The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

A Hawaiian in Time: Part II

Note: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts and situations. It is not for (and shouldn’t be read by) those less than 18 years old. Also, remember that this is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. Hypnosis does not work this way. Mind control like this is not possible. Don’t try this at home, but feel free to enjoy the story. Please read PartI first to get the greatest enjoyment.

The entire story is dedicated to those who fought and died in the Pearl Harbour Attack on December 7, 1941, and for the victims of Imperial Japan generally. May they always be remembered.


Koa was gobsmacked. She had just seen a threesome involving three women and the repeated assault of a pregnant woman. She had to tell the police about this. Koa was scared. She held her grandmother’s mirror for luck.

“Stop right there, Koa!” Hayumi commanded icily. This made Koa figuratively jump out of her skin.

“Irene...” Koa said nervously. “Fancy meeting you here, I was just out for a walk.”

“How stupid do you think I am? You were looking through the shed window. I can’t have you interfering with my plan. “

“Plan? I don’t know what you are talking about. I won’t interfere with your plan.” Koa opened her grandma’s mirror. She looked like she’d seen a ghost.

“There you go again, talking to me like I’m a moron and primping in the mirror. I’ll make sure you won’t interfere with my plan. In fact you’ll help me with it!”

“I’d never help you with that!” Koa protested, still clinging to her mirror.

“You will after you hear this!” Hayumi strode over to Koa. “Look into my eyes.” Her eyes immediately lit up and green and white spirals appeared. Koa was surprised by the colours.

Out of instinct more than anything, she held the open mirror up to Hayumi’s eyes.

“Watashi no kanri-ka ni aru” Hayumi chanted. She was so focused on the chant she failed to realize that Koa’s mirror now reflected her face. She was staring into her own eyes. They were so beautiful! She suddenly became very dizzy. It then became hard for her to move or speak. Her eyes began to close. She managed to squeak out a “Banzai” before her mind shut off. Her head slumped forward and she fell to the ground with a small thud.

“Irene?” Koa questioned. She had put down the mirror to see if the woman was alright. “What’s going on?”

“I am trance,” she replied softy.

“Hypnotized? Is that what you were trying to do to me?”

“Yes...” Hayumi affirmed.

“Is that what you have done to Annie and Stella?”


“Is that why, they were having sex with you?”

“ is,” Hayumi answered robotically.

“And hitting Stella: what was that about?”

“I was trying to get her to miscarry,” Hayumi said with complete honesty.

“You what?!” Koa gasped angry and in shock.

“I was trying to get her to miscarry,” she repeated.

“Why would you do such a thing?!” Koa thundered in indignation.

“I did it for the Emperor,” Hayumi said.

“The Emperor?” Koa said flustered. “Do you mean Emperor Hirohito?”

“Yes,” Hayumi said flatly.

Then it dawned on Koa. Irene was a Japanese spy! Considering her educational background she should have known this. She had done her Master’s Thesis on Japanese espionage in the United States. On top of that her PHD Thesis was on human experimentation in East Asia and it included a chapter on the infamous Unit 731 experimentation including attempts at mind control. Irene must have been one of them! She had hypnotized Annie and Stella and had tried to do the same to her. Irene had looked into her grandmother’s mirror and had hypnotized herself instead.

“Irene,” Koa said. “You are hypnotized, correct?”

“Yes, I am hypnotized,” the woman confirmed.

“Your brand of hypnotism makes others do whatever the hypnotist says, right?”


“Since I tricked you into hypnotizing yourself, I am the hypnotist and you must obey me,” Koa said authoritatively.

“You tricked are the hypnotist...must obey you,” she said.

“Now,” Koa said. “We will enter the cabin. You will tell me your entire back-story, mission, and any top secret information you have about Japan’s or any other Axis power’s war or intelligence plans. You will also give control of Annie and Stella over to me. Do you understand?”

“Hai, Aijin,” Hayumi said.

“That’s ‘yes mistress’” Koa reminded her.

“Yes, mistress,” she replied obediently.


Koa was learning a lot from the Japanese spy. Her name wasn’t really Irene Do, but Hayumi Dohihara. Her family were high-ranking members of the Japanese government. Her mother gave birth to her in Vietnam so she could claim she was Vietnamese and avoid government scrutiny if war broke out. She had been trained in assassination, foreign languages (including English), espionage, and martial arts. She was being trained in mind control techniques. She was using the hypnotized Annie and Stella to satisfy her proclivities (she was bisexual), demoralize the Americans and help launch a full invasion of the country. Through her spying she learnt that Howard Fahey was the one who knew all of the codes for the alarms and other secret areas at the military facilities. If he lost his grandchild, he would be so upset his mental fortitude would plummet, making him an easy target for her hypnosis and getting him to give her the codes facilitating the i nvasion. She also planned on breaking out the internees at Tule Lake (the relocation centre holding most of the Japanese-Americans who actually were collaborating with the Imperial Japan. German and Italian-Americans were interned in camps in Texas and Montana among other places. Then America would fall and the whole world would truly be under one roof— the Imperial Japanese roof. Koa and Hayumi were now in the cabin.

“Hayumi,” Koa commanded. “Wake Anna and Stella and give control over them to me.”

“Yes Mistress,” Hayumi said. She woke the two women, who were still under her control. “Annie, Stella, Koa is now your mistress you will obey her as you once obeyed me and I currently obey her. Do you understand?”

“Hai, Aijin,” the two said in unison.

“Say ‘yes mistress,’ instead please,” Koa ordered

“Yes mistress,” the two said in unison.

With everyone under her control Koa got to work. She had Annie and Stella redress and Hayumi strip naked and lie on her back. She then went over to Annie and Stella and turned on her Smartphone. While she—obviously—did not have internet access, the recording function still worked.

“Hayumi,” Koa ordered. “You will now masturbate. You will also say ‘down with the Emperor’ while I am doing it. You will not feel any shame. If anything, you will be proud because you are serving your mistress.” She pressed record. “Do you understand Hayumi?”

“Yes mistress,” Hayumi said.

“Down with the Emperor!” Hayumi said as she inserted her fingers into her vagina and rubbed. The self-pleasure the only feelings her empty mind had. “Down with the Emperor. Ooh down with the Emperor!” Her pleasure was building. “Down with the Emperor...aaaagh!” she said as she climaxed.

“Music to my ears,” Koa said gleefully. “Now,” she commanded, turning to Annie and Stella, “Why don’t you take your revenge?” She stopped recording.

“Yes mistress” the two women said in unison. Annie went over to the hypnotized Hayumi turned her on her back, and spanked her several times. Hayumi yelped with each slap of her behind. Then, Stella got poetic justice. She instinctively went to Hayumi turned her on her back and stomped her on the stomach which as much force as she could. Hayumi howled in pain. Once Hayumi recovered, Stella stomped her again.

Then Koa realized something. It must be incredibly late and the Fahey family were probably wondering where they all were. Koa had Hayumi redress and addressed the three women collectively.

Listen ladies, you will not remember anything that has happened here tonight except the things I tell you tell you to remember. Do you understand?”

“Yes mistress,” the three women said in unison.

“I am going to give you each your own set of instructions which you will subconsciously remember. You will listen to them carefully and follow them faithfully. Here they are...”


My, it had been an eventful two weeks. First, Koa had programmed Annie and Stella to forget their sexual escapades with Hayumi and made them immune to Hayumi’s hypnosis should she try to hypnotize them again. Second. Koa had Hayumi reveal where she had put all of her intelligence codes, Japanese invasion plans, and other important war related information. She had then gone to the Tule Lake Relocation Centre and turned Hayumi (and all of the evidence) in. She also turned in the recording of Hayumi masturbating and denouncing the Emperor. Hayumi was humiliated. She went to her jail cell and committed seppuku—the ritual suicide Japanese soldiers commit to preserve their honour on capture or serious failure. Since she didn’t have a samurai sword she had to settle with the odd method of suffocating herself by swallowing a bar of soap. The chance of a further Japanese invasion of the United States was greatly reduced. For her heroism, Koa was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest award a civilian can get from the United States government. She also got a nice $1000.00 award on top of that.

Koa was now back in Tulane California and driving with Alma and Annie to the Fahey’s with groceries for the evening meal. They reached the Fahey house and got into the driveway. Stella and George came to greet them. George was especially happy to see Koa and ran out to hug her. Unfortunately, he ran a bit too quickly and was now in the middle of the road. A long, sleek, car was rushing towards him. Instinctively, Koa ran after him and pushed him out of the way. George had been saved, but Koa was now in the path of the car. She screamed. The last thing she saw was a flash of light. Then everything went black.


Koa awoke with a start. She felt groggy. Even worse, she felt pain. She looked around her. She was in the Oahu General Hospital. She was hooked up to a heart monitor and other machines she could not recognize. Then Dr. Petrie came in.

“Koa?” he said, clearly surprised. “You’re awake!”

“Yeah...” Koa said frazzled. “I guess I am. What happened?”

“Well, you got hit by a car. You were able to move most of your body out of the way but it ran over your leg and you hit your head. You were in a coma for two weeks. Your condition has stabilized and you should be alright as long as you follow the medical directions of the hospital.”

“I see....I see,” Koa said. Great, she thought sarcastically, the trip back in time was just a coma-induced dream. She still had that tumour, was still in pain, and was still going to die in six months.

“That said,” Dr. Petrie continued. “I do have some good news.”

“Really...what?” Koa asked.

“Remember when I said that the operation to remove the tumour would cost a lot of money?”

“Yeah,” Koa affirmed.

“Well, I did some calling and it turns out that there is doctor who runs an organization and he’s agreed to underwrite the operation. It won’t cost you anything. You won’t even need to pay for your hospital stay due to the car accident.”

“Really?!” Koa exclaimed. Her life had literally been saved. ‘That’s wonderful!”

“It is,” Dr. Petrie agreed. “In fact, that very doctor is right outside your room. The surgeon who will be performing the operation is here, too. Would you like him to come in?”

“Absolutely!” Koa said.

“Alright, come on in you two!”

Koa saw two men come in. One was an old man who appeared to be in his sixties. He was balding and wearing a suit. The other seemed to be in his early forties. The old man spoke first.

“Nice to meet you Koa, my name is George Fahey and this is my great-nephew Keith Nabors. Rest assured that your tumour will be removed and you will be home to your family by Christmas.”

“Thank you so much,” Koa said, genuinely grateful. “I just have one question: Are you in any way related to Howard Fahey?”

“Oh yes, as a matter of fact, I am. I am one of his sons. Funny thing, when I was a child a woman named Koa lived with my family for a time. My parents said she saved me from being hit by a car. Unfortunately, we never saw her again after that. ”

“My grandma Stella also talked about a woman with that name. I cannot remember much, though. Never mind that, though. Let’s begin prepping you for surgery. It should occur within the next few days. Now, listen carefully. ”

“Will do,” Koa assented with a big smile on her face. Apparently that trip through time mattered after all. She had wanted a way to save her life and she only had to go back 65 years to get it.

The reader may be thinking that this was a miracle. It was. It was a miracle straight from the Unusual Universe.

The End