The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

In Defense of Cartoon Villains

Episode Unsyndicated – The Red on Santa is Probably Blood!

Thorn and Tatsuki ran through the jungle. They didn’t know what to say. They barely wanted to say anything. Leona was gone. Bettina was gone. They had to save Clover. If their gang broke down any further, there was no telling what would happen next. Or rather, there was, but they didn’t want to admit it. They were the heroes. They couldn’t lose. Yet, Thorn finally spoke, her voice wavering.

“Tsuki...After we get Clov, don’t you think it’s better to...just bail?”

“And abandon our friends? No freaking way!”

“But Bets isn’t even real anymore! He...He fucking killed her!!”

“Yes. Yes he did. And you want, what, to let him get away with it?”

“I...I just want to get out alive, now.”

“Well, you won’t if you don’t get a grip.”

“Yes...Point taken.”

Fortunately, they arrived at the gnarly Halloween forest. Tatsuki checked Clover’s location on Guru Meditation’s GPS. She was still there, thankfully.

“We’re almost there.”

“Yeah, I can see that without any technology. Look.”

Indeed, a bit ahead of them, snow was falling. They pressed on, wary of any danger that might arise. After all, if Doctor Skull wanted to spring a trap, this would be the ideal time. But like any good trap, they didn’t have any choice but to go right into it. But as tense as they were, both girls were ready to kick ass. If the desire to save Clover wasn’t enough to drive them forward, revenge for their lost friends would do.

Unfortunately, evil decided to be a total pussy and not show up. They made it to the lounge without any difficulty. Thorn barged in. The interior was still decorated in Christmas time fashion, but looked like a bull had been here for a while. Eggnog was spilled on the floor, tables and chairs were scattered, garlands were ripped down. In the middle of the room, in front of the Christmas tree, Clover was sitting, head buried in her arms.

“Clov!” Shouted Thorn, running to her. “You alright?”

“Yeah...” Faintly replied Clover. “For now...”

Thorn took her hands and guided her to stand upright, and then hugged her.

“Thornie...I...I couldn’t do anything for Bettina. She was...just here, in front of me, and I couldn’t do a thing.”

“Shh. You did your best.”

“You mentioned something weird going on with your clothes before going radio silent” observed Tatsuki. “What was it?”

Clover, tears still running down her cheeks, extended her hand to show her japanese friend the long, red glove. Like all other pieces of her clothing, it seemed to flow, as if alive.

“I tried to get it off, but it’s...fused with my skin, somehow. Thankfully, it aint lookin’ to have any effect yet, but I think you can imagine why I’m scared out my gourd all the same.”

“After what happened, of course we can imagine. How about you tell us the whole story, heh?”

Still sobbing, Clover acquiesced and began retelling in full what had happened ever since Leona had thrown her. Being surrounded by monsters, then the speed date, then Santa, then Doctor Skull.

“Judging from the state of the room,” observed Thorn, “I think it’s safe to say you don’t believe it was the real Santa anymore.”

“No...yeah...but...Listen, I reckon I don’t really know. I refuse to believe this wasn’t Santa, but...on the other hand, he done gave me this clingy outfit.”

“Yeah, better assume this guy isn’t entirely on the level. If he’s Santa at all. Anyway...what do we do now?”

Thorn and Clover turned to Tatsuki, who was keeping watch near the door.

“You know, thinking back to what you said, Thorn...I think you’re right.”

“Right about what?”

“We probably should just get out.”

“What? But you told me there was no way we could abandon Leo and Bettina!”

“And I meant it. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that if we stand any chance of getting them back to normal, it’s not on this island.”

“And what, hun?” Protested Clover. “Just...let Skull complete his plan to conquer the world?”

“Come on, don’t you see?”

The young asian slapped a table with her right hand.

“There never was any such plan! He rented this whole island to a bunch of villains that all have the power to transform a human. He posted false manuscripts on the internet to make us believe we could save Leona! He only ever made this place so that he could fuck us in the ass!!”

“Tsuki, language.”

“Fuck you, Thorn! Don’t you tell me you think the rules still apply! This isn’t a Mystery Girls episode, or even a story arc! It’s a goddamn hunt! And our humanity is the prey!”

“Geez...” Sighed Clover. “Okay, I’m game. We haul ass.”

The trio nodded, and went for the front door, which closed right in front of their faces.

“Leaving so soon, girls?”

Behind them, the blue, translucent form of what was once Bettina burst through the floor, and floated, tauntingly, in the air. Since Clover had last seen her, she had changed her appearance somewhat. Bettina’s hairdo had been replaced with a weirdly angular bob that kind of looked like a helmet from a distance.

“Betsy! Tell me you were bluffing! You can’t be gone!”

“Meatbags, I’d appreciate if you didn’t take that much time denying the obvious. Seriously, in the time your spent blurting out that last whine, I took a digital copy of The Great Gatsby and rewrote every instance of “old sport” with “mothafucka”. And what have YOU contributed, hm? You suck. Too bad Master only needs one AI.”

“Oh boy.” Drearily said Tatsuki.

“There must be some good left in you!”

“Clov, I don’t think pursuing the usual cheese is going to get us anywhere.”

SAI grinned, her eyes flashing a bright blue.

“Quite right, yellow meatbag. Searching for your friend is like appealing to the electric cable when confronted to Skynet. Now, if you would turn your attention to the biologically condemned Abies Alba over there...”

Her holographic hand pointed to the big Christmas tree.

“My nice and thoughtful Master has left presents for Tatsuki and Thorn, hasn’t he?”

“Did she actually called Skull thoughtful?”

“Right, like it’s not an incredibly obvious trap.” Sighed Thorn. “All this artificial intelligence ain’t doing much for cunning, apparently.”

“No way, meatbag! Ask Scarlett O’Hara here. Her present was legit.”

“Oh, reckon that’s right” Clover replied, raising her hand, showing the replacement comlink. “He done gave me what I needed to call you for help after all.”

Guru Meditation then chimed in, letting out a weary beep from Tatsuki’s comlink.

“Beep. You do realize that’s Leona’s device, you stupid bitch? Beep.”

“Wha? Hey, that’s uncalled for, ya hunk o’junk!” Protests Clover.

“Beep. Your eyesight is uncalled for! Beep.”

“And so what if it’s Leona’s?! If she’s gone, I might as well have a keepsake!”

“Guys! Cut it out!” Shouted Thorn. “I get arguing in a crisis situation is a great way to both stick to tradition and make the animators work a little on facial animations for once, but that thing’s last episode’s news!”

SAI made a looping in the air and rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, get with the program, Scarlett. In any event, the door’s locked until T&T open their presents and smile to the camera for a spot of Christmas Spirit.”

“Well, then I suppose we have no choice.” Nodded Thorn. “Guru Meditation! Did they booby trap Clover’s comlink?”

“Beep. Nah. Checked it, hasn’t been tampered with. Beep. Zero would definitely have wiped its memory clean of all boy-on-boy fanfiction otherwise.”

“Okay, here I go then!”

Thorn rolled up her fists and gave an determined look to a nondescript point of the ceiling. She approached the Christmas tree, and looked at her present, a relatively small box with a floral motif. “Okay, here goes nothing”, she said before opening it. As she did, she gasped.

“Oh my God it’s so beautiful!”

She took out her present, a small, fragile looking flower with a white, pink striped upper petal and pale yellow petals under it. Thorn was just losing her shit over this flower.

“What’s this sickly looking herb, hun?” Inquired Clover.

“It’s a Ghost Orchid! Epipogium aphyllum, an incredibly rare, leafless flower that can only grow in such incredibly specific conditions that it’s virtually impossible to cultivate it. It’s so gorgeous! Squeal!”


Thorn showed proudly the rare flower to the camera.

“It is a beautiful flower, and any girl would be happy to be given such a precious present! But! Even if it’s with good intentions, picking up such rare flowers is no good! So remember, kids. Flowers are for admiring, taking pictures, but leave them where they are, because if it grew in a certain place, it’s probably that the cute flower likes it!”


“Well, I reckon it’s been a while since we had to do that.”

“I know, right?” Smiled Thorn. “It’s not like any kid could stumble upon a ghost orchid anyway.”

“I just hope you don’t plan on putting this thing into your hair or smelling it.” Joylessly observed Tatsuki. “I’ll open my box and we’re done with this lounge.”

In turn, the Japanese girl went to the tree, and picked up the last present. Like in Thorn’s case, it was a small box.

“This is stupid. I’m not even Christian.”


“Oi, what the fuck?”

Tatsuki, you just said you weren’t Christian. That’s not going to fly without a meaningful lesson on cultural differences!

“I thought this episode wasn’t even syndicated!”

True, true, but that’s not a reason to skip on fundamentals. Edutainement time!

“For fuck’s sake...”

A world map sprang behind Tatsuki, and her habitual baby doll t-shirt and shorts gave way to a red and white miko attire.

“Alright, fine. Japan isn’t big on Christianity at all, only about one percent of the population is strictly observant. The remainder is distributed pretty evenly between Shintoism and Buddhism. Christian missionaries attempted to convert the country as early as in the 16th century. But Japan was all “Who the fuck do those gaijins think they are, trying to tell us our ancestors are burning in hell for not following their rites?” And it ended badly.”

Tatsuki flicked her wrist, and several pictures of shrines came up.

“See, we don’t really do religion the way they do in the west. It’s not an ideology, not a strong institution, it’s basically just kind of there in the background, for when we feel all spiritual and shit. Shintoism in particular is a series of customs and traditions more than anything else. So we approach all religions with equal respect, picking what we like in each. Christianity isn’t big, but Christmas itself, though not recognized as a holiday, is celebrated as a secular and commercial event because we thought it was cool. Just don’t threaten us with eternal damnation bullshit and we’ll be okay with a lot of things.”


Tatsuki shrugged, and with a “well, that was useless”, she opened her present. It was...a portable game console, with an exclusive Mystery Girls logo on it. For a fleeting moment, it seemed Tatsuki was blushing. But her next words were :

“Tcht. Do we even have a game on this system? Even if we do I bet it’s shit.”

“Aaaw, lil’ Tsuki doesn’t want to admit Master’s gift moves her widdle heart!” Mocked SAI.

“Shut the fuck up, Cortana. Thorn, Clov, we did what she asked. Time to scram.”

Putting the console in her bag, the Japanese girl went straight to the exit. This time, the door let itself be opened without protestation, and her two remaining friends followed suit.

“That was suspicious.” Declared Thorn, looking back at the lounge. “I agree with you, Tsuki, I’m not going to get that flower anywhere near my face. Instead, I’m just going to put it veeeery delicately in this hermetically sealed box.”

The gothic girl produced a transparent tube out of nowhere and put the rare flower in, thus protecting it.

“ could just leave it, hun.”

“Ha! No way. Being goth means having principles.”

“Pretty sure it’s the opposite.”

But their banter was cut short when they heard the wind grow stronger and howl in the spooky trees. Gloomy howls sounded around them, and the shadows seemed to move.

“Dangit!” Cursed Clover. “They’re back!”

“The Halloween creeps?”


“Don’t worry Clov. This time, we’re here.”

The two tomboys went into fighting position, back to back, Clover between them. All around, the monsters that had shown up earlier in the night materialized one by one. Their leader, the vampire, appeared inside the circle.

“Well, well, the Mystery Girls are just three little girls now. The fall of a generation’s idols...What a tragic sight this is.”

“What’s tragic is thinking losing Leona and Bettina made us any weaker in a fight, you dingbat.”

“Ah, yes, the foul-mouthed asian. I hear you were a very respectable girl when you lot were still kids. What happened?”


Tatsuki walked to the vampiress, eyes full of killing intent. The Lady of the undead scoffed.

“Oh, yeah, how exquisitely eloquent of y...gkkh”

The Mystery Girl had introduced her foot to the vampiress’ temple with so much force that the neurons inside forgot they were immortal. They all fired off in panic trying to make the body escape in several directions at once, and the bloodsucker fell on the floor, all her limbs stretched out, so much stars twirling above her head that it was a miracle she didn’t burst up in flames.

“Okay you sons of bitches.” Said Tatsuki, cracking her fists. “I saw friends getting desecrated down to their very nature tonight. You dipshits are going DOWN!”

She charged the crowd of monsters with an enraged scream, as Thorn yelled :

“Tsuki! Come back, we have to protect Clover!”

But Tatsuki didn’t listen, too busy serving sandwich knuckles to startled monsters. But the other side of the ring quickly saw the opportunity, and charged. Not all at once, mind you, that would have been unsporting. But two at a time, one facing Thorn and one making a beeline for Clover. But the botanist girl wasn’t only hard-ass in clothing. Tatsuki was the strike specialist, but she was the grappler. As the werewolf leaped on her, she grabbed his furry arm, twisted her body and sent him flying on the tentacled monster that was running for Clover.

“Stay close to me, Clov!”

The next assailant was a witch that Thorn planted head first on the ground so hard, the soil started growing nose warts. In a tragic tactical oversight, the one that tried to catch Clover this time around was one of the jack-o-lanterns. The goth grabbed his small body without any difficulty.

“Nice chicken body you got there, do you mind if I CHOKESLAM!”

The pumpkin-headed creature was thrown to the ground, making a “kablam” in cartoonish letters materialize from thin air. Tatsuki, meanwhile, was in the process of preparing a nutritious breakfast from the Frankenstein monster’s head. But for all the ass they were kicking, Clover could clearly see they were ultimately outmatched. The monsters weren’t even limited to Halloween this time. All the creatures Skull had invited to the island for the hunt were here.

Worse, perched in one of the trees, the southern girl could see an horrifying sight. Her former friends, now turned into barely human beings of darkness and electricity, were watching their struggle in a mocking laughter. They weren’t even impatient to see what was left of the Mystery Girls joining their side. They were just watching an execution.

Clover was a mellow girl, a kind cutie that took pride in her position as the heart of the group. The helpless one, yes. That hardly mattered. She was the centerpiece of the gang’s charm. But seeing Leona and Bettina joined in pure evil mockery made something snap inside. She curled her hands into fists and seethed with rage. She refused to be helpless. She had to do her part to escape this hell.

As her heart screamed louder and louder, the red gloves began to pulsate. Clover realized it and snapped out of her furious trance, and looked at the alien fabric.

“Ho ho ho!” Resonated Santa’s voice in her mind. “Did you think the costume was a trap somehow? On the contrary! It’s the uniform for the Naughty Corps!”

“The...The Naughty Corps?”

“Yes! The ones in charge of the naughty list. Of course, they don’t have nearly as much PR horsepower as the nice section, but they’re the real deal. I rescued you because you truly care for Christmas, Clover. And I want you to join the staff.”

“M...Me? But...In the Naughty Corps?”

“Why not? You battled evil for many years! You can just do it as my boogeygirl. Strike down the evil that would prey on the nice children.”


“Doctor Skull has been naughty, hasn’t he? Because of him, you won’t be with your four friends next Christmas.”

“Yeah...Very naughty...”

Transfixed, Clover watched Tatsuki and Thorn fight the unending horde to the best of their ability. In her mind’s eye, she saw Skull laughing at his certain triumph, not caring one bit about his desecration of the most Holy of days. Unforgivable. Just being a Mystery Girl and foiling his plans wouldn’t be enough.

“Reckon you’re right, Santa. I’ll be yer boogeygirl.”

She didn’t hear an answer. She didn’t need it. Power surged through her. Confidence. Purpose. Her fiery rage at Skull and the two traitors was sharpened into a clear goal. Punish the naughty. Excitement flowed through her as she became aware of her new power. Christmas was cheer and festivity. But be a naughty boy, and Clover would punish you. She wasn’t a true Christmas boogeyman. Not yet. But here, in this island, she would prove to Santa, her Master, that she was worthy.

She yelled, and her gloved hands spewed gallons of blood, that curled into ribbons and wrapped themselves around ethereal beams of light, creating two weapons shaped like candy canes. Her cheeks red from excitement, a glisten in her eyes, she panted, knowing that punishment was just moments away.

“Aaaaw yeah. Clover is coming to town.”

Tatsuki was facing an yeti. This posed a problem for her since butter with fur generally resists quite well to punching. Luckily, she had a plan. “Fuck it”, and “punch anyway”. She was preparing to unleash non-clinical liposuction on the abominable snowman when she saw Clover whacking a mummy with two candy canes.

“Whaaaaaat the f...”

She barely had time to dodge the yeti’s haymaker. As much as she wished to, she didn’t have time to worry about Clover. She yelled and got back to business. After throwing a few cannonballs and verifying that her opponent was punch-resistant, she jumped to the ground and slid toward his feet. The yeti fell, and by all accounts should have flatten Tatsuki if gravity wasn’t in on her plan. Instead, she slid cleanly past the lumbering beast while it floated in the air in slow motion, and only then did gravity yanked the yeti down. Since it got knocked out cold right then and there, gravity might have multiplied itself by ten.

The fight had seemed pretty desperate when it was only two girls against the horde, but now that Clover had turned into a predator herself, the tables had clearly been turned. It took five suplexes, three mach-2 punches and twenty candy cane strikes, but the monsters finally understood that though the girls were still outnumbered, they weren’t outmatched anymore. The vampiress had recovered from her forced nap, and quickly understood what had to be done.


Once again, she turned into a bat and flew away. Some monsters decided that this was a very pussified thing to do, and stayed to fight when a number of their colleagues heeded the order. Deprived of the cover of numbers, they were given adulthood-onset birth defects by way of colorful “POW” spiky speech bubbles. Then, finally, what was left of the Mystery Girls could catch a breath.

“God dammit,” panted Thorn. “I feel like we’ve just shot an entire season in one day.”

“Yeah, hold on to that simile until we’re out of here, okay?”

“Reckon so...Our boat is still on the other side of the island.”

“If the boat is even still there, Clov. By the way, what the fuck is the deal with...” Tatsuki hesitated, pointing tentatively at her southern friend. “”

Clover looked at herself, and realized the magic candy canes were still in her hands.

“Huh...Oh, hey girls! I done got hired by Santa as a naughty punisher!”

“Oh, no kidding? When?”

“Just now. By telepathy, I reckon.”

“Hmm...” Pondered Thorn. “Didn’t we have an adventure where a human resources guy tried to conquer the world by telepathically hiring the world’s leaders as janitors?”

“Yes we had” sighed Tatsuki. “And now it’s on YouTube as “The stupidest cartoon episode ever!!!"”

“In any case...You heard Santa in your head, and you accepted to become his goon?”


“Because, you see, the correct response was WHAAAAAT THE SCREAMING FUCK?”

“Aw, come on hun, being surprised is the whole point of Christmas.”

“It. Isn’t. Fucking. Christmas.” Replied Thorn, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I thought we established that. You were even suitably creeped out by the suit you can’t remove, and now you’re giddy from the idea of obeying the guy who gave it to you? Just how much of a trouble magnet are you?!”

“To be fair, without that bit of dual-wielding ridiculousness, we’d probably be toast.”

“Yeah, Tsuki’s right, hun!”

“Whatever. Let’s just go to the boat.”

* * *

At the center of the island, Doctor Skull was enjoying some earl gray tea from his mug. On the ceramic, the inscription “#1 asshole” could be read. Beneath his skull-shaped helmet, and in the stead of his more customary armor, was a t-shirt emblazoned with “I’m too sexy for my boundless money”. Finally, in his hands was an information magazine. On the front page could be read “The Top 10 worthwile causes you’re totally not going to donate for”.

Behind him, the door opened, revealing SAI and Dark Aster, Skull’s new loyal minions.

“Master!” Declared the living artificial intelligence. “There are new parameters. I had calculated that T&T would be easily defeated with Clover in tow, but said meatbag has received an upgrade. Changelog is as of yet unknown.”

“Send us after them, Master!” Pleaded the darkness elemental. “If we leave the job to the hired help, they will escape the island!”

Doctor Skull calmly put his mug and his magazine on a table, then put his hands in the air, not from a sudden need to party, but rather as a sign of alarm.

“Girls! Girls! We have a serious, urgent problem!”

“W...What!?” Asked the two corrupted heroes, startled.

“You’re not making out right now!”

“Oh! Forgive us, Master!”

They promptly locked themselves into an embrace, running their hands on each other’s skin, teasing each other’s nether regions. In a soft, sensual moan, they kissed, completely, and without a shred of regret, forsaking the family-friendly icons they once had been.

Reality was too busy ogling to forget both of them were supposed to be intangible.

“Whew, crisis adverted. By the way, girls, don’t fret. Everything is going according to plan.”

He presses a button on his dashboard, displaying a hologram of a woman in the center of the room. The woman was scantily clad, had red skin, horns and a tail.

“Isn’t it, Ophidia?”

“Oh, most definitely, Doc. My little patch of Hell is ready and raring to go.”

Skull and Ophidia engaged in evil laughter, as the camera pointed ominously at the sky. SAI and Dark Aster joined in the laughter, and the screen began to fade to black.

“No, not you two, continue making out.”