The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


The following story contains strong sexual content. It is intended solely for mature persons who are legally old enough to receive adult materials. Those who are not legally able to receive adult materials or who are offended by them should read no farther.

Further distribution of this story by readers is limited to individuals who are legally able to receive adult materials. Posting of this story at other Internet websites without the author’s permission is expressly prohibited.

The persons and situations depicted in this story are entirely fictitious. Any similarities to actual persons or situations are completely unintentional and purely coincidental.

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“The Invasion, Part I”

(Chapters 1-3)

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Chapter 1: The Campout

Brad Philips and Lisa Martin had eagerly anticipated their first weekend campout. Both of them loved the outdoors, and each enjoyed hiking and sleeping under the stars. They had met a few months ago at a seminar on campus about the local flora and fauna. A few days later, they crossed paths in the student union coffee house and struck up a conversation regarding the seminar. They quickly discovered they shared a passion for nature and natural living. Not long after that, they began developing a passion for each other.

Lisa, a sophomore, was 19 and quite attractive. Her long dark brown hair was normally fashioned in a pretty French braid; on rare occasions when she let it hang free it nearly reached down to her slim waist. Her typical wardrobe of faded jeans, flannel shirts, and hiker’s boots could not hide her impressive figure. Her eyes were the color of freshly blossomed leaves in the springtime, and her shy smile could melt the coldest of hearts.

A year older than Lisa, Brad was tall and thin. He was a junior, and like most young men his age, he was constantly struggling with the physical and emotional awkwardness that marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood. His light brown hair hung over his ears, with just the hint of a stray curl at the ends. Brad’s sometimes uncertain gait reflected his struggle to adapt to the three inches of growth his 6′ 1″ body had added over the past year.

As they came to know each other better, Brad and Lisa had grown from acquaintances with a common interest, to friends, then finally to lovers. Like their initial friendship, their unexpected love had progressed steadily. It was safe to say that both of them looked forward to a secluded weekend for more than simply getting back to nature.

And on that sunny Friday afternoon, as they finished erecting a tent barely big enough for two, they could not have foreseen that their lives would soon be changed forever deep inside that lush foliage.

Friday evening’s activities proved to be a great start to the weekend. After having worked up an appetite with a late afternoon hike, they ate an organically grown meal cooked over an open fire. To wash the food down—and to get into the spirit of the evening—Brad opened a bottle of cheap but pleasantly fruity wine. Then, as the sun set, they engaged in some heavy petting and deep kissing next to the fire.

Eventually they retired to the tent, where they both looked forward to some intense sex. Soon Brad and Lisa were completely lost in their own universe of intimacy. So hot and heavy were the two of them that they completely failed to notice the bright orange-ish light that dropped rapidly out of the sky, landing beyond the hills some ten miles from their campsite.

Saturday morning dawned magnificently; it promised to be a gorgeous day for their hike deep into the woods. After downing some granola and coffee, the young lovers decided to start off toward the wooded hills that overlooked the campus. Along the way, they hoped to see some of the plant and animal life that made the woods such a special place to them.

They would indeed find life, but it wouldn’t be indigenous to the woods...

Or the planet.

Brad and Lisa held hands as they hiked up a narrow trail. After about an hour they reached the edge of a group of small hills. Both had hiked here before, and they agreed to make for a small meadow that lay beyond the hills. Not only was the meadow’s small pond a perfect place to stop at to eat lunch; Brad also hoped the lush scenery and the seclusion would lead to a renewal of the previous night’s amorous activities.

90 minutes later, as they reached the edge of the pond, Brad dropped his backpack. Taking Lisa in his arms, he planted a passionate kiss on her lips. He was pondering his sandwich and outdoor sexual positions (not necessarily in that order) when his eye caught the reflection of a metallic object over Lisa’s shoulder, nestled behind some trees in a clearing just past the other side of the meadow.

“I don’t remember seeing any metal building back there,” Brad said as he suddenly released Lisa, who turned to see what could have led him to withdraw from such a passionate embrace. As her eyes fell on the object, she put her hand up to block the sun’s brilliant reflection off its shiny surface. After exchanging puzzled glances, they decided to investigate the curious discovery further.

Brad and Lisa soon emerged from the row of trees that had initially concealed the object. Soon they stood beside the source of the reflection. Neither could find the words to express their amazement as they slowly walked around it.

The silver vehicle sat at a slight angle. Oblong, it was perhaps 300 feet in length with no doors or windows evident. “Oh my god, Brad... this looks like some kind of... I mean, I think this is a... spaceship,” Lisa offered with a tone of incredulity in her voice. Brad stopped and looked nervously at her, his mind not quite able to grasp either what his eyes or her words conveyed. “A spaceship?” he stammered. “No, no, no... this can’t be a spacesh... I mean, why would it be out here, in the middle of nowhere? You know, out here in the woods. It has to be something else, it has to... isn’t it?”

Suddenly realizing the ramifications of their unexpected discovery, the uneasiness Lisa felt blossomed into fear. “I don’t think I want to find out what it is. It makes me feel... we should get outta here right now!” The intensity of her words startled Brad, jolting him out of his puzzled funk. He watched Lisa walk quickly back toward the pond, only to stop dead in her tracks after a half-dozen steps. Suddenly fearful himself, his eyes swung slowly toward the cause of her aborted retreat.

At the edge of the trees stood three beings—two female, one male. At first glance they looked human, but a closer examination confirmed they were undoubtedly not native to Earth. The aliens wore pleasant looks on their powdery blue faces as the sun illuminated their body suits, which were made of an interwoven gold and silver metallic material. Stunned as he was, Brad was still a 20 year old man, and thus he was not too shocked to notice the shapely bodies of the alien females.

As he slowly moved to Lisa’s side, Brad turned his attention to the alien male, who stood behind and between the two females. The alien was dressed just like the females with two exceptions: he wore a silver contraption around his midsection and genitals that vaguely resembled a metallic diaper, and a pouch was secured around his waist with a dark belt.

Brad and Lisa exchanged anxious looks. Each seemed to be at a loss as to what to do next. After several seconds, Brad took a tentative step towards the extraterrestrials and tried to rediscover his voice. “Uh... Hi... I mean, I’m Brad, and this is Lisa... she’s... I mean, where did you come from?”

The two females smiled in response to Brad’s awkward greeting, their blonde hair glistening in the sun. Their lavender eyes seemed to sparkle like expensive pale gems. “I don’t think they understand us, Brad,” Lisa’s said uneasily. “I think we’d better not stay and...”

She never finished the sentence.

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Chapter 2: Capture

Just before Lisa fell silent, one of the females had suddenly produced a translucent cylindrical rod. In the blink of an eye, the alien had pointed the strange device toward the young couple and fired a brilliant purple wave of energy at them. The wave seemed to explode from the rod’s tip, instantaneously enveloping the unsuspecting humans. Just as suddenly as the attack began, it was over. Brad and Lisa stood silent and unmoving.

Brad’s body acted as though it had been paralyzed. The only voluntary muscles that seemed to function were his eyes, which locked on the quickly approaching aliens. He noted the persistent smiles on the faces of the two females; they seemed quite pleased with themselves. Conversely, the alien male’s expression remained stoic as he followed close behind. The group soon reached Brad and Lisa, with one female positioning herself directly in front of each of the immobilized humans.

Though unable to move his arms or legs, Brad’s mind still seemed to function. He wondered what was in store for Lisa and him as he warily watched the blue skinned woman in front him give him a thorough once over with those strange eyes.

Apparently satisfied with what she saw, she turned to the male and nodded. In response, the alien reached into the pouch he wore and withdrew a pair of small black devices, each the size of a pack of cigarettes, and handed them to the females.

After pushing a few buttons on the devices, the women began to pass them over their captive’s bodies. Brad and Lisa’s skin tingled wherever the device passed over them. They both knew they were being examined, and they couldn’t help but notice something else: Based on the location and duration of the tingling sensations, the women were focusing most of their attention on the human’s sexual organs.

After about 45 seconds, the examinations ended and the females handed the black boxes back to the male. He replaced the boxes in the pouch and drew out another pair of objects, again handing one to each woman. They were comprised of a thin black metal strip, apparently curved to fit over the top of the head. At each end of the strip was an opaque multi-sided crystal with a milky white surface. To Brad they looked like high-tech stereo headphones. The females briefly inspected the devices; then, after exchanging satisfied nods, turned their attention back to their captive human audience.

Lisa’s ability to move may have been impaired, but her feelings—specifically, her sense of impending disaster—had continued unabated throughout the examination. She was convinced that whatever these beings were up to, it was not something she or Brad were likely to look back upon fondly—assuming they survived the experience. Now, with the examination completed, she dreaded whatever awaited them.

Regardless of her intense feelings, Lisa could only watch helplessly as the alien opposite Brad placed a headphone device on his head. The alien carefully adjusted the device so that the pale crystals sat at eye level, just in front of Brad’s ears. Satisfied with the placement, the woman withdrew her hands. At first nothing seemed to happen; Brad remained motionless, his anxious gaze fixed on the alien before him. Then after about five seconds, Lisa saw the cubes begin to glow... dimly at first, then increasingly brighter.

Lisa watched as Brad’s eyelids began to flutter as the crystals suddenly glowed much brighter. Too frightened to watch her boyfriend any more, Lisa’s eyes swung back to the alien opposite her, who was carefully monitoring Brad’s reaction. Lisa felt sick to her stomach as she watched the alien’s smile momentarily grow into a wide grin. Unable to stand anymore she closed her eyes, hoping and praying for the nightmare to end.

Lisa’s green eyes soon reopened as she instinctively detected movement in front of her face. They opened just in time to see the alien lifting a headphone device toward her head. She felt the cold metal of the headpiece brush lightly across her forehead on its way to its intended destination. Then Lisa felt warm hands on the side of her head, gently positioning the crystals. The smile on the alien’s face again brightened briefly as she drew back her blue hands, leaving the headset sitting securely on Lisa’s head.

As the alien studied her closely, a warm tingling feeling began to spread throughout the top of Lisa’s body. Her focus on the smiling blue face in front of her wavered as the sensation began working its way down her spine. She became aware of a growing sense of fatigue. She felt sleepy, incredibly sleepy; more sleepy than she had ever felt after staying up all night to cram for a test. Her eyelids soon felt heavy, drooping lower and lower with each passing moment. They closed for an instant, subsequently reopening about half way.

As her eyes reopened, she tried to focus on the happenings around her and found she couldn’t. All of her thoughts seemed to drift right out of her head. She couldn’t think, couldn’t feel, couldn’t comprehend what was transpiring. She suddenly felt as if she were floating through a fog.

Staring straight ahead, unseeing and unthinking, Lisa somehow became aware of soft hands on her arms, turning her, then guiding her somewhere. She couldn’t tell if she was walking or if she was indeed floating.

The capture completed, the alien trio led the dazed humans towards a doorway on the side of the spacecraft. Once on board, Lisa and Brad were guided into a circular chamber. Unrecognizable colors swirled about the walls and ceiling as the aliens happily displayed their captives to a dozen other blue skinned women. Across the room, three alien males stood silently; as the alien women gathered around the humans, the male who had assisted in their capture quietly withdrew to the other side with the other alien men.

The excited alien women were not content to examine Brad and Lisa with their eyes. Soon blue hands were probing every part of the human’s bodies. Although Brad received substantial attention, the women seemed much more interested in Lisa. Several aliens nodded enthusiastically as they cupped and prodded her breasts through her shirt. After briefly conversing amongst themselves in a melodic language, they began to move their prize possessions towards a doorway on the other side of the chamber. Had Lisa been conscious, she would have shuddered at the hungry glances the otherworldly women exchanged with each other as they fondled her.

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Chapter 3: Enslavement

The group proceeded down a narrow hallway toward a door at its end. As they reached it, the door retracted upward, revealing another circular chamber. The room was not unlike the previous one; however, there were several additional pieces of equipment inside. In the center of the chamber, a clear tube stretched from a mechanism on the ceiling to the floor. Behind a control panel stood another alien woman. She relayed a report to the others, who nodded their approval. As Lisa was guided to the wall behind the console, Brad was propelled toward the tube. He was placed inside and gently turned to face the control panel.

As Brad stood motionless inside the tube, an alien removed the mind-numbing device from his head. His eyes began blinking erratically as the fog in his head began to clear. As he struggled to regain his senses, the opening in the tube closed. Despite the chamber’s subdued lighting, Brad soon found Lisa. She was standing in the center of a group of alien females who were taking turns fondling her breasts. She did not react to the contact; she simply stared blankly, her temples illuminated by the brightly glowing crystals on the sides of her head.

Brad felt a flash of anger as he now realized all that had happened. His thawed mind conveyed the incredible experience that they had been abducted by aliens from another world. Seeing Lisa being molested while frozen with that vacant stare on her face enraged him further. He began swearing at his captors loud enough that his voice was audible outside the tube. The protestation was futile; based on their lack of reaction, the aliens either couldn’t understand him or didn’t care.

Brad’s outburst ended abruptly as he heard a loud humming sound from above. He looked up to see the mechanism at the top of the tube slipping down towards him. Trapped in the tube, he wondered if this was some macabre form of alien execution... perhaps he had been placed in there simply to be crushed. As if to dispel his wild speculation, the device stopped suddenly several inches above his head.

Meanwhile, the alien at the console was closely monitoring the developments in the tube. As the mechanism came to a halt, she began adjusting a set of dials and switches. After she finished, a panel on the console opened, revealing a large, milky colored pyramid. She pushed several other buttons and the pyramid rose out of the console, stopping when its base was flush with the console surface.

The female then slowly closed her eyes while placing her hands on the pyramid, which began glowing softly in response to her touch. Moments later, Brad suddenly felt an irresistible need to look upwards. Unable to fight the hidden force, he lifted his eyes and became aware of the flickering lights on the device above him. He had never seen anything like them; they were both fascinating and captivating to him. Soon Brad felt as if his mind was melting into the flickering, swirling lights. With all of his attention held by the device above him, Brad didn’t notice the pyramid begin to pulsate.

Brad felt sleepy again, but his eyes remained open, focused on the lights above him. His ears detected a faint buzzing sound, like a distant swarm of bees. After a few moments, Brad heard a faint voice in the buzzing—a feminine voice, soft but forceful. The melodic language the voice spoke in was unrecognizable, and yet somehow he seemed to understand its meaning. The voice steadily grew louder and more insistent. Strange... he couldn’t tell where it was coming from. The longer he listened, the more it seemed as if it was coming from inside his own head.

“We are the Omegans. We are your controllers. You obey us. You serve us. Nothing is more important than to obey us and serve us. Nothing is more important.” Brad was so intent on concentrating on the message that he didn’t realize that he was repeating it out loud. “We have need of you. Need of your mind. Need of your body. You obey us. You serve us. You will serve and obey. Nothing is more important to you.” “Nothing is more important to me,” repeated Brad, enthralled.

The voice continued on. “You are a drone. We are the Omegans. We are your controllers. You are our drone. You love your controllers. You desire your controllers. You adore your controllers. You need to please us, to pleasure us, to love us. You need to be our slave, our drone. You need to obey our instructions and you need to pleasure us. Pleasuring your controllers is essential to your happiness. Our pleasure is your pleasure. Our satisfaction is your satisfaction.”

Brad smiled as he echoed his new devotion to his controllers. After repeating the phrases a dozen times, he was given a final command: “Close your eyes.” Brad immediately obeyed. A wave of energy passed through his body. Dizzy, he wavered for a moment, recovered, and heard the female voice—this time not in his head, but in his ears.

“Open your eyes.” Brad complied and was met by the sight of the alien who had operated the control panel. She now stood in front of the tube, her blue body completely naked. His eyes were immediately drawn to her large, firm breasts and their fully erect dark blue nipples. His gaze then strayed to her hairless pussy. Brad could feel his penis growing quickly inside his pants. “Pleasure me,” she commanded.

Suddenly, the tube was open, and Brad stepped out. Immediately, he took her in his arms, hungrily kissing her blue lips. He thrust his tongue in her mouth, and ran his hands over her firm buttocks. Withdrawing from the embrace, the female then instructed him to remove his clothing. In a matter of seconds, Brad’s clothes were bundled in a heap on the floor of the chamber. Her fingers brushed lightly over his huge, throbbing penis. No one, not even Lisa, had ever made him this excited, this big, this willing.

“Now, pleasure me. Use you hands, your tongue, your lips. You may not use your penis unless I direct you to. You will make me cum over and over again. Remember, my pleasure is yours.” Brad nodded eagerly. Although he felt a tremendous pressure between his legs, he didn’t really care about cuming just yet. The Omegan’s pleasure was paramount to him. Her pleasure was his.

Moving behind her, he nuzzled her ear as he began to massage her beautiful mounds. So intent was Brad on pleasing his new lover that he didn’t even notice the other alien females watching them, conversing in their melodic alien language. Soon ready for more than foreplay, the alien directed Brad to join her on the floor of the chamber.

His mouth loitered for a time over the alien’s full breasts. After bringing her close to orgasm by pulling on her buds with his lips, Brad moved down her tight stomach towards her pussy. Giving his tongue a rest, Brad simply rubbed his face in it for several seconds upon reaching it. After, his face dripping from her escaping juices, he resumed licking as he deeply inhaled the pungent scent emanating between her legs. It was unlike anything he had ever smelled before... unquestionably feminine, but with a hint of something exquisite, like an expensive perfume.

Carefully pulling open the delicate blue lips, Brad dipped his tongue into the alien beauty’s cunt. The taste was incredible, sweet like syrup. His licking gradually became more frantic as the woman’s moaning increased. She rocked back and forth, grinding her pelvis against his face as he sucked on her swollen blue clitoris. With a sudden spasm, she came... and came... and came.

About a half hour later—after the alien beauty’s fifth orgasm—an exhausted Brad glanced up to see the woman looking down upon him, her light purple eyes showing her satisfaction. Tired though he was, Brad longed to mount her and release the throbbing packet he was carrying, but she had forbidden penetration. He hoped as hard as he had ever hoped for anything that she would now instruct him to empty his wad into her. Unfortunately for him, she had other plans.

She looked up at the other aliens, who still were closely observing the performance. On cue, one of them handed a cone-shaped device to her. It was about a foot long, with a silvery metallic exterior. The alien woman took the device, rolled Brad on his back, and then slipped it over his gigantic penis. As the device settled over his cock, Brad felt it close around him tightly. He looked up at the female, catching the precocious look in her eyes.

The device suddenly came to life, pulsating dimly. Brad gasped as he felt it sucking, the sensation growing stronger as its pulsing glow intensified. While the procedure was not painful, it was certainly not pleasurable. Brad felt like his penis was being pulled inside out. His eyes grew wide as he felt the device dig deeper inside of him, sucking out more and more of his sperm.

The alien noted his reaction. “Do not be concerned, drone. We are collecting your seed for examination and cataloging. You are not being harmed. Soon you will find this procedure acceptable, even desirable.” Just as she finished speaking, the sucking stopped. The device, now glowing steadily, was removed from his penis. The woman handed it to one of the other aliens, who immediately left the chamber with it.

Brad stared down at his manhood; what moments before had been throbbing with potency was now discolored and shriveled. Oblivious to his continued discomfort, the alien rose to dress as her comrades left. As she replaced her clothing she gave him an insight as to what his future held. “Be pleased, drone. We have judged you to be acceptable. You probably will be allowed to pleasure us for as long as you last. Perhaps you will even be allowed to pleasure the one you accompanied.”

Lisa! With all that had transpired, Brad had almost forgotten about her. He asked if she was to become a pleasure drone like him. The alien glared at him disapprovingly. “Of course not. Females are superior. Females do not serve, females control. Males serve. Males are drones. She will be first from your world, she will be as we are. You will serve her, just as you serve us.”

Now dressed, the alien instructed Brad to do so as well. As he stooped to pick up his hastily discarded clothing, she ordered him to remain in the programming chamber until he was given further instructions and then left. Completely enslaved, he would do as he was told without question.

It was sometime later... Brad was not sure how much time had passed; he had stood alone in the chamber for what seemed an eternity. Finally, the door opened, and several Omegan women entered the chamber. All were dressed in that strangely erotic metallic clothing. As they passed Brad they completely ignored him.

Watching them, Brad soon noticed that one of the women in the group had dark hair. As the group moved toward the programming tube in the center of the chamber, he realized that the dark-haired girl wasn’t Omegan, she was human.

It was Lisa. Just as he realized this, he heard a humming noise; the programming tube’s door was opening.