Game Night
“Wait I still don’t get it. Can you read it again?” Sophie asked from the other couch. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arm around Damon’s. “You just want Damon to read it again because you like listening to his voice.”
“Maayybee. It’s just so relaxing. I feel like I can just turn my brain off and relax.” Sophie said sheepishly.
Bella threw a pillow at Sophie. “Girl. Get your own man. Leave Damon to Alyssa.” Sophia blushed. “I just said I liked his voice. I wasn’t hitting on him.”
It didn’t bother me. Besides Sophie didn’t know the half of it. Damon’s voice wasn’t just soothing it was hypnotic. He was the first and only hypnotist I’d been with. Sophie could never imagine the things we’d been getting up to.
Damon Chuckled “Ladies please. I never thought I’d have so much demand to read the instructions of a card game. But I’ll go through it again.” He shot me a sly look out of the corner of his eye.
“Now listen very carefully. Give me your complete and undivided attention. Just let everything in the room fade away until you find yourself totally focused on my words. Now you know these games can be complicated so it’s very important that you pay attention.
I focused on Damon’s word. It was easy since he’d hypnotized so many times. Though I could see looks of studied concentration on my friend’s faces too.
“But I’m here to explain everything and make it easy for you. So knowing that you can let yourself relax. Relaxing down completely and just trusting me to handle this. You trust me. You listen to me.”
My eyes blinked a few times. Of course I trusted him and listened to him. He was my boyfriend after all. It was nice to have him here to explain these games. My friends and I liked doing game nights but learning new games was always such a pain.
“That’s very good. As you hear me you know you can just turn your brain off. You don’t need to think. You can just turn your brain off and follow my voice.
Sophie had a distant look on her face. “Follow . . .” with a few strands of her long blonde hair falling into her eyes. She didn’t seem to notice.
A self-satisfied smirk on his face, Damon continued “That’s it. You’re all doing so well. Now you find the game is easiest to play if you just stop thinking completely and let my words drift directly into your minds. All you have to do is just obey all the rules of the game as I explain them to you. Don’t think. In fact you’re much too sleepy and relaxed to think. You couldn’t think if you tried. Isn’t that right Bella?”
Bella’s deep brown eyes stared straight ahead with a glassy vacancy. She was hunched forward, giving a nice view down her low cut top. She absently shook her head. “That’s right. All you have to do to play is follow and obey.” His voice grew firm and commanding on those last words.
“Follow and obey . . .” Three voices whispered in unison.
No thoughts. Follow. Obey. Wait. Something’s wrong. This feels familiar, the warm sleepiness washing over my mind. I blinked a few times trying to rouse myself from my stupor. This is gentle warmth of a trance. Damon is hypnotizing me, hypnotizing my friends. But he wouldn’t do that would he? Sure we’d joked about it before they came over, how hot it would be if he hypnotized all of us and had his way with us. But it was just a joke. He wasn’t seriously hypnotizing us right now.
I looked across the living room at my two best friends. Bella was practically bend over at the waist with her head her lap. Sophie kept snapping he head back up just for it to loll limply back to her chest a few moments later as Damon continued guiding us down.
He was hypnotizing us. Bella and Sophie had no idea. I had to do something. Had to stop him. Had to follow and obey. Had to not give it away. No that’s not right.
I limply tugged at my boyfriend’s arm. “Babe. What are you doing? You need to stop.” I mumbled, barely able to get the words out.”
He turned to me calmly and began running his fingers through my hair. It felt nice. “Don’t worry. I’m almost done. In fact I think it’s time for the games first rule. “Babe don’t.” I offered meekly, barely able to remember why I had wanted him to stop. This felt nice.
“You will always obey the rules.” He reminded my mind. “The first rule is that you need to SLEEP!” He pulled my head towards him on the word sleep.
My eyes closed and my head fell into his lap. I slept deeply as Damon explained the rest of the rules for my sleeping mind. Rules that I would always obey. I would always obey.
I awoke to a pillow hitting my head. “Girl, wake up.” Bella said from across the room.
I rubbed my eyes as I sat up. Did I fall asleep? Oh that’s right. It’s game night. I must have dozed off during the instructions. That part was always boring but still I don’t usually fall asleep. “Sorry I guess I nodded off there.”
Damon rubbed my back as I sat up and stretched. “It’s ok. We should probably start the game. Who wants to go first?”
Bella stood up and walked out to in front of our couch. She began gyrating her hips as her tan fingertips teased the edges of her top.
I cocked my head to the side. “Bella, what are you doing?”
Bella looked at me like I was an idiot. “Girl I’m like seducing him. Duh. That’s how the game works. Damon’s the judge and we have to try to seduce him the best. Were you paying like no attention?”
That’s right it started to come back to me. It was part of the game. All a totally normal part of the game. I would obey the rules of the game.
Bella slowly twisted out of her top, revealing a delicate white bra against her dark skin. She smiled at my boyfriend. “Like what you see?”
He smiled back. “I do though I’d like to see a little more.”
“Of course. Anything for you.” Bella’s pants joined her top on the ground as she continued dancing. Her dancing for my boyfriend like that was . . . Normal, completely normal. The more I thought about it the more normal it seemed. Bella had grown up salsa dancing and it showed. She moved her hips with an effortless grace. I had to admit I was a little jealous.. But not worried. Bella was hot but she didn’t know Damon like I did. I knew I could please him better than either of my friends.
Bella finished dancing and sat back down, not bothering to get dressed again. Next was Sophie. Sophie wasted no time, stripping out of her clothes quickly and then straddling my boyfriend. She wrapped her hands around his broad shoulders and she began humping him.
She whispered in his ear “I wanted to do this all night.” I could see her trembling with arousal as she pressed herself up against my boyfriend.
“Girl! That’s not fair. I didn’t know we could touch him!” Bella objected from across the room.
Sophie smirked. “It didn’t say we couldn’t in the rules.”
That’s right it didn’t. Somewhere in my mind I felt like this should bother me. But it was just normal. Why shouldn’t my best friend hump my boyfriend? It’s all part of the game. She was obeying the rules and so was I. As long as we both obeyed there was nothing to worry about.
Sophie blushed. “Sorry girls I’ll be winning this game. Then I’ll be Damon’s girlfriend and you two will be our slaves.” Then she kissed him deeply. I could see her tongue hungrily exploring his mouth.
That’s right. It was part of the game. The winner was Damon’s girlfriend and the losers became obedient slaves. That was normal. I still wasn’t worried. Sophie didn’t know him like I did. Besides being a sex slave sounded pretty hot.
Finally Sophie got off my boyfriend and my turn arrived. I stood up in front of Damon and smiled at him. Then I fell to my knees. “You are my master. I live to serve. I love to obey you.” I reach out my hand and gently stroked my master over his pants while I repeated my mantra, just like master had taught me. “You are my master. I live to serve. I love to obey you.” I felt bad for my friends. They never stood a chance. What pleases my master most isn’t dancing or grinding, it’s submission. And I submitted. “You are my master. I live to serve. I love to obey you.” I pulled his member free of his pants. I could feel how hard I was making him. It felt good to please him. “You are my master. I live to serve. I love to obey you.” As I could feel him about to cum I moved my head in, wrapping my lips around him and swallowing my master’s cum. I never used to swallow but master had trained me to love the taste of his cum. And love it I did.
I stood up satisfied as a thin white trail ran down my cheek.
Damon clapped his hands. “Ladies that was a great round. You all did really well. But I do have to pick just one winner.”
We waited in the tense silence of his pause.
“And I’m going to have to pick Alyssa. She just knows me too well” Sophie crossed her arms in frustration. “I can’t believe I lost.”
Damon smiled. “It’s ok. You won’t be thinking about it for long. Because now you’re our slave.”
“I’m your slave?” She repeated indignantly.
Damon gently took her chin and brought her gaze to meet his. “You’re our slave.” He repeated more firmly.
“I’m your slave?” Sophie said again with doubt tinging her voice.
“That’s right. Now you can’t stop repeating that and the more you repeat it the more you believe it.”
“I’m your slave. I’m your slave. I’m your slave. . .” Gradually the anxious tone left Sophia’s voice and her tone became more matter of fact. I could tell her mind was slowly accepting its new reality.
Damon released Sophie’s chin and turned towards Bella. Sophie continued staring blankly ahead repeating her mantra.
Bella looked back and forth between Sophie and Damon. “Whoah how did you do that.” Damon smiled at her. “It’s easy. Just watch. You’ll find the more you hear Sophie repeat those words the deeper they burrow into your mind until you’re chanting along with her, unable to say or think of anything else.”
I could see she was nervous. But she still rolled her eyes. “I don’t know what magic trick you’re pulling on her but just because she can’t stop saying I am your slave doesn’t mean I’m your slave. I wasn’t raised to just tell some man that I am your slave. I am your slave.” Bella shook her head briefly like trying to shake off the suggestion. It wouldn’t help. She stood, still in her bra and panties and turned to me. “Girl are you going to let him do this? I am your slave. You need to get your man under control. This is not ok.”
A wicked grin crept across my face as I stepped very close to Bella. “Actually that’s mistress to you.”
Her jaw dropped dumbfounded. “Mistress?”
I gently ran a hand up her body. “See it’s all coming back to me now. Master made me forget so that I wouldn’t give away the surprise.” I cupped her breast. “Otherwise I would have been too excited, but now that the game’s over I remember everything” I whispered in her ear. “See master enslaved me early in our relationship and we’ve been having all sorts of fun together. But it does get a little boring with just the two of us. So we decided to get some new toys. Really you should be flattered we chose you.”
Bella was speechless. Sophie carried on undisturbed
“Oh girl don’t give me that look.” I said brushing her cheek. “You’ll enjoy being a slave. I certainly do.” I gently pushed her chest and she flopped back down on the couch arms and legs spread wide, still with that shocked expression. “Now I think you were saying something?”
She opened her mouth to speak but could only get out “I am your slave. I am your slave. I am your slave.” Slowly her wide eyes drooped and went unfocused as her voice settled into a calm, steady cadence.
“That’s better.”
As my friends deepened their submission, I turned towards master and kissed him passionately. “It really worked.” I said still somewhat amazed.
Master was nonchalant. “I thought it would. They sounded like good subjects. You were pretty easy to hypnotize and they’re your friends. Though I didn’t expect them to be quite so much fun.” I could see his gaze hungrily tracing the bodies of my two best friends. “Now let’s play with our new toys.”