Title: I’m sorry about my wife
Chapter 3: Caught in tribulations.
Inside the house there sat a woman in a high chair. She was still in her sundress but with a coat over it. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her arms crossed, her sharp gaze looking down at two idiots with their head planted to the floor.
One of them wasn’t naked anymore. She was wearing a cotton sweater and handcuffed like a common criminal, restricting her in place because Elizabeth ordered Alice to.
Bryan cursed himself because she knew the commands.
It happened when they got back. Immediately, Bryan tried to get Alice to immobilize the threat. He shouted “execute order 66!”
Alice sprung into action. Her right arm retracted itself forming a gun barrel to shoot out a net. She was about to point at Elizabeth...
“Recognize emergency voice protocol. Override.“.
“Affirmative. Recognizing Elizabeth special lecture protocol“. Just like that the gun hand became a regular hand again. Alice stiffened and saluted. This time Elizabeth ordered her to pull up her apron and tie up Gloria. Then she ordered for a sandwich. She then looked over to Bryan with a smirk.
What happened was explained by Elizabeth: “Alice was a robot made by Gloria just to take care of her chores. I helped and inserted some commands because I knew she would slack on taking care of herself. Do you really think I would let her do whatever she wants? You may be her husband and male best friend, but I know her far longer than you could ever hope.“
Gloria was still facedown on the floor not wanting to engage with her.
Alice was supposed to be a gift from Gloria when they got married. To Bryan, he was immensely impressed with such a lifelike robot. He also realized he was out of his league with how smart Gloria was. He still agreed being a machine Geek and all. The fact that Alice was wearing a maid’s uniform to a “maid enthusiast” like him made the transition easier.
“Explain,“Elizabeth repeated once more.
As the man of the house Bryan needed to step up his game to face the formidable monster. “U-mm, it’s good to see the old Elizabeth back. How was your honeym—”
“We came back early because Gary had a surprise for us, thank you very much. When he became more and more Himbo—Thank. You. very. much. I knew something was wrong. I saw everything around here. “
Bryan gulped. The way she answered was strict to the point. There was no use complimenting his way out of this.
“I thought something was wrong and noticed everyone acting weird. I quickly put two and two together. I spotted the two of you going for a “walk” and couldn’t believe it. It could’ve just been me that was unaffected so I found some clothes and approached you. Beleive me I saw you two doing it. You lied when you said Gloria wasn’t around. Now, talk.”
This time she was glaring at Gloria. Her instinct was sharp.
Gloria, however, was still unresponsive.
The music had stopped. Left with no options Bryan began his tired explanation. No lies this time.
He explain it was Gloria’s invention that things were like this. She was the inventor of the Bimbolopoly. At first, Bryan was apprehensive of the reality bending powers she held. He didn’t understand how it worked but understood just enough it was harmless. It took a while of convincing. At first, seeing a pack of men and women walking and crawling like it was the most natural things in the world freaked him out but overtime he got over it.
Elizabeth listened on, now with a roast beef sandwich in her hand. She then looked over to Gloria still on the floor and let out a long sigh. “You are always getting into trouble…”
It was indeed Gloria’s fault that things were like this. She was the inventor of the Bimbolopoly. Bryan on the other hand was guilty on allowing it to happen. All of this was because he allowed it because it was his wife.
The sex was great though. Bryan wasn’t finished.
“But I had some restriction. No phone and no photo evidence. Nothing harmful. I would help observe. Once a month max. We also restricted to a small domain at first.”
“At first?”
“I mean, we expanded our route a bit until the whole town. I didn’t want her to throw away her dignity just like that. No pictures no evidence.“
Elizabeth listened on now while muching on her sandwich. She was tired of her friend shenanigan. Ever since young, Gloria was already eccentric for her age. Having wild interest in anything ranging from gadgets and pranks.
She was, as her best friend, often the one to pull her out from whatever trouble she was in. She liked to see her coming up with new ideas and fun. It was the few moments she could be herself. But there was some limits to it.
Seeing her friend as a pervert was new but not unexpected. She turned to the one enabler, Bryan.
“Why are you allowing her to do this?”
Bryan was quiet. A wrong answer will bring down her wrath. He answered plainly “I love my wife very much. We do fun things together. “
“There are limits you know.”
“It’s not that bad. Today’s walk was enjoyable. She also had that collar for a defense boost. “
Elizabeth looked like she was about to die from exhaustion. “I am sorry about my friend here. Ever since young she hated wearing clothes and I had to smack some sense into her. I was sure growing up she would at least learn some manners.”
But then, something occurred to her. “You said expanded route? Of all your kinks do you two often engage in walks that much?“
Bryan nodded slowly .”What is going on with our kinks is of no concern to an outsiders.” Bryan looked out the window as if he wanted to escape reality. He remembered the reverse bunny cosplays, students and teachers plays, bodybuilder plays, and more. He decided it would be best to avoid telling all of it. But the one kink they often does was the walks.
Sitting there on her seat Elizabeth began to mutter “Walk...dog...more...than...once.” She looked like her brain was being fried by the implications.
But she came back with a smile and snapped her fingers.
“I see.... It must be that time. Bryan, have you ever wondered why likes to go naked that much?”
“You told me early in our relationship she hated clothes.”
“That too, but I am talking about why she was willing to share all of this with you. From the start. “
That was the question he often asked himself. Bryan was a loner. A ner-geek and was adamant as his way of life before they even met. On the day they met it was certainly chaotic.
“The first day we met was at that Cafe near the Uni. She...um, just sat down next to me and began leaning at me.“ She was wearing clothes.
“Right. And I had to pull her away. “
Bryan still remembered how Elizabeth dragged Gloria away on the floor held by the back cuff of her collar while she looked down, dejected. After that she came up to him more casually. Slowly, they shared an interest and began dating.
“I remembered my charm did all the talking .” He shined a gleamed smile at her.
Rolling her eyes, she continued. “If I didn’t intervene you would have ran away at the sight of her, right?”
“Like a pervert. Yes. “ Bryan wasn’t that afraid of women but was particularly careful with overly clingy ones that he had never met before. In fact, anyone would.
“I was the one that taught her manners. “
“Thank you very much.“
“And did it ever occurred why she did tha—hmph?”
This time Gloria sprang to life and covered her mouth. She had already removed her handcuff. “Ellie, good to see you again. I know you had a wonderful honeymoon and I am all ears . Why don’t we continue this girl talk in the other room. Alice, help me with disposing thi—”
“Override code 89 .” Alice stopped in her tracks before continuing sweeping the floor. Elizabeth managed to wrestled her way out in a splendor motion worthy of an athlete while stuffing Gloria’s mouth with the sandwich. “Oh, Gloria, I thought you were dead. Sorry, but I really really want to say this.”
“Hmmp?!” gulp. “Ugh, hearing you two talking like I was a dog you’re talking about that right? I mean. Not at all. I really really want to talk to you in the next room. Bryan doesn’t need to know all the details. Please”
“I do in fact want to know about it.”It piqued his interest. Their first encounter was definitely memorable and if there was something more to it, he wanted to know.
“Think back...what do you think she was acting as at that time.”
“Overly cling dog. “He answered fluidly.
“Like Snowball you had before?”
Bryan raised an eyebrow at the name. Even though they all knew each others upbringing they certainly didn’t know all about Snowball. In fact, he had never bought it up even to his family and close friends. The dog in question was an oddity in his life.
When he was young at 5 or 6 years old, his parents often left him alone on the weekend. They weren’t negligent. They had work and Bryan was mature for his young age. He didn’t complain but was bored often. He enjoyed the privacy but there wasn’t much to do other than watch TV.
One night he went out for a walk. The neighbourhood was small and everyone knew each other so he knew he was safe as long as he avoided strangers.
That was when he came across an abandoned house. Sitting outside was a large white golden retriever, all alone in front of it. At first, he was confused. He could see it was a she and had no collar and was all alone. She looked sad when their eyes locked on to each other. He simply thought someone would come pick her up. He passed by her and gave her her a gentle pat. That was the moment something changed.
The dog began following him home. He ignored it initially thinking her owner would come soon but when it started to rain and she giving him a sad puppy look he gave in.
He quickly let her in just before the rain came down. After that he did the only thing he could think of.
“I gave her some sandwiches I made. She wolfed it down instantly. Dried her off and I guess we just laid on the couch while watching TV? Sorry, it was so long ago. She was quiet and obedient. After the rain she just walked out herself. Then, every weekend when my parents left she would come. She would wait outside the house until I let her in. We ate, watched TV, went out to walk at night. I wasn’t tardy in my homework and she was particularly interest when I was building my Gundam collection.”
He still remembered the dog being engrossed in watching him do his things. They grew close but she always kept her distance. Eventually, he started calling her Snowball and she responded by that name.
“After a few months she just stopped coming.”He shrugged.
Elizabeth was smiling wolfishly. Gloria was already back on the floor not moving.
“Did you know that empty house? It belonged to Gloria’s grandparents.“
“I did not know about that. I mean, I never met them. So I can’t say I know them all too well. What does that has anything to do with the dog?”
“Growing up Gloria has always been clingy. Her parents were always busy and strict because of her smartness. Studies studies studies they would say. Sometimes, her grandparents would take care of her. One day she just so happened to miss them and her parents didn’t tell her they moved.”
“I see. So, what does that has anything to do with Gloria and Snowball? “
“This was Snowball. “She pointed down at Gloria, now not moving and possibly dead.
Bryan tilted his head in confusion. He definitely took in a dog. It was definitely not a human. He could still remember the white fluffy golden retriever. There was no way he could confuse the two of them.
“Snowball was a dog, Gloria is a pervert.” He replied.
“Gloria is a pervert, Snowball was Gloria.”
The realization began to sink in. Elizabeth continued with her explanation.
“She had a whole spew of inventions in the past. They were things she made when she wanted something. She made something called Landykop thing that I still have no idea. We broke out of school just to get ice cream with that. She even made an AI voice command just to trick her parents into thinking she was at home. That’s the predecessor of Alice by the way. But the one memorable thing she made was something called an OUTFIT .”
“That doens’t sound menacing.”
“I don’t even remember what it stood for. Anyway, it creates an illusionary hologram on the subject so others think they would look like what they wanted.”
“Go on.…”
“She missed her grandparents one day and her parents were out. She just snuck out wearing it. “
“You mean…”
“It was also the predecessor of that collar of hers.”
If there was ever an awkward moment this would be it. But, he was still skeptical.
“...Prove it.”
“You gave the dog a ham sandwich called the Haminator. Two bread, one thick slice of ham.“
Bryan has a habit of naming things just as it is. But that wasn’t enough.Elizabeth just had to kick things down further.
“The two of you watched that cartoon. When you slept you even covered the dog with your only blanket“.
“How do you even know all of this?”
“Who do you think told me all about your romantic rendezvous?”
“You mean she turned herself into a dog? “Bryan blurted out the obvious. This time he turned to look at Gloria who was now curled up with her hands covering her face and ears burning red.
“You should have been there when she told, the way you treated her so well. Gave her food and even read to her, you devil.“
“.…”He needed more details. “So she turned into a dog just to see me? We were young back then and we only saw each other like 15 years later. I didn’t even think she would remember all that.”
“There’s two things wrong with that. She had always been spying on you. Learning what you liked. It was a good thing she actually shared interest with all your geek stuff, you know. I was worried she was just forcing herself.”
Bryan was left stunned. He could never imaging someone even showed interest in him let alone for that long. He turned to Gloria and gave her a loving look. She was looking out through the gaps of her fingers. She blushed when they made eye contact.
“You said there were two things.”
This time Elizabeth smiled devilishly and knelt down near Gloria’s face. She seemed to relishing this with glee. “You were wrong about the turning into the dog part.”
“What do you mean.”
“It wasn’t turning into a dog. I tried it before. It just gave off an illusion showing someone what the subject chose. So the subject was still human, but even the subject and others would see them as different. Do you know why the subject at that time was a hairy dog?”
“While there were some complication it did work. The problem was the illusion worked on the body. Anything attached like clothes won’t make it work.”
“You mean...”
“Oi, Gloria. Do you want me to say it?”
Gloria was now turned to the other side, her body curled away as possible.
“She was naked.”
After finishing her speech Gloria crumbled to the floor, her humiliation was complete. Bryan’s head just pointed up with his mouth wide opened. If one could see it his soul would be escaping.
Then he snapped back into reality through yelling.
“Wait a sec, I remembered I bought Snowball to the bath the first night. Don’t tell me—”
“Nooooo!?“Like an angel Gloria revived herself through that imagery.She got up and threw herself at him. She missed and hit her face on the floor. She squirmed around in pain while covering her face.
“I can’t believe I took a bath with a girl. Naked. At that age.”
“Go on, Gloria. They him what happened then.”Elizabeth wasn’t satisfied with killing what’s left of her friend.
For a moment, Bryan was in a daze of what just happened. One of his precious memory was ruined by the perverseness of his then-not-wife. But as he looked down at her still rolling around in pain and how cute she looked, he decided to listen to her.
Slowly, she managed to get up. She threw herself at him while explaining. Her eyes were in tears but she managed to speak.
“I- I know you find it hard to believe me but... when I was growing up mom and dad were always so strict with me. No watching TV. No comic books. No junk food. Always studies. They were always telling me to focus because I was smart. I-I was bored at that time.”
“Go on…”
“One day I came up with the OUTFIT. This thing right here. I didn’t want to show it to them because then they would know about it. I was thinking of my grandparents at that time and wanted to visit them...I chose dog because the hairy part allowed me to see how it was rendered. So I went there and it was empty. It was later that I learned they moved.”
“You were naked the whole time.”
Gloria turned to Elizabeth, her face cherry red but continued . “I was devastated because I didn’t know where to go next. When you came up to me at that time...well, you know the rest.”
It took a moment for Bryan to comprehend things. It was the same as always. She was just lonely and clingy much like the present. She didn’t have much friends and just wanted company.
He put his hand gently on her head and patted her. As a man, he need to listen to others and their concern. He replied “I forgive you.”
Gloria melted into his arms as he did. Not to be distracted he continued .”I was also lonely too. My parents were around unlike yours but they did have to go somewhere every once in a while. I mean, at that time I also wanted someone to be with. Glad it was you. In fact, I was lucky to have met you. Having someone to talk and sharing our hobbies, there is no better person I could ever being imaging with. I love you.” He lifted his hand and she lifted hers. Together, their hands intertwined while gazing at their rings.
“Thank you. I love you too.”
“But, we still have limits. I know you like doing things like this but there are some limits, you know.”
“I know...but I like to be pampered…”
“Yes, I do do that. But that means you have to eat your vegetables.”
“...I don’t like carrots.”
“It’s healthy for you.”
“If it’s your carrot then I might.”
“Oh, you…”The two hugged each other closer. Their head resting on their forehead as they locked eyes and lips close, ready for a kiss.
Clap. A loud clap echoed in the room to get their attention. They remained locked even when the other one began to speak up.
“Alright, this has gone on long enough. No one wants to read 10,512 worth of words on random stuff.”
“But we were just about to have sex—Owww”Gloria responded slyly before Elizabeth had to pinch her ears to get her attention.
“I don’t want to listen about it, Gloria. What about this Bimbolopoly.”
“Oww, why does BB gets off scot-free.”
“He’s already punished with his hands full with you. Now, talk.”
Gloria muttered a few words but gave in. “It’s based on this collar.”
“Choker.”Bryan corrected her.
“Gloria, continue. Please.”
“This is just the control module. It does give off protection but if we’re talking about Bimbolopoly, the main computer is down in the basement. It has been a project for a while and this time I made it stronger, affecting a larger audience for... you know...kinky stuff.”
“I want Gary back. And why wasn’t I affected.”
“It’s completely customizable depending on the intensity of the target. I could make it random or just use the desires as a base. Bryan told me to set limits and we did. It takes time to be reversible. For you...I set it to the lowest setting but highest to him. I thought you would enjoy him when you got back, even if it was for a short while. That way you will still remember it but not too much to recall.”
Her plan was to let Elizabeth have her time with her husband for at most a day.
“...Why did you do that? The lowest to setting on me.”
“Because you were my best friend and I wanted you to enjoy it. Bimbolopoly makes others forget everything but if it was just a short while you would have remember having a great time with Gary. it was Bryan’s idea since I didn’t want to tell you about it.”
“Oh Gloria, thank you. Even after knowing you were a larger pervert than I thought it’s good to know you were still thinking of me.”The two of them embraced in a loving hug.
”That sounds like an insult but you know I’ll be there for you. Thanks.”
“As for you, Bryan, what else is your role in all of this. Why didn’t you stop her.”
“...I did. I didn’t want her to get things out of hands. We did choose the effects carefully but it’s not always perfect. She just group people here and there but changed others to her liking.“
Bryan knew he was out of the woods. Elizabeth seems to be content with the explanation. She was just like him, only wanting the best for their best friend. As long as she didn’t do anything particularly dangerous all was well.
But as the two girls continued talking there was one thing that caught his attention.
“Given another month or so I am sure I can get it to work with actual transformations.“ Gloria said to Elizabeth.
“What does that mean?”
“Right now it’s just changing their mind and personality. Anything mental. Materials are created out of quantum particles in thin air and will be gone when it’s finished. Give me time and with the new and improved, I can make people grow like larger breast, taller, or gender, and more. It works on a small domain now but I want to spread it large in time for Comic Con.” She replied gushing over the excitement.
As the two bicker Bryan realize what it would obviously be used for. It would certainly not just be used for fun.
The two of them were having fun and he didn’t want to bother them. But as he heard them giggling over the possibility there was one thing that he could not ignore. And, as the enabler he had to put a foot, man or not.
“I can change anyone into a kid.”
“Wait was that?!”Bryan blurted out.
“And can I have a go to? There are so many young boys to feel. We can experiment on Gary.”
“The two of you hold up. How old do you think you’re talking about, and what are you thinking about?“
His protest were drowned out by their fun and drools. It wasn’t until he heard the one phrase that he could not ignore.
“I only want BB to be his 6 year old self so we can have sex!“
“Bad Girl! Alice, initiate capture mode 90.“