Magical Bimbo
Part 2
Tessi woke up next morning in her bed, beside her Master and Cammi, her bimbo bestie. She rolled over to put an arm over Cammi’s gorgeous body, letting her hand trail slowly down one voluptuous tit before coming to rest. She drowsed with the others, feeling content, happy, and still very well-fucked since yesterday.
Master had been perfect. In everything. Most of all with his cock, which Tessi really couldn’t resist. She would do anything for his cock. Her pussy demanded it, and she was a dumb, obedient bimbo herself. It was always best to do what her pussy wanted. Luckily, her pussy just wanted to get fucked. All the time.
Master had given her what she wanted. She hoped he would give her some more.
The doorbell rang, startling her out of her doze. Why did it ring? What did that mean? She felt very unsure what to do, and decided to wake Master. Master would know.
“Master!” she whispered and rocked his body gently with one hand on his shoulder. The bed shook slightly, and she was almost distracted by the sight of Cammi on the other side of Master. She shook too, in a very tempting way. Master didn’t stir.
“Master!” Tessi tried again. “The doorbell is ringing. I don’t know what to do. Wake up, Master!”
It took several more tries, but then Master finally woke up. He looked at her blearily, but when she explained what was going on he caught on quickly. He got out of bed and went to check the door. Tessi snuggled up close to Cammi, who was not quite awake yet, and wrapped her arms around the other girl’s waist.
When Master came back, there were three other men with him.
“Here she is,” he said and gestured at Tessi. One of the men walked up beside the bed and pulled her away from Cammi, to the edge of the bed. Cammi rolled over and curled up tighter, sleepily.
“I want to you remember this,” Master said, leaning in close to Tessi. “Play with your pussy.” She obeyed. It was already moist, and tingling slightly. “You are a horny bimbo,” Master said. “You are made to be fucked. You love to be fucked. It’s all you want to do. You’re nothing more than a pussy and a pretty body for men to fuck. Remember that.”
“Yes Master,” Tessi panted. Her pussy was drooling now. She hoped Master would fuck her.
He didn’t. He stepped away instead and gestured at the three men. Tessi looked at them, still playing with her pussy. They looked—pretty dumb. Hot, but dumb. Big muscles, action-movie faces, but dull, uncomprehending eyes. They looked like male bimbos.
When they dropped their pants, Tessi forgot about their eyes. They had the biggest cocks she’d ever seen. Ridiculously big, like Cammi’s tits. And... ridiculously hot.
“Fuck her,” Master said. The men moved in, taking Tammi’s hand and legs and effortlessly folding her into position on the bed, on her back. One of the men moved in between her spread legs, and inserted his cock into her now-dripping pussy. It went in without resistance, despite its size. She screamed and squealed, and almost came.
The next man climbed up on the bed and pushed himself in in beneath her. He held her in a firm grip and maneuvered under her, until his cock pressed between her ass cheeks. Her pussy spasmed in a near-orgasm as the man below her pushed his cock into her ass. It shouldn’t have been possible, but it slid in smoothly. She kept screaming and squealing, writhing on the two giant cocks that impaled her.
The third man silenced her. He climbed up on the bed, above her face, and drove his cock into her mouth, down into her throat. It filled her, and she should have gagged or at least coughed. Instead she nearly fainted from the extreme pleasure the three cocks gave her.
The three men began to fuck her, slowly, in a steadyrhythm. Their cocks moved in her body, in and out in synchronization. She couldn’t feel anything else, except those cocks. The sensations overwhelmed her mind.
They fucked her to the edge of orgasm, and held her there. It pushed her mind deeper into overwhelmed blankness. It would be the biggest orgasm of her life, when it came, by far. She surrendered to it, and just hung on the three men’s cocks, impossibly filled, and waited for her orgasm.
It didn’t come, and instead she felt Master’s hand on her throat. She tried to watch, and saw his hand come up, with the necklace in his hand.
Abruptly, Therese returned to her self. The magically-enhanced capabilities of her body went away, and she couldn’t breathe. For an awful, agonizing instant she hung still, stretched to the bursting point by too-big cocks, and unable to breathe due to the monster filling her throat.
The three men pulled their cocks out. It felt as if they were draining her completely, and when the cocks in her ass and pussy had left and the one in her mouth slid out, she lay limp and crumpled on the bed. She felt like a deflated doll, completely empty. Worst of all, that almost-orgasm still hung in her mind, slowly fading but still teasing her, tempting her. It had been so close...
“Remember this too, superhero,” a man’s voice said from close to her right. She was shaking now, but managed to turn her head and look at him. The Great Steve sneered back at her. She hadn’t recognized him, neither his face or his voice.
“Remember how good it is to be a bimbo,” he went on. “You can’t take it in now, I guess, so I will leave a note on your kitchen table with your options. Consider carefully. Next time, you will become a bimbo forever. Come on.”
She watched dully as Steve, the three men and the bimbo trooped out of her bedroom. She heard the door close.
It took a long time for her shocked mind to begin functioning again. It wasn’t until her body forced her out of bed, driving her stumbling and staggering to the bathroom, that she began to return to her senses.
She staggered back to bed afterwards. Her phone was on the night table. She sent a message. I am sick. Can’t come in today. Talk later. Then she curled up under the covers, trembling. She wanted to cry, but her eyes were dry.
Later, when it was afternoon, she was collected enough to become angry. Garbage Steve, she thought, you don’t know who you’re playing with. I am going to kill you.
When she finally got out into her kitchen, she was ravenous. It was early evening, and she still felt wobbly. There were some leftovers in the fridge, which she turned into a simple meal together with a big bowl of pasta. She needed energy.
Garbage Steve had left a note, like he’d said. He told her to consider this a warning. If she interfered with him again, he would be back, and this time he wouldn’t release her. Her other option was to seek him out. He’d helpfully provided an address, and beside it he’d drawn a crude picture of a cock and balls, just so she’d know what to expect. The note went into the trash bin, torn to pieces and the pieces crumpled.
Anger was not a good strategy, though, so she made herself a pot of tea and curled up in her couch to try to think. It had been a close call—heck, no, it hadn’t been close at all. She’d lost, plain and simple. She’d been taken. If Steve hadn’t released her, she’d have been happily obeying him still.
Shame burned through her as she forced herself to remember the details. Shame, and arousal. The unpleasant truth was that she really had been a dumb, obedient bimbo—and loved it. That’s what the magic had done. Magic was, at its core, intention—shaping your will and then letting it flow into the world or into another person. Steve had shaped an intention of being a bimbo, of wanting to be a bimbo, and placed it in the necklace, from where it had flowed into Therese’s mind. Which had been open and unprotected as she stepped into the bathroom. If she hadn’t managed to stop, she would have transformed into a bimbo instantly, as soon as she crossed the threshold.
She didn’t protect herself much at home. She’d never had to, and it took effort that had always seemed unnecessary. There were the wards and watchers, and they had always been sufficient. Should have been, yesterday. Why weren’t they?
Try as she might, she couldn’t understand it.
There were... lingering effects of the magic that made it harder. No, not lingering. Semi-permanent. The problem was that it had been an intention, a magical intention, that had flowed into her mind at all levels. She hadn’t resisted it, and as she went along, the magical force of it had turned it into a super-charged learning experience. To her mind, the events of last evening had been the realization and fulfillment of her deepest desires. Suppressed for years, but hidden deep inside her. She couldn’t say for sure it wasn’t true. That was the awful part: the intention was still there.
The necklace was gone, and so the magical force feeding the intention was gone, but the intention itself remained as a desire, deep down in her mind. When Steve removed the necklace, her old mind snapped back from where it had been pushed aside by the magic, but the intention and the experience of following the intention was there. It was true. She had followed it, and it had been amazing. She didn’t think she’d had those desires before, but she had them now, placed in her mind by—Garbage Steve.
She wanted to be a bimbo.
The next day Therese managed to get to work. She was feeling almost back to normal, except for that magically-instilled desire smoldering in her subconscious. She’d realized that since she’d slept with the necklace on, it had been able to affect her dreams as well. Steve, however much she hated him, was clearly a capable mage. She’d underestimated him, badly.
On the way to work, on the subway, she discovered that being at home, alone, was one thing. It made it harder to resist the urge to masturbate, but at least she was alone. Being out among people, especially female people, was a whole other thing. She was... staring. At breasts, asses, legs, lips, eyelashes. All the women were beautiful. She wanted to plonk herself into their laps and pleasure them.
As for the men: they were just cocks. She found it hard to even notice their faces, she just kept looking down at between their legs. After a while it sank into her magical senses, and she found herself aware of every man in the vicinity. She could have pointed at them, exactly, with her eyes covered. It was very frustrating.
Mona and Kat were waiting for her in the MJS offices. Her colleagues were concerned, since a mage of Therese’s caliber shouldn’t really get sick, but she brushed them off. Or tried to—they were insistent. And oh, she was distracted by them too. Mona had really dark, gorgeous eyelashes, that drew Therese’s attention every time she blinked. That too sank into her magical senses, and she had to shield it specifically from the others. It wouldn’t do to let Mona sense that Therese were tracking her eyelashes.
It was a relief when they got a call. A good, old-fashioned bank robbery. They knew what to do, and sped away to the bank office in two cars. Mona and Kat went around the back, while Therese made herself invisible and sauntered up to the front entrance. Nobody noticed her, as usual. It was very hard, even for another mage, to detect a capable invisibility spell, and the police officers and others outside the office weren’t mages.
The door was closed, though, so Therese couldn’t just walk in. She paused and considered her options. After some thought, she went around the corner and found an emergency exit door that should be connected to a corridor behind the main hall. It was unlocked but closed, but guarded by two policemen. Her magical senses told her there was a robber standing guard on the inside. She probed him cautiously. A non-magical human.
She took a deep breath, and then, very gently, reached out to push a couple of suggestions into the policemen’s and the robber’s minds. Just fleeting impulses, like the squad often did. This time it reminded her uncomfortably about what Steve had done to her, but—this was different. As the two police officers turned to look toward a sound only they had heard she opened the door and slipped inside. The guard was preoccupied with his shoe laces and didn’t notice the door opening and closing silently.
Therese walked right past him and went to the main hall. And stopped.
The bank tellers were busy counting money into bags, and they seemed happy about it. She realized why, right away. In the middle of the room was—Great Steve.
Therese had two, very different, reactions to this. First, anger and shame flared in her mind, and she almost lost her invisibility in the surge of emotions. Second, her pussy flared, flooding her mind with a very strong desire to lie down flat on her back on the floor.
Her spell wavered, and she hurriedly stabilized it. She held her breath as she sensed Steve probing the room, and concentrated on magical invisibility. He must not be allowed to see her!
She should—do something, though. To stop him. That was her job and her duty, and that was also what she needed to do to get her revenge. She felt weirdly passive, as if she was waiting for something. Across the room, a slight hint of magical movement signaled that Mona and Kat were in position, waiting for Therese to act. She felt indecisive, and it wasn’t until she glanced down and saw that she was standing at attention that she realized what was going on.
The sight of Steve had triggered the intention buried in her mind. She was standing at attention and waiting to be told what to do. Waiting for him to tell her what to do. Like a dumb, obedient—bimbo. Her pussy was hot and slick. She battled the intention, unsuccessfully.
It wasn’t until Steve and his helpers collected the bags and headed out the doors that it broke. Therese was helpless, even as he turned and looked directly at her, and winked. How did he see her? She didn’t understand, but she was livid as she waved in dismissal at Mona and Kat, who were staring toward her in confusion. They couldn’t see her, but they knew where she was thanks to their years of working together and attunement to each other’s magic.
Therese ran after Steve, still invisible, and weaved between confused police officers out on the street. It seemed Steve had used a similar spell as in that store, confusing and bewildering the police. She had to stop him.
It was too late. A truck raced down the street, away from the scene. Therese stopped, furious with herself. She had to stop him. He was probably heading for the address he’d given her, and she would follow. It would be folly to just rush in there alone, but she felt too ashamed to tell her colleagues. She wanted to fix this herself. Perhaps a diversion? She spun and turned to a female police officer neatny. She dropped her invisibility and reached into the policewoman’s mind.
There were clear ethics around manipulating other people’s minds using magic, but this was an emergency, she told herself. She’d never done anything like this before, but she knew the theory. Her pussy burned with arousal as she let her magic flow into the woman’s mind, opening and softening it. She saw the policewoman’s eyes go blank and vacant. The woman was open to her now, programmable.
She had a plan and pushed it into the woman’s mind. There was no resistance. Then she released the officer and turned to run back to the squad car. She needed to stay away from Mona and Kat, she couldn’t explain herself to them now. As she glanced back, she saw the reprogrammed policewoman hurry away too, to the address now hovering in the center of her mind.
Therese parked the car outside a large, non-descript warehouse, and let her magical senses extend gently. She didn’t sense any magic, and no magical persons. There were just a few non-magical people inside, at least nearby.
The warehouse had a couple of loading ports in the middle, and smaller doors on the sides. She considered those, but then scanned the rest of the wall. The windows just below the roof seemed a better bet. And she hadn’t done anything like this in a long time...
Walking up to the building, she extended her fingers and splayed them against the wall. Then she focused, and let magic flow into her hands and muscles. This was also intention—“just” intention, as people who didn’t understand magic said. They didn’t understand that with sufficiently strong and focused intention, her fingers’ natural ability to find and sense crevices and irregularities could be supercharged, until she could find useful grip even on a smooth, flat wall. And her muscles could be strengthened until they could pull her up that same wall.
She took a deep breath, let her fingers sink into the wall surface, and began to climb. Like a spider. It was perhaps disingenuous of them to keep repeating they weren’t superheroes, when they did things like this. She rose along the wall smoothly, seemingly effortlessly. Therese knew exactly how much magical force and focus she had to pour into it, though.
She reached the window she’d aimed for, and as she’d hoped, it opened onto a walkway running the length of the warehouse cavern. It opened easily to her supercharged touch, and she climbed inside, cloaked in invisibility and magical shielding.
The walkway was empty, and she slipped quietly along it, stopping halfway. She peered over the railing, down to the warehouse floor. It was almost too easy. There he was.
Steve—garbage Steve—stood in the middle of the floor, surrounded by a few muscular men and a few very non-muscular women. Therese recognized Cammi, and suppressed the flutter between her legs. Her pussy was happy to see both Steve and Cammi. Tough luck, she thought to it. I’m not happy to see them.
Steve was focused on—the policewoman. The plan had worked. The woman had arrived just before Therese did, and had been caught, as planned. Her role was as bait. Therese’s role was—to save her, and catch Steve. She just needed to figure out exactly how to do that.
Therese gripped the railing and created a magical sound enhancer, to try to hear what was going on.
“... be a happy bimbo,” Steve was saying to the policewoman, “just a dumb, happy fucktoy. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”
“Yes,” the officer moaned. She was swaying on her feet, and staring blankly at Steve.
Therese suppressed a gasp, and some swearwords. She was late! Steve was already bimbofying the woman. As Therese watched, the police uniform began to strain, as the woman’s body changed. Her chest was growing visibly, as was her ass. Her hair—black, shoulder-length—grew thicker and longer, falling halfway down her back.
“You love to fuck,” Steve told the officer, who nodded back enthusiastically. Her breasts jiggled, and Therese saw her eyelashes flutter.
God, this was hot. But she had to stop it. She couldn’t let the poor policewoman become Steve’s bimbo. This was her fault. But it was so hot, and it felt so good to watch. Almost as good as being a bimbo herself...
The police uniform burst, as the woman’s tits expanded further. Therese heard a gasp, and thought it was herself, until she realized it was Cammi. The bimbo was staring open-mouthed at the policewoman, and was rubbing her pussy through her clothes.
So was Therese, she realized. This was incredibly hot. But she had to stop it.
“It’s so good to be a bimbo,” Steve told the enchanted woman. “It feels so good. You are so horny, so close to cumming. When I snap my fingers, you will cum, and you will become a bimbo. You will be a bimbo, and you will want to be a bimbo. Just a happy horny bimbo.”
The policewoman was moaning and shuddering now. Her uniform hung in shreds from her bimbofied body. She was staring hungrily at Steve.
Therese was shuddering too, and masturbating furiously. It was the hottest thing she’d seen. Just... just a moment more.
Steve snapped his finger. The policewoman cried out and her legs buckled under her. Cammi cried out too. Therese didn’t—but she came, along with the bimbos down on the floor. She sank to her knees, her body shaking.
“Let’s fuck her,” Steve said.
Abruptly, the post-orgasmic haze lifted, and Therese nearly panicked. What had she done?! She’d let the poor woman be bimbofied, and she’d masturbated while it happened. She had to stop this, now!
Therese pulled out her phone and pressed the emergency button to open a link back to squad headquarters. She held it up and filmed herself, nodding to the camera, and then panned over the warehouse, zooming in on the group on the floor. Then she formed another intention—several of them.
Therese jumped over the railing as pandemonium erupted in the warehouse. Most of the lights exploded, and strange shapes moved in the darkness, screeching and wailing. Flames leapt up around Therese herself, as she floated down to the floor on a column on thickened air.
She stepped off her air cushion and swept her arms up towards the ceiling. As she did, she launched a twinned spell—one spell of confusion and one of sleepiness, intertwined. She sent it towards all of Steve’s party, and she saw his assistants and the policewoman sway and yawn as the spell hit them. Steve himself, unfortunately, had time to detect and deflect it. He also managed, if barely, to deflect it from Cammi.
Therese wasn’t planning to let him recover. She sent a spray of magical hail towards them, and he didn’t have time to deflect it, although he managed to protect Cammi. He cried out in pain as tiny, sharp icicles slammed into his body.
He was good at staying focused, she had to give him that. Despite the hail, he managed to launch a counterattack in the form of a rushing flood of water, to counter the flames swirling around her. As she countered it, she sensed him reach out and start untangling the rest of her spells.
Fireballs, Therese decided, and ran off towards the right while she launched salvos of fireballs towards Steve, as well as above and around him. He swore as he had to pull back from the rest of the attack to deal with the fireballs.
Something came flying towards Therese, something physical. She dove and rolled to dodge it, and realized it was Cammi’s shoe. She’d torn it off and thrown it at their attacker. Say what you want about the bimbo, Therese thought, but she sure could handle pressure.
The shoe distracted Therese momentarily, and she swore aloud as she felt a magical probe from Steve sneak through her defenses. She blocked it, but it was too late.
“Oh! It’s you!” Steve called. “Cammi, plan B!”
“Yes Master!” the bimbo called. Therese hated the way her pussy trilled in response. It would feel so good to obey her Master, it suggested. Shut up, Therese replied. It wasn’t a good sign that she was talking to her pussy, but she hadn’t had time to root out that damned implanted desire, and it held her pussy on a tight leash. Okay, bad image. Back on the offensive.
“Yes, me!” she called back to Steve. “Your worst nightmare.” She poured as much of her magic as she dared into a swirling tornado of spells, trying to overwhelm him both mentally and magically. It roared around him.
“And... I’m... your—dream man,” he said. He sounded very strained. Good.
“No,” she told him back as she dropped the flames surrounding her and upped the power aimed at Steve. He went down on his knees. Very good, she thought. He was a really good magician, but he had limits too.
Suddenly something hit her from the side and she went down. She rolled on the floor. Someone was rolling her and pushed her down on her back. Therese realized in shock that it was Cammi—the damn bimbo had jumped her! They wrestled, and Therese frantically tried to maintain focus on her spells too. They were too complex to handle while at the same time fending off the bimbo, especially as the physical presence of the voluptuous woman made Therese’s pussy catch fire. Those huge bimbo tits felt so good, pressed against her.
Cammi giggled and tried to get her hands down into Therese’s shirt. In the end, she ripped it open. Therese was scrambling backwards, but Cammi managed to sneak her hands into Therese’s bra, on the right and then on the left. And then she—pushed herself up and off Therese.
Therese shot up from the floor and tried to recover her spells. They were breaking up and dissolving, in the absence of her control and replenishment. Luckily, Steve was just standing there, grinning at her.
“I got them in place, Master!” Cammi called breathlessly as she ran back to him.
“Good bimbo!” he told her and patted her head. She beamed back at him.
“Everyone, scram!” Steve roared, in a magically enhanced voice. “Plan Total Escape, go!” The shout pulled his assistants out of their confused stupor, and everyone began running towards various doors and exits.
Therese tried to build another attack, but she had to fend off a leisurely flow of distracting magic from Steve, and she was also distracted and worried by a growing heat from her chest. What had the idiot bimbo put down her bra?
When explosions began going off along the length of the roof, everyone ran towards the doors. Therese joined them, since Steve apparently preferred to destroy his hideout rather than letting it be searched. She had no intention of being buried in any collapsing building.
Therese stood at a safe distance and watched the fire crews battle the blaze. Steve’s gang had been thorough—they’d demolished the warehouse thoroughly, and had also managed to create an almighty inferno and an even mightier smoke cloud. Under cover of which they’d gotten away.
Despite her setting off the alarm the police and her colleagues hadn’t gotten there in time. And she, as the agent on site, hadn’t done a stellar job. She was furious with herself, and Steve, and very ashamed of what she’d caused for the poor policewoman—and of her own reaction. She’d masturbated while Steve bimbofied the officer.
“Therese!” Kat’s voice made her wince, but she had to meet them. “Are you okay?”
Therese nodded and put an unfelt smile on her face. “I’m fine. I got out in time.”
Mona came running up after Kat.
“What happened?” Kat asked.
Therese sighed deeply. “It’s... a long story. And a painful one. We... need to talk. I first need to go home, though.”
She had to calm down a bit before telling her colleagues the truth, and she needed to get control of her own spinning thoughts.
“Mona,” she said. “There are reasons, and I will tell you as soon as I can, but I’m placing you in command. I will tell you, but I am not fit to command right now.”
“What?!” they both cried. “Therese, that’s dumb!” Kat said. “Just because that guy got away again —”
Therese held up her hands to cut her off. “It’s not just that. It’s more, and worse. It’s an order,” she said as they opened their mouths to argue again.
“I’m going home. I will meet you at 6PM in the office. Sorry, but we have to talk about this today.”
“Okay,” Mona said, her eyes narrow. “Therese, be careful.”
Therese nodded. “I will. I just need... some rest.”
She left them to monitor the remaining work from the emergency services, and drove home. As she let herself into her apartment she felt numb. She didn’t even have the energy to scan the place properly. Her upgraded wards said all was fine, but they’d said all was fine yesterday too.
She was too tired. She’d thrown all her energy into the assault on Steve, and she really needed to rest. And check what the heck Cammi had placed on her body.
As she walked into the kitchen she saw a note on the outside of the window. She sensed the faint spell that held it in place.
Hi Therese, it said. By now you might have already seen your new nipple decorations. If not, go have a look! They should look great on you. They will also have a beneficial effect—on your cup size. If you try to remove them, it will hurt like hell and damage your nipples. If you don’t, they will send a steady encouragement into your tits to grow. More and more. Don’t worry, they won’t be saggy or floppy. They will be a beautiful as Cammi’s. You’ll get those huge, gorgeous tits you always dreamed of! Unless, of course, you discharge the spell. How do you do that, you wonder? Easy—by orgasming! How wonderful! And even more wonderful: it’s only when somebody else brings you to orgasm. If you make yourself cum, you naughty little superhero, it won’t help. Your tits will merrily keep growing. If a woman makes you cum, it discharges enough to stop the growth for six hours. If a man makes you cum, with his cock, it stops for twenty-four hours. You will get a lot of great sex! And gorgeous great tits as well, I wager! How fun for you! But—there is one more thing you need to know. If you are really horny, and right at the edge of orgasm, that also blocks it. That you can do yourself. But it needs to be constant stimulation, and you need to be just at the edge. It might make it hard for you to do your job, but it will keep your tits small and boring. So it’s all up to you! Have fun! The Great Steve.
Therese read the note several times. It wasn’t hard to understand—but it was hard to understand. It couldn’t be real. Except, she felt the heat in her chest. She felt even number than before as she went to her bedroom and took off her torn shirt and her bra. Sure enough, right there on her nipples were two golden—objects. They shone brightly, and looked like a golden skin. They seemed to be fused into her skin. She gasped as she touched them—it sent a surge of pleasure down into her pussy. Didn’t her breasts look slightly larger already?
There was no way to get a good grip on the things. She wasn’t sure she wanted to try, from what the note threatened, but—still. She stared at her reflection for a long time, until she finally turned away and stumbled over to her bed. She had to get some rest. She needed to be back in the office in an hour.