The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Janie’s Got A Gun

by J. Darksong


I remember the day that Jane Nelson snapped.

Everything started two days before. It was Thursday, almost 5pm. Jane and I were going over the results of the latest test of the experimental sonic frequency resonator gun our company, Arclight Technologies, was developing. We were both mid-level researchers, which translates into us being high enough on the totem pole to do most of the grunt work, testing, reviewing data, adjusting the systems, but being low enough that we never received any praise or credit for any breakthroughs we might have helped create. Obviously, it took a special kind of person to work such a thankless job, and that’s where Jane and I came in.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m no genius. Last in my class in high school, one of the ‘pretty boy jock’ crowd, I’d planned to get through life on charisma, good looks, and my dad’s trust fund. Studying was something the nerds did, and I was way too popular to ‘waste my time’ studying five or six hours a night, trying to learn. Graduation Day was like a blessing from the Almighty Himself—no more school, no more annoying bossy teachers making me do what I didn’t want to do. It was time to party hardy, and live it up! Yeah... and then the economy up and died, my dad’s nice little nest egg went down the tubes, and I was hit with a harsh dose of reality.

Well, long-story-short, when the dust settled, I found myself in community college, using the last of my trust fund and working part-time to pay for it. For the first time in my life, I had to actually work for something. And I learned two important things about myself. The first, that I actually LIKED earning my way through life, was a total surprise. The second, that I actually had a knack for math and science, was an even bigger surprise. While I wasn’t a Rhoades Scholar by any stretch of the imagination, I did well enough to get on the Dean’s list, and four years later, I found myself working for the esteemed Science and Research Department of Arclight Technologies.

Janie was a different story. A true genius, she’d graduated from high school at thirteen, then gone on to graduate from M.I.T. with honors. Long limbed, sweetly curved, with shoulder length brown hair the color of mahogany, she was as far removed from my idea of a nerd as a girl could possibly be! Highly intelligent, witty, funny, sweet and kind, she was any man’s dream. Unfortunately, she was also terribly shy, suffering from low self-esteem, of all things! She wore glassed over her expressive green eyes, and tended to wear her hair down, hiding behind it like a curtain, and wearing the standard white lab coat over her clothes, she came across as just another face in the crowd, the kind of person you’d easily overlook unless you were specifically looking for her.

Perhaps the strangest thing of all was that two such obvious opposites could become such good friends. We’d both started working there the same day, literally bumping into each other in the elevator ride down to the laboratory. It may be cliché, but we just had this kind of chemistry. I found her fascinating. She knew so much, and she could explain the most complex and convoluted things in a way that a three year old could understand. I didn’t have to try and impress her, or act all macho and tough. With her, I could just be myself.

And with me, she’d found someone that didn’t look down on her, someone who didn’t simply dismiss her as trivial. In me, she’d found someone who would listen to her, pay attention to what she said... someone who looked at her, instead of looking through her.

Unfortunately, with one notable exception, I was the only one who truly saw how exceptional she really was. No one else within the company hierarchy seemed to even know she existed... no one, that is, except our immediate supervisor and rising star of the research division. Rick Jansen knew only too well who the real brain in his division was, and he took great delight in assigning our group the most impossible tasks to complete, then taking the credit when we somehow succeeded.

“Ah, my two best employees,” Rick enthused, stepping inside the soundproof booth just outside the testing area. “Hard at work I see. How did the last batch of tests come out?”

I sighed deeply, pointing at the displays. “It’s still a no-go, Chief. The theory is sound, I suppose... but the application is something else entirely. We’re just unable to stabilize the emitters to produce a sound wave powerful enough to break down metal and concrete, and not destroy the emitters themselves. It works, as if, if you want a one-shot weapon...”

“But not exactly practical, is it?” Rick replied, frowning. “Not exactly cost efficient to have to replace the entire assembly every time it fires.”

I glanced at Janie, who’d opened her mouth, as if to say something, but closed it again without speaking. “Um, Sir, I think maybe Jane might have an idea,” I prompted, causing her to squeak softly as Rick turned his attention to her. As usual, she leaned her head forward, causing her hair to cascade over her face, hiding it. Rick sighed dramatically.

“Alright, Nelson,” Rick said with a shake of his head, “you’ve obviously got something on your mind, so go ahead and spill it.”

Janie flashed me a ‘gonna get you for this’ look and turned towards the monitors. “Well... um... I was just... um... thinking. Maybe... it’s not so much the... um... frequency, as it is... maybe... um... the materials we’re using? For the assembly?”

Rick groaned, shaking his head. “Or maybe, you and Doug here just need to stop pussyfooting around and solve the harmonic frequency problem like I asked you to! The assembly is fine, as is. The smaller prototype model is composed of the exact same components and it functions perfectly well!”

Which, of course, Janie already knew, since SHE had designed it, not him. Of course, I neglected to point that fact out to my boss.

“You two need to isolate the specific resonate frequency that will allow the device to work without blowing itself to bits,” Rick said, walking to the door. “I’ve scheduled a presentation with the Division Head in the morning, and I don’t want to look like a fool. I expect you to have this minor problem figured out by morning, even if you have to pull an all-nighter.” With that, he was gone.

I groaned deeply. “Another all-nighter,” I grumbled. “Damn. This is why I have no social life, Janie.”

She glared at me. “Doug, why did you DO that? Why did you tell Rick that I had an idea?”

“Because you did,” I answered, crossing my arms. “Janie, sweetie, we’ve talked about this. You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met, but until you learn to speak up for yourself, and take charge of your life, no one’s ever gonna know! If you went over Rick’s head and spoke to someone at the Division... well, anyone BESIDES Amanda Harris, that bitch... if you showed any of them what you were capable of, YOU’D be the head of this department, and Rick would be out of his keister!”

Janie merely sighed, lowering her head again. “No. I... I couldn’t do that. Besides, I’m not really that smart. If I were, I would have figured out about the flaw in the assembly’s design back on the drawing board.” She sighed again, stretching. “Anyway... it looks like we’re going to be here for a while, again. Guess we’ll have to order in.”

True to form, Janie DID figure out the harmonic frequency that would allow the device to work without destroying the emitters. Just a little after midnight, I ran the second trial to make sure it wasn’t a fluke, and thirty seconds later, the device powered down, still fully functional, and in one piece. “Wow. Looks like you’ve done it again, Janie! We had to add quite a few more components to stabilize it, and it doesn’t look pretty, but that baby works!” I pulled her into a tight, friendly hug, which made her blush. “C’mon, let’s get out of here. I’ll walk you to your car.”

“No, that’s okay. I want to stay behind and run my permutations one last time, just to double-check.”

And so, I shrugged, and headed out. Looking back on it now, I should have stayed behind and waited for her. I mean, it was midnight, and while Rexburg isn’t exactly New York City or Manhattan, we do have our share of crime just like everyone else. It never occurred to me that anything bad might happen that night, but eight hours later, arriving back at work, I heard the news.

“Jane’s in the hospital,” Eric Johnson told me as I entered the lab. “Heard she’s in pretty bad shape.”

“WHAT?!?” I yelled, causing several heads to turn. “How? Wh... what happened? I just... I just saw her last night!”

“I don’t know the whole story,” Eric said with a shrug, not even slightly concerned about the well being of a fellow co-worker. He cared only about being the distributor of our department’s gossip. “I heard that she was mugged leaving the lower level parking lot last night. There’s been a rash of muggings and assaults going on over the past month in this area, you know...”

Anything else he might have said was lost to me as I pushed past him, heading back towards the door. Guilt weighed heavily on me grabbed my jacket, my mind conjuring up all kinds of gruesome images of my poor Janie, battered and beaten by some fucking psychotic monster. All I could think of was that it was all my fault, that I should have stayed a few minutes more and walked out with her. If only I’d stayed! If only...

“Kramer! Perfect!” Rick said loudly, grabbing me by my arm, leading me towards the soundproofed testing area. “Just the man I wanted to see. I’m going to need you to go over the new test data with me before the demonstration at nine. I glanced over the specs—can’t say I’m liking the way you guys reconfigured my assembly, it’s pretty damned ugly, but as long as the damned thing works, I’ll let it slide—”

“Sorry, Rick, I can’t stay. I’m leaving for the hospital. Janie—”

“Leaving?” Rick cut in. “No, no, no, you can’t leave! I need you to prep me on the changes you and Nelson made to my assembly for this presentation! We have less than an hour, and I need to sound credible when I make this presentation!”

“Rick!” I said, raising my voice to get his attention. “Janie’s in the hospital! She got mugged last night leaving work after that all-nighter you had us pull!”

“Mugged?” he said, sounding as if I’d just asked him what time it was. “So that must be what all that noise was about up in HR earlier. Huh. Remind me to have my secretary send her a ‘get well’ card later. Right now, we need to prepare for this presentation—”

“FUCK THE DAMN PRESENTATION!” I yelled, completely fed up. Rick took a step back, eyes wide, as if expecting me to go postal. At the moment, I felt like doing just that, but I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. “All you care about is your stupid presentation, looking good for your boss, Amanda-Fucking-Harris, whom we ALL know you’re sleeping with, by the way.” His eyes widened even more, and his face began to turn red. “Jane deserves better than this! She doesn’t have any family in the city, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let her sit there in that hospital room alone without anyone at her side!” I turned to leave.

“Kramer!” he bellowed from behind me. “If you walk out of here, you won’t be allowed back in! You hear me? If you leave, you’re fired!”

I stopped at the door, perfectly ready and willing to walk out. After more than four years here, I’d learned all too well how the game was played. Thanks to Janie, I probably knew more about electronics and energy systems than anyone else in the field except Janie herself! If I left, I was reasonably sure I could get hired on at another company within the week. No, Janie and I were the ones responsible for Rick’s success, and I didn’t intend on leaving before I let him know it. Whirling around, I turned back to face him, grabbing him by the arm to keep him from retreating again.

“Fired?” I said in a low harsh voice, making him flinch. “No, I don’t think so. We both know who comes up with the ‘revolutionary ideas’ that keeps the Board members so enamored with you. If it wasn’t for Janie and I letting you take credit for OUR work, you’d be sitting over there in that cubicle next to Eric’s. Fire me if you want. We’ll see long it takes for the Board members to realize how big of a phony you are when you fail to come up with your next ‘breakthrough’ for them.” I released his arm, turned, and left the building.

* * *

It took a little convincing to get the nurses to let me in to see Janie. Apparently, she’d been roughed up really bad, and the bastard had raped her as well. She was in a really bad way, physically, mentally, and emotionally. When I first entered her room and saw her, I felt a part of myself die inside. Her beautiful face was swollen, practically black and blue with bruising, and her deep green eyes were nearly swollen shut. Her lips had been split in several places, and her left arm sat in a sling.

“Only ten minutes,” the nurse cautioned me before leaving the room. “She needs her rest.”

I sighed deeply, reaching out to take her right hand. She whimpered, pulling away, which only made me feel like more of a heel. “Janie... I...” I began, trying to find the words to express the depths of my sorrow. “I should have been there,” I said finally, sitting on the bed next to her. “I should have stayed and made sure you made it to your car safely. I’m sorry.”

She continued to whimper softly, slowly pulling herself into the fetal position. With her face and lips in such bad shape, I hadn’t expected her to speak, but I was disappointed that she’d seem to withdraw deeper into herself than normal. I stayed with her the full ten minutes, just talking, trying to be reassuring, telling her that she would heal, that there wouldn’t be any lasting damage from the attack, and assuring her that the bastard that did this to her would get caught. That, at least, seemed to get through to her, and she turned to face me after I said it. It must have hurt like hell to talk right then, and the words she spoke, even now, I’m not exactly sure. But what I believe she said was this:

“As long as he doesn’t get away with it... I’ll be fine.”

Fateful words. The incident had taken place in the lower level parking lot where we worked, and though the building had plenty of security for the inside, the outside structure was considerably less secure. Each floor had rotating security cameras, but it seems that the one on that floor was broken, scheduled to be repaired sometime next week. The attacker had struck quickly, coming at Janie from behind, and putting a cloth sack over her head so keep her from seeing him. After it was over, she’d lain there for two hours before the security guard, his shift over, had happened by on his way to his own car. He’d immediately called an ambulance and the police, but by then the perpetrator was long gone.

The next day, I went with her to the police station where they asked her to try and pick her attacker out of a lineup. They’d rounded up several suspicious people found near the vicinity of Arclight around the time of the incident, but as she hadn’t actually SEEN her attacker, she couldn’t make an ID. Worse, though she had heard his voice during her rape, nearly all of the suspects sounded so similar they might as well have been the same person. After dismissing the suspects, the officer pulled me aside.

“Give it to me straight,” I said quietly. “What are the chances of finding the guy that did this to her?”

“Not good,” the man confided in me. “There are few leads. No one saw or heard anything. The camera at the site was broken, and she never got a look at the guy. And this guy was smart; he wore gloves. That means no fingerprints. The bastard even wore a condom when he... um... you know. So we don’t even have a sperm sample to try and get a DNA match.” He shook his head. “We’re certainly not giving up on the case, but truthfully, unless this guy makes another move and slips up, there’s little chance in catching him.”

I nodded softly, then turned back to Janie. She was staring at us both, no doubt having heard every word despite our whispering. I stared straight into her eyes, the windows to her soul, and I swear I saw it just die. I opened my mouth, trying to think of something, anything, I could say to make it better, but she merely turned away and walked out of the room. And I just stood there and watched.

That was Saturday. We didn’t work on the weekend, and despite being fairly close friends, I’d never gone to Janie’s home before, or even knew where she lived. By the time I’d shaken off my failure to shield her the bad news at the police station and followed her outside, she’d already disappeared. Again, hindsight is always 20-20. Shoulda, woulda, coulda... At any rate, I called her cell a few times, left a few dozen messages, and finally went home. I suppose I figured she’d just want to be alone, to have time to process, and deal with what had happened to her.

Sunday came and went, then Monday. Back to work, and still no word from her. As I’d expected, Rick treated the incident Friday as if it had never happened, though he did mention in passing that no one had heard from Janie. I was personally beginning to get a little nervous. At the time, all I could see was how vulnerable, how delicate, how fragile she was. I wanted... to protect her? No. I wanted to make her happy again. I wanted to see her smile, and not just on those rare times when we were together, and I said or did something funny, and managed to caught sight of her face before she hid behind her hair. I wanted to see her smile, and often. I wanted her to laugh. I...

I loved her.

The realization shook me to my core. I loved her. I loved Jane Nelson. Maybe I always had. Yes, we were friends, and love and friendship are close to the same emotion... but there was no mistake. My thoughts centered around her, nearly all the time. When she wasn’t around, I missed her terribly. I already found her more than just attractive. I thought her beautiful. And when I found out what had happened to her, when the thought entered my mind that I might actually LOSE her... while I wasn’t exactly the doormat to Rick Jensen that Janie was, I’d never stood up to him like I had on Friday. When I told him off, I hadn’t been thinking about my job, or where I was going to work, where my next paycheck would come from. Hell, I hadn’t been thinking about ME at all. In that moment, my priorities had shifted, and getting to Janie had moved to the absolute top of the list.

And now, I was sitting there, in the lab, sulking, while Janie was alone, doing who-knew-what at who-knew-where. I had to find her. I had to track her down.

I got up from my seat and headed for the door. Rick opened his mouth as if to say something, then stopped, thinking better of it. Just before I reached the door, he said, “If you’re taking off again, I’m docking you for the time away.”

“Fine,” I replied, clocking out. I grabbed my jacket, then paused as I reached the outer doors to the building, then turned and headed for the elevator instead. The doors were just closing, when a red nailed hand slid in, causing them to open once more. I had to bite my tongue as the Division Chief herself sauntered into the elevator with me. Amanda tossed her head back, sending a cascade of golden hair over her shoulders. Piercing blue eyes glared at me for a long moment, as if hoping to cowe me. They didn’t. Finally, with a loud sigh, she turned to face me.

“So, Mr. Kramer, I see you have better things to do on company time today than working?”

“Actually, I’m off the clock,” I replied, trying not to take the bait. “I’m taking a personal day. I have quite a few of them stacked up, you know.”

“Indeed,” Amanda replied dismissively. “Well, it’s not as if you’re doing anything vital that we might need you for.” She glanced at her fingernails, blowing on them lightly. “Still, I did wish to discuss with you the altercation you had with your immediate supervisor on Friday, and some of the allegations you were spouting off—”

“Oh, you mean about you and Rick doing the nasty?” I said blithely, hiding my satisfaction as she bristled. “I wouldn’t exactly call THAT an allegation since it happens to be true.” The elevator dinged, signaling that we were almost at the floor I’d pushed. I’d thought the conversation would end there, but Amanda wasn’t quite done. She hit the emergency stop button, and the elevator slammed to a halt.

“Now you listen here, you little worm,” she seethed. “Just who do you think you’re talking to? I don’t know where you get off spitting out this tripe about Rick and myself, but I’m not going to stand by and let you sully our names—”

“Which would be impossible, since you two have already ‘sullied’ yourselves far worse that anything I say about you ever could,” I answered back. Her mouth dropped. “I’m not a gossip, Amanda. I’m a scientist, and I only deal with facts. It’s a fact that you and Steve are having sex, even though you’re both ‘happily’ married to other people. Not that I care even the tiniest little bit about what you two do, but I do wish you’d find somewhere else to have your sexual escapades besides the soundproofed test room.” I shuddered slightly. “You have no idea how uncomfortable it is trying to work in there knowing what else has been going on during the off hours.”

At that, Amanda went pale. “You... you’re lying. There’s no way you know about that! Rick and I were much too careful for... um, I mean... you’re just guessing!”

I sighed deeply. “Are you REALLY that stupid? How the hell did you get to be the head of the Research Division? It’s a TESTING area! Soundproof or not, the entire area is wired for audio and video, with redundant backups. Slick Rick may have disabled the main surveillance system for your little fun, but the backups caught every sordid little detail of every single romp. And guess who had the dubious honor of cleaning out the memory cache every morning before we could start recording our next batch of test runs?”

Seeing I’d rendered her momentarily speechless, I hit the button again, letting the elevator resume. “And in case you’re thinking about having me transferred to another branch in another state, on another side of the country, you should probably know that unlike the two of you, I’m not stupid. I burned a couple of hard copies for my own personal collection as insurance, should the need arise. And I’m sure the other members of the Board of Directors would be interested on seeing how one of their junior members spends her ‘off time’.” The door opened, and I walked out.

Human Resources was less than willing to give me another employee’s personal information, so I had to employ the ancient art of ‘sneaking’ in order to get a copy of Janie’s file. By the time Renee came back to her desk, I was gone, the address locked safely away in my memory. For once, fortune had smiled on me (doubly so, but more on that later) and I soon found myself pulling up to Jane’s apartment. A quick word with her landlord about my fears, and he agreed to let me inside while he watched. To my relief, she wasn’t there, hanging from the ceiling, or lying face down in her own bathroom, but I was rather concerned about the what I did find.

The living room, the kitchen area, the bedroom... nearly every section of the apartment was littered with discarded notes, diagrams, and blueprints. A lot of it was seriously beyond me, but I recognized a few of them as the sonic resonance technology we were working on at Arclight. My confusion grew once I entered her bedroom. Here, I likewise found papers littering the room, except that instead of technical notes and diagrams, I found pages from several very naughty erotic stories. Jane’s computer was on, the screen saver cycling through endlessly, and on a hunch, I tapped her mouse.

“The Erotic Mind Control Story Archive?” I read aloud. Minimizing the page, I checked her list of recent visits, and sure enough, nearly all of them were for the same website. Feeling utterly confused, and more than a little curious, I clicked on the last page she’d opened.

“Hey? What are you doing now?” the landlord asked, frowning. “It’s one thing to be worried and concerned that she might have killed herself, but its another thing to start going through her computer and personal files, and shit. Unless you’re carrying a badge in your jacket pocket, you’d better get the hell out of here, pal.” Sighing deeply, I quickly scribbled down the web address, and followed the man back outside.

Back at home, I pondered what I’d learned. Janie had obviously been very busy since leaving the police station. She’d been working on a project of her own, one that was at least partially based on the sonic weapon technology we’d been developing together. She’d obviously done a bit of... light reading, I guess I’d have to say, from the bookmarks and recently visited pages of her computer. Curiosity warred with concern within me, as with my newly realized feelings of love for this woman, the desire to learn more about her kinky sexual desires and how I might, er, someday, possibly interact with her, began to take precedence.

Besides, I reasoned with myself, as I typed in the URL on my own laptop computer, anything I can learn about her current frame of mind might help me find out where she’s gone. The paper popped up, and I frowned slightly at the heading.

“Hmmm. ‘Bunny Tales’ by Nanoslaver?” I read aloud, shaking my head slightly. “’Bunny tries to do well by her Master... she really does... unfortunately, she’s insane’. Huh. Well, that doesn’t really tell me much. Guess I’ll have to read through the story itself.”

And I did. And I discovered that this ‘Nano’ guy had a really nice sense of humor. I hadn’t really known what to expect from the title and synopsis, considering it was called the EROTIC Mind Control Story Archive, but all in all, I found it very enjoyable. Still, I had no clue why Janie had read though that particular story seventeen times. I read through a few more stories, and got the general feel for the website, but aside from discovering my interest in erotic mind control, I was no closer to figuring out where she had gone that I was before.

I even contacted the police again, checking to see if they’d heard from her, or had made anymore headway in her case, but they had nothing. Having exhausted every idea I’d come up with, I finally called it a night, keeping my cell right beside the bed on the off chance she called. My sleep was troubled with nightmares, images of Janie, her body twisted, mangled, and mutilated, her face frozen in terror, her hands reaching out beseechingly to me for help. I spent the night feeling like I’d failed her somehow. If only I’d known...