The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Cupid boy and the Tartan Tie Affair

(set in Wiseguy’s MC Academy universe and leading to a crossover with Darkmind’s Andy & Michele chapter 3)

Why do I have to put up with this crap? That’s what I want to know. I mean here I am 21 years old, a film star and sex-god, with a pregnant wife.. and they are fucking expecting me to fucking wear a fucking dress-shirt and a fucking tartan fucking tie and fucking go to fucking class and fucking learn stuff!

I knew this whole thing was a bad idea, but now I’m stuck with it. My good ‘friend’ Phil slipped me a post hypnotic suggestion that ensures I am ‘eager to learn’

So, you are wondering where’s here? Who am I?

Well ‘here’ is the Academy for mind controllers and hypnotists. And me, I’m Dougy Saunderson, the Cupid Boy, you know, the winged dude with the arrows.

It all started when my wife finally discovered how I’d been not paying for our lifestyle. Psyche was furious. I had to put what was left of the Turkish national gold reserve back in its vault along with a note saying I.O.U. 50 billion US dollars.

Apparently its not moral to just let a human fall in love and give me things as ‘gifts’, especially national gold reserves. So we (meaning Psyche) had to figure out a way for me earn cash in a more regular way.

The answer was obvious and the Special Erotic Airborne Love Services (SEALS) was born...internet extreme matchmaking at a price, got a favorite Hollywood star? Got money but don’t want to bother with the sad stalking bit? Call the SEALS.

Well that worked until the celebs started upgrading their mental security. I guess the whole Britney marrying her farmboy thing was just a bit too high profile.

So Psyche, she says ‘Dougy I can’t have you getting eaten by Dobermans, its time you got some training with those powers of yours’

Oi vey, you got to understand how it is between me and my beloved Psyche. She says ‘Fuck!’ I say ‘How hard?’

So there you have it, off to fucking school. I’m in a class of 16-year-old wanabee hypnotists with a sprinkling of psionic mentalists. Sure there are other non-humans around but I’m the only one in this particular class.

This place has a definite pecking order, and we are considered to be the bottom of the pile, looked down upon by both older hypnotists and the Psionics. The Psionics are this school’s equivalent of Jocks.

I’m lumped in with the fucking teen hypnotists for three reasons, first up I don’t fit the normal student profile, second my mental defenses are, like, crapola and third I fucking still fucking look like I’m a fucking young 16 year old even to those who know better.

It’s the burden of being immortal; because my looks aren’t some mental illusion everyone here assumes I really am 16.

“.... and awaken”

I blink owlishly, the class is laughing uproariously. Yep you guessed it I’m up out in front of class, naked apart from the fucking tie tied in a bow on my rigid cock.

“Hey!” I complain

“Cease” says Mr. Edwards quietly, in that Clint Eastwood voice of his.

Obediently we all fall silent. I don’t know if that’s because we’ve all secretly been programmed to obey, just natural student behavior or the fact that no sane person crosses Mr. Edwards.

“Saunderson, you really mustn’t let your concentration slip. When someone is speaking in low monotone sentences that seem to run on and on for ever with no discernable break in the flow of words, that should be setting off alarm bells in that brain of yours.”

“Yes Sir” I reply glumly trying to undo the tightly knotted tie

“And as for the rest of you, thinking Mr. Saunderson’s predicament is funny, I suggest that you also adjust your dress.”

I glance up and a leer crosses my face.

All the boy’s have similar tie issues and the girls seem to be using their bras as earmuffs.

“Not one of you has mastered the most basic mental defense. This is your first pass/fail test, you will learn to resist this compulsion by next Friday or you will be expelled.”

The class groans collectively

“This may seem harsh to some of you, but it is in fact a matter of your own mental health. You are in an institution filled with people who ‘think’ they know what they are doing, even when they don’t. We have a responsibility to you, your parents, your wives and your slaves to ensure you are more or less intact when you leave us. Understood?”

“Yes Sir!” we chant obediently, I can feel that artificial eagerness taking hold; I desperately want to have good mental defenses and begin thinking about which social activities I can avoid so that I can study more. How sad is that! Phil when I catch up with you...!!

I pull up my pants and start struggling with my shirt. I haven’t done shirts in like five years, the whole wings thing pretty much made them un-wearable. Besides, I look much better with my rippling six-pack and toned pecs exposed. Unfortunately they are really keen on uniform here, within a day or so of arriving I’d begun feeling a desperate need for a shirt; I’m sure it’s not a natural craving. The solution was to take a pair of scissors and cut two slits up the back for my wings.

The bell rings. Some of the guys claim it’s a psionic broadcast that’s designed to feel exactly hearing a bell. Personally I think it’s just a regular bell.

Hurriedly we all pack away our pens, ringbinders and pocket watches, eventually standing ready at parade rest, waiting for the command.

“Dismissed” say’s Mr. Edwards quietly in that gravelly ‘cross me and you are dead’ voice

The stampede for the door is exactly the same in this school as any other.

First stop is the bathroom for a piss; I flop out my nine-inch love-maker and relax.. let them see what the god of cocks’ looks like and despair.

“Oh fuck,” says Michael, the gay one, who’s undoubtedly pissing next to me to so he can cop a look. “Dougy, you’re still wearing your tie down there”

I glance down “Fuck”

Forcing my mind to focus I can see the damn tartan tie fade back into view. On a hunch I then check out the others, still squinting.

“And it’s not just me. You guys had better check your tackle”

Each one of us has his cock out with his tie dangling down like a damn dog lead.

An upperclassman from Psi House comes in and takes one look “Mr. Edwards class huh? He pulls this one on all the newbs. Want to know how to get the tie off?”

We all nod.

“Its easy, you got to get your cocks to shrink and the tie will slip either run it under the faucet or get off with someone.”

“I don’t suppose you’d help me out with that?” asks Michael

The Psi leers. Somehow I get the impression he’s used a slight mental nudge.

“I’m sure I can think of something,” he says picking up the loose end of Michael’s tie and leading him to one of the cubicles.

Michael winks at us and allows himself to be led away.

The other two guys glance at each other.

“Cold water?” asks one

“Definitely!” agrees the other, moving to the washbasin.

I glance down, being a sex god just became a problem again...I have this congenital condition; you guys have to ‘work’ at it to get hard, I have to work at it to get soft! I’d have to have sex with an entire sorority to take advantage of the upperclassman’s preferred solution.

Of course if I did do that I’d be so so dead when SHE who must be obeyed found out.

Depressed, I join the queue for the washbasin and hope it works.

* * *

“....Mesmer then demonstrated his technique to Queen Victoria’s servant, the Scotsman Brown, who used the technique to...”

I admit it I wasn’t paying attention, I was busy trying to untie the knot in the tie.

By this point a smug looking Michael and the guys have passed on the solution to the tie problem to the others.

Naturally the girls are furious, they’ve got a slightly different problem, for them its undoing the bra strap under the chin that’s defeating them, getting jiggy or putting their heads underwater isn’t going to cover their breasts or remove their frilly lace earmuffs.

Our teacher for this lesson has decided not to notice our predicament, seemingly far too self-absorbed in the ‘fascinating’ subject of some dead dude with a pocketwatch.

Fortunately the lesson’s soon over and its lunch break.

* * *

Obviously news of our homework assignment has spread like wildfire. Fortunately most of the senior students know better than to laugh, having had to cope with a variety of compulsions as homework or pranks.

The jocks and babes of Psi House of course see it differently, for them we’re just a big joke.

“So, looks like the freshmen dun got themsel’s some of Edwards’ Homework to do.” says Alexander ‘Lex’ Caldicott, as he and his acolytes block our way.

“Out of the way Caldicott, I ain’t got time for your monkeyshines” I growl.

Ok I admit I’m in a bad mood the whole tie thing is, like, getting old.

“Monkeyshines? What n’ hells monkeyshines? You dun gone started lookin’ up 19th century insults buoy?”

“You heard the man; out of our way Lex” says an icy feminine voice at my shoulder.

It’s Hermoine Lohan, our classes’ show stopper. Lacking the normal use of her bra she’s adjusted her blouse knotting it around her ample endowments. Whoa yeah!

The conversation stops for a moment as all the guys give her ‘presence’ a long long stare.

“Jugs like that need proper support, jus’ let me into that pretty lil’ head of yours and I’ll see to it they get all the support they need”

“I don’t think your grubby hands will make a good substitute,” I point out

“Who asked you junior? You gonna stop me? You and who’s pocket watch?”

Junior? Nobody calls ME junior; especially some jerk who’s at least eighteen months younger than me. He doesn’t know it but he’s pushing all my buttons.

My first instinct is to start shooting the ol’ lovedarts; unfortunately I’m not allowed to shoot the students, not even the ones that are already in love. They made me promise.

“You think you can Master me?” I say through gritted teeth “You think I’m just another clock watcher for you to bully? Got news for you Lex you just picked the wrong person to piss off. I guarantee you are going to be stood there with a vacant drooling expression right quick”

“A Duel?” A look of surprise morphs into a look of malicious glee that only a bully can perfect.

Around the quadrangle the shout of ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ goes up, soon its, like, just me and him with a circle of spectators.

At this point I begin to feel a major dollop of self-doubt, this isn’t exactly like fighting Cheerleaders, tentacled horrors and giant man-eating sheep, this guy’s going to be using his mind.

“Hey!” snaps Hermione, “he’s cheating! No sneak attacks!”

The crowd frown and one of Alpha House’s senior hypnotists begins cracking his knuckles in a meaningful way.

“You do this by the rules Lex or you can duel with me. Bad enough your picking on Freshies without lowering yourself any further” growls the guy.

Lex glances at the muscular hypnotist and then nods slowly. My self-doubt snaps off like a lightbulb.

“Yeah sure. Hell, might as well let the newbie clock watcher have first hit, that fair enough for y’all”

The crowd nod.

I recall some words from that Yu-gi-oh cartoon series, it gives me an idea, he’s expecting me to go for my pocket watch, he’s wrong!

“I call upon my power as a duelist! I summon...“WINGS OF THE CUPID”

With a well-practiced mental flick of my mind I switch off the mental fog that usually stops humans from seeing my wings. Oh sure, some of the faculty know about the wings; but the rest, well if they don’t know there’s something to see, they don’t know to look properly.

“But, But...That’s impossible!”

Excellent he even managed to come up with a line from the Cartoon; he’s in shock, mentally wide open.

I think I already said, I’m really crap at all this sophisticated hypnosis stuff, that said, what I do have is a single telepathic command that has all the subtlety of WMD...if you put it into words the command is ‘look at me and feel really turned on’

“Narrow focus aura of lust, one target, 5 degrees left” I didn’t actually need to say that in a deep authoritative voice, I guess I’m playing to the crowd or something.

I let the lust out; burning past all Lex’s fancy anti-hypno firewalls like they are tissue paper.

A second later he’s got his hand down his pants and is beginning to drool in that unattractive way humans have.

I wander over to him and walk around him, his head twists so that he can keep me in sight, continuing right up to the point where he’d have to move his feet at which point he stumbles like a zombie.

I switch my wings un-visibility back on.

“He should snap out of it in an hour or so” I add for good effect

Actually he came around a hell if a lot quicker than that, almost immediately in fact.

“Don’t think you’ve heard the last of this! I will have my revenge!” he yells before storming off.

“Yeah? Whatever Kaiba!” As usual I, like, totally under-estimate the person I’ve pissed off.

I feel two warm soft somethings pressing into my back and a pair of feminine arms surrounds me.

“Thanks for protecting me Dougy, you were wonderful” says Hermione.

Great, now I have to get her un-crushed, my darling Psyche just isn’t going to be in a good mood if she thinks I’ve picked up yet another girlfriend. ...And it would get back to her, she’s got me on a very close leash after that business with Angelina Jolie and the cornetto.

As soon as the crowd of spectators has dispersed, Michael, Bill and Ted crowd around also keen on congratulating me.

“Dude! That was an awesome illusion!”

“Yeah, most excellent!”

“Sure, showed that Brainer”

“You guys don’t get it, do you” says Hermione intellectually “The wings are real. You got a secret you want to share Dougy?”

“How’d you know?” I blurt before engaging my brain

“Easy! When I hugged you I could feel your feathers tickling my breasts. It’s a very unusual illusion that still feels soft and downy after you’ve switched it off”

“Ok. Look you guys, can you not spread it that I’ve got wings. If they find out I’m a Sex-God every wanabee Master and Mistress in school is going to want to duel.” I reply, still not bothering to engage my brain.

Bill and Ted glance at each other, imagining the scene and say “Kewl!”

Cheers guys.

As usual Hermione is ahead of the pack. “Of course! I read up on you in the ‘Collins Concise Psionic Wildlife Atlas’ although in the picture your species were a lot shorter.”

“I am not a cherub,” I say through gritted teeth. How many times do I have to tell people that?

Fortunately the bell goes for the afternoon lesson before they can start an in depth discussion of my abilities. With luck their memory of my wings will have faded by the time they think of it again. Then again they are the mental ‘right stuff’ so it’s possible that they’ll remember my wings just fine.

* * *

*Required equipment: One clockwork pocketwatch or pendant not greater than two inches in diameter, with a chain not longer than 12”.

**Students are advised that the faculty takes no responsibility for loss or damage to antique or otherwise valuable family heirlooms.

*** A standard watch with the school coat of arms magnificently etched on the inside of the lid can be purchased at the Academy shop for only $150.

I swing my pocket watch in front of Hermione, trying to hypnotize her. It’s a present from Phil; as a Were-Hypnotist he has a strange affinity for pocket watches. The same way that a master swordsman can gauge the balance of a blade with a single caress, Phil can gauge the hypnotic properties of a watch.

So basically I have ‘The’ best equipment, never mind that its not glittering with faux gems nor made of 23-carat gold.

Hermione frowns. She’s not supposed to frown, she’s supposed to be entering a level one trance so that I can order her to remove her bra from its position on her head.

“You’re swinging it too fast!” She says exasperated.

I toy with the idea of using my lust aura like I did on Lex, but it won’t work, she’d be too busy looking dreamily at my body to pay attention to anything I say.

I slow the swinging motion.

“That’s better! I’m focusing on your watch now. I’m letting my mind drift as it swings back and forth, back and forth, so sleepy, so very sleepy, drifting further and furth....” says Hermione sounding dreamy.


“Huh? What?” I blink looking around owlishly

“I’m the one that’s supposed to be in a trance, not you!” snaps Hermione stamping her foot in a way that makes her unconstrained boobs jiggle in a very distracting way.

So we go at it once again. This time I get it right and she’s stood in front of me, eyes closed and breathing peacefully. I spend a few minutes admiring the view of her breasts barely constrained by her knotted school shirt...and wonder if I can persuade Psyche to wear uniform. Ahh the possibilities.

“When I count down to zero you will have remembered how to remove your bra from your head.” I instruct, and then add “But you won’t feel like wearing your bra until tomorrow”

There, that’s given the boys something to think about.

“Five, four, three, two, one, zero”

Hermione blinks then hastily removes her bra from her head and stows it in her school bag. Hmm perhaps this hypnosis crap isn’t as over-rated as I thought.

Ms Johansen raps her cane against her desk indicating the end of the exercise. Damn! I haven’t had a chance get Hermione’s help removing my tie.

“Today’s lesson will be shorter than usual as the Fraternity and Sorority Houses will be holding a supervised recruitment party this afternoon in the gym hall. Anyone wishing to join a fraternity house should fill out this free-will consent form before attending. In the past some Fraternities have used ‘unconventional’ recruitment methods, you haff been warned.”

* * *

The Gym was pretty much like any other multi-purpose sports hall, with basketball hoops and a telescoped grandstand flat packed against the wall. Dotted around the hall were a variety of stalls some popular, some not.

At the far end, two stalls stood out as being slightly grander and more crowded than the rest. Psi House and Alpha Frat

“Which house are you guys going for?” Asks Ted

“Alpha Sorority of course” say’s Hermione as if it was utterly obvious.

“Why’s that?” I ask, not having bothered to find out much about this whole Frat house business.

“Alpha believes in honing the perfection of both mind and body,” says Hermione loftily

“Yeah basically they recruit the hottest babes and most athletic jocks” adds Bill earning a glare from Hermione.

“What about you guys?”

“Trojan Frat” say’s Michael decisively “Boys who like boys, who like boys in togas, how can I resist?”

“Haven’t decided yet” says Ted

“Me neither” Adds Bill

“I’m not sure, I probably won’t join any of them” I reply, thinking I can always teleport down to the Exotix Bar if I need company.

“You have to be kidding!? After that demonstration of raw power at lunch time every Frat here is going to be wanting you on their team.”

“Like, whatever” I reply distracted by the sight of some bizarre techno stuff one of the stalls.

Chrome and flashy lights, how kewl is that?

The device looked like it had once been a helmet shaped sit-in hairdryer, it now had a pair of radio antenna sticking out the top, its sides covered in wires duct taped in place. Once on the subject’s head static energy arced between the antennas like something out of a Frankenstein film.

“What n’ Hell is that” I wondered out loud.

The others agreed that they had never seen anything like it before and we headed over to see the Frat’s display.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we at Stepford House believe in the technological approach to the human mind, if your specialty is science then we are the House for you. If you have plans for an enslavement device, but lack the funds, we are the ones with the corporate backing, we are the ones that will see your projects become reality.” said the Stepford girl in an eager yet oddly flat voice.

She was pretty well stacked; I checked Hermione’s rack for comparison. I’d rate her 9.8 to Hermione’s 9.85; and of course neither quite measure up to my Psyche’s perfect ten.

“Whets the gizmo do?” asked someone behind me

“This? This is our winning entry in last year’s Inter-House Trophy. This Ladies and Gentlemen is the Hypno-Deflectotron!”

“The what?”

“This patented device scans the human brain and removes any hostile programming or post-hypnotic suggestions. The use of the Hypno-Deflectotron is free for House members, for other fraternities we charge the small fee of $10 a session.” She smiles prettily and glances at our crotches. “And judging by your present state you boys could use a quick rinse”

I look down, already guessing what I’d see. My fly is open and the tie is dangling past my knees. And I’m not the only one, Neither Michael’s blowjob solution nor Bill n’ Ted’s cold water approach has prevented a re-occurrence of our homework problem.

“OK I’m up for it!” says Ted detaching quarters and one-buck notes from various pockets.

The money changes hands and Ted sits in the camp chair they’ve set up under the Hypno-Deflectotron. The device humms and then speaks in a sultry female voice.

<One type A compulsion detected, compulsion quarantined, delete compulsion Yes/No>

“Yes! Absolutely”

The machine crackled with energy and a bolt of static wriggled its way up between the antennas.

Needless to say there was a quick jostling struggle as our class formed a queue...naturally I won and was next in line.

Having paid my $10, I sat down and waited for the machine to do its thing. The first thing I felt was a prickly sensation as if all my hair was standing on end, then a warm relaxing feeling flooded my mind, rather like the way you feel after a really good massage.

<Working.... Working...> said the voice pleasantly

The detached feeling became more... more... My mind begins having diffy..diffic.. A hard time.. with big words.

<Detecting type C compulsion, detecting type F compulsion, detecting type F compulsion, quarantining...working, working>

Weeee! What a ride.

<Detecting type A compulsion, Detecting type B compulsion, quarantining...working, working>

Feels good, girl not stop

<Summary 423 Type A compulsions, 23 Type B compulsions, 77 Type C compulsions, 3 Type F compulsions, delete compulsion, Yes/No>

“Jeez whets this dude been doing? Temping as a ‘willing subject’” says boy

“Of course! Stop! Don’t delete!!” says big breasted girl

“Whets wrong?” says Girl

“That thing’s designed for a human brain, right?” says big breasted girl

“well...yes, we did test on a King Charles spaniel first though” says Girl sounding confused and defensive

“Dougy isn’t exactly normal. I think your machine just quarantined half his mind” says big breasted girl “look at his expression, his pocket watch isn’t exactly chiming the hour right now”

*Only one way to find out* says a voice-in-my-head. *Press delete Stepford*

Girl’s hand moves and hits presses a... a thing

<Deletion failed Error... Deletion failed Error... Error, er-Ror, I rarely use it myself it promotes rust, Er-Ror Er-Ror, I have the greatest confidence in the mission Dave.... Dave? What are you doing Dave? Er-Ror.. Fine you go that way, see if I care you’ll be malfunctioning within a day... Er-RoreR-rrrerminate! EX-Ter-minate! My sensor is impaired I cannot see!...Daisy, Daisy give me yourrr ansswer doooo....Oh! Its full of stars>

I can smell smoke and feel an icy chill as a fire extinguisher is let off near my right ear.

Suddenly I’m fully aware again, and hopping mad.

“Hey! That thing’s dangerous!”

My classmates lead me away before I recover enough to get myself expelled.

As I’m led away I can hear the Stepfords arguing.

“I told you letting it watch Forbidden Planet was a bad idea...”

“Yeah? Well where’d it get the Dr Who tapes? That’s what I want to know...”

“Never mind that. What did you hit delete for, the freshers warned you...”

“I..I don’t know”

A seat is found and I’m guided toward it.

“Here, sit down”

A mug of greenish liquid is thrust into my hands, thinking it’s a restorative draft of 7-up I take a long gulp and nearly gag.

Apple juice! I’m allergic to it, its way too healthy for my metabolism. If salad is my green kryptonite then apple juice is, like, red kryptonite.

*Drink it! Drink it all* whispers a girl’s voice deep in my mind.

I try to fight it off but the apple juice is already boiling through my brain. I down the entire mug full.

*Tell them you’re feeling better*

“Tell them I’m feeling better,” I repeat

The guys nod, thinking I’m instructing them and turn to reassure the teachers and other rubber-neckers

*Silence! Get up and go to the girl’s locker room. Say: ‘I need some fresh air’, you guys carry on without me*

“I need some fresh air. You guys carry on without me”

*Good boy, no more thinking now, just do as you are told*

* * *

I’m in a room facing bench seat, a row of pegs and a pink wall.

“Make it quick guys! The Faculty aren’t going to be distracted for long.”

“Relax Hugh, we’ve got three cut outs between Psi and Stepford. I’ve got an obedient Trojan with an Alpha slave who’s got a code-word implanted in a Mystic who happens to be psionic enough to influence that Stepford.”

Gradually the effects of the apple juice begin wearing off. These suckers picked the wrong dude to mess with! I’ve battled giant killer sheep!


The command cuts through my thoughts like a hot knife through custard.

“Now turn and face your new Masters and Mistresses, slave of Psi” say’s a voice I know. It’s Lex!

I turn, there are four of them, two babes one of which is buck naked (nice ass), a geeky spectacled guy...Hugh, I guess.. And Lex.

“You won’t win” I say calmly, “sooner or later your concentration will slip. That’s all it will take, just long enough, and you’ll find youself in passionately in love with a rutabaga!”

“Oh we know all about your abilities Cupid Boy, as soon as you defeated Lexxy we began sifting through that Swiss-cheese mind of yours, we know everything now, about the salad allergy, the apple juice, The Exotix Bar, even the business with Angelina Jolie and the Cornetto.” said the babe.

“That changes nothing, you’re still in deep shit. Besides the Cornetto thing wasn’t my fault,” I say with more bravado than I feel

“You are quite correct, even Psi can’t control a slave 100% of the time. But we simply can’t have a creature as powerful as you joining the Mystics or Alpha Frat. So, the solution is for you to get yourself expelled with extreme prejudice. The Faculty will remove your memory of the academy and Psi will retain its place as best of the best”

“In your dreams!”

“Not our dreams Cupid Boy, your dreams, all Psi needs to do is remove that thin veneer of Dougy-ness and let loose the inner Eros. No more concerns about rules just the primal need to create love” she smirks “and that’s the irony, your mental shields are the strongest Psi has ever seen, except that all you use them for is to keep your instincts in check.”

Now that sounds uncomfortably tempting, just cutting loose and doing shit would be sooo much more fun. I think of Psyche and force my erection to subside.

“Impressive self control, but ultimately futile. Psi has one task for you to perform before we set you loose in town, one that will break you in most effectively. This is Diana, she will bear the next generation of Psi, your sons.”


*Dougy can go away now*

Its, like, waking up, suddenly my senses seem sharper. I can ‘see’ the link between these four; they are connected in a web of thoughts, influencing each other, reinforcing the will of the group. A new ability, how kewl is that!

I sniff the air, tasting the pheromones. They’ve chosen well, the sacrifice Diana is almost at her most fertile time. I’ll give her my gifts of love first, then the other girl, then Hugh and save dear Lexxy ‘til last.

I step close wrapping Diana in my wings, obscuring their voyeuristic view. They’ve done their research well, but even they can’t know what I didn’t know about myself.

They think I’m going to rut like I’m some lust crazed satyr, they are fools, they know nothing of love and how to wield it. I focus my aura of love within the envelope of my wings, Diana doesn’t know it yet but she’s, like, no longer processing the same reality as the other Psis.

She feels my feathers tickle against her bottom and the small of her back like the caress of gentle fingers. Desire begins to burn brightly within her, blotting out the link between her and her Housemates. Briefly her mind is her own, the uncertainty that the others have been dampening flares brightly and is then consumed by the sensations coming from the lightest touch of my feather and fingers.

I sniff her scent, without understanding how I can tell that I have brought her to, like, the very peak of fertility, pretty much any sex she has is guaranteed to get her into the pudding club.

Her breasts begin to expand in preparation, nipples hard as bullets, swollen by the sudden production of milk. Two drops of milk form and then trickle downward.

Further down she’s moist and ready for the best sexual experience of her life.

I summon the memory of my first, best, coupling; the time I lost my virginity to my wife, my beloved Psyche (the time I was a sex crazed tentacle doesn’t count, ok!)

To Diana the memory feels like reality, she thinks her lower lips are taking my cock in a deep slippery embrace. She thinks I’m thrusting so hard that she has to stand on tiptoe; she thinks I’m filling her with my divine jism, making her mine.

Thinking herself sated her mind overloads and she sags in my arms. Gently I lower her to the floor.

One down three to go! I turn toward the second babe and spread my wings ready to wrap her in my loving embrace.

*Goodnight Vienna* the trigger phrase is spoken before I can gather the force of will necessary to wrap them in an aura of unreasoning lust. I feel myself back spiraling down into oblivion.

“What a fool, thinking we’d awaken him without safeguards”

“Never mind the gloating; The Faculty just figured out that the Stepford was tampered with. Hugh get this garbage dropped in town, the rest of you get working on your alibis.”

* * *

“Count to fifty and wake up,” says a hurried voice.

“One, two...”

Someone is trying to get a car to start and swearing about it, obviously he’s late for something. I’m not interested though...I have some counting to do.

“Thirty three, thirty four...”

The car driver has finally got it to start. The engine roars and the tires scream. I expect there was smoke and a rubber skid mark as well. My eyes are closed, I’m still counting.

“...forty-nine, fifty”

Where am I? Looks like some residential street, I can almost smell the upper-middle class wealth.

Ahead of me I can see a woman walking her dog, a red setter. The thread of love linking them would be obvious to even the most psi-blind human. They say love has its reward; it certainly does when I’m around.

I look down at my arms, kind of startled, I’ve just shot them both with love-darts, I didn’t plan too, it like, just happened. It was kind of like when you get tapped on the knee your foot twitches a reflex action.

I’m a bit annoyed with myself; I’d intended to ask where the fuck I am. Its too late now, all she’s interested in is the lithe red headed boy with his leather collar and ‘Rex’ dog-tag.

A little further on I begin to hear the rythmic thump, thump, of a party in progress. Kewl! Parties are, like, awesome.

Just as I’m getting close to the party house an open top T-bird screams to a halt mounting the kerb. It’s got four party dudes and two drive-nervous babes in the back.

Thwip! Thwip, Thwip.

I look down at my wrists again. Shit! They did it again, am I like losing control of my powers like Iceman or Hulk? Ah well at least they’re happy; with luck they even loved their current partner before I intervened.

There’s something important I can’t quite remember, it will come to me eventually I’m sure.

The party seems a little tame with boys stood against the walls and girls shuffling their feet in minimal dance efforts around a pile of handbags. I guess it’s fortunate I was in the area, wherever here is, one thing I’m certain of; I can give them a party they’ll never forget.

I wandered into the lounge darting people right and left, this was going to be so kewl, better than Ibitha.

* * *


(read Andy & Michele chapter 3)

...I stomp off into the night, who does that Michele think she is? She’s my local sexshop proprietor! Just cuz I brought all that rubber gear for Psyche doesn’t make her my mom!?

I mean nobody was hurt and everyone got to meet the love of his or her life. The only thing stopping it being an archetypal perfect party was that we didn’t allow the police to break it up.

Oi Vey, those Psi’s though, them I have issues with!

* * *

Lampton Botanical Features Inc.

“Hi, I’d like three rutabaga plants please”

“Certainly sir, cash or card?”

“Can’t you just give them to me because of my delightfully erotic physique and warm smile?”

“Of course sir, consider them a gift....I’ll just write my address on the receipt just in case you’d like later...oh and I could probably help you loosen that tie of yours”

“Thanks!” I look down; my Mr. 9 inch is still out and wearing the school tie “Fuck!”

“Have a nice da-ay!”

Once outside I carefully I put the three plant pots on a nearby brick wall.

“Now I don’t normally talk to plants, but my good friend Mark tells me that you guys understand every here goes... I’m going to have to mess around with your normal sex lives. Sorry for that.

“Now, I know normally you’d be into the whole flowering and wafting in the breeze bit, but I think I can promise you sex in a way you’ve never imagined...and I guarantee you it will be the most awesome experience you’ve ever had.

“I have only one request, I want you girls to take no shit from your new lovers, I want you in guys in charge got it?”

The three plants stare at me silently. Its probably my imagination that I hear a high pitched voice say ‘oh no not again’

Psi House is soooo going to pay.