A Jawsome New Job
(Hey, this is the author, here to mention two things real quick: First, that this story is a commission I was paid to write based on a comic, and second, that this story is part of my yearly Stocking Stuffer 2024 event where I upload new kinky stories, art, and more to my Furaffinity page, one update each day during the week of Christmas. Not everything I upload for the holiday event is finding it’s way here, so if you’re curious for other kinky content from me, or just want to see this story with proper formatting, visit my FA page here.)
(With that in mind, sit back and enjoy the show!)
Rolling through the streets on his roller blades, a tiger shark gave a grunt of exertion as he turned a corner, blading along the sidewalk and feeling the wind blowing against his fin. Bobby Bolton Jr., better known as Streex, was out on patrol. Underneath a streetlight, his pale blue scaly body glinting, muscles flexing under the purple stripes rippling up and down his body as he picked up his pace. Balling his fingers into fists, he crouched and pushed up in a mighty leap, pulling into a spin as his bisected tail arched to help him keep balance, landing with a loud thud as he kept racing along the street. It was a quiet night tonight. Not a villain to be seen, not even a petty mugging.
The extreme shark had gotten bored enough to start losing focus, doing tricks on his roller blades to keep himself entertained.
Skidding to a stop, he leaned up against a streetlight to gaze up at the moon. It was what, nearly 1 am? And the whole city felt more dead than bodies in a morgue. “I’m just gonna go home.” He grumbled. “It’s bogus, being out here with no crime to fight or people to save. I had to turn down a date with Roxie tonight for nothing going on?” The Street Shark gave a shrug. He just wasn’t feeling it tonight. Even doing rad stunts wasn’t enough to stave off the boredom. “Yeah. I’ll just go home and—”
“Help! Help!”
The sound of a woman’s voice caused Streex to look up. “Of all the times—” Leaning forward to start roller blading again, he turned to race off in the direction of the terrified voice.
“Help! Help!”
The woman’s voice again. “Hang on, dudette! I’m coming!” Streex cried out, following the sound of the voice until he reached an alleyway. There was absolutely someone inside. Someone big and bulky, lurking in the shadows, their body shape just barely visible. He narrowed his eyes, gritting his many teeth. That didn’t look like a human body. Some new gene-slammed freak, maybe? “Only one way to find out.” Streex darted into the alleyway, hearing the woman cry out for help twice more. Whoever this new weirdo was, he wasn’t going to let them lay a hand on her-
The Tiger Shark skidded to a stop, staring up at the white and black form of a familiar Orca, his eyes going wide, his train of thought derailed. “Moby?” He gazed at his buddy. Moby Lick wasn’t a new villain! The muscular, shirtless orca was a friend who had helped him in some tight spots in the past, after shaking off mind control serum in the past. “Why are you here? Where’s the girl?”
“I heard her too.” Moby said, his finned head turning from side to side to gaze around the narrow street corner. “But I don’t see—”
“Help! Help!”
The voice played again. It was absolutely in this alleyway, but Streex didn’t see anyone other than his jawsome buddy. “Uh… Maybe she’s invisible?” The tiger shark shrugged. They’d seen weirder stuff in their shared history…
“Huh, you think?” Moby arched one ridge brow. “Then why won’t she say anything other than help?”
“...Somehow you both are bigger himbos than I thought you’d be. Don’t you recognize a trap when you blunder into it?”
The voice came from above. Just as Streex craned his head up to gaze at whoever was speaking, he heard a hissing sound from around them. He could see another figure standing on the roof of the building. But with how dark it was, all he could see was a slender shadow. And what looked like a large, bushy tail twitching behind a pair of thin legs. “And who the heck are y—”
“Streex, look out!” Moby’s call pulled his attention back to the alleyway just in time for him to taste a sweet scent. The alley was dark, but the darkness seemed to have taken on a pinkish sheen, as the hissing sound continued. “I smell something funny! I think we’re being gassssssssssaaaaaaaaaahhhh.” Moby started to crumple, his body collapsing as he hit the pavement.
“Moby, I’ll get you outta here!” Streex growled, crouching down to try and lift his unconscious friend up. With every breath, his head felt a bit foggy. His limbs were starting to numb. But all it’d take was one solid push and he could leap out of here with his super strength. Gazing back up at their aggressor, he growled. “I don’t know who you are, but you’re messing with the wrong crew if you think you’re going to capture the Street Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.” It only took a few more breaths for the sweet smelling haze to fill his lungs, and for Streex to crumple onto the ground, laying on top of his buddy Moby Licks. The last thing he remembered was how warm and soft Moby’s muscular body felt as his head lay on it.
Before everything went dark.
“—and honestly, who stands around talking when the air around them is filling with poison gas? I’m doing you both a favor, if you ask me.”
The next thing Streex knew, the numbness in his body was receding. His vision was still dark, but he could hear the bad guy from before, talking just in front of him. With a growl, he tried to thrust his arm forward, to grab at the figure.
Only to find that his arm wouldn’t move.
“Oooo, I saw that twitch! Is someone finally waking up? Mweheehee… good. I’m glad. I’ll remove the blindfold then.” The person talking sounded male, but his voice was breathy and a bit mild. It sounded almost like someone young, or at least more twinky than most of the muscular beefcakes Streex hung out with. With each moment that passed, Streex was feeling a bit more like himself again. Sensations were returning to his body, and he could feel restraints tight around his ankles and wrists.. His lime green shorts had been removed, bare butt resting against a firm metal surface. Another set of sleek black restraints held his legs down just below the knees. The tiger shark’s tail was pushed back to pop out between his legs. The numbing sensation had helped him ignore how uncomfortable it was, but now it was starting to feel unpleasant. Streex soon realized he wasn’t lying down, however, but suspended in the air, a strap around his stomach helping keep him from falling. After a moment, the darkness in front of him shifted, small patches of light creeping in, before the blindfold was tugged away.
Streex found himself staring at a slender twink of a fox, turquoise eyes sparkling out at him amidst bright golden hair. Their captor had eggshell-white fur that fluffed up around his ears, which perked as he looked them up and down. As the vulpine moved, two golden braids of hair bounced against the back of a flowing white labcoat he kept unbuttoned, revealing a black turtleneck shirt underneath. When Streex started to growl a demand to release them, the fox simply reached over to squeeze gently against his right pectoral. It shut him up immediately, heat washing over his face. “So I get that you probably have a million questions, but I’m not here to answer them.” The fox gave a shrug. “I will say that my name is Sanmer, because a sex toy and minion both ought to know the name of their future master, but beyond that, I’ve little interest in talking to you.” The fox rubbed his fuzzy fingers up and down Streex’s chest, kneading at the flesh of it. “Only in testing my latest devices on some unwilling test subjects.” A nearby groan alerted the Street Shark to the revelation that Moby was here too.
A frantic glance over to his ally told him everything he needed to know: Moby Lick was also restrained against a metal platform, the orca every bit as naked as he was. “Oh, so you think we’re just going to be fuckbuddies after you kidnapped us? Neither of us are gay, you bleach-white asshole!” Streex growled, baring his rows of sharp shark teeth. “Get that cock near me and I’ll bite it off.”
At the threat, Sanmer just chuckled, walking away from the pair of them and moved to a metal console. “Who’s to say you’ll be sucking my cock? I’ve always wanted to see if I could fit a shark’s twin dicks in my maw.” The arctic fox chuckled, flipping a lever as the machine began to hum.
All around them, machines were humming to life. Streex looked over to the orca restrained nearby him. “Moby, can you break free? I’ve been trying, but these restraints are surprisingly strong, and-mmmph!” The tiger shark’s question was cut short as a large silicon facemask attached to a long tube pushed itself over his maw. The air inside it smelled and tasted sweet, with a faint pink tinge to it that grew more opaque as time went on. The more of it he inhaled the more his body began to tingle. Streex struggled to think even as he felt his mind grew hazy… was this more of the gas that had knocked him out? Or something else? Looking over, he saw Moby had a similar stretchy facemask clamped over his muzzle. The black and white creature thrashed, clenching and stretching his mouth to try and force it off, but it seemed to stretch and fit tight no matter how the orca’s jaws moved. Streex watched as what looked like little clamps at the ends of metal cords moved to squeeze up against Moby’s nipples, pinching them even as the orca fought and thrashed his body, his tail trying to break free of restaurants to thrash and smash at its surroundings. But even as his buddy fought, Streex could see something else happening to Moby. Perhaps from the pinching of the orca’s nipples, or perhaps from the gas being pumped into each of their lungs, Moby’s long, writhing orca shaft, squirming and bending like the tentacle it was, slowly emerging from its lair between his thighs. The veiny shaft throbbed and drooled, pointed tip trembling as a spurt of precum dribbled out from beneath it. Streex could only watch as Moby involuntarily shuddered, hips thrusting forward as if he were fucking an invisible partner.
Streex wasn’t gay, but he also couldn’t look away, watching as Moby’s snarls of defiance turned to silent moans and groans beneath the translucent face-mask pumping pink smoke into his veins. At some point in Moby’s struggles to escape Streex realized his own struggles had stopped. When had that happened? Probably around the same time his twin dicks had started to throb. The tingling sensation along his whole body was like fingers caressing all over his flesh and scales, and it was coaxing each of those swollen, meaty shark dicks to full length. A jolt of pain and pleasure struck into him like an arrow piercing the fog of his mind. Looking down at himself, he could see nipple clamps, similar to those coaxing Moby’s cock to its full writhing tentacular glory, squeezing and gently twisting at his own nipples. So was this that foxy fiend’s plan? To trap him and Moby in some automated sex machine?
Well, he would escape.
Just… just as soon as it stopped feeling good. Streex arched his back as far as he could, thrusting his cocks forward just like Moby had. The tingling sensation had gotten him hard, but he was starting to grow desperate for some sort of sensation down there. Something actually touching his cock, giving him a chance to build up steam and cum. The longer the tingling and the nipple teasing happened, the more he felt like he was about to burst. Was this how Moby was feeling? As his mouth took in another breath of the pink smoke, Streex gazed over to look back at Moby. The orca’s dick was twitching and writhing, spurting out precum even as it flailed about. His eyes were shut and his expression was a little difficult to see behind the pink gas pumping into his mask, but Streex thought he could make it out:
Mindless erotic bliss.
“Mmm… good, the Foreplay-Clamps and Brainfog Gas have gotten you both pent up and prepped for the procedure.” Sanmer’s voice brought Streex down from the hazy high his mind had been drifting towards. Gazing over at the arctic fox, he watched as their captor began flipping several dials. “We can begin with phase two.” For just a moment, Streex wondered what “phase two” entailed, before seeing as more metal cords descended from a hatch in the ceiling. A large silicon tube was fitted to the end of each of them, and for a moment they twitched violently, thrashing against each other. But shortly afterwards, they seemed to find some purpose in their motion, curling up and moving towards each of the restrained muscular males. Streex watched as one of the appendages tried to fit itself over Moby’s shaft, the tentacle’s wild writhing motions struggling to defy being enveloped.
“Mmmm… that dick!” Sanmer cooed. “I can’t wait to feel it writhing inside me, murr!” He gazed over at Streex. “Oh don’t act like you’re not curious. You might protest about ‘not being gay’ but your dicks were drooling in record time, even with the machine teasing them out of you.” The arctic fox’s tail wagged behind him as he walked forward, squeezing at Streex’ cocks and rubbing them together. Streex hated how good it felt. “I see that expression… you’re trying to resist moaning out in pleasure.” The fox chuckled, letting go as a tube matching the one now containing Moby’s dick pushed to squeeze over both of Streex’s twin shark shafts. “But that’s just silly. If it feels good, why fight it?” The fox lifted a paw up, making a show of licking Streex’s precum off of his white fuzzy fingers. “Besides, even if you don’t want to like it now… you will soon enough. The milking is the best part of my wondrous machine!” That word made Streex’s eyes go wide.
Even as he watched Sanmer sauntering back to the dashboard operating his machine, Streex could feel the tube fitted over his cocks squeezing them together. Both his swords sliding against each other, slick with their own fluids… he’d sometimes jerked off that way, getting both of them slick and oily and rubbing those twin lengths against each other until he finally felt himself popping like a cork off a bottle of champagne. The squeezing embrace of the tube felt unsettlingly familiar. He grit his teeth and found himself fighting through the haze to try and resist spurting. He wasn’t going to give this asshole the pleasure of milking one drop of precum out of him, let alone bust a nut-
“Prepping vacuum tubes. Suction beginning in 3… 2… 1….” Sanmer’s words came just before Streex felt a sudden pulling sensation on his cocks, air rushing against them. It was like his cocks were an udder, and airflow was trying to coax droplets of precious white fluid out of them. Just as that sweet pink smoky gas was pumping into his facemask and making his body tingle more with every breath, this new tube was sucking on his shafts, feeling like a mouth squeezing around them. Between the tingling sensation of the smoke and this new sensation, Streex felt his ardor building. The pinching of his nipples made him shudder again. He could just barely hold back from erupting into the milking tube… but for how long? With the sweet pink smoke clouding his mind, it was hard to even remember why he was trying not to cum… but there was some reason, wasn’t there? Something about not giving the fox what he wanted? The pleasure was intense, and each twist against his nipples gave pain that threatened to make him lose hold of that thought, especially when combined with the machine sucking on his cocks like something was giving him the blowjob to end all blowjobs. Feebly, Streex looked over to Moby, trying to silently beg for his ally to somehow help him.
Only to watch as what looked like a visor was being fitted over the orca’s eyes. “Subject One’s Reconditioning Program loading. Initiating in three… two… one…” Streex felt his hopes of escape die as he watched a hazy swirl of rainbow emerge on the visor’s surface, obscuring Moby’s eyes from his view. In only a few seconds, the orca’s jaw began to slacken, his long tongue slumping out in a pronounced pant, the tip twitching like his tentacle-dick, his expression looking like there wasn’t any thought in his mind. A single thrust of the orca’s hips drew Streex’s attention back down to Moby’s cock, which was folded over on itself several times in its suction tube. It twitched once before erupting, painting the clear walls of the tube a creamy white before the suction drained all the cum out, leaving the tube stained just slightly white. From his vantage point over at his command console, Sanmer cooed. “There we go! The first load pumped into my marvelous machine! Subject one is such a good boy… head as empty as his genitals. He’ll be such a good milkstud once his brain has been properly washed, don’t you think? And that unnaturally long tongue… mmm, I can’t wait to teach him how to put THAT to use in the bedroom…” The fox turned back towards Streex. “Really, why even bother resisting? It’ll feel even better once you just give in, I assure you.” Sanmer’s smile grew wicked and predatory. “You’re both going to be my sexy milk studs, muscular minions helping me conquer the city with those delicious super-powerful bodies of yours… and the cum flowing out of you. It’s a crucial part of my plans, you know.” The arctic fox’s tail wagged. “You didn’t think I just built this Conversion Machine for the fun of it? Well, okay, it was for fun, but there were other reasons too.”
Streex trembled, his whole body tense. Moby seemed… gone. Checked out. He couldn’t go that way. He didn’t want to cum for this bastard. But it was getting harder not to blow his load with every second of the sensations assaulting his mind. He simply looked away from Sanmer in defiance, not wanting to give him any more attention than he had to.
“Subject Two’s Reconditioning Program loading.” Sanmer’s voice was like cold water jolting a slumbering man awake. Streex felt resigned resistance give way to complete panic as he watched a visor descending down from a hatch in the ceiling, fitted over his eyes. It was translucent, so the tiger shark could still see the arctic fox in his peripheral vision. “Hmm… since Subject Two seems a bit stubborn, let’s test Subject One’s spiked byproduct to help the process along. I’d need to test the effects of the Gayifying Cum Cocktail sooner or later anyway.” Before the tiger shark could even stop to wonder what that meant, he felt the tube attached to his facemask slump with new weight, and heard a gurgling sound as the flow of sweet gas seemed to slow.
Moments later, Streex learned why. Warm, white, sticky cum flowed out of the tube along with the pink gas, spattering against his mouth. Streex instinctively clenched his powerful jaws shut, but the tiger shark didn’t manage to do it fast enough, some of the spunk getting into his mouth. He reflexively gagged for a moment, but then found as Moby’s spunk hit his tongue, it tasted… good: Salty and slimy and oddly sugary, blending together into a delicious creamy concoction. Like a tasty treat he could get addicted to. Just that small taste made his cocks shudder and rub against the edges of the suction tube trapping them, smearing his precum along the interior surface of their prison. He found himself craving more. But as the orca’s spunk continued to flow in, he kept his mouth shut. If their captor wanted him to swallow this stuff, he couldn’t let that happen. That taste was delicious, could it be addictive?
“Hmm… still resisting, eh?” Sanmer clicked his tongue. “I wonder if- oh nevermind, the program’s finally loaded. Reconditioning Program initiating in three… two… one…”
A voice spoke through the visor, as the same rainbow swirling lights on Moby’s visor flickered into existence on Streex’s. Reflexively, the Street Shark shut his eyes, trying not to look.
“Relax… listen… keep your eyes open…”
The voice was accompanied with oddly soothing music, music that almost would’ve made him feel sleepy if he wasn’t so pent up and on the cusp of an orgasm.
“As you take in nice deep breaths of the sweet air…”
Trying not to cum was hard enough when it was just trying to keep thinking through the mind-numbing, body-tingling effects of the sweet smoke.
“As you lose yourself in the pleasurable sensations of your body…”
Keeping himself from spurting was even harder with that suction tube over his twin, turgid cocks, the pleasure of the milker accentuated by the teasing clamps twisting his nipples gently.
“As you swallow your mate’s cum, learning to savor the taste of it…”
Streex’ jaws trembled, as he felt his face mask filling with Moby’s seed. It was warm and felt good against his tingling lips. It would be so easy to just unclench, open wide, and drink deep… but he couldn’t give in! He had to resist!
“As you listen to my soothing, relaxing words and feel your mind melting away…””
But now he was defending on multiple fronts, fighting a battle where his sense of smell, of hearing, of taste, and of touch were all weaponized against him. Four of his senses were being used to assault his failing mind, even as he kept his eyes shut to try and avoid the number of traitorous senses increasing to five. It felt like something was going to give.
And then, something did.
It was like a key turned in his brain. Streex’s whole body tensed as he squirmed to thrust his ass forward, cocks pushing up against the tip of the oiled, slimy suction tube. Each of his dicks twitched once before erupting, the Street Shark’s white hot jizz flowing out of him and being slurped away by the tube. One spurt, then another. Then a third, as his cocks were milked dry by the unceasing thirsty gullet of the milking machine. Unable to focus on anything other than the pleasure of his climax, both Streex’ eyes and mouth opened. Salty-sweet orca cum splashed onto his tongue, as colorful rainbow lights hit his eyes.
“Feel your will slipping away… you could fight it, but you’d rather not…”
He could fight the dancing, swirling rainbow lights, but he’d rather not.
“Let the taste of your lover’s seed remind you how delicious man’s cum can be.”
Even as his resistance died, even as cum flowed against his lips and along his tongue, Streex felt something close to confusion. Lover? He and Moby weren’t gay, were they?
“You are a gay milk stud, a cock-crazed himbo. Any thoughts of women smothered by the wave of man-milk flowing down your throat. You want more man cum. In your ass, on your tongue, however you can get it in you. Every time you cum you’ll spurt out a few more of those silly straight memories…”
His body shuddered as he felt another orgasm pump out of him. Streex shuddered, staring at those rainbow swirls as he savored the frothy, manly spunk flowing into him. Of course he was gay. Streex loved cock too much to ever be straight. He practically only ever thought about cocks full of creamy, tasty man-milk. He shuddered and groaned, Moby’s copious cum leaking out around his face mask to dribble down his chin.
“You are a gay milk stud. You love male bodies: Big muscular jocks, slender cute twinks, tubby daddies, and every other male form. You love touching other males. Being held by them. Having your tail hiked up. Being fucked in the ass. Grabbing at them. Holding them down so they can’t escape. Fucking other men’s asses. Filling them with your man-cream as they squirm. Making them realize there’s no escape. Turning them into gay milk studs just like you.
Streex shuddered from another twist of his nipples, his body building up for another orgasm as he licked his lips momentarily clean of the jizz flowing through his feeding tube, breathing in the sweet pink smoke as he listened to the voice telling him what to think, and watched the swirling spirals. He was so fucking in love with other men. How could he ever have believed he was straight? A gay milk stud like him was wasted on the other gender. Within the pink haze fogging over Streex’ mind, he was starting to see forms: Male forms, different body types of all sorts of men, eager to plow him or be plowed by him. The thought made him groan, his mouth opening wide as he swallowed more of that delicious aphrodisiac-laced cum. He could think of so many other hot guys who he’d love to turn as gay as him… just that thought, of somehow making straight men into cock craving gay milk studs, was making him feel another orgasm coming closer and closer.
“You are a gay milk stud. You love serving your master, Sanmer the fox. You worship your master, Sanmer the fox. You whore-ship your master, Sanmer the Fox. His words are always right. His mind is far smarter than yours. You trust and obey him without question, eager for his attention.”
And those forms all collapsed into the slender twink of a fox holding him and Moby captive. Though Streex found he no longer minded that, as he felt his cocks erupt with cream once more, just thinking about that sexy vulpine with the brilliant mind. He couldn’t help it, Master Sanmer was just the sexiest man alive.
“You are a gay milk stud. Gay Milk Studs exist to be Master Sanmer’s minions, enforcers, and service tops. It is your job to help him turn all males in the city into gay milk studs. All thoughts of heroism pooling at the tips of your cocks, to be cummed away with your next load…”
Streex hit another climax, moaning as more cum flowed into the gay Street Shark’s maw. He was drinking Moby’s cum. Moby was drinking his cum. It was right, both of them turning the others perfectly gay.
His mind was melting from all the sensations.
The last words he heard before he stopped thinking conscious thoughts were more of his Conditioning playing:
“You are a gay milk stud…”
“Mmm… alright, Studs, pose for me. Try to tease me, turn me on. Prove which of you is the most gay.”
Sanmer watched his two new minions while stroking his fingers along the knot of his vulpine cock. He was supposed to be evaluating their behavior to make sure the brainwashing had been complete and no trace of their past identities remained. And he was. But he couldn’t help but find the sight of them both immensely arousing, and drinking in the sight without touching himself was likely impossible.
Moby Licks had his jaw open, his long tongue writhing in front of him as he flexed his arms, the brawny orca showing off his bulging body for the fox. Through his tinted hypno-visor (which was constantly giving subtle reinforcement of his brainwashing, but was translucent enough to be seen through) the former Street Shark gave the fox a tantilizing look. As if inviting him to imagine what that tongue would feel like curling around the length of his cock. Some cum was still dribbling down from his teeth down his chin. After a moment he licked his whole face clean with his tongue, finned tail thrashing behind him as he crouched down to a squat. He was wearing a bondage harness now, fitted straps rubbing just above his two pierced nipples, his pecs fighting to burst free from the straps rubbing against them. Black leather gloves fitted over his fingers as he opened his hands, moving down to rub at the base of his long, swollen orca cock. Since being removed from the Conditioning Machine, Moby’s cock had yet to go down… especially once he’d been tucked into a speedo of Sanmer’s own design, a latex contraption designed to stretch with the aquatic stud’s cock and with a small hole along the front where the tip of it could drool out. He gripped at his shaft invitingly while squatting, gazing at his new master with a stare charged with horny confidence.
Next to him, Streex was wearing a similar harness, running his hands down the stripes along either side of the tiger sharks’ chest. He popped each pec against his harness as his hands finished to rest on his hips, the muscular ass of the former Street Shark gripped by a similar speedo. The trembling material gripped at two erect shark cocks, the friction of each of them twitching through the material making him pause to groan in lust. The exposed tips of each shark cock were practically drooling precum perpetually down the exterior of his new uniform’s speedo. He thrust his hips forward slightly to advertise the goods for his master, staring at the fox he worshipped and lusted for through the swirling, rainbow tinted translucent lens of his own hypnovisor. The eyeware perpetually reinforcing Streex’s new gay persona with countless subliminal whispers and flashes the subconscious mind could just barely perceive. He stomped a black boot against the tile floor, grinning hungrily at the fox. “Ever feel two dicks inside you at once, Master?” He reached down to squeeze his shark shafts together, shuddering at the sensation as the latex squeaked while the two rubbed through it.
“Excellent…” Sanmer breathed heavily, jerking off a bit faster now. “You both pass. I dub you both the first of my Street Studs, and with corruptive cum and conversion you will help me grow your ranks.” Sanmer shuddered, his balls churning.
“Until every man in the city is a Street Stud just like both of you.”