Magical Bimbo
Part 3
Therese seriously doubted the wisdom of driving in her agitated state, but public transport was way too dangerous right now. Garbage Steve was out there, and probably after her. The car was far and away the safest place. At least for her, she reflected as she braked hard to avoid rear-ending the car in front. She was badly distracted. Her breasts felt... warm. And they tingled. It was awful—but it felt so good. She wanted to play with herself, so badly.
She managed to get to squad HQ without incident, and parked the car in the thoroughly protected car park. It was even more protected than usual she felt, and she detected Sharon’s hand in the intensified spells. Nobody wove complex spells like her, twirling and circling and snaking around themselves to surprise unwary magicians.
The others were already in the office when she entered. Kat was sitting behind her desk, looking tired and worried, but brightened when she saw Therese. Mona was in one of the high-backed chairs, while Lucy and Sharon sat on their desks, legs swinging casually.
“There you are,” Sharon said. “We were beginning to worry.”
Therese fell into another high-backed chair, and closed her eyes for an instant. She wanted to relax. To sleep... Not yet.
“I know,” she said, “and I’m sorry. There’s... too much going on. First things first, though. I’ve been compromised.”
Kat cried out and Lucy swore, but Sharon just nodded. “Figured as much, when you handed command to Mona. You don’t do that lightly.” She smiled at Therese, warmly, but with an edge. Therese let it go—she knew Sharon had been itching for command for over a year now, but Therese hadn’t let her.
“No,” Therese said. “We can discuss that later. Right now, I have no choice. This is what’s happened.” She took a deep breath, and launched into a description of everything that had happened since yesterday, when they’d first encountered—Steve. She omitted a few of the more embarrassing details, but they needed to know most of it. Unfortunately.
“So,” she finished, “to sum it up: I have a deep urge in my mind to be a, a bimbo, and I have two... things on my nipples that Steve claims will make my breasts grow.” And, she thought but didn’t say, I have a terrible fire between my legs right now, after telling you all this. She had to get herself fixed and get rid of that awful desire he’d given her.
The others were silent after she’d finished. Then Sharon spoke.
“That’s bad,” she said. “Really bad. He seems very dangerous, this Steve guy.”
“Oh yes,” Therese said. “I’d rate him the most dangerous foe we’ve faced so far. He’s very competent, and extremely strong. And... insidious.”
Sharon pursed her lips. “That’s pretty weird, isn’t it? Where did he come from? We’ve never heard of him before. Isn’t that strange?”
Therese shrugged. “There are boatloads of wannabe criminals out there. Now and then one of them takes a serious stab at it and discovers he has some real talent.”
“Mm,” Sharon said, looking unconvinced.
“We can figure that out later, right?” Lucy looked impatient, as she usually did. Therese thought of herself as impulsive, but Lucy was even more so. That’s why Therese kept her paired with Sharon: the average became pretty normal.
“Right,” Therese said, and then bit her tongue. “I mean, that’s up to the commander.” She looked at Mona, who was fiddling nervously with a pencil and started when Therese turned towards her.
“Uh, yeah,” Mona said. “Actually, I was thinking... perhaps it would be better if Sharon took command. She’s much more experienced.”
Therese groaned inwardly, although she’d expected it. Mona was quietly competent, but had a bad case of self-doubt. The woman really should take charge sometime, she’d be surprised by how well she’d do it. But... not now, perhaps. Therese smiled reassuringly and shrugged. It’s up to you, she tried to send.
Mona nodded. “Right,” she said. “So... first, I’m handing over command to Sharon. Okay?” She looked towards Therese, but then caught herself and looked at Sharon instead. Therese felt her lips compress, but kept silent.
“It’s okay,” Sharon said, and almost managed to suppress the glee in her eyes. Sharon did not have very much self-doubt, as far as Therese could tell. And would probably do a good job in this situation, she had to admit. She wasn’t at all sure she herself could.
“Right,” Sharon said. “You heard Mona. I am now in command. Here’s what we’ll do. First, we will go home, and get some rest. We’re going after this Steve guy tomorrow, and we need to be on our toes.”
She frowned at Therese. “I am very concerned about him, and about you. I think your judgment is impaired.”
It sure is, Therese thought, but didn’t say it aloud. She just shrugged.
“I want you to stay here tonight. In the sleepover rooms. It’s safer. Do you have your emergency kit in your locker?”
“Yes,” Therese said.
“And there’s food in the fridge. Okay. You stay here. Don’t go out. The rest, don’t go home alone. Lucy, you’re with me. You’ll stay in my guest room.” Lucy nodded. “Mona, Kat, you decide between yourselves, but you stay in the same place tonight. Add extra wards, and be really careful. He might come after the rest of us too.”
Kat nodded, wide-eyed, but Mona looked skeptical.
“Do you think this is really necessary?” she said.
“I hope not, but we can’t take any chances. We’ve got to stop him, and he clearly isn’t afraid of us.” She glanced at Therese, who felt her cheeks redden. You mean he’s not afraid of me, she thought. And he was right about that so far, she had to admit. She felt very embarrassed about her performance, and about that poor policewoman.
They broke up, and Therese went to the sleepover rooms. They had three rooms next to the office—just three small rooms with a bed and a chair, with a shared small kitchen and bathroom. Sharon followed her, but stopped at the door.
“I’m going to add extra wards,” she said, “and turn on the alarm. Don’t leave the rooms.”
Therese opened her mouth to protest—are you locking me in, seriously?—but thought better of it. She’d been very clear that she expected the squad to follow her commands, and she couldn’t very well demand special treatment for herself. She had given up command, and she should stick to it.
“Okay,” she said, trying to sound like a good, meek subordinate. “Thanks.”
Sharon didn’t seem to be fooled, and gave her a twisted smile. “See you tomorrow. Sleep well.” She closed the door, leaving Therese alone.
It didn’t take her very long to become restless. For one, her breasts were tingling even more, and feeling warmer. She took off her squad shirt and bra and inspected them. They didn’t look larger, but possibly fuller and definitely firmer. She wondered how fast they would grow. What would she look like tomorrow morning? Like Cammi, with her impossibly big, impossibly perky tits? I hope not, she told herself sternly, and got dressed again. That was nothing to pine for, she thought, Cammi looked like an overinflated sex toy. The simmering heat in her pussy surged at the thought. Annoyed, Therese went to prepare dinner.
She had a very slow evening. For once, her phone couldn’t hold her attention, and she even tried watching TV, without any success. She kept getting more worked up, and more aroused. Her thoughts went round and round in circles. They were wasting time, weren’t they. Sharon was too slow and cautious, they should have gone after him tonight. He wouldn’t have expected that. Now he could dig in and prepare. And... he could work on the poor policewoman. Therese wondered what she even looked like by now. It had been so stupidly hot to watch as her uniform stretched and tore as she was bimbofied, as her body swelled and grew and inflated. She’d been ridiculously curvy by the time Therese had intervened. She could hardly have become curvier. Could she?
Therese went back to check on herself in the mirror. She didn’t have anything to measure herself properly, but she thought her chest was larger. She was getting curvier too, like the officer... She wasn’t turning into a bimbo, though, not yet.
She froze. Not yet? That was the thrice-damned urge he’d put in her head, the smoldering desire to be a bimbo again, like she’d been when she’d worn the necklace. She had to get it out of her head. Not now though, not when she was worked up and not by herself. She’d probed it, very lightly, using her magic, and it was too deep and too entrenched. She could easily mess up her mind very badly if she tried. No, someone else would have to help her. Possibly one of the police deprogrammers, with the help of someone in the squad.
At eleven, she went to bed. It was useless, of course. She tossed and turned and her hand kept sneaking down between her legs. Steve’s note said she couldn’t block the growth magic by pleasuring herself, but she could at least work off some steam.
Except she couldn’t. She masturbated more and more intensely, but it didn’t help. She just kept getting hornier. Her breasts were very warm, and whenever she touched the things on her nipples they sent a burst of pleasure straight through her, straight into her pussy.
At one, she got up and went to take a cold shower. It helped, slightly, but it also made her fully awake. She sat down in her t-shirt and made a cup of tea. She felt keyed up and tense, and couldn’t relax no matter how she tried. She was horny, and annoyed. Damn Sharon for being so methodical and careful! If they’d gone in the whole squad Steve would have been helpless. She hadn’t noticed anyone else with magical power. It was just him.
Which meant, she realized, that if he was asleep, for example, there was—nobody. He obviously set wards, but she knew a thing or two about bypassing those. And by now, he would be asleep, and wouldn’t expect an attack.
No, she told herself. Don’t be stupid. You’re not going to go haring off alone in the middle of the night. You’re going to wait until morning, and work together with your squad mates. Your colleagues. Anything else is just stupid.
It would surprise him, though, almost certainly. He hadn’t really been surprised the last time, had he. He’d been waiting for her. But now, when it was almost 3 AM...
It didn’t matter what the time was. She couldn’t find him anyway. She drank her tea and tickled her nipples through the magical coverings. It sent shivers of pleasure through her body, making her pussy clench. She was so horny, it was driving her crazy.
The whole squad could track him down, especially with the help of the police. She couldn’t do it herself. The only way would be to use magic, tracking magic. And that would only work if she had something that was his, that he’d touched, that she could aim the magic through.
She tweaked her nipple, feeling the cool golden metal under her fingers. The golden metal of—Steve’s... magical... items. Her eyes widened.
Half an hour later, Therese was moving very cautiously through the office. She’d dressed in her squad uniform, and had spent twenty minutes casting spells on herself. First, the tracking spells on the nipple things. That had been easy, and she could feel a clear pull in them. It rose and fell as she turned, and she knew it would guide her to him. Then, the ward- and alarm-evading spells, that kept her invisible as she moved slowly through the dark office. She smiled as she let herself out and slipped soundlessly down the stairs. She loved this, the thrill, the chase, the battle of wits and courage.
There was a time for daring, and a time for planning. Sharon always went for planning, but Therese couldn’t sit still any more. She wanted to act, and she wanted to prove herself to the squad and to Sharon. Locking her up, indeed! When they arrived, Therese would be there, with the policewoman safe and rescued, and quite possible Steve in chains as well.
She smiled to herself as she exited the building. No car tonight, she decided. She would walk, or run, and follow the pull of the tracking magic in her breasts. She let a small trickle of magic flow through her body, boosting her speed and stamina and set off through the sleeping city.
It was almost too easy. The magical pull rose and fell depending on the direction to Steve, and she let it steer her. A tug on her left breast; she turned left. On her right breast—she turned right. She didn’t have to think, but trotted easily through the streets, following the magical prompting.
Soon enough, she was standing in front of an apartment building. The magic indicated Steve was here, and all she’d need to do was go up the stairs, and she’d know when she was at the right floor. There were no wards on the outer door.
She put her palm on the lock, and gently pushed on the pins with her magic. They slid in place, click-click, and she could open the door. No wards, and no alarms.
She climbed the chairs quietly, savoring the growing pull in her breasts. He was close now.
And then, he was here. She stopped outside a door on the fourth floor, facing it square on. Both breasts pulled at her, pulled her forward. There were subtle but clear wards around the door. She decided to try a new technique, one she’d read about and practiced with, but never tried for real.
Slowly, steadily, she reached out, towards the outer, shimmering edge of the magical wards. As soon as she made contact, she let her magic flow, a sharp, focused intention flowing into his wards. It surged through them, quick and taut, and she felt her magic spread into the apartment.
Magic was essentially intention, and her intention now was to take over his wards, to make them her own. It wouldn’t have worked if he was awake in there. It relied on the wards being on their own and not actively maintained, but in that case it was quite effective. She felt a few twists and jinks, as Steve’s wards shifted in character, and she found she had to focus hard to keep her magic flowing through them all. Finally, she felt them curve in on themselves, and realized she’d trailed all the way back through the wards, back to Steve. Right here, in the center of the magic, was Steve himself.
She paused for a moment and weighed her options. She could stop here, maintain her magic flowing through the wards and go into the apartment. There might be physical alarms, but she could deal with those. Steve shouldn’t notice anything—but if he woke up, he could reach out through the wards and attack her through them. That would be a distraction, to put it mildly. Another option, which she wasn’t completely sure would even work, was to continue. Let her magic flow further, all the way down to Steve. She might be able to affect him, via the magical strands of the wards. It was tempting. Put him deeper to sleep, deep into a magical sleep so he wouldn’t wake up no matter what...
It was tempting. Dangerous, but very tempting. It would be one hell of a coup.
She let her magic flow again, through the wards, and converge on the center of them all. Steve. And... there he was. It was almost too easy. She couldn’t suppress a triumphant grin as she sensed his sleeping mind. He was in deep dream sleep, and she could reach in and push him deeper. She could feel it, all the way out here, as his breathing and heart rate slowed even further. She added a condition, a trigger. Her magic pushed him deeper into sleep, and would keep him there until... until what?
Until he heard her name, that’s what. Her grin turned sharper as she pushed the sound of her name into his sleeping mind. Her name, in her voice. He would sleep until she herself told him her name. His henchmen could shake him and call him as much as they liked, he still wouldn’t wake up. That should be devious enough for him, she thought.
She should move now, though. She was still standing in the stairwell and someone could come by and wonder why she was standing still with her hands spread out. She lingered for a moment, since she found she couldn’t just sense Steve’s mind. She could sense his dreams.
He was dreaming about a bimbo, of course. She shook her head. He really had a one-track mind. Bimbos, bimbos, bimbos. This one was a woman Therese didn’t recognize, and Steve was dreaming about bimbofying her. He had his hands on her breasts, making them grow larger.
Therese gulped. That hit too close to home. It was like herself, like the magical things he’d put on her. She tried to force the thought out of her mind—it was very dangerous to lose focus when doing magic. Too late. The thought leaked and as she watched, the woman in Steve’s dream morphed into—herself. She watched herself being bimbofied, in his dreams, and felt his arousal and excitement. Her own arousal leaked into it, and for a brief, terrible, horribly erotic moment she shared in his pleasure and felt dream-Therese enjoy her bimbofication as much as sleep-Steve did.
No! she thought, and pulled back. This was crazy, and dangerous. She had a mission to accomplish! She pulled her magic back, breaking contact with Steve, but making sure he was still deeply asleep and held there by her magical trigger.
Slowly, cautiously, she forced her breathing back under control and ignored her flaming pussy as she used her magic to unlock the door. The alarm-evasion spells were still there, dormant, and she powered them up as she opened the door and entered the apartment.
Like the rest of the operation, it was almost too easy. There was only a simple alarm, and her spells were more than enough to keep her out of its sight. She crept through the apartment. Everyone was asleep. She could sense the wards snaking through and around the rooms, but they were hers now, and didn’t react to her presence. She’d decided to leave them like that—it would hopefully be extra confusing when the wards alarmed Steve about himself.
There were two bedrooms, and in one of them Steve and the bimbos were sleeping. Therese checked the rest of the place, and found the three henchmen (who had very large cocks, her bimbo urge reminded her). She decided to risk using magic, and gave them each a light push, deeper into sleep. She did the same with Cammi, even though her pussy suggested she might wake up the bimbo instead, wake her up and play. But no. Cammi would sleep.
That left the policewoman, who was sleeping beside her bimbo friend in a ridiculous pink night gown. She was Therese’s main objective. She would leave Steve here, and come back in the morning with the squad.
She watched the sleeping trio and did her best to ignore the fire in her pussy and the voice in her mind screaming at her to snuggle up beside them. Be the bimbo you want to be, it screamed at her, and lie down beside them!
She was not going to be a bimbo. She did not want to be a bimbo. Sorry voice, she told it, you’re out of luck. But it was seriously distracting, and annoying, and her pussy listened to it. She had to act.
Waking up the bimbo officer was too risky. Even if Steve would sleep and she’d nudged the others deeper, there was a very big risk the officer would wake them up. There was another way, a dangerous and very much unapproved one. The squad had used it before, when there was no other option, and when they needed to stop someone’s mind from being damaged. That was pretty much the situation now, wasn’t it? Yes, she decided, very much aware of the still-rising heat between her legs.
Therese leaned in and very gently put her hands on the sleeping policewoman’s head. She let her magic flow, and in one smooth operation, she woke the woman and put a mind blanket on her.
The mind blanket was a spooky thing. It worked like those cartoon blankets you’d put over a bird cage, making the bird believe it was night and go to sleep. On a human, it blanketed the mind, cutting it off from all stimuli and all thought. Making it—stop.
As Therese let go of the woman’s head, she shuddered in a mix of arousal and revulsion. They had used it a few times, and since it essentially froze the person’s mind in place it could be used to prevent any ongoing changes or damage until deprogrammers or therapists could be involved. In the meantime, it left them utterly mindless. Mindless zombies, unable to do anything but obey any command they were given. By anyone.
Therese leaned in and whispered in the policewoman’s ear. She moved, clumsily, and climbed off the bed and stood beside it. She looked truly mindless, her face expressionless and her eyes completely empty. There was nobody home. The former officer wasn’t aware of anything, and wouldn’t remember anything. She was a mindless and helplessly obedient bimbo zombie.
Therese fought her surging arousal. Steve had turned the woman into a crescendo of curves. There wasn’t a flat surface or a straight line anywhere. She was just curves, voluptuous, swelling curves, like a living breathing sex goddess. A mindless, obedient sex goddess... who Therese was here to rescue. Not fuck. She yanked her mind firmly back to the present. She’d caused this. She’d fix this.
She told the woman to follow, and led her out of the apartment. She closed and locked the door again, and took them down the stairs. Luckily they didn’t meet anyone, and as they emerged on the street Therese allowed herself to relax slightly. There hadn’t been any stirrings from above. Steve and his gang still slept. She laughed softly to herself at her coup. They would be so confused, especially when Steve just wouldn’t wake up. And her squad mates would be so surprised! All that was left for them was the cleanup.
She called a cab, and sat back in the backseat as they headed back to squad HQ. The policewoman sat beside her, passive and obedient. Therese kept her gaze away from her—it was enough just knowing she was there. Her pussy knew, and burned hot and wet with the knowledge..
When they climbed out of the cab and took the lift back to the HQ floor, she realized the tracking magic was still there. Her breasts were still pulling at her, beckoning her towards Steve. She’d need to remove that, but it wasn’t urgent.
This time she just turned off the alarm. Sharon would see it, but shouldn’t be alerted by it right now. She considered the wards and thought of doing the same she’d done to Steve’s wards. She was getting tired, though, and didn’t want to fiddle any more.
Instead, she ordered the bimbo zombie to come up close to her, and let her ward-evading magic expand to cover them both. They waddled through the office, pressed close—too close, since the bimbo’s huge round breasts pressed distractingly into her back. Therese managed to keep focus, and got them back to the sleepover rooms without tripping any wards.
Now, finally, she could relax. It was only four-thirty in the morning, and she’d done it. She’d rescued the policewoman, and without a fight. It was a good night’s work.
They should go to bed, she thought, and try to sleep. If they could. She wasn’t the least bit sleepy—quite the opposite. Her body was tired, but she was horny and alert to the point of being hyper. And she needed to pee. She left the woman standing there and went to the bathroom. As she washed her hands, she saw herself in the mirror. She saw her chest. It looked larger. Compared to the policewoman outside, Therese looked like a flat board, but her breasts were definitely larger than before. Damn, she thought. There’s this, there’s the bimbo urge, and we need to go capture Steve first thing. Too much going on. Maybe she needed to prioritize this higher.
Despite her fetish, she didn’t want to have huge breasts. Steve could probably remove the nipple things, if they forced him, but that might take another day. There was a way to block it for a time, wasn’t there? She tried to recall that note he’d left her. What was it—if a man made her cum, that would block the growth for 24 hours. A woman, six hours. Or she could keep herself on the edge, which would make her spectacularly useless in the coming operation. On the other hand...
There was a woman right outside the bathroom. A woman, who happened to be completely under Therese’s control, and who was conveniently mind-blanketed and wouldn’t remember anything from tonight. So if she, for example, was... told to make Therese cum in order to keep her breasts from growing, nobody would know and nobody would be hurt. Not even the deprogrammers could find out, once the blanket was gone. It was crazy, but tempting. Very tempting.
“I’m sorry,” Therese whispered to the bimbofied officer as she led her by the hand into the bedroom. She’d really have to make all this up to the poor woman once she was back to normal. If she ever was—that body would require serious magical work to return to its previous shape.
Therese shook from all the arousal she’d worked up as she stripped naked and lay down on the bed. She opened her legs.
“Rub yourself against my pussy,” she ordered her—zombie. The woman complied, mindlessly, lowering herself down on Therese. She was still wearing that pink nightgown. She began rubbing her pussy against Therese’s.
Therese moaned loudly. She wanted more, and she’d get more, but this was a perfect start. She stared at the sex goddess above her, and reached up to cup those magnificent tits.
As she did, something slipped out between them. Therese saw it, and just had time to see what it was. The policewoman had been wearing Steve’s bimbofying necklace, and it had been almost completely hidden in her massive cleavage.
Now it fell out, down onto Therese, and into her mouth. Therese had time to see it, and understand, but no time to react. The necklace fell into her mouth, and its magic flooded her mind and body. The change was instant. The necklace didn’t need to be subtle this time, didn’t need to guide or cajole her mind. It just reignited the deep, lingering bimbo urge and the memories from before, bimbofying her instantly.
The re-bimbofied crimefighter giggled and cooed happily as she suckled the thin golden chain, while above her the mind-blanketed policewoman kept rubbing herself against Therese’s pussy.