The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

A job on Caltas Vearok 07 — Consequences And Encounters

Else was furious when she found out.

And to my relief, so was Orrin when he found out.

“You told me that you wanted him in there so that you could assess what he did and—if he was willing—get him some experience with the physical stuff so that he was more use generally,” the Gythen said, his voice low and hard, bordering on ranting. “You didn’t say anything about raping him!”

Darnael looked resentful, but was clearly trying to be stoic in the matter. “You knew he would never agree to it if I asked. He stayed willingly enough anyway,” he added.

“And I’ve checked what the room’s records say on that subject,” Orrin retorted. “If I thought you were treating customers that way you’d be out of here right away. As it is, if James wants to take this to the Arbitrator I’ll be handing over the room’s records without complaint.” He looked at me expectantly.

“What would happen to him if I did?” I asked, trying not to look at Darnael.

“Statutory punishment for rape is psychic castration,” Orrin replied, turning his gaze back to Darnael. “Complete inability to get hard, or even aroused by anything; they call it killjoy because if they overdo it you can’t get pleasure out of anything. Depending how the Arbitrator feels, it can be anything from a couple of days up to life. That’s fatal in your line of work.” I got the feeling that he wasn’t explaining this for my benefit so much as a threat to Darnael. “And that’s not counting legal payments and the like.”

“And if I don’t?” I asked nervously, drawing an indrawn breath from Else.

“Then it depends on me,” Orrin said bluntly. “As a minimum he’ll be paying you full rate for the time he had with you, plus being on only house duties for the next two weeks.”

Ouch... House duties were our general tasks that were included in our rota. They mostly involved things like cleaning and tidying, since all of our food was handled elsewhere. But cleaning and tidying included the encounter rooms, which had to meet the local equivalent of the Health And Safety Executive’s rating for hygiene before the next customer arrived; say what you like about Orrin’s whorehouse, it had legal standards to meet for that kind of thing and was a controlled and licensed operation. Generally there were enough of us around that house duties were sparse and occasional things; to be only on house duties for two weeks meant no paying customers for two weeks, but still having to pay all of the fees that went with living on Caltas Vearok.

I wasn’t honestly sure which would hurt him most, particularly since everyone was going to find out fairly quickly why he was in trouble.

Trying to get my head around that hurt, especially since my arse was still aching and I had a headache and was generally aching...

“It’s embarrassing enough walking around being an advert for a whorehouse,” I said after a moment of not daring to look at anyone. “I don’t... What does it involve if I go to the Arbitrator?”

“Anything processed by her office will be made public,” Else told me. “It’s usually quick in cases like this where there is full recorded evidence available. A couple of days at most and then whatever holdover there is from that. But yes, people would be seeing you on the news feed,” she concluded with a frown.

“I don’t... This is bad enough as is,” I said. “I don’t want any kind of review from him,” I said eventually. “I know that those are normally a legal requirement or something but... I don’t want this on my record.”

“He hasn’t filed one yet, so that’s easy enough,” Orrin told me. “Any review you submit for each other have to be approved by me anyway.”

“And I want veto on whether I do jobs with him again,” I added. “I’ll take the hit on customers if I have to, but I only work with him if I’m satisfied that I’m safe.”

“Done,” Orrin replied. “Anything else?”

“Nothing I can think of,” I told him, hugging myself nervously.

“Fine. Darnael? You’re aware of what this means? You could try to convince him to take you to the Arbitrator instead if you want.”

I glanced up at Darnael, seeing him scowling again. Knowing what he wanted, that it meant he wanted to control me and I was stopping him from doing so... I tried not to shuffle around as the idea of him using that same scowl while giving me instructions started getting me hard.

“I accept your punishment,” he said reluctantly. “I have a customer booked for second shift,” he added. “What do I do about them?”

“I’ll see if someone else can take your place,” Orrin told him bluntly. “If not then you can do it, but you’ll be tacking a couple of extra days of house duties on to make up for it. Now get out of here.”

Darnael scowled at the three of us and then left, the door to Orrin’s office sliding shut behind him.

“You could have said you wouldn’t do any more work with him,” Else pointed out.

“Yeah... I like to hope for redemption,” I admitted. “Also, this way he has a reason to not be nasty to me if he thinks that I’ll change my mind.”

Orrin grunted at that one. “Get yourselves out of here; get the medicae to check him out and then get back to work. I’ll put his customers on hold for now, but you have two this afternoon,” he told Else sharply.

“I’ll be there,” she replied, taking my arm and starting to lead me out of the office.

“James,” Orrin called as we were about to reach the door.


“You knew he was going to do this?” Orrin asked, now seated at his desk and focusing on the wall rather than me.

“He... He said that he would. I was aiming to do something about it but never got the chance,” I admitted.

“Next time you don’t come to me with something like that in advance, you’ll get whatever they get,” he told me firmly. “You made a mistake by trying to deal with this yourself, and you only get one chance with mistakes like that.”

I considered, realising how much of this was indeed my fault; had I warned Orrin about this in advance rather than allowing victim-guilt and embarrassment to keep me quiet, we might have avoided the situation. “I will,” I assured him, and then turned and left.

* * *

The medicae certified me as healthy, though noted the presence of bruising across my back and arse and indicated that they might take a day or two before I was sitting comfortably again.

Else walked me back to Orrin’s, mostly keeping quiet until we were nearly back. “Are you sure that you’re going to be okay?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I should be; if he’s not going to be coming near me for work then that makes the world a much more manageable place.”

“That’s not all though,” Else pointed out. “I’ve seen people hurting before Sin... I don’t want to see you hurting the same way.”

“Hey, I meant what I told Orrin,” I assured her. “Any more trouble and I’ll let people know. I’m not making that mistake again,” I told her firmly.

“I’ve heard people say that one too,” she replied simply. “Just be sure that you live up to it.”

I hung around in the common area for a bit after she left, but everything just felt uncomfortable; I was getting jumpy and I knew it, but at the same time I wasn’t sure what else to do. One thing that I had found was that I didn’t have the option for much in the way of recreational activities; debt being what it was, along with limited customers...

Vaguely interested by it, I got up and ambled over to the stats screen and checked through for my own stats. Not particularly great I had to admit when I found them; this morning’s session with Ysasmin hadn’t counted for me, though whether that was just because of what had happened with Darnael or if it was just going slowly I wasn’t sure about. But the two verified reviews counted in my favour, which was handy. And the style listing, which seemed to be something like the old code things where you could list your personal stats on a topic like geek or RPGs or furry or whatever, showed that I wasn’t best suited for Orrin’s, which was also handy.

“You are not doing badly,” someone said as they approached me. I looked around sharply, finding myself looking at a female Uurak; she was young enough that her skin was probably still quite flexible. The scale pattern on her skin was visible as a fine tracery where it had been more defined on Actus. “I’m sorry if I startled you,” she added, pausing a bit further away than she had probably intended.

“It’s... It’s okay... I’m just not having a good day,” I admitted. I vaguely recognised her as someone who had been around Orrin’s a lot; like the rest of us she wore the red jumpsuit, though her sleeves showed alarmingly few customers and reviews compared to almost everyone else.

“I heard about Darnael; you have my condolences,” she told me.

“You heard about that?” I asked quickly.

“He’s good at his job, dedicated enough to get augmetics at his own expense, and high ranking. When he gets put on house duties for two weeks it’s not hard to guess that something has happened. Orrin told Axle about it; probably not the gory details that everyone wants, but...” She shrugged. “We can understand why he didn’t give much away.”

“Great... So everyone here knows?” I slumped a bit at the idea of everyone being aware that I had been raped. That only made things ten times more awkward.

“We don’t have many secrets in that regard,” she admitted. “I’m Anyllun,” she said, holding out a hand in greeting. “I was the newest person here until you arrived.”

“Sorry to take the title away,” I said, my mood turning a bit sour.

She seemed to pick up on my mood and decided to change topic. “The stuff that you do, which Else reviewed you for: can you do it now?”

“I can technically do it any time I’m in the mood and have the time for it,” I admitted. “Why?”

She shrugged. “I am wondering what else it can do. In particular...” She looked back into the room. “Can it make people do things that they would not normally do?”

“No,” I said firmly. “I’ve seen one possibly rape charge today, I’m not interested in seeing another.”

“I meant willingly,” she told me, sounding mildly put out at the assumption. “Though I understand your concern. I was thinking instead of someone who wants something, but cannot bring themselves to do it. Rape would not be an issue.”

“Something like what?” I asked, trying to sound apologetic and not succeeding very well.

“Where I come from it is normal for women to have sex with each other; we did it regularly as a way of bonding. For her it is not so natural. She wants the experience before she faces a customer, but she needs something to get her in the mood. I cannot do that myself, and so...”

“You were wondering if I could do it? Are you sure that you couldn’t do it yourself?” I asked a bit sceptically.

“I could, eventually,” she admitted. “But when we have to pay for an encounter room, that makes it difficult when it will take an extended period.”

I considered. A distraction would be good right now, and this offered the option of a bit more experience as well. “Do I need to be in there with you?” I asked.

She frowned at me. “Can you do this remotely?”

“I could maybe set it up beforehand and then not have to be there in person,” I suggested. “I’ve just... I’ve had my fill of being in those rooms for today.”

She considered. “If that will work... Then that is acceptable. Perhaps if you join us in my room in, perhaps, half a shan, we can have some privacy there for you to work.”

I nodded absently. That was, I reckoned, something not far under an hour to kill. “Sure, I’ll do that,” I agreed. “I just need something verifying that you’re both willing before I do anything.”

“Of course; Orrin is used to such requests from some of us regarding unusual customers. I am in room Mu-4. Thank you in advance for your assistance.”

She walked off to where several others were seated and began talking to a Gythen woman. They both glanced over at me and said something else as if confirming things, and then got up and headed off towards Orrin’s office.

I wasn’t entirely sure how to take that, but I shrugged and let it go, making note of the time that I would need to be there and taking a rough guess at where Mu-4 was.

Thoroughly distracted, I decided to go for a walk; it didn’t give me much to work with, and it wasn’t a good distraction, but it would keep me occupied temporarily at least.

I was walking fairly aimlessly, not particularly paying attention to what was happening beyond wanting to keep moving and be around people, when I found myself in one of those quiet stretches of corridor that seems to come out of nowhere; random traffic being what it is, you can’t say when such a thing will happen, but occasionally Brownian motion means that you find yourself alone and wondering where everyone went.

Being alone was a bad thing though, and I started to quicken my pace a bit so that I could get back to people, when I heard some footsteps behind me. Relief at having someone else around slowed me a bit and I glanced back to see who it was.

And then froze in a kind of shock at seeing Darnael there.

He was scowling at me again, and threw a look behind him before stalking quickly up to me. My hand dropped to my pocket where the crystal was, not having to scrabble for it thankfully. I had thought that he would be confined to Orrin’s or something like that, but apparently that wasn’t the case. On the other hand we were alone, and this was the best chance I was going to get to set things back on track.

“Keep quiet,” he told me sharply, his voice low and powerful, sounding like it was made for the purpose of giving orders. Part of me froze up while another part got excited at being ordered around like that.

Suddenly, finding my voice was difficult but I managed to bring up the crystal and, barely above a whisper, spoke. “Look into the crystal,” I told him, my own voice seeming thin and weak to my own ears by comparison.

His eyes locked instantly onto the crystal, and the scowl dissolved into a slightly goofy smile as he fell onto his knees. The feeling of power that went with that was a rush, and I had to take a couple of breaths to calm down before I proceeded. I knew that I wouldn’t have long to work, and so would have to focus on damage control rather than any kind of revenge scheme for what he had done.

“Why were you following me Darnael?” I asked.

“Teach you lesson,” he said slowly. “Upset at being reported...”

“Well you’re not doing that this time,” I told him firmly. “When I put the crystal away you’re going to get up and head back to Orrin’s; you’re going to remember that you were following me but lost track of where I was. Understood?”

He nodded slowly. “Head back... Lost track...”

“That’s right. And you’re still upset about being reported, but you’re going to just live with it; no revenge schemes, nothing like that. Clear?”

“No revenge... Just live with being reported...”

“Exactly. Now another thing: any thoughts that you had about raping me again... There were some weren’t there?”

“Yes... Lots...”

“Well not anymore,” I told him as sharply as I could, my voice still not sounding too powerful or commanding. “You can’t rape me again. It doesn’t matter what you try, or how you try it, but the idea of raping me again just is impossible. You know that whatever you try will go wrong, or you’ll get caught again, or something else will happen that stops you, so you know it’s not even worth trying. You understand?”

“Not worth trying to rape... Never work out...”

“That being said,” I added, aware that I was getting hard again at the thought of what I was about to do, “you are okay with the idea of being dominant to me; rape and violence aren’t options, but you have no problem with dominating me by other means like the instructions you give or the things that you make me do. It’s just you can’t use violence or force me to do anything that I really don’t want to do. That makes sense?”

He nodded again, still gazing enrapt at the crystal. “Be more dominant... Can’t be violent... Got to use other means...”

“That’s right,” I told him, idly rubbing my crotch and almost wishing that I had more time with him. “For now though, I’m about to put the crystal away, and when I do you’re going to head back to Orrin’s because you lost track of where I got to.” Without waiting I put the crystal away again in my pocket. It was fascinating watching his gaze follow it down, and I had to admit I found it a bit arousing seeing it happen; whether it was the sense of power or the knowledge of the instructions that I had given him I wasn’t sure.

* * *

Anyllun was waiting outside Mu-4 when I arrived. She lounged against the wall, eyes mostly closed, a picture of calm and unconcerned relaxation.

“Hi,” I said as I approached. “I’m not late am I?”

“No,” she assured me. “Anlis is just being nervous, that’s all. I thought that I should warn you before you met her.”

“Okay... Is this where you tell me that you didn’t check with her in advance about this?” I asked, a bit nervously.

“Oh, I did,” she assured me. “I don’t think that she was expecting agreement so swiftly though. It might take a bit longer than originally anticipated.”

“Fair enough,” I replied with a shrug. “I’m... Free for a while.”

“You also requested this,” Anyllun said handing me a sheet of plastic-like material. The writing on it was in English thankfully, but I was familiar enough with these by now to know that that could be changed easily enough. The legalese was a bit harder to get my head around, but a quick scan showed that it was an agreement by Anyllun Romkar and Anlis Varen to effectively put themselves at my mercy as far as was necessary to allow Anlis to get practise at having sex with women. Believe me, seeing something like that written up in legal language does strange things to your head...

“That’s good,” I told her, realising as I did that there was something not quite right: here I was insisting on them providing me with legal assurance that everything was above board mere moments after hijacking Darnael’s free will... I suppose, I told myself, that what I had done to Darnael had been self-defence to some degree at least. I proceeded a bit more thoughtfully.

We headed into Mu-4 and I noticed one very obvious difference with the room that Else and I shared: it wasn’t intended for just two people.

There were six bunks arranged around the room, only one of which was currently occupied by the Gythen woman that I had seen Anyllun speaking to earlier. She was shifting around as the door opened, and looked up nervously, even a bit guiltily as Anyllun led me in.

“Anlis, this is James,” Anyllun announced. “As agreed.”

“Hello,” Anlis said, a bit nervously.

“Hi,” I replied, doing my best to put on a good face and probably not entirely succeeding; bits of me were still aching from my experience with Darnael, and the memory of what he had done was probably written on my face permanently without me being aware of it as a result. But I tried, and it seemed to work. “So, you’re looking to get some experience of working with women?” I asked, aiming for a casual approach that I knew I wouldn’t be able to manage if I was talking about getting such experience myself.

Anlis nodded slowly. “Orrin mentions it occasionally... He says that I’m too good to waste on just men when I’ve got women asking to spend time with me... I don’t like to say no to him but...”

“But you don’t know how to work with women?” She nodded silently in answer to my question. I sat on my heels in front of her so that I could get a better angle on things. “Okay, and you want to get used to that before having to do it with a customer?” Again, she nodded silently. “And you’re okay getting practise with Anyllun?”

“She offered,” Anlis replied, a bit timidly. “No one else seemed to understand.”

“Okay, it’s good that you found someone to practise with,” I told her. “Because this is a lot easier when you are with someone like Anyllun because you know that she knows what she is talking about... Because they know what they are doing they can lead you so easily...” I smiled. “So are you okay to do this?”

“I guess so,” she said, not exactly half-heartedly but with an air of not being entirely happy about what was going on.

“We’ll go slowly then,” I assured her. “You can take as much time as you need getting used to how good it is going to feel when you are able to simply relax and go with the flow of the moment. So to begin with I wonder if you can imagine how good it would feel to simply relax and listen to someone so openly that you simply accepted what they said without needing to think about it?”

She frowned, the question catching her a bit off guard as she considered it. “I... I think so...”

“So if someone were going to let themselves drift into such a deeply pleasant and relaxing state... What would be the first thing that would happen?”

She considered, shifting around a bit as she did. “I suppose... They would need to be calm.”

“That’s right,” I told her, glad that this side of things was working out at least. “So how would it feel if you were to take a slow, deep breath... Right now,” I added, timing it for her naturally inhaling and putting enough emphasis to make it a command. “Hold it for a couple of seconds... And then let it out... And do the same again... And as you breathe out each time... Feeling some of that tension drifting away...”

She had slipped naturally enough into rhythm that I had begun to set out, which was a good start. I didn’t want to push her too fast here; she was nervous enough, and what I was aiming for was a bit off what she was comfortable with...

“So how good does it feel when you can feel yourself... becoming calmer... with every breath?”

“Feel’s good,” she admitted, still a bit nervously but already more relaxed.

“That’s right, it feels good to breathe slowly... Letting go of any tension... And if someone was becoming calmer, with each breath, then what would be the next step to leading themselves down to that really amazing place where they can simply listen and accept what they are told?”

“I suppose,” she replied, looking thoughtful, “just starting to listen to that person talking... Focusing on just them.”

“And if you were going to focus on just listening to someone, so that you were only listening to what they said... How would you feel?”

“Calm... Attentive...” She was sounding calmer now, more relaxed.

“And how would you be arranged then?” I asked.

“I would be... Sitting... Leaning toward them a bit,” she added, leaning forward a bit as she did, not seeming to be aware that she had done so.

“That’s right, you would be leaning closer, focusing all of your attention on them... And as you do that... right now... I wonder if you’ve already started to notice how easy it is to just concentrate on my voice... on my words... on my instructions...

“By the time you start to realise how easily you are already following my instructions... you’ll be so relaxed that it will be easy to simply slip deeper... listening more intently... focusing more closely... And I don’t know when you will begin to notice how deeply you are already relaxing as you continue to take in my words... perhaps still consciously aware of them... or maybe you’ll find that my words are already starting to sink in without you needing to be aware of them...

“You might find that it becomes even easier to listen and focus even more when you close your eyes,” I continued. “Because it’s so much easier to relax when you don’t have to strain to hold your eyes open... Just feeling your whole body relaxing even more as they close... Taking away the strain of having to hold yourself upright...” She was already slumping forward from her leaning position, her elbows on her thighs being the only thing propping her up I guessed. “Letting you concentrate and focus on my words even more as you find your way down to that deep, relaxed, focused place where you can simply listen openly and accept what I say...”

I glanced up at Anyllun who was pinching the bridge of her nose and had her eyes screwed shut. She opened them and blinked rapidly, clearly trying to keep awake. I really needed to work on my targeting techniques...

“And as you continue to relax and focus on my words, I wonder if you’ve started to notice how easily you can accept new ideas when you simply relax and focus and listen... How easy it is to take in thoughts and ideas...

“For instance you know how to judge when a man is good looking, don’t you?” She nodded slowly, and as she did I lifted her up a bit by the shoulder and slid her elbows out with my other hand so that she could slump down properly. “Of course you do,” I agreed. “And being with a good looking man gets you excited and aroused, doesn’t it?” Again, she nodded slowly, and I timed the downward motion of her head to a gentle pressure on her shoulder. “That’s right, relaxing even more with every word... Feeling so good to simply listen and relax and accept...

“Because you also know how to tell when a woman is good looking, don’t you?” I continued. “You know that a women can be just as good looking as a man... Do you think that Anyllun is good looking?”

Anlis nodded, but more hesitantly this time, perhaps sensing where I was pushing. She probably wasn’t quite as deep as I had originally hoped, but... Go figure. I could work on that.

“Just continue to relax, focusing on my words... Thinking about how good it is to spend time with a good looking person... Thinking about how it makes you feel... There’s no need to imagine, right now, how good it feels when a good looking and experienced person spends time taking an interest in making you feel amazing... But perhaps you may already be starting to realise... as you sit here and listen... that someone can make you feel good... teach you new things... give you a good time... without needing to be male...

“In fact by the time you are fully aware of how much of a good time you can have with another woman... you’re already going to have started to imagine ways... of having fun... of enjoying being with them... of enjoying them just as much as you would any man...

“So in a wren I’m going to count from one to three... And when I reach three you will be fully awake and alert, awareness of the world around you returning to normal... But you’re going to bring with you this comfort that you are feeling about women... That’s going to stay with you while you when your awareness returns to normal... And it’s going to stay with you when you go with Anyllun and she shows you some of the things that you might already have considered...

“So now it’s time to start to come back... One... Energy flowing back into you... More awake and alert... Two... Awareness of the rest of the world returning to normal... Still feeling amazing and comfortable and really good... And three, eyes open, wide awake.”

Anlis pulled herself upright, stretching with a kind of languid grace that had definitely been missing when I came in to start with. She arched her back, putting her head back and smiling with her eyes closed as she did. Eventually, after an extended moment where bits of me started suggesting ideas about what I could do with someone with those kind of curves (which showed alarmingly well through the jumpsuit), she straightened up properly and treated me to a teasing smile and a wink before looking speculatively at Anyllun.

She didn’t look... She wasn’t enthralled, which was fine. But she was looking like she was thinking hard, like someone who just caught the scent of delicious cooking and is thinking about how best to enjoy the results. Or... More precisely like someone who just had an idea about how to have really fantastic sex, and just found a willing accomplice to try them out with.

“I think we’re going to have fun,” Anyllun said with a smile.

“Yeah... You go and have fun,” I told them quickly. “I’ll um...” I tried not to too obviously shuffle around to ease the tension around my groin. “I’ll be in the common area if you need me.”

* * *

They were gone for a while. Four shan later they came out of the encounter room looking... Well, sated I supposed is the best term. Anyllun threw me a thumbs up as she guided Anlis back to the bunkrooms and I tried not to be distracted from the dice game that I had been trying to teach some of the others.

Else wandered over to join us after a while, looking rather than joining in, and when the game broke up she sat down in the chair next to mine.

“Sounds like you made something good of today,” she commented idly.

“How so?”

“Anlis and Anyllun posted a review of your work. I think they even gave you payment for it,” she added. “It sounds like you got a better deal out of the second half of today.”

I frowned at the stats screen, not able to pick my name out at this range. “Oh... I didn’t think that they would do that.”

She shook her head slowly. “You need to get your business head on Sin... At least you’ve shown that what you do can work outside the encounter room as well; that probably opens up all sorts of options for you.”

“Yeah... I guess it does,” I agreed, a bit happier about things suddenly. If I could get paid for stuff without going near the encounter rooms...

“So I want to remind you about something,” she continued. “Our agreement about that review I did for you...”

“Oh come on,” I groaned. “After... Darnael this morning,” I said uncomfortably, “and finding out that I don’t need to necessarily do stuff like that anyway...”

“You can’t be sure though,” Else pointed out. “And to be honest, you need something to make up for what Darnael did. He was trying to help you just like I am, but... He wanted to break you into shape while I’m trying to help you by building you up. You need the experience Sin, and you already agreed...”