheek and trotted off to the front of the boat. “I’m going to lie in the sun and snooze honey, see you later.”
Chase was painfully aware of his aching cock trying to harden in his pants. He tried not to stare at the beautiful blonde, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her pneumatic breasts, and her tight ass as she walked away. He tried to at least look like he wasn’t watching, but Stuart wasn’t fooled.
“Eh, go ahead and look. Why do you think I married her anyway?” He said with a laugh.
“I thought it was to get away from your ugly old shrew of a wife.” A pretty brunette interjected as she stepped off the deck onto the boat. She was a perfect example of what Chase thought of when he heard the term ‘Cougar’. “Hi honey, Brittney is on her way, she should only be a few minutes. Hi, I’m Stu’s ex-wife Kathy.”
Chase smiled, introduced himself, and shook her extended hand. The woman was obviously a little older, probably in her forties, but she was absolutely captivating. Her dark tanned skin was taut over her slim athletic body. Dressed only in a black bikini that showed off her small firm breasts, shapely ass, and firm legs, her dark hair spilled over a visor and framed her lightly freckled face.
“Kathy made me all my money, well, most of my money.” Stu explained, “Her brains and my salesmanship made us both quite comfortable. We didn’t do so well on the whole marriage thing though.”
“He kept fucking the help.” Kathy interjected wryly. “And the neighbor’s daughter, oh wait, you married her didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I was an ass.” Stu admitted shaking his head. “I do love Tabitha, but I can’t seem to remember why I cheated on Kathy in the first place. Well, we’re probably better friends now than when we were married, and she got her revenge in the end too.”
“I did.” She giggled. “I introduced his wife to the joys of Kali, and a foot long black cock, and this year I brought our along daughter to show her the joys of a huge black cock too. I know it drives him nuts. But he kind of likes it when I make his pretty little trophy wife eat my pussy. Nice to meet you Chase, and I’ll see you later honey.”
A few minutes later Mindy arrived trailed by a pretty young teenage girl, both carried big paper coffee cups. Mindy was dressed in the long sleeved dress shirts Chase had packed just in case he needed it. It covered her partway down to her thighs. Her hair was tied back into a short ponytail pulled out the back of a baseball hat and her eyes covered by a dark pair of Ray Bans. She slumped down in the shade and gobbled down a muffin as Chase introduced her to Stuart.
“We met in the coffee line.” She said indicating the young woman. “I’m sorry; I’m really tired this morning. I was out, um, late last night.” She explained in between bites.
“And this is my pride and joy Brittney.” Stuart said proudly introducing his daughter. “Isn’t she beautiful?”
“Daaad, stop.” She protested turning away a little. She was hidden under an oversized T-shirt that reached all the way down to her knees. Her long light brown hair was protected by a large floppy hat and her face blocked by giant oval white sunglasses that made her look a little like some alien bug. The only hint that she was her father’s daughter was her slightly prominent nose and very full lips coated in bright pink lip gloss. She plopped down next to Mindy and started tossing a donut down. “He always likes to embarrass me.”
Jesse climbed down the ladder from the pilothouse, took a peak around the front of the boat before speaking quietly into a portable radio. The boat’s engine rumbled to life under the deck.
“Well, we’re all aboard. We’ll cast off in a few minutes so relax and enjoy the cruise. We’ll be at our private atoll in about an hour. If there is anything you need, just let me know.”
Chase couldn’t stop staring at her shapely ass as she climbed the deck ladder in her tight bathing suit. Mindy noticed her husband staring at the young woman and stood up in a huff. She undid the front of the shirt and slipped it off revealing her bare breasts and white thong. Pouring the oil into her hand she applied the sunscreen to her body, taking plenty of time to work it into her breasts aware of the two men’s rapt attention.
“Well, I guess I’ll join the other girls up front since you’re too busy watching the tour guide’s ass.” She said with an acidic tone walking around the side of the cabin. Chase felt his erection shrivel at the comment as he watched his wife make her way up front.
Brittney stood up and followed the older woman around front. “Well, um, see ya later. Have fun together.” She mumbled.
“Well, I’m going to try and nap until we get there, good to meet you, I’ll see you in a while.” Chase said standing.
“See you later, better get your rest, you’ll need it.” Stu said with a smile.
Chase went into the cabin and lay down on one of the sectional couches set into the side of the boat’s hull and dozed off in moments. He stirred awake to the sound of someone else in the cabin. He quietly turned his head and cracked open his eye. Across the cabin sat Brittney in her white bikini patterned with little purple skulls. She had been out in the sun and her skin glowed from the tanning oil, the smell of Kali drifted in the air.
The teenager took off her hat and glasses and adjusted the little white ear buds on her music player. When she appeared comfortable she started exploring her body with her pink manicured fingers. She first started teasing her hard nipples through the thin bikini top. Her breathing started to deepen as became more aroused. Pulling the triangles of material to the side she began to pinch and pull on her distended nipples, little noises of pleasure slipping from her full lips. Cupping her pert breasts she would slide her oiled hands until her fingers pulled her nipples tight. Sliding one hand down she slipped her fingers under her bikini and started sliding them over her clit.
Chase’s cock was hard against his stomach, pressed against his bathing suit. He dared not move for fear of startling the pretty teenage girl. He felt guilty watching her masturbate, but she was just too hot for him not to. Besides, at this stage the damage was done, he’d started already.
Brittney slid two fingers into her tight little pussy eliciting a gasp of pleasure as her finger’s brushed her sensitive G-spot. She started moaning as her fingers worked in and out of her pussy. Her movements got faster as she approached an orgasm, her breath short, little whimperes of pleasure catching in her throat. Suddenly a quiet gasp and groan emanated from her as she came, her body jerking as she shoved her fingers deep. Her body shivered tensely for a minute as she enjoyed the orgasm.
Unsteady on her feet she pulled her bikini bottom off and sat back down, leaning back on the pillows. Making herself comfortable she pulled her knees up, giving Chase a perfect view of her pink pussy. He felt a warm load of pre-cum drooled out of his cock as it tensed against his belly. He did his best not to move or make a noise.
The brown haired teenager slid her two middle fingers deep into her pussy and moaned again with pleasure. She began rubbing her erect clit with her other hand. Her slim hips pushed her pussy against her hand as she slid her fingers faster and faster. Within minutes she was gasping for breath and moaning loudly without regard to whether anyone heard her. Her sweat covered body quivered and tensed as she worked to bring herself over the edge. Finally she let out a long quiet squeal of ecstasy as she came, her body spasmed and her hips gyrated. She pulled her fingers out of her dripping snatch and brought her hand to her mouth, dripping her juices onto her waiting tongue. As she came down from her orgasmic high she ran her hands over her body mixing her juices with the oil on her skin.
Chase pretended to sleep while Brittney pulled her bikini bottoms back on and adjusted her top. But instead of sitting back down or walking away she walked right over to Chase. She reached down and grabbed his erection as it stuck out of the waistband of his bathing suit. Pulling it free she stroked it with her oiled hand sending shivers of pleasure through his body. The sensation of her hand moving up and down his hard shaft was driving him wild; he pushed his hips forward trying to hump her hand. A few more seconds and this underage beauty would to make him cum.
“You silly man.” She said with a mischievous grin. “You could have fucked me and then filled me with your cum, I wanted you to. Why do you think I came here to get off instead of just doing it on deck with the others? But instead you decided to pretend you were asleep so you could peep at me, like some scuzzy pervert.”
With that Brittney let go of Chase’s throbbing cock. Super sensitive he franticly writhed and humped the air. His balls cramped as his cock slapped against his belly. He stroked the sensitive head of his cock, but could tell that he couldn’t make himself cum.
“Please, don’t …” He moaned in pain as she started to walk away, her slim hips swaying in her bikini.
“Oh? What’s the matter?” She said turning and putting a hand on her hip. “Can’t get off on your own?” She slowly walked back over and sat down on the seat beside Chase. She reached over as if to take his erection in her hand but paused just before touching it.
“Gee mister. You have a pretty big cock for a white guy.” She mused innocently while poking at his swollen drooling cockhead with her finger. Chase groaned with pleasure at that simple touch. “I bet you would just love to get your hands on this young, illegal teenage body wouldn’t you?” She traced a circle around the bottom of the head, her finger slick with his pre-cum.
Chase could only moan and nod. He couldn’t help but stare lasciviously at the young woman’s tight body. Her long hair splayed down over her soft shoulders. Her firm young breasts were accentuated by the thin white straps holding together the translucently thin white and purple material. Chase could clearly see her hard dark nipples pressed against the gauzy material. His eyes followed the slim line of her body, down over her slim abdomen, her skin moist with tanning oil, and down to the dark triangle of her pussy showing through the tiny g-string.
“You dirty old man!” Brittney said with an evil smile. “You totally want to bone me don’t you?” She taunted him, taking his cock on her hand, slowly sliding her hand up and down over the knob of his cockhead covering it with the cum oozing from its tip. She watched as he started breathing heavier and started to moan. “You love having a teenager stroking your cock, what a perv! You should be arrested! How can you lay there and let a teenager jack you off, don’t you have a daughter around my age?”
Chase moaned louder, he was going to cum. But the pretty teen let go of his cock just a moment before he reached his climax. He groaned, humping the air, his cock jerking, trying to will himself over the edge, but only resulting in more discomfort and a single drool of cum on his stomach.
“Oh, so close, you almost came didn’t you?” she taunted as she again took his cock in her hand and stroked the hard shaft. “You really want to fuck me don’t you? You really want to fuck a sixteen year old girl. You really want to fuck a young girl just like your own teenage daughter.”
Chase groaned, he was so close to cumming, and her hand sliding up and down his hard shaft felt so good. Her pretty young face and dirty mouth was making him uncontrollably hump her hand. His cock strained at her touch while his eyes roved her body. He felt himself slide over the edge and started to ejaculate.
The seductive teen let go of his cock, ruining his orgasm again. He cried out in pain as his cock refused to erupt, spasming, it shot one single spurt onto his chest. Brittney examined his jerking cock with an amused smile.
“Wow, look at that thing bounce. It looks really uncomfortable.” She took pleasure in watching him start when she would touch his cock. She would touch the cockhead or gently slide a finger along the shaft watching him tense and hump at the sensation.
“Ok, so here’s the thing mister. I’m horny. And, as the whole fucking world can see, you’re horny too.” She started to take off her bikini. First pulling off the tiny top and teasing her already hard nipples, closing her eyes with pleasure. She then slowly pulled off her bottoms before standing before him, her legs slightly spread. “So you probably can’t think of anything else in the world right now other than sliding your big hard cock into my tight wet little teenage pussy and filling me up with your yummy cum. I mean right? You totally want to fuck my brains out.”
Chad’s head was spinning. He stroked his hard cock looking at the nubile young woman and wanted nothing more than to fuck her as hard as he could. “But your Dad, and Mother, I mean both of them, they’re right outside…”
Brittney laughed out loud. “Um, yeah. My Dad is just interested in getting blasted and watching tail. He sure didn’t care who I fucked on this trip so far. He might even be happy that you’re white, and that you don’t have like a ten foot cock that’ll ruin me forever or something.” She went to the front of the cabin and pressed the button that slowly raised the blinds covering the front windows. The slim teen knelt on the seat, her legs spread enough to expose her pussy, and leaned on the chair back to look out the window. She turned around and beckoned Chase over. “Come over here and see what my Moms are doing and you tell me if they give a fuck.”
Chase slowly stood up, his hard cock aching in his hand as he stroked it, and looked at the teen. His body literally shook looking at her exposed pussy, moist with her excited juices, her delicate pink labia parted slightly as if to invite his entry. He knelt down just behind her, painfully aware of the proximity of his cock to her warm entrance. He turned to look out the window and was shocked to see his wife’s naked ass in the window.
“See what I mean Daddy? They’re only interested in getting their own rocks off.” Brittney said offhandedly. “It looks like your wife is getting off on it too. My real Mom has a real knack for getting other women to go lesbo and do almost anything for her. My new Mom? Well, she’s just really fucking horny, why do you think my Dad married her? Well, that and she’s totally hot.”
Chase stared in disbelief at his wife as she knelt on her hands and knees with her face between Kathy’s tanned thighs. The other woman had both hands gripping Mindy’s hair, holding her face pressed against her pussy as she cried out in pleasure. Tabitha stood leaning against the rail while their pretty blonde host, Jesse, fucked her with a huge black vibrator. Tabitha looked over and waved at her daughter despite being nearly overwhelmed with pleasure from the huge vibrator that was being expertly wielded by the other woman.
“Might as well take advantage Daddy.” The seductive teen said in a little girl voice as she moved over a little to brush Chase’s cock with her ass. Chase moaned and started rubbing his cock against her ass. “That’s it Daddy, it’s OK, you can fuck me. Fuck me Daddy, just like you would fuck your little girl back home if you had the balls.”
Chase moved a little closer, looking down at her slim body and tight ass, and rubbed his cock against her ass, his pre-cum lubricating his hard shaft as it slid against her skin. Brittney shifted to make his cock slide between the cheeks of her ass. Her moan of pleasure as his cock brushed against her pink asshole drove him to grab her slim waist and rub his cock along her warm valley.
Brittney responded and pushed back against him, a purr of pleasure coming from her lips. “Oh yes Daddy, that’s what I want. Put it in my pussy Daddy, fuck me, fuck your little girl, make me cream Daddy!”
“I can’t. You’re too young!” Chase said, he needed so much to fuck the slutty teenager, but everything in him screamed that she was too young; he was taking advantage of a young girl. “Please, just let me cum.”
There was no way the horny teen was going to let him have all the fun. She quickly grabbed his erection and slid it between her thighs so that now Chase was sliding his eight hard inches against her wet pussy and along her smooth belly. The sensation of his cock sliding through her thick pubic hair drove him to hump her harder, unable to stop.
“No Daddy, you have to fuck your little girl. I really want your big hard cock in my little teen pussy.” She begged in her soft high voice before reverting back to her regular tenor. “You love the way my cunt hair feels on your cock, don’t you. That hair tells you that I’m an adult female ready to fuck. You know you can’t stop yourself; it’s only a matter of time. Just fuck me!”
“No, I can’t!” Chase groaned in pain and need. He couldn’t stop humping her like some dog in heat. With each empty thrust he could feel his shaft getting wet from her pussy. She kept maneuvering her body until finally the tip of his cock nestled between her slick labia and into her. Chase froze, afraid to move, still, intellectually at least, not wanting to fuck a teenage girl that was about the same age as his daughter.
“Do it!” she hissed as she pushed herself onto his cock crying “Fuck me Daddy! Fuck me!”
The warm wet feeling of his cockhead slipping into her tight pussy was too much to bear forcing Chase to push deeper into her body. It didn’t matter how old she was at this stage. She was old enough to fuck his mind screamed as he relished the sensation of her tight hot canal squeezing his hard cock. He slammed his cock in as deep as he could as Brittney screamed out in ecstasy. He fucked her so hard that he was literally shoving her light body onto his cock, throwing the young girl back and forth on the seat.
“Oh fuck!” she cried out at the ferocity of his pounding. She was so overwhelmed that she climaxed almost instantly. “Fuck yeah, pound me Daddy, make me cum! Make your little girl cum all over your big hard cock!”
This in turn brought Chase finally over the edge. He started to cum in her tight pussy before he realized what was happening. He pumped and pumped into her slim body making her cum harder in response to his filling her with his semen. Suddenly he realized what he was doing, cumming inside a 16 year old girl, and pushed her off his spurting cock. She quickly turned around in shock getting a splash of cum right in the face.
“No fuckin’ way! Gimme your cum!” She cried diving in front of him and shoving his cock into her eager mouth. She jerked his cock with both hands as he ejaculated into her sweet warm mouth. As his spasms subsided she swallowed his last load and smiled her eyes glassy from the effects of the Sinsemilla in his cum.
“Mmmm, yummy cum Daddy.” She teased him while stroking his cock, keeping him hard. Chase knew that she wasn’t done with him yet. “But you didn’t put enough cum into your little girl’s pussy.”
Chase sat back on the cushions. “I can’t, you’re really too young, I don’t want to cum in your pussy, I mean I do, but it’s wrong.” He groaned with pleasure as her small warm hands firmly worked his hard cock. Pre-cum leaked from the swollen head that she licked as it dripped down.
“But how can it be wrong to fuck a nice tight teenage body like mine Daddy?” she purred as she straddled his body, rubbing her course dark bush against the underside of his cock. “I mean if you really don’t want to fuck me like your little girl you can just get up and leave.”
Chase couldn’t get up and leave though. He was entirely entranced by the sexually aggressive teenager who rubbed up against his cock. He was so horny that he had no control over the situation or himself. He looked up out the window to see that he and the girl were the center of attention. Both Brittney’s mother and step mother smiled with approval while they worked on Mindy with well oiled hands and the big black dildo. His wife, on the other hand, was not smiling as she writhed uncontrollably on her hands and knees. She was clearly displeased at seeing her husband fucking the young girl. She was trying to yell something at Chase, but her mouth froze in an open ‘oh’ of pleasure as she was overcome by a crushing orgasm.
“See, you can’t resist a tight… nubile… young… wet… willing… teenage… pussy.” She enunciated each word slowly and carefully as she mounted his hard cock and slid down over it. “Now I’m going to fuck you until you fill my pussy with your cum.”
Her pussy felt so tight and warm as it surrounded Chase’s cock that he couldn’t help but groan and push deeper. He grabbed the soft firm flesh of her ass as she slowly fucked him. Her breath grew deeper and tiny little noises of pleasure.
“Oh yes, fuck me Daddy.” She moaned, feeling his cock tighten in her pussy. “Your cock feels so big in me.”
Chase looked back up at the window to see his wife crying in ecstasy against the boat’s window. He looked back up at the pretty young teen riding his hard cock. Enthralled by her long brown hair bouncing on her shoulders he let go of any resistance he felt and enjoyed the sensation of her taut body on his cock. Her pace quickened and then became erratic as she neared an orgasm. Chase reached up to feel her firm small breasts as the jiggled.
Brittney let out a long keening cry of ecstasy as she collapsed onto his chest, her body writhing as she came hard. She buried her head in his chest, the scent of her hair filling his senses, as her pussy contracted on his cock.
“Oh fuck Daddy yes!” She cried, her face pressed against him. “Cum in my pussy Daddy, oh fuck! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Gimme your cum Daddy!”
Chase groaned as his cock tensed and started to pump the teen full of his cum. With each ejaculation he felt her shiver, her pussy tighten, until she started to cum again. Her entire body shook as she clung to him, holding him tightly, slowly milking his cock with her tight pussy.
Lying on top of him for several minutes after their mutual climax she began to slowly writhe, his softening cock still sitting in her pussy. “Oh god yes…” she moaned, “I can feel your cum in me. I’m getting so fucked up Daddy. Yessssssss, oh god it’s good…”
Her young voice whimpering as the drug in his cum started to overwhelm her made Chase’s cock start to harden again, slowly impaling itself into her dripping pussy.
“I knew I’d find her in here!” Jesse said brightly as she popped into the cabin. She was still wearing her white bikini, but glistened with the suntan oil. “I think she’s probably had just about enough for the time being. She walked over and helped the cum-drunk teen up off Chase’s hard cock.
“Whoa, fuck that’s good.” The pretty teen mumbled drunkenly as Jesse sent her out the door, bikini in hand. She turned around and stopped for a moment, swaying, and smiled at Chase. “You are a perv Daddy. But I like your cum, thanks for the fuck.”
Jesse watched her leave before sitting down next to Chase. Suddenly nervous he tried to explain what had happened, but Jesse shook her head. “Hey, don’t worry, that’s kinda what we’re all about here. I mean that and the fantastic snorkeling you’ll see in about 5 minutes when we arrive. I have to check with the captain, are you going to be OK?”
Chase looked down at his hard cock. He was so horny and his cock still ached. Still, he tried to put a good face on it. “Oh, um, I’m sure I’ll be fine. It’ll probably go down on its own in a few minutes.”
“Tell you what…” Jesse said as she got down on her knees in front of him. Chase’s cock twitched at the sight of her kneeling before him. “I kind of pulled her away mid fuck. I suppose it’s not fair to leave you like this.”
She took his erection in her hand and started stroking it. Her glistening pink lips inches from his swollen cockhead. “Why don’t you cum in my mouth.”
Chase groaned as his cock started to spew the moment she wrapped her lips around his cock. The petite blonde calmly swallowed every drop. Without comment she stood up and tossed Chase a towel. He could see her eyes glazing over as his cum took effect.
“Brittney was right.” Jesse said with a grin. “It is fucking good cum. Oh, and you want to wear a bathing suit. The fish might bite your cock off thinking it’s another fish. See you topside in a few minutes.”
Chase watched her leave, drawn to her slim shapely ass as it moved in the tiny bikini. The boat motor slowed as he pulled on his swim trunks and climbed out into the bright daylight.
The boat was pulling up on a long deck that jutted out into the protected bay of a small island. At the end of the dock was a large area covered by a white pergola. There were a number of deck chairs placed about, ladders into the water and some cabinets that held towels and snorkeling gear. The boat was mooring behind the platform along the long dock that led to the beach.
On the beach Chase could see a soft white beach lined with loungers and umbrellas. Behind that was a large covered gazebo with comfortable couches and ottomans all loosely arranged around a semi circular dining bar that overlooks the small kitchen.
“OK folks!” came a booming voice with an island accent. An old black man came slowly walking around from the front of the boat. What little scraggly hair he had was grey and a brightly colored shirt covered his sizable gut much like Stuart. “You folks can go ashore whenever you are ready. Oh, and by the way, if you need anything, I’m Big Al. Go have fun and I’ll be cookin’ up a tasty spread.“
Chase found Mindy putting her bikini back on. She looked up at him and scowled at him.”Well, aren’t you the fucking pervert. I can’t believe you fucked that little girl!”
“Me?” Chase was getting a little mad at being called out by his wife, especially since he was feeling guilty about it himself. “First of all, she’s sixteen and she’s the one that cornered me, it’s not like you were helping me out with my erection. And second, it wasn’t me fucking those teenage boys all last night was it?”
Mindy started to say something but then thought better of it. “Well, maybe. But fuck Chase, she’s so fucking young and you’re old enough to be her fucking father.” She stamped off the boat and over to Jesse, who was handing out snorkeling gear to the girls.
“She’ll get over it.” Stuart said clapping Chase on the shoulder.
“Oh, fuck, Stu. Listen, I’m really sorry…” Chase started, trying to think up some way to apologize to the father of the teenager he had just fucked.
“Don’t worry about it boy, there’s no hard feelings.” Stu said with a grin as he laughed. “Listen, if she wasn’t my daughter I’d have fucked her too. The other day we had just shared a big joint and were getting changed for dinner when she saw my hard cock. Well she wanted some cum, and like any sixteen year old she wanted it RIGHT NOW, and she wanted to get it from my, uh, well, freshly made let’s just say. I’ll tell you, she was hard to resist and if my wife hadn’t been there... Well let’s just say that it was a good thing that Tabby was there to lend a hand, and we had some drinking glasses within reach.”
“Shit, I don’t know what I’d do in that position. I couldn’t say no to your daughter, and she’s about the same age as mine.” Chase said looking down at his feet.
“Don’t sweat it, it happens down here.” Stuart patted Chase on the back again and climbed ashore. “Now go and enjoy the coral reef, it’s amazing. And lunch will be mouthwatering.”
“Aren’t you coming?” Chase asked as Stuart started down the deck toward the beach.
“Naw, I’m not much of a swimmer.” He laughed. “I’ll be relaxing in the shade getting as stoned and drunk as I can. I’ll see you at lunch.”
Chase headed to the main deck and collected his equipment. After a brief safety briefing they all slipped into the warm ocean water to explore the reef. Completely losing track of time, they swam amongst the brightly colored reef fish, exotic corals, the occasional crustacean, and even a local nurse shark that would slowly cruise the sandy bottom.
Chase found the warm water completely relaxing. He would slowly swim along the surface, occasionally diving down to look at something that caught his attention. He also spent some time watching the beautiful bodies of his fellow divers as they frolicked in the water. In fact, it wasn’t until he spent a few moments watching Kathy’s shapely ass climb out of the water did he notice that he was the only one left swimming. A hand dipped under the water and motioned for him to swim to the deck.
It was only when he was climbing out of the water that he realized how hungry the swim had left him. Jesse handed him a towel to dry off while she collected the gear. The smell from the kitchen wafting across the deck made Chase’s mouth water.
What also made his mouth water was the sight of the women re-applying Kali sun oil to their skin. He watched as his pretty wife sensually applied the oil to Britney, slowly spreading it all over her body, even under the teen’s bikini. Chase watched while Britney’s skin flushed, and her nipples hardened as the oil started to soak in. The younger girl then turned around, liberally poured oil over Mindy’s shoulders and started working it into his wife’s skin.
Standing next to his wife and the teenage girl, Tabitha and Jesse were oiling each other up. In this case though, Jesse stood behind the pretty blonde wife sliding her fingers under the older woman’s bikini. It was obvious that she was working the oil deep into Tabitha’s pussy; it was even more obvious that Tabitha was highly aroused by the ministrations of the younger woman.
Chase felt his cock rising in his quickly drying bathing suit. At first he tried to hide it, but realized that it would be futile, and probably not necessary.
“Need some sun oil?” Kathy asked, having applied her own already. “You don’t want to get burned, and it feels wonderful on your skin.”
Without waiting for his answer she poured a handful of oil and started working it into his skin starting with his shoulders. His skin began to lightly tingle under her hands as the oil worked into his skin. She covered his shoulders, arms and torso before kneeling in front of him to apply it to his legs. She smiled up at Chase, and his cock started to harden, poking up against the material of his suit leg. The sun oil was making him horny and his mind drifted to picturing the pretty brunette sucking on his cock.
Kathy finished oiling up his legs while watching his cock grow through the material of his swim trunks. She smiled and reached up one leg, grabbing his cock in her hand, and spreading the oil along his hardening shaft. She stroked his erection, sliding her slippery hand over his cockhead.
“There, I think you’re good to go.” She said as she stood up. Patting his erection she started off down the path.
Mindy put her arm around his elbow and walked with him down the dock. Chase tried not to stare too much as Kathy, Tabitha, and Britney walked in front of them. His hard cock betrayed his inability to do this, but he managed to keep it covered with the towel.
“That was absolutely amazing! I actually touched a stingray! And those fish were beautiful.” Mindy chatted gleefully. “I am so hungry, I could eat a shark!”
Chase was just happy that his wife wasn’t pissed at him anymore. She had either forgotten about what happened earlier, or decided she just didn’t care. There was no way he was going to bring it up again to find out which.
She skipped ahead to walk with the girls, putting her arm around Britney, whispering something in her ear. The women talked together and giggled before bursting into an off key refrain of the pop song “I Kissed a Girl”. Chase enjoyed the view of their asses, and the contrasts. His wife had a muscular body, firm ass, and full thighs. Kathy had a similar athletic build, small breasts, not as muscular, and she had a firm round booty. Tabitha’s ass had a little more jiggle to it, and she was definitely slimmer in the hips and thighs. And Britney was slim and soft, not flabby, but with that natural jiggle of youth. No matter what woman he looked at, he was hypnotized.
As they stepped off the deck and walked towards the covered eating area they passed Stu. The older man was lying on a lounger with a big Glamity Bay Zombie in his hand, several spent joints in an ashtray beside his chair. “How was the seafood watching?” he called out as they passed. He teetered to his feet and walked up along alongside Mindy, putting his arm around her waist. They paused as the ladies mingled briefly at the base of the stairs leading to the covered area.
“So Mindy, when are you going to drop this good for nothing husband of yours and hook up with a true Man of Leisure?” He said jokingly while he stood behind her. He took her waist and pulled her back against his small erection.
Mindy just smiled and pressed back against him. “I see your point…” she laughed “but it’s not making much of an impression.”
Stu let out a loud belly laugh and slapped her on the ass, eliciting a slight gasp of pleasure from the shapely forty year old. “That, my dear, is why I must have so much money!”
Jesse showed the group to the large semicircle bar and walked around to the other side to mix drinks. Big Al was busy plating up some yummy smelling appetizers. Chase stood with his wife to the right of him, and Brittney beside her. To his left stood Kathy, Stu, and Tabitha, with Stu grabbing both of their asses, much to their entertainment. . Mindy snuggled against him making his cock harden more in his bathing suit. He turned away only to feel Kathy’s ass push against him. Feeling his hard-on she smiled at him and reached down, gently patted it with her hand. He did his best to face forward and keep control despite being surrounded by beautiful women in skimpy bikinis.
Chase watched Jesse as she mixed Glamity Bay Zombies. Watching her stand there in her skimpy white bikini, her small breasts jiggling as she worked, did nothing to quell his erection.
“I’m making a little different version of the drink. I’m mulling the fruit by hand, and I’m adding some Kali flowers to the mix. I think you’ll like the slightly floral taste, and I know you’ll like the effects.” She took the wooden mulling club and squashed the fruit and flower in the pitcher. She then proceeded to pour the vodka, the different rums, and the locally produced liqueur.
“Now, it’s considered good luck when there is a young lady in the group that she opens the Champagne. That is, as long as her parents are OK with it.” Jesse announced, holding the bottle towards Brittney.
“Let’s see…” Kathy said, making a big show of looking concerned. “Getting stoned all day, fucking every big black cock in sight? And you want to know if I’m worried about a little booze? This whole vacation is a giant party right?”
Jesse handed the bottle to the teen and coached her in popping the cork. Brittney struggled with the bottle for a few moments. With a loud pop the cork went flying high in the air, and the Champagne came bubbling out of the bottle splashing onto the pretty teens perky breasts, making her nipples hard against her now wet bikini top. She squealed with laughter as Jesse took the bottle from her.
“And now we mix the mulled fruit and botanicals, vodka, and rum with ice…” Jesse started to demonstrate, but she was interrupted by Big Al.
“My pretty young bartender is forgetting the most important rule we have on my Island!” He said commandingly. Jesse grinned and shook her head. Al stood closely behind the pretty blonde and reached up to untie her bikini top. Pulling the tiny material away he put his big black hands on her small breasts while Jesse snuggled up against him, enjoying his touch. “Beautiful women must not wear tops on my island, especially at my bar! It is a most important rule. Let me help you ladies out.”
With a big smile on his face Al made his way around the bar. First he walked up behind Tabitha and stood very close to her, pressed up against her small firm ass. Tabitha giggles as he reached around her, cupped her large breasts in his hands and then undid her bikini top. He pulled the top away revealing the pale un-tanned skin that had been covered. He pulled her light brown nipples causing her to moan in pleasure and push back against him.
He patted Stu on the back as he went by. “Same rules don’t apply for the fellas there Stu, sorry.” He said with a laugh as he came up to Kathy. The confident brunette was ready for him and had her hands behind her to play with Al’s cock while he took her top off. As soon as she was topless she quickly spun around and dropped to her knees, reaching for his zipper. But Al took a few steps over behind Mindy. “Ah now missy, if you start that, nobody’ll get anything to eat. Well, nobody but you I suppose.”
Chase watched Mindy giggle like a little schoolgirl as the old black man reached around and grabbed her breasts. He played with them for a little while before pulling the bikini up and over her large breasts, and over her head. Mindy bounced her ass against Al, closing her eyes in pleasure as he teased her hard nipples.
“Ah, you be like a racehorse ready to get out of the gate don’t you?” he laughed before standing respectfully behind Britney. “Now you young missy, I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. You can keep your top on if you like.” He said with a kind smile. But the slim young teen took a step back against the old man and promptly reached down his waistband. Al laughed and pulled the bikini string at the back and slid it over her head before gently grabbing her firm small tits. Britney’s eyes opened wide and she wordlessly mouthed “Oh my god! It’s huge” as her hand found his cock.
Al finally let go of the teen’s breasts. While it was hard to see, all the women watched the bulge in the black man’s ample shorts as he went over to the cooking area. Jesse strained out the juice and liquor mix into glasses and then topped them off with Champagne. Just as she was handing the drinks out, Al came up with a large planner of appetizers.
“Conch Fritters!” he announced with a flourish. Setting out some small dishes filled with a creamy dip he explained what they were eating. “Conch are the ugly little creatures that live inside those shells people in the movies use like a trumpet. They may be real ugly, but they taste wonderful when you fry them up and eat them with Big Al’s secret sauce.” Several of the girls smirked at the thought of what the secret might be in the sauce. “Eat up; the rest of the meal will be ready within the hour.”
Throwing caution to the wind, Chase took one, dipped it into the sauce and popped it into his mouth. The little nugget was a pleasant explosion of flavor. “Oh, these are so good!” he exclaimed.
“They are!” Tabitha chimed in as she grabbed a couple more in her hand. “I think I could live off these and nothing else!”
The group happily gobbled down the appetizers and chatted, downing at least a second round of drinks each. The women became friendlier as the drinks took their effect. Chase had a terrible time trying not to leer at the exposed flesh as he tried to follow the conversation. Stu seemed to have no such problem as he happily stared at whatever nubile skin presented itself. He had no trouble touching, rubbing against, or just plain staring at the exposed breasts and barely contained butts.
After a short while the discussion turned to the size of Big Al’s cock. Britney was almost uncontrollable as she described what it was like when she grabbed it in his shorts.
“Oh my god it was so fucking huge! I mean I couldn’t get my fingers around it, and it wasn’t even hard!” She gestured, trying to convey the size. “I swear I was going to cum when he played with my tits with his big hands and I held his huge cock in my hand. I could feel it growing bigger when he touched me!”
“How big do you think it is?” Mindy asked excitedly, her eyes wide and animated. She turned to Jesse. “You know right? How big is it?”
Jesse just smiled and shook her head. “How long do you think it is?”
The women all held their fingers up in the air as if to measure the size. Everyone of them was longer than Chase’s cock.
“Longer!” Is all Jesse said prompting screams of laughter from the group of women. “Well, how big around do you think it is?”
Again, the women made circles with their fingers to indicate how big around they thought it might be. Britney made a circle so big that her fingers never touched.
“Well I’m not telling.” Jesse said with a laugh. “Somehow, looking at you beautiful women, I have no doubt you can convince him to show it off after he’s finished in the kitchen.”
Chase had to pee; having an erection for the past forty five minutes left him in need of relief. “Well, I can see I’m not making the cut right now. If you ladies will excuse me…”
Mindy patted his cock and made some cooing noises for his benefit. “Ahhh, that’s OK honey, we love you anyway.” Tabitha and Kathy took the opportunity to pat his cock as he walked by, and Britney blew it a kiss.
He walked around behind the kitchen area to use the washroom. Standing in front of the urinal he tried to pee, but his erection made it impossible. The effects of the sun oil were still strong, and even just holding his cock stimulated it. All he got out was a drip of pre-cum. He grew frustrated, but given his experience on the boat, didn’t want to try jacking off to get rid of his hard on for fear of making the situation worse. He heard the door to the men’s room open.
Big Al walked in and stood up to the urinal next Chase, unzipped his shorts and pulled out a huge fat cock. It was huge, thick around and long even though it was obviously not hard. Chase felt his erection shrivel in the presence of the big black man and his impressive cock.
“Afternoon, Mr. Chase.” He said with a smile before unleashing a huge stream of hot piss. Chase could smell the mixture of urine and Sinsemilla. “I hope you be havin’ a beautiful day. Did you like my Conch Fritters?” As he finished he stroked his cock pumping out a few final gushes of piss.
“Uh, oh yeah, they were great. Thank you.” Chase stood there, unable to pee.
“That’s a spectacular wife you have man, you must be very happy.” He said, eyeing Chase. “You don’t mind if I fuck her with this do you boy?” He held out his huge cock and grinned, his cock twisted, hardening slightly in his hand.
Chase looked down at his small penis, trying to pee. “Oh, no, I guess not.” He took another glance at the huge black anaconda of a cock. “I don’t think she’ll really care what I think about it.”
“That’s the spirit boy!” Al said with a loud boisterous voice as he put his cock back in his shorts and turned to wash his hands. “Don’t be worryin’ man, there’s plenty of pussy to go around on my island.”
Chase was finally able to pee when the big black man left the men’s room. After washing up he finally headed back to the group. He was resigned that the old black man would be fucking his wife silly this afternoon, but he hoped that the other women would be stoned and horny enough that they might give him a shot, at least while they waited their turn with Al.
Chase returned to the group just as Stu was getting a Kali pipe lit. He sucked the leaf to life as Jesse held a lighter for him. Al was in the kitchen putting together the platters of food, and they smelled wonderful. But right now everyone’s eyes were on the thick smoke coming from the pipe as came to life. Chase thought that they all looked like addicts who couldn’t wait for their next fix. Of course they weren’t addicts; well he certainly wasn’t for sure. He didn’t need to smoke it, he just enjoyed the Sinsemilla.
“OK everyone, line up; we’re going to do this like bar shots.” Stu announced lining up the girls against the bar, facing outwards. “You’ll love this Chase, watch ‘em squirm as the stuff hits, you can tell because they’re nipples get hard.”
“Well that’s not fair!” interjected Jesse jokingly. “If you plan on staring at the girls, I think you should give them something to watch first. Come here girls, and you boys line up.”
Stu and Chase obediently lined up against the bar while the women crowded around. Chase felt his cock twitch in response. Jesse grabbed Stu’s shorts and yanked them down revealing his fat belly, and small flaccid penis. Chase felt suddenly very embarrassed and exposed, his cock shriveling back up.
“OK big talker, suck on this.” She taunted good naturedly as she stuck the pipe in his mouth.
Stu inhaled deeply and held his breath, handing the pipe back to Jesse. The women, including his daughter, watched closed, snickering. After about ten seconds his penis began to lengthen and rise, although even Chase had to admit, it was less than impressive. His small erection was met with ooohs and ahhhs and even a “Well, it’s cute anyway.” from Mindy.
Jesse gave Stu a few strokes on his erection as he exhaled the thick smoke and grinned drunkenly. She came over to Chase, who was now completely embarrassed at the idea of being the center of attention. Regardless, she undid the button on his pants and pulled them down. Chase blushed as the women murmured noncommittally. She leaned in close and popped the pipe into Chase’s waiting lips and whispered in his ear. “Go ahead honey, you have a nice cock, I mean for a white guy, don’t be shy.”
Chase groaned and sucked deeply on the pipe feeling the smoke go over his tongue, down his throat and into his lungs. He held his breath silently counting down from ten. He watched with a slightly detached interest at the women as they stared intently at his penis, waiting for it to blossom. He slowly felt the effects of the drug wash over him. His skin began to feel warm, his mouth felt a little wetter, his cock started to tingle and grow. He watched the firm jiggling flesh of their breasts as they laughed and pointed excitedly at his growing erection. When he finally exhaled he was definitely stoned, and horny. His cock strained upward becoming hard and engorged.
The women applauded both men and went to take their turn at the bar. Kathy made it a point to slide her hand over Chase’s cock as the passed him, and Mindy pressed up against him, pushing his cock against her flat tummy, to give him a little kiss.
“OK ladies, it’s your turn to show off.” Jesse made a point to stroke the boys’ cocks. “I know these guys will greatly appreciate it.” She wiped a drip of cum from the end of Chase’s cock with her finger and licked it clean.
First up was Tabitha, who had made a big run to the front of the line. She greedily took the pipe and sucked down the smoke. She closed her eyes and held her breath, waiting for the smoke to take effect. After several moments a blush went across her skin and her nipples hardened despite the warm sunny afternoon. Her hands came up from her sides and played over her tan stomach as she exhaled. When she opened her eyes it was clear that she was floating with a sense of warm arousal. She looked around at the others and giggled, putting her arms around herself.
Mindy was next in line. She let Jesse put the pipe in between her lips as she inhaled. Instead of just standing there holding her breath, she put her arm around Jesse’s neck and pulled her close and held her. As the drug worked into her system she began to hold the other woman closer, her body becoming compliant. Finally she exhaled and kissed Jesse deeply before stepping back with a big smile on her face.
Chase couldn’t help but stroke his cock as he watched his wife. “Hey, why couldn’t we do that?” Chase asked Jesse.
“Who was stopping you?” She answered him with a chaste kiss on the cheek. “Hell, you could have stuck your cock in my mouth if you’d wanted.”
Quickly she turned and handed the pipe to Kathy. The compact brunette took the pipe and took a couple of quick puffs before taking a deep drag and holding it in. As goose bumps made their way across her skin in a wave and she smiled and slid a hand into her bikini to tease her pussy. She finally exhaled explosively. “Fuck! That feels so good. God I need to cum.” She said playing with her pussy until she looked over at her daughter. “God this is weird, being this fucking horny with you standing there. All I can think if is you eating my pussy.”
Britney blushed and giggled at her mother. “You are so fucked up Mom.” She looked up at Jesse as the blonde hostess offered her the pipe. “I don’t know, with everyone looking…” she said, becoming a little shy at everyone watching her intently.
“Don’t mind me honey, take a hit, that’s why we’re here.” Kathy said with a smile. “You didn’t seem to mind when we shared a cock last night.”
“Good point Mom, OK...” She said quickly turning to Jesse. “But you do it with me!”
“Sure, happy to oblige!” she answered eagerly. Jesse and Britney stood with their backs against the bar. Mindy stood beside the teenager, taking her hand, to give her some support.
The blonde took a deep toke on the pipe before quickly handing it to the slim teen. Britney took a deep inhalation, filling her lungs with the smoke. She smiled and looked around nervously, trying to avoid anyone’s direct gaze. Kathy reached her hands around Jesse and started playing with the blonde’s tight breasts, teasing her nipples. Jesse pushed back against the other woman as the effects washed her brain with pleasure inducing chemicals. Britney took Mindy’s hand and guided it down her bikini. She moaned and exhaled the smoke as Mindy slid two fingers into the teen’s tight wet pussy. Mindy fucked her hard with her fingers and Britney quickly cried out in orgasm, her bikini dripping as her pussy squirted. Britney lunged forward and started making out with Jesse.
“Now is anyone going to eat or are you all just going to stand around staring at each other?” Big Al exclaimed as he finished setting the food out at the buffet. “Go on, get it while it’s hot, you can get back to fucking around after you eat.”
Everyone moved over to pick up some food. There was much touching and kissing amongst the women. Chase felt strange walking up to a buffet naked with an erection, but the persistent brushes and touches by the women made it more than livable. It was clear that they were horny, but it seemed they were holding back. They all stood at the buffet enjoying the amazing jerk style chicken. The women took turns feeding each other bits of chicken and rice, spilling some on each other just so they could eat it off again.
After about ten minutes of eating everyone seemed to have their fill, and their interests turned back to one another’s bodies. Chase pressed his statuesque wife against the buffet, pressed his hard cock against her thigh and grabbed her firm ass.
“Come on honey, let’s fuck. I have a hard-on just for you.” Chase growled.
“Hmmm, I can see.” Mindy replied kissing him.
The sexual energy between the husband and wife started to interest some of the other women. The couple found themselves flanked by Kathy and Britney. The older brunette knelt down to take Chase’s erection into her warm wet mouth while the teen snuggled beside Mindy, teasing the woman’s clit with her finger. Chase moaned as the woman’s moist mouth engulfed the head of his cock while Mindy squirmed in pleasure.
“Listen Chase, we have to talk…” Mindy said, her eyes closing momentarily in pleasure, “I love you Chase, more than you know probably. But I’m probably not going to fuck you until we get home. I want black cock now, big black cock, as much as I can get, as stoned on Kali as I can get.”
Chase just stared at his beautiful wife’s admission, still acutely aware at how good his cock felt between Kathy’s lips. He couldn’t control the urge to slowly fuck her mouth.
Mindy smiled seeing this and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m sure you’ll find enough willing pussy to keep yourself satisfied. It’s OK honey, I don’t mind if you fuck them, at least while we’re here anyway, back home it goes back to regular rules, right?”
Big Al, his apron discarded, joined the group, and it became obvious what the women were waiting for. Mindy and Britney walked over to him, hand in hand, and Kathy stood up leaving his wet cock swaying in the breeze. He was greeted with a chorus of “Hi Al!” as the women made a fuss and crowded around him.
Al enjoyed the attention and put his arm around Mindy and Britney. “Light me up would you Jesse?” he said holding out a hand for a pipe.
Jesse crossed her hands across her pert breasts and shook her head. “Oh no Al, you know the rules. You gotta show if you want to glow.”
Al Laughed and looked at the five women who were clustered around him. They were already struggling to get the button undone on his shorts. Finally Mindy called out. “Hold it! We can’t all do it.” She knelt down in front of the old black man and deftly undid his shorts and slowly pulled them off. As she did she revealed his enormous cock, flaccid, but thicker and longer than Chase’s fully erect cock. Its dark skin hung loosely around the thick shaft. Mindy seemed frozen as she stared the monster in the proverbial eye. The other women ooh’d and ahh’d and touched the huge cock. As if hypnotized by the huge black cockhead Mindy slowly took the monster with both hands and shoved the fat head in her mouth.
Jesse handed Al a freshly lit pipe and then lit up a fresh one for Stu, who stood there sucking on the smoke and pulling on his cock, and one to Chase. Chase took a deep suck on the pipe and felt the buzz slowly wash over him. He also felt his cock tighten even more to the point that it started drooling pre-cum like it did in his treatment. Every time his cock would twitch a little jet of cum would squirt out.
Mindy moaned as Al’s cock hardened in her hands, filling her mouth with his meat. She pumped the thick shaft and made loud slurping noises. The other women continued to touch his cock, and each other, as they became more and more aroused by the sight of the massive black rod. Finally Mindy leaned back with a satisfied sigh and looked at her handiwork.
The old man’s cock was rock hard and slightly curved to one side. The long shaft was so large that Mindy couldn’t get her hands all the way around it. The heavily veined shaft thrust out at about a 35 degree angle, it was hard, but hung down. At its root was a patch of curly grey hair, and two huge balls. His scrotum appeared large enough to hold a tennis ball, with room to spare. With all the touching and stroking by the women a long stream of cum drooled from the large slit. Mindy dove in and swallowed it before it dripped to the floor.
Al took Chase’s wife by the hands and stood her up. She instinctively turned and pushed her ass against him, ready to be fucked. But all gave her a playful spank on the ass. “Now girls, there’s another rule we all have to follow on my island.” He said while he stepped out of his pants. “Jesse, will you please set my two friends up in the lounge with a drink, and some smoke.”
The slim blonde took Chase and Stu by the hand and led them over to a place on the deck with four large club chairs. She sat the two men down with a great view of the beach, and of her firm breasts. She knelt in front of them. Chase’s cock twitched and bounced as she looked up at him.
“Now what would you two boys like to drink?” she asked.
Over by the bar Al continued to explain the rules to the women. “Now don’t worry, I promise that each and every one of you will be completely satisfied.” He hefted his huge erection to make the point. “But it is important that you please every man on the island. So I want to see at least one of you taking care of my very good friends at all time.”
Chase opted for a gin and tonic while Stu asked for something fruity with ‘a fuck load of vodka’. She stood to get their drinks and told them she’d be right back. Al walked over to the ‘lounge’, his huge cock swinging in front of him, his arm around Mindy as the other women clustered around him. He sat down in the chair to the left of Chase and Stu. Immediately the four women clustered around the well hung black man.
“Now ladies, what did I tell you the rule was?” He said to a chorus of disappointed moans.
“Here you are.” Jesse said handing Stu his fruity drink and a lit pipe. “It’s OK girls, I’ll handle this one for you.” She said placing Chase’s drink on the cocktail table between the chairs and sat down on Chase’s lap. “Ever since I tasted your cum this morning on the boat I’ve wanted more.”
Her firm body felt warm and good against his hard cock as she lit the Kali pipe. Taking a deep breath she handed the pipe to him and started to rub his cock against her thigh. Chase inhaled the pipe deeply, feeling the drug encircle his brain, making his cock rock hard in the blonde’s experienced hand, pre-cum starting to drool from the tip.
“Hmm, you’re drooling cum already. That’s really good for a white guy.” Jesse purred as she slid off his lap to kneel at his feet, licking the length of his shaft clean. She fondled his balls with one hand and stroked the shaft with the other as she gently sucked on the head. His cock tensed and twitched with pleasure with her touch, and each time a little more cum would flow up his shaft and into her greedy mouth.
“I guess I’ll have to take care of my ex-husband, as usual.” Kathy said in mock complaint as she walked over and knelt in front of her husband’s small erection. Without ceremony she began to jack him off while watching Al’s huge black cock.
“OK, now that my friends are happy I guess I can be happy too.” Al said, opening his arms up for the women. Mindy and Tabitha immediately knelt down before his massive cock and began stroking it, taking turns sucking on the huge cockhead and licking the long black shaft.
Britney climbed up on his lap and straddled him, kissing the old black man deeply while he slid a fat finger up into her tight pussy. The teen moaned with pleasure as she rode his hand. She moved higher to allow Al to suck on her pert young breasts, her volume getting louder and louder.
Mindy and Tabitha took turns milking his massive erection as his thick pre-cum flowed freely from the large slit at the end of his cock. Chase’s wife would slide her hand along the thick shaft forcing a long stream of cum into the blonde’s mouth before the other woman would reciprocate. Both women were so stoned from the black man’s cum that they were having trouble keeping their balance.
“OK ladies, I think I be needin’ some of this tight teen pussy on my cock.” Al said as he spanked the teen’s taut ass. “Turn around so I can watch your hot little ass while you fuck me.”
Britney turned around and, placing her feet at either side of Big Al’s hips, positioned herself over his gigantic cock. She looked incredibly tiny compared to the massive shaft of meat that her step mother held in place for the teen to impale herself on. Chase couldn’t believe the huge erection could possibly fit in the slim teen’s tight pussy. He watched in fascination, his head spinning from Jesse’s cocksucking, as his wife covered the massive black cock in her spit to lubricate it.
Britney slowly lowered herself onto the giant cock. She moaned as the apple sized cockhead pressed against her tight opening. Her pussy was literally dripping as she cried out in pleasure while slowly pressing down on the monster rod. Her legs shook with pleasure as the fat cockhead slid into her pussy. The teen quickly started to pump up and down onto the first few inches of Al’s immense shaft.
“Oh god it’s so fucking big!” She cried in pleasure, her body covered in a sheen of sweat, her thighs shaking with exertion, her breath coming in pants. “It’s so big it’s fucking all of my pussy at once. Oh fuck I’m gonna cum!” She cried as her body was wracked with a pounding orgasm. Unable to control herself, she slid down onto his cock, burying all but the last few inches deep inside her convulsing body. This set off another massive orgasm that left the young girl convulsing and crying out loudly.
Chase felt his cock tighten as he filled Jesse’s mouth with cum. The blonde swallowed greedily, stroking his shaft, pumping every last drop into her mouth. When he was finished she pulled his still hard cock from her mouth with a loud slurp and a gasp. She steadied herself against his knee, her eyes glassy and unfocused as his cum slowly hit her bloodstream. She grinned and gave his cockhead a kiss. “Oh fuck that’s good, you really do have good cum.”
Next to him Stu had cum as he watched his daughter fuck the huge black cock. His ex-wife happily swallowed his small load. She looked around over at her daughter, then at Jesse. “How about a trade? I could use a little meat with my cream.” She asked Jesse. The blonde nodded and Kathy walked over towards her. Kneeling, she licked a little of Chase’s cum from Jesse’s cheek.
“Hey, Daddy!” Britney called. Both Stu and Chase turned to look at her. “I have a big black cock in my tight little pussy, Daddy.” The teen smiled, and leaned back against Al, his massive shaft buried in her wet pussy. She rotated her hips, slowly fucking the giant cock. “It feels soooo good.”
Chase groaned as his cock started spewing cum again, all over Jesse’s neck and chest, catching the blonde by surprise. To his right Stu moaned too, his small cock spurting cum onto the floor in quick thin jets. Kathy quickly shoved Chase’s spurting cock into her mouth and swallowed his load with moans of pleasure. Jesse wiped his cum from her skin and scooped it into her mouth as she slowly made her way over to the older balding man.
Kathy savored the cum as she moved it around in her mouth before swallowing. She turned around to show her shapely ass to Chase as she backed up between his legs. Pushing back she rubber her ass against Chase’s spit slick cock, making him groan and press back against her.
“Your cock feels so hot and hard against my ass.” She purred as she grinded against him. “You know, I was a lap dancer when Stu met me, putting myself through University by making men cum in their pants.” She moved back so that she was rubbing her wet pussy along the length of Chase’s cock. “But since you aren’t wearing any pants, I guess I’ll have to make you cum in my pussy.”
Chase groaned loudly as Kathy maneuvered herself over his erection and slid down over it. She started rhythmically humping and gyrating on his lap, playing with his balls with her free hand.
“Oh fuck you really do put out. I can feel your cum flowing into me, you’re getting me stoned, and so horny.” She moaned and closed her eyes as she accelerated her movements.
“Oh fuck yeah.” Big Al moaned as the petite teenager bounced up and down on his massive cock. “I think I’m gonna be cummin’ girlie.”
Britney lowered her feet to the ground so she could get a better position and fuck the old black man harder. “Oh god yes! I want your cum! Fuck I’m cumming again!” she squealed as she slammed up and down on the huge black cock.
Chase felt himself on the edge of a climax. He grabbed Kathy by the hips and urged her to fuck him faster. Her ass slapped against the base of his cock as she cried out in pleasure. He started to cum as soon as he heard Britney scream with ecstasy. He pulled the older brunette hard against his cock as he pumped cum as deep in her pussy as he could. He was rewarded as her pussy convulsed around his shaft as the sensation of his hot cum flooding her made her cum as well.
The old black man’s massive cock slowly pumped cum into the quivering teenager. Britney closed her eyes as a long moan came from her frozen mouth. Mindy massaged the old man’s huge balls and stroked the few inches of his cock still visible outside the young girl’s stretched pussy. The massive shaft stiffened and thickened with each ejaculation, pumping more and more cum deep in the teen.
Britney’s moaning got a little louder each time the gigantic black cock pumped another load of cum into her shaking body. Each time her eyes would glaze over a little more, and her expression would become a little dreamier. As the old black man finally finished his orgasm the pretty young teen remained perched on his huge shaft, her hands randomly touching herself, her eyes closed, humming tunelessly in complete ecstasy.
Both Mindy and Tabitha were caught up in their own little spell of pleasure having masturbated to orgasms many times, they sat on each arm of the chair touching and kissing each other and the grizzled black man.
Jesse finally went over to the teen and took her hand. Britney slowly looked up at the athletic blonde and smiled. Jesse helped Britney up, the huge black cock slowly slid from the teen’s tight pussy finally slipping out and laying over his thigh, cum drooling from the large slit. Britney slumped to her knees by his feet, leaning on his knee staring off into space. Every few moments she would reach down to her pussy, take some of his cum oozing from her body onto her fingers and licking them clean.
Seeing his long cum covered cock the two wives leaned over to take turns licking and sucking Al until his big cock returned to life. The thick black python hardened again with a little help from the women’s hands, and tongues.
Kathy had slipped off Chase’s cock and onto her knees to lick his cock clean. She looked up at him with an inebriated grin on her face. She nodded over to her daughter sitting semi comatose on the ground. “Now that is one well fucked young woman.” She smiled at Chase and kissed the head of his cock. “Oh, you were good too. I mean for a white guy anyway. I’m fuckin’ flyin’ ‘cause of your fuckin’ delicious cum. Keep smoking, it only makes it stronger.”
Chase took a deep drag on the pipe, filling his lungs with its wonderful smoke. He held his breath and felt the drug permeate his mind and his body. His cock, which had softened a little after his orgasm, hardened in the brunette’s mouth, and he could feel his cum flow increase.
“So Mr. Chase, you havin’ a good time here at Glamity Bay?” Big Al said as he lined his massive cock up with Mindy’s pussy. He had her and Tabitha leaning over each arm of the chair as the old black man stood to fuck them. “I love fuckin’ dis way man, you get da great booty view.”
“Um, yeah, the resort is great.” Chase answered tentatively as he watched the old black man press his massive cock against his wife’s shaved pussy. It looked more like he was trying to shove a fist and an arm into the woman than a cock. Chase felt his cock start to deflate at the sight of the giant black cock and Kathy started to lose interest as she too turned to watch the huge cock do its work.
“Hey, no worries man.” He said as he slid his cock into Chase’s wife. Mindy writhed and groaned in pleasure. He pulled his long shaft back out, leaving the fat head buried in the statuesque woman. Mindy squirmed and moaned, pleading that he fuck her even as she started to orgasm from the fat cockhead filling her pussy and pressing relentlessly against her g-spot. “Don’t let me stop you from enjoying these women. I know how you white boys get around a big black cock.”
Chase smiled, relieved, and felt his cock engorging again. Kathy made a happy purr and started sucking on it again making it rock hard with her talented mouth. Chase sat back and enjoyed the view of Al’s massive meat slamming into his wife.
“So Big Al, what brought you to Glamity Bay?”
“Ha, well let me tell you about that son.” Al said with a laugh. He paused to pull his huge cock out of Mindy’s gaping pussy. Mindy let out a long guttural moan of pleasure as he pulled inch after inch of his massive shaft from her overwhelmed body. She collapsed down on the chair’s arm, writhing, while her pussy dripped excess cum, as well as her own ejaculatory juices. He let his cock hang, almost like the arm of a crane in the air, as he slid over a foot or two to line up with Tabitha’s well trimmed blonde pussy as she lay on her back on the overstuffed chair arm with her knees pulled up and her thighs spread wide waiting for him. “I don’t work here.”
He slid his thick cock, still slick from Mindy, into Tabitha’s pussy. The blonde closed her eyes and leaned her head back with a gasp of pleasure as her body began to shake in reaction to the huge invader.
“I own it.” He said with a pleased groan
Tabitha immediately began to whimper and cry as she started to cum. “Oh my god it’s so big! Oh god, I’m cu-cummming!”
Al slowly fucked the convulsing blonde as he continued his conversation. “I suppose you could say that I’m semi-retired.” Tabitha cried in pleasure as she writhed on her back, her hips moving to slide her slim body along his fat cock. “I grew up on an island near here, and we knew about the Kali plant. When I was a teenager you always brought the girl you wanted to fuck a Kali flower. You knew you were gonna get some. Hold on, this girl’s so tight I’m gonna cum some.”
Tabitha cried out in ecstasy as Al’s massive cock pumped her full of cum. Chase watched in fascination as Al’s huge cock stiffened and relaxed like a hydraulic hose pumping the woman full of bliss inducing cum. She lay on her back, writhing, licking the fingers of one hand as she slowly zoned out from the effects of the big black man’s cum.
“Sorry about dat man.” He said as his orgasm subsided. “So, I spent some time in University in the US, Botanical Engineering. I kept on fucking around with the Kali flower while I was dere, interbreeding to produce a more powerful, faster acting plant. Believe me; I did a lot of testing on them little white college girls.” He laughed.
Al slowly pulled his cock out of the comatose woman, the thick shaft still hard, cum flowing from the swollen head onto the chair. He looked at the two women Mindy and Tabitha, both women so stoned that they only semi-conscious.
“Fuck.” He said with a laugh. “I ran out of white women. Mind if I fuck yours?” he said while admiring Kathy’s round firm booty.
Of course Chase couldn’t say no to the dominant black man. And Kathy quickly rushed over to the old man, rubbing up against him, stroking his huge cock. Al spun her around and bent her over, spanking her round booty he lined his cock up with her dripping wet pussy.
“Hmm, now that’s a nice ass.” He said appreciatively as he pushed his cock into Kathy, the brunette letting out a long moan of pleasure. With his cock trapped snugly in her pussy he continued his story.
“So, I realized that I had something special with my Kali, but I wasn’t sure how to make some money out of it.” He explained as he fucked the energetic mother. “Now, I was supplying a select group of MBA students with Sinsemilla, you know, get them stoned, get them laid, to fund my experiments, ha, really my apartment, my food, and my tuition too. I asked a couple of them, and before long we had bought a couple of small Caribbean islands and were building a resort. I ain’t looked back since and I have more money than I know what to do with. All from getting a few small-dick white boys laid.”
He noticed Chase’s cock hanging in the air. “Oh, shit, sorry man, I didn’t mean to leave you hanging there.” He looked over at Jesse, who was doing her best to fuck Stu’s small cock, and Britney, who was starting to perk up a little. “My pretty young lady, would you be so kind as to make sure my friend here is happy?”
The slim teen looked over at Chase, struggling to focus. She shrugged her shoulders and crawled over to kneel at his feet.
“Oh, hey Daddy!” she slurred drunkenly as she managed to focus on Chase long enough to recognize him. She pushed Chase’s legs apart and knelt between them. With a smile she took his cock into her warm mouth. Chase’s shaft immediately hardened as her tongue played under the head of his cock. The pretty teen moaned as his cum started to slowly pump along the length of his cock.
“So now I’m pretty much semi-retired.” Al continued as he pounded his massive cock into Kathy as the beautiful brunette sobbed in pleasure. “You know, I let the kids run the place, and I just kind of drive the boat, do a little cooking, act host, and fuck a half dozen hot women or so a day. It’s the perfect retirement.”
Brittney climbed onto Chase’s lap, straddling him, and slowly slid onto his hard cock. “Oh Daddy, I want to feel your hard cock in my tight little pussy. But don’t cum yet, I want you to cum in my ass.”
Chase groaned as his cock tensed in anticipation of ejaculation, but just would not cum. He enjoyed the sensation of the pretty teen as she snuggled up against him, her head on his chest, and slowly slid up and down on his shaft. She looked up at him, her eyes dilated and glassy, and grinned. Reaching back she pulled his cock from her dripping wet pussy and placed it against her tight little pink asshole. Her eyes closed she pushed firmly and slid his hard cock into her ass. Groaning with pleasure she sat up and started bouncing up and down on his straining erection, her tight ass sending waves of intense pleasure through his cock.
The horny teen took Chase’s face in both hands and stared deeply into his eyes, her face wild with ecstasy. Through gritted teeth she begged Chase to cum. “Cum for me Daddy! Cum in my tight little ass! Cum in your little girl’s ass!”
Chase bucked against her, driving his cock deep inside the teen as he ejaculated a huge load of cum into her ass. He felt his belly become warm and wet as Britney came too, ejaculating from her pussy warm gushes of her cum. As his ejaculation finally subsided they continued to lock eyes.
“any second now…” the pretty teen groaned with a broad grin. “They say that the cum hits fast and hard when it’s in your ass. It goes right into your system…”
Britney tensed, her body shivering, her eyes fluttered. “Oh god fucking YES!” she screamed with pleasure as the effects of the drug hit her brain all at once. She started to convulse, her body tightening in the same rhythm of an orgasm. “Ohh f-f-f-fuck yeah yeah!” she cried, her eyes rolling backwards, she began to giggle and cry out in ecstasy as the drug hit her. She stared at Chase, but her eyes couldn’t focus as she lost touch with reality, riding an orgasmic wave of mind bending pleasure. “oh fuck Daddy… fuh me… ah gud…”
The teen clung to Chase, quivering, unable to speak, her asshole rhythmically clenching his cock, keeping him hard. She slowly squirmed, pulling his erection from her ass before settling herself so that his cock slid into her hot wet pussy again. Laying her head on his chests she slowly fucked him until he reached another orgasm. She moaned sleepily as he ejaculated in her. She would lie still to enjoy the effects of the Sinsemilla before she would again slowly move about on top of him until he would cum again.
Chase took a long drag on a freshly refilled pipe, courtesy of Jesse, to keep his cock hard as Brittney continued to slowly hump him, slowly milking his balls of his cum. He laid back, his head swimming, watching the old black man fuck the group of women into quivering moaning ragdolls with his massive black cock. Al’s cock stiffened as he pumped Kathy full of cum. The brunette flailed and shook in orgasm, falling to her knees and pulling his huge cock from her body, the thick hose pumping cum all over her body. The sight of the white fluid flowing made Tabitha and Mindy leap down to eagerly lick it up and suck as much cum as they could swallow from the swollen head.
Chase began to doze off in the sun while watching the three women writhing on the ground licking and sucking on each other. The effects of the alcohol, the sex, and the Sinsemilla had wiped him out. He drifted off to sleep as his tired cock slowly pumped another load of cum into the light teen resting on top of him.
Slowly regaining consciousness to the sound of a woman screaming in pleasure, Chase could feel Brittney being lifted from him. His head felt thick, and his vision was a little blurry. His flaccid cock lay on his stomach in a pool of still warm cum, and his balls ached from overproducing.
“Oh god yes! Fuck my ass Al!” Jesse growled as she slammed down onto his lap, the massive black rod buried in her tight little ass. “Fuck I love this!”
His cock hardening at the sight of the athletic blonde slamming herself up and down on the old black man’s huge cock. Chase felt a hand on his own erection and looked over to see Tabitha stroking his cock while she also watched Jesse fuck like an animal.
“It’s a kind of tradition they have.” Tabitha explained blankly, her stoned mind slowly relating the information. “Just before the boat leaves Al fucks her in the ass. She usually can’t make it to the boat afterwards and he has to carry her.” She stared at Chase’s cock for a moment, intrigued by the cum that drooled from its head, before swallowing it, licking it clean with a groan of pleasure.
“C’mon…” Tabitha said sleepily as she pulled Chase to his feet. She swayed unsteadily and fell into Chase’s arms to steady herself. She drunkenly planted several small gentle kisses on his chin. “It’s time to go. And I want your cock when we get to the boat, all the girls think your cum is wild, almost as good as a black man’s.”
Chase walked the blonde down the boardwalk to the boat dock. As they reached the dock he heard Jesse’s screams of pleasure casting across the beach. He and Tabitha turned to watch.
“Ah fuckin’ cum in my ass you big cocked motherfucker!” Jesse screamed as Al held her tight against his belly, burying his cock. It was obvious the old black man was pumping the athletic blonde student’s ass full of cum. His face was contorted as he humped hard against her, making her young flesh jiggle.
Jesse let out a long moan as she started to cum. She slowly slipped to the ground, sliding off Al’s massive cock. “Ugh fuck yeah…” Jesse groaned, her eyes wide but unseeing as her pussy gushed splashing onto the ground. “fuuuuucking good fucking cuuuuuming!’ Jesse fell onto all fours, crying out in ecstasy, her fingers franticly fucking herself.
Chase grabbed Tabitha by the waist and slid his hard aching cock into her wet pussy. He humped her hard, slamming his cock in and out of the shapely blonde. The ferocity of his fucking caught the woman by surprise and she had to hold herself up against the roof support post. She pushed back against him as she urged him deeper and deeper.
Chase watched as Big Al stood up, his huge cock swaying between his thick thighs, cum still dripping from the still engorged head. He bent over and picked Jesse up as if she were a rag doll and put her over his shoulder. Her shapely ass and athletic thighs looked alabaster over the dark skinned shoulder of the black man.
He started to carry the blonde to the boat. He paused as he came up to the frantically fucking couple. “Best get aboard folks; I’m planning on pushing off in five minutes.”
Tabitha leaned over and licked a drool of Al’s cum that had leaked from Jesse’s asshole and flowed over her pussy. The young blonde moaned loudly from behind Al as the sexy older blonde licked her.
Swallowing the cum Tabitha moaned as an orgasm overtook her senses. She started pounding onto Chase’s cock frantically. “Oh fuck yes! Cum in me, I want your fucking cum in my cunt!”
Chase couldn’t hold back, her needful cries driving him over the edge. He exploded in her pussy, sending her deeper into a shuddering orgasm. He slammed his cock into her, his balls slapping on her clit until the couple was satiated.
They made their way on board. He slumped down on the comfortable seating in the cabin next to a Kathy, who stroked the hair of her dozing daughter. All gently lay Jesse down across next to them.
Mindy appeared from the side deck and flung her arms around Al, stroking his huge cock with one hand. “Want some company on the bridge captain?” She said popping to attention, her hard nipples pointing up towards the black man. She saluted with one hand, and held his cock with the other. “I promise to be a very attentive first mate!”
“Can’t say no to that.” Al said shaking his head and smiling. His cock started to harden as he made his way up towards the wheel house. “Come on up, I think I might be able to make good use of you.”
Down in the cabin the group, exhausted, dozed for the ride back. Occasionally one of the women would drift over to Chase, give him a quick hand job, or blow job until he came in their mouth. They only did it for more drug, and Chase was too wasted to care anyway.
When they arrived there were several golf carts waiting to take the tired partygoers back to their cabanas. Al had to carry Mindy down from the boat and handed her over to Chase, who struggled to get her ashore. The cart took them quietly back to their room. Once there, they both staggered inside without a word about the day’s events. Chase picked up an envelope from the floor in the entryway and put it on the dresser, but he was too tired to even look at it. They tumbled into bed and Chase, despite his cock and balls aching like they were on fire, was asleep in seconds.