The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Magical Bimbo

Part 5

Therese ran down the streets on autopilot. She’d lost the car, of course, but the pull in her tits guided her after it, inexorably. It was good that she really did want to find Steve, so she could rescue Kat, because there wasn’t much else she could do. Especially not with her hands tied behind her back and a rope trailing after her.

She had to look like an escaped madwoman, she thought. There weren’t many people around, here in the industrial district around the airport—that was good, since she really didn’t want to be recognized or to have the MJS uniform recognized.

It was hard to run with her hands tied, but she used her magic to help keeping her balance. It also fed a steady flow of extra energy and stamina, so that she could run for a long time. Garbage Steve was not getting away this time.

He better not. She wanted to find him, in order to free Kat, but also in order to... No. Except, yes. She wanted to find him so she could be a bimbo. Be a bimbo, or become a bimbo. Again, or at last. She wasn’t really sure, she just knew she badly, desperately wanted to be a bimbo, and just as badly did not want to be a bimbo.

She’d have to sort it out when she found him, she thought. Although it wasn’t far now—the pull in her tits was getting incredibly strong, and crowding out most other things in her mind. Such as her sense of place. She had no idea where she was. Among low, rundown warehouses, or something. It didn’t matter. The compulsion mattered, and she let herself be compelled.

Until suddenly, just after she passed the corner of one building and passed the narrow alley between it and the next, the compulsion yanked her to a stop, with such force that she thought somebody had yanked at her rope. She stopped abruptly, and blinked in surprise. Then she pivoted, obeying the irresistible pull in her left breast.

There he was. Steve. He was standing in the alley, just a few meters away, watching her with a strange hunger in his eyes. She stared back, with another hunger flaring inside her, in a spot just below her belly.

“Get her!” Steve snapped, and then somebody did yank her rope. She stumbled and nearly fell as she staggered backwards, into somebody’s strong arms, and then further back, into a car.

It happened so fast she didn’t have time to react, not with Steve distracting her. Suddenly she was in the back seat of a car, leaning up against the far door, and with a bimbo climbing in after her and closing the door. Her heart sank, and sang with joy at the same time. It was Cammi, of course, bimbo Cammi with the glorious chest.

Doors slammed from the front, and she saw Steve drop into the passenger seat and the one remaining henchman into the driver’s seat.

“Go!” Steve ordered, and the car backed out from where it had been hidden in the shadows near the alley’s mouth, then stopped and turned and accelerated back the way Therese had come.

“Get her hot and wet,” Steve said over his shoulder, and Cammi squealed in delight.

“Yes Master!” she said, and lunged forward to kiss Therese full on the mouth.

Therese squirmed and tried to break it off, but Cammi held her head, and without her hands Therese couldn’t push her off. So she struggled feebly while Cammi’s tongue dove into her mouth, and Cammi’s incredible breasts squashed against her.

Hot and wet, Steve had ordered, and that’s what Therese became, despite herself. She flipped between struggling against Cammi and trying to push herself closer to the bimbo, and as she did, Cammi slowly but surely stripped her.

The car rocked and shook as the henchman drove, but Therese was too preoccupied to try to notice where they were going. By the time Cammi had gotten her boots off, and then her uniform pants and panties, she was a hot, drooling mess. Cammi lay on top of her, eagerly rubbing her pussy and kissing her, and Therese writhed and kissed back.

She should fight, she thought dreamily, but it felt too good to kiss and be played with... Cammi’s hand between her legs was stupidly distracting, and she couldn’t muster the will to push it back. She kissed Cammi, instead, and let herself be distracted.

Then the car braked abruptly, and doors opened. Cammi pulled back, and somebody pulled Therese out the door behind her. She stumbled to her feet and looked around in confusion. This looked familiar...

“Drop the rope,” someone said—yes, Steve, “she’ll follow me.” He grinned at her, and motioned the henchman forward. They opened the trunk and pulled something out. No, someone... Therese gasped as she realized it was Kat. She looked dazed and groggy, and was wrapped in a net of some kind. It also looked familiar...

When Steve and the henchman set off towards the residential building where they’d parked Therese realize where they was. It should look familiar, she thought as she followed the pull in her tits, after the two men and through the door into—her own apartment building.

Steve had been right, of course. There was nothing she could do except follow, as her tits pulled her helplessly along after him. Even if she’d wanted to, she wouldn’t have been able to resist. Cammi had made her cum several times in the car, and her pussy was still on fire, ruining her ability to focus and do much of anything. She could have used magic, if she’d just pulled herself together.

She didn’t want to pull herself together, though. Partly because she was naked from the waist down and didn’t want to be seen like this, and partly because they had Kat—who was wrapped in the squad’s magic-containing net, which they’d had ready for Steve—and partly because... she wanted to be pulled. She wanted to... obey.

So she followed them up the stairs, and she wasn’t surprised when they stopped outside her door.

“Open it,” Steve said impatiently, and she obediently put her thumb on the reader and spoke her name. The lock clicked, and she went into her own apartment. Out of habit, she checked her wards. All was calm, all was okay, they said. She couldn’t resist a small laugh, as she stepped inside. All was not okay, she thought, but her wards didn’t know that.

Right, she thought. Right. Think. She shook her head, trying to clear away the insistent urges from her pussy and from the bimbo desire lodged deep in her mind. She had to think, had to do something. She had to save Kat and stop Steve. There wasn’t much time left, and not many chances.

She tried to sneak off to her bedroom, while they maneuvered Kat onto the sofa, but a tug on her rope stopped her.

“No!” Cammi giggled behind her. “Bad girl! Don’t go away! Cammi wants to play!”

Crap, Therese thought, even as her pussy trilled in response. It wanted to play with Cammi too. Therese looked over her shoulder, away from the bimbo. Kat was lying on the sofa and seemed to be awake, but watching the scene in wide-eyed confusion. Therese winced as she saw Kat’s eyebrows shoot up at the sight of her—without pants. Kat, I’m sorry, she thought.

Steve walked up to her, and glared at her. “You,” he said, “are a lot of trouble.”

“Ha!” she replied, “serves you right for—mmmff!” she said as he grabbed her head with one hand and pressed the other against her mouth. A finger pushed in between her lips and she struggled, too late, to wriggle free and raise her magical shields. Too late, yes—she felt a quick burst of magic from his finger, shooting straight into her.

Then he let her go and stepped away. She blinked, feeling thoroughly confused all of a sudden. She shook her head to clear it.

“Good for you that you are fun too,” he said, “and that you will be so much fun.” He pointed at the woman on the sofa. “Do you recognize her?”

The confusion faded as Therese frowned and looked at the woman, and then looked closer. “No,” she said slowly. “I’ve never seen her before.” The woman’s mouth fell open, and Steve laughed.

“Very good,” he said. “You would have remembered that, wouldn’t you. Answer honestly!”

“Of course! I never lie!” she said crossly. She was always honest! With everyone. That was one of her weaknesses as a crime fighter, that she couldn’t lie, even a little, even to the criminals she fought. It was just the way she was, though. “And of course I would remember her, but I’ve never seen her in my life.”

Apparently the woman had hoped she would lie, because she closed her eyes and looked pained. Therese didn’t have time to worry about her, because Steve grabbed her chin and turned her face back towards him.

“Do you know what you did?” he said, with a weirdly hungry look.

“I’ve done a lot of things,” she said, truthfully although perhaps not helpfully. Steve snorted.

“You sure have. But you put me to sleep, in some way I don’t understand, and made me dream. Do you know what I dreamed of?”

She opened to her mouth to say no, but the memory suddenly crashed into her mind. She stared at Steve with a mixture of desire and dread.

“Yes,” she said, unable to lie. “You dreamed about me.”

“About turning you into a bimbo. Yes. And I dreamed it over and over. And over. And do you know what happens when you make somebody dream the same thing over and over for nearly twenty-four hours?”

She shook her head, but she thought she could guess.

“It burns into their brain,” he said, and took a step closer. “It becomes a fucking fixation. I dreamed about bimbofying you, over and over, and I can’t stop thinking about it.” Suddenly, he grabbed her head, pulled her close and kissed her.

“And I’m going to do it,” he said when he let her go. “I’m going to bimbofy you, but I’m going to do it slowly and thoroughly, so I can savor it. You’ll be the most bimbofied bimbo I’ve ever made, when I’m done. But first...”

He took a firm grip on her uniform jacket, and she felt magic flow into his hands. Then he ripped the jacket open.

Her bra followed, and she gasped as he put his hands on her tits. This is it, she thought, it’s happening. But—it didn’t. She stared down at his hands and her tits, and didn’t understand what she was seeing. Her tits were... shrinking? It felt amazing, but they were getting smaller, and smaller and smaller. Finally they were tiny, just a couple of small bumps not much larger than her areola. Steve removed his hands and grinned at her.

“What... are you doing?” she said, feeling stunned and sad.

“In my dream, I made you a bimbo by giving you huge tits. Like Cammi’s, or even bigger. I’m going to do that in reality as well, right at the end. I’ll make them slowly bigger as you become more of a bimbo, until you’re nothing but a bimbo, and then I will give you your big tits.”

Therese fought back tears as she looked down at her chest again. My tits... They were almost gone. She looked like a man, almost.

“But...” she said, her voice small.

“Don’t cry, bimbo.” Steve walked around her and pushed at her neck. “Bend over.”

Therese wavered, but then he pushed harder and pulled at her hips. She didn’t have to go along, she thought, even though she wanted. But that was when she’d thought she’d get big tits... She felt completely unsettled. She should fight him, and use her magic even if her hands were tied. But her mind spun with horniness and sadness and that seductive bimbo desire...

Steve pushed her torso further forward and down, and let her go briefly. She heard the sound of fabric, and realized what he was going to do. Even so, she cried out as his cock slid into her pussy. Not in pain—she was wet and hot and more than ready to be fucked—but in surprise.

His cock felt amazing and she moaned as he grabbed her hips and began sliding her along on it. Ohfuckohfuckohfuck, she thought, he’s fucking me and it feels so fucking good, ohyesohyesohyes. Some small part of her mind tried to warn her, some small part that still remembered she was supposed to resist him, but it was completely drowned out by the pleasure in her pussy.

His cock was perfect—just the right size, and just the right hardness. It was the best fuck she’d ever had, and she wondered if he was using magic to make it better. She couldn’t tell—if he was using magic through his cock he was inside her shields, and she couldn’t even sense it.

“Fuck yeah,” Steve grunted behind her. “This... is good. I... don’t even need... to change it...” He grunted again and fucked her harder. “But I will change...”

Suddenly she felt his magic, or the effects of it. Her ass suddenly tingled, and she screamed as she came. It tingled, in an absolutely mind-melting way, and then it—grew. She kept cumming and screaming, but managed to look over her shoulder and see the curving lines of her hips, ass and thighs expand.

Steve laughed, and she looked up at him, before she had to close her eyes as her ass tingled even more. She could feel her ass grow, feel her thighs thicken, her ass cheeks swelling and her hips widening. It was obviously his magic changing her, but she’d never imagined it would feel so good...

She screamed and came and grew larger, until suddenly, without warning, Steve pulled his cock out of her. She staggered and nearly fell, but he caught her by the rope. For a moment, she hung limply in his hold, and then—he severed the ropes tying her hands. She staggered forward, and collapsed on the floor.

Therese lay on the floor, panting, and with each breath her ass jiggled. It tingled as it jiggled, and sent waves of pleasure through her.

“Enjoy, bimbo,” Steve said above her. “I know you’re disappointed with your tiny tits, but you’ve got your bimbo ass already. You’ll have tits to match when I’m done with you.”

Therese closed her eyes and tried to pull herself together, one last time. This was... no good. She was losing it. And herself. At this rate, she’d be his bimbo before the day was over. If she wasn’t, already. He’d changed her tits, and he’d changed her ass—oh fuck yes had he changed her ass!—and she knew he might have done other things to her, that she might not even have noticed. It had been bad enough with his finger in her mouth, although she didn’t think he’d done anything. But his cock, and for so long—he could have done anything.

The problem was, she hoped he had. She was losing, and if she was really honest with herself, she had already lost. Being a bimbo seemed wonderful. To be fucked like this every day, maybe many times every day... Then the henchman called out, and pulled her out of the spiraling daydream.

“Hey boss!” he called. “Hideout eight is still clear. Should we go?”

Therese looked up and saw Steve wheel towards the other guy. He was sitting in her lounge chair with a tablet computer in his lap.

“They will figure out we’re here,” the henchman said. “The justice squad, I mean. They’ll come after us, and them.” He nodded towards Therese and the woman at the sofa. That stirred something, some faint memory, that had been submerged in all the pleasure.

The justice squad, he’d said. The magical justice squad... Therese froze, and suppressed a groan. All of a sudden she thought about Sharon and Mona and the rest of the squad, whom she’d left slumped in post-orgasmic haze in the airport. She hadn’t thought about them since she’d let herself sink into the magical pull in her tits, and then the ever-increasing pleasure. Oh crap. Oh CRAP. She’d been so lost in her own pleasure and her own desire to be a bimbo that she’d forgotten all about her colleagues, and her job. Her friends.

She looked up at Steve and ignored the heat in her pussy and the tingling in her ass as she did so. She wasn’t here to get fucked by him, was she. Or to be bimbofied. However wonderful it felt. However much she wanted it. She took a deep breath, and ignored the burst of sadness as the lack of motion on her chest reminded her of what he’d done to her tits.

“Okay, let’s get ready then,” Steve said, apparently continuing a conversation Therese had missed. “But I don’t want to drag her around like this,” he said, walking up to the woman on the sofa.

Therese looked at her. She was struggling weakly in her net, but something seemed to be restraining her. Therese narrowed her eyes and looked more closely. Who was she? She was completely unfamiliar, but her clothes weren’t. She was wearing... the justice squad uniform.

For a moment, Therese went cold as ice as she realized the woman was one of her colleagues. One of her colleagues and friends, and she didn’t recognize her. At all. She could have been anyone.

It had to be magic, she realized. Steve had used magic on her, and modified her mind so she wouldn’t recognize her colleague. Which she didn’t, but she did recognize the uniform.

Therese sat up as Steve reached down and put his hands on the net. The pressure on her ass made her dizzy with pleasure. The woman in the net stopped struggling and mewled softly.

“There,” he said. “Now you’ll be quiet while I remove the net. I’ll make you obedient so you’ll come with us happily. I’ll make you into a proper bimbo later, don’t worry.”

No, Therese thought as she got up from the floor. She almost didn’t make it—her ass jiggled as she rose, and the pleasure that shot from it almost made her crumple again.

No, she thought, and forced her dazed mind back to her task. Her duty. If this woman was a colleague, which she had to be, from the uniform, even if Therese could swear she had never seen her before, then her duty was to... save her. Or at least try. She couldn’t just lie on the floor and masturbate by jiggling her bimbo ass while her colleague was bimbofied.

But... what could she do? Steve was removing the net from around the woman. The henchman was sitting with his tablet, looking at her dully, and—yes, Cammi was splayed on the floor, masturbating. And Therese was halfway to being a bimbo herself, and didn’t really wanted to fight. She wanted to fuck.

That wouldn’t help her colleague though. Fucking was great—the best, definitely, but it was a lousy way to fight. If she’d been a man it could have worked. She could have fucked her opponent and when her cock was inside them, they’d be helpless against her magic. But she was a woman and didn’t have a cock. She just had her pussy, and her burning need to fuck and cum, and cum and cum, and cum...

And cum... Something tugged at her mind. Something she’d heard, or read, long ago. Something about cumming. About cumming at the same time.

“Come play with me!” Cammi called to her. “She can play with us later!” Therese almost did so, almost turned and walked over to lie down with Cammi and play with her gorgeous bimbo body. She really wanted to know what a bimbo like Cammi could do to her enlarged, over-sensitized ass... but she wrenched herself away from the temptation.

Cammi. Cumming. Cumming at the same time... opened a channel. Therese gasped, and clapped her hands to her mouth. The motion sent her ass jiggling again, and she moaned with pleasure. But yes. The channel. It was... a long shot. It would never work. It was the only thing she could think of, though.

Before she had time to change her mind, she half-ran over to Steve, who was rolling up the net and freeing the stunned woman.

“Fuck me!” she squealed, and put her hand on his crotch. She did what he had done, and poured magic into her hand so she could rip his trousers open. His trousers, and then his underpants. His cock sprang out, hard and gorgeous.

“Hey!” he said, irritated, and pushed her away. “Not now!”

“Yes now!” she said and pushed herself against him, kissing him. He stumbled backwards and tried to fend her off, while she did something she’d never done before. She channeled her magic and shaped it into magical attraction, which she channeled it into her ass, to make it irresistible. Then she stepped back, pirouetted and sank to her knees, and then hands and knees.

Steve didn’t say anything, and when she glanced over her shoulder she knew why. It was working—he was staring down at her with wide eyes, breathing hard. He was clearly being pulled by her magic, pulled towards her ass, hips and thighs. But he was wavering... He could block her magic. No!

“Fuck meeee,” she cooed, and poured all of her magic into her ass, trying to turn it into something glorious.

“Oh fuck it,” Steve said , and gave in to her magical attraction. “You really are a lot of trouble. I’m gonna fuck you alright, and I’m gonna make you docile and obedient so you interrupt me again.”

He got down on his knees behind her, and drove his cock straight into her dripping pussy.

Therese almost came right away, and as Steve began to fuck her and her ass began to jiggle again, the pleasure exploded. She gasped and bucked and threw her head back. F-fuck it, she thought, forget it, I need to cummm.... But she managed to glance at the woman on the sofa, at her colleague, and managed to pull herself back from the brink.

Instead, she began to shape an image in her mind, an intention. It was the only thing she could think of, to create a magical intention and try to send it into Steve. When, and if, they orgasmed at the same time. She had to hold her own orgasm back... but she’d never wanted to cum this badly in her life.

Steve was grunting behind her and fucking her, and she tried to judge if he was close to cumming. She couldn’t, and instead tried to focus on her intention. It was almost impossible—this was the most difficult spell she’d ever worked, trying to shape an intention while being fucked like this and needing to hold back her orgasm until he came. The image wavered and splintered, and she desperately tried to hold it together.

She had no clear idea what it should be, except for a vague general thought that since Steve was already fixated on her, on bimbofying her, perhaps she could drive that even farther, so that he wouldn’t be interested in anyone else. Like the woman on the sofa. Some part of her mind tried to whisper about the obvious consequences, but she glanced towards the sofa and the woman and pushed the voice out of her mind.

You want me, she thought at the image, you want me more than anyone, I’m the only one you need, the only bimbo you need. I’m the best bimbo... In her feverishly aroused state it felt like a terrific idea, and she wanted to be a bimbo so badly now, but if it didn’t work... She might not save her colleague, and doom herself to bimbohood for the rest of her life for no reason.

The pleasure in her pussy and shaking ass grew, and her orgasm rolled closer. She wouldn’t be able to hold it back much longer, and all she could do was hope that Steve’s fingers digging harder into her ass cheeks meant he was getting close too.

With a final effort, she let go of all the magic she’d aimed at making herself attractive, and heard Steve grunt in reaction. Hopefully he was too far gone to stop anyway. She put all she had into the image, pouring every thought and image of desirability and obsession she could think of into it. It was getting incoherent, and she didn’t really know what she was shaping it into, but there was nothing else she could do.

And it was too late, she thought, as her orgasm ignited between her legs, it was too late... except Steve’s hand dug even harder into her ass, and she heard him suddenly gasping above her.

“That’s it, bimbo Tess,” he gasped, “here we go, goodbye T-Therese!”

And he came, his cock pulsing as it pumped into her pussy, and she felt his magic shoot out of his cock and into her. It flooded her, flooded and enveloped her mind and her magic, and she knew she was being taken.

As her mind drowned in the torrent of magic and orgasmic pleasure, Therese gathered the last of her will and the last of her magical powers, took the image she’d shaped and pushed it down through herself, through her orgasm and into the magical channel that had opened when they came at the same time.

She hoped it would sail through the channel, into him, and into the deep levels of his mind that were hard even for an competent mage to access, but she didn’t know. All she could do was send it out. An instant later, she forgot all about it as Steve’s magic slammed into her mind. The last thing she knew was an incomprehensible blast of joy and pleasure and happiness and obedience, before her mind shattered into a thousand quivering, orgasming pieces and her consciousness fell apart.

When she came to, she was standing up, in the middle of a room. She felt incredibly happy, and knew she was grinning from ear to ear. Air drifted over her body, and she shivered in pleasure. It set her ass jiggling, which made her shiver even more.

She was standing at attention, naked, in the middle of a room. There was something familiar about the room and the furniture, but she couldn’t quite place it. It was like something she’d seen in a dream, or known once and then forgotten. She kept grinning happily, and waited for her orders.

Suddenly, Master came around her to her left. Her grin grew even wider, and she felt a deep flutter of joy all the way down her body.

“So,” he said as he came around to stand in front of her. He wasn’t smiling.

“Hi Master!” she said breathlessly. Then she giggled—her voice was much higher than she thought it would be! Although—why shouldn’t it be? She couldn’t think of any reason, and giggled again. She wasn’t good at thinking, but she was good at giggling!

“Do you remember what you did?” Master asked.

“Master?” she said, uncertain. “No Master,” she said. Had she done something wrong?

“Of course you don’t,” Master sighed. “Serves me right.” He looked at her with an expression she didn’t understand at all. “It has to be in there somewhere. I’ll have to dig it out later.”

He took a step closer. “You were smarter than I thought,” he said. “I underestimated you. So congratulations, you won. Sort of.” He suddenly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. She kissed back, enthusiastically, even though she felt completely confused. But kissing solved all problems, she knew. Kissing, and fucking!

When Master broke off he gestured toward the sofa, where a woman in a funny uniform was lying, staring up at them with a wide-eyed, shocked expression. “Do you recognize her?” Master asked.

“No, Master.” It was the truth, too—she’d never seen the woman before.

The woman made a sound, like a suppressed groan.

“Do you know who you are?” Master said then.

“Yes Master! I’m —” she frowned as she had a brief blonde moment, but then it slid into place in her mind. “I’m Bimbo Trainee Tess!” she said proudly, and thrust her chest out towards Master.

“Remember that,” Master said, turning towards the woman on the sofa. “You’re luckier than you deserve. Your boss saved you.” He reached down and did something to a rope that had been wrapped around the woman’s wrists. “She saved you, so you can go.”

He stepped back. “Go,” he said. “Go! Run back to your squad and let them know that your boss is lost. That’s Bimbo Trainee Tess, not your old boss Therese, and she’s my bimbo. And I’m gonna keep her.”

He clapped his hands over the woman’s face, jolting her into action. “Shoo! Run home! Go!”

As the woman scrambled out of the sofa, he waved at the other man who had been sitting in a chair.

“Jim!” Master said. “You got your gun? Then follow her, make sure she runs down the stairs and out the door and keeps running. If she stops, shoot at her. And you—run back to the squad. Don’t try anything, or Jim will shoot you. Run!”

The woman ran, with a last, fearful glance at Tess, and disappeared out the door with Jim hot in pursuit.

Master turned back to Tess.

He sighed as he looked at her, but he couldn’t keep himself from smiling. She smiled back, happiness fluttering in her belly. Her Master...

“Cammi,” Master said, and Tess tore her gaze away from him to look at her bimbo sister as she came up to stand beside her.

“Yes Master!” Cammi said. Tess sighed in delight. Cammi was so pretty! So gorgeous, and such a perfect bimbo with her flaring hips and... those enormous tits. Tess was jealous of Cammi’s tits, but she was happy for Cammi. She was always happy for her bimbo sister.

“You are getting promoted,” Master said.

“Master?” Cammi said, and furrowed her brow in that cute, uncomprehending bimbo way.

“You are now Bimbo Trainer Cammi. Here is your charge.” He gestured at Tess. “This is Bimbo Trainee Tess. Your job is to train her into the perfect bimbo. The first step is to turn her into Bimbo Princess Tess.”

“Bimbo Princess?!” Cammi gasped and turned towards Tess, who also gasped.

“Yes,” Master said, sighing. “That’s the first step. After that, you will train her into Bimbo Queen Tess.”

“Master!” Cammi squealed in delight, and Tess stared at her Master in confusion.

“She... did something to me,” Master said. “Right at the end. I don’t know what it was, and neither does she, anymore. It’s somewhere in there, but...” He took a deep breath. “I made her dumb, docile and obedient right at the same time, and folded up her mind so she wouldn’t remember much. She’s a really dumb bimbo now, and doesn’t remember much at all from her old life.”

“Oh, that’s good!” Cammi said. “That’s much easier!”

“Yes,” Master said, with a brief look of annoyance. “For her, but not for me. Anyway. I will dig it out, when I unfold her mind bit by bit so we can bimbofy all of it. That’s what we’ll be doing together, Bimbo Trainer.”

“Yes sir!” Cammi said and saluted. Tess noted the gesture with admiration. It looked good, she thought, she’d do it too.

“She made me want her...” Master said slowly, looking at Tess with a deep longing in his eyes. “She made me want her as my queen.” He moved closer and Tess shivered as she felt his breath on her face. “Did you plan that, I wonder? Or did it just happen as you tried not to come before me, so you could do whatever you did? It doesn’t matter now. I already wanted to bimbofy you, slowly and deliciously. I still want that, but now I want you to be the greatest bimbo ever. The queen of all bimbos.”

“Master,” Tess breathed. It sounded so wonderful.

“Cammi and I will train you, step by step, and turn every single piece of you into a bimbo. You already are one, of course, but I want the old Therese back—but completely bimbofied. “ He touched her cheek and ran his hand down her throat and over her chest. “These will grow, don’t worry. With each lesson you complete I will make them grow, until they are so large you can’t walk without magic.”

He moved in even closer and put his arms around her, and his hands on her ass. She came from the touch, and swayed as she stared into her Master’s eyes. He was so close their noses touched.

“I’ve never bimbofied a woman with magic,” he murmured. “I will enjoy that. I’ve bound your magic to me, so you can’t use it on your own, but I will make you use it later. I think there are some neat things that I can’t do that you can do to yourself. And,” he said, brushing his lips against hers, “a totally obedient bimbo who suddenly uses magic will be a nice surprise to our opponents, don’t you think. You’ll be a useful addition to my team. A magical bimbo.”

“Yes Master,” she breathed back. She wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but he sounded happy, so she was happy. And she could feel his erection pressing against her, and of course his hands on her ass... She was gloriously happy.

“All that for later,” he said, releasing her and stepping back. He turned away from her, and she saw the other man had come back after chasing the strange woman from the apartment.

“She’s gone?” Master said, and the man nodded. “Okay, let’s pack up here, and go to hideout eight. We’ve got work to do.” The man nodded again, and Master turned back to Tess and Cammi.

“You two,” he said.

“Yes Master!” they said, in unison.

“You will follow me and be good, obedient girls. We will go in the car, and I want you to sit quietly in the back seat and keep back from the windows. Try not to be seen. Don’t play with yourselves, or with each other. Got that?”

“Yes Master!” they replied, saluting and then giggling.

Master shook his head, but he grinned broadly as he did so. “All right, bimbos. Come with me!”

“Yes Master!” the bimbos chorused, and followed their Master out the door.