The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Light and Shadows 8: Bright Pain

by J. Darksong & Baltimore Rogers

Ch. 3) Forget the Pain

The city was on fire.

I was back... back at that day, that terrible terrible day that haunted me still. River City was ablaze, set fire from a number of explosions set by some crazy maniac whose sole purpose in life was to make my father suffer, and chose to do so by making me suffer. Chaos was all around me... chaos and pain, fire and death.

No... no. I’m dreaming again. I must be. It wasn’t... it really wasn’t this bad! Only a few buildings were bombed, not the entire city. All these people hadn’t died that night, only a few... only... only...


Her voice! Oh no. No! Goddess no! Not this, not again!

Against my will, my body turns, turns to find my love, my light, Jessica DuMont, running up behind me, coming to be with me. She’s still wearing her waitress uniform from the diner, having just left work before the explosions. She’s running to me, a smile on her face, arms outstretched. Running to me for safety, as if being with me can somehow shield her from what’s to come. I shake my head, wave my hands frantically, yelling for her to stay back, begging for her to stay away. But I’m moving in slow motion, time distorted, and it’s a fucking dream anyway, and I can’t change the outcome anymore than I could the last fifty million times I relived this...

She’s close to me now, just a few feet away, almost close enough for me to touch. Just a few more inches, and I could reach out and grab her, pull her to me, shield her. But, as always, she stops, drawing back in shock, in surprise, as a masked figure slowly rises up from the ground across from us, a massive, gleaming rifle in his hands.

Oh Goddess no! Please no!!

I struggle, pushing my body to move, to turn, to use my powers, to do... something! Anything! Instead, I’m frozen in place, unable to do a damned thing but stare into the face of my beloved Jessica as the masked entity only a few goddamn feet away from me shoots her straight through the heart. I’m forced to see her expression of shock, and then sorrow, as her the life fades from her eyes, the soft barely heard sound of her last words as she slumps to the ground: “Why...?”

As in, why did you let this happen to me Katie? Why didn’t you save me? As in, why did you stand there and watch while a masked gunman took me away from you?

And I always awaken to find myself in bed, crying, sobbing, asking myself the same question over and over, wondering endlessly what I could have done different to save her, and why I didn’t simply do SOMETHING. I awaken to find everything just the same, unchanged.

But this time the dream doesn’t end. The masked man lets out a loud laugh of triumph, and only NOW am I allowed to move, allowed to exact a measure of vengeance for the pain he’s caused me and countless others. Not content to simply fry him with my powers this time, I rush to him instead and tackle him to the ground. I hit him with my fists, again and again, determined to beat him to a pulp, all the while he merely laughs, not even bothering to defend himself.

“You son of a bitch! You’re a murderer!” I scream, bashing him in the face, using all of my strength, holding nothing back. “You’re a goddamn murdering psychopathic son of a bitch! I want you to die! Why won’t you DIE?” I yell, hitting him again, so hard that his metal mask shatters like glass revealing his face.

Revealing... MY face.

“Oh? Do you?” he/she/I reply, taunting myself. “You want me to die? You should know by now, Katie... We can’t die! We can’t EVER die. All we can do is kill and hurt and maim those around us.” She laughs again, my laugh, my voice, her face so utterly mine, that I shrink back in horror. “But do you think this ends with our sweet beloved Jessica? Oh no, Katie girl!” she said, pointing to the skies. “There’s so much more for us to lose... so many more ways for us to suffer!”

I glance upwards, and my heart clenches in my chest. The Angels, Ivory and Ebony, streaking down towards me. I’d... I’d forgotten! They came to me that night, had taken me away when I’d collapsed, inconsolable, had taken care of everything with Jessica, and me, had reported to police... all the things I should have done but was too out of my mind to even think about. They’d both been there in my darkest moment, when I needed them the most...

But as I stared up at them, I found somehow that my position had changed. I was now the one holding the rifle, the other me lying down on the ground, sobbing, clutching Jessica’s dead body. My hands pulled the rifle up, taking aim. My eyes squinted as I stared though the sights. And my finger twitched, firing off two quick shots in succession, hitting both targets as they came into view.

Tawyna. Sioban. Oh no. Please, no!

Both of them fell, hitting the street so hard that I knew they’d died before they even reached the ground. Both of them dead. Dead! Killed by my hands!

“Goddess! Katie! What have you done!”

I turned again, finding my mom and dad standing there, amidst the carnage. Mom, human again, vulnerable, her powers gone. My dad, without his armor, painfully trapped in a wheelchair, so far from the powerful, vigorous, father figure I’d grown up with. My finger twitched again, two more shots, and they fell as well. I felt a scream welling up inside me, as I turned yet again, the gun firing with a presumably unlimited supply of bullets, as I gunned down Uncle Parker, Aunt Veronica, Aunt Eva, Aunt Sarah, Aurora and Sylvia as well, one after the other.

I killed them all, one by one, and no one even tried to stop me, tried to fight back.

I was a monster. A goddamned evil monster—


A light slap to my face stunned me for a moment as the burning city faded into a grey-white haze. Strong, familiar, masculine arms grabbed me from behind, pulling me close, even as I struggled. «Dammit, Sis, stop that!» Jimmy’s voice came to me, whispering in my ear. «Just relax for a minute okay? Damn... I knew you were hurting... but I never thought it was this bad.»

Jimmy? But... how? You’re all the way across the country—

«You mean our twin connection from so far away? I dunno. Call it mutual need. We’re both in a pretty bad way right now. I’m...well, I’m kinda being tortured to death by some psychotic snake lady with a chip on her shoulder. So, yeah, not really doing so well at the moment. But the physical pain I’m going through is nothing compared to the emotional pain you’re suffering.» The scene shifted again, and we were back at home, in my bedroom, back the way it was when I was nine. In bed together, in our pajamas, with me nestled up against my big brother, holding me safe even as a terrible storm raged outside the windows.

«Just like old times, eh?» he said softly, rocking me gently in his arms. «And to what I was saying before, Sis... you’re NOT a monster. No one thinks that except you... and you only feel that way because you’re so caught up in this ‘perfect storm’ of hatred and guilt and pain that you can’t see any way out.» He leaned forward, kissing my forehead gently. «I wish... I wish I could take all this pain away from you, Sis. I really do. I’d take it for my own in a heartbeat if I could. But... it doesn’t work that way. The only way through this is to face it head on, without hiding from it.»

But, I can’t. I’m too weak... so afraid. And it hurts so much...

«C’mon, Katie. It’s just like when you were little and you were afraid of the dark. You were always, always scared that something bad was hiding in there ready to pounce you, but it always turned out to be nothing but shadows. And shadows can’t hurt you. You’re stronger than you think, and braver than you know. And... you have special people, special friends, ready to help you through this darkness. All you have to do is just reach out to them...» The room shook for a moment, and the scene flickered slightly.

Jimmy? What is it? What’s happening?

«Damn... think you’re waking up now, Sis. The dream is about to fade... and we’re about to both return to the hell of reality.»

NO! I don’t want to wake up! Please, Jimmy, just let me stay with you like this a little bit longer!

«I wish you could, Katie,» he said sadly. «But it’s not up to me. And... I really really wish you’d remember all of this when you awaken. But you know how it is with dreams. The details will fade, and all you’ll have left are hazy images and a general feeling of what went on here.» He sighed softly as the scene slowly faded away to black. «I just hope it’s enough...»

* * *

Strong arms holding me. Cradling me. Rocking me gently. Wind in my face?

“J... Jimmy?” I murmur, my voice soft and weak.

“Shhh... it’s okay, baby.” Not Jimmy. Female voice. Soft pale skin, slender but strong arms. A flash of bright red hair. Generous pillowy breasts smooshed up against me. Ivory Angel. Sioban. “Relax. We’re taking you someplace safe.”

Soft voice. Beautiful. The voice of a real life Angel. And not dead.

I was crying again, though I didn’t know why. Something had happened in my nightmare... something bad, something terrible, that I couldn’t remember, didn’t WANT to remember... but that made me clutch my darling Bon-bon even tighter.

“Shhh, Katie,” she whispered, “everything’s gonna be alright.”

“Not again,” I murmured softly even as I felt myself slipping back into unconsciousness. “Not... Bonnie...”

* * *

“Is she awake?” asked Tawnya, flying close beside her friend and partner.

“She was for a moment,” said Sioban, “but she’s back under again. It’s probably for the best.”

“God, Bonnie, when all that stuff came out of her ear, I just... I couldn’t believe it could even fit in her head in the first place!”

“I know. That was scary,” said the redhead, “But Dust isn’t like a regular drug. It’s more like some kind of organic magic potion. Someone told me once that it’s just made out of dead skin cells, but I have a hard time believing that.”

“Me too! But apparently it doesn’t follow the regular laws of biology, or chemistry, or physics even. So maybe is wasn’t really as bad as it looked. Were you able to reach Angela?”

“Yeah,” replied the worried redhead replied, “She said Doctor Coleman would meet us at the Mansion as soon as she can get there, twenty minutes tops.”

“Cool,” said Tawnya. “That should give us time to get her settled in.” She paused for a moment, considering the rather hectic past several minutes. “So what was going on with you and Chief Brennan? Did I hear it right? He knows she was high?”

“Yeah. But he’s gonna be cool about it. Even so, I think I’ve used up my last favor. If this happens again, losing her badge will just be the beginning.”

“You mean, like, jail?”

“Yeah, if she gets caught flying around high again, he’ll throw the book at her. He’ll probably have to make an example of her. Yeah, she’ll probably do jail time.”


“So let’s make damn sure that doesn’t happen. Right?”

“Right,” said Tawnya, “So, suicide watch? Drug watch? One or both of us with her at all times?”

“Absolutely. And we’ve GOT to get her to talk. Something about this is eating her alive, and it’s more than just that she saw Jess die. So where are we taking her? My room or yours?”

“S’ban, your room is a fuckin’ pigsty. I don’t see how you can stand it. We’ll use mine. God, I hope she’s okay. That Dust shit was scary. I hope it didn’t scramble her brains!”

“Let’s get her settled in and see what the doc has to say,” said Sioban, lighting on the balcony outside Tawnya’s room, “But, Tawnya... Look... I’m scared too... and worried sick. I mean, what if she’s really fucked up? What if she can’t be helped? But... we can’t think that way. We’ve gotta be strong for her. She needs us. Okay?”

“Okay, Bonnie. Let’s do this!”

* * *

The first thing I’m aware of are the voices speaking softly nearby. After that, I notice the other little things, the soft but firm mattress beneath me, and the cool clean sheets covering me. I’m in a bed... but not a familiar one. Ah, well. It’s still a step up from waking up in a ditch.

“...should be just fine after a while,” an unknown female voice was saying. “What you described, it sounds like she just had a panic attack.”

“A panic attack? So it wasn’t a side effect of all that shit she had in her system, then?” Tawnya’s voice, sounding partly angry and partly concerned. It was a bit surprising seeing this side of her. I never would have thought she was so ‘straight arrow’ on the issue of unprescribed pharmaceuticals.

“It doesn’t seem so,” the stranger’s voice said slowly. “I’m not an expert in this sort of thing, and frankly Dust isn’t exactly a typical drug. All the current studies show that aside from the strange pigmentation it causes, a loosening up of your inhibitions, and a pronounced euphoric effect, it has no real adverse effects.” She sighed. “It’s like alcohol or pot but without the bad side effects.”

“Okay, well that’s good to hear,” a third female voice replied, sounding relieved. Sioban. “I mean, I know that Dust is just about as ‘safe’ as mind-altering substances get, but you should have seen how much she had in her! I was afraid maybe it had caused some kind of neurological impairment.”

Great. She was afraid I was brain damaged. Heh. All things considered, I might be. It would certainly explain a few things.

“Thanks for coming out to check on her for us,” Tawnya said.

“Not a problem!” the stranger replied, “Any friend of Angela’s is a house call patient of mine.”

The voices retreated, heading further down the hall. “When we found her passed out like that, it really freaked me out. And then when she collapsed in my arms, it scared the shit outta me...”

I closed my eyes, resisting the urge to sob. No matter what I did, I always seemed to hurt someone. I felt a deep sense of despair welling up within me. Sioban lied for me... with the police. I’d have woken up in jail if it wasn’t for her. She... probably hates me after all this... ruining her and Tawnya’s good name and reputation just when they were starting to get the respect they deserved! Maybe... everyone would just be better off... without me around?

I turned my head away from the door, staring at the wall. Then I glanced back, noticing a glint of metal on the bedside table a few feet away. If I had to guess, I’d think I was in Tawnya’s bedroom.

Yeah, that was definitely her Star Wars—No, Star TREK—poster on the wall. I remembered her telling me how her brother had schlepped her to conventions up and down the Pacific Coast to get all those autographs on it. She had all the signatures but one, the guy that played the evil-looking alien dude (the Klinger? No, that’s MASH). It was amazing that the poster had survived the fire in Grimalde Tower, but her room there had been one of the few pockets that had been spared.

The table that had caught my eye contained a small catch purse, lying on its side, the contents partially spilled out. The thing that interested me, however, was the sheathed handle of the large Bowie knife lying on the far corner. Talk about “evil-looking”, I thought.

The knife. I can’t explain it. It sort of just drew me in. My previous suicide attempts had all been a bit.... grandiose, in retrospect. Stepping blindly into traffic, trying to blow myself up with explosives, even swallowing a bunch of unknown pills from the medicine cabinet—they were all flashy, glitzy, and complicated. Maybe I needed to keep it simple.

I glanced at my hands, at my wrists. Just a nice little nick, sliced end to end... and I would sink slowly into a warm sleepy fog... and just never wake up. I actually sat up, reached for the knife, and had it out of its sheath before I’d even realize it. I wasn’t going to do it. I... I don’t think I was going to do it. But I just couldn’t stop studying the honed and shiny blade. I was engrossed, fascinated—and then the bedroom door opened.

“...probably really hungry by now,” Tawnya was saying as she stepped through the doorway. And saw me, sitting up, the knife in my hand, my wrist outstretched. “Katie?” she said softly, disbelieving. “Katie, is that my—?”

Suddenly she was diving at me, screaming, “NOOOOOO!” She hit my wrist. Hard. As her body bowled me over, I watched as the knife tumbled through the air, like in slow motion, end over end... slicing right into the middle of that poster.

Then suddenly everything was dark. Tawnya was screaming at me, clutching me, her full weight pressing down on me. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t BREATHE. I started to struggle but I couldn’t bring myself to fight very hard. I had hurt her so much already. And Sioban. And my mom. And Yancy. Maybe I should just lie here and let it be...

“Tawnya!” said Sioban. It seemed to come from a great distance, but she must have been right beside the bed.

“Tawnya, get off her! You’re smothering her!”

Suddenly, just as quickly as she had fallen on me, she was off of me. Looking at me so strangely. Silently asking me “Why?”

I couldn’t meet her gaze. I looked down. I swallowed slightly, not knowing what to say, not trusting myself to speak. It was stupid, I know. A spur of the moment urge. I mean, I didn’t want to up and slit my wrists here in T-baby’s bedroom, and make a big mess all over the place.

And talk about freaking them out by passing out before! What kind of trauma would I have caused if they’d come back to find me dead in a puddle of blood in her BED?!? I was... damn, maybe I was brain damaged. Forget thinking clearly, I wasn’t thinking at all! I was just operating on feeling and impulse and raw deep emotion.

“I’m sorry...” I said, retreating back into the corner of the bed near the wall. “I wasn’t really gonna do it... I... I don’t think I was gonna do it... Oh... Oh Gawd! T... I ruined your poster!”

Sioban was on me in an instant, and I flinched, expecting anger or yelling, or cursing. Instead... she simply held me, caressing and stroking my hair. She cuddled me closely, gently, lovingly. But Tawnya sprang up out of the bed.

“The POSTER?” she shouted. I flinched again. THERE was the anger I had been expecting. With one smooth stroke Tawnya snatched her poster off the wall and shook it at me. Her prized possession, and I had ruined it.

Or... that’s what I thought she was mad about.

Grimacing painfully she shouted at me, “I don’t... give... a flying... FUCK... about... the POSTER!” punctuating her words with actions. And what actions! She was ripping the poster to shreds! “I don’t care about this SHIT. I care about YOU!”

Abruptly her expression changed from anger to yearning. She pleaded, “Please, Katie. I don’t want to lose you too. My mom is gone... My dad... Tyrone... Not you too, Katie. Please, not you too.”

I...I was in shock. Until that moment I hadn’t understood. My pain wasn’t just hurting me. It was hurting everyone who cared about me as well. But... what could I do? I couldn’t stop hurting. I didn’t know how. I began to sob helplessly, pitifully. I knew that that was exactly the wrong thing to do, but I couldn’t stop myself. I was flowing into despair the way water flows downhill.

“Katie-baby,” Sioban murmured, crying, crying for me, holding me so tight. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart... sorry I didn’t realize you were hurting THIS bad! What can we do to help? We love you. We do!”

“Me too, Katie,” Tawnya said, sniffing as well, pressing her sweet supple curves into my own. “And I’m sorry we left you alone. But please... please.... just talk to us, okay? I mean, we’re here for you. We’ll do anything you want. Anything! Just name it! Please... just talk to us, ’kay?”

“Right,” said Sioban, “Talk to us. We still don’t understand what you were trying to tell us when we found you. And we really need to.”

Hands on my cheeks, she turned my face up to look her in the eyes. Sad, concerned eyes. Probing, questing eyes.

“Just before you... you fainted,” She prompted, gently, “Just before you passed you... you kept saying that you killed Jessica. But honey, we all know it was Sureshot that killed her, not you.“

Then Sioban froze, just like she always does when she’s thinking. When she’s doing those amazing mental gymnastics she does.

“Wait. Ohh... Oh my God... Oh SHIT!” she continued, going stiff against me. “I get it now. I think...” she turned to me, and I could see by the pity in her eyes that she understood. Pity. The only thing worse that the anger and the sadness and the confusion. “Your power. Your good luck. It saved you... but not Jessica.”

I felt like a bug pinned down under a spotlight. Exposed. Helpless. Laid bare. All my deepest darkest shame was revealed now. Now that they saw the real me, surely they would hate me... the way I hated myself.

But not my Angels. I could barely believe it, but I could see it in her face. It was clear that Sioban somehow loved me now more than ever. Her eyes welling with tears, her chin trembling, the words she wanted to say clearly catching in her throat.

It was Tawnya who broke the silence. “Oh Goddess... you’re blaming yourself?”

Even as the horror of realization crossed her features, even as she saw the monster that I knew myself to be, I saw the same amazing outpouring of love in her eyes, on her face. In a heartbeat she was on the bed with us, hugging me from the other side.

“You think it’s all your fault?” she said, somehow sounding incredulous and compassionate at the same time, “’Cause, if she hadn’t come there looking for you in the first place, if she hadn’t been there with you, you think she would still be alive right now. Is that it?”

“I don’t think it,” I said defiantly, embracing the truth that was finally out in the open, “I know it. She died because of me. If she’d never seen me, if she’d never became my friend, my lover, my girlfriend... if I hadn’t allowed her to know my secret identity and tag along with me on patrols...” I remembered the killer in my dream now, when I’d smashed that mask, revealing my face.

My self-control faltered. I shivered and shook helplessly as I continued. “If I hadn’t... brought her... into my crazy... deadly... dangerous world... in the FIRST PLACE... she would still... BE ALIVE. Sh-h-h... Sh-h-h-ur... Sureshot... may have pulled... the trigger... but I... was the one... who KILLED HER.”

“No, uh uh. No, baby!” Sioban insisted, holding me tighter, “That’s not the way it is. By that logic, it’s also her mom’s fault for moving to River City in the first place... or her dad’s fault for not being there. Or the guy or girl that jilted her that pushed her into your loving arms in the first place.”

She shook her head. “Katie, you can’t think like that. I know you, kitten. And I didn’t know Jess long, but I think I knew her pretty well. She was stubborn, almost pigheaded sometimes. And let me tell you something, Katie... I say this with all the love in the world for both of you... Jess had you wrapped around her little finger. She was the one in the driver’s seat, not you. If she wanted something... really, really wanted it, you gave it to her, gave in to her, every time.”

I sat up, starting to protest, but Tawnya pushed me back down, shushing me with a kiss. Sioban double-teamed me from the other side, kissing my temple, my ear, my throat. “She also loved you completely,” Sioban breathed softly in my ear once Tawnya’s kiss broke, “She loved you more than anything else in the world. She worried about you. She never stopped imagining the danger you faced every time you went on patrol. Short of tying her to a chair and shoving her in your basement, there was no way you were going to keep her at home while you went out nightly to save the day.”

I laughed, slightly, a sharp bitter thing that brought tears to my eyes. “Yeah...” I sniffed loudly, half-sobbing. “I... actually threatened to do that to her once... said that almost word for word... and she still won the argument that day.”

To be fair, Jessica hadn’t ALWAYS insisted of coming on patrols with me... but when she did, it was hard to get her to change her mind. I was so thankful when she finally got the part time job at the diner, not because of the money, but because it gave her something else to do at nights besides try and follow me. I’d even started working a rotation of late night patrols to coincide with her work shifts so I could spend her days off together as much as possible. Still, it hadn’t helped this last time... she was even wearing her work uniform from the diner—or, well, a bimbo-virus-inspired perversion of her uniform—when she was shot.

I was jerked back to the present as two pairs of hands pulled me gently but firmly up from the bed, and began to touch me... here... and there... oooh, and especially there. “Hey!” I tried to protest, but my sweet, saucy Angels were having none of it. I half-heartedly tried to resist... but honestly, I didn’t have it in me. I just wanted to let go and let them do whatever they wanted to me. With me. Whatever.

“All you have to do is reach out to them,” I heard my brother’s voice whispering in the back of my head. I was so tired of fighting, so tired of hurting. I just wanted to forget the pain... just for a little while. So I gave in, I acquiesced, surrendering myself completely to my two loves, letting them do with me as they would. And slowly, ever so slowly, the despair surrounding me began to lift.

“You, Katiecat,” Tawnya said with a smirk, knowing all too well what that nickname did to me, “are entirely too self-absorbed.” She began nibbling and sucking at my throat.

I felt Sioban’s hot breath on my ear as she gently, lovingly, commanded me, “Katie-kitten, turn off your Neuroweave suit. It’s getting in the way.”

Moaning in anticipation, I eagerly obeyed.

Tawnya, meanwhile, began nibbling gently before kissing teasingly, working her way slowly up and down my over-sensitized teats while rubbing hers against my lower tummy. “Yep, altogether,” nip “entirely” kiss “too self-absorbed.” nip kiss “I bet you think” nip “you’re responsible” kiss “for the Kennedy Assassination as well...” nip

“Or the Hindenburg,” said Sioban kiss, “or the Titanic...” kiss

nip “Because you couldn’t somehow save THEM,” said Tawnya nip, “even though we weren’t even born yet,” kiss “silly!” kiss kiss

My eyes were crossed and my toes curled from their touches, kisses and love bites, but their words were trickling through. The unshakable cloud of guilt enveloping me began to lift somewhat. I’d been so sure of my own part in Jessica’s death, so utterly convinced that I should have done.... something. Something different, something, anything to save her from her fate.

But they were making me doubt that now. I mean... what would I have done differently if I’d had the chance? I hadn’t brought Jess with me that time. She’d left the diner and come to me, showing up as a complete surprise. And when the fires and explosions started, I’d intended to fly her back home, to take her to safety...

“Hindsight is always twenty-twenty,” Sioban whispered softly in my ear, somehow completely behind me now, her sweet bosom, soft comfortable cushions against my back, her teeth nibbling gently along my neckline, turning me to jelly. “It’s easy to agonize over what you MIGHT have done after the fact. But Katie, sweetie, trust me on this. Sometimes... sometimes Fate has a plan, and there’s nothing... you can do... to change it.”

I shuddered slightly, melting into her. So wise, so strong... and the words so familiar. My mom’s words. She’d said them often enough, had TRIED to tell me all this before, but I was too caught up in my anger and grief to listen. Mom. I’m sooo sorry. I should have listened. And Yancy... goddess! I only hope you both can forgive me. When this is all over, I swear I’ll make it up to you. I’ll grovel, and beg... anything...

And then one of the Angels, I’m not sure which, reached her fingers into my desperate needy pussy. and I groaned, submitting, not thinking at all anymore, just giving myself to them, surrendering. I let my Angels take me to heaven.

* * *

“Hello?” Bethany DuMont said, peering out of her front door at the stranger in front of her. “Yes, can I help you?”

“Miss DuMont?”

“It’s ‘Mrs.’ actually,” she said stiffly. Even though her husband had died several years ago and she’d never remarried, she still thought of herself as a ‘Mrs.’ “What can I do for you?”

“Well, um, it’s more about what I can do for you,” the slender blonde replied with a soft smile. “Oh, pardon me, where are my manners? My name is Dr. Evangeline Snow. I’m a—”

“Snow?!?” Bethany exclaimed, eyes narrowing. “Ah. I see. I get it now. You’re her ‘Aunt Eva’ the girls used to always talk about. I should have known. Jessica told me that she went to see you about something... not long before she DIED.” Her features hardened. She shook her head woodenly. “Listen. I told Katherine, then I told her mother when SHE and that little redhead came by, and now I’m telling YOU. I do not want any of your kind at my daughter’s funeral! You costumed vigilantes are supposed to HELP people, not put them in the middle of danger! Jessica’s death is on all of your heads, and I’ll be DAMNED if I allow any of you to ruin this occasion with your presence!”

She moved to slam the door, but Eva, knowing it was coming, managed to slid a hand in first. “Wait, please, Mrs. DuMont. I think you have it all wrong. There’s more to what happened that night than you might realize. I was hoping that if you heard the whole story, if you had a chance to listen to what I had to say, that I could change your mind.” She flashed her best smile. “Please. I won’t be long. All I’m asking for are a few minutes of your time. And there’s so much of your daughter’s life that you never knew about. Don’t you want to know?“

Bethany wavered, her anger and pain over her daughter’s death warring with her curiosity and her need to understand why this had happened. “Fine,” she snapped, opening the door, allowing her inside. “You have five minutes. After that, if I don’t like what I hear, I’m throwing you out and calling the police.”

“Fair enough, Eva said, walking inside. She glanced around at the small but tastefully decorated room. “A lovely home you have here,” she said cordially.

“I know,” Bethany shot back, coldly. “Four minutes and fifty seconds.”

Eva sighed. “Very well. First off, I am very sorry that we kept you in the dark all this time. We heroes keep our identities secret specifically for this reason—to keep our loved ones out of danger, to keep some very bad people, the villains we fight, from seeking retribution through our loved ones. If the world at large knew who we were, we could never live a normal life. Katie’s identity as Luminaire is known by a very small circle of people. And she was taught from a very early age the dangers of this lifestyle. And Jessica knew about those dangers too. They both knew what they were getting into, having a relationship like this, but they were both willing to face those dangers, together, as a couple, as lovers.”

Eva sighed. “It’s not easy, you know. Relationships between Supers and non-Supers are hard enough even when the Super isn’t patrolling along the rooftops every night. Until just recently, my partner and I were in a relationship like that. And even though I’m mostly ‘retired’ from my costume-wearing days, my extra-curricular activities caused a noticeable strain.” She shook her head. “In the end, we both just kind of... drifted apart. She moved on a few weeks ago, found someone else, though we’re still good friends. We even work together—“

She moved on? Did I hear you right?” Bethany cut in, eyeing her with smug superiority. “Uh huh. So, you’re JUST like Katie, aren’t you... a super-powered freak AND flaming DYKE!“

Eva bristled slightly at the insult, but forced herself to remain calm. “Yes, I am a lesbian.” Well, with one notable exception, she thought smiling on the inside. “As was your daughter.” At Bethany’s scowl, she raised a hand. “I’m sorry if this is an uncomfortable subject for you, Mrs. DuMont, but the truth is the truth. Jessica was a lesbian. And she wasn’t tricked into it, drugged or manipulated, or brainwashed into it. She and I talked numerous times about her feelings, and her relationship with my niece, among other things, and I am convinced that her feelings were all genuine.“

“Well you would know, wouldn’t you, doctor? So exactly what sort of... services... do you provide to little girls like my daughter? No, never mind. I don’t want to know.” Bethany looked at Eva as if her gorge was about to rise. “And that’s two minutes, forty-five seconds left.“

Eva closed her eyes, praying for strength. “Look. I understand your anger. Truly I do. But you’re blaming the wrong people. Sureshot, the assassin that took your daughter’s life, the man who pulled the trigger—he’s the one responsible. And Duncan Frasier, the madman from the news reports, the one who sent him to kill Katie and your daughter—he’s responsible. Neither of them were your normal run-of-the mill street criminals. Both of them were monsters, both of them had special powers, and if not for a twist of sheer luck, both of them would have claimed many more lives than they did! Katie mourns the fact that she couldn’t stop that assassin from killing the love of her life—but she DID stop him. She blinded him, and sent him to the hospital, under police guard. When he’s well enough to stand trial, he’ll be put away where he’ll never be able to hurt anyone again—”

“Are you stupid?!?” Bethany shrieked at her. “Or are you too busy boinking little girls to pay attention to the news? Laraby Fredrickson escaped custody three days ago, and the police don’t have a fucking clue, as usual.” Her scowl deepened. “So, all hail the Mighty Katie. She couldn’t even get revenge right! On a damned cripple! And you say a ‘mad Frasier’ was behind all this? Why am I not surprised? All you ‘Frasiers’ are mad as far as I can tell. I wish to God that I had never heard the name ‘Frasier’, and God willing the day will come when I never hear it again!”

Sureshot’s out? Damn! That can’t be good. Eva mused. But... he’s blind, and only has one arm! He can’t be much of a threat. And he couldn’t have escaped on his own—he had to have had help. I’d better let everyone know... well, not Katie. She’s dealing with enough right now. And he won’t go after her again... not this soon anyway. With the injuries he’s sporting, he’ll need at least a few more weeks to recover.

“So, Sureshot escaped,” Eva said after a moment. “Tragic. Unfortunate. But that’s not Katie’s fault. The only thing she could have done different to keep that from happening would have been to kill the man. And the only reason she didn’t, as much as she wanted to, was because HER parents raised her better than that. She’s not a killer. She’s a heroine. She stopped him from doing more harm, and that’s all. And before you say that that doesn’t mean anything to you, let me remind you that she was THERE, she saw the woman she LOVED, more than anything in the whole entire world, murdered before her eyes. She lives with that pain every day, agonizing over what she could have done differently. The girl cries herself to sleep at night, wishing she could trade places with Jessica, wishing SHE had died instead of your daughter.”

“Good,” Bethany said savagely. “I want her to suffer. I hope she never has another night’s sleep in her whole perverted life. And your five minutes are up. Get out. Now.”

Eva gaped at the woman, stunned. “Didn’t you... didn’t you hear me? She’s just a girl, a child, mourning the loss of her lover, and you feel no sympathy, no empathy, no pity for her at all? You yourself know what that feels like! The reason you never remarried is because your husband Jack, died trying to—”

“Shut up!” Bethany screamed, covering her ears. “Shut your filthy lezbo mouth! You don’t know anything about my Jack? Who told you? Who’s been telling you lies?... No. don’t answer that. " Walking over to the night stand, she reached for the phone. “I told you to get out of my house! I’m calling the police! Get out!”

Eva sighed deeply. “Okay. Fine. That’s enough. I’ve tried to be patient, tried to show some sympathy and kindness to a grieving mother... but there’s a lot more to you than that. Or maybe I should say ‘less’. You’re a twisted, bitter, sanctimonious old bitch—”

“How DARE you!” Bethany growled, clutching the phone in her hand. “That’s it! I’m calling 9-1-1!” She flipped open the phone, and listened for the dial tone.

“—and I’m not about to stand idly by while you destroy an innocent young girl out of spite!” Eva finished, tapping into her powers. Bethany froze, her finger hovering above the nine key for a second, before switching off the phone and calmly putting it down. Her eyes, the only part of her body that remained under her control, were wide and frightened, despite the calm expression on her face. Calmly, she walked a few feet over to stand in front of her visitor.

“Usually I would be too ashamed to use my powers this way on a civilian; I’d feel guilty,” Eva murmured softly, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “In your case, however, I going to enjoy it. Now, listen carefully, Bethany. In just a moment, when I leave here, you are going to have a sudden change of heart. You’re going to realize that little Katie Ann, the sweet little girl that used to play in the back yard with your daughter all those years ago, is hurting just as much as you are. You’re going to suddenly realize what an awful spiteful homophobic BITCH you’ve been towards her. You’re going to call her up. You’re going to invite her to the funeral. In fact, you’ll insist on it. And since you’re in such a forgiving mood, you’ll even ask her for her input and have her help with the arrangements. After all, Jessica was her lover, so it’s only right that she have a part in how she is laid to rest. Nod if you understand me so far.”

Bethany nodded. Despite herself, she could feel the words slipping into her mind, worming their way into her brain, shifting around her thoughts and feelings to match the instructions she’d been given. Inside, she was howling, screaming, begging to get free, to have this monster OUT of her head, to leave her alone, in peace. But Eva wasn’t quite done yet.

“Ah.... I see in your mind that you’re not very happy with this turn of events. Well, that’s fine. Once I leave here, you won’t even remember my visit, and our little talk, though my words will have a lasting effect. Of that, I promise you.” She smiled wickedly. “But let me make things a little easier on you. I see you have family in Florida... a sister living in Boca Raton. After the funeral, you will find yourself growing disillusioned with life here in this city. Too many bad memories. Within a week, you’ll find yourself wanting to leave here permanently, to go back home to Florida to live with your sister.” Taking a small card out of her pocket, she placed it in Bethany’s shirt pocket. “Keep this card but forget about it for now. When the time is right, give him call. He’s a very good realtor, and I’m sure he’ll get you fair value for this house.” Turning to leave, she paused at the door, considering.

“Oh, and one more thing,” she added with a sharp tone. “I’m placing one last little surprise inside your mind that you ALSO won’t remember once I leave. The next time you make a homophobic comment or remark, you’ll feel a sudden irresistible, unstoppable compulsion come over you... a compulsion to ‘take a walk on the wild side’ as it were. You’ll find yourself drawn to the first pretty young girl that catches your eye, find yourself smitten by her, and will be unable to think of anything else but having sex with her until you find a way—well, short of violence—to make it happen.” She chuckled softly at the implications, and the look in Bethany’s eyes. “Oh, don’t worry, it’s not permanent. It will wear off once you actually have sex with the girl. Then you’ll be back to your normal dreadful self again... but maybe a little bit more open minded for having walked a mile in our moccasins!” With that, she left, closing the door behind her.

* * *

I was loved.

It seemed... incredible. Impossible. Just a few days ago, hours ago... hell, just thirty minutes ago, I could have never imagined feeling so... light again. Snuggled up naked against the two loves of my life, I felt... well, not content exactly. I was still a long way away from happiness and contentment. Jess’ death still weighed heavily on me, and I wasn’t sure if I would ever truly be able to think of her and smile again. But I felt... better. Like, the world still sucked, and everything was awful and terrible... but as long as I have such a warm feeling of love and caring surrounding me, it was somehow okay. I could endure it.

The loss of my beloved had left a jagged hole in my heart and my soul, but for the very first time, I could feel that hurt... healing. I sat up, eliciting a soft groan from my two friends. Don’t worry, sweethearts, I thought with glee, I’m about to make it up to you.

“Tawnya,” I said teasingly, causing her to stir and open her eyes. “Have I ever told you how beautiful your body is?” Not giving her a chance to answer, I pressed my lips to hers, kissing her passionately, letting my hands travel lightly down to her chest. She mewled her response, a sweet soft submissive sound that stoked fires hidden down deep within me. With Jess, this would have signaled a bit of fun role-reversal play time, but I wasn’t in that frame of mind just now. I wanted to submit, but I also wanted to be in charge. I wanted to be free to do what I wanted FOR her, to make her mewl and sigh and coo... and cum her freaking brains out.

I wanted to please.

“Sioban?” I said, breaking our kiss, taking advantage of T-Baby’s breathless slightly dazed state, “think you can help me show ‘Sexual Chocolate’ here a good time?”

Amused by my playful tone, delighted at my lightened mood, she nodded, grinning evilly, no doubt curious as to what I had in mind. “Certainly, Kitten. What’s the game?”

“Oh, I think you’ll figure it out,” I replied with a wink. “For now, just do me a favor and hold onto her wrists. Don’t let her go.” I leaned forward, snatching a quick kiss from my scarlet hewed lover as well before slinking catlike down Tawnya’s firm toned sexy bod. “Other than that, her upper body is all yours to play with.”

“Huh? Hey, wait,” Tawyna protested weakly, the first inkling that she might be in trouble rearing its lovely head. “What’s going on? Katie, what are you—eeeeeiiieeeekkk!!” she squealed lovingly as I goosed her sides, a sound that brought me half-lidded with desire. “Hey, watch it,” she grumbled, still grinning, “That...” And suddenly, it clicked, the memory of all our talks about the games Jess and I used to play coming to the forefront of her mind, and she cringed. “Oh no... no, no no,” she protested, tittering already as I wiggled my fingers lovingly towards her flat tone tummy. “S’ban! Don’t let her do this to meeeeeeeehehehehehehehe!” she laughed, as my fingers made contact.

I have to say, in the grand scheme of things, I haven’t been a sexual creature all that long. Until about a year or so ago, the most I’d done was a bit of ‘self-love’ now and again on lonely nights, imagining myself in the arms of some faceless mysterious lover. But since my somewhat-rude sexual awakening down in Florida, those lovely arms had become soft, strong, but definitely feminine, and the faceless image was replaced with my best friend... along with a few other notable females in my life. Just a little less than a year; however, I now considered myself an expert. I’d been trained and taught by the best. And with my new sweet giggling playmate, I intended to put all that training to the test.

“Haaaaaahhhhhahahahaha!!” Tawyna squealed, bucking up from the bed as my teeth, lips and tongue joined my fingers in teasing her cute little tummy, forcing me to expend quite a bit of strength in holding her down.“Waaa... haaahaha... Siobaaaaann!! Heeheheheheeelllp meeehehehe! I can’t sssssssstand it!!! Hahahahaa....” I wasn’t quite sure which of us was stronger, me with my inherited powers, or her with her natural physique and magical powers, but we were pretty even matched at the moment. With Sioban helping we had more than enough muscle to keep her from escaping. I wanted to take my time and work my way down her sexy quivering frame, but she was even more ticklish than I was, bucking wildly with each poke and caress, and we were having trouble keeping her under control. I glanced up at Sioban, and winked.

“Awww? Is big, bad, tough ol’ Tawnya, a tickwish widdle baby?” Sioban teased, spidering in a few tickles of her own. “Cooochie cooochie coooo!” It was just a few touches along her outstretched underarms, but the combination of the teasing and her helplessness (which of course, I knew all about from personal experience) caused her to go ballistic. She howled, thrashing in a frenzy for several minutes, while Sioban and I held on for dear life, tickling our sexy little vibratin’ beauty out of her blessed mind! As I’d hoped, she lasted about two minutes before slumping down into a quivering mess, worn out by her uncoordinated struggling, leaving her completely at our mercy. Just the way I wanted her.

“Okay, Bon-bon, ease off a bit, please,” I instructed, “but don’t stop completely. Just soft gentle touches, enough to make her giggle but not thrash too much.” Nodding, she followed my instructions, and I began nibbling and sucking my way down her tummy, towards her thighs, and the soft golden treasure nestled between them. T-baby was still giggling sweetly, moaning occasionally, but too worn out even to protest. I pulled away for a moment, to instruct Sioban once more. “Try teasing and tickling her breasts now, love. Everywhere but her nipples. They should be really sensitive now, and we don’t want our girl to pop too soon.”

Sioban chuckled wickedly. “You got it, Katie. Mmmm... I really love how you think.” She shuddered slightly, imagining herself in Tawnya’s place, helplessly teased and tormented so lovingly by this suddenly strong and confident Katie Frasier. “I have to say, I, ah, like this side of you. I think I can see why Jessica fell so hard for you.”

As for Tawnya, I was doing my dead level best to keep her from being able to think at all. By now, I had reached the valley between her thighs, and I was taking the scenic route to her overflowing pussy. Somewhere along the line, her giggles had transmuted to moans of pure pleasure, as our tickling touches had become sensual in nature, still light and teasing, eliciting the occasional giggle, but overall, very pleasurable. I was about to throw a monkey wrench into sweet T-baby’s gears, however, as my hands moved ahead, down along her thighs, ramping up the tickling again even as my mouth continued its long slow torturous journey towards Tawnya’s creamy center.

“Aaaahhhhh!! Nnnooo... noononohohohohohaaaahahhaa,” she protested as the orgasm that seems just within reach was rudely pushed aside by the tickling feeling again. Sioban, catching on, began a nibbling, prickly toothed journey of her own along her partner’s smooth hairless underarms, while her hands continued to squeeze and grope Tawnya’s ample bosom, adding fuel to the fire. She managed a few more seconds of thrashing before tiring out again.

As I’d said before, I’ve gotten to be an expert at this. It was a bit like walking a tightrope, but the end result would be more than worth the effort. For this next part, however, I needed to resort to a little bit of trickery to pull it off. “Bonnie-love,” I said sweetly, “would you release her wrists in a second when I tell you, and stay back a bit? This next part is really intense... and I want Tawnya’s focus to be solely on me. Please?”

Sioban smiled. “Anything you say, Katiecat,” she said with a smirk, causing my breath to catch and my toes to curl in pleasure.

Nevertheless, I turn my attention back to my mocha-skinned love, raising my face—chin slick with her love juices—back to look her in the eye. My hands had reached her feet now, and I lifted them, placing them lightly on my shoulders, as I spread her thighs wider. “Tawnya, love,” I said softly, still tickling lightly with one hand, caressing her pussy lips with the other, “I need you to listen to me. Need you to focus a second. You’re fighting me. Fighting the tickling.”

I sighed softly, easing off enough to give her a moment to collect herself. “Don’t. Don’t fight it, Don’t resist it. Trust me, baby... I know what you’re feeling. It’s a little scary... being so out of control... your body fighting on instinct. But... you don’t need to fight. Just relax, sweetie... relax and let yourself simply feel.” I smiled, naughtily, extending my tongue to lick deftly along the center of her left sole, feeling her kick slightly as she let out another high pitched squeak. “I know, baby, I know.. it tickles. It tickles like hell. But... it also feels good if you’ll let it.” I replied, licking again, slower this time. “And baby... you know I would never... EVER... do anything to hurt you. I only want to make you feel good. Trust me.“

That, I think pierced the fog enveloping her. Tawnya managed a soft nod, and closed her eyes. I could feel her body relax in my arms now, and satisfied, I nodded to Sioban. Using my Light, I wrapped her wrists together in a small cocoon, and placed a pair of small dots of light right atop her nipples. To be extra special sure she went off like a rocket, I placed a few more dots in tender points—in the hollows of her underarms, behind her knees, along her inner thighs, and even just along the crack of her sweet apple shaped ass. I winked at Sioban, who watched with wide eyes, waiting for the fireworks, as I leaned forward, diving into the center of my sweet girl’s pussy... as my nails raked vigorously up and down her bare feet.

She exploded. Literally. Wait... not literally. Figuratively. You know what I mean.

Our earlier teasing had T-Baby suitably primed, and ready, even with the small breaks. The tickling had her body overly sensitized, as well as subtly raising her arousal without her fully realizing it. When I enveloped her sweet throbbing little clitty into my mouth, it was too much for her to hold back. At the instant she started to cum, however, the brutal tickling kicked in, like pouring gasoline on an open fire. Her orgasm shattered, splintering into a million mini-multiple rapid-fire-gasms, that shook every part of her. At the same time, my little light dots began pulsing with energy, vibrating with warmth and tenderness and a tiny bit if tickling sensation, just to add more fuel to the bonfire.

For Tonya it was like being on the highest cloud in heaven and the lowest depths of hell simultaneously. Her body must have felt as if it was coming apart at the seams, overloaded with conflicting sensations that somehow, some way, merged together into perfect pleasure. Moreover, I had been right about her need to surrender; resisting it, fighting it, had only distracted her from the pleasure. Giving in, accepting it all, the good with the bad, allowed the feeling to grow and grow and—when she was sure it couldn’t grow anymore—grow again... until there was no bad, only good, only awesome, only utter euphoria.

Nigel wasn’t THAT much of a sadist. Aside from an occasional brutal spanking, when he was feeling particularly wicked, or the occasional ‘rough sex’ session when Patricia was in the mood, he treated them all with love and tenderness and respect. Still, Tawyna knew about S&M, about how pain could, under the right circumstances, become pleasure beyond pleasure. That was she felt now: pleasure BEYOND pleasure. She couldn’t stand it, couldn’t endure it... but she wanted it to last forever.

“OOOOOHHHHHHAGAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAADDDDD!!!” she keened, arching her back, curling her toes then stretching them wide, inviting more tickling, more sensation, more everything, just as I began to back off, easing off the throttle enough for her to free fall the rest of the way down “Kaaaaaatttieeeeeeee!!” she screamed, before gasping, gasping, then shuddered, aftershocks of pleasure wracking her tired sweat soaked form. “OOhhhhh fuucck... ohhhh ffuuucccck... sooo good... soooo fuccking fu... fu... gooooddd...” she manages before passing out cold.

Panting, more than a bit winded myself, I glanced up at Sioban, who sat, dazed, moaning in sympathetic joy, one hand virtually crushing one of her breasts, while the other worked furiously between her own tender thighs. Sliding out from between Tawnya’s legs, I sauntered over to Bonnie, very much like the cat who’d swallowed the canary. “Hey, Bon-bon,” I purred lightly, licking my juice stained lips teasingly. “Did that last bit turn you on? You seem to be a little bit... uptight.” I leaned closer, using my very slight height advantage to look down on her, my clear grey-blue eyes staring into her beautiful dazed sapphire blue ones. “Would you like me to... help you out a bit?” I asked, holding up a lightly glowing finger, tracing a soft tender line down her chest, towards her delta, letting the pulsing increase as it drew closer.

“I know just what you need to push you over the edge, S’bon,” I murmured, pulling her into a deep kiss as my finger finally reached its destination. Her eyes widened, then rolled back into her head as she came, hard, shuddering against me. I held her gently, loving her, caressing her as the shudders faded, then pulled back, grinning at her.

“So,” I asked, cracking my knuckles before wiggling my fingers in the air, “ready for your turn?”