The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Light and Shadows 9: Hidden Within the Shadows

By J. Darksong & Gbrn32e

* * *

Ch. 1) The Light on the Dark Side

All things considered, I’d have to say I am one lucky guy.

And no, I don’t say this ironically, or sarcastically, or in any way expressing the opposite view. Yes, I am pretty much the walking poster boy for bad luck, which does still, to this day, occasionally plague me. I’ve gotten much better at controlling my powers, but even still, shit happens. No... I mean that I am a lucky man—in a good way—because I have some truly wonderful and phenomenal people in my life.

My family is truly awesome. I’d recently run afoul of a particularly brutal and vindictive woman named Christina Montenegra, a syndicate crime lord better known as Serpentina. I wouldn’t want to bore you with the graphic and gory details, just suffice it to say that she’d tried her hardest to rip out my heart and soul, and wear them around her shoulder like a fur stole, while using my severed skull as an ashtray. Luckily, my family and friends were able to rescue me from that nightmare, and even stood by me and supported me as I slowly put the shattered pieces of my life back together.

My baby sister Katie was a welcome and refreshing sight as well. I’d truly missed being around her, and it was nice to reconnect... at least for a while. She was obviously suffering her own heartbreak in a big way, still reeling from the tragic loss of her childhood friend and girlfriend, Jessica. Still, she’d gone out of her way to make me feel cared for and loved. I actually felt guilty that I hadn’t been there to do the same for her when Jess died. I really wanted to talk to her about it, to get her to truly let go and vent some of the pain I knew she was holding inside... but she was right. I wasn’t really in any shape to deal with her trauma while I was still recovering from my own.

Luckily, Katie had a support network of her own in the lovely and talented Sioban MacMillan, and her beautiful and spirited partner, Tawnya Parkinson. The two of them were just so... perfect for Katie. It was actually kind of weird in a way. I hadn’t known either of them for long, had gotten a few occasional visions of them together though my link with Katie... and yet, they felt as close as family to me. Tawnya felt like a younger kid sister, someone who would have fit right in with our family growing up. And Sioban...


My sister was so crazy in love with that girl it was almost scary. And the feeling was mutual, and obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes. Yet, I got the distinct impression that they were BOTH completely oblivious to that fact. I’d tried a few times to have a conversation with both of them, but my health issues forcing me back to the hospital until I was fully recovered, and a general lack of time before they had to leave, kept us apart. Nevertheless, I was confident that they’d figure it out eventually. It’s rare to meet two people who are not merely in love but who are actual soulmates. And those two definitely fit the bill.

Which of course, brings me to my OWN beloved soulmate and reason for drawing breath. Devon McKinley, my own little heroine, who had traveled across the country to find and rescue me along with my Dad;s people, risking life and limb to bring me back safely. It was a bit daunting, and a bit sobering. The girl was pretty much just a college student, with no specialized training or skills. Yes, she was a Super, with the ability to see the future, but even THAT was a recent development. That’s she’d faced such impossible odds just for me...

Yeah, well... you see what I mean. I have a lot of really incredible, really amazing people in my life. And I’m thankful for them every single day. When I was down in those dungeon’s dark depths, thinking this was how I would end my life, knowing I would never again be able to see the people I cared for the most, the only bright spot I had to hold onto was the memory of the good times we’d shared, and the vision of her, the way she felt, the way she smelled, the way she tasted... I have to think that, more than anything else, is what kept me going.

Yes, Devon was definitely the love of my life. And sitting here in my Advanced Anatomy class, watching a video of a thoracic cavity search, I couldn’t help but count the minutes until class was over and I could get back to her. Even though things between us were great, I got the feeling that she was feeling a little down in the dumps. I’d planned a little surprise for her, a nice evening on the town at ‘Le Pigeon’, the fancy French restaurant over on Burnside that she’d been talking about for the past week or so. I personally preferred Italian cuisine myself, but I was willing to live a little if it brightened up her day.

“All right, class,” Dr. Winstead said with a quick glance at her watch, “that’s all for today. Be prepared for the exam on Monday, so be sure to review your notes over this weekend.” A soft chorus of groans escaped from the class as they filed out. “A moment please, Mr. Frasier,” the professor called out as I stood up to make my own exit. I groaned inwardly as the interruption, having an inkling of what this might be about, but waited patiently as my fellow students departed. Once the door closed, the teacher’s stoic professional demeanor changed radically.

“So, Mr. Frasier,” she practically purred, “how are you enjoying my little class so far?”

I swallowed deeply. “It’s very informative. I think I’ve learned quite a bit from it so far.”

“I see,” she said, walking in front of her desk, leaning against it idly, pressing both of her arms back against the edge of the desk, which only emphasized her rather ample chest. She crossed her legs at the ankles, causing her navy blue skirt to ride up slightly, showing a hint of thigh through the slit on the side. “Perhaps you’d consider attending one of my... private tutoring sessions?” she said in faux innocence, the wicked smile on her face revealing the truth of her words. “I’m sure there’s a lot more I could... teach you.”

Yeah. It was going exactly as I thought. I’d overheard a few of my classmates talking the other day. Apparently, the lovely Dr. Christine Winstead was attempting to make her way through the male population of student body. Very beautiful and youthful, the thirty-six year old preferred her lovers younger, with a touch of inexperience to them. And now, apparently, she had set her sights on me. Her offer to ‘teach me’ a few things was actually brutally honest in that respect.

“Thanks for the offer, Doctor Winstead,” I replied lightly, quickly packing up my books and materials, “but I think I’m retaining everything well enough in class. I do have the highest average in the class after all.”

I swear, the woman gave the cutest pout I’d ever seen. Little Lucy, Uncle Parker’s seven year old daughter, would have been hard pressed to do better. “Oh, but Jimmy,” she said sweetly, “can I call you Jimmy? Surely there are other subjects you could use a little tutoring in? After all... a woman of my age and experience has much that she could teach a young man such as yourself, just starting out.”

Okay. Villain-hero banter I have down pretty well by now. With flirtation and innuendo, however, I am completely out of my element. Taking a deep breathing, trying to be as diplomatic as possible, I turned to face my instructor. “Okay, Doctor Winstead,” I began, only to be cut off.

“Please, Jimmy,” she purred again, leaning back against the desk again, extending her left leg slightly, pointing the toes of her navy high heeled pump towards me. “Class is over. You can call me ‘Christy’ now.”

Doctor Winstead,” I continued, stressing her professional title, “I’m very flattered by the attention and the offer. Really. But I neither need nor desire the ‘extra credit’ you’re offering. I’m quite happy with my grades as they are right now. Besides, I have a girlfriend at home waiting for me, one that I have been neglecting for far too long as it is. My time is precious, and I just can’t spare any of it right now. I hope you can understand that.“

The playful look on her face was replaced by a look of stunned disbelief. As if she couldn’t believe I was turning her down. “Ar... are you serious?” she asked incredulously. “Do YOU understand what it is I’m offering you?”

“Yes, I do,” I replied honestly, making my way past her. “And yes, I very much appreciate the offer. But I’m just not interested.” An honest reply at that. Christine Winstead was a very lovely woman, with a very beautiful, curvy and sexy body, and beautiful face. And if the grapevine was to be believed, she was damn good at what she was offering, to the point that she could probably write a book!

And yet, all that aside, growing up with the likes of my mom, my Aunts—Evangeline Snow, Veronica Albinn, Sarah LaSilvas, and Valerie Raine—and more recently, new friends of the family, Delores Guiterrez, Angela Prentiss, Patricia Grimalde, Sioban MacMillan, Constance Yamanohana, and Tawnya Parkinson, all of which were drop dead gorgeous in their own right... Comparatively speaking, my instructor would have to be a supermodel just to get a second look from me.

Not that I’d admit as much out loud, certainly not to the woman glaring daggers at me. But in a way, it kind of puts things into perspective for me. Because, as enchantingly beautiful as all the women I’d listed before were, in my eyes, none of them were more beautiful than Devon. The thought of her, and the plans I’d made for the rest of the evening, brought a smile to my face. “See you next week,” I said cheerfully as I left the classroom without a backward glance.

* * *

Stepping out of the concourse, the cigarette was already out of the pack and lit the instant she cleared the outside doors. Rose sighed heavily, nearly folding in on herself as the nicotine hit her system, letting the stress she was dealing with fade away like a puff of smoke on the wind. At least for the moment. Goddamn coach, she grumbled silently. Never again. Seven goddamn fucking hours of little Pee Wee crying and screaming his goddamn head off because the fucking bitch of a stewardess made him put away his goddamn fucking 3DS. As if a fucking VIDEO GAME would cause a fucking plane to crash! She shook her head ruefully, wondering idly how the normal people dealt with this kind of thing on a regular basis. Normally, her travel was arranged through the company through a private jet, or on occasion, military transport. On the rare times that she’d been forced to ride commercial, it was always first class, with a private isolated compartment for her to focus and concentrate on the upcoming mission in peace.

And yet, now I’m forced to travel this way to keep a low profile, she thought with a sigh, making her way towards the taxicab she’d called. Not that it even really matters at this point. No one is tracking me or even looking for me. I’m on leave with the company. Besides, the Boss is too occupied with his own personal issues these days to worry about me. That last thought came out a bit bitterly, surprising Rose herself. Even now, as committed to this crazy desperate scheme as she was, a small part of her wished her Master cared enough about her to swoop in and stop her, to discipline her, punish her for going against His wishes.

No. What I REALLY want is for Him to somehow come up with a way to save Chloe Himself, so I don’t have to do this, she thought sadly, closing her eyes as the taxicab began to drive off to its destination. After several minutes, she sighed softly, opening her eyes to glance at the scenery. River City was a large sprawling metropolis with a wide and varied nightlife. In the wealthier, more financially set parts of town, the glitter and flash of neon lights lit the landscape with its allure, promising music, and fun, and if you knew where to look, sex and drugs. The poorer sections promised more of the same, though not as brightly advertised. Indeed, the establishment she was heading towards was one that you would never even notice, let alone find, if you were not already in the know.

“We’re here,” the cabbie barked unceremoniously, pulling to a stop next to an old run down and dilapidated shack of a building. Rose merely nodded, tossing the man a pair of twenties, more than the actual fare by half, but given the rough neighborhood they were in, necessary to ensure he’d come back for the return trip once she was done. The door had barely close behind her before the driver had taken off, skidding slightly as it turned the curve, eager to escape from the neighborhood. Rose smirked at that. There are worse places than this, pal, she thought drily as she walked up to the front door, and I’ve been to most of them.

Knocking in three short staccato bursts, Rose waited for another second before knocking again twice. The metal flap slide back, and a pair of eyes glanced out at her. “It’s me, Bobby,” she barked, slightly irritated at the unnecessary procedure of it all. “Let me in. It’s fucking cold out here, and I’m tired from the damn seven hour flight.”

“’Me’, who?” a raspy deep voice answered back nervously. “How do I know it’s really you? You could be a look alike... a clone or something. Or a robot. They make those now adays, you know. I keep up with the tech news! Say something that only the real you would say!”

“How about, ‘Open up the goddamn door right now, or I’ll phase through, and stick my boot so far up your goddamn skinny ass you’ll vomit up my shoelaces’!” she growled. After a second, the locks clicked, and the heavy metal door swung open. “Jeez, Bobby,” she grumbled, shoving past him, “I don’t know why I put up with your fucking shit every time I come here! I’ve told you a thousand times—if you can’t handle that shit without getting all paranoid, then you need to stop taking it!”

“And I keep telling you,” the scruffy emaciated bearded man replied, closing and triple locking his door once more, “I need that shit to keep me evened out. The prescription meds don’t work, and you’ve seen me when I’m completely clean.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Do you REALLY want a repeat of that?”

Despite herself, Rose, shuddered. “Fine. Forget I said anything. Do what you’ve gotta do. Just tell me your head’s on straight enough to help me with this thing like you promised,” she said, tossing him the package she’d ‘liberated’ in New York earlier.

“Huh? This it?” he asked, opening the package, removing the large heavy metal cylinder with wires and cables trailing behind it. “You actually got it?” Shaking his head, all business now, Bobby made his way across the room to the tiny little nook in the corner. Despite the chaos and clutter of the rest of the house, the work station in the corner was practically pristine, and completely in order. Heh. A lot like the man himself, Rose thought to herself, watching him work.

One of her earlier cases, Robert Edmonds had been a promising college student, a scientific whiz, an electronics genius with a promising future. He also had a very beautiful and caring girlfriend, a lovely sweet young girl named Erin Foster, who, unfortunately, had attracted the attention of an evil and unscrupulous mind controller with a sadistic streak. The bastard had simply decided to take Erin as his newest fucktoy, and when Robert had protested, trying to protect his girlfriend, the fucker responded by frying the poor boy’s brain, turning him into a fractured, disorganized, drug addict. Rose had taken great personal delight in taking the bastard out, slowly and painfully, but the while the deprogrammers had been able to restore Erin mostly back to her normal self, there was little they could do to help fix Bobby.

Amazingly, he’d managed to achieve a new kind of normal for himself, his broken and drug addicted brain adapting slowly over time, and he managed to obtain something akin to normalcy. Still too unstable to hold down a regular job, and dependent on illegal drugs to keep himself evened out, he’d begun selling his services to anyone willing to pay, and had actually managed to eke out a living for himself. Rose had offered several times to try and help him, to set him up in a better part of town, to even introduce him to her Boss, who would be sympathetic to his ‘special circumstances’ and get him on the payroll... but Bobby refused. He was proud of what he’d managed to accomplish by himself despite everything, but most of all, he was comfortable where he was. The thing he valued the most was stability, and if what he had currently worked for him, he was loath to change things.

“Yeah, yeah... oh man... freaking yeah,” he murmured loudly, tapping away at his keyboard, the device plugged in and jury rigged to several different devices that Rose couldn’t even begin to guess at. Despite his appearance, the man was still a top notch techno geek, and he knew his shit. He’d helped her on more than a few cases, and Rose knew that if there was anyone she could depend on to help her figure out the best way to use the gizmo she’d just stolen, it was Bobby. After several more minutes, he turned back to face her, grinning like an idiot.

“Oh yeah, babe! Yer in business! This shit is legit, all right,” he said with a vigorous nod.

“Yes, thank you, I kind of figured,” Rose replied drily, “considering everything I had to go through to get the damn thing. Now, can you tell me what I need to use it, and how exactly I do that?”

“Oh! Yeah right. Sorry,” he said with a shrug. “What you’ve got here is a spanking new state-of-the-art dermographic regenerator. Without getting all technical on you, it basically bombards the affected area of skin with energy, and stimulates it to heal itself and regrow new cells.” He shook his head. “It’s freaking fantastic! Man... I heard MedTek was researching something like that a few years ago back when I was in school, but I thought it was just a pipe dream, yanno? I mean, a laser beam that doesn’t destroy but actually stimulates regrowth? Talk about science fiction!“

“Yes, yes, I get it,” Rose said impatiently, tapping her foot. “Can we stay on point here, Bobby? What do I need to use the device, and how do I use it once I’m ready?”

“Right, right,” he replied, sighing, taking a moment to think. “According to the specs, it requires a high energy power source, at least 6000 Watts, something akin to an industrial cutting laser. You’ll also need a power regulator to keep it from blowing out all the power in the city.” He paused, considering. “Basically, you’re looking for something professional, like you’d find at a hospital, or maybe at a dentist’s office. Hooking it up would be a little complicated—it’s not exactly Plug-n-Play—but I could do it.”

“Uh huh,” Rose murmured, considering her options. She’d hoped it would be something easy, like a couple of D batteries, or plugging it into a simple outlet. No such luck. This was going to be a bit more complicated than she’d prepared for. “And... if I got you access to the right equipment at a hospital,” she said, the wheels in her head turning, “how long would it take you? Be specific—if we do this, we might end up having to make a hasty retreat afterwards.”

Bobby blinked. “Er, um... I, uh, I guess... no more than ten minutes. If I knew exactly what kind of equipment I was dealing with beforehand, I could maybe cut it down to... seven minutes.”

“Okay. And how long would it take to use the machine to heal the damage?” she asked.

“According to the specs, about a ten second sweep over the affected area will stimulate healing... but for complete and total restoration, you’d probably want it to go for thirty seconds.”

Okay. Thirty seconds for her face and another thirty for her hand. One minute of exposure. Seven minutes to get set up. Estimate about two minutes to unhook the device afterwards, since we won’t care as much about being careful after the deed is done. Ten minutes from beginning to end. And considering the patient, she’ll have to be sedated for the entire procedure, which complicates getting her in and out without being seen. Still... I might be able to manage it.

“Okay,” Rose said simply, tossing a small envelope of bills onto Bobby’s work desk. “Hold onto the device for me for a few days. I’ll get back to you when I have something definite. Until then, just keep to your normal routine. Don’t say anything about this to anybody. And don’t do anything stupid, like trying to pawn it!” she added, going to the door.

“One time!” Bobby protested. “I tried that ONE freaking time. And that was only because you late getting back with my stuff!” He rolled his eyes. “You’re never gonna forget that, are ya, GG?”

“Nope,” she said simply, giving him a smirk before phasing through the door and out into the night.

* * *

“Hey! Jimmy! Perfect timing.”

I glanced up as a familiar green haired girl came up to me. “Hey, Em, how goes it?” I asked with a grin. The Beautiful Gem member was also a student here at the University, and while we didn’t share any classes in common, we still occasionally crossed paths on campus. In the past several weeks, we’d actually become fairly good friends, something I never would have predicted a year ago, back when she could barely stand to be in my presence at all. Of course, saving her life and the lives of her teammates helped smooth things over a bit. “What’s up? Are you and the gang needing me for something?”

“No, it’s nothing ‘work related’,” she said with a wink, the phrase our way of referring to whether something was related to Super hero or heroine issues or not. “It’s more of a, um... private matter,” she said, glancing down, blushing, suddenly shy. Which is one word I would have NEVER used to describe Emily. Intrigued, I lifted her chin to face me head on.

“Hey, now, come on,” I teased. “You know by now you can ask me anything. Come on. You obviously have something on your mind. Out with it... what is it?”

Taking a deep breath, blowing out a puff of air, she stuck her hand in her pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box. “I was... well... um,” she hesitated, before diving right in. “I was thinking of... proposing,” she finished, opening the box, revealing a small, but beautiful white gold ring with a small sparkling green emerald gemstone in the center. I stared at it for a moment, before a huge smile creased my face. I laughed in genuine delight, and surprised her by picking her bodily up in my arms, swinging her around.

“Wow! That’s great, Emily!” I told her as I set her back down on her feet again. “Proposing, eh?” I added, teasing her. “I’ve flattered, of course... but alas, I’m afraid I’m spoken for.”

Laughing as well, the green haired girl punched my arm lightly. “You ass! I’m proposing to Amber, not you!” She sighed softly, glancing down at the ring. “So... the ring? You think she’ll like it?” she asked, hesitant and unsure again.

“No,” I replied, causing her to glance up at me. “She’ll love it, Em. Really. And again, congratulations! I know this will totally blow her away!” I sighed softly at that. I’d actually been contemplating doing the same to Devon, just working up the courage to ask her. Our situation was a bit unusual, to say the least. We’d only been together for a few weeks, after all. Yes, we were soulmates, had shared each other’s dreams since we were kids, and knew each other intimately. Still, it was different being together this way in person, learning up close and personal all the intricate details of a person, how they liked their coffee, what foods they loved and absolutely hated, all their little pet peeves. Proposing marriage at this point might have been rushing things. Not that I had any fear that she’d change her mind or anything. I just didn’t want her to feel pressured, or that we were rushing things.

“SO?” I asked, elbowing her lightly, causing her to start. “When? How? Where? C’mon, Em, gimme the details. What do you have planned for the event?”

“The event? You mean the wedding?” she asked, going slightly pale. “Geez! I haven’t even proposed to her yet! I, um, we, er, haven’t really talked about specifics yet—”

“No, no” I shook my head. “Not the wedding itself, though I will want the details on that soon enough. I meant giving her the ring! How are you going to do it?”

The blush was back in full force. “Yeah, well, um, I was thinking... something kind of cliché, romantic, like her finding it in the bottom of a glass of champagne, or something? I was thinking, yanno, at a fancy restaurant, with romantic music playing in the background, and I could have the waiter bring by the glasses and have the band play her favorite song...”

“Nice, very nice,” I nodded in approval. “I think I saw that in a Bruce Campbell movie once. So, where were you planning to take her?”

The blush deepened. “Yeah, um... that’s kind of where you come in,” she said sheepishly. “I was hoping to take her to Le Pigeon, that swank French restaurant, but they’re majorly expensive, and you have to make reservations weeks in advance... unless you happen to know someone who knows someone...”

I chuckled softly, rolling my eyes. “So, you’d like me to set you up with a dinner reservation, eh?” I shook my head ruefully. I swear, sometimes Fate has a really strange sense of humor. “As a matter of fact, I just happen to have a dinner reservation there for tonight, in a little less than two hours. I was going to surprise Devon with a night on the town... but it sounds to me that you could use it instead.” I pulled out my cell phone and made a call.

“What? You’re giving me your dinner reservation?!?” Emily said in shock. “No! No, Jimmy, no! You can’t... I don’t want to ruin yours and Devon’s night—”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said gently, hanging up, “since my plans have changed anyway. It was going to be a surprise for her, but surprise, surprise, Devon’s not even home. So this works out great for all of us.” Dialing the restaurant, I gave Emily a grin. “Tonight’s on me. Just think of it as an early engagement gift. Besides, I still owe you two for what I did back in River City. I know, I know, you both forgave me and all... but let me do this for you, and I’ll consider us even as well. Deal?”

Emily shook her head in wonder. “Wow... Jimmy. I don’t know what to say. Thank you!” she said hugging me tightly. Which actually hurt a little. The girl was a Super after all, and while she was nowhere near my strength level, she could certainly hug with the best of them. “Oh! Oh my god, I’ve got to get back home! I need to get ready!” she said, babbling, talking mostly to herself. “I need a dress, a real one, something appropriate for a night out. And shoes! Shit, I’ll want to wear heels for this. OH! And I’ll need to get my hair done! And my nails! Aaaagghh! Two hours? There’s no way...”

I leant forward and kissed her cheek. “It’ll be fine. Just relax. And remember, it doesn’t have to BE perfect. Just the fact that it’s you and Amber together will MAKE it perfect.” Waving, I left, heading out in the opposite direction. Passing my classroom again, I glanced inside. It was empty and dark, deserted now that classes were over. But for a moment, I could have sworn I saw a brief flash of purple light... Shrugging, I made my way outside to the parking lot and my car.

* * *

Moments earlier, outside the classroom, Dr. Christine Winstead stood angrily nearby, glaring at the sight of her prize, her chosen boytoy, Jimmy Frasier, talking to a young girl with light green hair. She was still fuming over her earlier rejection—rejected?!? ME?!? ARRRGGGHHH!!—by the young handsome man. It seemed incomprehensible to her, that someone with her beauty and charisma could possibly be denied! He’d said that he had a girlfriend, and as she watched archly from the doorframe, she noted with displeasure that that did indeed seem to be the case.

Hmph. Kind of skinny, she noted with disdain. I guess he likes the flat chested, rail thin, stick figure supermodel type. Hmph. She idly stroked the pendant hanging around her neck, the silver inlaid pendant with the large clear cut amethyst stone in the center. Not sure what he even sees in a girl like that... ooh... oh my...”

Her eyes widened slightly as she observed the girl taking out a jewel encrusted ring, showing it to the boy, who proceeded to swing her around in his arms. Christy’s expression went dour. Are you fucking kidding me? She asked him to marry her?!? Gaaahhhh! This takes the cake! So... Jimmy Frasier. You think you can reject ME and get away with it? Think you can just go along with your happy little life without facing the consequences of that choice?

She turned then, walking back into the classroom, letting the door close behind her. The jewel around her neck flashed brilliantly, as her entire being began to glow with a soft violet light. “I will have you Jimmy Frasier,” she said aloud with a growl. “Enjoy yourselves, lovebirds,” she added, as she moved back towards her office, “while you can.”