The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Job Placement

Read First: ADULT MATERIAL WARNING This piece contains adult material & language. If you are under legal age, easily offended, or live in a state or principality, county, or country where such material is restricted or prohibited then do not read further, do not download, do not remove from where you have found it. Any such distribution is solely the responsibility of the party distributing this material in prohibited markets. This material is NOT for distribution to persons in such areas or not of legal age to determine if such material is acceptable. Or for commercial purposes without express permission of the author. No ideas, activities, or content is intended to be taken as anything but fantasy, beyond any possible entertainment value it is not an avocation of anything contained in this fully fictional material. However, what imaginative couples may do in their own bedrooms on a willing basis is none of my damned business. <Wink> Cait

Synopsis: Lisa gets job placement. A “lost” Cait story.

Description: MF, No Dominance, MC, SF, IN.

Authors notes: This story actually has a “story” behind it. About two years ago I penned the first copy of “Lisa gets a Job”. It wasn’t even “Job Placement” then... it was a short semi original piece that borrowed loosely from different semi original sources. I finished the almost sexless first draft and shelved it like about thirty other semi finished/ unfleshed out pieces that were “just ok” on a laptop that had been on it’s last legs long before I picked it up on the cheap second or even third hand. I used this machine where ever I went so as not to ever lose an idea because I was away from my desktop which I seldom saw for days at a time. To people who met me on the street this thing must have seemed an integral irremovable permanent part of my arm.

I never stored anything worth saving on this machine for any length of time because I knew EVERY startup was like a pull at a crooked one armed bandit, and one day (soon) it was going to go three lemons and die, taking everything it could with it. This story was between saves when horrible thing happened. I ranted, raved, screamed bloody murder (It took a good sized chunk of a novel I didn’t want to lose with it) BUT for the most part quickly got over it and forgot all about Lisa’s “little” adventure and the other fluff the computer god had taken in unholy sacrifice.

Fast forward to last week:

For god only knows what reason my significant other packed that dead laptop up when we last moved, and it turned up oddly enough last week while I was foraging for something completely unrelated. I immediately considered chucking it into the nearest trash can ( the anger and loss came flooding back) but “something” made me try plugging it in one last time instead. I guess down deep and despite the impressions one might get from my stories I am after all somewhat of a hopeless optimist. Well, I don’t know if it was the beating I gave it after it died, lying around, all the rough handling it got in storage, the devastating heat and cold of the unprotected storage shed, or just divine providence but guess what? Oh, you already know, the story follows... Anyway, this and several other pieces (upon further scrutiny, having had years to become impartial) actually looked kinda well... worth finishing/ polishing/ taking another proverbial whack at. SO... I did, and am, and here is the first of my “new” old never seen anywhere before”lost” stories.

NOTE: Edge fans may be equally happy to know HE was there also and may be fully resuscitated soon.

However I should probably note (before the reader does that the apparent lack of some of my style elements that have developed over time may in places is well... Possibly... apparent. The lack in places of things I used to do may also be apparent. But Hopefully I was able to blend me now into me then and produce something not quite like the “new” stuff but not quite like the “older” stuff either. I will therefore be VERY VERY interested in reader feedback. Normally anything this old has long since been erased as “no longer viable” but the fact that it survived in such a miraculous and unprecedented manner makes me wonder if it wasn’t fate this story/piece get finished and posted. I apologize in advance for any lack of originality it might display. It is still (I think) a good story worth retelling with what I hope are some interesting little twists. I would only make one last request of would be readers: Please read it quickly before another computer can eat it... lol. Cait

Job Placement

By Cait

Lisa had reached the age of determination. It was her twenty first birthday. She had taken all the tests in school and later at the career center. She had been extensively tested as everyone was, to determine the perfect job and life to which she would be suited and in which she could be completely happy. Everyone took physical tests, psychological test, and even genetic tests to insure that no mistakes would be made in final societal placement. The process was perfect, no one ever complained, because everyone was perfectly placed every time. All of societies ills, all of it’s malcontention, all unhappiness that came from ill placed persons wasting their lives in jobs they were ill suited for had been removed from the human equation. Everyone got up every morning and was thrilled at the thought of going to a job that made them happy, gave them personal satisfaction, never stressed them out because they were perfectly suited to their jobs, completely perfect at what they did. And the Societal Placement Department never had in fifty years made a single mistake, or gotten a single complaint. Quite a record.

Lisa was understandably very excited. She had been so directionless through high school. Very bright but so without a purpose. And now she was going to have both direction and purpose. Thinking about the future had been weighing heavily on her mind over the last few months. She kept hoping her birthday would hurry up and come. In school she had read about the bad old days when people had had to choice their own professions. About how often they chose badly only to realize that they had chosen wrong or badly, or hated what they did, and ended up hopelessly stuck doing the wrong thing for life. Or worse spending tens of thousands of dollars on schooling, or twenty years in a job only to hate it so much that one day they couldn’t face another single day and blew their brains out, or otherwise ended their tedious monotonous miserable lives in institutions for the terminally sad. Sad had been banned as unproductive.

Why she even heard that some people wandered from job to job for years, (their whole lives sometimes!) never to find something that made them happy. The idea that anyone anywhere could be unhappy made her... less happy. She shuddered when her class was shown film news clips of people who had gone what was called at the time “postal” and took their frustration and “job related stress” (whatever that was?) out on innocent co-workers or in some cases a completely unwitting passerby, or whole group of them.

Thank god for the Social Placement department. Thank god for social engineering. Thank god for the chip!

Lisa’s whole family had wanted to gather at the Social Placement Office closest to their home for her official placement. But Dad couldn’t get the day off and Mom didn’t drive so her brother drove her to her appointment. Everyone (even though they couldn’t be there) was so happy for Lisa. Her father had come to this very office over twenty five years ago and been “placed”. He never would have thought of custodial engineering at a local junior high school as a career, but now he couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Cleaning up after children was very satisfying. Mary, Lisa’s mother, had been equally well placed. She worked in a big office building In the city as a very successful Vice President of a mid sized marketing firm. But since everyone was perfectly placed this was hardly a surprise. In the old days one might have expected a couple so disproportionately paid to have possible personal/financial conflicts, perhaps even be found to be eventually irreconcilable. Over something like this, especially with the woman making the larger income problem used to sometimes develop.

People had strange prejudices back then.

But Lisa’s parents had been happily married for many years before she was born, and remained so throughout her formative years, and were happy with each other, and for her now, and would remain so. After all, as long as a person was happy with what they did, then what someone else did, and how much they might get paid just didn’t matter.

Lisa filled out the last of her paperwork, and after a cursory examination and a quick check of the computer by a seemingly indifferent technician/ receptionist was issued a small sterile sealed plastic package (her chip), a plain wrapped paper package large enough to require her to hold it with both hands (her new uniform or work cloths), and a copy of her form with some numbers (coded she assumed) added to it so the chip installer would know what profession to punch into her personal chip. Lisa was burning with curiosity. Nobody ever knew what they were going to get ahead of time. And Lisa was dying to know how she would be spending her prime employment years. But no matter how she tried to make sense out of the numbers and their positions she remained hopelessly in the dark. She would know in just a few short minutes, but the wait was sheer torture.

As she was gestured into Installer Room 3 she looked back one last time at her smiling brother. He/ they/ her family were all so proud of Lisa. She smiled broadly and went through the door. As it closed she heard her brother call out, “Good luck sis.” She strode proudly, purposefully towards the dentist-like chair and the smiling kinda dim witted looking technician who automatically reached out for her paperwork with an empty equally automatic smile. He too was very happy with his work. “Take a seat”, he told her cheerfully. “This will only take a couple minutes.”

“Ok,” Lisa responded.

“Get nice and comfortable while I enter your information into the system.” He continued to talk as he skillfully typed in her information several times.

“Now, I’m sure you’ve read all your preparatory literature...”

“Umhm...,” she responded.

“Very good. Then you know this won’t hurt, and will be over before you know it. Any information or skills you might need in your perfect job will be fed directly into the chip and you will be able to use and access this information and these new skills almost immediately. As you well know everyone Is given the job for which they are deemed perfect so the skills and information will be so seemingly natural to you that you will barely realize that any change has been made whatsoever.”

The technician looked up at. her. He could see that she was feeling no apprehension at all except maybe anticipation. Good, he thought. “So now that I’ve given you the required explanations we can begin. I can see that you’re just dying to find out what you’re going to be.”

Lisa nodded excitedly. The technician moved over to her and removed her chip from it’s sterile wrapping. He looked at it briefly to see that he had it lined up correctly. Lisa tilted her head forward. The technician lined the chip up with the pins that had been installed for this purpose before she was even old enough to remember its’ attachment to her brainstem. The generic blank chip clicked into place. All the chips entered this room blank. Lisa felt a tingling as it locked onto her spine and its connectors permanently. Lisa smiled again at the technician. He smiled back reassuringly.

It was as simple as flipping a switch.

Lisa’s body went rigid with the initial jolt. it wasn’t so much painful as it was a surprise. She was going to be a .... oh no! Lisa jerked in the chair as idea’s and information began to flow. She wanted to scream, to leap out of the chair and run away. Her body ignored her wishes. Her mind was disembodied. She did manage to cry a few tears before a feeling of joy, of ecstasy began to overcome her?

Suddenly she felt “bad”. Not bad as in sick, but bad as in being “very bad”, very... dirty, even... easy. And suddenly, she knew how to “be bad”, very bad. She had never heard of the karma sutra, or a book called “The Joy of Sex”, or so many other things she now had total knowledge, total understanding, total mastery over every page of, every concept of, and the consummate skill to act it all out. Lisa’s silent screams died away with the realization and the knowledge that she would not remember ever having wanted to be anything else. The truth behind the chip would be lost in a moment. But for this one terrible moment... she knew the truth. That the chip wasn’t giving her knowledge or preparing her for her perfect job but instead was making her perfect for the job whether she liked it or not. Everything she had been raised to believe had been a lie. The chip did not contain just information, it was meant to program and over ride any part of the personality that conflicted with it. She was being selectively thrown away and made over from the inside. Gutted. Re-stuffed. People weren’t given the perfect jobs, they were being made to believe hat they were perfect for the job. It could be any job. All the tests were a sham. The whole thing was basically potluck with a few variables like size and sex.


But at least she loved her new job, her new feelings. Her first “new” thoughts were of her silky sweet warm private places. She couldn’t be sure but she thought she might even like to touch herself, prepare herself, sample her growing excitement. Her fingers (knowing instinctively exactly what do) sank luxuriously into the languishing warm sweet darkness, and instinctively made a come here gesture which every nerve in her body responded to instantly. Her other hand a quiver with anticipation cupped and then stroked at her erect titties alternately. Each getting equal time.

She loved her new job.

She would be very good as a sexual tension surrogate (I.E. sex slave/hooker). She suddenly wondered if her ass would feel nearly as good. She accessed the chip, now being in almost perfect sync/ communication with it and knew it would, every time. New “options” openings, possibilities became apparent and desirable. Two fingers, deep, brown, probing nerve centers that had been wasted on a mere biological function. Oblivious completely to the technicians.

Suddenly the feelings stopped and she shyly but coyly withdrew her wet fingers and began to cover herself up. As she did so she tested the fingers, sweet, salty and very musky. Thank you doctor, she said hopping happily off the chair, and as an afterthought: “Like a lick?” He (the technician) was happily married and told her so. She was obviously disappointed. “Oh well.” she shrugged. And after a thoughtful moment about her new profession she said simply, matter of factually, “I never would have guessed.”

“No problem,” he responded pleasantly, satisfied (as always) by his work. Clearly she had the play doctor variation installed, one of his personal favorites.

Lisa simply shrugged, shook his hand, and took the clothing package from where it lay on the floor and began to unwrap it. She hoped it would be something really tight and provocative, preferably in leather or latex. She stopped half way through unwrapping it and got a very puzzled look on her face. She held the package out to the technician to see. She was very confused. It contained a very conservative pants suit like one might wear in an executive office, very expensive and totally wrong for her new line of work, like her mother might wear.

The technicians brow wrinkled for a moment. “That can’t be right,” he said simply. All the while continuing to smile as he picked up the phone on the console and called the receptionist/ technician in the other room. “Yes. I believe you might have made another mistake,” he told the unseen person patiently, nonchalantly. “Yes. Please read me back the last three numbers you entered in Miss Calloway’s paperwork.” A long and thoughtful pause. “Ahhhhh... I see....". What have I told you about making three’s that look like fives? (pause) Well please try to be more careful next time. Ok. Don’t worry, no big deal.”

Lisa continued to examine her body, to imagine all the things she could and would be doing with it. Tried a few out in front of everyone. She could hardly wait to get to work. Still smiling the technician turned to her and apologized to her for the mistake. Lisa didn’t understand, she had gotten the job she was perfect for after all. The numbers hadn’t been wrong. She told him it was ok and thanked him with a kiss that tickled his tonsils and a grope down his pants that might have ended in his prostrate getting tickled as well had he allowed it. Neither of them heard the other technician quietly enter with another clothing package and the “accessory” kit that came with her “new” new job assignment.

When Lisa had finished scraping/ vacuuming the last of the spit from the hapless technicians bone dry mouth (and throat) she noticed the other technician standing there with another, bigger package. “OOOOooow,” she squealed in dim witted excitement, (IQ adjustment complete) “for me?” The Technician looked around equally confused and finally nodded. She was the only other person standing there, it had to be for her.

Lisa tore it open like a Christmas present and was thrilled with the shiny rubber contents. Cut out and high tech velcro’d in all the right places to be alternately open or covered it was both hot and potentially very airy.

“Pretty. Clever. Shiny. Patchy with peek-a-boo parts,” she squealed. And it came with a whole box of toys and attachments she instantly understood how to use. Not like that boring old stuffy office suit thingy that didn’t come with “extra stuff”. Lisa was totally thrilled.

The technician who had messed up the paperwork turned to leave. Lisa was naked and pulling on her bottom, and his off, even before he could reach the door. The second technician, the one who had installed her chip, began picking up the discarded office wear that would be assigned to someone else and Lisa’s old clothing, ignoring as best he could what was going on like it was all old hat. Which it actually was when he worked with Bill.

Poor Bill, poor slow Bill, the main technician thought as he watched Bill struggle to maintain his composure and go about his job with his pants down past his knees and a girl hanging off him... He’s so dumb that the only job they had for him was very simple level one data entry and “phone work”. He’d never be able to handle a more complex job. It was a good thing people couldn’t get demoted or fired any more. Even this job more often than not stretched him to his mental limits. The Lisa mixup (and the subsequent de-pantsing) was the third mistake (and de-pantsing) this week.

Thank goodness we live in a time when people are so forgiving, he thought cheerfully.

Lisa found her first “work” in the waiting room before she could even leave the building or finish dressing. “Fiver for a rim job,” she stated in a perky tone.

“Ok. But I told mom and dad I’d get you home right after you got your chip activated,” her brother stammered nervously as he gave her the crumpled sweaty bill trembling in his fingertips in anticipation and disbelief.

He had never really stopped to look at his sister before, at least not that way anyway. She was (to his surprise) an absolute babe all decked out and shiny and made up not to look all snooty and smart.

“Satisfaction guaranteed,” she said with a smile, reading off an invisible job response card planted permanently in her head, then without fanfare or hesitation immediately diving into her new career with cheerful enthusiasm and practically wreak less (but amazingly skillful) abandon.

Her brother... stood there bug eyed.

His parents HAD told him to be supportive of his sister WHATEVER career/job was selected after all, and he always did what he was told.

Lisa stopped suddenly, mid stroke. “No family discount,” she stated flatly in admonishment, knowing her brother as she did. Her brother could only nod breathless agreement (she was more than worth every penny).

“Just happy I could help you to get started and be supportive like his mom and dad asked...,” he gasped when he could.

Her brother, (supportive as he was...) Even spent another two fiver’s on the way home, just to make sure she got started right, nearly wrapping the family car around two trees, missing an old lady in a crosswalk by millimeters, and totally killing three squirrels and a defenseless trash can way up on a raised sidewalk (on the opposite side of the road no less and next to another crosswalk, this one thankfully empty) in the process.


Never missed a stroke or shorted him even a nickle’s worth, even as he careened wildly all over the road...

She was after all a pro, and perfectly suited to her new job.
