Light and Shadows VI: Blinded By The Light
by J. Darksong
In cases such as these, I’d like a handDon’t wake me up without a master planWith black and white instead of colorDon’t you understand?When things that once were beautifulAre bland…
Ch.1: No Better Place To Be
“So... are ye sure you want to be doing this, Katie love?” my dad asked for about the hundredth time. He was struggling with a large heavy box filled with books, keepsakes, and trophies from my room, and I was starting to wonder whether he was more concerned about my moving out or the fact that he was stuck doing a lot of heavy lifting. I smiled, leaning forward to give him a kiss.
“Yes, Daddy, I’m sure. And I thank you for helping me and Jess with the move. It’s really sweet of you.”
Eugene Frasier merely shrugged, or tried to, as much as possible carrying the heavy box. “It’s no problem, lass. I suppose it was only inevitable... baby bird leaving the nest and all.” Grunting, he shifted sideways, and worked himself and the box through the front door. Depositing it into the back of the moving van we’d hired, he returned back to the house. “So, tell me about this place you’ve found.”
“It’s a nice little duplex over in the Honeysuckle Rose area,” Jessica explained, taking a brief rest from packing and wrapping. Still a little tender from her hospital visit, we’d restricted her to light duty. She sat next to me on the living room couch. “It’s not much, but it’s cozy, in a good area, within walking distance of the downtown mall, and only fifteen minutes from here.”
“Ach, well that’s good to know,” my dad replied. “Not that I expect you girls will be needing us for anything, mind.”
“And not that you didn’t already know precisely where our daughter was moving to all along, dear,” my mom chided, walking out of the hallway carrying my bed under one arm, and my heavy oak dresser under the other. “We both know you wouldn’t have approved of them moving in together if you hadn’t already done an extensive background check on the place they’re moving into.“
I blinked, considering. My dad had the good sense to look chagrined, and shrugged. “Well, perhaps I did make a... few inquiries, just to be safe.” Which in ‘Dad-speak’ meant he probably knew the names of every building contractor that had worked on building as well as their qualifications. “The important thing is, your new place is a well built, safe and secure location.”
“Yeah, and it even has this cool hidden exit in the back,” I told him, nearly bouncing in my seat with enthusiasm. “It used to be a garage door, and the previous owner decided to board it up and use the garage as a study. It’s like, so totally cool! The doorway’s still there, built into the wall, so we could easily turn it into a secret entrance!”
“Yep, and every good super heroine needs a secret entrance into her lair,” Jess quipped, reaching out to squeeze my shoulder. I reached over to take her hand in mine, but paused, blushing slightly, before forcing it back into my lap. My dad let out an audible sigh.
“Ye ken, lass... you dinnae have to try and hide your relationship from us,” he said softly. Jess and I both glanced at each other, blushing hotly. I mean, it wasn’t as if we’d tried to HIDE it or anything... hell, after Florida, my parents pretty much knew I wasn’t a sweet innocent and pure virgin anymore. We’d just... tried to be discreet, you know? Never actively flaunting our relationship in front of everyone. The truth was, as much as I’d come to terms with having an open relationship with Jess in front of the entire world, acting all lovey-dovey in front of my parents still made me incredibly self-conscious.
And as for Jessica’s parents... well, they still had no clue that Jess was gay, let alone that she and I were a couple. I’d kinda nudged her, gently, that she needed to come clean, that her mom would find out eventually anyway, and that sooner was definitely better than later. She’d promised to get around to it, but she’d kept putting it off, saying she needed to wait until ‘the time was right’.
“Jess, sweetie, it’s okay,” Lacie Frasier said gently, placing a hand on my lover’s shoulder. “We’re not judging you. I know very well what you’re going through... the both of you.” She smiled softly. “I suppose you could actually consider me something of a ‘black sheep’ in my own family, as the only one to actually have a husband. Nearly all of my... sisters... back on Yggdrasil, have a strong inclination towards the fairer sex. And while I love and cherish my husband with all my heart, I have to admit to sharing their view as well.” Jessica’s face reddened more than mine.
“Yes, well, ahem,” Dad reddened slightly, clearing his throat. “That’s neither here nor there. The point is, that ye never have to hide things from us, Katie love, or feel embarrassed. While I personally had hoped for a more... traditional relationship... as long as you and wee Jessica are happy together, that’s all that matters. I could care less if you are in love with a woman, or if Jimmy decides he loves other boys—”
“Fat chance of that,” my brother replied walking into the room. He’d just returned from carrying my heavy silver vanity mirror out to the van. Plopping down on the couch next to me, he goosed me lightly in the side, making me squirm.
“—nevertheless,” our dad continued, “all that I care about is that both of my children grow up to live long happy lives. Who you are with matters only with you.” He chuckled softly. “Now, if only you could find a job...”
We all laughed about that, though I blushed hotly. It was something of a running gag now, of my dad trying to find employment for me. And not that I had anything against holding down a normal nine-to-five job, but my high school grades weren’t exactly the best. Actually, I’d barely graduated. My best class was P.E. And the few part time jobs I’d attempted to hold during school hadn’t worked out so well, especially with the odd hours I kept as a costumed heroine. And not every boss is nearly as accommodating as Linda, Aunt Sarah’s old boss back when she worked as a waitress, or Jimmy’s boss at the computer store. Most places, if you miss work for several days with no good or reasonable explanation, they fire you.
Money itself wasn’t even an issue; my parents had set aside a ten million dollar trust fund for both Jimmy and myself. No, what my parents wanted to instill in me was a solid work ethic. And I understood that. It was just... well... hard to find a place that would work with my crazy hectic lifestyle.
“Well, one kid out, and one to go, eh, Dad?” Jimmy said, crossing his arms at his chest. “Guess this means I should start looking for my own place as well, so you and mom will have the entire place to yourselves.” Popping the top on a can of soda, he took a drink. “If nothing else, you and mom will be able to walk around the house naked again like you did before we were born.”
Mom blushed scarlet, but Dad merely scoffed. “Tch. Lad, we already do that NOW, whenever you and your sister are out.” Jimmy nearly choked, doing a spit-take, and Jessica and I burst out laughing. Talk about ‘too much information’!
“Are the wee ones finally gone?”
Lacie glanced away from the window over at her husband. “Yes. They just left. Jimmy went with them to help with the heavy stuff, then he’s going out to patrol the dockside area near the port later.”
“Good,” Gene replied, standing up from the couch. “I guess this is as good a time as any to head out myself.”
“But you don’t have to leave for another two hours to make your flight on time,” she protested, walking over to her, blocking the doorway. “And I still don’t see why we couldn’t tell Katie and Jimmy about what you’d discovered. They have a right to know who is behind all the trouble they’ve endured these past few months.”
“Aye, they do,” he replied levelly. “And they will know all about it, once the matter has been settled. Until then, I’d just prefer they go about their lives like normal. Katie Ann is so excited about moving out and finally being on her own... and Jimmy has finally started putting the pieces of his life back together. The last thing I want to do is to give them both something to worry about.” He sighed shaking his head. “Sometimes, I can barely believe the bastard and I share the same blood... were raised by the same parents. And the worst part is... growing up, none of us even had a clue what kind of a viper he really was!”
“Hindsight is always twenty-twenty,” Lacie replied softly. “I should go with you this time... help you track him down.”
“Nae, lass,” Gene replied firmly with a shake of his head. “I’d feel much better about it all if you were here, nearby, in case some dire situation occurred while I was absent.” He scowled. “Once Duncan figures out that all his scheming hasnae netted him the catch he was after, he’ll retaliate in some way. If I find him first, I’ll settle things between us, permanently. But if not... well, if one of us needs be around to stop him, it had best be ye, lass... at least ye might be moved to show restraint.”
Lacie blinked. “Gene? You’re not searching for your brother... to actually KILL him are you? I mean, stopping him is all well and good... but you’re talking about committing murder.” She stared into his eyes, normally so open, so warm and compassionate... and flinched, seeing only cold hard resolution in them. “Eugene... this isn’t us. This isn’t what we do. I’m all for beating the shit out of him and locking him up for eternity, but we don’t take another person’s life! If you sink down to his level—“
“I dinnae care about that!” he growled softly. “I’d made my peace with that the day the bastard threw me in front of a bus and shattered my spine when we were still just wee lads! My main regret in life is that I dinnae do something about him once I was able... that I didnae end his wretched existence when I had the chance!” He sighed wearily. “Perhaps if I had, our children wouldn’t have had to go through what they have!”
Lacie turned away. It was... unsettling. Of the two of them, she was usually the volatile, emotional one, more prone to leaping in headfirst than looking at things logically and planning her steps. Eugene was usually the voice of reason, the one who calmed her down, the one who was always steady and supportive, and put things in their proper perspective.
And now, suddenly, he’s the emotional one, and I’m the level headed one? She took a deep breath. “Baby...listen. I know you’re upset about all of this—“
“Upset?” he laughed bitterly. “Ye’ve seen me upset before, loveling. I’m way past being upset. I’m bloody well pissed! As ye would bloody well be, had you been here to see it all firsthand...“
The words were out before he could stop them, and a look of regret creased his face, obliterating the anger. “Ah, lass. I’m sorry. I didnae mean that. I was just...” He shook his head. “Forgive me, Lacie Ann. I’m being a complete and total arse, and I’m sorry.”
Lacie sighed softly. She knew that his anger was directed more at himself than anyone else, but the fact that she hadn’t been there to support him when he was struggling to hold onto Frasier Industries tore at her heart. He hadn’t blamed her at all for being absent; indeed, he’d actually defended her decision to leave their family, to search for their missing friend, to do whatever it took to try and find her.
The problem with searching the Great Weave of Yggdrasil was that it existed in a very different place... a different dimension outside normal space, and time there ran differently than in the real world. For her, it had been only five days; outside, on the other side of the Veil, five months had passed.
And all of it for naught, she thought sadly. Even having found her, I had no way to reach her! And the news didn’t even reach Sarah’s daughters—by the time I’d returned, they’d both vanished the same way their mom had! And being unable to sense their presence, the only way I could know for sure what happened to them would be to return to Yggdrasil for another five months... by which time they might already have returned with their mother in tow. She sighed deeply. All that time lost, and I could have been HERE with Jimmy and Katie and Eugene... It’s so frustrating sometimes, to have all this power, all this strength and STILL be helpless to help the people who truly matter to me.
“Here, now, love,” Eugene said, pulling her to him, breaking her out of her thoughts, “that’s more than enough of that. I’m leaving to go and track down my worthless excuse of a brother, to try and put an end to all of his clever scheming... but I dinnae want to leave if you’re just going to sit around and mope and blame yourself.” He reached out, caressing her face tenderly with his callused, work hardened hands. “You above all others should know there is no going back in life. Time moves forward, and so do we. You guard the present state of our reality, loveling... but even you cannae be everywhere at the same time. You made the best choice you could... the one ALL of us insisted that you make. So, please, loveling... stop beating yerself up over the way things turned out.”
Lacie nodded, forcing a smile. “All right. I’ll try and put the whole thing behind me. But Gene... please try and remember who YOU are. If you find your brother, do whatever you have to do to stop him... but don’t sink to his level. Please? For me?”
Gene smirked. “I cannae promise anything. Besides, he may not leave me any choice in the matter. But I can promise you that whatever I do... it will be what is best for you and the wee bairns... for us as a family.”
Lacie rolled her eyes. “Not exactly the firm, strong committed response I was looking for, baby... but I guess I’ll take it.” Wrapping her arms around his waist, she smiled, this time genuinely. “So. We have the house to ourselves, and you still have about two hours left before you need to leave. Any ideas on how to spend it?”
Gene’s smirk turned to a devilish grin. “Oh, aye,” he murmured softly, leaning forward to bite lightly on her earlobe, “i have a thought or two on how we could pass the time.” He reached up, running his fingertips lightly against the back of her neck, tracing a slow line down to the small of her back, feeling her shudder against him. “Considering all the time you’ve been away, and the fact that I’m about to leave for who knows how long... my thoughts are centered around burning a few pleasant memories so deep into my brain that the memory will keep me warm on all the cold nights I’ll be away from you, mo duinne...“
Lacie shuddered again, her eyelids fluttering. Damn. How does he DO that? I’m stronger than him by far, can twist steel in my hands like aluminum foil... and yet a few soft words from him, a touch and a nibble, and I’m as weak as a kitten! Strong, weathered hands gripped her gently underneath her chin, turning her face to his own. Her eyes opened, staring into his, seeing again the warmth and love she always saw there... as well as a deeper, hotter lust burning even deeper behind it. Her breath caught in her throat, and a twisty feeling swam in the pit of her stomach.
“Gene,” she breathed softly, letting her lips brush lightly against his. “if you really want something to remember me by... then will you use the collar?” Eugene’s smile faded slightly, “I know, I know... you don’t like using force on me that way. But, well... we both know how much I enjoy it... and a little D/s play is just what you need to vent some of that emotional angst you’re carrying around. We both need this, Gene.” She bit her lips slightly, fluttering her eyelids in that way he could never resist. “Please, my Lord?“
A soft rumble issued forth from Eugene’s throat, as his eyes narrowed. Damned sassy little wench... always goes for the puppy dog eyes when she really wants something. And then calling me ‘Laird’ only emphasizes how she’s feeling. Verra well. If this is what she truly wants... Taking a deep breath, the Scotsman turned wordlessly, walking down the hall into their bedroom, only to emerge moments later with a large flat wooden box. Lacie’s eyes widened at the sight of it, the fluttery feeling in her stomach twisting even more.
“Close yer eyes, lass,” he whispered softly, walking around behind her, “and hold perfectly still.”
Lacie obeyed, shuddering lightly in anticipation. Goddess... it’s been so long. So long... She gasped slightly at the sound of the heavy wooden box opening. She could almost see it in her mind’s eye. She remembered the collar, remembered it so well, every inch of its shiny silver form, every ridge, every curve... the way it felt against her skin, cold at first, always cold, before her body heat warmed it up. A soft metallic clink made her breath catch again, and it was all she could do to stay still, to not turn around and gaze at it again, wrap her small slender fingers along it and caress it lovingly. The anticipation was excruciatingly hellish; Gene, cruel fiend that he was, loved to prolong her agony and draw it out as long as possible—
—but apparently not this time. Lacie’s eyes shot open, and a gasp escaped her lips as Eugene closed the collar around her neck, letting the heavy metal band rest lightly against her skin. A visible shudder swept through her as she felt all of her power, physical as well as mental, dissipate. She slipped to the floor on her knees, eyes closed again, basking in the sensation of her own weakness. The technology embedded in the simple metal band around her neck rendered her completely and totally powerless. Helpless. Vulnerable.
And for the woman known to the world as Omega Girl, few things were as pleasurable as the sensation of feeling weak and helpless, particularly to her beloved husband.
“Slave,” Eugene said softly, staring down at her on her knees.
“My Lord,” she replied back, staring up at Him with love and devotion, and a bit of awe. He hadn’t even tranced her yet, and already she was His complete and total thrall. The desire to submit to him was quickly becoming a need, an overwhelming force that threatened to swallow her whole.
“Strip,” he said simply, crossing his arms. He smiled wickedly, as his wife and sextoy gasped in shock, finding herself suddenly naked on the living room floor, her conditioned and trained mind responding to his command even before her body could make a move. He chuckled. “Aye... I was wondering. Now you see why I insisted on having all of your normal clothing integrated with Neuroweave fiber as well as your costume. And it saves so much time when you can undress literally at the speed of thought.” With a simple gesture, he too stood naked, reaching down to lift Lacie’s face up towards his. “Now, then, loveling... should I take you, here and now, on the living room floor, and ravish yer beautiful sexy body until you pass out into a stupor... and then trance you? Or should I hypnotize you first, and then have my way with you?”
“Please, my Lord,” she gasped, panting softly, her arousal skyrocketing by the second, “take my mind... and then my body! Force me to submit to you, completely and utterly, holding nothing back, so that my body will respond perfectly as you will it!”
Eugene paused, as if considering, then smiling, shook his head. “Just the answer I expected, my love. But... as your Lord and Master, I choose to take you now, as you are, as yourself... as my beautiful and loving wife. I want this first time to be a submission from your own will, from your heart, given freely.” He leaned forward and kissed her, deeply, leaving them both breathless. “Afterwards... once we’ve recovered a bit, I will take you the other way... as my mindless, obedient thrall.” Lacie moaned as he forcefully pushed her onto her back, spreading her legs apart... “After that... well, if we still have time, I have a few other ideas we can explore as well...”
The joining was intense, powerful, and forceful. Eugene walked a fine line between brutality and pleasure, expertly fusing pain and pleasure, alternating between an occasional twist of her nipples, or a hard slap across tender flesh, and gentle caresses and kisses along her most sensitive spots. Even though he was getting on in years, his body was in expert shape, and he kept up with his lover stroke for stroke, controlling her movements as he played her body like a finely tuned instrument.
“Ahhhhh... yesss... goddess...” Lacie panted hair whipping back and forth. “Ohhh, ooohh, ohhh take me, Master... take me... fuck me... own me... yes! Yes! YES!”
“With me, my girl!” Gene growled, nearing his end. “You cum... with me... with me Lacie girl... NOW!!!”
Two voices, one masculine, one feminine, cried out at once, a symphony of pleasure and love, and submission that seemed both all too short, yet seemed to last for an eternity. Lying together, still joined at the waist, basking in the afterglow, Eugene frowned, pausing. He glanced about the room. “Did you hear that just now?”
“Hmmm?” Lacie asked dimly, smiling with a blissed out expression. “Hear something, my Lord? You mean besides the sound of my own heart thundering in my ears?”
Gene scowled, glancing at the front door. “Could have sworn I heard the door close just now... but there’s no one here but us.” Sliding gently out of his wife-slave, causing her to groan, he rose back to his feet, checking. “Hmm. Perhaps it was just my imagination.. but let’s retire to the bedroom to continue our play time.” As she moved to rise to her feet, Gene shook his head. “Uh uh,” he chided her lightly. “Slaves crawl on all fours, mo duinne, and until I release you, that is exactly what you are.“
“Mmmmm,” Lacie purred softly, basking in her own debasement, “as you command, my Lord.” Sighing in contentment, the most powerful woman in the country, possibly the planet, followed meekly behind her husband, crawling on her hands and knees. She’d never felt more at peace.