The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Lost cave – A whole world

Chapter 3

The corridors all looked the same! Moanna had tried to find the way that she had come in, but it was useless. In her previous panic she had failed to remember the way she had taken. Now she had passed so many intersections and had turned left and right so many times that she knew she had gotten lost. Apparently, she had been walked much much deeper into the labyrinth. It was warm and humid here. The dim light seemed even a bit weaker now. Still, drones kept on passing her or walking alongside her for a while. Finally, Moanna saw a glow in front of her. It wasn’t the light of the sun outside. It was the same light that illuminated all corridors and halls down here, but it glowed stronger in front of her. She wondered if that a good sign. The young woman didn’t know, but she grew more desperate with every passing minute. She just kept on walking towards the light.

Moanna stepped into a big, elongated hall. It was broad enough for at least ten drones to walk side by side. It was about as long as Moanna could throw a small stone. The walls consisted of the same rock that formed the whole area, but every few steps the rock set back a little. This formed niches big enough for a person to stand in. Some of the niches were filled with a thick green slimy substance. Moanna could see three of four drones standing in the room, walking here and there from time to time.

What was this room? Moanna walked further into it and then stopped right in front of one of the closed niches. There was something behind the thick slime. A shadow seemed to move slightly from time to time. Could it be that... Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard something in a nearby niche. It was a gurgling sound. She stepped back and looked over to the niche. The slime had changed its viscosity. Now it almost looked like murky water that ran off through some hole in the ground. Strangely, it didn’t wash into the room. It seemed like it was stopped by some invisible wall that wasn’t really there.

As the liquid continued to decline, more details of the inside became visible. Thick, tentacle-like tubes hung down from the niche’s ceiling. With a shiver Moanna realized that those tentacles were curled around wrists. More and more the liquid vanished and soon Moanna faced another young woman. She had light-brown skin and dark hair wet from the liquid. Her eyes were closed. It was clear that she was another one of those aliens who named themselves humans. Moanna didn’t know that name because none of the humans she had encountered so far had spoken a single word. This specimen was no exception. The woman simply hung in the tentacles’ grip. Moanna’s eyes wandered down between the woman’s legs. It seemed oddly normal that more tentacles were buried in the woman’s pussy and anus, slightly moving in their warm homes.

Moanna couldn’t deny the foul eroticism this sight comprised. This woman was not only totally helpless, she had fully submitted to her captor. She was at his mercy while being stimulated again and again. The tentacles’ purpose was obvious. Moanna could not yet surmise why the mind behind this alien society acted the way it did.

When all liquid, except for the remained on the woman’s skin, had left the niche, the tentacles started to retreat slowly. tanja-drone sighed as the thick objects left her body. A sudden feeling of emptiness spread through her restrained mind. She opened her eyes and Moanna almost fell into those deep, dark pits literally drilling into her mind as their gazes met.

The moment passed and the drone stepped out of her niche, looking somewhat disorientated if not even disappointed. Moanna wondered what she should do. What did this woman expect her to do? Would she raise attention if she remained motionless? Fear returned to her mind, but there was another feeling, one that hadn’t been there before. Maybe she should do what the drone expected her to do, just because it was right to function that way.

Luckily another woman stepped towards her slime-covered companion. Moanna recognized her as one of the town’s guards. She picked up a lump of the same substance that covered her own chest, neck and hips. As tanja-drone stepped forth, the former guard placed the substance on the docilely waiting human. Immediately, the mass started to shift and form. The alien woman inhaled audibly as it pushed between her legs. From Soria’s fate, Moanna knew very well what the mass was doing down there. To her own surprise, it was much less frightening this time. Down here, it seemed so right, like the most natural thing.

Soon, the human was clad in the uniform the other drones wore. Moanna saw heaps of the substance in front of all closed niches. Most likely the drones came from here. Moanna couldn’t tell what purpose they had, but apparently they enjoyed it. tanja-drone seemed to almost melt away under the pleasant “touch” of the mass. When the two tubes emerging from her collar reached her ears, her body tensed again. She turned and walked towards the second exit of the hall.

There was nothing more to see, at least for the moment. So, to avoid any attention, Moanna also turned and walked out. She followed the drone she had just observed. Where was she going to lead her? The young woman didn’t know, but hopefully she was about to leave the cave for whatever reason there could be. Also, it was calming to just follow those drone’s consistent steps.

There it was. Farah rejoiced inwardly when she saw the daylight falling into the cave. Yes, she had remembered the way they had come in correctly and now she was only a few steps away from freedom. Two other women with blank eyes and expressionless faces walked into the cave but didn’t take any notice of her as she approached the exit.

Farah slowed down a little bit, thinking about her friends. What had become of them? Maybe she should go back and search for them. Maybe she could help them. She pushed away that thought quickly. The cave seemed huge. There was little chance that she would find them. Besides, she thought, they were old enough to take care of themselves. Also, she had already reached the exit.

Looking over the plateau in front of the cave entry, she saw her own village in the distance. By now it must be deserted, Farah guessed. She knew of another larger city about two day’s journeys to the north. If she could reach it then she could warn the inhabitants of the rising danger. Still imitating the converted women that attacked her village, Farah walked down the plateau, towards her old home.

“Amera?” Perria whispered.

Amera almost shouted out in surprise, but she knew that any expression of emotion might be her doom. Instead, she led her sister into a darker, smaller corridor. She looked around carefully to make sure that no drones were near.

“Yes, you can hear me?” Amera whispered.

“Yes, of course. How did you find me?” Perria answered.

“It was luck. We sneaked in and separated. Suddenly I saw you. How do you feel?” Amera looked around nervously, but for now they seemed safe.

“Actually, I feel rather good.”

“I’m so glad I’ve found you.” Amera was close to tears now as she hugged her sister.

“And I’m glad you’re here.” Perria replied, embracing her sister. “Now everything will fall into place.”

“Yes, as soon as we get out of here.” Amera stated.

“We don’t have to get out, we’ll be together finally.”

“What- what do you mean?” Amera asked suddenly with a lump in her throat.

“You will join us now.” Perria tightened her embrace and now suddenly Amera recognized her flat voice.

“But, but, no I don’t want to, let me go.” Panic rose in her churning mind.

“I know, but you will love it, soon.” Perria’s soft voice was close to Amera’s ear, whispering. “I was afraid at first too but now I love to serve and obey.”

Amera struggled to get free, but her sister proved to be surprisingly strong. She had trained a lot to serve in the guard and it paid off now. Also Amera didn’t want to hurt her sister. “Please!” Already she heard steps behind her, indicating the arrival of new drones.

“I will make you feel better sister, trust me.”

“No, I- I don’t want to become one of you, snap out of it Perria.”

Suddenly, Perria moaned, closing her eyes a moment. “Sister, I love you and I want you to feel the bliss of obedience just like I do now, please don’t resist.”

“Please, no.” Amera’s voice was trembling. She felt something wet slipping over her nude legs and remembered the thing that had penetrated her sister back in their house.

“I could wipe away every concern, every thought from you in an instant.” Perria’s voice revealed an obscene undertone. “You know, the same thing happened to me. I fell into the mists of lust and obedience. I loved it, but I wasn’t able to fully enjoy my transformation.”

“No Perria, please let me go.” Amera begged one last time.

“I won’t and you know it. You’ll become an obedient slave like we all are, but I want you to embrace our master’s gift with open arms and mind.”

“I—, I—.” Amera knew that there was no way to escape. How could she fight her own sister? Maybe it wouldn’t be so terrible. Apparently Perria was still herself, somewhere in her transformed mind.

“Will we be together then?”

“Yes, my beloved sister. We will be together. Not only that, our mother and our friends are all here. I hear all their obedient, calming voices in my mind and the delightful voice of our master among them.”

“Fine, I won’t fight.” Amera relaxed in her sister’s embrace. “Take me to your master then.”

Perria let go of her sister, sighing again, as the tentacle retreated into her body, not needed this time. The two drones she had called to aid her turned to lead the sisters towards their master, the being that would soon also dominate Amera’s mind. The young woman followed the drones with throbbing heart and a bit of excitement. She knew that she wouldn’t be strong enough to fight off whatever had subdued her sister and all the other women. She had resigned herself to that fate already.

Deeper and deeper the done walked into the cave until she led Moanna into a vast room. Like all other rooms in the cave, it was illuminated by an alien, blue light. However, here the light was weaker, only giving a rough impression of how the room looked. Unlike the other rooms, the floor of this one wasn’t totally even. There were bumps and dips.

The ground underneath Moanna’s feet felt soft and slippery. The young woman looked down and saw a white mycelium covering vast areas of the ground. Here and there the mycelium grew thicker and formed fruiting bodies of different shapes. More drones, at least a dozen of them, were in the hall. Moanna saw how they gathered the mushrooms. It was a strange sight, precisely because it looked so normal. The drones brought their harvest to some columns, each about a meter high and half a meter wide.

Moanna walked over to one of the columns. It was hollow and filled with the green slimy fluid she had seen before. As she wondered what this substance was for, one of the drones walked up to the column and dropped her mushrooms into the fluid. They sank into the mass quickly and a few bubbles were the last sign of them. Maybe that was how they collect and process their food, Moanna thought. Then she realized that the drone was still standing next to her. The elder woman looked at her with empty, content eyes and Moanna realized that she had to play her role again. So she walked over to one side of the hall and started to collect mushrooms.

“This is it?” Amera said as they entered another room. She couldn’t quite believe it.

“Yes!” Perria hissed with obvious lust in her voice. “This is our master.”

Amera starred into the thick green mass. It was in a pool right in the center of the room. It was hard to believe that this was a life form, let alone the master of all of these drones. If Perria’s excitement wasn’t proof enough, however, there were the cells or niches covering the walls with the wriggling silhouettes of drones in them.

“Go to him.” Perria ordered.

“Sister, please, don’t—” Amera begged again.

“Go to him. He will make you feel so good.”

Amera sobbed, “But, but I don’t want to become one of those.”

“Don’t worry, there is nothing to fear. Go to him and you’ll experience pure bliss and obedience.”

“Just promise, it won’t hurt.”

A tingling laughter could be heard from Perria. “Oh don’t worry, it will be anything but, now go.”

Amera breathed in deeply and made the first step.

The work in that strange farm was actually rather soothing for Moanna. It was easy, it was understandable and it was calming in its monotony. Again, Moanna carried a few mushrooms to her column, enjoying the sight of them vanishing into the liquid. She turned automatically and walked back to her working place, being as effective as any other drone down here. No, not another drone. She wasn’t a drone, Moanna reminded herself. She was still free and she would find a way out. For now, however, she just did what the others expected from her.

As Farah had expected, the town was deserted. Scattered everyday objects, broken doors and torn clothes were all that indicated the dramatic events that had taken place here only a few hours ago. Even the attackers had gone. She had seen a few drones on her way, but they ignored her like she had expected. Now she approached her home. There she would find everything she needed for her journey.

Carefully, Amera extended her foot, her toes almost touching the gleaming surface of the slimy pond. “Perria, I- I don’t want this.” She tried again.

“You have to if you want us to be together again.” Perria said with seductive voice. “I want you to join me, to join us. It’s the only way.”

The only way. Amera closed her eyes and lowered her foot into the slime. It slipped around her foot with ease, causing a surprisingly pleasant tingling sensation where it touched her skin. Amera breathed in deep and put more weight on her foot until it touched the solid rock underneath the “master”. Her foot was now covered with the mass up to her ankle. She paused a moment. Suddenly she felt her worries and her fear fading. She still knew that this was wrong, that she should fight, but at the same time, she knew that this creature wasn’t going to hurt her.

“Step into it.” She heard Perria’s encouraging voice.

As Amera opened her eyes again, she saw the calm, inviting surface of the master in front of her. Taking a breath, she stepped into it with her second foot. Making a step forward, she sank down right to her knees. The feeling of safety, of being welcome, grew. Amera caught herself enjoying the idea of diving right into the master. Instead, she took another careful step deeper into the pond. She couldn’t tell if she lost her balance or if something tugged at her legs. Either way, without making a sound, she vanished fully in the green liquid.

Moanna watched the last mushroom vanishing in the sump. She turned around and saw that the drone she had followed in had already turned and was about to walk back out of the hall. Moanna did the same. Turning, she followed the other woman. She kept her calm face and steady pace like she had never done anything else.

For minutes she just walked and walked; left, right, left, right. It was a pleasant, mindless walk. She realized that her eyes were transfixed by the swaying butt of the drone in front of her. What was wrong with her? Moanna thought. She had never been into girls, yet she felt her heart beating fast from just watching that woman.

Finally, they arrived in the big hall with the niches she had observed previously. The drone she had been following walked towards one of the open niches. Another slave already awaited her. Moanna stopped just a few meters away, watching as the waiting drone stepped to her companion and undressed her easily. For the first time Moanna saw the protrusions that penetrated the drone’s holes. The young woman shuddered. They were so big. Yet, she couldn’t deny her excitement as she considered how it would feel having those inside of her. Finally, the drone’s collar was removed, complete with the small tubes that connected it with her ears. For a brief moment Moanna thought she saw something like uncertainty or confusion in the woman’s gaze, but when the other drone gently guided her into the niche, she followed and closed her eyes.

Moanna made another step towards the niche. She wanted to see exactly what would happen. She had an idea of what she would witness. Without any warning, small slick tendrils grew out of the floor and ceiling of the niche. They wriggled in the air for a moment until they found the woman’s limbs. Without resistance, they curled around her wrists and ankles. They held her in place with her arms lifted up and her legs slightly spread.

Moanna could imagine what was going to happen next, but she still shuddered when more, thicker tentacles emerged from the ground of the niche. They wandered upward towards the helpless woman. Without wasting time, the first shoved its slick tip into its victim’s pussy. This made the drone sigh softly. Soon a second tentacle found its way into her anus, penetrating her easily.

The sight was shocking, but at the same time it was utterly erotic, even desirable. What excited Moanna the most wasn’t the immediate act of penetration, but the blissfully empty look still on the woman’s face. Moanna’s eyes wandered up and down her body. She must be in heaven, Moanna thought. The woman just looked blank-eyed into nothingness, accepting what was happening to her.

Moments later, a third, thick tentacle emerged, this time from the ceiling. It aimed for the woman’s mouth. Again proving her obedience, the drone opened her mouth and granted the thing entrance. A long, dripping wet segment vanished into her mouth.

Not long after, the strange fluid started to rise inside the niche. Even though there was no glass or other boundary, it only filled the niche. It rose, covering more and more of the woman’s body. She was shaking from the sensation, as she finally uttered her pleasure through small moans.

The moment the liquid covered her neck, she threw back her head in ecstasy, shaking in her first climax. “So fast” was all Moanna could think as she saw the woman vanish fully in her liquid world of lust. The helping drone now approached Moanna.

Amera fell and fell deeper into the thick mass surrounding her. What had Perria called it? Master? Her master? Yes, Amera could feel him around her. He held her, took care of her, kept her from choking. All the while, he sank into her mind, exploring, learning, changing. She knew that he was her sister’s master and from now on, her master as well. The thought didn’t scare her anymore. The young woman knew that a minute ago she was almost paralyzed by fear, but now she knew that everything would be fine.

Her master pressed firmly against her, caressing her body with his touch, while he made the necessary alternations to her mind. “Slave.”

Amera almost came as she heard his voice for the first time.

“Yes, master.” She instinctively answered, just forming the words in her open mind.

“What is your purpose?” The voice asked.

For a moment, Amera didn’t know what to say, but then the answer came to her. “My purpose is to serve you, master.” She enjoyed the knowledge that her words would please her master.

“Yes, you will serve and obey. And you’ll be rewarded.”

“I will serve. I will obey.” Amera answered without hesitation and felt a wave of pleasure rushing through her warm body.

“You are no longer Amera. You are amera-hunter from now on.”

The moment her new name was given to her, amera-hunter came violently. While she bucked and twitched, her body was safely held by her master. He made the alternations to her body that would allow her to serve the way her master had ordered.

Farah realized with relief that nothing had been damaged. Apparently the attackers were only interested in the people. Farah shuddered at the thought. Her friends, everyone she had known, they were lost. What could she have done? Escaping from the cave was the only option she had. She collected some of her clothes. At least she could get out of that strange disguise.

Moanna waited patiently as the drone approached her. Then she watched as the drone kneeled down in front of her to undress her. It took the girl a moment to remember that her clothes were actually different from those of the real drones. Still, she remained motionless as she felt the woman’s hands on her skin. If the drone realized that she was faking, it didn’t respond to the discovery. Instead, the drone simply continued her task. As she pulled down the thong Moanna wore, the free girl sighed. The feeling of being nude and exposed made her realize how wet she already was. When the drone got up again, Moanna looked deep into the empty, calm eyes. Did her eyes look the same? Moanna thought. The drone directed her towards the nearest niche. She should do something and fast, Moanna thought for a moment. Then, for the first time in hours, she felt somewhat peaceful, safe and oh so hot.

The floor of the niche was warm and wet. Moanna fixed her view on the drone standing in front of her. Did she know what Moanna was? Was she waiting to see if Moanna tried to escape? While the thoughts dripped into Moanna’s slow, foggy mind, the feeling of something curling around her wrists and ankles became much more intense. By now it was too late anyway the young woman knew. So she closed her eyes as she felt herself being brought into position.

She couldn’t prevent a small moan escaping her mouth as thick tentacles brushed over her thighs on their way up. Awaiting the inevitable, she clenched her teeth. Still, the feeling of the first tentacle spreading her labia before it pushed deep into her was almost more than she could bear. Moanna cried out loud as she felt the penetration. A second cry was heard as the other tentacle pushed into her ass. This caused a feeling of mixed pleasure and pain. Finally, the two tentacles stopped deep inside her body. Their presence was now not unpleasant and with every passing moment, she felt more and more euphoric. She felt their slick surfaces slide so wonderfully inside her young body.

When the third tentacle slipped into her half open mouth Moanna eagerly sucked on it. She realized that it secreted some liquid that would not only nourish her, but also provide her with needed oxygen. The liquid was already rising in her niche. Already, the tentacles in her holes had started to slightly vibrate and move. Besides their physical presence, they also produced small electric discharges. They played with the girl like no mortal lover could. Moanna came the first time just when the liquid touched the underside of her heaving breasts.

Perria smiled as she saw her sister emerging from their master again. Her body was young and alluring, covered with the remains of his glory. Amera smiled back. “Thank you, sister.” She whispered as both girls embraced each other.

In her liquid paradise, Moanna lost all track of time and space. The tentacles stimulated her constantly as she came again and again. Even if her eyes had been open, she wouldn’t have noticed the drone removing the remains of her clothes through the thick layer of slime.

A long while later, the liquid again vanished from the niche. The tentacles lowered their victim to the ground. Unlike the real drones, Moanna immediately slumped down, exhausted from the constant stimulation. She sighed in disappointment as she felt the tentacles pulling out of her holes. She instinctively tried to grip them in a futile attempt to hold onto them.

It took Moanna a while to get back on her feet. Her mind only barely realizing the situation she was in. She stepped out of the niche. A drone was already waiting for her, holding a slimy bundle in her hands. Was it the same one that had helped undress her? Moanna wasn’t sure. She knew what they expected from her. She snapped back to attention as the drone walked up to her. The drone placed the mass on her body. It immediately started to change, forming the same kind of controlling attire on her as it did on all the other drones. Moanna moaned as she felt the mass between her legs. Their protrusions filled her more than ready holes. Again she moaned as she heard the words of her master and of her fellow drones for the first time. From that moment on, Moanna never again felt fear or desolation.

Farah cast a last glimpse around her old house. It would take her a few days to reach safety. She didn’t know if the people in the next city would really help her. Maybe she would come back with an army, maybe not.

Suddenly, Farah grew stiff. “A- Amera? Is that you?”

“Of course, silly.”

“You got out of there?”

“Yes, isn’t that obvious?” Amera’s amused undertone was more than obvious.

“But how? And did you, well did you find your sister?”

“Yes, she did.” Perria said, approaching from the other side.

“Honestly, I didn’t expect to see either of you again. Are you all right?”

“Sure we are.” Amera explained. “And soon, you will be, too.” Both of the nude women now approached their former friend.

“Soon? What- what do you mean?” Farah stumbled.

“Don’t worry. We’ll make you feel better in a moment. Just let it happen.” Perria calmed her. The sisters were now almost up to her.

“Oh no, no. This can’t be.”

Amera didn’t waste time for an answer. She reached Farah and, together with her sister, she kept her from escaping. Amera moaned as the tentacle pushed out of her love tunnel for the first time, aiming for its target. Before sunset the last inhabitant of the village would be one of them.