Hypno Convention
Author’s note: This story involves what could be seen as dubious consent. Please understand this is a work of fiction meant to be an enjoyable fantasy. This should never be applied to real life encounters. I welcome comments, feedback and reasonable requests at my email address, found in Authors on this site. Enjoy!
I wasn’t exactly planning on this. When I scheduled myself at this particular hotel over a year ago for a stay in the city where my ex wife and I first met, I didn’t check the scheduled events going on around the time of my stay. After she left me with no warning to run away with her boss, my life has been adrift for a while. I decided I needed to go back to the beginning to figure out where I was going next. I must have booked my visit just before the announcement was made where the Erotic Hypnosis convention would be taking place this year. The tickets that far in advance were cheap. So, imagine my surprise when I arrived today to find the place packed with freaky people. It’s like mardi gras, spring break and every frat party in the country were all sent here for this particular weekend. I just wanted to drink by the pool and drown in my loneliness. But now, I’m sitting here in the hotel bar watching people do all sorts of weird, crazy shit.
Take this guy, for example. He is actually wearing a cape. Like a damn vampire. He is in full cosplay as a hypnotist, pocket watch and all. I’ve been sitting here nursing a scotch and watching him dangle the thing in front of the face of a bombshell in black lace. She’s either a very accomplished actor or my assumptions about hypnosis are all wrong. I’ve always mostly figured those stage shows are all a combination of group think and attention seeking. And no way am I going to count laying on a couch taking a nap in a doctor’s office as therapy and pay out the nose for it. Still… she looks like she’s really just… gone. Except not really gone. Her eyes say she’s sleeping, but her body sure doesn’t. Yeah, this can’t be… legal. Right? Things are starting to heat up in several places just here in the bar. I’ve already been accosted and propositioned several times in the last couple hours by folks thinking I’m here for the convention, either wanting to hypnotize me or for me to hypnotize them. What is it with these people?
Whatever. I’m not here for this. And yes, I checked. They won’t refund my stay. You’d think they’d have no issue, since I’m guessing there are plenty of people wanting a room given how many people are here. Bringing my scotch with me, I get up from the booth I’ve been brooding in and head out of the bar. I shouldn’t have been watching the bombshell girate, though. I should have been watching where I was going so that I wouldn’t plow right into a slender little red head and just about knock the poor thing to the floor. My drink goes all over her purple top as I fumble to catch her before she falls, adding insult to injury.
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry… shit! And now you’re drenched. Just really not my night. Are you o—...”
Real smooth. I know. Knock her down, soak her in booze… then trail off and stare at her like a creeper. But can you blame me? Those eyes. I can’t tell if they’re hazel or brown. But they are fathomless. Rich, warm pools so deep I can’t see the bottom. My lame attempt to apologize fades away as I find myself staring. Luckily, she doesn’t seem offended. Her smile does wild things to her face. A cute little dimple appears on one cheek and her lips pull my attention from her captivating eyes as she smiles.
“I’m fine. No worries! You seem to be in a hurry. I hope I’m not keeping you from… anything important.”
She gives me a knowing smile that makes me feel naked. It’s like she can see all my secrets. Shaking myself, I try to kick start my brain and shake my head, setting my now empty glass down on a nearby table and picking up a few napkins from the dispenser. Just to really sell this lame act I’m putting on, I offer the little cocktail napkins like an olive branch. I know better than to try and help her dry off. That’s how men get accused of sexual harassment. Don’t think the thought isn’t intriguing though. She fills that tight top so nicely I can’t help wonder what’s hidden beneath the fabric.
“No, nothing important. Just… hard to find quiet here this weekend. I was just going back to my room.”
That knowing smile stays put, leaving me to suffer the rare sensation of being one step behind. I’m never at a loss for words, never awkward around women. Or at least, I wasn’t. It’s been a long time since I dated. I was married for ten years until my Susan died two years ago. I haven’t cared to date since. So sue me. I’m rusty. But here I am… choking on my words like I did when I was twelve and first starting to realize girls didn’t have cooties. How did I not notice how warm and soothing her voice was when she first spoke? This time, its like warm honey.
“That explains the direction you were going but not the rush. Unless... Oh. You’re not here for the convention, are you? Wow! How did you manage that? Yes, I’d imagine this all looks… a little shocking, to you. You poor thing.”
I should feel patronized. Irritated. I really should. But she seems to really mean that. She’s not teasing me. There is sympathy in her words. Without really expecting to, I release a gentle sigh and give her a hint of a smile.
“Yeah, actually. I’m here for something else. Booked forever ago. I had no idea until I arrived today. Is that why you’re here, then?”
And just like that, the conversation changes. Before I know what’s happening, this cute little thing has hooked her arm in mine, then turned me around to lead me back into the hotel bar. I’m too much of a gentleman to dig in my heels and refuse to follow her. Nor am I really inclined to refuse. She is soft, warm, and comfortable. Cute as a button. Why not? I guess I’m having drinks with a kinkster.
“Alright. Then you need the do’s and don’ts. Plus, I made you spill your drink, so you’ll need another one. What are you drinking? Smells like scotch. Why don’t you go find us a quiet place to sit, if you can find one? I’ll buy this round.”
With a dismissive wave of one hand, she lets go of me and saunters off to the bar. I’m left standing here in the center of the semi-populated space with my mouth open. How did my life come to this point? Do I want to sit down to drinks with this gorgeous, seemingly intelligent woman? We both know the answer to that is a resounding yes. But do I believe even for a moment that she won’t try and get me to stare into a crystal ball or something? No. This is absolutely gonna get weird. But what the hell. How bad can it be?
When she joins me at the table I chose, I do my best not to stare. This is the first time I’ve actually allowed my gaze to scan her body. But I shouldn’t have done it, because now the little colonel is trying to wave hello. Because my mother didn’t raise a caveman, I get up as if to pull her chair for her, but… the table is a booth. There are no chairs to pull. And now I’m standing here like a jackass. She finds it cute, apparently, judging by her laugh. Her laugh is like windchimes. Where does she get her cute and why don’t they bottle it?
“Aren’t you just the sweetest? Thank you.”
She sits down and slides the bourbon across the table to me, keeping a red wine for herself. Left with no other option, I sit down across from her. I notice just a second too late that when she picks up her glass, my hand moves to do the same. She’s got me second guessing my every action. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so rusty, or if it’s all the crazy being tossed around in this hotel this weekend, but something has reverted me back to my teens. She takes a sip, so I lamely do the same.
“I, umm…” I was intending to fill the silence with a small-talk question, but struggle to come up with something to say, “Uh, I don’t think I caught your name. I’m Jacob. Or Jake, whatever.”
The bar is dimly lit with corny little fake candles on each table, so the little fake flame light catches on the wine glass as she idly twirls the red liquid in her glass. It’s oddly distracting, but at least I’m not staring at her eyes any more. Progress.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Jake. I’m Misty. Thank you for trusting me enough to share a drink with me.”
I look up from the swirling wine to her face and get caught in her eyes again. It almost seemed like she was jerking my chain, but her gaze is so sincere. I could so easily get lost in those eyes. She raises the glass to sip again, then resumes swirling it and my eyes are pulled there again.
“I mean… who says no to an invitation like that? What’s the harm, right?”
“Exactly,” she purrs, and her voice goes through me like a warm summer breeze, “There’s no harm at all. We can just relax and chat. No big deal, right?”
Around and around, her wine swirls. I can barely hear her breathing over the quiet din in the bar and find my own breathing matching it. I was so anxious just a few minutes ago, but now… this is actually kinda nice.
“Sure. No big deal. So… you’re here for the convention, then?”
“I am, yes. I’ve always found Hypnosis to be incredibly fascinating. And, frankly? Hot as fuck.”
Fucking hell. Now I’m blushing. I want to look up at her face to check if she’s noticed that, but I’m too nervous about what her reaction to that might be, so I stay on the wine swirling in her glass as if it’s a shield between us.
“What is it that fascinates you? I’ll admit I don’t know much.”
“So many things. Honestly. But Since you’re a newbie, I’ll explain a few. One, because the subject is actually the one with most of the power. A hypnotist is only as good as her subject. When a hypnotist finds a subject with a mind that is very skilled with imagination, and the two build enough rapport, the sky is the limit. Hypnosis is… how can I put it. It’s very relaxing. The subject is able to leave their body behind and just be in their mind. It feels like sleep, but while you’re awake. You loose all your worries and just… drift...”
Around and around. The candle reflects off the glass and the shines through the red liquid, making me blink more often. The repetitive motion is soothing. Unexpectedly so. It almost feels like her hand is caressing me with those small circles. Oh, fuck. She’s still talking. I hope she didn’t notice I spaced out there for a second.
“...easy to just focus on that one thing in particular to the exclusion of all else. Wouldn’t you like to know what that feels like, just once? To really know what true relaxation feels like? If you had the opportunity to go into trance, would you take it?”
I start to ponder that, really not sure what my answer should be. But then I notice that my head is moving. Up, then down, in a slow and lazy nod. I didn’t decide to do that, but now it’s too late. I’ve already said yes.
“Would you trust me with that? Just here in this bar?”
Again, I nod. This time almost actually intending to. She seems harmless and competent.
“Good boy… that’s what I love to hear. Focus on my voice, then, Jake. Let your eyes stay glued to the reflections and the spiraling liquid. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to try. Just listen and react. That’s perfect. Just like that.”
Now that I’ve been told to keep looking, my eyes feel incredibly dry. How long have I been staring like this? I find myself blinking more rapidly and it’s strangely difficult to open my eyes again each time. But her voice is also becoming an issue. I’ve never heard a sound that felt like a physical sensation before. But her voice is a full-body caress. It’s so relaxing to listen to her as she keeps talking.
“Now, lets imagine something together, alright? Imagine that you’re lying on a raft that is floating along on a lazy river. You can feel the heat of the sun above and the cool water below. The raft will take you where you need to be safely, so you only need to lie there and drift. Take a deep breath. Are there clouds in the sky above you?”
“Yes…” woah, is that my voice? I sound so… out of it… “fluffy white ones.”
“Good boy… let’s count the clouds that go by. When we get to ten of those clouds we’ll reach our destination. I’ll say count them out loud for you so that you can just lie there and watch. You’re getting so sleepy in the heat of the sun. Ten… just letting your muscles relax… Nine… so sleepy and relaxed…”
I think I spaced out again at that point. For a bit, it was as if I was really there on that raft. I really thought I could feel the hot sun, the cool water, the gentle breeze. It smelled like that time I went to the caribbean. But then a high-pitched giggle startled me. Where was that voice coming from? Weren’t we alone on the… No. We’re not on a raft. We’re in the bar. At the hotel. During an erotic hypnosis convention.
I find myself opening my eyes with no memory of having closed them. It’s like waking up from a dead sleep. Or, more accurately, being violently awakened against your will. I blink my eyes and straighten out of the deep slouched I’d melted into. I should be embarrassed, worried about whether anyone else saw me, but before I can, her voice grabs me by the balls and I find those eyes are all I can think about.
“Sorry, Jake. It’s not a very quiet environment here. You okay?”
It’s only then that I think to do a mental inventory. Am I okay? I mean, yeah… Just sleepy and… Oh fuck. Yeah. I haven’t been that hard in so many years. I clear my throat and try to look away from her eyes, but fail at that.
“I’m okay. I think… I enjoyed that more than I expected to. Thank you.”
“Of course. I think you’re a natural. You respond so effortlessly. Have you really never been under before? I’m pretty sure I could have taken you a lot deeper, even for your first time.”
Natural… effortless… under… deeper.
Those words echo in my thoughts strangely and my eyes flutter briefly. I see a mental image of that raft again in my mind and feel my chest deflate with an involuntary sigh.
“N-nnnever. Uhmm…” I blink a few times and try again, “No, I’ve never been hypnotized before.”
“Do you want to be?”
“Yes. Please. I do.”
“Good boy. Give me those lovely eyes, then, Jake… take a deep breath…”
Her eyes seem to grow until they’re all I can see and already I can feel a strange heaviness pulling at my muscles. It’s hard to stay fully upright. I want to object to being called good boy like that, but it’s so hard to think straight when I look into her eyes… maybe I’ll bring it up later. I’m nobody’s boy.
“You’re doing so good for me, Jake. Take a drink from your glass, being careful not to spill or choke on it. Pretend that the liquor is much stronger than you’re used to. But this is special liquor. It doesn’t just cause drunkenness. It causes you to feel soooo veeeery sleeeepy.”
My hand moves as if someone else is controlling it, probably her, and blindly gropes for the glass until it finds it and lifts the glass to the lips that are hanging open. I feel the muscles coordinate taking a sip with a sense of detachment, as if I had nothing to do with that whole process. The second the liquor hits my stomach, my eyes roll heavily and I feel myself slump in my seat. Suddenly, her voice is beside me instead of before me and I can feel hands touching me. I’m not aware of exactly what she’s saying. Another voice speaks to her in a heavy, sleepy drawl and I wish they’d go away. I want to hear her talk. She has such a lovely voice and so many wonderful ideas.
Ideas like how nice it would be if we went to my room. There’s a bed there. I could lie down in the bed if we went to my room. That would be so much more comfortable. But I’m so tired… do I really want to walk that far? Yes. Yes I do. She points it out to me and I find that she’s right. I do. With her help, I can find my way there without having to wake up. Isn’t that so nice of her.
My eyes do as she suggests and open up, but I’m still wonderfully asleep, looking through my eyes like a window. My body follows her suggestions and gets up from the table, then my hands give her my room number. My feet follow her as she begins to walk and I’m treated to the sight of her lovely ass swaying as she walks. A few times, I start to feel myself waking and my steps falter, but her beautiful voice helps fix that problem and I’m able to sleep the whole way to my room. It’s actually getting harder to keep walking now because my body wants to sleep like my mind is. I’m staggering like a drunk as we get off the elevator. She’s so kind to let me lean on her.
The second we get to the room, I collapse onto my back on the bed with a happy sigh. It’s so much better here. So quiet. I can hear her voice better now. She’s still talking but I don’t track what she’s saying. The other voice I hear must be mine because there’s no one else here, but that doesn’t seem all too important right now. Not when I’m getting so aroused I can barely hold still. My arms are so heavy and there’s no coordination in my fingers. I try to free my erection from confinement, but it’s too difficult and my voice whimpers my complaint for me.
“Don’t worry, Jake. I’ll help you with that. Just relax, my sleepy boy…”
Mmm… that’s so much better. I sigh when the pressure is released and I can feel the cool air on my slick, hard cock. I must be already leaking.
“Now, if I do or say anything you don’t like, you need to do something for me. If you need me to slow down, say yellow. If you need me to stop, say red. Can you do that, Jake?”
“Mm… mhhhmmmm…”
“No, say the words so I know you understand.
“Slow… yellow. Stop… red.”
It’s so hard to talk and my voice is slurred, but it must have been good enough, because she chuckles.
“Good boy. Now, the harder you get the deeper you’re going to go. Obedience is pleasure. The more you obey my suggestions, the better you’ll feel. Let me show you so you know I’m right. I’m going to tell you to say a word and you’re going to immediately do it without thinking. That word is going to make you feel a powerful surge of pleasure. You can say it just that one time, or if you find you like it, you can say it as often as you want to. Ready? Good boy. Now, say the word Obey.”
I couldn’t even finish the word. A jolt of erotic pleasure like I’ve never imagined possible hits me hard and I choke on a moan.
“Obeeeey…. Mmmmm!”
Her hand begins to stroke my aching cock, spreading the precum she’s so expertly milking from me.
I’m weakly flexing my hips into her hand now, trying to get more friction. I’m so close… but something holds me back from reaching the climax I crave.
“Good boy. Now, you’re probably thinking ‘why can’t I cum’ right about now, right? That’s because you crave my control. You need me to tell you to cum. It’ll be so much better if I tell you to cum, won’t it?”
“I know. You need it, don’t you? So hard. So helpless.”
“Good boy. Obedience is pleasure. Now… cum for me…”
I hear a bellow of primal pleasure that must be mine but I’m too distracted by the fireworks happening inside me to notice that clearly. I’ve had plenty of sex in the past, but never had an orgasm like this one. And she only used her hand! For a while there, I leave my body entirely. It’s an infinite space of time with her voice echoing endlessly. I think there were a few more orgasms there, and I’m pretty sure I heard her voice get rough with orgasm more than once. I know for sure I tasted sex, so I must have had my mouth on her at some point. I only know one thing for absolute certainty, though. As I drift off into a true sleep, nothing is all that clear to me. I don’t know exactly what just happened or what will await me when I wake up… but I am sure of this one fact.
Hypnosis is Awesome.