The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Making the Perfect Girlfriend

ff, bd, fd

Description: Sarah is madly in love with her girlfriend Jade, except that Jade is too meek to stand up to her traditional parents. Afraid that Jade’s family will break them up, Sarah turns to using hypnotic music from the internet to condition Jade into being more assertive about what she wants. And a few other tweaks that Sarah would prefer in her girlfriend. What could possibly go wrong?

Sarah sat on the porch of her family’s lake house, enjoying the view before her as she realized how incredibly happy she was. It wasn’t the fact that her family had money, which they did, or even her spectacular looks that made her so happy with her life. Instead it was the sight of the timid girl looking out over the railing, her eyes wide and twinkling as she watched a pair of cranes flying overhead.

“Sarah, come look at the birds!” Jade cried, grinning ear to ear. Sarah chuckled and got up to appease her, but her eyes weren’t on the flying cranes overhead but on the swell of Jade’s lovely ass. She slid in beside Jade, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling the taller girl against her. Jade eeped in surprise, but made no move to escape. Instead she dropped her eyes away, blushing shyly as she became completely compliant.

“You’re not looking at the cranes,” Jade muttered, cheeks red.

“I found something more beautiful to look at,” Sarah said, laughing as she saw the immediate effect the cheesy line had on her girlfriend. Even after dating for three months, Jade never seemed to get used to the idea of being hit on. The smallest compliment would send her into a giggling fit, blushing so hard her ears went crimson. Sarah found it utterly adorable, and she’d taken to looking up bad pick up lines from the internet so she’d never run out of them. Of course, Jade’s constant giggling did get a little much, but luckily Sarah had figured out the best way to put a stop to that.

Sarah took Jade’s chin in her hand and turned the other girl to face her, kissing the giggling girl on the lips. Jade froze up in surprise, as she always did, but soon settled into the kiss. Sarah pulled her closer and wondered how she’d gotten lucky enough to have Jade in her life. They had completely different interests and almost nothing in common, and yet somehow their differences complimented each other perfectly. Considering her chaste and shy demeanor, Sarah had been worried that her crush on Jade would be unrequited, but the religious girl was surprisingly eager to go into the relationship with her.

Not that they’d had sex, of course, Jade was too shy for that. All they’d done was kiss and hug, and some occasional groping that Sarah couldn’t even describe as heavy petting. She wanted her girlfriend so badly, to open herself up and let Jade explore her body, but she was fine waiting for her. Everything in their lives was perfect, except for one small, tiny thing…

As they were kissing Jade felt her phone buzz in her pocket, and for a moment she kept kissing, but eventually gave in and pulled away from Sarah. She checked the screen and her face went pale. Before Sarah could stop her, Jade broke out of her arms and purposely marched away, answering the call nervously.

“H-hi dad. I’m still out by the lake. Yup, just doing some birdwatching. Of course I’m not with anyone.” Jade’s pained eyes flashed to Sarah.

Sarah sighed and walked into the house, knowing that anytime Jade was talking to her family she would be completely lost to her. It just wasn’t fair for Jade to be such an amazing person while her entire family were some of the worst people Sarah had ever met. It wasn’t just their ultra-religious personalities, since Sarah had plenty of religious friends. It was the fact that they were the ‘burn anyone at the cross who didn’t strictly follow their worldview’ kind of crazy. Jade had told her horror stories of extended family being disowned just for voting the wrong way or going to the wrong kind of church.

Which naturally meant that if Jade ever told them she had a girlfriend, it would basically be the end of her life. Sarah tried to stay calm, but she couldn’t stand the idea that Jade’s parents would abandon her over the person she loved. She always told Jade that she’d be happy to take her in, that her parents had enough money for them to live together, but no matter how screwed up they were, Jade was always too afraid of disappointing her family.

Sarah stared out the window and saw Jade frantically pacing the porch, fear and guilt wracking her otherwise beautiful face. Sarah hated that look, since she imagined it was the look Jade would have right before she breaks up with her in order to appease her family. Jade made her happy, and she wanted to keep her in her life, but she knew if they broke up that Jade would be as unhappy as her. She’d spent the entire summer trying to help Jade overcome her fears, and it was clear that it was one of the best summer’s of Jade’s life. Still, two months of being in a loving relationship still wasn’t enough to free Jade from the strangling grip her family’s expectations had over her.

Which is why Sarah had bought the hypnotic audio file from someone on the internet.

Jade finally hung up the phone, her shoulders slumped and head hanging in defeat, and she made her way into the house. Sarah did her best to put on a bright smile. “What was that about?”

“My dad wants me to come home right away,” Jade muttered, not able to meet Sarah’s eyes. “Apparently someone told him that they saw me walking in town with a boy and I need to dress more modestly.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “That’s ridiculous. You should tell him that you couldn’t have been out with a boy since you’ve been bird watching all day with your girlfriend.”

Jade went pale, and Sarah immediately regretted the remark. She’d meant it to be funny, but having her family discover she was a lesbian was Jade’s greatest fear.

“I— I have to go.” Jade hurried towards the door but Sarah caught her wrist and stopped her.

“Wait, I’m sorry, Jade. You know I was just trying to cheer you up.” Sarah smiled, folding her hands over Jade’s. “I just want you to be happy.”

That seemed to break through Jade’s fears, and a smile played on her face like a ray of light peeking through a storm cloud. “Thank you. I am happy, really. But… I shouldn’t be.”

“That’s bullshit,” Sarah snapped, and Jade flinched at the harsh language. “I’m sorry, but what right does your family have to tell you how to be happy? If you’re happy with me then you’re happy. That doesn’t mean you deserve to be punished for it.”

Jade sighed. “You don’t understand. Your parents are cool with you, but I can’t… I have to respect my parents. It’s just what’s proper.”

It was the look of defeat in Jade’s beautiful eyes that finally drove Sarah to take action. Her family had brainwashed Jade into submitting to their whims, and she knew that she’d never win out against that kind of conditioning. Which meant Sarah had to fight fire with fire.

“Alright, I’ll give you a ride back into town. But first,” Sarah gulped, “can you listen to something for me? I wrote a song for you.”

That took Jade by surprise. “You did?”

“Mhm. You can listen to it here.” Sarah nervously reached for her music player, fumbling with the headphones. Jade was blushing as she put the headphones on, brushing back her black hair. Sarah hesitated with her finger on the button, wondering if it was right to hypnotize her girlfriend. In the end, though, Sarah knew that Jade’s family would force them apart for no reason other than to keep their daughter miserable, and if a little hypnotic conditioning now gave her the strength to rebel, then it was a small price to pay.

Sarah hit play and watched as Jade smiled at the pleasant music, which was made up of soft nature sounds and gentle guitar riffs. Jade slowly closed her eyes, letting out a sigh. “It’s really nice. When do you start singing?”

“In a little bit,” Sarah answered, stepping back. “Just keep listening. I love you, Jade.”

Jade’s body relaxed, sinking back into the couch. “Love you, too,” she muttered, and it was right then that Sarah knew the music must be working if Jade was relaxed enough to admit it out loud.

Sarah let out an anxious sigh and forced herself to walk away. The hypnotic music seemed to be working fine, and now there was nothing for Sarah to do but wait. Any second now her recorded commands would start playing. Sarah had recorded herself three times over to make sure that she got the wording correct, so it was easy to remember the instructions.

“Be more confident in yourself,” she’d begun sensibly. “You’re an amazing person. Know it and accept it.

“You’re allowed to go after the things you want. You’re allowed to be with the person you love. Anyone who tells you it’s wrong should be ignored. If someone tries to control you, you can have the strength and confidence to resist them.”

Sarah grinned to herself, wondering what a more confident Jade would be like. This wasn’t just for her to stand up to her family, since Jade had always been subservient in their relationship. She’d always gone along with what Sarah wanted, only ever saw the movies that Sarah would want. Sarah wanted Jade to express herself more. There were two people in this relationship, after all. If Sarah hadn’t happened to meet Jade while she was bird watching by the lake, she was certain that Jade would have been too shy to ever reveal her interest.

There was more conditioning besides just confidence, and that was the stuff that Sarah felt guilty about. Things about being more comfortable with her body, and wanting to be more adventurous sexually, within her own comfort levels. It wasn’t like Sarah was trying to brainwash Jade into sleeping with her, no matter how hot that guilty fantasy might be. She didn’t care if they didn’t have sex until they were married, honestly. Sarah just wanted to know that waiting was what Jade really wanted, and not just something her shame was holding her back from.

The last part of the conditioning, and the most selfish thing in the file that Sarah had put in, was the desire for Jade to enjoy loud, raucous punk music and to love the idea of dressing up in dark, Gothic clothing. Sarah loved Jade, she really did, but every time she saw Jade’s pale skin and jet black hair she wanted nothing more than to envision her as a sexy Goth. Black lipstick, seductive make up, maybe even a sheer black gown. Or a corset.

Sarah shivered. She’d never dated any girl who was goth or punk before, but for some reason she always envisioned her dream girl that way. It was basically the opposite of Jade’s timid personality, and Sarah knew she was selfish to try and change Jade like this. Still, since Jade was so reserved she didn’t really seem to have any personality to herself. She merely followed along with what anyone around her wanted to do. If it made Jade brash or adventurous enough to begin acting like her own woman then it would be worth it. Once Jade had her confidence they could change her tastes to what she actually wanted, but if it meant Sarah had a punk Goth girlfriend for a few weeks she’d certainly be happy to enjoy herself.

She was standing in the kitchen, lost in her daydreams of taking Jade shopping when Sarah heard Jade speaking. A quiet, empty voice saying the word yes every few seconds. Sarah anxiously ran back to the living room and saw Jade still deep in trance, at the very end of the tape where all of the changes were reinforced. As long as she said yes to everything, it meant that the programming had all been accepted. Or at least that’s what the internet had told her.

Jade said a final yes and nodded her head, then let out a deep sigh as the tape ended. Sarah wrung her hands nervously, barely able to contain her excitement. She forced herself to wait until Jade’s eyes slowly opened on their own and she slipped the headphones off.

“Sorry Sarah,” she said, yawning. “I think I feel asleep. You can play your song again if you want.”

“That’s okay,” Sarah replied quickly, taking the headphones away before Jade could try to play the audio file again. If anything a second listen might help reinforce everything, but Sarah was too eager to see if the file worked. She couldn’t stand waiting any longer. “How do you feel?”

“I feel fine.” Jade gave her a curious look, a look that asked if there was any reason she shouldn’t feel fine. “I should probably get going though.”

“Right, of course.” Sarah nodded along, but instead of grabbing her car keys she walked over to a stereo against the wall. “I just want your opinion on another song.”

Jade let out a loud groan. “Are you gonna trap me here all day listening to music?”

Sarah spun around, shocked that Jade would say anything even close to criticism, and even Jade clapped a hand over her mouth.

“I’m so sorry, Sarah. I have no idea why I said that.”

“Please, you’re allowed to say what you like. You should express yourself more often.” Sarah smiled. “I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk to me like that.”

Jade smirked. “Do you like being yelled at?”

“Not necessarily,” Sarah replied, blushing. “But it was surprisingly hot to hear you put actual energy into your voice.” She felt a shiver of excitement. Already Jade was becoming more candid, and Sarah was excited to see what else she might do if the hypnosis had worked as advertised.

“Anyway, the song,” Sarah said, fumbling with the radio. When she hit play the living room instantly pulsed with guitar riffs and rattling drums. Jade immediately flinched back from the loud music, as she always did. Just as her lips began to frown, however, Jade found herself relaxing, the music surprisingly fun.

Sarah watched delighted as her girlfriend began tapping her foot to the music, her head bobbing slowly as Jade began to smile. It had really worked! Jade had been trained by her family to reject any music that wasn’t a biblical hymn, which meant that the hypnosis had really gotten through to her. Sarah knew that it wouldn’t seem like much of a victory from the outside, but anyone who knew Jade would recognize what a shift it was for the shy girl to—

Sarah’s thoughts were cut short when she saw Jade suddenly leap up from the couch and began jumping around the living room, laughing and dancing wildly. Sarah’s jaw dropped and she stood spellbound by the sight of the beautiful girl letting loose. As far as Sarah knew, Jade had never danced before, and she certainly seemed to be proving it as the pale girl flailed her arms around, but the sheer joy on her face more than made up for her ungraceful moves.

“This song is great!” Jade yelled, bouncing excitedly on her toes. “Turn it up!”

Sarah nodded but didn’t make a move. Jade turned her head, wondering why she wasn’t turning up the awesome music, when she noticed that Sarah was busy staring at her ass, her head nodding up and down every time Jade jumped up. Jade blushed and kept jumping. Normally she felt ashamed whenever she noticed Sarah’s eyes lingering on her body, since it meant that she’d led Sarah into temptation. Only now she didn’t feel any kind of shame or guilt. In fact, she felt excited knowing that Sarah was leering at her body. That her body could excite Sarah enough to make her leer.

Jade stopped jumping in place, laughing and shaking her head to deal with the rush of blood pumping through her. Rather then settle down, though, Jade immediately resumed dancing, only this time she didn’t go for the wild jumps and rushes that the music seemed to will from her. Instead, Jade forced herself to rock her hips slowly, sensually, as she realized that you could dance in such a way that showed off your ass. She saw an immediate reaction from Sarah, who bit her lip and seemed to let out a quiet whimper.

“What do you think of my dancing?” Jade called over her shoulder, her rocking hips never losing the beat of the music.

Sarah stammered, aware of how she was staring but unwilling to look away. “Y-you’re great. Great.”

“And what do you think of my ass?” Jade asked, hardly able to believe what she was saying. Just a few minutes ago she would have been terrified to say a word like that. Sarah seemed just as surprised as she was visibly shaken from hearing the swear word. Or maybe that was just her reaction to watching Jade’s ass swaying back and forth.

Sarah clenched her thighs together and wrung her hands, fighting back against how terribly horny she was. “You’re ass looks great, too,” she finally managed to say.

She saw Jade giggle, pleased, and Sarah began to worry that she might have gone a little too far. Seeing her timid girlfriend dancing with abandon had been amazing, and there was nothing that Sarah wanted more than for Jade to continue shaking her huge ass, but she knew that Jade would never act like this on her own. She’d call it shameful or slutty. Probably some more archaic term her family would have taught her, like Jezebel. The point was, there was no way this was really Jade deciding to dance like this.

Sarah sighed and clicked the music off. Jade spun around, dismayed. “What’d you turn the music off for?”

“Look, I think we need to talk.”

“No,” Jade announced, marching up towards Sarah. Jade had always been the tallest one between them, but she’d always cowered back and allowed others to have their way. This was a completely different Jade. This Jade stood straight, her shoulders back and perky tits thrust out. With one hand confidently resting on her hip, she wore a face that was firm and strong. Sarah actually felt a trickle of fear as Jade towered over her. “I think we should dance more.”

Jade casually grabbed Sarah’s shoulders and pushed her out of the way, before hitting play on the stereo. She grinned as the punk music washed over her again, then set her eyes on Sarah.

“What’s wrong, Sarah? Didn’t you like watching me dance?”

“Of course I did,” Sarah squeaked, surprised to find her girlfriend could be so intimidating. “But… it’s not really you. I did something to you.”

Jade stepped forward and Sarah actually flinched, only to find Jade’s arms wrapping lightly around her waist and pulling her in tight. Sarah looked up into Jade’s smiling eyes and allowed Jade to rock her from side to side, taking the lead as they began to dance to the music.

“Mhm. I can’t believe I was too afraid to dance with you,” Jade said out loud, spinning Sarah around. “I was afraid that if we were too close I’d be overcome with temptation.”

“Well, your parents did give you some bad advice growing up,” Sarah said nervously. She’d wanted it to sound like a joke, but it was hard for her to focus with her face only inches away from Jade’s tits, the closest she’d ever come to them.

“But they were right,” Jade replied, stopping them in place. Then with surprising strength she pulled Sarah in closer, one arm wrapping tight around her waist while her other hand crept down and groped Sarah’s ass. Sarah let out a yelp, but it was muffled as her head was shoved into Jade’s tits. “I am overcome with temptation. I want you, Sarah.”

Sarah felt strange, light, as if she weren’t really there. She’d always been the one to take the lead in everything, yet now she felt like little more than a doll that Jade was toying with. As if Jade were in complete control. And it felt… good. Amazingly good.

With some effort, Sarah managed to pry her head out from Jade’s cleavage, gasping for breath. “Listen, Jade, I hypnotized you. That’s why you’re acting so weird.”

“I think you’re the one acting weird.” Jade giggled, bowing her head to whisper in the other girl’s ear. “I thought you’ve wanted me like this all along.”

“I— I did. I do,” Sarah whimpered. “But—”

“No buts,” Jade ordered, her hand gripping Sarah’s ass tighter, pulling the shorter girl up towards her. “Just tell me the truth. Do I arouse you?”

That made Sarah blink, taken back. “Arouse?”

Jade batted her eyes, grinning. “Do I arouse you, Sarah? Do you want my body?”

“Ohhh, you’re asking if I’m turned on,” Sarah replied with a laugh.

Now Jade looked at her confused. “Turned on? Like a light switch?”

Sarah snorted with laughter which only made Jade pout. She knew Jade hated to be laughed at, but Sarah couldn’t help it. She let out a deep breath and relaxed against Jade’s body. Even with the hypnosis making her act so weird, it was still her sweet naive Jade in there, the sheltered girl who only knew two swear words. And neither of them were the good ones.

“Turned on means you’re horny,” Sarah explained, but Jade continued to give her the same perplexed expression. Sarah smiled to herself, figuring that this whole situation was her fault for meddling with Jade’s head. She wrapped her arms around Jade’s neck and pulled herself up to her toes, her nose nearly touching Jade’s nose.

“I’m very aroused by you,” Sarah admitted. “Your body is so sexy and it turns me on. I’m so horny and wet from watching you shake your ass. And even having you grab me and take control is… I really liked that, too. I want you, Jade. I want to have sex with you. Make love to you. Fuck your brains out. I want you in every way I can think to say it.”

Jade was blushing deeply, her cheeks practically scarlet, and Sarah knew that this really was her girlfriend. Even with her dominant swagger, it was still Jade in there, and not some slutty monster she’d created. Part of her hoped that being so blunt would knock some sense back into Jade.

“I…” Jade gulped, turning her head away and shrinking back as she normally did. Sarah was ready to let out a relieved sigh, when Jade snapped her head forward, determination in her eyes. “I want to fuck you too.”

She felt Jade shiver as she said the curse word, but from the sharp breath of air Jade took as she said it, Sarah was certain she was more excited then afraid.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you for so long. Since the moment I saw you I wanted your body.” Jade pulled Sarah closer, staring lovingly into her eyes. “I was so ashamed of myself for wanting anyone, especially a woman. I knew it was wrong, that there was something wrong with me, but you never treated me like that. You acted as if you felt the same desires that I did. I wanted to ignore it, and then you went and kissed me.”

Jade stopped, shaking, and Sarah leaned up and kissed her cheek. Jade smiled gratefully.

“I never thought anyone would want me,” Jade managed to continue, “But you did. And I was so afraid of telling you in case you would reject me. But I’m not afraid anymore.” Jade suddenly reached down to grab Sarah’s hips, and to her shock Jade actually lifted her up into the air. Sarah let out an excited scream and wrapped her legs around Jade’s stomach, afraid of falling, but at the same time Sarah felt her heart racing like never before. “I love you, Sarah. I want you to be mine forever. I’m ready to tell everyone, including my family. And if anyone tries to tell me I’m wrong for wanting you, then…” Jade took a deep breath, “I’ll just tell them to go fuck themselves.”

Sarah couldn’t help herself. She knew that she’d hypnotized Jade into being this way, that her head wasn’t on right, but none of that mattered. All she cared about was that Jade was the love of her life and she never wanted to let go. Sarah kissed her then, mad with passion, and for the first time Jade truly reveled in the feeling of the other girl against her.

The music droned on as the two girls collapsed onto the couch, Sarah still straddling Jade as they continued to make out and grind against one another. Jade’s hands roamed over her body, clumsily, but Sarah loved it all the same. She let out a delighted moan as Jade’s hands rose up to grope her breasts, and Sarah laid her hand’s on top of hers. She began to coach Jade on how to knead and play with her tits. How she should use her fingers to tease her hard nipples. They were both so lost in the act that they forgot to keep kissing, and instead remained with their lips barely touching, moaning and breathing hard.

Jade opened her eyes and abruptly sat up, pushing Sarah back as she gave her a determined look. “We need less clothes. Now.”

Sarah felt her cheeks go red and hot. “Are— are you asking me to strip?”

“No,” Jade said as she squeezed Sarah’s tits in a terribly teasing way. “I’m ordering you to strip.”

“I…” Sarah opened and closed her mouth, her mind going blank. Every instinct in Sarah told her that Jade was taking this confidence thing too far, and that she should lay down some ground rules before Jade started to believe that she could have anything she wanted. Sarah knew that it was what she should do, and yet…

Having Jade give such an obvious demand had turned her on like nothing else. It was like her libido had been super-charged the instant the command came out of Jade’s mouth. Sarah had never let anyone think they could control her, but something about having Jade in charge felt… right. Was it because she loved Jade that she’d be willing to do anything for her?

As Sarah sat hesitating, a frown formed on Jade’s lips. Without warning she pinched her fingers around one of Sarah’s nipples and twisted hard. She mostly was only able to twist Sarah’s shirt, but the unexpected pressure still made Sarah cry out in shock.

“I said strip for me. Not think about it.”

Sarah shivered and licked her lips. “I… okay.”

Before she knew it Sarah was slipping off of Jade’s lap and standing up beside the couch, all too aware of Jade’s expectant gaze. She began unzipping her pants, when Jade snapped her fingers at her. As if she were trying to get the attention of a pet. Sarah felt degraded, but at the same time her heart began racing.

“Do it slowly for me, Sarah. Put on a show.”

Sarah couldn’t help but huff at that. “Do you think I’m just going to do anything you say?”

Jade tilted her head, confused. “Of course you are. Why wouldn’t you obey me?”

“Because you can’t just order your girlfriend around!” Sarah stomped her foot, trying to ignore how intensely horny she was and focus on her anger instead. When Jade was still a timid church-mouse she’d never been so mean as to order her around.

“Okay, I understand that part,” Jade replied. “What I mean is why would you want to resist my commands. I’m telling you to get naked, and then I’m going to order you to make love to me. Do you not want to do that?”

“I— that’s not… of course I want to.”

“Then get to stripping,” Jade said, snapping her fingers again.

Sarah crossed her legs. God, she could practically feel her pussy dripping each time Jade made an order so casually. She was treating Sarah as if it were obvious that she was supposed to obey her commands.

“You don’t have to make it sound like an order,” Sarah muttered, blushing.

Jade quickly sat up on the couch and reached out to her, taking one of Sarah’s hands tenderly. “Are you okay? Did I go too far?”

Sarah shook her head, wondering what the hell was happening. “Hang on, are you ordering me around or not, because I’m super confused.”

“I was trying to do that for you,” Jade answered, like it was obvious. “You said you hypnotized me, right?”

“Yeah, I did,” Sarah said, guilt prickling her heart.

“So you’re the one who told me to feel like this. Confident, and in control, and ready to take what I want.”

Sarah nodded slowly. “I mean, I wanted you to be more sure of yourself, not go full dominatrix.”

“If you’re not up for it I can pump the brakes then.” Jade patted her hand, smiling. “It just seemed like you really enjoyed me taking the lead. So when I started getting the urge to order you around I thought it was something you put in my head too.”

“I— I didn’t program anything like that,” Sarah exclaimed, but in the back of her mind she was panicking, running through the commands. Jade should take what she wants. Not be afraid to speak her mind. It was innocent stuff. Surely all of that didn’t amount to Jade treating her like she was a… like she was a…

Jade suddenly stood up and stared at her. “Sarah, tell me how arou— how horny you are.”

“Um, pretty horny.”

“And were you this horny before I started giving you orders, or only after?”

Sarah opened her mouth to answer but found her voice failing her. Was she this insanely turned on all along? Or was it really Jade’s condescending and commanding tone that had made her melt like this?

Seeing the hesitation in her face, Jade gave a predatory smile. She reached out and cupped Sarah’s chin in her fingers. “Sarah, show me your tits. Now. And this is an order.”

Sarah felt the anger rising in her again from being spoken to like this, but that faint flicker didn’t compare at all to the burning rush of pleasure she felt. Sarah gasped as she hastily pulled up her shirt and bra, baring her tits for Jade.

Jade said nothing at first, just casually reached out and began to toy with Sarah’s tits. Sarah let out a whimper, forced to admit that Jade was a very quick learner.

“Now tell me the truth. How did it feel knowing that I was giving you an order.”

“Humiliating,” Sarah replied quickly. “Degrading. Infuriating.” She hissed in air as Jade’s fingers circled her nipples teasingly. “Hot. Really fucking hot, okay?”

“So you liked being ordered around by me?” Jade asked, voice sweet and evil.

“I guess,” Sarah muttered, looking away.

Jade’s fingers pinched down on Sarah’s nipples and she froze, terrified that she was about to be punished again.

“I’ll ask again. Did you like me giving you an order.”

“Yes,” Sarah hissed, heart racing.

Jade shook her head. “Say the whole thing, Sarah. Admit it to yourself.”

“I—” She gulped. “I liked having you give me an order.”

Jade released her nipples, laughing to herself at how adorable Sarah was at that moment. “Good girl. And did it make you horny to obey me?”

Sarah blushed deeply, her thoughts whirling so fast that she could barely keep them straight. All she knew was that she didn’t want to wait and risk punishment again. “Yes Jade, it turned me on to obey you.”

“That seems like a strong argument for you to keep obeying me then. Because I know it turns me on a lot watching you obey.”

Sarah trembled, overjoyed at the thought that Jade would be anywhere near as horny as she was at that moment. But still, did it mean that she had to be humiliated like this? Although, she had to admit that there wasn’t really a reason for her to be against it, besides maybe the principle of wanting to keep her self-respect.

“Let me tell you what I think,” Jade said, her fingers trailing down Sarah’s stomach. “I appreciate you giving me more of a backbone, I definitely needed it. But I feel right now like I can conquer the world. Like I should be allowed to have anything I wish for. Of course, I don’t want the world. I just want you, Sarah.”

Sarah smiled at that and moved in to kiss her.

“Stay still,” Jade ordered. Sarah felt her body lock up, her lips trapped waiting for a kiss. “I’m not saying this just to be romantic. I don’t think you needed to make me this confident just to make me happier. After all, you really do seem to be loving the new me a lot, no matter how much you protest.”

Suddenly, Jade slid her hand down into Sarah’s jeans, her fingers meeting Sarah’s soaked pussy. “Oh god,” she moaned, hips bucking at the unexpected touch, but for the most part her body remained frozen. Just like Jade had told her to do.

“I may not be an expert on sex, but I think being this soaked means that you’re really really enjoying yourself.” Jade grinned, rubbing her fingers against Sarah’s wet pussy lips. “I think you want me to be this commanding. I think you like having me in control like this. Don’t you, Sarah?”

One finger suddenly slid into her cunt and Sarah cried out in pleasure. “Yes!”

“Maybe you didn’t even realize it at the time, but it seems clear to me that you want me to keep ordering you around. Because all I hear is your voice hissing in the back of my head, telling me to take you any way that I want. So how about this, Sarah. For tonight, you’re mine. Anything I say, you obey. I’ll order you to make love to me. To please me in any way I want. Tonight, you’re my slave.”

Sarah’s cunt clenched tightly around Jade’s finger, and she grinned.

“You’ll be my obedient slave,” she said, watching the immediate reaction it had on her girlfriend. “Then in the morning we can go right back to normal. You can make a new tape and tone me down a bit, or I can just resist the urge to make you follow my every word. But we can just leave this little slave fantasy as a one time thing.”

Jade watched Sarah closely, but she didn’t have to wait long. Sarah took in a shaky breath. “Or…?”

“Or you realize how much you love it, and I never let you go. You’ll be my slave for the rest of our lives, because I love you and never want to let you go.”

Sarah whimpered, her hips slowly grinding down onto Jade’s hand.

“All you have to do is beg me for it,” Jade said with a hungry smile. “Beg me to command you, to take control of you forever. For me to be your Mistress, and you my slave. What do you say to—”

“Please!” Sarah suddenly shouted, taking Jade by surprise. She grabbed Jade’s wrist, forcing her hand up against her wet cunt. “I need it. Holy shit, Jade, I need it. I— I never even thought about it but— but it sounds so perfect. Please, command me. Use me. Do anything you want. I’m yours.”

Jade smiled sweetly, the way she always did before she would kiss her, and sure enough she began to lean closer. But just as their lips were about to touch, Jade stopped short.

“Oh sweetie,” she said, grinning. “The begging was just to turn me on. There was never a chance I’d ever let you out from under my control.” Jade slipped a second finger into Sarah’s cunt, pumping them in faster and faster, while her other hand came up behind Sarah’s head and grabbed her hair tight. “You’re mine, from now until eternity. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Sarah gasped, eyes fluttering and a dazed smile on her face. She felt so amazing, happy beyond anything she’d ever imagined.

“That’s my girl,” Jade said as she finally kissed her, sealing her fate. The two women collapsed down onto the floor, groping and kissing and tasting one another for the first time. Jade panted out orders, and Sarah always obeyed with the same giddy eagerness. She showed her new Mistress everything she knew of pleasing a woman, and then they began to explore new ways to make love. Before the first hour of sex had passed, Sarah knew that she didn’t have to wait until morning to give her answer. She wanted to be Jade’s slave.

She still wasn’t sure if it was really something she subconsciously programmed into Jade, although she couldn’t deny the possibility. Or maybe it was something secret, a fantasy hidden inside Jade’s repressed libido. Either way, Sarah only knew that she loved it, and that her Mistress loved it. That was all the proof she needed.

Sarah had turned Jade into her dream girl, and she was ready to serve her forever.

By midnight they lay panting naked on the floor, their bodies glistening with sweat. Jade was petting Sarah’s head, thinking to herself. “I’ll move out from my parents. After I show everyone my hot new girlfriend, naturally. I bet my dad’s going to have a heart attack when I tell him that I’m fucking you.”

“Anything you say,” Sarah muttered, kissing at her Mistress’ breasts.

“And you need to buy me a new wardrobe. Skimpy stuff. Sexy stuff. Leather and sheer fabric. All black, of course. I don’t know why, but I’m really craving to wear an all black outfit.”

“That’s my fault,” Sarah admitted. “I also hypnotized you to want to be a Goth and Punk.”

“Hmm. Well, whatever they are I’m sure I’m going to love them. Especially if it makes you happy.”

Sarah imagined Jade’s perfect, big ass slid into a latex dress, while her tits were barely held back by a black corset with sheer purple sleeves. “God, that sounds so hot. A bit like a dominatrix, which is perfect.” Sarah’s eyes suddenly widened. “Oh wow, maybe my subconscious did turn you into a Mistress.”

Jade giggled, patting her head. “It doesn’t matter whose fault it is. We’re stuck as Mistress and slave from now on. And I wouldn’t want it any other way, Sarah.”

Sarah smiled and kissed her girlfriend’s tits. “Me too, Jade. Mistress,” she quickly corrected herself. “I love you, Mistress.”

Jade bent down and kissed her slave on the lips. “I love you too. Now get down between my legs and do that thing with your mouth again. I swear, you better get ready to spend eight hours a day doing this for me.”

She obediently crawled down beneath her Mistress, kissing at her clit. “Whatever you want, Mistress. I’m yours to command.”

As her tongue entered Jane’s pussy, her Mistress moaned and grabbed her hair, forcing Sarah in deeper. “Fuuuck. Thank you so much for hypnotizing me, Sarah.”

Sarah grinned and continued to eat her out, wondering why the hell she hadn’t tried hypnotizing Jade into her powerful Mistress sooner. That, and just how much Jade’s family will flip out when they see what she’d turned their daughter into. All Sarah knew was that she couldn’t wait to start spending the rest of her life as her goth girlfriend’s slave.