The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

(This is the alternate ending to the story which I wrote the day after posting the original off to Simon.Anyone who is involved in the forum here knew that I was tossing around 2 story endings for this story,and chose to write and post my usual cute finish to the story.Trouble was I knew as I was writing this that this was the better ending,and the few people who have already seen it have tended to agree with me on that.How have they seen it,well again as the forum people knew for the second time I posted a story at another site as well as here,Amanda’s personal one at ,only this time with both endings.I have to say she did a tremendous design with spinning coins,and an avatar type picture which I do love.

However to be fair to readers who dont know about these things,I am now posting the alternate ending here as well,I hope you all enjoy it,and it was worth the wait.)

(Alternate ending)

He tossed the coin in the air.................,

Stood in her tube Stephanie was just beginning to wonder if anything was going to happen when she heard a loud swooshing noise above her head and she found herself covered from head to toe in a thick pink liquid,which rather than washing the latex off seemed simply to be enveloping her in a second pink skin.When the liquid began to cover her face she tried to release herself,but was unable to move her arms.Then just as she was about to cry for help,a massive blast of sexual pleasure pulsed strongly throughout her whole body,a series of strong orgasms passed through her and she passed out.

Kate pressed a button on the panel,and the tubes were no longer opaque.The men could see 8 girls frozen in position covered totally in a thick pink latex gel which was solidifying rapidly.She smiled at the sight,

“It will be interesting to see all the changes when they are released from their ‘cocoons’!",she said.

The men smiled,“That will be about 12 hours from now,“one said,“they will look very similar to now, but act very differently.I’ve decided I’m going to try a different programme on our 2 ‘Mistresses’ to see how it works,though the other 6 will make very nice little sex-bots.”

“Which one?” the other man asked him.

“I’m going to test the Dominatrix programme on them,to see how it works,if it doesnt I will simply reprogramme them like the others as sex-bots.",he replied,“I’m sure we can find clients if it does work!”

“Time for stage 2 then,“said the other man,“then we can leave them to ‘blossom’ for a while.",and pressed a series of buttons.The tubes began to develop a second inner layer which shrunk until it was tightly wrapped around the ‘latex dolls’,and then the most spectacular light show began,it looked like the ‘Aurora Borealis’ was glowing within each tube,6 of them filled with glowing pink rays,and 2 others glowing a spectacular green.“I just hope they wake up in time to enjoy the experience!",he added laughing.

Stephanie had at least recovered,she tried to move but by now her cocoon had sealed her in tightly and had no plans to release her until it was ready to do so.She couldnt even cry out as the gel had sealed in her mouth where she had tried to scream in panic.She seemed to be able to breathe OK, but nothing more.Then she began to feel a gentle tingle begin to ripple throughout her whole body, growing in intensity by the second until it became strong enough to become uncomfortable. However her body seemed to be disagreeing with her brain on this matter,she could feel her nipples expanding as the pulsing passed through them,and her clit seemed to reach out to be touched by this special power.She gasped as her whole body submitted to this force,closing her eyes as wave after wave of this power caressed her body.Though her eyes were closed she could see the whole cocoon she was sealed in glowing brightly.Then as rapidly as it had increased in intensity she felt the sensation die away again.She assumed that whatever it was had been switched off,but she was wrong......!

Kate smiled at the men,“Body resistance to electro-stim units now over,their bodies are now absorbing 100% of electrical supply,transformation will commence shortly.Vital signs in all 8 units are good,though that will soon be irrelevant.Switch to high level voltage supplies.”

Inside her cocoon Stephanie’s body began to glow silver as the voltage steadily increased,she however felt no pain as her bodys pain receptors had long been switched off by the formula now flowing through her whole body.Even when the levels reached the 2,000 volts maximum she felt nothing. Slowly, though not to her noticeably her mind switched off as the system took control of her mind.By the time she stopped breathing she was unable to show any concern.Her skin began to change from a soft loose flesh,to a tight latex skin designed to contain safely her new internal parts.

Internally,the electrical fingers ate slowly away at her,simply replacing her organs and muscles with microchips, circuitry and wiring.The texture of her breasts changed to the same latex cover, but inside micro units controlled the sensitivity of them,and her nipples could be shrunk or expanded simply by the release of a signal.From now on her breasts could be aroused by the air passing over them or the touch of a satin bra,or no reaction to the most tender and loving touch according to their sensitivity setting.

After several hours the 3 of them came to do checks,

“Everything working fine,time to begin to programme their minds.",Kate said,adding laughing,“Not that our 6 sex-bots will have too much to worry about on that front anyway!”

Metal domes dropped over the heads of the latex cocoons and began to glow as electricity arced through them at high voltages.All thoughts of their previous lives were erased from their minds,and new identities given to them,Stephanie and Louise now becoming Mistresses Tatiana and Roxanna in their new lives.The 6 sex-bots were given simple ‘fluffy’ names that suited their new lives.After several more hours the work was finally completed.

The 2 men and Kate returned,and began to switch everything off,

“Now for the moment of truth!” said 1 of the men,“Release the units from their cocoons,and lets see how our ‘butterflies’ are on release.”

The inner layer of the tubes released,pulling the cocoon away with it,leaving behind 8 unmoving naked bodies.It was obvious that changes had taken place to their bodies,but had their minds been changed,there was only 1 way to find out.

“All units activate,clear tubes and report status.",the man said.

All 8 girls eyes blinked open,they released themselves,pressed a button and walked out of the tubes.Standing in a line they spoke in turn stating their designation and name,though for 1 or 2 of the sex-bots even this was a challenge until their IQ settings were raised!Tatianna and Roxanna looked in contempt at the giggling ‘bimbos’ alongside them when this happened.

The men were happy to test a couple of the sex-bots out,’purely for research’ they told Kate,and having had the girls eagerly suck their cocks to erection they filled their latex pussies with their cocks and let the girls ‘suckle’ them to climax with their strong vaginal walls.When they told Kate the sex-bots were bisexual,she stripped and 2 of the bots pleasured her,one kissing her passionately while working on her breasts while the other made a creamy meal of her slit.While this was going on the 2 Dommes were ‘deactivated’ in case they showed distaste for this male show of power!

One of the men then set their ‘Domination’ levels quite low,and checked they worked fine which they did.After that all 8 models were deactivated and packaged up ready for ‘delivery’ to their new home.Within weeks the 6 sex-bots had all been sold,despite the high price charged,their ‘human like’ bodies being a big plus in this matter.It wasnt too long before the 2 Mistress-bots were also sold,to begin their lives of dominating men ‘as they should’ in a manner that Tatianna and Roxanna would approve of.

The market for these new ‘latex-bots’ was a massive one,and though at 1 stage the authorities showed concern over the number of young girls disappearing a ‘substancial’ payment soon solved this problem.Also by using the adverts of East European girls as ‘brides’ for Western men,a steady supply of female sex-bots was ensured.A few more Mistress-bots were created,but for some reason the sex-bots proved far more popular!