The Mansion
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! This is my first time submitting a story to the archives, after years of reading. I hope you enjoy it, and if you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to email me. All characters are 18 and over.
It was my senior year of high school, as it so often is.
I woke up to my wife, Carlee, lying beside me. She was fast asleep, and completely naked. I just laid there for a minute or two, admiring her body — her tits weren’t the largest of my slave girls, but they were shapely, and suited her frame.
Besides, I was never going to complain about a pair of tits in my bed.
Eventually, her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled seductively at me. She had the prettiest face of the slaves, being the hottest girl in school; Carlee looked and talked just like a classic Hollywood actress.
“Hey, stud,” she said. I just grinned. “Do you think we have time for another round before breakfast?”
I gently stroked the cheek of the blonde cheer captain, before jumping on her and shoving my tongue down her throat.
Two months earlier, I was a regular student at my little school in Nowhere, Oklahoma. I was constantly horny, and knew that my chance to get with the girl of my dreams was fading. Her name was Sarah, and she was a short, bookish woman with a sharp tongue and eccentric style. She had the perfect ass, and the biggest tits of my current slaves, and I wanted her more than anything.
Finally, after the last period, I made my move. She was gathering up her stuff at her desk, and I was milling about, shuffling my feet. I had never had much success with women prior. Sarah, of course, took notice of all this, and eyed me strangely.
“Hey, uh, Sarah. Can I talk to you outside for a moment?”
“Sure…” she said, quizzical. It really shouldn’t have been this hard — I knew her since I moved here in the sixth grade. We’ve been on-and-off friends for years. I knew she knew about my crush on her. Why couldn’t she just put me out of my misery?
I walked awkwardly beside her as we maneuvered down the hall and out of the building. It was an isolated spot outside, away from where everyone else was getting picked up. When I paused and turned to her, she blushed, which I took as a good sign. It was a cool September day, windless, but not hot. I managed to spew out:
“Listen, you probably, I mean definitely already know this, but I like you. Like that. And I was wondering if you would want to go out sometime?”
She looked away, and my heart sank. The response couldn’t have been worse:
“Look, Kyle. I really can’t go out with anyone right now. I’m just too busy. I’m sorry.”
I nodded, like a good sport, even though I had dreaded this happening and felt sick to my stomach. “Oh, okay. No, that’s fine. Thanks for listening. I’ll see you around, then. Bye!” And I took off in the other direction, mumbling under my breath about what a disaster this had been, how stupid I was for trying. I didn’t dare turn around.
After fucking Carlee silly, I left her in a disheveled mess on the bed. She had had her breakfast, and now it was time to get mine.
As I walked out the bedroom door, I saw my sexy guards, Courtney and Amanda, flanking me on either side. Courtney was a Jewish girl with short hair dyed red, and a lithe frame. Her pale skin contrasted nicely with Amanda’s, who was tan, with long warm locks of blonde hair resting on her shoulders. She was roughly the same weight and height, and the pair had dopey smiles on their faces as I looked them over. They had been besties forever, so I kept them together (albeit in a very perverted way).
“Good morning, Master!” they sang in unison. I had just finished, but I was still a teenager, always hungry for more. I kissed Courtney on the lips and rubbed my nude form against hers while her old pal Amanda stared straight ahead.
I forgot to mention that none of my slaves are allowed to wear clothes. It’s better that way. I managed to extract myself from the princess long enough to bark out some orders.
“Amanda, I want you to go in my room and lick the shit out of Carlee’s ass. When you’re done, you can sleep on the floor. You’ve earned it!” She beamed like she just won the lottery, and darted inside with a “Yes, Master!”
“And Courtney,” I whispered, grabbing a dainty hand and squeezing it hard. “Go to the kitchen. If she isn’t done with my meal by the time you get there, it’s punishment time.”
“Yes, Master…” she purred, and sauntered out. I watched her little feet tread on the cold lime floor, and fell even more in love. Carlee might have been my wife, but I had a serious thing for Courtney Page. She was probably my smartest slave.
I walked home from school, since my house wasn’t that far. In the ten minutes between here and there, I knew that Sarah would bike and everyone else would ride, watching me as I strode home. The walks were always boring, but as I strolled home today, I saw a foreign object on the ground. Usually, I would ignore it, but something compelled me to pick it up. It resembled a vape.
At the same time, Angel, the tallest of my future slaves, came into view. She lived in the neighborhood, in a nice house that my family could never afford. Besides being rich, she was beautiful, a leggy Latina who was also on the cheer squad and president of Student Council. We had briefly dated a long time ago, and that would normally make things tense, but she always had a pleasant and kind demeanor. She waved at me and started talking when she got a little closer.
“Hey, Kyle!”
“Hey, Angel!”
“Whatcha got there?”
I fiddled with the device in my hand. “This? Oh, I don’t know.” She knew I had a dry wit, and I quickly thought of a joke. “Just my newest mind control weapon.”
She laughed, and looked at me with her big green eyes. “Oh, really?”
“Really. Watch.” I pushed the button on the side of the thing and spoke into it:
What happened next was the most bizarre, surreal event I’d ever witnessed. Angel froze, alright, but she stayed frozen. After the first minute, I started getting worried, then increasingly excited. I still didn’t believe it, and I had to check to be sure, but could this toy that I found in the grass be the greatest thing that ever happened to me?
“Well, Angel,” I smirked. No response. “Let’s test out a few other commands…”
The kitchen was at the other end of the mansion, and to get there, I had to pass the guest room where visitors used to stay, and one of my sexy servants now bunked. Or rather, posed. Angel stood, unmoving, a pretty statue in the center of the room. Her arms were in the classic “flex” pose, and she grinned with her perfect teeth and red, ruby lips, gazing at nothing. Her abs were so toned, her legs spread, the butt I loved so much fat and firm in the back. I ran up to her and fondled it, my hard cock brushing against her thigh. My cum was dribbling out, and I rubbed it into her thigh like a fine lotion.
“How’s my Greek goddess statuette doing this morning?” I asked, teasing.
She was dead silent, and in another world mentally. I stroked her hair appreciatively before darting off again. My Wonder Woman/Cleopatra pleasure doll could eat later.
I heard a sizzling, followed by the scent of crisp bacon. Upon entering, I saw Sarah, the object of my love and lust for so many years, a girl who was too haughty and superior for me, bent over a table chair, being spanked mercilessly by Slave Courtney. Her white ass was red from the assault.
Sarah was forbidden from crying out, and she took the beating like a champ, her meaty tits swaying with every hit. I had trained her to believe she deserved it for wronging me.
I guess I should backtrack in order to explain. In short, after I did a few more tricks with Angel, I programmed her to be my loyal, humble fucktoy, but in secret. After I got home, I mind-controlled my extended family into letting me move out. I forbid them from speaking to me, but made sure they sent thousands of dollars a month to support my new lifestyle. On the first night, I had Mom drive me to Sarah’s mansion on the other side of town; once there, I enslaved her and her family the way I did Angel and mine. Her house was my base of operations from which I built my empire. I made a list of the top girls I wanted, and one at a time, brought them into the fold. They now all lived with me, leaving their stupid career plans behind, as none of us ever had to work again.
Courtney wrapped up the punishment, delivering Sarah her final lashing, then demanding she get up and serve the Master his breakfast. I insisted that Courtney eat with me, at the table. She was taken aback, but gladly accepted. We munched on the food together, laughing, and made good conversation.
When we were done, I ordered Sarah to bring the other slaves into the kitchen. In less than a minute, I had five young horny naked teenage female beauties kneeling, at my feet, their backs rippling with anticipation. Courtney wrapped her arm in mine and leaned into me.
“You girls are lucky — I’m feeling generous today. You can eat our cold scraps.”
They all giggled and thanked me profusely as I tossed the leftover hash browns and eggs on the floor, gobbling them up and running their tongues all over everything. I would make Sarah clean it up, and if she didn’t do it fast enough, Courtney would get the nipple clamps and torture her for her insolence.
You might wonder why I said that there were five slaves on the ground, plus my girlfriend at my side. That’s because my sixth and final slave, Trinity, is what I call “all-purpose.” She is wife and guard and statue and work-slave, alternating between these positions as I see fit. Last night, she was also a guard, kicking Sarah until I got bored and froze her for the evening. I worshiped her boobs before going to bed with my wife, and now she was groveling, tearing the last strip of bacon apart, when I felt that same need stir in me again.
“Trinity,” I panted, her head shooting up to look at me. If Carlee was the hottest one, Trinity was the cutest. She had a pouty, pink mouth and button nose, with hair that was a mix of white and gold. She was also my youngest slave. “I need to fuck you. Pronto.”
She acquiesced, turning on her heel and pointing her ample ass at me, her cute feet burrowed into the food-slobber mixture from the other girls. I leaped from where I sat and tackled her, pistoned in and out of her pussy while she moaned, Courtney cheered, Carlee humped my leg, Angel giggled, Amanda licked the crumbs from off my feet, and Sarah writhed around with pain. Life was good, and it was getting better all the time.