Mistress Mesmera
by Frederico
Synopsis: A hypnosis voyeur attends a stage show. Events do not progress as he expects them to when he ends up volunteering as a subject.
As I find myself rising to my feet and walking towards the stage, I start thinking about how I got myself into this position. My apprehension increased with each step, but I could not stop. My legs proceeded forward with confidence I did not share. I was walking up on stage to be a volunteer in a stage hypnosis show. I looked up at the hypnotist as i approached the stage and felt a surge of arousal as I took in her curves. From her shapely legs encased in fishnet stockings, past her flared hips and impossibly round ass I looked past it all as my eyes rested on her exposed cleavage. As I climbed up on stage, I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. My cock twitched as I wondered exactly what kind of show this was going to be…
This all started six weeks ago. Well that’s not quite true. I’ve been a hypnofetishist longer than I can remember there being a name for it. Stage shows in particular have always aroused and fascinated me. Something about a complete freedom of inhibitions and willingness to embarrass oneself has constantly been of particular interest for me. Back in those days, the typical stage hypnotists were almost all men. I used to take my pleasure watching women be hypnotized. I still remember downloading those Japanese mass-hypnosis videos to watch them all write on the ground, naked and aroused.
But, as soon as I saw my first hypnoteuse online I was hooked. Still, I preferred to watch others be hypnotized and not be the subject myself. I remained a hypnosis voyeur, as it were. Always preferring to watch and not participate, or pretend to participate. I caught every act that passed through town. Some of the repeat acts got to know my face, certainly the staff of the establishments knew who I was.. A couple hypnotists even spoke with me about volunteering, though I politely declined. One even tried hypnotizing me at the bar before the show. She might have succeeded too, until I became visibly aroused and embarrassed myself awake. She smiled politely and backed off understanding why I didn’t want to be on stage, though she did slip me her number for a “private session”. I could never bring up the courage to call her on that, though.
Fast forward to the events leading up to this evening. After a few years of seeing the same hypnotists run the same circuit with little variation, I was excited to see a new face coming to town. Technically it was the other side of town, almost an hour away. But. for a new hypnoteuse, I would make the drive. I started poking around her website to see what I could learn about this new hypnotist coming to my town. If I hadn’t already been sold on her show, her site would have pushed me over the edge. Soft, quiet music played in the background as I browsed. The photo gallery showed a sexy, curvy hypnotist dressed in fishnets and an outfit resembling Zatanna from DC comics. While watching videos of her past shows, my arousal got the best of me. I unzipped my pants and my cock sprung free. I visited her site every night for the next six weeks until the night of her show.
Finally, it was time. I dressed in a generic t-shirt and loose pants, to make room for my impending erection. The show started as most do, first with a cheesy stand-up comic. I took this opportunity to have a couple drinks at the bar to loosen up a bit, and found a seat at my usual table stage left, in the back, not far from the bar. This gave me a good view, while being out of the line of fire when volunteers are called up.
She came out on stage dressed just as I saw her in pictures. My cock stirred immediately, as fantasies ran through my head. She introduced herself as Mistress Mesmera. As she continued her introduction, I started having trouble understanding her words and my vision started to blur. I remember questioning if I had too much to drink before the show before my eyes crossed and I lost consciousness.
“Wake up, sleepyhead,” I knew it was her voice before I even opened my eyes. I lifted my head up off of my table to see her generous cleavage swinging back and forth inches in front of my eyes. “I see you’ve been visiting my website.” Before I could respond, she raised her hand and dropped a pocket watch into my line of sight. My eyes locked on the watch as it swung back and forth in front of her tits as she sat down across from me. She was speaking, but I could not understand what she was saying. I drifted off once more as she weaved her spell around my addled and aroused mind. I felt her foot brush against my cock right before I slipped down into her spell. The next thing I knew, I was walking up on stage, taking a seat with 9 others, evenly split between men and women. I sat down between two attractive ladies who both eyed me with a smirk on their faces. I smiled back, not realizing they were smirking because of my erection until I sat down and pitched a lewd tent between the two of them. They made no secret as they stole glances at my cock. Unable to conceal my arousal, I sat embarrassed until Mesmera walked by, tapping each of us on the forehead to send us back down into trance. I swear I felt a hand brush over my cock as I slipped under.
I woke up to the sound of applause. I was standing up on stage facing the crowd. “Take a bow, sugar,” said the girl on my left. The one on my right hooked her arm into mine and started to bow, taking me with her. I felt a smack on my ass. The pain turned to pleasure as it surged into my cock. I jumped, startled and saw the girl to my left smiling. She had been the one to smack my ass. I looked down and saw my erection bobbing up and down. It took a moment to register, but I soon realized I was naked. The sound of laughter trickled out from the crowd. The girls next to me started laughing as they saw me fidgeting nervously. I tried to move my hands to cover my shame, but they wouldn’t cooperate.
I began looking for a way to make my escape when I saw Mesmera walking towards me. She approached me, standing between me and the crowd.
“Relax,” she said, softly. I felt a calm overcome me as my eyes locked on her cleavage. She waved her hand over her breasts and pulled a silk handkerchief out of the air. I would have been impressed at her sleight of hand if I hadn’t been so distracted her breasts and my own arousal. My eyes burned a hole in her breasts as she reached and gently placed the handkerchief over my throbbing erection. My cock tensed up and my balls tightened at the sensation.
I was trapped somewhere between the edge of orgasm and the edge of trance as Mesmera brought her hands up, gently caressing her breasts through her thin, white shirt. I saw her nipples harden and poke through her shirt, causing my erection to stiffen further, my mouth hanging open. I felt a single drop of precum leak from my tip, moistening the handkerchief. In one swift motion, she pulled her shirt open. My eyes locked on her perfect, stiff nipples and suddenly I felt a smack on my ass from each of the two girls standing next to me. The twin jolts of pleasure shooting through my cock and the sight of Mesmera’s full, perfect breasts and pert nipples was too much for me. I was cumming, uncontrollably. The handkerchief prevented my seed from splattering onto Mesmera as she watched my cum drip down my standing erection, dripping from my tight balls to the floor. When my orgasm subsided, she buttoned her shirt, leaving her trademark cleavage, and stone-hard nipples poking through the fabric. My cock throbbed as it softened, spent but still aroused. The handkerchief slipped to the stage floor, my eyes still locked on her tits. All thoughts of trying to escape now completely forgotten.
Her hand reached up to the back of my head and pulled me towards her cleavage. She spoke only one word, “Relax,” as my head came to rest between her breasts. The smell of her perfume overwhelmed me as I slipped back down into her sweet, sultry trance.