The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Author’s note: this gets a bit intense. Feel free to go somewhere else.

Mind Games

by Gingerxxx

Chapter 16 — Interrogation

“Come on, mate” (Slap) “Wake up!”


“Come on now!” (Slap, Slap, Slap) “That’s it! Are you with us?”

“Wha…? Where… Where am I?”

Joe’s world was unfocussed, like looking through thick, syrupy water. Even maintaining a thought was almost impossible. In Joe’s foggy mind, it was like having the worst hangover in the world, only without the blistering headache and sickness associated with a night on the sauce.

Slowly, though, the fog cleared. The world came into focus. An outline. A man. Joe could see the outline of a man directly in front of him. More clarity. Felix. It was Felix. Why was Felix here? Why was he here? Where was here?

Pain. 3 more slaps.

More focus. The world returning to normal. Gravity returned; pointing towards his feet. He was stood up. Against a wall, or something stony hard and uneven.

He tried to move his arms. They wouldn’t budge. Held somehow, well above his head. Joe looked up, and quickly realised why. His wrists were manacled, chained to the ceiling.

Thinking became easier. Joe looked around. He was in a basement. Layla’s basement: the one she’d turned into the sex dungeon.

And Joe was the prisoner.

“What the fuck!” Joe demanded. As his strength returned, he lunged for Felix. It wasn’t just his arms that were restrained, though. His feet were also chained to the wall. He fought the chains, lunging for his captor, but he was no match for the steelwork.

“Good. You’re with us. I was beginning to worry.”

“What the fuck!” Joe repeated. “Why am I chained up like this? Where’s Jane? Where’s Layla?”

“They’re OK. Jane’s on her way back here. Layla’s upstairs. I thought I might need her skills. As for why you’re up there, well we need to decide what to do with you. Until then, I need you under control.”

More focus. Thinking clearly now. Joe’s memories came flooding back: the anger at Felix for some reason. The phone call. Len’s death. The accident that wasn’t. Joe struggled further. “When I get out of these, I’ll… I’lll…”

“You’ll do absolutely fuck all.” Felix finished Joe’s sentence. “Do you seriously think I’d let you take a swing at me? I could undo those chains right now and you wouldn’t lay a finger on me.”

“Well, give it a go, then.”

“Ah, you’re back to your normal self, I see. Good. Well just in case you do get free from that lot and your programming is less than perfect, I also have this.” Moving his jacket to one side, Felix revealed a gun, nestled in a holster. “So you know I’m serious.”

Joe remained silent, stunned by the gravity of his situation. He’d been in a few fights before (some of which started by other people), but this was something else.

“Now, I presume you remember our last conversation?”

“Bastard! You killed Len!” Anger trumped fear. A tear escaped Joe’s eye, and slid down his cheek. “You fucking killed him!”

“No I didn’t.”

“Well if you didn’t do it yourself, you ordered it.”

“Afraid not, mate.”

“Well… who…?”

“I think it was you, mate. I think you killed Len.”

“Of course I fucking didn’t! Don’t turn this on me!” Joe responded, stupefied into high pitch by the suggestion. “He was a good bloke. I liked him! Why would I…”

“You said it yourself. He was a loose end.”

“So? What’s that got to do with anything? Don’t fuckin’ turn this on me! I KNOW I didn’t do it.”

“You probably don’t remember doing it, I’ll grant you.”

“What do you mean? You got me to kill him? Did you get me to do your dirty work for you?” The thought that he had killed Len was even worse than Felix doing it, even if under someone else’s control. “Is this a trick or something?”

“Afraid not. Look. There’s something I’ve got to tell you.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“No, you’re not.” Felix smiled thinly. “We think the unconscious you may have done that to him.”

“The unconscious me? We think? Who’s we?”

“That would be me.” A third voice added. Sam Bryant stepped in the room. Apparently he’d been listening in outside the door.

“Fuck. Not you, too!” Sam’s heart sank at the thought. He stood half a chance with Felix, but with Sam too…

“I’m afraid so. Anyway, as Felix was explaining rather badly, we think a subconscious part of your personality may be behind all this… unpleasantness.”

“Unpleasantness? A man’s fucking dead!”

“I know,” Felix replied, shooting his accomplice a sharp glance. “Anyway. As part of your programming we had you subconsciously identifying threats, weaknesses, loose ends. That sort of thing.”

“So you did make me like this! You made me… made me program Len to top himself!”

“No, you don’t understand.” Sam explained. “We only made you identify threats and report them to us, along with strategies for dealing with them. Consciously, or at least semi-consciously, you were thinking of ways to undermine us and take control of the whole system. Subconsciously, you were telling us everything you’d done.”

“And everything you planned to do.” Felix added.

“But you weren’t actually supposed to follow them through. Strictly identify and report.”

“I don’t understand. Why me?”

“Felix and I knew from uni that you were always one to play an angle, and that you were a bit of a control freak. We also knew you had a keen mind and you could always spot your opponents’ weaknesses in just about any situation. Yes, we gave you stimulants and suggestions, to promote those controlling, selfish, and self-preservation instincts. But it was only tinkering. We needed you to be you, only more so.”

Joe didn’t know whether to be insulted by that remark or not.

Felix continued where Sam had left off, “I can only think of so much myself, and I didn’t… don’t trust the hired help. I’ve spent ten years in security and I know most of the angles, but there was a danger I’d miss something. I needed another mind on the project. That was the idea, anyway.”

“What do you mean? What does this have to do with Len?”

“You said it yourself.” Sam continued, “He was a threat. He knew about the security tape, even if he didn’t remember it. Part of the security protocols we installed in you was to identify threats. As Felix said, he didn’t want to miss anything, and you were very useful in that regard.”

“Identify,” Felix continued, “But not eliminate. The decision to eliminate Len should have been mine, but I genuinely didn’t know anything about it. We don’t know why, but you’ve been doing your own thing since you went off-grid.”

“Just… Just… Let me think for a minute. I couldn’t have… Couldn’t…” Joe tried to make sense of everything the pair had said. Could he be responsible for Len? The mere possibility of it sent shockwaves through Joe’s mind. He hoped Felix was wrong. More than anything, he wanted Felix to be lying or even mistaken. The bastard had to be. But there was just enough doubt in his mind; just enough plausibility in Felix and Sam’s story to make Joe feel sick to his stomach.

“Hold on. You say I went off-grid?”

“Yes. We have no idea what you’ve been up to recently. The last three days, to be precise. That’s when you stopped reporting in. You went off-grid for some reason. You’ve shaken handlers, stopped informing us of your plans and actions. When you add that to the subliminals you added to me, I have to wonder what you’re up to.”

Joe’s mind raced, still trying to make sense of his situation. Why three days ago? What had happened then? Nothing much. Anyway, changes would take time. What had happened before then? Again, nothing much, really. The return of all the slaves was over a week ago, but it couldn’t be discounted. Len’s “accident”, Mike’s unexplained no-show. Joe looked, stunned, at Felix.

“Mike. The bastard.”

“What about Mike?”

“You sure about the three days?”

“Definitely. We keep very close track of you. Why?”

“Mike was supposed to meet me on Monday night, but he didn’t show. I’ll bet he turned up at my place knowing I’d be out, and switched the pod or something. The new commands will have taken a few days to filter through, I guess. How could I have been so fucking stupid?”

Felix made a call: “Get Mike. Now.”

Sam kept his focus with Joe. “You can rest assured. Mike will be getting the same treatment. If he is responsible, then we WILL find out.”

“Responsible for what?” Joe’s volume increased with his frustration. “What the fuck is going on?”

“We don’t know!” Felix shouted back. “THAT’S the problem!”

“Either way you cut it,” Sam continued, “It’s a risk to the project, and to us. If your programming’s broken, and Len is an unintended consequence, then we need to know. We can’t have you running round killing people, especially if you don’t know about it. If Mike or anyone else has altered your programming, then we need to know what he’s done. If you’re making a move against us…”

“But I’m not doing any of that!” Frustration turned to exasperation. “I’m not working against you and I certainly didn’t kill Len!”

Joe wished he could be more sure than he was about that.

“Put yourself in our shoes, though.” Felix responded. “You don’t know if you’ve lost control of a vital asset…”

“Asset?” This time Joe knew to be insulted. “I’m not a fucking computer that’s on the fritz or something!”

“Actually, that’s exactly what you are. And what do you do if your computer crashes? You find the problem. You debug any programs you’ve got on there and you scan for viruses.”

“Yeah,” Felix continued. “We’re not going to just take your word for it. We are going to get to the bottom of this, and your girlfriend Layla is going to help us.”

“No! Please! Don’t hurt her! I didn’t do any…”

“No, no!” Felix laughed. “Don’t worry, I have no plans in that regard. No, I mean she is going to help us, literally.” Moving over to the door, he motioned her in. “Layla, if you wouldn’t mind…”

Layla strutted into the room, wearing the full domme get-up. Not a single item was missed in Layla’s sartorial arsenal: stiletto heels, black catsuit, vicious corset. Even the choker she wore was adorned with four inch chrome spikes. She took a moment to absorb the sight of Joe in chains, running a perfectly manicured finger across Felix and Sam’s chests as she walked towards the chained up former master.

“Hey, hun.” Joe said, trying and failing to project a nonchalant attitude. Even when faced with the prospect of Layla’s wrath, his ego (and his manhood) demanded nothing less.

“Hey, yourself,” Layla purred. Pressing herself up against Joe’s body, she put two fingers up to his mouth to shush him. She softly kissed those two fingers, before delivering a brutally swift knee to the bollocks.

“Please!” Joe spluttered to his captors, doubling over in pain as far as his bonds would allow, “Not like this!”

“I don’t know, mate.” Felix smiled. “I think I prefer her like this.”

Layla leaned in further, pressing a couple of the chrome spikes hard into Joe’s neck and causing him to wince. “I’m going to have so much fun with you. All that teasing you did. All that orgasm denial. Remember the slave vibrator? The massive butt plug? The tit rings?” She pinched his nipples, squeezing and twisting as hard as she could. “I do. Every last second of it. They say payback is a bitch, don’t they?” She leaned in even further. “Well I’m a bigger bitch, and don’t you forget it!”

“Please…” Joe whimpered.

“Oh, and before I forget.” Layla headed back to the door. “Bring the others down.”

The other girls came in. Each of them, one of his winnings from the poker game. Each of them were kitted out in classic dominatrix fashion, each of them with a look of steel in their eye, and each of them wielding a whip, cane or other fearsome weapon.

“You’ve had your way with each of these recently.” Felix explained, “There’s no telling what else you’ve done with them. I mean, you could use them against Sam or myself at some point. I can’t trust them any more than I can trust you or your two girls. So I have to isolate the lot of you. You really have no idea how much trouble you’ve caused.”

“And this is your payback? Are these going to beat the shit out of me?”

“No, it’s not payback. That would be childish! Plus I don’t know if you’re acting of your own volition or not. I’m going to find out who is responsible, and these fine ladies are going to help me. I’m sure they can be very persuasive when they want to be. Aren’t you, Layla?”

“Of course, Sir.” Layla replied, her gaze not leaving Joe for a second. “Very persuasive.”

“I’ve had them all dreaming up new and inventive ways to torture you. They’re getting off on the very idea of it right now! Every scream you make: every cry for mercy will be heaven for them. Your pain will be their pleasure. I call it ‘Bitch Mode’, and I really have cranked it up to eleven. So, before they start, is there anything you want to tell me? They say confession is good for the soul, and would certainly save you a lot of torment.”

“But I didn’t do anything!” Joe begged profusely, “You’ve got to believe me!”

“Well tell me what Mike said, then. You said he met you the other night. Is that when you did your little disappearing trick from the station?”

“Yes, I lost your guys, but I didn’t meet Mike. I mean, I arranged to, but he didn’t show.”


“He set it up.” The longer Joe could keep Felix talking, the longer he had to think of a way out of here. Not to mention the whole ‘not being tortured’ thing. “He said that you were going to turn on us when you didn’t need us anymore.”

“What? You mean kill you?”

“Something like that. He didn’t exactly say it, but I got the picture.”

“What else?” Felix grew steadily louder and angrier. “What did he want you to do for him?”

“I don’t know! He never said! It never got that far!”

“What else?” Felix practically shouted in Joe’s face. “This is your last chance, so help me.”

“There’s nothing else! You have to believe me!”

“Layla… Please…”

“No!” Joe pleaded. “I really didn’t know what was going on!”

“Come off it.” Felix continued as Layla massaged Joe’s balls with increasing pressure. “If you thought I was going to kill you, you’d have done something about it. If I know you… and I do… then you’d have a plan. An ace up your sleeve, and all that.”

“To do what? Huhhhhhhhhh! I couldn’t hurt you; you said so yourself. I couldn’t kill you or act against you in any way. The only thing I could was get the hell out of there, and even then I wasn’t sure if it would work. I didn’t even know what I was up against. Mike never told me, I swear!“

“There’s something you’re not telling me. I know it. You’ve told me the problem. What was the solution? I know you’ll have thought about it. Come on, don’t make me use Layla and the others any more. Speaking of which, what did you do with them? Did you program them to turn against me? What’s their trigger?”

“No! I couldn’t risk…! Please…”

On Felix’s nod, Layla relaxed her grip just a little.

“You were saying…”

“I couldn’t… risk it. Anything I programmed them with, you would find.” Joe and his bollocks hoped he was getting through. “Think about it: you know more about this than me. You control it. You control THEM! Anything I could do, you could find out and undo. Hell, for all I know you had them spying on me all along. I couldn’t do anything with that!”

“So you thought about it then?”

“Yes! Of course I fucking did! You were getting ready to kill me, as far as I knew! I could barely think about anything else. But I couldn’t do anything back, thanks to your subliminals. I don’t know what shit you’ve programmed me with, and what would happen if I even tried anything. That’s why I needed Mike.”

Felix remained silent, apparently considering Joe’s response.

“Surely you’ve checked with the girls already. You know what I’ve done with them: any orders I’ve given them. What did they say?”

“Nothing,” Felix conceded, “But that doesn’t mean anything. You could have buried it deep. They could have forgotten any orders, only to remember them on some codeword or something like that.”

“But I didn’t!”

“And I wish I could believe you,” Felix admitted, “But I know you too well. You’ve done something, and I need to find out what that is. Layla, can we have half an hour of convincing, please?”

“With pleasure… Master.”

“But I…” Joe’s protest was cut short by a gag.

* * *

A mixture of sweat and tears dripped from Joe’s face, and on to his chest. Nothing he’d ever been through, not a beating from his dad or a bar fight or even last year’s broken arm, had prepared him for the shear pain that Layla could inflict. A combination of surgical strikes and sheer vengeful fury with the whip had lain waste to almost every square inch of Joe’s exposed flesh.

Felix had watched with morbid fascination, wincing at every blow but refusing to end it. Joe had never seen that look on his face before: one of grim determination and restrained anger. Sam had bailed at the beginning, unable or unwilling to watch.

“… And that’s thirty minutes. Give it a rest for now, Layla. Take his gag off, let him speak. So, how was that, mate?”

“I… I… I’ve had better days.”

“I know. I’m sorry, I had to convince you I was capable of that, and willing. You know the routine. You know, I think she actually brought herself off during that? Your screaming in pain actually brought her to orgasm! Imagine that! Did you, my dear?”

“Yes, Master. Twice! It was divine. Can I do it again, please?”

“That depends on our friend over here. Now, mate. You were going to tell me what you’ve been up to.”


“Before you do, just bear in mind that denying all knowledge will just bring more of the same. When Layla gets tired, as she will, we’ll just go onto the others in turn. They might not have the practiced panache of our professional domme over here, but I’m sure they’ll be more than adequate. Hell, we’ll even draw up a fucking rota; make sure they all get a turn!”

“But I didn’t…”

“Another half hour it is, then. Which of our lovely ladies shall we pick this time? Eeny meeny miney mo…”

* * *

“Shall we try this again? What did you do?”

“Puhhhh…” Joe struggled even to respond. Countless hours of torture and torment at the hands of the beautiful but deadly women had more than taken their toll. His cries for mercy had so far gone unanswered, but they were all he had left. “Puhhhl…eeeease!”

“If it’s worth anything, mate, I am truly sorry. I didn’t want things to come to this.”

It took all of Joe’s effort to lift his head and scowl.

“No, no, it’s true. I’ve always been completely honest with you about this. You knew the risks when you joined up. You knew my line of work, and you knew what that meant. You knew that I would have to protect this project at all costs. And you know that that’s what I’ve got to do now. If that means asking you hard, then so be it.”

Joe remained silent, save for the sound of laboured breath. His head slumped back against his arm.

“I’ve got to admit, though. You held out well. You’ve got me wondering if we’ll ever break you.”

No response from Joe.

“So if hurting you won’t do the trick. We’ll just have to try applying the pressure somewhere else. And if that means an innocent has to suffer, then that’s how it’s got to be.”

“I… no…!”

“And you know what? I’ll feel really shit about it.”

“No! Please!”

“But it won’t stop me.” Felix addressed Layla. “Fetch Jane.”

“Please!” Joe screamed, “I didn’t do anything!”

Layla left the basement. The now familiar dull thud of feet on stairs filled the room as she ascended, followed a few moments later by the inevitable descent.

“Master!” Jane cried as she entered the room. She might have run to comfort him, but her bonds prevented her. While her legs were necessarily free (for being led down the stairs), her arms were tied behind her in the most restrictive tie Joe had ever seen. Her elbows were practically touching, and her hands had been brought up almost to shoulder level. Her shoulders must have been on fire under all that strain, Joe thought to himself.

Another piece of rope provided a makeshift collar and lead, currently held tight by latex-clad Layla. Other than that she was naked, not even wearing make-up. She seemed unmarked by the whip or cane, but red-faced from tears. Joe hoped that she hadn’t overheard the events down here, but strongly suspected otherwise.

“Bring her over here.” Felix demanded. He took the rope as he addressed her, “On your knees. Now!”

“Please, mate! Don’t…! You said you wouldn’t…”

“Hurt an innocent? What choice do I have? Put yourself in my shoes. Hurting you might produce results in the long term. We will certainly see about that, by the way. But hurting Jane? That’s going to hurt you quicker and harder than we ever could. What do you say, Jane?”

“Please, Sir,” Jane cried, “Don’t hurt me.”

“Tell that to your master! He’s the one who controls your fate. He’s the one with the information we need.”

“Master, please!”

“Tell him you heard everything I did to him.”

“I did, Master. Everything.” The tears started flowing again. “They tied me to a post and had a radio.”

“And tell him that you don’t want the same to happen to you.”

“I don’t, Master. But I want them to stop hurting you more.”

“I’m begging,” Joe interrupted desperately, “Please, leave her alone!”

“Tell him there’s only one way to stop it, and it’s to tell me what I want to know.”

“There’s… There’s only one way to stop it, Master. Please tell him! Tell him anything, please, Master! Make something up!”

“I can’t! I tried!” If only he could, he’d be out of this mess by now. Since waking up here, Joe hadn’t been able to lie to his former partner. Another of Felix and Sam’s orders, apparently.

“I didn’t do anything!” Joe screamed. “I didn’t solve the fucking problem! I didn’t even know where to begin!”

“You did something, I know it!” Felix nodded at Layla. Jane screamed at the fiery kiss of Layla’s whip on her bare behind. Sobbing followed, but Felix was apparently uninterested. Softly cupping a tear-strewn cheek with his hand, he moved her head so she looked Joe right in the eyes. “She makes such a good victim, don’t you think? So beautiful. So compliant. You trained her well.” He let her go. “One on each tit please, Layla.”

“With pleasure.” Layla squealed in delight as Jane trembled in fear before her.

Felix returned his attention to Joe as Layla delivered the strokes. “If you tell me everything, and I mean everything, I might keep her alive.”

“Please, no! There’s nothing to tell!”

“Don’t get me wrong. We’ll have to keep her locked up like this, just to be safe. She’ll never taste freedom again. Perhaps I’ll keep her, caged up like an animal, and only let out for whipping and fucking! Perhaps I’ll keep them both! I’m sure I can keep them restrained and busy enough to be no threat. Two to the belly please, Layla dear.”

Jane’s agony continued.

“But if you don’t tell me, then I have to assume the worst. I have to assume that one day something will trigger her. There’s only one way that’s going to end...”

“Please!” Joe sobbed. “She didn’t do anything. I didn’t program her with anything. She’s no threat to you.”

“Prove it! Tell me what you fucking did! Layla’s going to keep going until you tell me what I want to hear, so…”

“I didn’t fucking do anything! I couldn’t! You had control over everything, including the pods. Mike might have helped me, but he didn’t show. And when I found the second frequency I had no idea what…”

“Stop.” Sam demanded. “What did you say?”

“You had all the power. Mike didn’t show, so I...”

“No, no, no. The other thing. The second frequency. What second frequency?”

“I found the second frequency you put on the pods. I couldn’t do anything without knowing what it did.”

“And what did it do?”

“I don’t know.” The penny dropped. “Oh shit. You don’t know either, do you?”