The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: I’m sorry about my wife

Chapter 2: The Ruse.

Once they were done they laid there under the tree fully satisfied with their desire. He had asked the Asian maid for a blanket to cover them (who thanked him for the show). His wife laid blissfully in a snuggle as he covered her up. Her soft and innocent smile on her sleeping face told her all he needed.

It was common for her to sleep for a while after having sex. Bryan wasn’t worried. He had instructed Alice to take the roast out when ready. Right now he was just satisfied with their cordial bliss and wasn’t in any rush. He was content laying there, naked under the waist, undisturbed and enjoying the moment.

“Damn...fifth time today. Maybe I really should do something about it.” He muttered to himself while looking at his ring finger, then back to her. He considered himself lucky to be married to someone like her. To him, their meeting was odd but ended in a good note.

He would do anything for her but her primal needs were getting out of hands. This time, though, he noticed it lasted a bit longer than normal. He began to suspect that he was a bit abnormal with the amount of sex they were having. Before he could think of anything else the sound of soft footsteps on grass was coming from behind the tree.

It was a woman. She wore a bright and colourful sunny dress embroidered with flowery pattern covering her modest cleavage. On top was a large sunny hat fitted with a large flower covering the unmistakable brunette underneath. She looked familiar but the last light of the sun was setting and obstructing him from a proper view. It wasn’t until she took the hat off he could he see a face light with make up and a wide fixed picture ready smile carrying her sharp chin. Her hair was draped to the side almost as it had just been unfurled.

Bryan had to blink a couple of times before trying to understand who it was. Then, his eyes widened large before realizing it was Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was Gloria’s best and childhood friend. Even if they were married with a healthy relationship in terms of hobby and sex life, it wouldn’t hold a candle to their relationship. As far as he could understand it, they have been friends since preschool and knows everything about each other. It was a bond that no man nor husband could ever break. She acted like a big sister type to Gloria and had often shared with him the troubles she had to lecture her about.

Bryan had met Elizabeth many times since their relationship. Early on many people were against their relationship due to the different tier level. Especially the university who didn’t want their prize student to go below her standard. It was still a wonder how Gloria was able to convince them otherwise. In fact, Elizabeth was the first one to approve of them early on and even encouraged Bryan to go for it. She was an indispensable member of their small circle of friends.

However, the one dammest thing he understood about Elizabeth was the fact that she was a tomboy. That with him being a dedicated geek at heart meant they were often at odds with each other. She was into sports while Bryan was into shows, like Gloria. If it wasn’t for him treating Gloria well enough she wouldn’t have approve of them.

So when Elizabeth came up to him with a feminine looking dress looking like a stepford trophy wife it certainly raised some eyebrows. He had a hard time not picturing her without her baggy clothes and denim pants and even her iconic ponytail. Last they met was when she had gotten married and her husband actually fell in love with her tomboyish nature and “normal” look.

Her husband was in fact a good fried of Bryan. He remembered they were on their honeymoon and wouldn’t be back for another week. He looked around looking for him but to no avail.

Sensing the question, Elizabeth spoke up. “If you’re Looking for Gary, my dear hubby is out back getting the car.”

“Who are you? “ He exclaimed instinctively. The polite way of talking freaked him out but she only giggled.

“It’s me, silly. Elizabeth.” She batted her hand playfully. “So, um, have you seen Gloria? I been meaning to gossip with her. “

“N-No er, not really. I mean, how are you. I thought the two of you were on your honeymoon or something?“

“The Bahamas was beautiful, thank you for asking. But my hubby was just as wonderful. He had business to take care of so we came back early. I can’t wait to share our talk. But you know ladies gossip and no bad boys should be listening. “

Her mind was evidently full of her husband. From what Bryan knows about her, she was a sports freak. The very idea of her being submissive was unsettling.

But that wasn’t what Bryan was worried about. He was sure Elizabeth and Gloria would not like to see each other during the state of Bimbolopoly, especially for Gloria. He was very clear it was the few things he would do to protect her innocence during the phenomenon. He quickly changed the subject. Realizing the effects on her and precautions were still necessary, it was a good idea to just avoid them altogether.

“That’s good to hear but Gloria is back home getting some rest. I’m just out getting the bread all alone. For dinner. You know.” He showed the plastic bag of bread.

“ Oh, my. That’s sounds awful. I would never let my dear hubby go out nor have the house be empty without bread. I simply insist to lecture her sooner than later.”

Even at this state she was still acting like a big sister to Gloria. “How about next week?“ Bryan was sure the effect would wear off and everyone would be back to normal with their memories wiped. “We can meet and catch up.“

“Oh, that sounds wonderful. I must say she must be at home cooking up a dinner for her dear old hubby. You. “She playfully flicked his nose. “Oh, in case I forget, Happy Bimbolopoly.“

If only she knew. Gloria couldn’t do house chores even if her life depends on it. That’s why we have Alice. He laughed nervously. The Bimbolopoly must still be working for her to think Gloria turned into a stepford wife like her.

The ruse worked and soon she left on her accord claiming her “hubby“ was waiting.

Waving her goodbye until she disappeared from view, Bryan let out a groan of relief. A small hand was moving underneath the covers. He lifted it up to see Gloria looking up at him. She obviously heard the conversion. He let out a louder sigh and relaxed.

“You head her, you wanna continued this game?“

Gloria lazily roused up and growled. It wasn’t her mouth talking but her stomach.

Her pleading eyes told him more than enough what she wanted. “Fine fine, let’s just walk back home. It’ll be safer then. “

* * *

The journey back was more quiet this time around. With Gloria still leading the way on all fours she wasn’t as distracted. She was satisfied, immensely. But the way she walked with her white prize leaking out meant she was still not done playing.

As they rounded the corner near their house his second coming was approaching. His libido was through the roof. It was still a mystery even if they had just done it. It was especially harder when she found an utility pole and lifted her legs up high. She obviously wanted to pee but Bryan stopped her there by pulling her leash gently. This was one of the innocence he sought to protect.

“Sweetie, you know our deal. I agree to this but there are limits...besides we’re almost home.“ He was in agreement with the walk but things like peeing and pooping was where he drew a line.

Gloria right leg was hung high in the air when he said it. She took it with some thought before putting it down and continued on their way.

Bryan continued talking to her.

“Elizabeth didn’t find out about you. You think she’ll ever know? “

No respond. She was still deep in thought as they walked. Smirking, it was his time to tease her.

“That anime Bleach is coming up soon. I heard the next episode is going to be a killer.”

There was no respond but she did quicken the pace. It obviously gotten her attention.

“Good girl. If we make it in time we can have dinner and watch it together. Glad you picked it up.”

This time, mid walk, she held her head higher. She was proud of being praised.

“But, I don’t agree with you what you said before, Gloglo... “ He smirked. This would be the kicker. “The filler of Bleach was the best.”

“The fillers are the worst of the worst worst than even Naruto’s!”

Gloria yelled back at him, loud. She was still mid walk so she had to turn her head back hard just to prove her point.

For a moment they paused. Bryan frozen in place with Gloria on all fours connected by a loose leash attached to her collar. She glared angrily back waiting for his apology.

“Sorry. I’m just kidding. You were playing for so long I thought you were just ignoring me.”

“That’s just mean, BB.”

BB was her nickname to him.

She harrumph loudly and continued leading with her head held high. She explained as if she was a proud geek on the matter. “I will never forgive a good series with good writing ruined because the producers wanted to rush things with crap writing. I still want to watch the latest episodes though.“

Bryan was of course in agreement with her. He only said all those just to illicit a response from her.

This was the true nature of the prodigy named Gloria. Married (Happily) to Bryan and also a proud certified ner—Geek like him. A certified genius and all around weirdo.

The rest of their journey was filled with fun anime discussion on what was good and bad. Then there was a tense discussion whether the aforementioned show was intentional given the comedic nature. All of which was done with Gloria leading the way on all fours.

The topic then changed to Elizabeth.

“But, why did the Bimbolopoly worked on Elizabeth? I thought it wouldn’t work on her?“ Asked Bryan.

The cause of the Bimbolopoly was in fact made by Gloria.

“I set her to the lowest setting. They were on a honeymoon and it was supposed to be a surprise present when they got back. “

Bryan wasn’t exactly sure how it worked. The real machine causing all of this was in the basement where she fiddles with her inventions. It was best to leave the technicality to her. She did explain as best as she could to him when she unveiled it and was excited to try it out. But, being the genius that she was she wasn’t really the greatest teacher.

That night they broke their record outside the park.

She continued.

“It was suppose to be short but when they came back early I guess she got the full dose? Eh, I was surprised when she came back like that. I want a picture of her like that.”

“You know we agreed for no photo evidence during Bimbolopoly. I don’t want anyone finding out about this.”

“Only if it’s you I am OK with it.”

Bryan ignored her reply and asked about Elizabeth again. “What were you expecting Elizabeth and Gary to turn into?”

“Knowing him and her, I would assume he would be a obedient Himbo You know, the male bimbo.” She giggled at the thought. “Good thing too because she can be scary.”

“She indeed would if she finds out about us.”

Soon they reached home. This time it was Gloria’s time to tease him again.

She got in position and arched her tail while gently biting her lips.

It was obvious which hole she wanted it in and Bryan was still torn between his pledge of abstinence They had just done it not too long ago but it was anal sex. “On one hand, it’s anal. On the other hand, the flesh is weak. On the third lower strong hand the spirit is willing…” The thoughts began to whirl in his mind again and again as he wrestled between his urges and pledge.

She shook her cute butt one last time. For Bryan, he had already dropped his pants.

“There’s my big little BB,“she squealed when she saw it.

“Damn you.”His little man was already raring to go. He quickly got behind her and held his dick in position. It aimed straight at the opening and for a moment of clarity Bryan thought he should be a man and refused it this time. He even questioned the lack of lube at this point. However, Gloria replied that the collar made that possible. He even gave her smack and on her back and removed the tail just to see if that was true. It was. She felt no pain. She might have also moaned so sexily that his little conscience was temporarily exiled.

He thrust it in hard with ease, feeling a coolness thanks to the protective gel leading to a constricting tightness perfect for him.

She moaned louder this time as she braced the full rod of her prize.

The two of them maintained the continued motion as Bryan gave it all, trusting in and out. Bryan knew he wouldn’t last long, especially when she was so enthusiastic backing it in. He stared asking question to keep himself distracted. There was something he was curious about.

“Ugh, huff huff—I know this is not the time...but, don’t you think there was something off about her?”

Between her grunts she managed to answer. “Ugh, huff S-she just looked different. Oooh. She hated those dress so even I was weirded out. She looked cute tho—oooh—.”

“Mmmm, she did look cute. Ugh.”

“Noo- having sex with my best friend.—You know tha—” He voice was stuck between her thoughts and pleasures. But at that moment…

“Oh, I appreciate the compliment.”

The two froze at the sound of the voice. In fact, Bryan’s little tool, while remaining impressively tight in her toolbox, was starting to be flaccid. That was because a hand was placed hard on his shoulder.

With a forced smile Bryan’s head slowly turned around with the sound of a badly oiled machine. A woman in a sundress and a large hat was there. Underneath that hat was a picture perfect smile that haunted their dream.

Elizabeth. She spoke lovingly with a smile that didn’t reach the eyes. “Go on, sweetie, tell me all about it. “

“Umm, Elizabeth. Lovely day. I don’t see your husband.”Bryan spoke quickly hoping the effects were still up.

“Oh, that Himbo?. He’s watching Spongebob. Lovely gift. I heard you gave me that my dear Gloglo.”

Gloria did not reply. She did not turn around. Her back was sweating buckets as she let a out a cute “Arf“ while remaining dead straight forward.

“Oh, Gloglo. Did you lose your voice? I thought I heard you were responsible for all of this?”

“H-how much did you hear?” A panicked Bryan could only reply for her.

“Oh, just enough. I never left and I heard you wanted pictures.“ The most diabolical thing she did next was urge Bryan to continue by flicking his nipples.

“Damn you for knowing my weakness, “ Bryan screamed internally. It was harder to control himself when it was still stuck in there.

She went to the front and bent low to give Gloria a better look. Every time she turned towards her she turned the other way. This went on for a while.

It was obvious they were caught and there was no way out.

Gloria knew how terrifying her best friend could be. It had happened before and everytime, like the best friend she was, Elizabeth would lecture her.

This time, however, she was braver. She bolted, taking little BB with her.

“Whoooahh—Hey stop it stop!“Yelled Bryan. “it’s going to come off!”

Bryan and Gloria’s special walk ended with the latter leading him away in a certain way.