Lost in Space—Found in Mackay
A Halloween story by Mistress Evilena’s Servant
Dateline: Sydney, quoted from " The Australian”, Wednesday, October 10, 2001.
Theft, murder and mayhem may be the mainstay of city coppers, but police in the backblocks of Queensland are facing something more sinister—alleged sightings of UFOs.
In a story that has gripped Marybourough for days, witnesses in the south-central Queensland town claim a spaceship was responsible for a mysterious abduction. Marybourough police are trying to unravel what went on about midnight last Thursday on an isolated vineyard at Gundiah, when Amy XXXXX, 22, was allegedly beamed up and transported 600km north to Mackay.
A Detective Senior Sergeant told The Australian newspaper yesterday that police from the village of Tiaro were called by the woman’s husband after an alleged abduction. The Mackay Base Hospital called police 90 minutes later saying the woman had been found, in good physical condition, but in a “confused state”.
I reread the story in the Australian daily and I KNEW my editor would send me to the god-forsaken-outback city mentioned in the story. I’m a reporter for one of those supermarket tabloids that everyone claims they never read. We DO have a circulation about the same as USA Today’s. Somebody must read us or there are a hell of a lot of bird cage floors that are decorated with our colorful bikini photos ( or maybe BOTH).
Anyway, I am the alien expert on staff. My byline appears on those “bat boy”, and “alien” abduction stories almost anytime you read the paper, so I knew where I was going to be assigned on THIS one, and I packed my bag and headed to the airport to catch the next flight to Brisbane , without any urging.
On the way, my editor called me on my hand phone, and confirmed I was on the story , and in turn I phoned ahead and arranged a rental car in Brisbane, a hotel in the tiny backwater city of Marybourough, and had set up an interview with young Amy and her husband.
At first Amy didn’t want to talk to another reported, but in my peculiar line of journalism we have a universal method of prompting people to talk to us.... we pay them.
After a short negotiation via phone the interview was set.
A long flight and a dusty drive later and I was sitting on a floral pattern sofa in the living room of Amy’s house.
She wasn’t what I expected.
Frankly, I assumed she was running around on her husband and came up with the UFO excuse when she had been caught away from home when hubby had returned suddenly. Any goofy excuse , in that circumstance, is better than no excuse at all.
But she was an intelligent, attractive young woman and the relationship that they had seemed to be loving and sharing. Her husband seemed deeply in love.
“Can you tell me what really happened?” I asked Amy as the three of us sat in their modest living room.
“ Bruce was late coming home from town, and it was well past dusk. I stepped into the back garden...we grow some vegetables there. I was going to pick some sweet corn for dinner, Bruce loves fresh corn, and I heard this loud whine! I looked up at there was a large circular air craft above me. I hate to even use the word but from everything I ever read or saw it was just like a flying saucer. The shape, the flashing lights, the wavy lines of power or magnetism or SOMETHING were coming from it. Just then a purple light shot out from the bottom of the craft and I felt strange. Almost immediately I realized , I was standing on a circular platform in the middle of a big round room. Directly in front of me was one of those silver, bug eyed, midget aliens you see in all the movies. I was terrified! ”
At that point Amy’s husband reached over and held his wife’s hand, a supportive gesture I hadn’t really expected. The dark haired woman took a deep breath smiled at him and continued.
“I jumped off the platform not quite knowing if I was going to attack the little bugger or run away, but it didn’t matter, because as I landed on the floor he raised a pistol shaped object he held in one hand and pointed it at me. I felt a tingling feeling throughout my body and suddenly I was frozen in place. I couldn’t move. Not a step.”
She continued , haltingly.
“Then I heard the alien’s voice inside my head. It spoke to me, but no words were spoken.”
“Amy my dear, I’m sorry I frightened you, but I took this form because I figured you EXPECTED it. My purpose is not to harm you but to learn from you. We DO have the ability to alter what you earthlings see and feel, but usually it takes so much time . That’s why I used the ray on you. It will paralyze your will and make your mind even more malleable to my influence. We only have a short time and I need to find out how earth women respond to sexual stimulus. ”
“Now,” Amy said, " I was even more scared but I couldn’t move. The sexual stimulus bit, made me feel he was going to rape me, but I couldn’t even guess what REALLY what was going to happen. The alien moved closer to me and focused it’s eyes on mine and I felt dizzy. It’s eyes were so big.”
“My poor little girl, I can FEEL your fear, but as I probe your mind I find one person you never feared. Louise, your room mate in college. In fact you and Louise were close. VERY close. Look at me. Look into my eyes. Deeper Amy. DEEPER.”
“The voice was INSIDE my head.”
“Slowly, right before my eyes the short , silver, alien transformed into a tall, VERY female earthling. It looked just like Louise, or should I say SHE looked exactly like Louise, because she was VERY naked and was now clearly a female. ”
Bruce was shifting uncomfortably in the chair now as his wife continued the story.
“Maybe I should tell you Louise and experimented with a lesbian relationship in school. It was my first... and my last, but it was very intense and I was horribly hurt when she moved away during the middle of our senior year to finish school elsewhere. Anyway Louise kept looking at me with her deep blue eyes, that I remembered so well from our time in school. I couldn’t pull my gaze away from hers, and her words seemed to comfort me.”
“Amy, my pet. No more fear. No more desire to resist. Just look into my eyes and relax. You want to remember our good times together. You want to remember how relaxed you were with me. Relax. RELAX. Don’t try to fight me. Do even try to resist my commands. I am totally in control of you, your mind, your body. LOUISE is in control. Just look deeply into my deep, hypnotic, blue eyes and obey me. Obey me. OBEY...”
“At that point I DID want to obey my old girlfriend Louise, it seemed so ... so.... RIGHT to obey her. I just continued to stare into those big blue eyes and didn’t move or struggle as her hand reached out and first unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the ground, then slowly unbuttoned my blouse, gently letting it fall from my shoulders. Louise softly ran her hand across my breasts then reached behind me and removed my bra. Then it tumbled to the floor as well. Then she kissed me , at first softly, gently, then with growing passion. Just as we had kissed in our dorm room when we were alone, years before. She rubbed my pussy until I moaned with desire then she pulled off my panti es. She held them in her hand and inhaled them, seemingly savoring my fragrances. Then she stuffed them in MY mouth and told me to suck them. I was so excited , so helpless to resist her commands by then I would have done anything she told me to . I chewed and licked on my own moist panties , savoring my own juices , JUST as she instructed.”
Her soft, gentle hands massaged my breasts , then tweaked the nipples. In moments she was kissing them and then sucking at my breasts driving me further and further into her web of passion. I remembered how much I loved her and knew if she wanted it I would be hers again. Fleetingly I thought of Bruce, but then her fingers touched my pussy and all thoughts of anything but her presence fled from my mind.
“ ‘Amy you LOVE this don’t you? You LOVE ME , don’t you? You’ll do ANYTHING I tell you won’t you? ANYTHING LOUISE COMMANDS’. Said the voice in my head. It was no longer a question, but a command . I would do anything she commanded. ”
“KNEEL, my little slave girl. KNEEL before your Mistress. KNEEL earth girl.”
The story Amy was telling was turning me on and I tried to readjust my rapidly engorging prick without bringing attention to my condition. I tried to listen as she continued.
“At some point my ability to move had returned and I had embraced this lovely creature before me, but at her instructions I released her and fell to my knees on the metal floor and looked up into her eyes expectantly, what else did she want of me? Then I remembered...” Amy’s voice had fallen almost to a whisper now. " I licked her. I ATE HER OUT! I kissed, nibbled licked. I wanted desperately to bring her to climax. I lovingly ... helplessly ... worshipped her. My love ... my obedience.. had no bounds. ”
I interjected, " When Louise called you an ‘earth-girl’ didn’t that raise your suspicions?”
“To tell you the truth I was beyond reason, I was so filled with lust. Just then Louise stepped back and I realized she had the same ray gun in her hand that the alien had, earlier, and she lifted it to my head and everything went blank. I woke up later in front of the hospital at Mackay Base, and the police were talking to me. I was confused and my thinking was still fuzzy. I SHOULD have made up some kind of story, but as it was when the newspaper people started laughing at us, we both got fired from our jobs and that’s why we are selling you our story, to make ends meet. We’re going broke , quick !
She fell back onto the sofa, seemingly exhausted as Bruce tried to comfort her. She cried. Even a bastard reporter like me felt sympathy for her plight. I told her we could take a break, and she suggested that Bruce run out and pick up some take away at a nearby shop, and that we could continue later. That sounded good to me , and I convinced Bruce to take some money, as I was on expenses at this point and he took off for the nearby town of Marybourough, 24 miles away, to get the food.
Only moments after he left the still dewy eyed Amy spoke up. " Do you believe me?”
“Well, that’s not my job. My job is to make a readable story out of what you’ve told me. Let’s see... hypnosis, shape shifting, lesbian sex...... no Amy, I RALLY don’t believe you, but it is a good story and as long as Bruce buys it, your marriage is OK. But now that he isn’t here you can tell me what really went on.”
She stood up and slowly walked toward me. All the time we had been talking I thought she had dark hair but she really was a blonde, a very beautiful one with deep blue eyes. Why hadn’t I noticed that?
“ We’ve been talking nearly an hour and during that time I have slowly been exploring your mind,manipulating your thought patterns , you are very bright, but have very little will power, in fact, in comparison to me you have NO will power. Look in my eyes and tell me you have no will power. My will is overcoming yours. My will is BECOMING yours. You cannot fight it. Y ou desire to serve me. You too will become Louise’s slave. You will love and obey Louise. Louise is your Mistress. I LIKE this earth-form, it is a pleasant one to occupy and both earth men AND women seem very susceptible to it’s beauty . You are no different , look into my eyes and obey.... Obey ..... OBEY....”
“I left Amy in the ship, she will return to my home planet with me as a slave. Bruce will be back here in a moment, he also is under my spell now . I only have room for a couple of more earth specimens, I’m sure they will fall under my influence soon. Just as you have. Keep looking into my eyes... deeply ...That’s it my little slave you MUST keep looking deep into my hypnotic blue eyes. You MUST obey Louise. You have no choice but to obey ... OBEY!”
I couldn’t avert her gaze and the longer I stared into her powerful eyes the more it was obvious she WAS so much stronger than me.
Somewhere in the distance I heard someone saying, “I have no will power ...I will obey Louise... I LOVE Louise” and the voice sounded so much like mine.....