The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Marilyn’s inheritance Chapter 6

Debra replied, “Yes you silly girl, I was a teacher but I am also a direct descendent of Hilda, Hollinprest and you will not get in my way,” she started whispering an incantation, which Marilyn recognised from her newly acquired black magic, as a curse.

Marilyn pointed the hand with the bangle on and shouted a freezing spell.

Debra stopped speaking and stood perfectly still. The wand passed new information into Marilyn’s mind and she pointed her finger and whispered a very long and complex incantation. Debra changed in front of them into a blond haired, busty young girl with piercings and tattoos. Marilyn then said, “Go and find Jasmine, you are responsible for looking after her. Any food will automatically move from a plate in front of her, into her stomach and her bowel and bladder will empty automatically when she is close to a toilet. There is nothing, unusual in this, and you will keep her hands manacled behind her back at home, now go, and find her in the garden.

Debra, mumbled, “Yeh dood,” and then walked away.” Marilyn said, “Are you ready Kathy.” Kathy replied, “I am finished but I have to wait for Sonya to take over, she is late.” Marilyn thought, “I wonder if her freedom had caused this,” she then said, “You stay here and I will find her.” She walked up to Sonya’s office and knocked on the door.” Marilyn could hear a noise coming from inside so she opened the door. Sonya was sitting in her chair bound and gagged and her body was jerking violently. Marilyn walked around her desk and noticed the chair had been changed into a fucking machine.” Marilyn shouted an incantation that quelled the chair and changed it into a stationary object.

Marilyn started undoing the bounds and then removed the gag. Sonya said, “Watch out Debra said she would be back.” Marilyn helped her to climb off the chair, where there was a large wet penis in the centre of the seat, and then asked, “What did Debra want?” Sonya replied, “She wanted to know what had happened to Jasmine.” Marilyn said, “They should be very busy now so are you able to take over from Kathy.” Sonya looked at the chair longingly and said, “Yes I can do that now, I will come back and do some work later.”

They walked together to the shop and on the way; they saw Jasmine being led out by a young tattooed slut. Marilyn said, “The slut is Debra so you have nothing to fear any more, her IQ has been quartered, she has almost no will power and a very, enhanced sex drive.” Sonya said, “How do I thank you for saving our business and my ass.” Marilyn said, “I’ll think of something, but for now, I want Kathy.” Sonya took over the shop and Kathy walked out with Marilyn. They both squeezed in the back with Charlotte and Kathy asked, “Where are we going, and what are you going to do with me.” Marilyn said, “When we were at school I got the distinct impression that you wanted to get into my knickers, and I have decided that although you are three years late, it’s time you did.”

Kathy replied, “You are the only person I have ever loved. When Debra took Jasmine and I, there was no love and I was never allowed companionship.” Marilyn replied, “I thought Jasmine had taken you from me.” Kathy replied, “She did against my will, but Debra took her shortly thereafter.” Marilyn said, “Well I am sorry it took me so long to find you, but I hope I can make it up to you. Have you ever worn latex clothing?”

Kathy said, “Yes Debra made me wear a latex dog suit sometimes.” Marilyn replied, “Well you won’t need to wear one of those again.”

Denis parked the car on Marlin’s drive and Marilyn said, “Kathy, go with Charlotte and she will get you some clothes.” Charlotte and Kathy walked to the front door, Zoe went in through the garage, and Marilyn stayed with Denis to tell him how much she liked his pruning of the wisteria and to ask him to do a similar job on the climbing rose. As they stood talking at the edge of the property a car stopped on the street and an arm, holding a wand came out of the rear window. The wand flashed and Marilyn’s entire house was bathed in a cold blue light. Marilyn was quick to respond and as she pointed her finger, the bracelet became a wand in her hand and she whispered a black magic curse. The car exploded in a ball of flames and all the occupants screamed.

As the wand became a bangle again, Denis said, “Who was that?” Marilyn replied, “I have no idea let’s wait here for a minute or two and then we will check on the others” They continued to watch the burning vehicle and the rear door opened and a burning figure climbed out. The flames died down and her body started to rematerialize. The piece of wood in her fingers fell into a pile of ash as her body and clothes restored themselves into a fifties woman in a long black cloak.

Marilyn rushed up to her and said, “Are you alright, what happened.” The woman turned to her and replied, “And who are you?” Marilyn replied, “I saw your car explode how did, you get out?” The woman was livid and shouted, “If you don’t live here, I suggest you run along.” Marilyn replied, “What are you going to do if I were to tell you that this is my house.” The woman said, “So you are Marilyn Harvester, It is you, I want to see, what have, you done to my daughter.” Marilyn replied, “What have, you done to my house.”

The woman pointed her finger at the ash on the grown and started to say an incantation. As the dust moved to reform itself Marilyn pointed her finger, blew it all away, and said, “I suspect you are from my Father’s side of the family, you should avoid trying to hurt family.”

The woman said, “You should have thought of that before you attached Debra.” Marilyn replied, “Like you I did not attack I only protected myself.” Marilyn took hold of the cloak and whispered her special latex spell. The woman’s clothes morphed into a latex bondage suite covering her whole body, filling all her holes and trapping her arms in internal sleeves. Marilyn then whispers her life protection spell and made it and her, the same as Jasmine as her cloak reappeared. Before turning away, Marilyn turned the bondage suit into a protection talisman that would keep magic in as well as out. Marilyn walked back to the front door and the woman moaned into the large penis gag. Marilyn open the front door and saw Charlotte and Kathy holding hands on the stairs but standing like stone statues. As she got close, she could see that they were all right, their skin was lifelike and their eyes were glistening but they could not move.

Marilyn held the bangle with her left hand and asked what spell would create a blue haze as well as freeze the occupants of the house. Knowledge flowed from the wand into Marilyn’s mind and she said, the counter spell the wand provided. A blue mist expelled from their bodies and they became free, as Denis entered through the front door, followed by the cloaked woman. Charlotte and Kathy continued their journey up the stairs as if nothing had happened, still holding hands. The cloaked woman was standing in front of the hall mirror looking at herself. Marilyn stood beside her and said, “Only you can feel the clothes against your skin, no one else can see it or feel it. You are trapped like that for the next five hundred years. Like Jasmine, you still need to feed and you still need to dispose of your waste. However, unlike Jasmine, you cannot make notes, but being a black witch, you should be able to cast your mind. Denis, would you please, put the kettle on, and make five mugs of coffee?”

As Denis walked to the kitchen, Marilyn senses thoughts in her mind and concentrated on them. “Help, how did you do this, I am one of the foremost black witches in the land, and Debra was a very close second.” Marilyn replied, “You are directly descended from Hilda Hollinpriest on my Father’s side of the Family. Did you know that my Mother was also descended from Hilda Hollinpriest? Up until yesterday, I was the foremost white witch in the land but then I found something in this, house that was very old and it gave me the dark knowledge.

The woman replied, “What was it that gave you the ability to better me.” Marilyn replied, “Hilda Hollinpriest’s wand. Did you know that Hilda was a white witch and it was Marilyn Hollinpriest that started courting black magic after she had killed her brother?”

The woman said, “What will happen to me you have killed my two slaves in the car.” Marilyn replied, “You attacked me just like Debra did and you will have to work my reprisal out for yourself. Perhaps you should let Debra look after you?” “ How do I get to Debra’s,” asked the woman. Marilyn replied, “I could call you a cab if you would like.” The woman asked, “Why are you being pleasant to me?” Marilyn said, “I am not biased to the Dark side, I am naturally a white witch that has access to all the major black spells as used by James and Marilyn Hollinpriest. Had Debra or you not attacked me, we could have been allies.” The woman spoke into Marilyn’s mind, “please take this rubber suit off, and release my arms.” Marilyn asked, “What relation were you to my Father?” The woman said, “He was my cousin, our mothers were sisters.” Marilyn asked, “Was it you who killed my parents.” The woman replied, “No it was none of his family, we understand it was a business rival.” Marilyn replied, “Why was my parents never avenged.” The woman said, “Both the men who were responsible were killed by your Grandmother before she collected you from the social services.”

Marilyn asked; “If you know so much about me, why did we never see you while I was growing up.” The woman replied, “Because your Grandmother did not want us to come around.” Marilyn was getting board with the conversation so she whispered another black incantation and the black witch, lost her ability to talk about her dilemma or to mentally, project her voice. Marilyn shouted, “Denis where is the coffee?” Denis appeared and said, “The kettle did not work so am boiling the water in a saucepan on the stove.” Marilyn looked at the woman in her cloak with boiling anger in her eyes and the woman mumbled into her gag.” Marilyn whispered her latex spell and changed the black cloak, into a latex cape, and then whispered the teleport spell and the woman vanished. She reappeared in the centre of town just outside a strip club. A number of men approached her but she managed to run away and avoid them. She made it into a bookshop that had a section in the back that dealt with the occult.

Marilyn then walked to the electricity box and said the counter spell with the wand in her hand pointing at the fuse box. As she finished the incantation blue mist appeared to come out of the fuse box and all the switches and sockets on the walls in all the rooms. Charlotte, and Kathy appeared coming down the stairs and Kathy looked ravishing in her latex outfit.

Denis shouted that the kettle was working and that the coffee, would be there in a moment.

Moments later, they were all sitting in the Lounge with a mug of coffee. In the book shop the proprietor a small man, was trying to get a word out of the black witch. He opened his wall safe and took out his wand and then pointing it at the woman spoke a dark incantation. The spark from the wand hit the woman’s head and then bounced straight back and struck the man square in the face. When he opened his mouth, he spoke with the woman’s voice and said, “Can you speak now?” A small amount of the dark energy had crept into the woman, through the eye and nose holes in the mask and she projected her mind forward, a voice was emitted and the visual image showed moving lips, but the voice was not hers it was his and she said, “Yes thank you.” They discussed their dilemma and when he tried another spell, it did not work. The inflections in his female voice were different from his own and the wand did not act as an emitter. He tried and tried and after half an hour, his wand made a small phut, and the book he was pointing at moved a centimetre.

The woman stood behind him with her breasts pushing into his back and as he pointed the wand, she recited the incantation and the book exploded. She stood in front of him but nothing happened. The only way it worked was if she was behind the wand and a significant area of their bodies were touching. As her beasts rubbed up against his back, the stimulation from the rubber was making it difficult for Veronica to think. Their dilemma was made worse, because Veronica could not tell her brother that she was plugged and gagged. He could not see the rubber, he believed she had been hit with a spell to take away her voice, and that it was the delivery, of his spell, that had caused this mix up. Veronica tried to tell the truth but she could not form the words and each time she tried, she received a jolt in her pussy. Rodney eventually concluded that they would have to seek guidance from their mother. They agreed that they should pick up Debra and Jasmine after work and seek out their mother.

Back at Marilyn’s home, she and Kathy were catching up on what had happened to each other since they were last together. After a while Kathy asked, “Why am I the only one in latex.” Both Charlotte and Marilyn laughed and then changed the visual subterfuge around all their clothing. Marilyn told Kathy about her grandmother and her latex fetish. Denis said, “This is making me randy, would you like to come up stairs charlotte?” Marilyn said, “Good idea, come Kathy and I will show you where you will sleep.”

Back in the bookshop Rodney was trying different spells on his sister, and was making things worse. She was now orgasming every few minutes, and he had the feelings that he was plugged in all three holes, even though he only had two. The feelings in his none existing vagina and his female voice was making him confused the last failed spell convinced him that he was Veronica so he dressed accordingly. He was even morphing into her physical appearance. His face and hair changed first and then slowly his whole body. At the same time Veronica’s image of her facial feature was changing, she was still obviously female but she did not look anything like her old self. Rodney thinking he was Veronica made one last attempt to reverse the change and the spell back fired again and this time caused him to become a very submissive Veronica and for the old Veronica to become a submissive orgasm machine and a sexual addict. The spell caused Rodney to faint and when she came around, she had a desire to be bound in latex with all her holes plugged. She pushed the strange woman out of the shop and locked up before marching to Frank’s shop.

Bound Veronica followed her brother, wondering where he was going. Her concentration to beat the feeling generated by her bondage suit had all but caused consciousness to shift away from being Veronica. She firmly believed that she was Ronny and that her brother was now her sister. Rodney’s failed spell had caused this switch. Veronica was in the shop telling the shop assistant what she wanted as Ronny walked in saying, “What are you doing in here, this business belongs to Marilyn Harvester.” Hazel said, “Yes it does and she is wonderful.”

Both Veronica and Ronny took these words and absorbed them totally. Hazel went to fill Veronica’s order after telling her to get undressed in the changing room.

After Veronica had gone into the changing room Ronny stood outside and shouted through the door, Look sis, you need to get a grip, what if, wonderful Marilyn found us here.” Veronica came out of the changing room in her bra and knickers and said, “You talk too much,” and pulled a ball gag of the shelf and pushed it towards Ronny’s mouth the suit absorbed the rubber ball and her image changed. Veronica then tied the stapes and pulled a gas mask over the top before lifting up the hood on the cape. Ronny mumbled and Veronica said, “You look good like that and it will keep you quiet.”

Returning to the changing room to wait for hazel, veronica left Ronny alone. Ronny felt even stranger the fact that both her mouth and her image were plugged and all Rodney’s failed spells had caused her to become so confused she now believed she had to be quiet. She wandered towards the street door and waited.

Hazel reappeared and carried a mass of latex into the changing rooms. Marilyn, latex spell on the cape had bounced into Ronald while he was attempting to restore Veronica. It was this latex desire that had corrupted his spell casting, which caused him to become Veronica so he could dress in latex. As she put the latex on her body, all the spells came together to bind it to her in her mind as well as on her body. The cat suit had attached socks and two large dildos. When it was on and the zip closed she wondered why the feeling was not as Ronny had felt. She tried to undo the zip but it was no longer there. Hazel pulled out a full head mask without a plug and pulled it over her head. She then fitted the boots and a gas mask before pulling on a cape. Hazel said, “Now you look just like your sister, I hope you both enjoy your latex like good latex sluts should.” They walked to the cash register and Veronica paid.

Outside the shop, Veronica put her sister into a taxicab and gave the driver Marilyn’s address.

Marilyn and Kathy were in a sixty-nine position on Marilyn’s bed when the doorbell sounded. Charlotte ran down stair to answer it and changed her appearance to be that of a French maid before she opened the door. Ronny and veronica were standing there and Veronica said, “Could we have a word with Mistress Marilyn.” Charlotte took them into the lounge and then went to tell Marilyn. Marilyn was a little confused when Charlotte told her who it was and what she had said.

Marilyn moved away from Kathy and told Charlotte to take her place; she then washed her face and walked to meet her guests. As she entered, she sensed much dark magic and asked. “Would you please both take your masks off so I can see you?” Veronica took hers off and Ronny just stood there. Marilyn removed Ronny’s mask, then the gag and said, “You have been in the wars, how come there are two of you.”

Ronny said, “My brother tried to help me and then slowly became me.” Veronica said, “I am Veronica and I would like you to change the latex I am wearing to be like hers.” I felt hers when I zapped her but these I bought do not give the same fantastic sensations.”

Marilyn turned to Ronny and asked, “How did he get your voice back like that.” Ronny replied, “He only thought my voice had been taken so he tried to bring it back and it bounced back and changed his voice and then his wand would not respond to my voice. He tried for some time and he eventually got it to work after a fashion but while he was trying, he was getting more like me. Then that seemed to take over and he made himself me only his failed attempts had made me submissive so his copy of me is also submissive.” Marilyn said, “You did well to find him and he has done marvels to achieve this through my protection spell.” Ronny said, “I felt it in my eyes and up my nose.”

Marilyn said, “Holes in the latex so that’s the key. If you are submissive Veronica where is your wand?” Veronica said, “In my handbag.” Marilyn said, “Pass me the bag; you must not touch the wand.” Marilyn took the bag and opened it, to retrieve the wand, as she held it in her hand, she extracted the knowledge of the spells it had cast, and learned exactly what Rodney had done. She found that he had been attempting to change himself into a woman for years and the accident that started when he attack Marilyn’s protection spell, this had given him the means. Marilyn put the wand down, and pointed her right hand at Ronny turning her back into herself with her active mouth imagery. She then pointed at her bother and turned him into a twenty-year-old big-breasted nymphomaniac, and her cat suit into living latex. The two dildos in her ass and pussy would fuck her 24/7 but they would only just fill her need. When she was finished Marilyn said, “You are once again Veronica and you young lady are called Francine and you will be Veronica’s first new slave.” Veronica said, “Thank you again, I commend you your calmness when accosted by your antagonists.” Marilyn replied, “This afternoon you came as an antagonist but now, you come as a needy person, seeking help.

Denis, please take these two ladies home.” Veronica stood and said, “Would you be prepared to give some lenience to Debra.” Marilyn said, “Kathy will need time before she can forgive her, so Debra will have to wait until then.” Veronica capitulated and said, “Very well I will wait until you are ready, please do not take too long.”

Denis led the two females outside and he helped them into the back and drove them to Francine’s shop. Marilyn walked back into her bedroom and joined Kathy and Charlotte on the bed. After all three had been sated, Charlotte asked, “What is it that makes me want to have sex so much, I was never like this before.” Marilyn replied, “I am affected the same, perhaps it’s this living latex. It’s so sensual and stimulating. The feel of the dry smooth latex flowing over your skin, is an aphrodisiac.” Charlotte continued, “Well I don’t want to take these clothes off, so, lots of sex is the order of the day.”

Kathy said, “When we were at school you shunned my advances.” Marilyn replied, “That was a different me, one of my Grandmother’s making. I could not have responded even if I had wanted to.” Kathy continued, “Then come here girl you have some catching up to do, and what is it with smooth dry latex, I am getting very sticky in here.” Marilyn whispered the living latex incantation and Kathy grabbed Marilyn saying, “I see what you mean this is extreme and lovely.” Charlotte, extricated herself from the others, and then went looking for Denis. She was still looking when she heard the car. Moments later Denis came into the kitchen and Charlotte pounced on him.

Marilyn and Kathy lost count of how many orgasms they had each achieved and both succumbed into a deep sleep. Upstairs, Denis’s magically enhanced cock was driving Charlotte wild and they eventually wore themselves out and found sleep.

The sound of a powerful sports car stopping outside awoke Denis and he raised Charlotte as the doorbell sounded. Charlotte ran to answer it and found a large man with Angeline at the door and an Aston Martin sports car on the drive. The man said in a very firm voice, “We would like to talk to Marilyn Harvester.” Charlotte said, “If you would wait there I will go and see if she is receiving guests.” The man said, “Tel her, its James Stidolph and Angeline.” Charlotte tried to close the door but James had his foot in the way. As Charlotte moved to tell Marilyn, her guests walked into the house.

Marilyn walked out of the bedroom and said, “Hello Angeline, I don’t think I have met your father.” Angeline replied, “Hello Marilyn this is your second cousin James, my father.” James interrupted, “You young lady have done something to Angeline and I want you to change her back.” Marilyn replied, “You barge into my house and make demands.” James replied, “Don’t think you can intimidate me, your father and I were best mates, and he warned me about you. If you don’t restore Angeline this instant I will put you over my knee and give you the discipline your Grandmother obviously missed.”

Marilyn said, “Have you considered why Angeline has been changed. Before I went to collage my Grandmother mind controlled me to concentrate, on my studies, not to party, and to avoid sex. Nearly everyone stopped inviting me out after the first semester but Angeline continued to badger me for the whole three years.” James replied, “That may have been my fault, I told her to befriend you and watch over you. We all believed that your Grandmother was leaving you unprotected and vulnerable.” Marilyn replied, “If Angeline had been honest and forthright and told me of her mission I might have spoken to her, but that is not how she performed.” James capitulated saying, “Alright she may have been misguided but she graduated, to help me run the businesses your father and I started.”

Marilyn continued, “She should have thought about that before she tried to spike my drink with a date-rape drug.” Angeline gasped, “How did you know about that.” Marilyn said, “Grandmother did not leave me defenceless, although I did not know much about it in college.” James looked at his daughter with distain and said, “I understand that you feel justified in your actions against my daughter, but I need her brain.” Marilyn replied, “I will think about it, after Angeline apologises.”

James looked as his daughter and said, “Well are you going to apologise.” Angeline looked at Marilyn and started sucking her thumb.” Marilyn, replied, “I will find you someone else to help you with the businesses.” James whispered in incantation and Marilyn felt different. He then said in a very commanding voice, “Marilyn, undo your spell on Angeline.” Marilyn spoke the spell and Angeline stood up straight and moved to strike Marilyn but her father caught her wrist. Marilyn felt the bangle restore her will but it caused her mind to go darker.” James continued, “Marilyn, you will in future refrain from casting spells on any of my family.” Marilyn whispered a long and complex incantation and James forgot why he was there and Angeline forgot everything after her fifteenth birthday and half her vocabulary. Marilyn then said, “It was nice meeting you James but I think you should take your imbecile home, I cannot do anything to help her.” James led his daughter outside and Marilyn closed the door. Charlotte appeared around the corner and said, “I thought for a moment you had been compromised.” Marilyn replied, “I was for a minute or so.” That incantation has been learned parrot fashion. If he had said it right, I would have been in serious trouble, and I think my mother taught him it. Find me a pen and paper; I need to write it down.”

Charlotte quickly handed her pen and paper and Marilyn started writing. The language she used was nothing Charlotte had ever seen before and Marilyn stopped just before the end and said, “He missed a bit out here. What he said started out very well and took away my ability to, critically analyse a command and made me very suggestible. The bit he got wrong would have made it permanent. If I add this in here, there, this is what he should have said. There is a lot a black magic here, and this, is a very powerful spell that would cut right through my protection. I will have to learn this and upgrade our protection. I’ll work on that tonight.” Denis appeared and said, “Did you see what he was driving, his business must be doing very well.” Marilyn replied, “No what, was it?” Denis continued, “Aston Martin DB6.”

Marilyn, said, “I will need to speak to Herbert, If James is running one of my businesses, where is all my share of the money.” Kathy joined them and asked, “It everything all right,” while Charlotte of explaining Marilyn shouted, “I got it wrong, Mother would never do that. She would make it personnel to James. If I change this here, that would make anyone affected, to be the slave of the spell caster. Now I can change our protection to protect us against this. Marilyn whispered a revised protection spell and everyone in the room was bathed in a while glow for several seconds. Denis said, “What about Zoe.” Marilyn exclaimed, I forgot about Zoe, where did she go.” Denis said, “She came in through the garage as that woman hit the house with the blue curse.” Marilyn ran to the kitchen shouting, “I never gave her any protection.”

Zoe was standing in the garage as a blue marble statue. None of the spells, Marilyn tried would bring her back. Had she been stone to long? Marilyn said, “I did not want this to happen.” The wand gave her some additional back magic knowledge and she said, “We are going on the attack, she then changed all their protection again and increased the countermeasures using the purely black components. Marilyn then said, “Denis, take Zoe out and find somewhere in the garden to keep her, one day we may learn of a spell that will restore her. Denis tested her weight expecting her to be solid marble but was surprised to find she weighed not much more than she did as a living person. Marilyn then said, “She may be still alive in there, put her in the kitchen where it is warm.”

As Denis carried Zoe passed Marilyn, she sensed a plea for help. Marilyn thought about the spell she had used on the electricity meter. She modified it slightly to take account of a living person and after uttering it; the blue marble covering cracked and fell away. Marilyn continued speaking and uttered James’s enslaver spell with her modifications. Zoe opened her eyes and the covering fell away and as Marilyn finished talking she just stared at Marilyn. Marilyn said, “Zoe you will act as you were before we came home only now you will follow Kathy’s instructions as well as Charlotte, Denis and mine, is that clear. Zoe relaxed and said, “Yes Mistress, I understand perfectly, and thank you for saving me.” Kathy asked, “What was that last bit for.” Marilyn replied, “Zoe has no other job here, other than to help who of us needs help.” Kathy said, “Where did you find her, she is so sexy.” Marilyn replied, “Take her to the bedroom and you can ask her while she stimulates your pussy.”

After Kathy and Zoe had left the Garage, Marilyn said, “Do you two fancy a drive I would like to see this hotel James is in charge of.” Charlotte replied, “I would love to come, I will tell Kathy where we are going.”

Moments later Denis was driving Marilyn and Charlottes out into the countryside. They drove past the village church where the funeral service would be held and continued to the farm where Marilyn was born and then around several corners and over a hill they came to a large country hotel and leisure centre. Denis turned into the hotel car park where there were several, top of the range luxury, vehicles already parked.

Charlotte and Marilyn got out and Denis followed, after locking the car. They walked towards the main reception and up to the desk. The girl behind the desk looked up and Marilyn said, “I would like to speak with Mr or Mrs Stidolph. The girl replied, “Mrs Stidolph has taken her daughter to the hospital and Mr Stidolph is in a meeting with some new clients. Marilyn said, “Where is this meeting.” The girl replied, “I don’t know you form Adam, so why should I tell you.”

Marilyn said, “You may not know me but you will do exactly as I say. In fact, you cannot even, consider disobeying me. Tell me where Mr Stidolph, is having his meeting.” The girl replied, “In the Phoenix Suite, through those double doors.” Marilyn said, “Thank you, and while Charlotte and I go and find him, you take Denis somewhere quite and give him your very best blowjob. From now on, do as he says.” Denis said, “I hope you don’t mind me doing that, Charlotte.”

Charlotte said, “If that is what Mistress wants you to do, just enjoy it.” Marilyn and Charlotte walked towards the double doors and the receptionist took Denis through a door behind the desk.

Marilyn found the Phoenix Suite and heard James speaking inside.” Marilyn listened for two or three minutes while she altered their appearance and discovered that, it was a time-share sales, spiel. Marilyn and Charlotte snuck in the back and sat down. There were possible a hundred people in the room and when James came to the end of his script, he asked if there were any questions.” A man is a blue suit stood and asked, “You mentioned that some of the units are for sale, can you please indicate which ones these are.” James answered, “If you see my colleague over there by the water cooler, he will show you. Now those of you wanting a tour of the units, please see one of the girls in the blue jackets. Marilyn and Charlotte walked to the nearest girl and joined another couple who had arrived just before them. Marilyn asked the two strangers, “Are you intending to buy, or are you planning the waist this young girl’s time.” The woman replied, “Jonathan thinks we are going to, but we don’t have the money so I will stop him.” Marilyn said, “You will not stop your husband from doing anything anymore, you are his slave in every way.” Then turning to the young girl said, “Ok let’s go.”

The girl took them out to an electric golf buggy and the set off across the park behind the hotel. As they went over a small hill and out of site of the hotel, they could see a large apartment and villas condominium with an Olympic sized swimming pool and a small lake all inside a walled enclosure. The girl steered the buggy towards the gate and it opened automatically as she approached it. She continued up to the group of apartments on the left and parked in from of the fourth one.” Stepping down from the buggy, she said, “If you will all follow me, number four is my allocated show apartment.”

Inside the apartment, the young girl was showing the luxurious fixture in the kitchen and the woman said, “Come Jonathon we have seen enough, this is well beyond our means.” Jonathon replied, “You have been a stuffed shirt since we got married, it is time you relaxed a bit and supported me in my fantasies, if we can’t afford it, you could help by selling your body.” The woman replied, “You can’t mean that, I have a sneaking impression that what the black haired girl said is now true.” The young sales girl said, “No one will force you to buy.” Marilyn replied, “You young lady are employed to sell and you will. Moreover, you sir, think hard because if you buy there is no going back or selling for ten years. While you two discuss the finances, we will take your wife for a walk around the pool.”

Marilyn, Charlotte and the woman, left the apartment and walked to the swimming pool. “The woman said, “Please we cannot afford this, we both teach at Cheltenham Grammar and we still have a big mortgage on our house.” Marilyn replied, “If you feel so strongly about the expense why did you let him come.” The woman continued, “We only came to look around.” Marilyn said, “Close your eyes, and think about pleasing your man, you will do whatever he wants and you will never consider or remember that it is wrong or that it has been prescribed by me. Now go back to him and try and talk some sense into him”

Marilyn and Charlotte walked around the complex and listened to the other sales persons trying to sell.” They were walking past the shop and restaurant area, when James approached them shouting, “Where is your sales representative, for health and safety reasons we do not encourage potential clients to wonder around unescorted.” Marilyn replied, “Tell me honestly, who owns all this and where did you get the money to build it.” James replied, “The man who owned this farm and I build the hotel and leisure centre and they make a lot of money. Unfortunately, my business partner and his wife died in a car crash and I have been banking the share of the profits that was due for his daughter, but her money has grown so much is it becoming obscene, so I borrowed some of it back to build this.”

Marilyn asked, “Did her business manager not object.” James replied, “My cousin showed me a spell that would enslave people and I used it on her brother. I also tried it on her daughter, but I could not remember it, and I got it wrong.” Marilyn replied, “Are you not fearful that she may retaliate.” James replied, “She already has she has turned my daughter into an imbecile.” Marilyn continued, “What will she do when she learns, that you have stolen from her.” James replied, “I have not stolen from her, I borrowed the money and will pay it back with interest. She has so much money, she may not even notice.”

Marilyn asked, “When Griselda, taught you that spell, did she intend that you would use it on her family.” James looked down at the ground and replied, “No she made me promise I wouldn’t.” Marilyn continued, “What would Griselda do if she knew you had broken your promise.” James replied, “I dread to think, and why am I talking to you like this, you should go, who was your sales person.” Marilyn replied, “A young girl in apartment four.”

James guided the two young females back to apartment four and the other three were waiting outside. The sales girl thanked James for returning her clients and then led them all back to the buggy. Charlotte asked Marilyn why she had not given James some retribution and Marilyn replied, “I want to see the extent of the damage first.” Marilyn asked the woman if she had been successful and she replied, “Yes, but it has cost my ability to say no to him.” Marilyn whispered in her ear, “Obedience will be your pleasure and happiness.”

As they reached the Hotel, the man thanked Marilyn and walked off with his smiling wife. As Charlotte went to find Denis, the young girl said, “I thought for a moment, I was going to get a sale, are you at all interested.” Marilyn replied, “Those two over there look lost, I will bet you will make a sale to them.” The girl ran off and started talking to an elderly couple. Marilyn was walking back towards the reception, when Angeline came in with her mother.”

Marilyn walked up them both and said, “Were you aware, that your husband stole the money to build this timeshare resort.” Angeline’s Mother replied, “James does not steal, he has lots of money.” Turning to Angeline, Marilyn asked, “How about you, are you feeling better today.” Angeline replied, “No can think, need say sorry.” Marilyn asked, “Who do you need to say sorry too.” Angeline replied, “Marilyn.” Angeline’s mother said, “She was not at home dear we will try again later.” Marilyn looked closely at Angeline’s mother and saw no animosity or malice. Marilyn said, “You should take her back soon that spell gets more difficult to remove, the longer you wait.” As Marilyn walked away, she heard Angeline’s mother said, “Let’s find your Father we will all go.”

Denis was standing by the reception desk and Charlotte was talking to the receptionist. As Marilyn got closer, she heard Charlotte say, “I’m glad you like him but you cannot have him, he is mine.” Marilyn headed for the door saying, “Come Denis, Charlotte, it’s time to go.” Denis caught her up and said, “Thank you, that delay on my climax until my partner has ten orgasms works on everybody, she has never had a lover before who could give her one never mind ten.”

Charlotte reached them and said, “You seem to collect women, she wanted to come too.” Marilyn said, “Let’s get out of here quick before she tries again.” In the car, Marilyn restored their appearance and said, “I need to get home quickly so no detours Denis.”

End of Chapter 6