A Kiss is Just a Kiss
I had panicked. I know that now. I always overanalyzed every situation, and I’d done that here as well. How was I to know what was really happening on campus? How was I to know how serious such an innocent looking act like kissing could really be?
I should start at the beginning. It’s the only way this will make sense to anyone. I just pray there still is someone out there who will understand, someone who hasn’t already been kissed. It’s a plague, a menace to mankind’s future. I may sound insane, but for the love of god, do not let any horny college girl kiss you. It’s all in their plan, whoever ‘they’ are.
My name is Joseph Stringer. I am, or was, a professor of American Literature at a small southern university, one I’m sure you’ve never heard of. The specifics don’t matter. The plague is spreading to all universities, in all cities. If it hasn’t hit yours yet, it will soon. And if you’re watching this webcast, please take my warnings seriously. I’ll tell you how this all began. I’ll start from where I first became aware that something was horribly wrong.
It all began on a Monday. I was running late to my first class of the day and naturally, as was typical for me, my week wasn’t quite on track from the start. I’m one of the younger professors, not yet tenured, and basically that means with the tough economy these past several years that I’m a bit edgy about the job security I have.
I had left a meeting with the head of my department, one where I’m sure he could see the nervousness I had for being called in. As it turned out there was nothing to fear in the future of my job. He’d only wanted to let me know about some new books the university library had gotten.
As I think about it now, that’s when I should have noticed something was off. Maybe it was the glassy-eyed stare Dean Harrison got when he mentioned the books. He seemed almost like he was talking about some old lover or something, far more vested in the importance those books had to the campus.
It was as I’d been leaving the meeting that I noticed his secretary outside at her desk. She seemed unusually quiet. When I passed by and nodded, she seemed to suddenly jump from her seat.
“Sorry, Professor Stringer,” She’d said. “Startled me a bit.”
“Not a problem,” I responded. “I’m just running a bit late. Have a nice day.”
That’s when I knew something was up. She seemed to almost giggle when I said that. She stared off as though deep in thought, then hurried over to the door I’d just left, Dean Harrison’s office. She looked back at me.
“Oh I will, I’ll have a very nice day.”
She entered the office, I heard some muffled mumbles and then I clearly heard the sound of kissing. It was wet, sloppy kissing, the kind of frantic making out in the closet stuff you imagine teens do, not the mature or discreet manner adults usually take to at work.
Now I knew for a fact that Dean Harrison had been married for years now, and no it wasn’t to his secretary. I should have known then that something was off, something was wrong. The man I knew would never have such a public affair right in his office.
Still, I’d been running late and I hadn’t thought anything more of it.
As I rushed across the quad that day, I passed by many students. I think, now that I really recall that first day, that what I may have failed to notice was all the students laying on the grass, sitting on benches, or just leaning up against the shady trees. There were dozens of them, and they were all making out. Nothing graphic was happening, just typical horny college public displays of affection.
I remember passing by a couple in the hall outside my classroom. The girl was young, I’d imagine a freshman, and the guy I knew to be a senior. His hands were pawing at her sides, her back, even just the slightest hint of an occasional grope. Her tongue was thrusting wildly into his mouth and both seemed to be losing themselves to passion.
I even made a comment as I passed by, not that they would have heard me, especially knowing what I know now.
“Guys, take it some place private okay.”
I entered my class and was a bit shocked to find that half of the students weren’t there. When I had inquired as to what was wrong, one girl told me that there’d been a big party over the weekend and half her friends had gone. She said most of those friends seemed either hung over or simply worn out from the party.
It wasn’t the best excuse I had ever heard. It wasn’t even in the top ten, but it made sense. These were undergrads I was dealing with. They sometimes thought more of themselves than their education.
Nothing that unusual happened the remainder of that first day, at least not until I got to my car. I was running late again, as usual. When I got to the lot, the sun was beginning to drop to that point in the sky where everything is very etherial, very mysterious.
I had already passed perhaps twice the amount of students I saw on the quad earlier. All of them were kissing. It wasn’t just the way they were kissing, it was the look in their eyes. I noticed it most obviously on the two who were laid across the hood of my car.
“Hey!” I’d shouted. “Get off my car. What do you two think you’re doing?”
The boy, a sophomore I recognized as one of my students, never took his eyes off the girl. When she finally looked up, I recognized her as the same one from outside my class room.
“Wait your turn.” She said and immediately planted her face back on his.
The two were grinding against each other, his hands pulling her ass so she writhed against him. It was disturbing that neither one cared they were being watched, and by the owner of the car they’d chosen as their make-out spot.
“Mmmphh... oh mmm...” The boy had moaned. The girl’s hands were wrapped around him and she was pulling him harder into her lips, appearing to jam her tongue farther down his throat than humanly possible.
“Hey, cut it out. You want me to call campus police?” I had threatened.
The girl slurped and slobbered over the boy, suddenly raising her eyes to mine. As their lips parted, I saw the look in his eyes. It was the same glassy stare I had seen earlier, and now that I thought about it, that stare had been all over campus.
“Go ahead, Professor. Call them. We can all take turns. Would you like to go first?”
I looked at the cute young blonde girl. She was deceptively innocent looking, her hair cut to her shoulders, no real signs of make up, her dress actually not that immodest. But she was more than what she appeared. I knew it even then, even before what happened during the rest of that week.
“Look, I’m not in the mood. I’m late, so why don’t we just make it simple. Get off my car and I won’t complain. You two can go back to whatever you were doing.”
The girl seemed bothered by something. She looked over at the boy who was grinning dimly at her, his eyes making him look as though he had little thought in his head. Looking back at me, she did and said something I would never have imagined.
“Professor, wouldn’t you like to see what you’re missing first?”
She slid the straps of her top down each arm and reached up boldly, simply grabbing her shirt and pulling on it. Her young breasts simply bounded up and out into the open as though she were a stripper on stage putting on an act. I stared wide-eyed as the girl licked her lips and fondled herself openly before me.
“You like, don’t you?” She said.
I hadn’t spoken for almost a minute when she stepped down off the hood of my car and began stalking towards me. The boy sat up in a daze and said nothing. I couldn’t seem to move for a few seconds, her rough groping of her teenage breasts really sinking into my brain. When I began to smell her lips was when I suddenly jumped back into reality. It was a strange, almost floral odor, a lip balm I had assumed. It was enough to shake me awake and probably saved my life that very first day.
“Get away from me, I’m a professor here.” I had stuttered, shoving my way past the girl.
By this point her make-out partner had stumbled off my car as well, so I jumped in and started the engine. Outside, I noticed the girl quickly turning back to the boy. Before I sped off into the night, they were making out again and he was looking even more blank in the eyes.
That was the first day, and I should have realized that it wasn’t a simple case of students under the influence or something. Oh, believe me, they were under the influence, but not in the sense I’d assumed.
The next day appeared to start out normal enough. I was on time for once, and even reached my class before all my students arrived. The disturbing thing came when they all finally showed up.
I was working on some paperwork at my desk, not even paying that much attention to the students walking in and taking their seats. Until I looked up, I hadn’t even paid attention to how silent the room was.
“Hello class.” I said, dropping my notes and standing. It probably took me two or three repeat looks across the students to really notice what was so strange.
Every last student had shown up. That, in and of itself, was very uncommon. It wasn’t like I usually had half the class gone, like that Monday, but usually there were one or two absent. Not on that morning, on that morning everyone showed up.
They were all sitting there, silently staring at me. The girls I noticed seemed intensely focused. The boys seemed blank. It’s the best way I can describe it. They appeared to be there and yet not there, as though their minds were a million miles away, floating in space.
As I walked across the room to the board, the girls all followed me with their eyes. The boys never even moved a single eyelid. I was beginning to wonder if it was a joke when one of the girls raised her hand.
Lily was one of my top students in class. Lately her studies had been taking a hit, but generally she was a joy to have in the discussions.
“Professor?” She said.
“Can we talk about the romance works today, perhaps poetry?”
I looked at the rest of the class, still convinced it was a joke or something. Guys usually laughed or snickered when Lily began talking about romance poetry. It was a subject she brought up from time to time.
“I... guess so. If nobody else objects.”
Nobody said a word. The guys didn’t even move. If I hadn’t known better I might have assumed they were mannequins as they seemed to not even be blinking.
“Oh yay, Professor Stringer. You deserve a reward.” Lily said. She then blew me a kiss.
Now, I know it will sound crazy, but I actually felt that kiss. It seemed to float across the room, an invisible projectile she’d launched at me. Suddenly my lips felt moist, and there was the distinct impression of someone standing there, pressing soft full lips against mine, the aroma of flowers heavy in the air. It only lasted a second or two but it was there. I know it was.
I continued class, discussing the subject Lily seemed interested in. Outside of her, only a few girls even said a word, and they always seemed rather quiet, very relaxed in their movements and very soothing in their tones. The guys never moved and I was getting concerned. A joke wouldn’t be taken this far.
It was when I asked Lily a question she didn’t know the answer to that I got my first real shock. She’d been very relaxed, almost sedate for some time. I was discussing the various American poets who worked around the turn of the century and had just read them a small excerpt from a work during the Romantic movement. I asked if Lily knew who the author was.
She got this suddenly very confused look in her eyes, her body stiffening and seeming very much more animated than she or anyone else had during all of class so far. Then she did something I can never explain.
Lily turned to the girl sitting next to her. Tracy was the smartest girl in class, not all that motivated by the subject, but the one student I had who mastered every quiz or exam. Tracy turned and locked eyes with Lily. It was a stare like I rarely had seen, very focused and yet very calm.
The girls leaned towards each other, almost butting their foreheads. Lily opened her mouth and so did Tracy. Then they simply began making out. Lily thrust her tongue right into the open mouth of Tracy. She flicked it and they moved closer to each other, Lily reaching around to pull Tracy’s face right into hers. They made smacking noises as they grew more and more lurid in their display.
Meanwhile I was staring and growing more concerned by the second. This was wrong. I knew it was. I also knew it was wrong that none of the other students in class seemed even remotely interested in what the two were doing. All the guys, even the ones I just knew would go crazy to see two hot young college girls making out, simply sat there, staring into space.
Lily pulled her tongue from Tracy’s throat and licked her lips. She brushed back a stray strand of hair and looked back to me smiling.
“The answer is Ralph Waldo Emerson, Professor.”
That was exactly right. I had no idea how she’d suddenly gotten the answer. It made no sense. Of course the whole class had been making no sense since I began that day.
I let the incident slide as I didn’t really want to have to deal with it. The only thing worth noting was that for the remainder of class, Tracy seemed unusually silent. Normally the girl would answer every question, or at least attempt to by raising her hand. She knew everything it seemed. But for the remainder of that class, Lily it seemed was the girl with all the information.
I left the building an hour later. I had to get to Dean Harrison’s office. I had to report the strange behavior I was seeing in my students. Something had to be done and I wasn’t sure exactly how big the problem might be. All I knew at the time was that something wasn’t right. The students weren’t acting normal.
All over campus, I saw them. Girls frantically kissing boys, other girls, even a couple of fellow professors. When I saw that it really bothered me. Here were these instructors, some well into their forties, and they were on benches at picnic tables thrusting their tongues down the throats of nubile young undergrads. I’ll admit the girls on campus sometimes are tempting to lust over. I mean, I’m a man after all, I see those things.
But one cardinal rule of working at the university is you never have a physical relationship with your students. The ones that do are always subtle though, and during my walk across campus, I saw no sign that subtlety was even in existence any longer.
When I barged into Dean Harrison’s office, I never expected to see what I saw. It was more than just a shock to the system. It actually stunned me into silence for more than a moment.
The man was only half dressed, his shirt off in the pile of clothing on the floor. He was leaning back in his chair and was being straddled by not one but two coeds. The girls were freshmen too. I knew that simply from having seen them in the campus directory.
Both girls were topless and Dean Harrison was groping both of them. He was letting first one girl, then the other lick around his cheeks, thrusting his tongue back into their open mouths, allowing them to rub his shoulders and his hair. He was squeezing their tits, groping their nipples and twisting with playful little moves that only seemed to make the girls moan for more.
None of them even seemed to see me for over a minute. When Dean Harrison finally looked up, his reaction was nowhere near what I felt it should be.
“Ahh... Joseph. Good timing. I was just enjoying the tongues of Katie and Megan here. Perhaps you’d like some as well.”
I stammered a response, not even making coherent words. Backing towards the door, I knew it was serious. Whatever was happening was serious, and it had to involve kissing. Every strange behavior I had seen, every bizarre event, had featured kissing. Something was spreading across campus. It had to be, and kissing was the way that was happening.
“No... um no thanks.” I said, near the door.
Dean Harrison looked at the two girls on his lap. He grinned.
“Oh come now, Joseph. Wouldn’t you like to grab Katie’s head here and jam your tongue down her throat? You could suck face until you each passed out. Wouldn’t that be fun? She’s got amazing little tits. You could have all kinds of fun with them too.”
“No... er, I forgot something in my office.” I said.
“Now Joseph, don’t tell me Megan here doesn’t make you hard as a rock. I swear, her mouth is incredible if you know what I mean.”
I looked from girl to girl. They were each sitting there, heads tilted, looking back at me. Dean Harrison was still openly fondling them and the girls seemed to squirm and close their eyes with every pinch and grab.
“No sir, I mean yes... um I have to leave now.”
I was almost out the door when Dean Harrison said something that stopped me in my tracks.
“You haven’t visited the library yet have you? You really should, you know. The books we got in are proving quite popular, and I think they might inspire you to better get to know the student body.”
Saying this, the man pushed the girls away so they and he could stand. He towered over their thin bodies, his hands resting on their hips as all three of them stared at me.
I never said a word, simply turning to try and leave. Whatever was going on, I knew I had to get away, and fast.
“You can’t run for long.” Dean Harrison said. Then he must have turned to those girls. “Get him, show him what your tongues can do.”
I was out the door and down the stairs in seconds. I heard the two girls, Megan and Katie giggling as they chased after me. I was outside and running through some bushes before I even noticed how many people were outside with me. They were all kissing, passionately, wildly, groping at each other’s bodies, rolling around on the grass, writhing together against trees or buildings.
As I ran around them, I could actually feel the sensations of being kissed. It was like an echo, that drifted at me from each of them. The silky wet feel of tongue against tongue, the force of the full lips on mine, the young girl taking charge, everything felt so real. It also made me want to give in. I wanted to simply stop and let Katie or Megan catch me. I could imagine how wonderful it would feel to simply give in, let the two topless teens tackle me and spend the remainder of my sanity blissfully having tongue battles with them.
I had to remain strong though. Something was very wrong and I needed to get out, to find a way to warn others what was happening.
I managed to lose the two giggling girls by ducking into another building and cutting through to the far parking lot. When I got there I was almost at my car when another car barreled around a corner and nearly ran me over.
Tripping and falling, I heard the screech and then the sound of a door opening. I prepared for the worst.
There’s no easy way to say how relieved I was when I looked up to see Allison standing over me.
Allison Lawrence was a new transfer student, just twenty years old, but already impressing me with her passion for literature. We’d spoken many times about her goals of being an author.
“Oh my god, Professor Stringer? Are you okay?”
I stood up, turned to quickly make sure my pursuers hadn’t caught sight of me. Luckily, it appeared the parking lot was empty except for the two of us.
“I’m okay. I think.” I took a couple of deep breaths and looked up into Allison’s face. “Are you okay, I mean, are you... you?”
Allison looked at me as though she thought I’d taken a hit to the head or something. At least the reaction seemed normal enough.
“Who else would I be? Professor, you really need to sit down. Are you sure you’re okay? Did I hit you?”
“No, no, I just fell. You startled me, that’s all.”
I sat against the side of her car, breathing and making sure to stay in the shadows. I didn’t want anyone looking over into the lot and noticing me. There was no telling who could be after me at this point. Whatever this kissing was doing, it was getting more aggressive. They were hunting me now and I needed to remain calm and try to reach the authorities, assuming the authorities weren’t too busy making out with each other.
“Allison, get down. You have to stay out of sight.” I said, suddenly grabbing her hand and pulling her next to me.”
She sat down in the parking lot next to her car, the engine still idling. “Professor, what are you talking about? What is going on?”
I looked into her eyes, checking and double checking to make sure she looked completely okay. Allison was a smart girl. I knew she’d believe me if I could just explain it without coming off as some nutcase. I took a breath and began my story, the same one I’ve just told you.
As I got closer to finishing my story, Allison seemed bothered, concerned, and I was actually feeling that maybe she was concerned for her own safety. I assumed she was understanding how serious this was. Then she let out a small laugh.
“Professor Stringer, you can’t be serious.”
I looked her straight in the eye. “I’m deadly serious. Something is happening on campus. You’re lucky they haven’t gotten to you already. It’s the kissing. That’s what’s doing it.”
Allison brushed a strand of hair from her eyes, leaning back against the car. “Come on, Professor. You honestly expect me to believe that some force is taking over people by kissing?”
“Maybe it’s a virus or something.” I said. “Maybe it simply spreads by kissing. All I know is it’s happening. I’ve seen it. You’d see it too if you walked into the quad or to any of the classrooms.”
Allison leaned over and looked me in the eyes. “Professor, it’s a funny story, really. And I believe that maybe you were the butt of a joke. But trust me, kissing is not taking over anyone’s minds. It’s not draining their intelligence or free will. A kiss is just a kiss.”
I rubbed my temples. “Allison, believe me. I’m not crazy. You need to stay away from the campus. Get in your car and drive somewhere else, anywhere else. Just promise me you won’t let them get to you.”
It was then that she did something, some innocent little thing that I never even thought twice about as it was happening. She sat up and turned to me.
“Professor Stringer, it’s noble of you to be concerned for me, I mean really. My own parents aren’t as concerned most of the time. But trust me, a little kiss never hurt anyone.”
Saying this, she gave me a quick peck on the lips.
“See, nothing. It’s just a kiss. Are you sure I didn’t hit you with my bumper or anything?”
My head began to pound almost as soon as the girl’s lips touched mine. She claimed it was just a kiss. I knew it was more. Something was wrong, and as soon as my head began spinning and the scent of something floral drifted up into my brain, I knew things would only get worse.
Allison looked into my eyes. She reached up and placed a hand on my chin. She smiled and pushed her lips back to mine. This time it wasn’t just a quick peck. It was more, much more.
Her tongue snaked into my throat. She flicked around, rubbing the taste buds of her tongue all over the inside of my mouth. Instinctively, I began doing the same, sliding my tongue smoothly over every corner of the young student’s mouth.
My eyes were locked on hers and she kept pushing, her face fully locked on mine, her lips moving around as we kissed. She pulled herself over and on top of me, her thighs warm and comforting somehow.
When she pulled away, I could still feel that sensation, the smoothness of her lips, the bumps on her tongue, the wet sensual depravity in the act we’d just committed. Allison was grinning.
“Professor, I told you a kiss is just a kiss. What we’re really after is a good hard fuck!”
I sat there numbly as Allison reached down and undid my pants. She reached in and pulled out my cock which was already quite hard from just the work her tongue had been doing. I couldn’t move as Allison stood up and looked down at me.
She looked like an angel in the sunlight, everything else sinking away from my focus. As she reached beneath her skirt and pulled her panties down, I suddenly realized how much I wanted her. I wanted to not just thrust my tongue inside her mouth, to taste of her essence. I wanted to slide anything I could inside her, just to be closer and more intimate with such a perfect creature.
Allison straddled me and slid down, pushing her cunt directly onto my erection. She stabbed herself deep in one thrust and groaned looking me straight in the eyes.
“Ohhh... ooh isn’t this better than... ung... a little innocent kissing?”
I nodded, my thoughts running away with me. Allison rode me hard and fast, bucking up and down on top of me. Her tits jiggled inside her top and hypnotized me into eventually staring straight at the amount of cleavage I could see with each shift of movement.
Grabbing hold of her top, Allison saw my focus and she pulled it open more, allowing my eyes to stare straight in at her nipples as they bounced around. She was fucking me faster now, bouncing up and down on the pavement by her car in a seemingly abandoned parking lot.
I could feel my control slipping, my reasoning vanishing. Allison was sapping away my will with every downward thrust and my cock was building to a massive climactic explosion.
There I was, a professor, in the middle of a parking lot on the ground with one of my brightest students fucking my brains out. Her perfect body never lost any energy. Her tits slapped harder up and down, her top loose enough at this point that anyone would be able to see she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Allison gasped, and began a low rising moan.
“OOohhh... OH Professor. Ohhh... you’re gonna cum inside me aren’t you, way up inside me. It’s what I want! OOhhhh... It’s what we want. Do it. Fill me with your seed!”
I did exactly as she asked, as though there ever was a choice really. Allison slammed her cunt down fully on my cock. I could feel it stab deeper inside her, penetrating her young womb completely. It swelled and then jetted semen straight up inside the girl. Again and again, for over a minute, I flooded Allison with cum. Never in my life had I cum so hard, so uncontrollably inside a partner. I realized right then that Allison had control of me. She was my mistress and I would be her slave in whatever capacity she wanted me to.
When she finally did rise from me several minutes later, I couldn’t believe how much sperm was running down her legs. She seemed not to care about putting her panties back on and simply stepped away, stretching a little as dribbles of white ran to her ankles.
“Professor, I think you understand now. Don’t you?”
I said that I did. I told her what I knew she wanted me to say. But there was something else. I also knew that while she’d drained me quite a bit, I wasn’t fully gone. I could still recognize what was happening.
Over the next few days, I pretended she’d completely taken me, that I was hers. As long as I did that, I could safely avoid her kissing me any more. You see, it was the kiss that did it. She played that off, and I understand why. They knew I’d caught them. I understood how they worked. Whatever they were, it was the kiss that took someone’s will from them. The kiss took over the brain. Enough kisses and you ended up like those poor slobs in my classroom that day.
The fucking was simply a feeding of the addiction, the undying loyalty to the one who took your mind. I can’t say I’m not loyal to Allison. It’s why I haven’t tried to escape. I love her and I love fucking her. She’s my mistress.
The days have been filled with me being ridden by her firm young body. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve cum inside her from one position or another. I’m sure that’s part of their plan too, but all I know for sure is how they begin their takeover. It’s all in the kiss.
Please take this warning seriously. A webcast to other universities is the best I can do. My will has been drained too much to do any more. Do not let any college girl kiss you. Do not trust those college girls you know. Fathers, stay away from your daughters when they come home from school. Men, stay away from campus if you don’t have any reason to visit. A kiss is not just a kiss. It’s only the beginning, the beginning to madness and it will be the beginning to your end.
“What are you watching?”
Tom turned to his girlfriend. “Nothing, just some crazy guy I guess. It’s really weird though. You know, I almost started to—”
“That’s nice. Come and see the new books I checked out from the campus library. They just arrived last night.”
Tom stood from his computer, stretching and looking out the window. All across campus he watched various students and teachers walk to and from their classes. Nothing seemed out of place or unusual. Then, just as he was turning away, he caught sight of it.
There was nothing really wrong, but he took note of what the few couples on the far side of the quad were doing.
They were making out. They were kissing. Were the guys looking a little blank in their eyes or was it his imagination? Tom shook his head and turned back to leave the room.
“So what are these books you’re so excited about?”
“Oh, you’re gonna just love em. There’s one on botany and a rare species of tulip that has the most fragrant odor. It even has a sample in the book.”
Tom stopped in the doorway. Tulip, he thought. Two lips? Fragrant odor? He looked up just in time to see his girlfriend lunging at him. As soon as she had him on the floor and her lips touched his, all else failed to resonate in his mind. In the background, the final words of the webcast were still playing.
“Don’t let their lips touch you. It’s your only hope!”