The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Sorry for the late update, work been busy. I have idea for more stories I just may not be fast. Sorry. Thank you for all the support(you know who you are, lol being anyne that emailed me about enjoying my writing lol. I hope this building up I did was worth the wait. I am hoping to have this story finished by next week and if lucky may begin another story.)

The Game of Life

Chapter 4

Rachel decided on what to write.

“Mental Compulsion: You feel empty, horrible and scared if you do not have something in your mouth.

Body Compulsion: If anything phalic shaped, or even remotely close to it gets near your mouth, you must suck it in a sexual way. You cannot stop sucking it yourself. You need someone to remove it for you.”

Rachel felt good about her choice, and went to work. She really wanted to be at work, she felt good. Arriving at work, she noticed how aware she was of everyone and she didn’t like how Kevin was goofing off, it wasn’t really a new thing, but she just upset seeing it.

“Kevin, get to work.” She said with confidence. This surprised Kevin as she was usually so much more relaxed.

“Uh, but we all know Carol plans to fire us in like 3 days, and she not here you so what does it matter?” Kevin replied.

“It matters cuz I said so, so get to work Kevin, or leave.” Again she said with gleaming confidence. Kevin decided to get back to work. Rachel did find it off that Carol wasn’t here, but didn’t care about who wasn’t here and got to work.

Carol had woken up later than she planned but after her late night, she didn’t care. The thing she felt weird was how she was sucking her thumb. She took her thumb out of her mouth and instantly felt weird. She didnt like this feeling. It felt like someone had pointed a gun at her. Getting ready for work took quite a bit longer as might imagine one handed. She figured this was from the game, a game she couldn’t figure out. How was this helping her be assertive. Before leaving she elected to eat at least something and grabbed a banana. She peeled it and put it to her lips. And started sucking it. She couldn’t stop. She panic, for all her will power she could not bite the banana. Her hand wouldn’t let go either and she was pushing it up and down her mouth. “Mhat mhe muck” she mumbled thinking what the hell was going on. This indefintly stalled her as she couldn’t get it out herself and she wasn’t going outside to seek help with her, what a couldn’t only describe as her blow job complusion.

Thirty minutes later finally relief as the banana dissolved from her spit and fell out of her mouth. “God my mouth feels cramped” as she stretched before returning her thumb in her mouth. She didn’t like how the day was starting. On the way to work she stopped by the store and got lolipops so she could regain control of her hand. Arriving at work, she was surprised to see how much work was getting done, Rachel had done a good job.

Rachel smiled seeing the results of her orange card. Knowing full well that this would be a new permanent work. Rachel wanted to teach her boss a lesson so a few hours later she had enacted the next stage of her plan, which was stole the bag of loli pops. Now it was just a game of time. A game that didn’t take long. As the panic on her face instantly appeared as she went to get a new loli pop. Rachel entered at this moment.

“I want this lesson to be quick and painless. I took your loli pops and it is time to be nice, if not you don’t get a loli pop. Understand?” Rachel said.

“You bitch, give me my stuff, you can’t steal from me” Carol shouted in fear of the tournment that was approaching her.

“Wrong anwser, but don’t worry” she said as she apporached her taking out a pickle and quickly shoved it at her mouth. “I have something for you instead of a lolipop”

Unfortently in her shock she dropped the lolipop and took in the pickle. She hated pickles but currently found herself a prisoner to her own body.

“I am going on lunch, I be back in an hour to get that out if it is still there.” Rachel said as she walked away.

Wait what an hour Carol thought, no, no no. “Mait, mou man’t meave mike mhis” as she couldn’t stop sucking it like a dick. The horror hit her as it falling apart like the banana was unlikely and the fact she hated pickles didn’t help. But it was this or walk out in the her office and possible being seen by the person she is buying the company from. So she waited.

Rachel was feeling good, and it wasn’t just cuz it was 3:15. Work was good, her boss was finally getting just deserts and she was enjoying a salad while the orgasm hit her in a restaurant but used to the feeling so no one could probably guess that, but even if they could, she didn’t care.

After her lunch ended she went to relieve her boss. She was still in the same position. Finally Carol thought, relief. Rachel removed the pickle and gave her a loipop.

“If your mean to anyone, expect this pickle to visit you for a longer time.” Rachel said as she left to return to work.

Carol was horrified, the idea of being stuck like that longer horrified her. She would have just hid at home, but she was behind already and she wasn’t letting something like this ruin her business deal.

Carol had learned her lesson and at the very least wasn’t going to be risking that pickle again today. As such the rest of the day went without incident.

Carol stayed at work late, she liked the place being empty for catching up on work. As such it was near midnight when she arrived home.

Day 5

Carol wasn’t about to risk not rolling again. Since it was midnight, she rolled. 19. A blue square.

She grabbed a card and it read:

“Penalty card

Roll again and move backwards, gain a new card. This new card shall reflect its effect to a new player”

Oh she thought so this new card would effect Rachel, revenge time. She rolled a 4 and landed on a purple square. Drew a card

“Mental change:

” She thought long and hard and figured she knew what would be a good punishment to her employee and wrote:

“Rachel you whore, from now on, be cursed to dress like one. Be aware that you can’t dress unless it is bright colors or trampy outfits.”

Hahaha, I laughed. She didn’t even write it nice. The funny thing is generally a mental change will sink as if it had always been true, but when you make a point of being aware of it, I will go with it. I want to say, this game is mostly fair. I am not giving her bad cards, actually I am not picking cards, it truly is random, the reason she is losing is based more on the fact she didn’t get the rulebook, well and this game tends to favor nice people, not sure why actually. So they truly was a chance for her to win, still is actually.

Carol felt satisfied and went to bed.

Rachel woke up by the feeling in her thighs, and decided to wake up and go with the feeling. Well and roll. A 10. And on a blue card she landed after selecting one it read.

“Sensation modifcation:

  1. Anxious when not naked
  2. Airhead around attractive people
  3. E for Erogenous zones Everwhere”
  4. Right feels so wrong.

Rachel thought for a moment, and considered that B and D were not something she would be able to dislike and A would likely land her in jail before she got used to it. And C seemed like it added to her previous afflections. So C it was. It was early though so she decided to try and fall asleep with her warm radiating though her thighs.

Rachel woke up feeling much hornier than normal, at least considering it wasn’t 3AM. She realized she that her special places felt really good, it is as if Carol roll mirrored her own, and she was feeling hyper active erogenous zones. She was ok with that.