The Magic Hand, etc
Part 3
It’s been a month since I last saw Dani and two months since Jill suggested she call me, she hasn’t.
I didn’t want to think about the hand movement or using it on anyone let alone a woman, both were still fresh in my mind and groin.
I threw myself into my job. The distraction worked. After a while my thoughts stopped drifting towards Jill or Dani and I was beginning to feel like me again.
That was a few years ago. I had moved on, since then had a few dates, a few short relationships, no hypnosis though. Then one evening, while watching TV, my mind drifted to Donna and how all that had happened, Jill and Dani that is.
That’s when I started to think about the hand movements, the instant hypnosis, the control, how could I use this instant hypnosis to benefit others?
I decided to start a part time business of Hypnosis Therapy. I’d read about how people were helped through hypnosis, like to stop smoking, loose weight, etc. I could do this too.
I had business cards printed and started handing them out wherever I went.
Nothing happened for a week. Then one evening the cell phone number I used on the card rang.
Hello, the woman’s voice said, my name is Stacie and I picked up your card at my supermarket. I have a problem, can you help me? She asked.
OK, I said, start by telling me about this problem of yours.
Well I’m fat, she said. Not just a few pounds either, but really fat. All my friends are nice about not telling me how fat I am, but I have a mirror in my bedroom that tells me every day. It says, hey Stacie your fat.
That’s the reality I live with.
I’ve tried all the methods my doctor suggested. Then the pills as seen on TV. Even a few ideas I read about in the movie magazines. Nothing. Though, sometimes I do manage to loose a few pounds, she said, with a happy tone in her voice, but I gain it back in a few days.
I’m a mess. Every one says I could be a very pretty, slender woman. Though I wouldn’t know. I’ve been fat since I could remember. My mom says I came out fat. It all seems so impossible. Can you help?
The next thing I know, I hear myself tell Stacie, sure I can. When can we meet.
Did I tell you my card says visiting Hypno Therapist, I make call to the client’s home.
Stacie tells me her address and says she is free any evening this week.
We agree on 7PM the following evening.
The next day at work I ask for a half day off. I need that time to scan the web and read up on how to work with someone wanting to loose weight using hypnosis. Lots of sites and a few books at the library.
It took the whole afternoon of study to put together the best way to use hypnosis for weight loss.
I think I understood what to do.
I needed to relax, though. My mind drifted to the new woman in my life. Oh, I don’t think I’ve introduced her to you yet.
Yes, she has very nice legs.
I call her Cindy, her friends call her Cynthia. She owns a small food store over on, well..... a very nice store that sells specialty foods.
As it happens it’s on the way to Stacie’s, and I have an hour and a half till our meeting, so...
Cindy saw me through her window and motioned for me to go around to the back.
We’ve been dating a week now. We met when I went in to check our her store and ended up checking out Cindy. She is very cute, outgoing, great body, legs, short hair and brown eyes.
We hit it off, love at first site kind of thing....
I wanted to ask her out within seconds of meeting her. Don’t rush, I said to my self.
So I came back the next day and asked her out.
She did not blink, said yes, and I kissed her cheek and we planned the when and where to meet.
Well you know what’s next, right?
As I was about to leave her office, I moved my hands in front of her face. She was at her desk, her head slowly moved down stopping when it met her desk top.
Cindy was hypnotized. Did my usual thing about suggesting she could lift their head and answer my questions.
I asked Cindy, what do you usually ware on dates? She told me her casual wear was slacks or shorts, depending on the weather.
It was summer, so shorts. I asked if she like to wear socks? She wrinkled her nose, socks she said. Who wears socks any more.
I told her they’re coming back, all the models in NYC were wearing them and soon they would appear on the pages of the fashion magazines. Cindy was impressed, or at least she looked like she was.
So, I said, do we agree, socks, shorts, athletic shoes. OK she said. I’ll shop for socks.
I quickly counted to three, I told she was coming out of a day dream about socks, she awoke.
Wow, she said, sorry about that, I was somewhere else, daydreaming about wearing socks on our date... Can you imagine that, Cindy said?
I’d rather see you in socks than imagine what your legs would look like in them, I told her. She gave me a funny, sideways look, like, are you OK, socks are old, she said. Well if you look in the fashion magazines, this old sock thing is now the new sock thing.
OK, I’ll see what I can find at the store down the street, she said resignedly. What a girl had to do these days to get a date, she laughingly continued.
She kissed me on the cheek, and I left.
I should tell you, a few days before I asked her out I was in her store to pick up some items for dinner.
Just then a young woman, early twenties, came into the store. She was wearing a nice pair of socks on slender legs. Cindy saw me check her out. What are you looking at, she said? Those socks do nothing for her legs, she commented, socks are for girls, not women.
I decided to not comment, and nodded. That seemed to be enough for Cindy and we changed subjects.
The day for our date came. I was nervous, as you can imagine. My first dates usually end up being the last date. Maybe Cindy will be different.
She told me she had been seeing this guy for a while. However, a few months ago they agreed things were not working out and had a mutual breakup. Since then Cindy was not looking to start a new relationship, until I showed up, she said.
She liked me from the first glance, she said. So she was pleasantly surprised when I asked her out.
I’m not a fan of movies, she told me, but she loved to watch sports on TV. Her idea of a quiet evening was a big bowl of popcorn, maybe beer or wine in front of her large screen TV, watching some sporting event.
Since this was our first date and we were just starting to get to know each other, going to her or my place to watch sports was not appropriate, yet. So, I suggested a new sports bar, large TVs and great food was the word on this place.
Cindy was excited about the idea. She had heard about it too, it was on her list of places to check out. So.....when I suggested this place, she smiled and gave me a big kiss on the cheek, again.....
She had told me to meet her in the front lobby of her building.
I was there early. I told the door man I was there to pick up Cindy/Cynthia. He wanted to call up, but I said, no, I’ll wait.
I have to admit I was nervous, my history and all that. But, I had to put all that aside.
I was pleasantly surprised when the vision called Cindy appeared next to me in her lobby. I was briefly distracted with the news paper and didn’t see her get off the elevator.
She tapped me on the shoulder, you waiting for someone buddy, she asked. I looked up, back lighted by the by the lobby chandelier, was the most lovely glowing face I had seen in, well, quite a while. One I recognized, Cindy looked, wow.....
I stood, gave her a warm hug, kissed her cheek and she stepped back.
It took me an hour to find these, she said, as she looked down and struck a leg pose. There, covering her feet and ankles where the cutest ankle socks on the sexist legs around.
I checked her out as she then began to prance around. I love these, she said, just love them.
They help my leg line. I feel sexy in them, I don’t know why I never thought to wear socks before....she went on to say.
The place we were going to was about a half mile from Cindy’s apt. It was a warm evening, I didn’t bring my car, thinking we could cab there, but we both decided a walk would be nice.
As we walked and talked, getting to know each other, I noticed how people would look at Cindy’s legs. Not just men but women too.
I think Cindy noticed this too. She commented to me that it was a bit uncomfortable for her to be looked at like she was, as we walked to the sports bar.
She did look good, and with the socks on, her leg line was very sexy.
About half way there I got this idea, after hearing about Cindy’s past love life, of course I shared mine with her too. (hypnosis to help her accept how she looked)
Hmmmmm....My hand moved, Cindy slumped but I caught her and quickly told her to regain her composure, open her eyes and continue a conversation. I told her she was under a state of hypnosis, which I suggested she loved to be in.
I think this is a good place to continue into the story about my first experience with Therapeutic Hypnosis.
Remember Stacie? She called in response to the business cards I had left in various places, letting people know about Therapeutic Hypnosis.
Her problem, she told me, was that she was fat, her words, and wanted to loose weight. She had tried her doctor’s suggestions, magazines, TV adv., etc. Nothing worked for her. She had been fat since she was a baby and was depressed and distressed, would she ever be able to loose weight?
The pressure was on me, I was her last resort, she told me.
I met her at her place at the pre-arranged time. I was pleasantly surprised to see a lovely face but somewhat shocked to see such a large body below that face.
Yes, I’m very fat, she said to my staring eyes. Every part of her was large, arms, chubby legs, torso, oh so full and very large breasts.
I smiled and told her how attractive she will be once we start and she gets to work on loosing weight. Men will be calling you all the time to date you and in time love you. I tried to be convincing.
She smiled, but the underneath look was, oh sure your just saying that to make me feel good about the money I’m paying you. Which in a way was correct, I thought, she saw right through me.
I have confidence in my work and the method I had researched to help Stacie find that shapely, sexy woman inside her.
I could see she was ready to start so...
We sat down and talked. She gave me lots of information about her self and lifestyle. What she ate, how many meals a day, things light that. Also we talked about what she felt she would be like when she weighed about 135 lbs. I figured that when I first saw Stacie. She was about 5′6″ so that would be a good weight for her to aim for. Currently she told me she weigh 235 lbs. So her challenge was to loose 100 lbs.
I could see she was about to tell me, that loosing that much weight was almost impossible, but I stopped her and said, you can and will do it.
That is when my hand moved in front of her face and she dropped into hypnosis. She was seated, I made sure of that. The first step was to suggest to her that using a swinging crystal was the best method of placing her under hypnosis.
I had read that the subject needs to feel confident that the technique being used to hypnotize them will work. I did this and counted, 1,2,3, and awake. She smiled and apologized for daydreaming. Are you ready I said, to be hypnotized? Yes, was all she said.
I discussed the various ways one can be hypnotized. I asked her if she felt there was one method that she was attracted to? She immediately said the swinging crystal. Good I said, as I pulled out my crystal attached to a gold chain.
I told her to relax and watch the swinging crystal and listen only to my voice.
As I started the crystal swinging and began to speak I could see her eyes begin to flutter. Within a minute her eye lids were extremely heavy and when I suggested she close them and drop into a deep hypnotic sleep, they closed. After a few tests, I determined that she was hypnotized, which I knew because of her prior preparation. I began her first session.
She had given me so much information about her eating habits, etc. which allowed me to address a way she was going to change them and yet not feel hungry. I suggested she would do what I told her to do and think that was the plan she could stick to, for ever.
Before I hypnotized her I told her that being hypnotized was the key to making this work for her. Her subconscious would take all the suggestions, believe them, and tell her conscious mind to act them out.
She would stick to this way of eating forever, it would be come normal for her, replacing her current eating habits. I let this sink in for a few moments. I had one more item to present her. Her love life.
I told her she would answer all my questions truthfully.
When was the last time she was made love to by anyone? I could see her struggle, then take a deep breath. Last week, she said. M came over and she gave me oral. OK, I said, how about a man? No, Stacie said without any hesitation. I haven’t been with a man.... I decided to leave this alone, for now.
I brought her out of hypnosis, but before I did I told her she would not remember my last questions and whenever I wanted to hypnotize her, I would hold up the crystal and she would instantly become hypnotized. 1,2,3 awake.
Stacie, opened her eyes and said, are we done? Yes, we are definitely done. Now it’s up to you.
You know I do feel differently. My appetite would usually be on high this time of the evening. I’d be at my refrig. for soda, then go for the chips as I watched TV. I can go through one of those large bags of chips in one sitting, she said.
Wow, maybe this hypnosis “stuff” will work for me.
I smiled, pulled the chain with the crystal on it from my pocket. I saw her eyes follow it up and when I started swinging it in front of her face, she sank into a deep state of hypnosis, instantly. All is well with Stacie.
I told her the next time she has M over her orgasms will be very mellow, smooth and intense. I asked her to share with me, how her visits with M went, whenever they happened.
1,2,3 awake. She was not aware she was under and looked at me and we began our conversation on how, what I call her hypnodiet was going to happen.
We will talk twice a week for now, I told her. Then over time this may change to more times a week or less. I figured she would need up to a year to loose her 100 lbs. but that was the future. We will take this one week at a time, I said. She smiled, appeared to be happy and said, great. So call me in two days and report on how your new eating habits are working.
She gave me a big hug and I left. That went well I thought, hope my suggestion about her relations with M brings her pleasure.
I left off Cindy’s story with her hypnotized. She looked so lovely, eyes closed, face so relaxed. I wanted her so...but not this way. I was unsure why I hypnotized her. Did I want to know if she like me? Or how she like to be loved?
No, I didn’t need to know this about her or any woman I was with.
Was this my way of keeping control? Maybe. I did put it into her to wear socks. That was my thing... I loved her legs and wanted to see them in socks.
Now I’m getting to it. I know I have a thing about sexy legs, legs in hose, socks, heels.
I decided to awaken her and have her think she was daydreaming and let it at that. No more control, just leave our relationship to evolve without any hypnotic suggestions. I had interfered enough so, 1,2,3, awake.
Cindy opened her eyes, it was a good transition from being hypnotized to being awake. She didn’t miss a beat as we continued walking to the sports bar.
It was a great evening. Cindy was a sports buff, very knowledgeable about many of the games we watched.
We were so into the games we did not pay attention to how much beer we had, and before we both knew it we were sort of tipsy.
Cindy was giggling, take me hope please, will you. Sure I said, I called a cab, and helped her in when it came.
She snuggled close to me, put her sock covered legs over mine, you like my legs with socks? She sort of slurred? Why wouldn’t any man in their right mind not like such fabulous legs in socks, I said, as I kissed her neck.
Cindy turned towards me, in a serious tone, she said, do you want me tonight? I returned her look, yes I said, but we are both, sort of high and in the morning what would we think?......
Oh, she said, you are a fuddy duddy aren’t you. No, I continued, just a person who wants to love you but not under these conditions. She smiled, closed her eyes and seemed to drift off.
The ride was only a few minutes. I opened the door, and carefully untangled Cindy’s legs and picked her up, asked the cab driver to wait for me and carried Cindy into her place. I had found her keys during the cab ride.
I opened the door, carried Cindy to her bed room, took off her shoes, socks and pulled down the covers, placed her in her bed, covered her, kissed her lightly on the lips and left.
That was hard, she was so beautiful, even more so when she slept...
I left her a note, telling her how wonderful she looked in socks and should consider wearing them more and that I had the best time with her, enjoyed her knowledge of sports and I would call in the morning.
I had just finished showering and beginning to feel like me, when the phone rang. Wow, what an evening, I’ve never be put to bed like that before. It was Cindy and she was ecstatic. She told me I was the most thoughtful man she knew and she wanted more.
Another date very soon, she said. In fact there is this act coming to a local club and I want you to take me there. I’d love to I said, what is the show. I’m not telling you, she said. This is my surprise to you, pick me up for dinner tonight, and hung up.
OK, I thought this should be nice.
I walked in about 7:30 that evening, closing time for Cindy’s store. I was directed to her office. The door was closed, I knocked, she called my name, yes, I said, wait a minute she replied.
I leaned against the opposite wall and waited. The door swung open, the office seemed to be empty, Cindy? she said come in, I did, the door swung closed.
I looked behind me and there she was. I blinked a few times, I did not believe what I was seeing. Cindy was standing there in a short skirt, fishnet stockings and thick knit white socks with low heels.
I instantly got hard. She turned around a few times to let me get a good look at her. Then stepped forward, kissed me on the lips, and hugged me. Thank you for last night, she whispered in my ear.
As we pulled apart I looked down at her amazing legs. She had adjusted the socks perfectly, show off her leg line in the fishnets. What a vision.
I take it you like, Cindy cooed, it took me awhile to find these socks. They are the same one’s Hooters wait staff wears. I called them and they gave me a pair.
I also went on line, she said, and found a number of other types of socks I ordered. I smiled, she smiled, we hugged and then kissed, quite passionately for two people just getting to know each other.
Cindy was ready to go out on the town. She looked fabulous.
I don’t think I told you, besides my interest in woman’s legs and what they wears on them, I find smaller breasts quite sexy. With that in mind, Cindy was just perfect with a great body, sexy legs and willing to wear socks.
The fishnets were all her. I never said anything about wearing fishnets.....
So where are we off to, I asked? Cindy smiled, you’ll have to wait and see, let go.
I called a cab, we’re heading across town, she said.
Fifteen minutes later we pull up in front of a comedy club. I glance over to Cindy, she smiled, I smiled back. We had been talking about local sports teams during the trip, now we’re here and I am curious, why a comedy club, as I shrug my shoulders?
You’ll see she adds, you’ll see. I open the cab door for her, she stands, adjusts her skirt, takes my arm, follow me she says. I look around us, all eyes are on Cindy, why not, I think, she is the hottest woman here...
We enter the club and I see a waybill announcing that evening’s act.
I’m shocked. The show is by Ken Rick, a stage hypnotist. In fact he’s a friend.
My mind swirls, does Cindy know? Is she aware she has been hypnotized? She sees me reading about the show, are you surprised, she asks? Well, in a way, I say, I would never think you would be interested in this kind of show.
Oh, you’ll learn that I’m interested in many diverse forms of entertainment, sports, scholarly topics too.
We enter the club, as the light dims and Ken enters the stage. He is one of the best stage hypnotists I have ever seen. His act is well thought out and includes a range of unique suggestions his participants do while they are hypnotized. Fun, yet serious.
If you hear of him coming to your area check him out. I won’t spoil it for you by telling you any details, but you will be entertained.
Cindy is taken by the show. She does not go up on stage or want me to, I am very relieved. His technique is excellent and the results are top notch. He selects only those who he knows will be good subjects.
After the show, Ken sees me and Cindy at the bar and comes over. I introduce him to Cindy and she gushes over him, showering Ken with complement after complement. How do you do that, she asks, I mean hypnotize all those people and have them perform for us. Wow, she is impressed.
Ken says, ask your date he is an excellent hypnotist himself.
He has another show to perform and starts shaking Cindy’s hand, I see what he is doing as he hypnotizes her. She is standing there, head down, still shaking Ken’s hand. He whispers into her ear, lets her hand drop and quickly wakes her up. Then tells me she’s all mine as he walks away.
She comes around slowly. What did Ken say to her? I know he can be a jokester but this is not good, leaving without even giving me a hit.
I wait for Cindy to compose herself. She turns to me, do you really think I’m Beautiful? I take her in my arms and whisper in her ear, you are so beautiful, yes, so beautiful.....
She pulled back a moment, you really mean that don’t you, she said staring into my eyes.....
Then she addressed what just happened. What did Ken do to me, she wanted to know.
Well, I said, he used a technique of instant hypnosis on you. When a hypnotist sees that a person wants to be hypnotized he/she knows that they are half way there, its takes only a moment more of the right technique to bring them all the way into a state of hypnosis, I told her, and you were in that place.
You mean I wanted to be hypnotized so he hypnotized, me just like that? Yes, I said. It’s quite easy in the right setting, with the right person or people. Like here.
Most of the people who come to this kind of show are attracted to hypnosis and want to be hypnotized. So they are ready. Then hypnotists works with that and selects those that are really ready and helps them finish their wish to be hypnotized. Of course some people are easier to place in a trance, but that’s another story.
I don’t think you are in that group. But you were in the group who secretly wanted to be hypnotized tonight and Ken saw that and hypnotized you.
I was hoping Cindy wouldn’t bring up what Ken had said about me. But, she looked at me sideways, Ken said you are an excellent hypnotist, is that true?
I stammered, we...ll, it’s sort of a hobby.
Can you hypnotize me were the next words out of Cindy’s sexy mouth.
You really mean that, I asked? Yes, I do, not now, but later at my apartment, can you? Sure, I said.
We held hands as we left the club. Cindy was hungry so I suggested another sports bar close to where we were, she smiled, that’s OK, but is there a quieter place? I thought, sure right around the corner a small Bistro. Lets go there, she said. I’ve had enough excitement for now, quite will be good, and we can talk.
We had a great time, shared more about our lives before we met, other relationships, how they worked and didn’t. All good. Cindy looked great in that light, well any light, she was quite lovely. I was falling for her in a big way.
The topic of hypnosis did not come up, then.
We took a cab back to Cindy’s. She had an extra bed room in her apt. and said I could stay the night if I wanted. She explained that she needed to know a person before she was intimate, I liked that and said, I’ll see how the time is, maybe I’ll take you up on that offer.
But first, she said, you can hypnotize me. You’re OK with that she asked? I didn’t answer directly but started to shake her hand. She smiled, I guess this means it’s OK with you....
I asked her why she wanted to be hypnotized, she said she never thought about it before tonight. When she saw the adv. about the show, it just struck her that it might be fun.
Then, she said, when she met Ken, she knew she wanted to be hypnotized, Only she didn’t think it would happen that quickly and right at that moment. I explained that Ken was an exceptional hypnotist and had that special understanding about people and when they could be hypnotized. You fit perfectly.
Ken saw that and used that. He knows me and trusts me enough to leave you in a state of hypnosis with me.
So, he used the hand shake technique, just like I’m using now. I continued to gently move her hand up and down as I spoke to her, asking her to relax, take a deep breath, move her feet apart, suggesting to her that she was becoming very relaxed, her eye lids were becoming so heavy, so very heavy. It took a few moments, then Cindy let her eyes close, her head slumped down and I gently guided her into a chair.
She was hypnotized. I can tell when a subject is faking. There are certain signs that one cannot fake. Cindy was not faking, she was hypnotized, in fact she was one of those people who can go under very quickly, and very deeply.
I used this moment to deepen her interest in socks, thanked her for the added element of fishnet stockings and told her I though she was a beautiful woman with a great body, she should be fully pleased with herself and that I loved her sexy, shapely legs and she would wear any type of stockings with or with out socks.
I placed those suggestions out of reach of her conscious mind, they are your thoughts and yours alone, they come from you, I suggested.
Now on to part two, I wanted a frank talk about our relationship with her, she would start once she was out of hypnosis, that too would come from her.
Part three was to leave a suggestion that when ever she wanted to be hypnotized just ask me and I’ll use your special word. Give me a word that I can use, I asked. She sort of mumbled a word. I asked if she could speak up, Grocery, she said. Good. Whenever I use that word you will instantly be come hypnotized. OK I asked, OK she said.
The last part was the fun part. I told her once she was awakened she would not believe that she could be hypnotized. However she could not stand up form the chair, she would be stuck there until I said unstuck....1,2,3, awake.
Cindy came out of her trance slowly, looked around and said, sorry I drifted off, what were you saying.
I was hypnotizing you, like you asked.
Cindy frowned, but I wasn’t hypnotized, just day dreaming. No, I said you were hypnotized.
She be came adamant, no I wasn’t. OK, I said, come over to the mirror and I’ll show you that you were. She moved forward in the chair but couldn’t get out of it. It seems that I’m stuck in this chair, how could that be, she asked?
It can be because I hypnotized you, and told you that you are stuck in that chair until I say a word, a word that will release you from being stuck.
Hmmmm, she said. So I was hypnotized by you after all? Yes you were and you happen to be an excellent subject.
Did I ever tell you you have great legs, trying to change the direction of our conversation. She smiled, yes, many times and I see you looking at them often and I like that you do.
But, I’m still stuck, can you help me with this? OK, unstuck. Whew, she said, I was a bit nervous, now I feel better. What about the mirror, can you convince me that I was hypnotized?
We moved to the mirror and I told her to focus on her face and eyes then said Grocery and her eyes closed and she slumped a bit. I held her up and counted 1,2,3 awake. She did, wow, I can’t believe I was really hypnotized. My last thought was my eyes are closing and that’s all I remember, she said.
She kissed me on the lips, you are marvelous and thanks for hypnotizing me, it feels so relaxing yet stimulating at the same time, she said, and I love the feeling.
She yawned, I’m getting sleepy, you want to stay the night? I have a spare bed room for you.
It was a long evening for me too, I didn’t look forward to calling a cab and the ride home. So, sure, I said, I’ll stay, it’ll be fun.
Cindy was so pleased she kissed me again. Her lips were so soft and warm, I held her, our bodies pressed sensuously close. She pulled back, you know I would love to have you make love to me, but not tonight, I have a rule on intimacy after one date. I understood, though I could have hypnotized her and changed all that, but not tonight.
About an hour after we retired to our bedrooms, my door squeaked, I opened one eye to see a stealthily moving figure enter the room, softly asking me to move over, then slipping into the bed with me.
She said, I can’t sleep, is it OK if you snuggle with me? She turned her back side towards me and I slid perfectly into the contour of her body. We fell asleep that way.
Getting back to Stacie. I had spoken with her on the phone a few times since our session. She told me she Had developed a new way of eating, she was happy, not hungry and was doing well. I asked if her friend M had visited lately, No, but we will see each other this weekend. I wished her well, keep to her new eating ways and call me any time, I suggested.