The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


© by Mesmerr

Chapter Fourteen

I drove the tender quite expertly, I thought, through and in between the breaking surf, to finally drive it hard up onto the soft sandy shore. Once there, I jumped out and carried the pick about twenty yards further up the beach before burying it into the soft golden sand. I turned then to walk up to the palm trees encircling the beach of the island, only to hear Shari’ call out to me.

‘Billy?’ She queried. ‘Come and help!’

She meant, help her to carry the lunch basket my aunt had prepared for us, as well as Bethy’s big bucket to gather seashells in. There was also a large blanket, in case we wanted to use it to sit on, as well as a couple of towels in case we went swimming inside the reef. I turned and stared hard at her. She sat rock still in the boat, looking at me standing twenty yards up the beach from her.

‘You carry them!’ I called angrily to her. ‘And next time, ask my permission before you wear my fucking clothes!’

I turned and walked off, up toward the perimeter of palm trees. It wasn’t that I minded her wearing my clothes without my permission, at all, I knew. It was her attitude in doing it in the first place, as well as getting the shits with me. She hadn’t spoken one single word to me on the ride in, after I’d refused to ride down the face of the waves in the tender and give her a thrill.

‘Billy!’’ She yelled angrily as I continued walking away. Before I’d left the beach altogether, she yelled again, but pleading this time, ‘Billy?’

I kept walking. Within five minutes, I heard her grunting and clanging and rattling along through the rainforest track as she came stumbling up behind me carrying everything. When she reached me, I turned and looked at her. She dropped everything she held, as if it was hot. She just let it all go. It crashed to the soft, leaf-covered floor of the rainforest with a noisy banging and rattling. Her eyes glared at me angrily. She was puffing and breathing through her mouth.

‘That wasn’t funny, Billy!’ She huffed as she puffed, obviously still hostile toward me.

‘Neither are you,’ I said quietly.

‘What?’ She exclaimed, caught unawares. ‘I’m not trying to be!’

‘That’s ‘cause you’re a stupid girl, Shari’,’ I told her then turned, about to walk off and leave her again.

‘Don’t say that!’ She yelled very loudly, able to do that easily now that we were out of earshot of the yacht and her parents. Then suddenly, she added quickly and in a different tone of voice, ‘Where are you going?’

‘Anywhere away from you!’ I snapped quietly, stopping. Then I continued walking away from her.

‘Billy! Don’t!’ She shouted at me, a little panic in her voice. I slowly came to a halt then turned and faced her. I had gone only a few yards. There were tears in her eyes, but I knew they were tears of anger and frustration at me at leaving and at making her carry everything, all by herself.

‘As a submissive female, I don’t find you pleasing at all, Shari’!’ I snapped quietly at her, hardening my gaze. ‘And as a stupid fucking thinking woman, you just plain give me the shits! You deserve to be punished for your un-female-like behaviour and shitty, disrespectful attitude!’

‘What?’ She exclaimed aghast, insolently jamming her hands on her hips. ‘Just for not wanting to carrying everything by myself?’

‘No!’ I snapped. ‘For getting the shits with me on the way in when I wouldn’t go down the face the surf. You know your father told me not to. Besides, it wasn’t safe. You knew that. That surf was too big. We could’ve broached!’

‘You do it for you!’ She exclaimed angrily, jamming her hands defiantly on her hips and standing like mini version of an Amazon warrior. ‘Anyway, we wouldn’t have with you driving. I know that.’

I glared at her. It was the principle of the thing. She’d showed me disrespect by having the attitude she’d had at the time when I’d said no.

‘But you know I like to do that?’ She defended poorly, trying a different tack with me, even though she knew it wasn’t much of an excuse.

‘As your master and your first cousin,’ I reminded her with a harder stare, ‘I have a responsibility to look after your safety. You should appreciate that and respect me for it, not get the shits and not talk to me all the way to the beach!’ I was getting angry again just thinking about it. Her face lost some of its anger then, after I’d said that.

‘I’m sorry, then,’ she apologised with attitude, ‘but you know how I am? I don’t mean anything by it, not really?’

‘Too fucking bad,’ I hissed angrily at her, ‘and too fucking late. Spend the day by yourself. I’m not hungry.’ Then I turned and began walking away again. ‘And don’t fucking follow me making all that noise! You’ll frighten the bird life!’ I added as I walked off.

‘Billy, don’t go! Please?’ She pleaded. I knew she was serious, this time so I stopped again and turned to face her.

‘If I stay,’ I said tensely, ‘you have to take your punishment for being such a huffy selfish bitch.’

‘No!’ She snapped angrily. ‘I don’t deserve it! And I didn’t really do anything! I didn’t! You’re just being nasty to me!’

‘Fuck off, then, Shari’,’ I said quietly. Then I turned once more and began to walk away.

‘No! Billy? Please! Don’t go! Don’t go? Please?’

I paused and then stopped once more. Then I turned and glared angrily at her.

‘You earned your first punishment,’ I told her angrily, ‘and now you won’t take it. That means it’ll double when you finally do get around to getting it, remember that, you stupid fucking girl!’

I made to turn around again and leave her.

‘Don’t say that! You promised!’ Then suddenly, in a different tone of voice, ‘No!’ She cried. ‘Don’t leave me!’

After a few minutes of trying to stare me down and get me to change my mind, her strong angry gaze finally died in the ass. She took a deep breath and let it out in a long, defeated sigh.

‘Okay,’ she said then, lowering her head toward her chest a little and looking up at me from beneath her eyebrows. ‘What are... what are you going to do?’

‘Whup your fucking ass!’ I said angrily.

Her eyebrows race toward the top of her forehead and stay there.

‘Spank me?’ She shrieked aghast. ‘Really? Spank me! You can’t! No!’

‘Then fuck off,’ I said quietly to her, but this time, I didn’t make as if to turn and go. Instead, I just stood there, knowing she knew that I knew she had no choice, if she wanted me to stay. I just raised my eyebrows and looked quietly at her. Hers had now come back down and were centred in the middle of her forehead in a deep angry frown.

What was happening was turning into a mind ritual between us. I knew that. I just hoped we weren’t going to go through this fucking song and dance every time she had a punishment due. Then the defeat began to show in her eyes again, a little bit at first then more and finally, the lot. Once more, she looked up at me from beneath the raised eyebrows of her lowered head. It was a nice look.

‘Okay,’ she said quietly, sullenly.

‘No,’ I said sternly to her, ‘that’s not good enough. You have to “want” your punishment for being displeasing to me. And you have to “ask” for it.’ While she was glaring at me again, I struck while the iron was hot, ‘and you have to be sincere when you do or you can fuck off forever, Shari’. I’m getting really sick of you being a stupid girl! I really am!’ Her hostility suddenly died in its growth as I finished with that. Her head went down once again and out came her submissive look. She was getting good at it, I thought. It really was a very nice look.

‘Okay,’ she repeated her earlier one-word statement of admission and utter defeat.

Then, after a few more minutes of looking up at me from beneath her eyebrows, she said; ‘’Can I-can I have my... my... spanking?’

‘Are you really sorry?’ I asked her.

‘Yes,’ she said.

‘Then say you’re sorry for being displeasing,’ I told her, staring hard at her, ‘and ask me to punish you for it so that you won’t be like that again.’

‘No! Oh, Billy? Please?’ She pleaded, wishing to be left with a little dignity.

‘Then fuck off, Shari’,’ I said and began to turn.

‘Okay! Okay!’ She yelled at my back.

I turned around and waited, facing her with my gaze hard.

‘I’m... I’m sorry,’ she said, seemingly sounding sincere about it, ‘for being... displeasing to you. You can... punish me, if you-if you like.’

‘If I fucking like? Ha! I will!’ I snapped, amazed at her thinking process. I looked around and quickly found what I was looking for. The rainforest was full of them. I didn’t have to look hard or too far away.

‘Go over to that palm tree,’ I said firmly to her, ‘and hug it.’

She turned her head and looked in the direction I was pointing.

‘What?’ She said, aghast. Her mouth was open when she turned back to face me.

‘One more word, Shari’!’ I warned her firmly. ‘One fucking word is all it’ll take and I’ll be gone. No more chances! This is it! Just one... fucking... word!’ She let out the breath she’d been holding with a long defeated sigh and one last futile glare at me. Then she turned slowly and walked over to stand in front of the tall palm tree. Its trunk was very wide.

‘Hug the fucking thing!’ I yelled at her, rapidly losing my patience.

She pressed herself up against it and wrapped her arms around the trunk then hugged it lightly. I took the leather belt out of my shorts and walked up behind her. Then I walked around to the other side of the palm tree she was hugging. Quickly, I pulled one end of the belt through the brass buckled and cinched it tightly around her left wrist.

‘Oh! No, Billy!’ She shrieked. ‘Don’t! What are you doing? Don’t!’

She’d stopped hugging the tree and had withdrawn her right wrist from around the trunk. My heart beat wildly, but I’d had enough of her and I wasn’t going to stop now. I yanked hard on the belt attached to her left wrist that she’d been violently pulling against.

‘Oooff! Owww!’’ She cried out in pain as she banged back into the wide, hard girth of the palm tree’s trunk. ‘Billy! Please! No! Don’t!’

‘Give me your right wrist!’ I demanded angrily. ‘Or I’ll flog your fucking ass where you stand!’

Under continual verbal protests and pleadings, she finally placed her right arm back around the trunk of the tree. The girth was so wide that her hands couldn’t touch. Quickly, I looped the belt around her wrist and threaded it back through the buckle tightly then tied it in a knot. She was struggling, still.

‘Try and get free!’ I snapped quietly at her. ‘Try hard!’

She did and she couldn’t, after several attempts of sincere effort. I was sweating like a pig and it wasn’t from the heat of the day. Satisfied, I walked around to the front of the palm tree and stood behind her, looking down at my baggy army shorts on her body for several silent minutes. She craned her head grotesquely around to try and see what I was doing after a while. She looked like Linda Blair, the girl in devil movie.

‘What are you doing?’ She asked nervously, with a lot of apprehension and fear in her voice.

‘Shut up, Shari’,’ I said. ‘Just shut the fuck up and cop your punishment like the stupid girl you are or you wouldn’t be getting it, would you?’ I stepped up close to her then reached in around her waist.

‘Oh!’ She gasped, surprised. ‘Bill—!’

‘Shut up!’ I hissed beside her right ear as I leaned in closer to get a better grip.

My cock was as hard as a rock. She never finished her protest, but began again when my fingers quickly unbuckled her belt and yanked it free from the loops of the shorts in one hard, long pull.

‘Oh!’ She gasped again, fear now definitely showing in her voice. ‘Billy! Don’t! You can’t do that! Please?’

I looked at the belt in my hand and then down at my dark green army shorts on her hips. She deserved it, I thought. Then I dropped the belt to the ground and leaned back into her, placing my arms around her waist once more.

‘Oh!’ She gasped again, but she said nothing until I began fumbling around. Finally, I finally released the button that only just held them up without the belt for support.

‘Billy, don’t do that! It’s wrong!’ She gasped in terror at what I was about to do. ‘No! Don’t! You can’t!’

‘Shut up!’ I hissed angrily in her ear as I let go of the waistband of the shorts. They dropped to her ankles like a rock. I stepped back and looked down.

‘Oh!’ Shari’ gasped. She was naked from the waist down, except for her brief light blue panties. ‘God, Billy! Don’t look at me like this! Don’t do it! Please?’

I stood and stared at her firm, panty-covered ass.

‘Every word you say from now on, Shari’,’ I told her, ‘will add to the number of smacks you’re going to get. Understand that?’


‘Do you understand that, you stupid fucking girl?’ I shouted at her angrily. ‘Do you?’

After a few moments, ‘Yes,’ she said huffily.

‘Good! Remember it?’ I said sternly then stepped up and knelt down behind her.

My cock jerked in my shorts. I reached up and grabbed her thin underwear then reefed them quickly down to her ankles, lifting each foot clear of them when I did so. She didn’t resist lifting her feet, even though she protested all the way.

‘Ohh! N—!’ She gasped at first then quickly silenced herself.

I grinned as I knelt there, staring hard at the fine pores of her milky white firm skin. She wasn’t a stupid girl, after all. I bent and picked up the belt then looked at it. Then I looked once more at the trembling bare buttocks of my first blood cousin as she loosely hugged the tree. I stepped to her left. She’d stopped trying to crane her neck around, almost to breaking point to look back at me and now just faced her head to the right.

‘Hug the fucking thing!’ I snapped, drawing back my right hand holding the belt. It trembled, along with my knees, but I decided it was for a greater cause and pressed on, regardless.

‘Oh!’ She protested, tightening her grip on the trunk of the palm tree and pushing her hips hard against its round girth. ‘Billy? Ple—?’


‘Aargh!’ Shari’ yelped then shrieked loudly in pain, forcing her lower body hard against the tree trunk in an effort to get away from the fire in her butt.

‘Noooo! Stop! Don’t!’

A bright red stripe began to appear immediately across both upper white cheeks of her ass while my cock jerked crazily inside my shorts.



‘Oowww!’ She screamed again loudly in pain as the second red stripe suddenly appeared neatly below the first. My cock just seemed to keep on growing.

‘Nnnooo! Stop! Please! Don—! Ohh!’


‘Aarrgggh!’ She screamed even more loudly because I’d put more force into that one than the last. A third pretty crimson stripe began to appear in line with and below the other three, halfway down her ass. She hugged the tree with all her might, jamming her hips and thighs hard up against it and weeping openly now while I began to think seriously about my cock.


‘Oowwwww!’ She screamed in real and genuine pain this time because I’d hit her harder than all the rest. I felt it myself, along with the erratic and uncontrollable jerking movements of my hard penis. She began to sob freely then, gripping the trunk of the palm tree as if it were saving her from falling into a never-ending crevice.

I dropped the belt to the leafy forest floor and stood there with my trembling knees matching my shaking hands and rampant dick. My cock was as hard as a rock as I watched my cousin’s trembling buttocks shake and shudder their soft red-striped derriere flesh at me.

My breaths were hard and fast. I was conscious of that as I breathed rapidly through my mouth. My heart pounded and I was surprised I didn’t feel guilty. Well, I guess I did, a little bit, but I’d done the right thing, as far as her training was concerned. She’d deserved it. Maybe now, I wouldn’t ever have to do it again, I hoped.

She hung from the tree, sagging heavily against it and crying her selfish little heart out while I just seemed to get harder and harder between the legs. I began to then think about what I’d read in the Bible on the way over to the island and slowly made my way around the tree and released her from the bindings of the belt.

She sank slowly to her knees at the base of the tree and immediately and covered her face with her hands, still sobbing. I was surprised she’d sat down on her ass. But then she got up onto her knees and stayed like that, her hands still covering her face while she cried. I stared down at her.

‘Are you going to be displeasing to me anymore?’ I asked her.

‘No!’ She sobbed loudly, not uncovering her face from beneath her hands.

‘Are you going to be good submissive female?’ I asked next.

‘Yes!’ She sobbed loudly.

‘Are you going to have a pleasing attitude toward me?’ I said then added. ‘And everybody else, as well?’

Her hands slowly came away from her face and hung limply by her sides. Her eyes were all red and puffy and her face was a deep crimson. She looked up at me through tear-stained eyes and nodded gently.

‘Yes,’ she said quietly, her sobs almost finished, apart from the occasional sniff or two.

‘Good,’ I said, satisfied and hopeful for a miracle, ‘get dressed now. I’ll carry most of the stuff and we’ll explore the island’s centre. Okay?’ Shari’ dropped her gaze from mine and nodded. Then she rose slowly to her feet. It seemed a struggle, but I didn’t offer her my hand. I could have, but I didn’t. When she turned and bent down to pick up her shorts and her belt, my cock jerked hard again when my gaze fell into the dark mysterious crease between her red-striped buttocks. What a horny sight it was. It looked beautiful, if such a sight could be called that.

She dressed herself quickly while I watched. She faced away from me. When she was ready, she turned back to face me. Her head was down toward her chest. She was wiping her face and eyes. I turned and began picking up most of the heavy stuff to carry, leaving her very little. Then I looked directly at her.

‘Ready?’ I asked then waited for her to look up. She didn’t, but she nodded. ‘Are you ready?’ I repeated, a little more firmly, the annoyance showing in my tone.

‘Yes,’ she replied quietly.

‘Yes, what?’ I snapped angrily.

‘Yes, Master!’ She blurted out quickly, as if her life depended on her doing just that and in just that way.

‘Look at me!’ I demanded of her. She did, slowly.

‘Are you ready?’ I asked her quietly.

‘Yes... Master,’ she answered hesitantly and softly as she looked up at me from beneath her eyebrows in that special way, and, with a tone of voice to match the look.

‘Good,’ I said then turned around to lead the way, ‘let’s go.’

As I led us through the rainforest, more and more deeply inland toward its mysterious-to-us centre, I was aware of her following closely behind me. She said nothing, but I could hear her soft breathing when I really listened for it. Only once, did I wonder what would happen if she told my uncle and aunt that I’d spanked her with her own belt. Well, it was my belt, actually, but I still only wondered about that once.

I felt good, I believed, then modified that to, “felt great,” as we walked further and further through the cool rainforest, trooping inland