The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Just relax and look at the light


Chapter 1

“Just relax and look at the light.”

The man’s voice was calm. That made her feel calm. Amanda became vaguely aware that she was lying face down on a table. That sense of being nearly naked soon made itself known to her. A towel covered her buttocks.

Some time passed, how much she couldn’t be sure. She felt hands on her back applying something warm and oily. She stared at the patterns of light, trying to make out what they were, while the hands massaged her.

“Tell us about yourself, Amanda.”

“I’m a loner. I keep to myself, I try not to bother anybody. I have no friends, don’t want any.”

“What about your family?”

“Fuck my family. They can all go to hell. They don’t believe the hell they put me through, so they can all go to their own hell.”

“Tell us about the hell they put you through...”

Amanda woke up and saw that she was in what looked like a prison cell. She had no memory of how she had gotten there. She panicked and started screaming.


The door to the cell opened, and a man, almost naked apart from a leather face mask stood before her.

“What the fuck? Who are you?! Why am I here?!”

“Hello Miss Dunn. We have selected you to undergo training to be a sex slave. For two weeks, you will undergo training. Then—”

She burst into tears and started sobbing.

“I didn’t do anything!! I didn’t do anything!! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!! I didn’t do anything!”

She rolled over to her side and curled up, holding her knees with her arms. She laid there and cried while he stood in front of her. She waited for him to yell at her or hit her, but he just stood there. She soon regained control of herself and figured it was best not to test his patience. She got up, doing her best to control her sobbing.

“When you’re ready Miss Dunn, please come with me.”

“I don’t wanna go with you, I wanna go home.”

“If in two weeks you still wish to leave, we will allow you to do so.”


“When you’re ready Miss Dunn, please come with me.”

He spoke in a calm voice, and his pose didn’t look threatening. It was like he didn’t care if she went with him or not.

“Is this a joke?”

No response from him.

“Hey! Hey is this some kind of sick joke?!”

Still no response from him.

She looked at him, waiting for him to do something. He stood there with a stillness that was freaky. After collecting herself a bit more, she walked towards him. He turned and left the cell. She began to follow him. She furtively looked for any places where she could run and hide. All she saw was a corridor made of smooth walls.

She was led to what looked like a large shower room. He led her to a spot under a shower head. She spotted a pair of cuffs attached to chains that hung from the ceiling. That was her cue to bolt.

Her body wouldn’t move.

Her breathing grew rapid and heavy. Her eyes darted around the room. She couldn’t move!! She was heading into a full blown panic attack, and she didn’t have her meds. She screamed and cried as he shackled her. She waited for the pain, but none came. Eventually she found herself able to move again, and struggled while screaming and trying to spit at him. She couldn’t spit though. Her mouth wouldn’t cooperate. It was like she didn’t have access to the muscles that were used to spit.

It took awhile for her to realize that warm water was raining down on her. This strange man began to wash her with a soft cloth. Her breathing continued at a rapid pace and she was approaching hyperventilation. If she kept this up, she knew she’d pass out, and who knows what this man would do to her. She had to try and get a grip.

With what must have been Gandhi like willpower, she forced herself to breathe slower. The man wasn’t hurting her, only cleaning her for some reason. He gently cleaned her face, cleaned under her armpits, gently scrubbed her back, and put some nice smelling shampoo in her hair. Then he gently washed her hair, moving his fingers over her scalp. It felt like he was going out of his way to be slow and gentle with her.

The shower ended, and he unlocked the cuffs. She rubbed her wrists, then stood there looking at him, unsure of what to do.

“When you’re ready Miss Dunn, please come with me.”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Yes. You can choose to come with me, or we can sit here.”

“You’ll seriously sit here with me?”

“If necessary.”

She sat down on one of the sinks. Time passed. She looked around the room occasionally, but never took both her eyes off him. He was an odd one. He stood there eerily still, doing nothing. He said he wanted to train her to become a slave and he had two weeks to do it, so why was he just standing there looking at her?

“You never answered my question before. Is this some kind of sick joke?”


“What are you going to do to me?”

No response.

“I wanna know what you’re going to do to me!”

“Then please come with me.”

“No! No I don’t want to! I just wanna go home. That’s all I want.”

What seemed like hours passed, and this guy wouldn’t budge. She finally caved in and followed him out of the shower room. Whatever hell he had in mind for her, she just wanted to get through it and get it over with. Then maybe he’d leave her alone for awhile and she could figure out how to escape.

No matter what, she wouldn’t let that bastard rape her though.

She was led to what looked like a kitchen. There was a weird pair of underwear on the counter. She went over to examine them, and gasped when she saw the dildo and butt plug, slick with lubricant, molded into them.

“I-I have to wear these things now?”

“Please put them on.”

“No! No no no no no! You can’t make me!”

That hadn’t sounded convincing at all. He could certainly make her if he really wanted to. He was almost twice her size, and it was all muscle. He could break her in half like a twig if he wanted to. However it seemed like he had a no hurt rule. Maybe they wanted to keep her looking good for customers.

That thought made her cringe.

It certainly didn’t mean she was safe. She knew all too well the methods of coercion used when someone wanted you to obey them, but didn’t want things like bruises or other signs of abuse. Those hard foam sticks didn’t leave any bruises, but they hurt like hell. Getting cold water dumped on you didn’t hurt or leave bruises, and getting a forced high volume enema with soap in it cramped and burned like hell, along with those ginger suppositories. Didn’t matter so long as there were no bruises. Nobody believed you unless you had physical marks to prove it.

It was the memory of having that ice water dumped on her that made her pick up the panties and put them on. She almost cried as she forced the dildo and butt plug in. They weren’t overly big, and slipped in comfortably enough. Them being inside her triggered some bad memories though, and she broke down crying again.

“I... I can’t do this...”

She went to remove the panties, but they wouldn’t unbuckle. She went into another panic attack, and this time there was no regaining control. She curled up on the floor and laid there hyperventilating. Her eyes were wide open, tears were streaming out of them. Her body was locked in that position. Eventually she hyperventilated to the point of passing out.

Time passed. Eventually she came to. Every one of her muscles were screaming in agony. At first she thought she had been beaten, but as her mind cleared, she recognized this pain. Her muscles had been locked up for too long. Often times when she had an uncontrollable panic attack, her body locked up. Her hands had been gripping so tightly that her finger muscles screamed in protest when she moved them, and there were angry red divots in her hands from her fingernails.

The strange man was still standing there!! He didn’t look like he had moved an inch.

“How are you feeling, Miss Dunn?”

“How do you think I feel?! I feel like utter shit!! I’m tired and achy all over. My muscles hurt! I’m cold! How about YOU?! HOW DO YOU FEEL?!”

“When you’re ready Miss Dunn, please grab the sponge in the bucket and scrub the floor.”

She was too worn out to argue. She felt her mind slipping back into that numb state where she just obeyed and didn’t think. If she just got it done, then it’d be over and maybe he’d leave her alone for awhile. She quietly crawled over to the bucket, wincing due to her achy muscles. She grabbed the sponge and started scrubbing the floor.

Those dildo’s inside her began to feel good. This eventually broke through the numbness and made her stop scrubbing. The sensation faded. She began to scrub again and the sensation returned.

“Oh... Oh what the hell?”

She stopped scrubbing, debated, then continued.

A pleasant rhythmic tingle came from the dildo and plug as she scrubbed. It grew in intensity the longer she did it. She unconsciously spread her legs and scrubbed harder, anything to counteract the sensations from her tired, aching muscles. Her breathing grew heavy again, but this wasn’t from panic. She felt something building up inside her as the tingling continued.

“Oh! Ohhhh Goooooddddd!”

She came! She stared at the floor and panted heavily. She came. Those things made her cum. It was too much for her to handle. Her mind shut down. She fell over and stared blankly at the nearby wall.

Eventually she woke up to find herself naked and on a massage table. She had a faint recollection of something like this happening not too long ago, but the memory was brief and vague. The massage felt good though. Her muscles, still tired and achy, welcomed those gentle hands rubbing that oil into her skin. Was she being rewarded for obeying? She hadn’t really done much. She had scrubbed for a few minutes, then those panties made her cum. Now she was lying on a massage table. What the fuck was up with these people?

The massage was certainly welcome though. Her neck was the worst of it, and it seemed like it had had the most work done to relax those muscles. They wanted her to feel good for some reason. She might as well ride the gravy train while it lasted. She shifted a bit and lifted her head.

“Easy there. Don’t want your muscles to lock back up.”

The calm and informative tone made her relax her head again. Eventually she thought of something to ask him.

“So can you give me more of an idea about this training? It seems weird to me.”

No response from him.

“Could you just say something? I get creeped out when you don’t talk.”

“We know about the reform school your parents sent you to.”

“Ha! You don’t know shit about that place. Whatever you heard in the news doesn’t even come close to the truth.”

“Those bastards turned Cindy from your friend into a zombie.”

She wanted to leap off the table, but her body wouldn’t cooperate.

“Shut the fuck up about Cindy!! You don’t know shit about what happened! You weren’t there! You don’t know what we went through!”

“Yes, of course I don’t know about the sticks. I don’t know anything about Tanzen’s regime, or the old man’s rants about how we’d amount to nothing.” he replied in that calm voice.

“How we’d amount to nothing.“ She found herself able to move now. She rolled over and sat up on the table. She looked at at him intensely.

“You were there.” her voice was just above a whisper.