The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: I’m sorry about my wife

Synopsis: The Bimbolopoly is starting and Bryan had no choice but to live with it. With his wife, Gloria, he swore he would do anything to protect her wants, needs, and innocence, no matter how uncanny it is.

All rights reserved. Permission is granted to post this text on non-commercial Internet sites, provided the entire text of the story remains intact and the copyright note is displayed. To publish this text in printed and/or other forms, including commercial Internet sites and excerpts, contact the author at .

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters in this story are eighteen years of age or older.

Authors note: The ending of the story popped into my head one day and I thought I might try writing something to carry it. This is more of a fun writing and nothing serious. There is something more of a pedo joke in there so don’t be alarmed. I am looking for any type of critique, good or bad. This will be a good experience for me as well so I would like to know what you all think.

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Title: I’m sorry about my wife

Chapter 1: Bimbolopoly.

Things had certainly changed since the coming and going of the Bimbolopoly. That was what it was called, or at least, by the ones that were unaffected. However, good or bad it was, no one was able to judge it.

To Bryan, he remained content with the whole situation. He paid little mind to the musing, or in this case, moaning, of the public and would rather focus on the things he had in mind. Like his true hobby as a ne—Geek.

Bryan was just your average joe. A nerd—no, a Geek. He was always careful with that term. Sure, society would see the former as a stereotypical useless stain but he was unlike the ugly, fat, or socially awkward stereotypes of most. He was rather skinny with the unkempt hair he prefers. Bryan simply has a different taste from the norm. He would prefer things in fiction like Games, Movies, Shows, or Anime. Perhaps a little too eccentric as even his friends, or at least the sparse few that shared his interest, were even worried about him. He often gets into fights with the fandoms but that’s a story for a another time.

Today’s weather was cool with the early evening air. He was just about done with his dinner for two.

He had spent the whole day on it and was rather proud of his majestic roast beef and vegetables. The last step was to set it into the oven for an hour. It would be later than usual for it to be done. He would have finished sooner if it wasn’t for his wife. She had been needy.

Yes, he was married. Even he couldn’t believe it. In fact, he was sure he would grow up preoccupied in his hobby of building Gundam figures as a proud and certified geek. He would find a simple job after University to fuel the lifestyle until he met Gloria. Initially, he brushed Gloria off as another bully who was on a dare to date someone like him but she was persistent.

Gloria was a bombshell of a woman. They were the same age but she was in a completely different tier. If Bryan was a B-tier, Gloria would be SSR-tier. A tall and slender golden blonde with a smile worth a thousand words. Her figure was modest with a B-cup that would rival even the best of any models. What more, she was a genuine prodigy in her preferred field of Technology. It was always a mystery why she would approach him so dearly.

Gradually, he kept seeing her everyday even if their classes were in different buildings. Or at least tried to. It started off slow. First was the small talk in the morning. Then slowly asking to join him for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Rain or shine, she always knew where he was no matter how Bryan wanted to avoid her. At one point, she even bought a set lunch she made at home. It tasted horrible. She wasn’t that great of a cook. Eventually, Bryan’s defenses slowly crumbled and he gave him encouraged by another friend of hers. The smile she gave that day was so radiant that he didn’t have the heart to throw the lunch away and ate it in one agonizing sitting.

Over time Bryan was drawn to her persistent quirkiness. Sure, it helped that she shared the same interest as him, which surprised him. She even could recite the opening song of his favourite anime and even identify which Gundam figures with a glance. But Bryan was a geek. He was well prepared for a life of Geekiness. While he doesn’t have a problem with women, he certainly does have a problem with overly attached ones.

That was a few years ago. Now, aged 25 and married to each other for five years with no children, Bryan swore he would do anything for her. Even support her during the Bimbolopoly.

“Master, it seems the bread is insufficient. “

It was Alice the maid. Like the graceful maid she was she stood ready in her perfect black dress covered with a large white apron. Her limbs were strategically fitted with frilled accessories and her pristine skin shined almost like a doll, carried by a stature perfect for her tasks. She also had her DD breast wide open for all to see and nipples hard to show.

Bryan smiled and thanked her before turning back to the oven. It must be Gloglo teasing me again. It was his nickname for her. He knew better what Gloria was thinking so he ignored the gravity defying double presents for now.

Without the bread Bryan was at a loss. As the cook of the family, he was in charge of the family’s diet and Carbohydrate was needed. As he began to ponder what to do a “Bark“ answered him.

Right by the door was a cute woman standing by her haunches. She was naked as the day she was born except for the collar on her neck. Her closed hands up pawing near her chest. In her mouth was a leash and she was panting with excitement as best as she could. Her eyes were eager as they lit up when she saw him turn around. Her behind wagged lightly showing her pussy barely covered in a heart shaped pubic hair. Right underneath was a bushy tail attached to a special area.

Bryan has a habit of seeing his wife’s beautiful breast for a second longer than normal. Just above them he could see her wedding ring on her left hand. It was something he knew she never wanted to take off. It wasn’t until the second bark bought him back to reality.

He smiled tiredly his wife. It was obvious what she wanted but he played along.

“What to do what to do...We’re out of bread. Bummer.“


“I know. We can just call some Pizzas! That delivery girl was hot! “

Gloria hesitated a bit. The prospect of a Pizza dinner gave her time to think but her eagerness got the better of her. She growled back lowly. It was fun teasing her like this but Bryan knows what she wanted.

“Hmm, I know. I can go to the bakery for some bread. It’s still open and the weather is so nice...does Gloglo wants to go for a walk?“

Immediately Gloria perked with a happy “yip.” She quickly got down on all fours and crawled towards Bryan. Her head caressed lovingly at his leg.

Bryan, being used to her teasing, patted her lovingly back on her head like he always does. She let him take the leash and panted happily with a slit of her tongue slightly out. Her smile and demeanor was so erotic that Bryan could just take her right then and there. He controlled himself. They had a wonderful time already. He took the reigns of the leash and got his things ready.

He wore a simple jacket over his shirt and some jeans. He ignored his phone at home because one of his strict rules was no pictures. After some quick instructions to Alice the two left the house with Gloria leading the way.

It was truly a good day to go for a walk.

During the Bimbolopoly something strange would befall on the residents of a sleepy district. It was a phenomenon that occurred once every month or so and for a week. To Bryan, he didn’t care much of it and wasn’t exactly sure on how it worked. He would go find out but decided against it. The ignorant route was blissful and he was assured it was perfectly fine. After all, as long as his wife was safe and happy that was all that mattered.

The Bakery they were going to was a short trip not far from the house they were living in. They lived in a residential area where many locals were newlyweds or students enrolled in the nearby University (Where Gloria was still working for her PHD). However, on Gloria’s insistent of spending more time with Bryan, she decided to go with the longer route. Bryan knew she would do this and just rolled with it.

No sooner have they rounded the corner the result of the Bimbolopoly could be seen. Or, on one person.

“Happy Bimbolopoly!, babe! Wanna join us for a party?”

A punk woman was just waiting by the streetlight. She was mid age and her hair was dyed punk pink in the form of a large tomahawk stretching higher than her head. Wearing a face of metals and a tight fitted jacket and long chains to fit the part. She looked stunningly proud as she chewed on something while caressing her finger to coerced Bryan to come closer. She licked her lips like she was eyeing him like a piece of meat.

Bryan chuckled at the sight of Ms. Tuner. She was a teacher in training at a distance away and lived close to them. Originally, she was a prudish and shy with frizzy red hair who preferred heavy sweaters to hide her body. Now, she had a more confident aura with her, looking down at anyone that dared to put her down. Incidentally, she was one of the few close friends that the couple had.

Gloria immediately growled when she saw Bryan looking at her prominent cleavage longer than normal.

“Oh, sorry GloGlo.” He immediately apologized. Despite their circumstances, Gloria can still be jealous from time to time. He did not want another incident like last time and quickly shifted his gaze upward while changing the subject. “You’re looking great today, Ms. Turner.”

“Told you to just call me Amber. Fire Amber ready to party!”

“Sorry about the offer, Amber. You look great today with what you’re wearing.“ There was no trace of the shy person they used to know. The high school she worked at would be horrified.

The clothes and accessories were the result of the Bimbolopoly. These things magically appeared near the affected to suit their convenience.

“Damn right and I feel fucking great.”

“I thought Tommy and Randy were going to pick you up for your date? You were bragging to us yesterday.”

Amber was now kneeling down and giving loving strokes to Gloria. Gloria enjoyed that to the point she was subtly wagging her behind.

“Fuck yeah! In fact, Randy found a new Harley that he wanted to test out. Tommy is waiting for us at the usual G.P avenue. Hot damn, can’t wait to ride their thing. Maybe then they’ll plough my ass again together. You in, dog?”

Bryan declined it respectfully. They already had plans for dinner.

Gloria lead him away just before a large man on a loud Harley roared past time. He gave each of them a thumbs up while shouting “Happy Bimbolopoly!”

This was one of the many weird effects of the Bimbolopoly that was called the Awareness factor (A factor). It was, as Bryan could understand it, changed people to what they desired and even suit their needs. It was mostly random and changes were retrospective, meaning, it made others sees each other as they had always been that way. What more, the affected would have no problem with it.

For instance, Amber was originally a prudish person that was shy even before everything. But ever since the change, she was different. She always had the desire to be a confident punk. The threesome was also something that she desired, which surprised him the most. Especially when he learned she was already seeing a couple of different men at the same time. Bimbolopoly just made the other men compliance with it.

That was the second aspect of the Bimbolopoly. It would grant a random effect but depending on the victim, the one with the stronger will would be able to dominate those closest to them for their desired tastes. Otherwise, as a fact, Bryan had met those men before and was pretty sure they wouldn’t want to share. One of them was, in fact, a polite gentlemen who only wanted a submissive wife.

The two paid no mind to the screams of joy of a woman roaring into the distance.

This was the terrifying nature of the Bimbolopoly. It changes the victims personality to what they truly wanted deep down. The effects works once every week for every month. The victim would never remember whatever happened and would just wake and go about their day. The two had seen all sorts of weird kinks. Some were interesting while some were rather weird.

The victims also have a tendency to wish other a “Happy Bimbolopoly.” It was a convenient way to find those affected without them realizing. Bryan was thankful for it because that meant he knew it was working.

But what if there were truly innocent victims like small children or siblings? That was where Bryan was most relieved. Overtime they have documented it and it only happened to a specific demographic of older individuals. The creator of it was at least mindful, Bryan mused as he looked down seeing his wife enjoying the cool breeze. For all that was worth it was an innocent safe phenomenon and the two of them were simply at ease with it.

As for side effects, he had seen none. Once it was over the affected acted like it was the most blissful sleep they had in their life.

The pair made their way to the park. It was your typical open park with lots of trees, bushes, and a few open lakes and fountains. But today of all days Bryan knew what to expect from it.

Immediately being led into the park he heard the unmistakable sound of moans and trust. Right by the bushes was a fat man ploughing a woman in a cheerleader outfit that was definitely not his wife.

They were having their time as they get into it and even waved at them. Bryan even called out Mr. Brit and Madam Lili.

The infidelity of the man wasn’t much of a concern because of the Bimbolopoly. Mr. Brit was an asshole even when it was normal and would often neglect his real wife. However, the reason why Bryan wasn’t concern was because right just a few meters away from them was Mrs. Brit being being lifted up and down by young man. The young man was black and muscular, toned like a Olympic fighter. She screamed with excitement everytime it entered.

“Guess can’t blame them at all, “ he muttered. Bimbolopoly made everyone discover their real desire. The real ironic part was when he found out it was the wife that first cheated on the husband and not the other way around. But, that would be a story for another time.

The Park was usually avoided but the two just couldn’t help it since the weather was just perfect for a walk. It was near the holidays and there weren’t many people due it. But that itself was contradictory as it was also the time many people were also enjoying their leisure walks.

That of course meant more victims. Bryan was completely used to it.

Gloria trekked them to the grassy area. Bryan wasn’t worried of her hurting herself. The collar was a special one. He had a hand in making it and it provided protection to the wearer’s skin, even without clothes. At that time, Bryan was a bit uncomfortable putting it on his wife and even joked it being called a choker instead. But bearing it’s size and Gloria’s insistence he relented. The collar has it’s purpose. The graveled road and grass filled with all sorts of things would be problem to her but now he didn’t need to worry about it.

As they enjoyed the grassy area another girl came up to them. This one was dressed in a busty sexy nurse outfit asking for assistance.

“Oh—Happy Bimbolopoly, dear patient.” she began speaking through her bright plush red lips while eyeing his crotch. “I believe you are in need of a medical emergency. Would you mind laying down there so I can take your temperature? My thermometer is just ready to be used. Health is important for both of you.” She licked her lips without breaking eye contact.

Bryan’s cock was indeed bursting down there. The view of his wife’s sexy body was just torture. Sensing the danger if he did not refuse he quickly gave an excuse. It was just in time as even without hearing anything he could sense something was wrong. The intuition of a jealous woman is a dangerous game.

That was another victim. She was a medical student and was in fact a junior who looked up to Gloria. She would be appalled if she could remember seeing her in a docile pet-like state. Rumors was that was how the medical girl was when she was stressed.

Over the course of their walk they also encounter a row of other oddities. One was a wall full of women with their back end out from a wall. They were alive since their legs were kicking. There were men and women lining cordially, front and back, to give the wall of pussy a thrusting or tasting. As Bryan could understand it, these were the glory hole area where anyone could participate. Another was a wall full of men with their back end out of the wall and dick flopping out. Women and men lined up milking them. Bryan didn’t want to ask but he supposed a lot of guys must’ve had repressed feelings.

Bimbolopoly wasn’t perfect. It was usually random but often would use the affected desires as a base first before the rest. The end results were more of a challenge in timing and coincidences.

Bryan had not seen anything that he would deem as unsafe.

The further they walked the more erotic things they saw. There was a pair of lesbian in cosplay outfits on top of each other eating out. There was another pair of guys holding hands while full naked, their members at full mast as they skipped and kiss. Another was a group of women dressed as schoolgirls that squealed on how cute Gloria was. There was a petite woman dressed as a dominatrix leading a pack on all fours dressed in latex. A few of them were women. She asked if Gloria was for sale (which Bryan decline).

No one noticed anything bizarre about it. Bryan had not seen anything that he deem unsafe and focused his perspective downward at his wife who was now grinning while shaking her tail.

Bryan paid her no mind. He knew it was her attempt of teasing again. She has the habit of teasing him erotically and making a stink about it when it didn’t work. It was certainly working. His erection was as hard as the gays before and he wasn’t even gay.

He kept his eye on his wife backside. The way she crawled and the way her boobs swing with pride was so erotic that even the manliest man couldn’t resist. He knew she was at her limit as well. Her nipples were hard and something was dripping from behind. He was just about to give in when he saw that ass sitting down gently on the side walk. They have arrived.

The Bakery wasn’t that extraordinary but the smell was heavenly. Bryan already knew what to expect. He braced himself for the inevitable. Gloria sat there looking at him with a mocking smile. The Bakery didn’t allow pets. Bryan knew going in there were only two possibility. It was a gamble if the two elderly couple were busy.

There was only one way to find out.

He stepped inside and sighed a sight of relief. Inside were two elderly couple who prided themselves with the art of bread making. They were, by Bryan’s relief, just selling bread and not trying to make something else. He may be open to kinds of sexual sights but anyone would have falter at two old people doing it.

By the way, they were also fully naked except for the gloves and apron so hygiene wasn’t an issue for the professional master bakers.

When Bryan exited the place with bread in hands, he could see his wife beaming at him with excitement.

“No. They weren’t doing it. There was nothing gross about in there.”

Her head tilted low. One thing that Bryan had learned about his wife was she always loved to tease. Even before they got married. If it wasn’t for the love they shared with each other and the attention he gives there was a good chance she would be having sex with anything that moved. That was the whole point of the trip and the pleasurable viewing of mother nature. For Bryan’s part he had even worked out early in the morning just to keep up with her stamina. They have been doing it a lot lately and even though he was the man in the relationship, Bryan needed to put a foot down on his wife’s advances.

It worked to a certain degree. The number was limited to four, give or take, a day.

The trial of marriage was one paved with hardship and Bryan swore to satisfy the beast, no matter what. It was an inevitable fact that she was very feral in bed time activities, even before the Bimbolopoly.

However, even at that state, Bryan still had to put his foot down somewhere. That, however, did not deter her. She knew this and does what she pleased in order to arouse him more and more. She was more interest in his quirky response on the matter.

As they returned to their home they needed to pass through the park again. This time, Gloria was determined to erect a reaction out of her husband. She began to lead him to the “Forbidden Zone”. It was a place where even the strong willed individual would crumbled to it’s might.

“Happy Bimbolopoly and welcome to the G pleasure avenue, Master Bryan and Master Gloria. Would the two of you be joining us this lovely evening? We have a lot of vacancy today.”

Stood there in the open was an Asian maid dressed similar to Alice at home. Instead, this one didn’t have her top open and was very professional. This particular person’s kink was being a peeping tom evidently by the soft humming they could hear underneath her clothes.

It was an open secret that Bryan enjoyed seeing the pure look of a maid in all their glory. It was the Geek factor that drove him to the sleek and graceful attitude of a goddess in white. In fact, being a “ Maid enthusiast” was one of the many secrets Gloria knew about him before they started dating. Bryan still remembered when she teased him about it and what shocked him most was “someone knows my deepest shame.” Even more than the fact that she was okay with it.

That was why there was always a maid ready at home. Unlike Alice’s open top, Bryan preferred the full unformed attire. “You can’t fight perfection with lewdness” was what he would always say.

The Asian maid stood there with a fixed innocent smile of hers. Her white sleeved arm motioned to the open area like she guiding them to an open table. She was acting like n professional down to her attitude despite the many moans and shrieks filling the background.

Of course she was talking about the open orgy that was happening behind her. A horde of men and women were having the time of their lives. They were dressed in all kinds of uniforms and outfits despite their age or gender. There was a college student with a cock in her mouth while dressed in a swimsuit despite not being near any body of water; another was a recognizable colleague of Gloria dressed like a naughty schoolgirl being on top of her boyfriend, for once; another was a guy dressed as a schoolgirl which Bryan didn’t want to find out what him and a group of girls were up to. They even spotted Amber having 5 cocks in her.

The pheromones air itself could well be categorized as a chemical hazard.

Of course, Bryan brushed them off and didn’t want to judge their kinks for his kink right now was in front of him. Seeing a genuine maid was defintely showing.

Before he knew it Gloria was pawing innocently at his crotch area. It was bulging. She looked up with wide pleading eyes and while locking eyes with him. She cunningly placed her nose at her prize.

“Damn you, Vixen.” The walls were about to burst. Between the pleasurable district and the constant private viewing of his wife’s snatch, the wall may as well be made of paper.

But as a man he had to draw the line somewhere.

They locked eyes until Gloria slowly pulled out her tongue and licked his crotch.

“Fine, I give up. But no BJ. You know we have dinner later. “

That line was dropped when his pants hit the floor.

Gloria whined happily as she led him to a clearing far from the orgy. Despite being an exhibitionist she was still shy on letting other people see them.

She found a slope near a tree and took a dive. Turning around, she held her two hands innocently at her chest and her knee bend slightly upwards. She was submitting herself with her bare pussy and breasts to him. Her eyes gleamed with anticipation and panted laboriously.

She was wet to the touch as she wagged her cute bottom with anticipation. Small droplets of juice were dripping everywhere onto the grass.

Bryan’s little soldier was already raring to go. As he put his hand to her waist she shivered to the touch. Spreading the pussy lips she started to heave evidently in anticipation. “Here I go damn you perverted wife!” He shouted while leaning in to start with a kiss.

The next thing he remembered was the howling of a beast that was repeatedly satisfied again and again. Every time he thought he couldn’t take it anymore the beast found his nipples and discreetly played with them. He had no choice. She knew all his secrets.