Just a Phase — Chapter 2
“Breakfast!” Adam called out from downstairs.
Mary blinked in confusion, then noticed the morning light peaking through her bedroom curtains. She had lost track of time again.
“Mai” had logged in around midnight, just a quick check before bed to see if there were any new notifications. She’d been spending too much time at her screen, losing days at a time. Just check her follower count, see who reposted her, send some “thx ” to the boys leaving comments…
She’d lost a whole night without knowing it. Mary should probably be more concerned, but it was also the only time she got to spend with Emily. Now that her girlfriend had gone off to college, leaving Mary alone in their hometown, nights were the only time they connected.
Mary had given up trying to manage her handles online, it was just easier to be “Mai” by default. Everyone she chatted with besides Emily knew it, she’d ever started a fan server to keep track of all the cute boys and girls who kept sending her messages of support.
The server itself was a gift (from a fanboy she suspected was still in middle school) since Mai wasn’t great with the nerdy computer stuff. Sure, Mary had been eyeing technical colleges and had planned to enroll in a CS program — but Mai had made a viral video about how hard it was to “game good” and since then she’d played along with being a ditz when it came to anything more complicated than a TikTok filter…
“Hey, sleepyhead! Breakfast!” Adam’s second call snapped her out of it. Damn it was getting difficult to focus after these long nights!
Mary threw on some no-longer-loose pink sweatpants and cat-eared hoodie (Emily had gotten her some Juicy branded stuff from her Amazon wishlist as a joke) and bounced downstairs. She was momentarily self-conscious about her newly sizeable tits bouncing comically, but it was just her and Adam. How could she be uncomfortable around the man who was basically her father?
“Sorry uncle Adam!” Mary said in a sing-song childish voice. She had found herself apologizing to him so often it was an inside joke now.
“No worries, sweetheart.” Adam didn’t even look up from the TV blasting Fox as he gave her a gentle pat on her ass. “Just figured you’d want to get started before it was lunch!”
Mary giggled in her “Mai” voice. “Hey now, that’s an idea! I can make uncy Adam brunch today! Did you pick up more of those yummy milk and eggs?”
Adam grunted and nodded, gesturing to the fridge. Since Mary had started cooking for the both of them, he’d noticeably bulked up a bit. Mary still found his Dad-bod fitting, maybe even better at this weight. He wore it well, and even her mother had been a bit more flirty with him the last time she’d visited.
God, I hope mom just finally goes for it next time! Mary, thought to herself while she poured the full carton of heavy cream into the eggs. She’d be so fucking lucky to get a big white man like that…
Mary drifted a bit as she cooked, daydreaming what it would be like to have her mom just give up her stupid job across the country and settle down with her and Adam. That seemed like such an obvious win, she was honestly confused why Emily kept up the whole school thing still. Who needed all that stress?!
“Brunch for the big strong man!” Mai’s faux kawaii voice cut just enough above the din of the anchor yelling about cultural Marxists taking over the schools.
Mary sat down next to him on the sofa, her padded bubble butt making her seem slightly taller than she was. The French toast must have been 3000 calories, easy, but something about the local farms just had a way of keeping her plumped perfectly. As she chowed down for what was to be the first of four meals that day, her impossibly tiny stomach rumbled with hunger. It was almost as if it couldn’t keep up with the greedy fattening of her chest, thighs, and backside.
Adam’s belch announced he’d finished, and he absent-mindedly passed over her plate to Mary
She sighed contentedly, thinking about how lucky was. She finally felt like she had a home, with a loving father figure and quality time.
camera off tn??
The chat was flooded with activity the moment she logged in, immediately followed by lots of sad faces. They always were so sad when she wasn’t on video.
Back when she first made the server, the constant pings and clamoring for getting on stream were annoying and obnoxious. Every immature and entitled fanboy seemed to demand Mai’s full attention.
Sure, those first few days of live streaming were stressful. She nearly just closed the server and retreated to posting on Insta, where she only had the comments and occasional DMs to worry about.
But time just seemed to blur like it often did this year, and Mary had found herself enjoying the attention. Even looking forward to it.
Besides how could she show off for Emily if she wasn’t streaming?
im missing midterms 4 u mai
Before, when she was uploading as Mai, each video could be reviewed and re-shot. She’d been just emulating her mother’s own slightly stilted Engrish in those short clips — god new she didn’t actually have an accent. The cringe was real, and every time she’d slip from an authentic voice to stereotype she’d re-shoot.
Mai had been a curated persona back then. A character Mary built up, edited and presented in the way to get the most attention and follows. If Mai had been born in silly videos on TikTok, she’d found her voice live streaming.
just want vc!! need that sexy voice tn
The first time she actually got on voice chat was when Emily was back home for the first time since College. They had been slipping to roleplay more and more long distance, and Mary knew it was only a matter of time each night before Emily would “ask if Mai could talk” (she always could).
When Emi was finally there in person, they never even talked girlfriend-to-girlfriend. Horny and desperate, Emily had edged Mary into “Mai-mode” and kept her there for the whole weekend. It was maddening, but Mary was drunk on the evil look in Emily’s eyes (and the liter of bottom shelf vodka they’d won by flirting with a DILF outside the local liquor store).
1k subs and we get noods? ;)
Sometime late into that hazy weekend, with both girls pushing each other in whispered tones as Adam slept down the hall, Emily had fingered Mai senseless and slipped on the laptop mic.
Mary was furious as soon as she’d noticed, but Mai was totally in control at that point and happily gushed her dirtiest confessions the lucky fans who happened to be online so late.
ur spray got nuked in fortBlox. dm fpr details @mai_xoxo
Since then, it had become almost dangerously easy for Mary to just to hop onto cam as Mai. Once you’ve cum to a thousand horny followers, it’s difficult to feel awkward.
“Haaai!” Mai clicked into view. “Emi-san, like, I did okay?”
Mai leaned back from the camera to show off her latest cosplay. Emily had been insistent it was show-accurate, so the cut was impractically low and fit jaw-dropping tight.
“I did good, Emi-san?” Mai giggled at the flood of heart and eggplant emojis streaming down the text chat. She bounced up a little and clapped, making sure her cleavage slipped just enough to give the fans a little nip-slip.
The drive was an exercise in frustration for Mary. Though she’d gotten off that morning thinking about seeing her girlfriend for the first time in person in over a month, the two hours in the car with building anticipation was maddening.
Mary had even pulled over halfway there at one of those mega rest stops, unable to focus on the road. She sent some flirty, probably too-desperate sounding texts to Emily. Class be damned, she needed her girl so badly she spammed Emily with pink hearts and thirsty selfies until she finally got a short string of replies.
oh god mai
good girl
mommy is busy
cant wait to see u
It was enough for Mary, who had been holding off touching herself, but was already sweaty and wet. She quickly found a parking spot near the back of the lot, away from the families and tourists churring through the gas stations and food court. Her pants were already unbuttoned at the top—they were cute and made her ass look amazing, but cut into the soft stomach she’d grown over the summer. With a plausibly private distance, she squeezed her hand between her legs and rubbed.
In spite of her desire and the precarious location, she found herself edging. It was a habit she hadn’t intended to pick up, but all the engagement and influencer work had made it impracticable to just cum constantly whenever she’d gotten turned on. So now, sitting in this parking lot in the middle of nowhere, Mary was manically trying to push herself over the edge—in spite of a hard instinct to ride the pleasure indefinitely.
After what seemed like an eternity, she finally managed to re-mount her phone on her dashboard. With the screen auto-playing through the reaction feed to her latest TikTok, and another free hand to grope her newly-impressive breasts, she finally came.
Catching her breath, and looking around the parking lot to make sure no one had seen her, she saw a teenage boy in the distance. Old enough to be cute and on the cusp of a hottie, but young enough that he was still slouching around a picnic table, no doubt dragged around on some family car trip. While his parents were distracted by something this teen’s younger sibling was excitedly communicating—the boy was locked into eye contact with Mary—a slack jaw and shocked expression. Mary knew if she’d been close enough to see, the boy’s cock was probably pitching a tent under that table.
So she had an audience! Mary was surprisingly flattered. She’d been so worried about getting caught, she hadn’t even thought about how hot it was to be appreciated like this. He had a hoddie from Emily’s college, so Mary reassured herself he was probably just a young looking freshman boy.
A large semi truck, blaring it’s horn to clear a path, slid between them. Mary gave the gobstruck cutie a wink and little wave as they were separated.
Flush with the climax, not to mention the ego boost from her adoring fan, she grinned and cleaned herself up using the rearview mirror.
Her hair was a bit frazzled, but nothing some product and a brushing couldn’t fix. Her shorts were wet with sweat and her juices, but a flannel tied around her waist would be good enough.
Mary was surprisingly comfortable crossing the parking lot in her slightly disheveled state. Her outfit was probably a little to small and skimpy for her new weight. The heavy cream, the hearty breakfasts and delicious snacks from the local farmer’s market were worth some discomfort. Almost everything was going straight to her ass, tits and thighs but a little softness was still unavoidable. She actually liked it, and didn’t mind if her new curves peaked through a bit. These days, more attention always felt so, so, so good!
Mary didn’t even recognize her girlfriend.
The two girls had been talking almost every day for months since the summer ended. Standing there in the dorm hallway, Mary, with her jaw open, didn’t even clock her partner until the blonde girl embraced her. Later, upon a moment of increasingly rare self reflection, Mary did find it amusing how quickly she let some assumed stranger pull her into a hug. How quickly her body just leaned into the firm arms of this unfamiliar woman.
“Mai!” the long haired, perfectly made up and perfumed white girl squeaked into Mary’s ear.
“E-Emily?” Mary stammered, catching her breath, and felt the blood rush to her face. “Emily? O-M-G!!”
Emily shifted her hands to Mary’s shoulder’s, positioning her at arm’s length and looking her still shocked girlfriend up and down. Mary had a brief moment thinking how hot her cleavage must be with her framed squeezed…
“Mai!” Emily said again, finally seeing the glint of recognition on Mary’s wide-eyed face. “I’m so happy you made it, sweetie!”
Mary stood there, unable to process the woman holding her—almost towering over her. When Emily had left for school four months ago, she had been just at Mary’s height, even slightly shorter. Em’s hair had been a short, undercut side swept, mousy brown and held up by styler to give her a pseudo-pompadour greaser look. Combined with her wardrobe of baggy shirts and military-style pants, Emily’s look had screamed DYKE throughout the Junior and Senior years Mary had dated her—even going more “out lesbian” as the girls had become more comfortable with their queerness.
“Honey, you look just aghast!” Emily said, leading Mary gently to the couch in the common room. “Have you been eating today? You look in shock, and barely skin and bones.”
Some part of Mary’s brain was aware how absurd the assertion was. Since moving in with Adam earlier this year, Mary had given up on trying to track her weight around 40 lbs gained. TikTok followers were very exacting about her looks week-to-week, so she’d used some of her graduation money to invest in a fancy scale to keep better track of her figure. After a few stressful weeks of watching her weight and body fat percentage climb unabated, the tracker app tied to the scale had started throwing up errors—apparently Mary’s calculated rates of both muscle and fat had broken some algorithm. The support team had tried to help her calibrate, but all the instructions about phone resetting and firmware had made her eyes glaze over. She should have followed up with them, they seemed so concerned, it was kind of adorable-
“Hey, airhead!” Emily snapped her fingers in front of Mary’s face. She refocused from her lost train of thought and reflexively gave her most charming, puppy dog “who-me” eyes to the frustrated blonde still holding her shoulders.
Emily sighed deeply, and took a hand off her girlfriend to twirl her hair in frustration. The slight shake of her head, the long rich blonde hair, almost made Mary lose train of thought again. It was so beautiful! Her girlfriend was such a hottie! When did this happen??
Mary only half listened as Emily started rambling on about how concerned she was with some server stuff. Emily was an excellent admin for Mary’s server. She kept the tone positive, the spam bots out and everyone in line, but she seemed almost obsessed with the community and keeping them happy.
Searching back in her still confused brain, Mary struggled to think of the last time she’d spoken to Emily as “Mary” and not “Mai”. Weeks? Months? Had they really been so fixated and giddy about Mary’s Asian Thot persona, they’d stopped talking girlfriend-to-girlfriend?
“Hey, retard—this is about you!” Emily snapped her finger again in Mary’s face, bringing her focus back to the perfectly manicured hands. The slur only registered as some faint shock in Mary’s brain.
“As I was saying,” Emily continued in her newly stern ‘mommy-knows-best’ voice, “I wanted to talk to you about the second server while you were here. I felt uncomfortable saying it over the phone, and I’ve been so busy between school and updating my wardrobe…”
“Umm… Yeah!?” Mary put her hands up in exclamation, a slight bit of her old self assurance creeping back into her voice. “Can we, like, talk about… all this??” Mary gestured wildly at Emily’s body.
Emily rolled her eyes again and launched into an exasperated rant. The tone was condescending, like she was explaining something to a toddler for the tenth time. Deep down, Mary knew she should have been offended or defensive, but she was just so happy to finally see her girlfriend, and so distracted by her hot new look—she couldn’t possibly stay mad.
In bits and pieces, Emily walked Mai through the concept of the “freshman 15” and late puberty. Something about having access to natural foods in the school cafeteria, apparently the same farm collective Adam used. Finally getting the hormones and nutrients she needed…
Whatever cause was, Emily was now a solid head taller than Mary. Her figure had gone from surfboard flat, almost boyishly androgynous, to a look Mary immediately thought of as “budding child breeder”. The biggest dyke she knew had gone from being mistaken for a boy, to outwardly mulling over getting some filler to keep the hip-dip from being too pronounced on her newly wide waist!
Mary just barely kept a straight face at Emily’s newly conquered feminine presentation, smiling, nodding and giving her best puppy-dog eyes. She felt a rising pressure of insecurity—wondering if she deserved or could keep the interest of such a strong, beautiful woman.
“Anyway, dumb-dumb…” Emily said, exasperated having to explain ‘basic biology’ to her airhead Asian bimbo of a girlfriend, “The super-fan server is waiting for us. God knows you’ve been cock teasing them with your whole ditzy act long enough.”
Mary nodded and looked as apologetic as she could muster. She was still confused about Em’s concern, or what she’d apparently been neglecting, but right now Mary would do pretty much anything this assertive knockout wanted.
The idea of Emily bossing her around, pushing her down in this common room in front of the passing college students… the now-towering blonde pulling down Mary’s shirt, exposing her flushed chest to the world… forcing Mary’s head down to lick Em’s pussy on sofa while the cute boys watched…
“UGH! Come on you slut!” Emily was moving, dragging Mary up off the couch to the dorm rooms. The click-clack of heels in confident strides, Mary put together Em’s height was even more pronounced standing up. No wonder she hadn’t recognized her girlfriend—she was almost a foot taller than her when she was on her feet!
Emily led Mary into an immaculate, beautifully decorated bedroom—one that looked more like the staging for some Maratha Stewart collection than a typical, messy dorm. Tucked in a corner, between two tasteful floral arrangements, was a sleek new silver laptop. Something top of the line, definitely not the budget clunker Mary vaguely remembered Emily hauling off to school…
Mary opened her mouth to ask, but was firmly whisked into a Herman Miller desk chair and spun to face the computer screen. Emily bent over and started typing.
The sight of the blonde’s cleavage pushing against gravity and the loose-knit sweater quickly derail Mary’s train of thought. She couldn’t look away from her girlfriend’s newly grown tits, how suckable and firm they looked…
“Mei-Mei,” Emily snapped back at Mary using her pet name. “You’re on camera in 3, 2, 1….”
Emily refocused on the screen, and saw Discord was already up. The video preview for the camera showed her wide-eyed face, flush and slack jawed—framed just behind a great view down Emily’s shirt.
“Wait- what…” Mary stammered, as Emily hit connect and Mei-Mei went live on her new NSFW ‘super fan’ server.