The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Modern Erotic Doll


Commissioned by Mike Lee

The world of art is transcendent. Why a piece perceived grotesque by one and aesthetically pleasing to another is yet unknown. Society labels this a difference of taste. Assuming that each person has a choice in their matter of preference.

Musagetes thought such an idea absurd. Taste had no bearing on what people felt toward art. There was no choice in the matter. Either the art was pleasing to them, or not. The art itself did not change.

A works flavor was born unto it by its creator. And once finished the creator, too, might find it displeasing. In some of the worst instances, after hours, days, or even years of work a creator might destroy in so much as in instant because of their disfavor on what that had wrought.

Such a waste. They might as well have been destroying themselves. There were few other acts so displeasing to Musagetes.

All art was appreciated by Musagetes. Even art of desecration. The art itself was pure, even if the acts it depicted were not. And so all art was pleasing to him. Comforting to him.

So it was that Musagetes found himself spending most of his time going from place to place viewing such works. He still answered calls that came. But he wasn’t as busy as he once was.

The time had long passed when his name was sought regularly for inspiration. The muses did most of that for him now. But even they weren’t so busy. Even their name was now used to codify mortals of yearning. Sometimes not even mortals, just objects. Alcohol, drugs, even pain were now sought out more often than the spirits that governed the world.

Still, Musagetes didn’t bear any ill will towards those who found an essence of divinity in such things. If pain was their inspiration, why should he begrudge someone applying part of his name to it.

Certainly, the works created by such inspirations were no less than most of his works. Though none had yet come close to anything such as his baetylus. But perhaps that was for the best. Musagetes knew the dangers of envy, and was thankful never to have need to feel it.

But this modern works were sometimes more intricate than anything he’d help create.

The current work he was admiring, for instance. It was a representation of a bard holding a flute in one hand, a bird in the other. A second bird was perched atop his shoulder. On its own it was nothing particularly fancy. But that was only because its details were obscured by clothes of a past age.

This was more than a sculpture. It was a mechanical doll. Furthermore, not only did the bard move and play music, but so too did the birds that were perched upon him. Perhaps most interesting about the mechanation, especially in this age, was that it held no motor.

The entire contraption was run by spring driven cogs. They were tightened with the use of an ornate golden key that stood beside the doll. Such machinery that ran without the use of electricity, or worse that smoke billowing petrol, was held in high esteem by Musagetes.

He would have liked to admire it more. But there were still mortals about, despite the hour. Normally he could view peacefully despite their distractions. However, these humans were singing songs not of praise, but insult. Worse, insult toward those who appreciated art.

* * *

The CPA’s stretch turned first into a sigh, then a groan. The dark haired accountant gave a bleary eyed look to the clock on the wall then groaned again.

“Staring at the clock won’t get the job done any faster.” Ms. Leong chided, taking a moment to glance at the clock herself.

Both she and Winnie Chua were putting in a long night for the Folks Company. The fiscal quarter was coming to a close and it was up to them to work their magic. If profits were poor, the shareholders were unhappy. If they were good, the shareholders expected more the next quarter.

It was up to Sarah to make sure that moderate expectations were met, but not greatly exceeded. Winnie was her golden goose in that department. The woman was a whiz at spinning numbers. Even during the recession she was able to make it look like Folks had brought in a marginal profit.

Her ingenuity with Sarah’s keen eye for finance helped Folks Company’s margin soar.

But such ingenuity did come at a price: quality.

No longer were its products the acme of the world. They, too, had at last jumped on the plastic bandwagon. But, thanks to Sarah’s silver tongue and deep pockets the plastic companies were keeping quiet about it.

The consumer hadn’t noticed. And it was only a few in the production department that even recognized the change. But now that the economy was back on track, the profit margin was astronomical.

The idea had been cast around to return to the porcelain and glass products of yore now that finance was less of an issue. But Sarah had talked the board out of it. If the consumer was too stupid to notice, why should the company cut into its own profit?

Winnie’s head started to dip before she caught herself with a gasp. “Oh, uh, I’m sorry about that Ms. Leong.”

Sarah sighed, she was getting pretty tired, too. “Alright, let’s take a coffee break. But not a long one, we’re almost done!”

Winnie perked up immediately and almost ran to the break room. Sarah followed.

Fortunately for the both of them the walk wasn’t far. The offices of the Folks Company were rather creepy at night. While they could both be thankful of the open office plan during the day, the dark gave the office an eerie aura. Mostly because of what Folks Company’s main product was.


All makes, shapes, and sizes. The Bird Trainer, which graced the entryway to the building was no doubt the most famous. It was also the most expensive, pushing the six million mark when it was. But perhaps the keystone for the company was it’s manufacturing of the ball jointed dolls. BJD’s for short.

Nearly every desk had one or more atop it. Each personalized to the user of the desk. Each unique. Everyone of them creating a spooky silhouette in the dark. Both Winnie and Sarah claimed to have gotten used to it. But there was no denying that each had been spooked on more than one occasion by the dolls in the night time. The life sized ones most especially.

It had become something of an office routine to put the most realistic of the dolls in poses around the office to try and scare coworkers. To date, the most effective use of such gag was when Geoff, one their ingenious programmers, had a doll made up just like himself. He put it at his desk and worked from home for nearly a week before anyone noticed anything the matter. They might not of had there not been a car that crashed into the first floor of the building. It had knocked his dummy to the ground. The paramedics had been called before anyone had fully realized the ruse.

Winnie poured herself a not quite fresh cup of coffee. She had put the pot on some three hours ago. It wasn’t quite cold, but not warm enough to her liking. So she popped it into the microwave for a bit as she waited on her manager to come in.

“I’ve finished up the data sheets that you’ll need for your meeting in the morning.” she said when Sarah Leong came in.

“You must be reading my mind.” Sarah said as she poured herself a cup. She took a sip then frowned before putting her drink in the microwave as Winnie had done. “You’ve really been proving yourself these last few years.”

“Oh, thank you, Ms. Leong!” Winnie beamed.

“You know you can call me Sarah, Winnie. I just want you to know that I’ve noticed it. What you’ve done for the company has saved countless jobs and no doubt kept the company above water.

“Well, I couldn’t have done it without you! It was all thanks to your changing of the doll’s materials that made it possible!”

“Yeah, who would have thought that the consumer would never notice?” Sarah laughed.

Winnie joined her. “Well, they’re not always the brightest. Remember when the other accounting department accidently raised the price of our Nista line because of rounding error? It had been a flop until then, but raise the price fifty dollars and they sold out almost overnight!”

“The first time one of their blunders won them a bonus rather than a demerit. But the consumer ate it up, didn’t they?” Sarah said, taking a sip of her now pleasantly hot coffee.

“Yeah. I wonder how many collectors thought they were getting a good deal on that? I mean, the Nista line was designed to be our entry product. How stupid can you get?”

“Pretty stupid. That was the first product made entirely out of the newer cheaper material.” Sarah shook her head in disbelief. “And they were likely our ugliest line, too!”

“What do you think, it probably took ten cents to make each doll?” Winnie asked.

“Really, that little? No wonder we’re juggling numbers tonight. The shareholders would expect the moon next quarter if they knew that!”

“Oh, don’t worry, they won’t!” Winnie giggled.

* * *

Musagetes was a being of truth. Deceit was an act that he found discouraging. At best it served as a minor annoyance for the jest of one or a few. That was easy to let slide so long as it wasn’t to his personal annoyance. But to be dishonest to a multitude, that was a wrongdoing of political proportions. At the very least in the game of politics, such lies might at least benefit more than just a few.

But this act of falsehood was far greater in the eyes of the entity known as Musagetes. It was an assault against art.

There was no shame in using lesser materials as a base. But to lie about them, cloak them then sell them as if they were made of gold was shameful. In fact, they were being sold for far beyond their weight in gold itself.

But that wasn’t the worst of it. Those who found beauty in such falsehoods weren’t thanked for their foolishness. No, rather than simply thank them for their money and be done with it—these two had to go and ridicule not only the art, but those who admired it as well.

He had once turned a man’s ears into that of a donkey for less of an insult.

But that had been some time ago. He could do such a thing again, if he so wished. But to what avail? Mortals today would attribute to something else rather than divine punishment for their misdeeds.

Musagetes could accept that his own being would not be credited for whatever he might do. But to what purpose was his wrath wrought if one’s own misdeeds weren’t recognized. The thought still troubled him. Mortals are sometimes capable of sometimes magnificent things. But they, like the art they create, don’t change.

So what good was punishment then?

The answer to his hypothetical brought Musagetes a smile.


* * *

Sarah and Winnie were just finishing their coffee break when they saw Geoff walking back into the office.

“Geoff! What are you doing here so late?”

“Oh, Ms. Leong, Winnie, I didn’t see you there!” Geoff replied, setting some dolls on his desk behind his computer monitor. “What are you doing here so late?”

“We asked you first!” Winnie said sticking her tongue out at him.

“Heh, well, I’m just putting some finishing touches on these prototypes. I, uh, well, I was expecting to be the only here so…” Geoff fidgeted with the objects on his desk, trying to hide them. “Uh, so what are you guys up to?”

“You know it’s the end of the fiscal quarter, Geoff. We’re always here late around this time.” Sarah said, her eyes attracted to the dolls on Geoff’s desk. “So what sort of prototypes are you working on?”

“Uh, I really shouldn’t talk about it with you.” Geoff said, looking nervous.

A grin of confidence graced Sarah’s face. “I’ve got every sort of clearance Folks Company has. So long as she’s with me, so does Winnie. So, out with it. What are you working on Geoff?”

Geoff held back a grimace. Then relented with a sigh. Nothing he did was kept hidden from Sarah for long anyway. Besides Sarah had caught him with his toys. Only the best research is done alone late at night! And Sarah had no intent of letting him put them away without her first seeing.

Even if he’d tried to hide it, it was too late. Winnie had already come up to him and seen what he was hiding.

“Ooh! No wonder you were hiding them! Ms. Leong, you have to look at these!” said the CPA almost gasping with excitement.

Sarah rolled her eyes. She wished Winnie would just call her by her first name. It made her feel so old being called ‘Ms’. “Oh, I plan on it.” She said, taking her time coming over. She enjoyed watching Geoff’s face flush red as she approached.

Then she stopped dead in her tracks. It was Sarah’s turn to gasp. As if someone had just squeezed the breath out of her. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“It looks just like you!” Winnie said cheerfully, holding the doll up for her to view. No, not just a doll. Her. Winnie held in her hands what looked like a perfectly to scale replica of her.

There was no doubt it was her face. Every little detail from the small mole on her left cheek to her short nose. Even the clothes! How had Geoff been able to do that? The dolls was wearing the exact business suit that she was wearing now.

Sure she wore it pretty regularly... But the fact that the doll was wearing the same thing as her now was just uncanny.

Geoff scratched the hair behind his head. Embarrassed, he tried to explain himself. “Corporate was so impressed with my own doll that they wanted one made of each employee for future use.”

Winnie spun around, angry. “Wait, corporate asked for this?”

Sarah felt her own head spin. Having her own privacy violated like that. “Why could corporate want that? And who specifically wanted it? Be honest.”

She wanted to know whose head to put on a pike. Folks Company made all types of dolls. Those who wanted them, and could afford them, were never dissatisfied with their fetish dolls. Sarah had no doubt that something along those lines was why a doll was made of her.

“All of them.” Geoff answered before seeing death daggers shoot from both Sarah and Winnie’s eyes. “But it’s not what you think!”

“Well, what is it then?” Sarah asked. She might not have been the highest brass, but she was already thinking of ways to make the board’s head roll.

“I told you that they were impressed with my doll, right?”


“Well, they thought it would be a great idea to fill in empty chairs whenever someone calls in sick, goes on vacation, or even just needs to work from home. Good for productivity, morale, and great for when a random shareholder walks in, right?”

Geoff’s answer was actually believable. Enough to calm Sarah down, anyway. She wished she’d thought of it. It could be a benevolent way to grant extra time off.

But it wasn’t enough to placate Winnie. “Why the tiny dolls, then?”

Sarah laughed then explained while Geoff breathed a sigh of relief. “They’re just prototypes. You don’t just go and build something lifesize without building a smaller model first.”

“And not just that,” Geoff added. “these are more advanced than the doll I made of myself. I was told to make them as realistic and lifelike as possible, animatronics and all. The company spared no expense on this one, I think they’re going to try and sell the idea to other corporations, too. We’d be making sick leave dummies! Pretty cool, huh?”

“Oh.” Said Winnie, mad at herself for asking a question with such an obvious answer.

Sarah shook her head. Winnie should have known that about the smaller prototype. No wonder they made fun of bean counters in research and development. But she gave the younger woman credit for being so assertive.

“So, what do you mean by more advanced? I mean, aside from the size, these dolls are pretty life like.” Winnie asked, turning the doll of Sarah around in her hands and moving its arms.

Something about seeing herself manipulated like a doll made Sarah feel uneasy. The doll looked just like her. It was like watching a tiny version of herself through some sort of strange looking glass.

“Well, for starters, they’re completely interactive. The full size versions will have a program in them not unlike chatbot. They’ll be able to talk back to people with simple dialogue. Even with the original person’s voice!”

Winnie frowned. “I guess it’s not long until we’re all replaced by computers.”

The response made Geoff laugh. “Far from it. Even with the smartest computer in there I don’t think we’d pass Turing’s benchmark of sentience. But for simple things, it would fool the average onlooker. So long as they didn’t ask the doll anything too absurd.”

“Oh,” Winnie perked up. “Good!”

“But it’s enough to fool the average passerby. The full size models will even be programmed to look like their breathing, blinking, even humming! Whatever the person they’re based off of does normally!” Geoff was getting excited talking about it all. No doubt he was getting a big pay bonus for all his involvement.

Winnie, for her part was getting pretty excited, too. Sarah smiled, so was she. That must have been how Geoff sold the idea—his enthusiasm could be contagious.

“Wow!” Winnie said, then inspected the doll she was holding. “These don’t have room for that, then?”

“The technology isn’t quite there yet. I mean it it, if we to put a significant amount of extra money into for the nanotech. But like I said, these are just prototypes, so there isn’t a need.” Geoff explained. “However, these dolls have pretty much everything else that makes them look real beyond talk, blink, and breath.”

Winnie turned the doll around, trying to find anything new and improved compared to the rest of Folks Company’s dolls so far. “I don’t know. I mean, it looks just like Sarah, don’t get me wrong. But, aside from being lighter, it looks and feels like every other ball jointed doll we make. Is it some sort of new cheaper polymer skin?”

Sarah felt a little bit dizzy. She couldn’t imagine the circuitry needed to make a doll of that size blink, breath, and talk. And not just furby talk. Geoff had said chatbot talk. That meant millions of conversational lines. She couldn’t imagine how much memory it would take to store all of that, let alone with the audio in a person’s actual voice!

“Cheaper?” Geoff scoffed. “Far from it! Like I said, they’re sparing no expense here! Take a closer look, Winnie.”

And with that Geoff took the doll from Winnie and began take of one of the doll’s shoes. Underneath it even wore little doll sized socks. The same as Sarah was wearing right now.

“Oh, how cute!” Winnie cooed.

“Well, cute wasn’t the word I was looking for. But that was one of the reasons that I built to this scale. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Just your usual Folks Company size, that way it’s compatible with every other line that we have. Just in case, you know?” said Geoff. “Any, here, check this out! Each individual toe is articulated!”

Sarah felt violated. She knew she shouldn’t, and she wouldn’t let anyone else on about it. But her feet were sacred to her. She didn’t like the idea of anyone, let alone this upstart programmer and Winnie, messing around with them. Even if they were just a doll’s feet that happened to look like her. A lot like her.

Wait. How did they know about her birthmark on her foot?

“That’s pretty neat. But I don’t think many people would care about that sort of detail.” said Winnie dismissively.

“Pretty neat? Pretty neat?!? Do you have any idea how much work it takes to articulate digits of this size? That’s top quality work right there! That’s why customers buy our products!” said an exasperated Geoff.

“Well, are customers can be pretty stupid.” said Winnie.

That a girl! Sarah thought, then to Geoff. “I think Winnie’s right. I mean, who cares about a doll’s feet, anyway?”

“Someone must.” said Geoff. “Especially in the Onster collectors. They pay top shelf for this sort of stuff. And they should! Like I said, quality work.”

Sarah shuddered. She didn’t remotely like the idea of her doll being made in any sort of the same fashion as those fetish dolls.

“In fact, most of tech that went into these dolls came from the development of the Onster series.” Geoff said, “In fact, that’s where the really cool tech starts!”

Oh god! Sarah thought. Not the breasts. Not the breasts!

But her thoughts weren’t enough to stop Geoff from taking off the doll’s coat jacket.

“I think that’s quite enough! Come on, Winnie, we have work to do.” Sarah said at last then turned to head back to her work station. She did have to finish up those quarterly reports after all.

“Oh, come on Ms. Leong. A good salesperson knows their product, right? Don’t you always say that?”

Sarah sneered then stopped. Curse that girl for using her own words against her. “Alright. You can keep looking at it if you want. But I’ll take a look at them some later time, thank you very much, Geoff.”

Geoff let out another sigh of relief then called out to her. “Sure, no problem.” Then back to Winnie. “So, uh, do you want to see the rest of it?”

“Yeah!” Winnie said with enthusiasm. “I want to see what Folks Company really means with ‘spared no expense’. I hope it’s something more impressive than a stupid bird statue in the front lobby.”

With a little difficulty, Geoff fought off a grimace. “Alright, but I’ll warn you—that bird trainer statue is pretty hard to compare to. After all, it doesn’t have a motor or use any electricity.”

“Whatever, show me the rest. I hope its something more fancy than articulated toes.”

Geoff sighed then continued. “Some people just don’t appreciate the finer things in life. Well, I promise you this: if you aren’t impressed with this prototype, you will be with the next!”

Winnie took that as a challenge. “Well, go on then. Wow me!”

“Okay, check it out.” Geoff said then finished taking off the doll’s jacket and blouse. Underneath was a white bra. Plain, but made with incredible detail for its size. Geoff made a point of showing off the hooks on the bra straps, but that wasn’t impressive enough for Winnie.

“Alright, if that detail doesn’t wow you, surely this one will!” Geoff set the doll down on his desk. Then with a pair of tweezers he undid the tiny. Letting two amazingly realistic breasts fall free on the doll.

“Okay. Wow!” Winnie said picking the doll up for a closer look of its tiny titflesh. “Can I?”

“Go right ahead. That’s what a demonstration is for, isn’t it?” Geoff said, encouraging Winnie to touch the tiny orbs with her own hands.

The detail was incredible. Especially on such a scale! There were even little tiny bumps around the areola. The coloration was so natural. They even had a slight sag. It looked as if the breasts had grown naturally on the doll like they would have on a thirty something woman.

Holding the doll in one hand, Winnie gave a gentle touch with her other across the doll’s bare chest.

“They feel so real!” Winnie gasped.

“I should expect nothing less.” Geoff grinned. “But here, check this out.”

And with that Geoff leaned in and blew a cool breath across the dolls breasts. They contracted ever so slightly and the nipples stiffened into little peaks on their ends.

* * *

Sarah could hear Winnie gasping and giggling over the doll. Silly girl.

And that Geoff! Ooh, yes heads would roll.

Sarah at this point didn’t care so much that she might get extra leave time because of his hard work. She still felt violated.

How had he found out about her birthmark? Such level of detail couldn’t be a coincidence. Someone had been into her medical files.

She shuddered. Though curious, she didn’t want to know how long or deep her privacy had been violated.

The shudder turned into a shiver. Sarah shifted and looked around. Where had that draft come from?

* * *

“Oh wow! How did you get it to do that?” Winnie asked examining the erect nubs at the tips of the dolls breasts.

“The things we can do with reactive polymers are pretty incredible.” Geoff said. “What you just saw right there was actually just a simple thermal reaction. Heat causes most things to expand, cold causes most things to constrict. But with the polymers I’m testing for these dolls we can actually actually do some tricks more advanced than that.”

“Like what?”

Geoff grinned then opened up a program on his computer. “Well, first things first. I showed you the cold reaction, check out the hot! Watch this! The polymers can be controlled by a remote electronic signal. Seemed a lot safer than lighting a match under the doll, right? There are still limits, but when properly stimulated, the polymers can expand quite a bit!”

Winnie gasped. Before her eyes the bust of the doll started expanding into American doll proportions.

* * *

Sarah was starting to breath heavy. She was starting to fear that there wasn’t actually a draft. She even walked over to check the wall thermostat. It read at a comfortable room temperature.

Her nipples would have her believe otherwise.

That had to be it, right? She had gone through a bit of an exhibishionist phase when she was younger. But she was past that right?

Sarah bit her lip in consternation.

What if in researching her they’d found out about that? What if they’d actually uncovered some of the things she’d done during her college years?

At that, she felt her nipples throb.

Crap. She thought she’d moved past that, but her body was betraying her. The thought of random people spying on her. Watching her. Seeing her naked. That still turned her on?

Sarah shook her head trying to snap out of it. No. It was late. She was tired. She hadn’t been laid in who knows who long.

Now Sarah frowned and bit her lip in frustration. She really needed to get laid.

Sighing, Sarah looked over to Geoff and Winnie. She wished they’d hurry up so Winnie and her could finish up.

She didn’t need it often, but Sarah’s reliable friend by her nightstand would no doubt be calling her name tonight.

Her nipples throbbed again.

She looked over to Geoff and Winnie again. She heard Winnie gasp, then giggle.

Well, it wasn’t like they were paying any attention to her…

* * *

Her fingers stroked the newly expanded breasts. Sure they were larger, but not unnaturally so. Not with they way they felt, anyway.

Winnie laughed to herself, if only it were that easy to do to a person. She might bite the bullet and get some work done on herself if that were all it took…

She absently stroked the breast. Sarah looked good with bigger breasts…

Coming back to reality, Winnie scowled. Should Geoff be doing this sort of thing to a doll of a fellow employee especially Sarah?

“I… I don’t see why that would help anyone if they were just having a sick day. I mean, I can understand it for the Onster series…” she said finally, trying to explain herself. “And, isn’t that, like, sexual harassment to do to a doll that actually represents someone? I mean, if Sarah saw this she’d be pissed!”

Geoff laughed. “You’re probably right there about Sarah. And you are spot on about the Onster series. Like I said, that’s where a lot of the R&D for this project came from. But you aren’t looking at the whole picture, Winnie.”

He typed in some more commands then pressed enter.

“There’s a whole world of use if we’re to do this for an employee’s benefit. And this will solve the big one. Maternity leave.”

Geoff watched Winnie’s reaction as the doll responded to the new programming. The doll’s belly began to swell and its breasts began to sag slightly. Even the hips began to widen and thicken slightly.

Sarah’s doll progressed until she looked a full nine months pregnant and ready to burst.

Winnie’s jaw dropped as she watched Sarah’s figure fill out. She lightly caressed the belly.

She didn’t know exactly what a pregnant belly felt like. But the doll could have fooled her.

The doll’s breasts even hung now as if they were heavy with milk.

She wondered.

With a gentle squeeze she tried to express the dolls bosom.

Geoff laughed. “Sorry, Winnie. This dolls isn’t big enough to allow for that. But the full size versions does. I can show it to you a little bit later, if you like.”

Winnie pouted. She’d always been fascinated by the milking process. She’d always wondered what it would feel like. Mostly because she knew it was the only surefire natural way to expand her bust.

She just wasn’t ready to deal with all the other side effects of a pregnancy.

And for now she wasn’t ready to let anyone know of that particular curiosity. “We’ll see.” Winnie said after a pause. “I don’t want to leave Sarah alone for too long.”

* * *

Sarah cupped her breasts. What had come over her?

But god they felt good!

She lifted them up, testing their weight. They did seem heavier, fuller. Then she let them go, her bra catching them as the fell.

It was an old bra. Maybe it was time she got a new one? It supported their weight as they dropped, but it did nothing to suppress their jiggle afterward. She brought her hands back up to still them.

Funny, she’d never realized how nice it was to have her hands on her breasts like that. They felt so good, both her hands and her breasts. But her breasts had more to show for it. She could feel her nipples stiffening. Their turgid tips rubbing just poking over the top of her bra. Had they done that before?

* * *

“Awesome isn’t it? This sort of technology?” Geoff asked while he was typing again.

His words were enough to interrupt Winnie’s daze. “Oh, uh, yeah. I mean, yeah! Hey, wait what’s happening to the doll? Why is she shrinking?”

“Well, I was just showing off for demonstration purposes, you know.” Geoff answered, checking to make sure that the doll of Sarah had lost all indications of pregnancy. It’s best not to keep the doll stretched out like that all the time. It’s a cool polymer, but stretch it too much and it will be left with marks.”

“So? What’s the big deal? It’s only a prototype, right?” Winnie didn’t realize how upset she was about the doll not looking pregnant anymore. Well, maybe not the pregnancy aspect. But she already missed the larger breasts that had been displayed on Sarah’s doll.

Geoff laughed, seeing Winnie’s betrayed obsession. “Yeah, it’s just a prototype. I think of it more as a work of art, but it’s still a toy, too. And like other toys, you have to take care of it or else it will break. Get it?”

“Yeah…” Winnie sighed.

“Here,” Geoff said grabbing a pen and taking the doll from Winnie. “I’m not done with the demonstration.”

* * *

What was that?

Sarah had collapsed onto her chair. Exhausted.

At first it was just her breasts that had felt swollen. She knew she was due for her cycle, but she’d never felt anything like that before. She’d never been… turned on by her own body.

Sweat dripped down from her face.

Then she felt as if the rest of her body was starting to swell. She had felt bloated. Almost as if she was going to burst.

Never had passing gas given her such relief!

Sarah sighed, and tried to gather herself. Her breasts still felt heavier than normal, but at least the rumbling in her belly had stopped.

She looked down and rubbed her belly. What had she eaten to have caused that, she thought looking down her chest.

Wow. Had she been sweating that much?

Nervously, Sarah looked over to Winnie and Geoff. Thank goodness they were still playing with the doll prototypes and hadn’t noticed.

Covering her newly dampened blouse with her hands, Sarah snuck off to the bathroom.

* * *

“Wait! What are you doing? Didn’t you just say you had to take care of them?”

“Relax.” Geoff chuckled, glad that he’d gotten through at least a little to Winnie. “Unlike the real thing, I’ve got a special solvent that will dissolve this ink.”

His words weren’t enough to keep Winnie from grimacing as he wrote atop the doll’s breasts. He could have written on the doll anywhere. Why there?

“I’ve tried to take into account even the most minor of life changing events. This sort of detail is one of the reason why our dolls are on top of the market.” Geoff said, finishing up his artistry. “Now, if one of our employees gets a tattoo, so will their stand in doll. And no one will be the wiser.”

Winnie covered her mouth. First as she gasped, then as she tried to hold back her laughter. Geoff had written ‘Milk’ on the doll’s right breast and ‘Jugs’ on the left.

“Sarah would kill you if she saw that!” she giggled.

“I doubt it. In fact, I bet she’d compliment me for my talent in calligraphy!” Geoff said, smiling. “It looks good on her, don’t you think?”

“I don’t think she’d say so.” Winnie said, wetting her lips. “But yeah, it looks good on her!”

“Tell you what, let’s make the phrase more accurate for a little bit longer.” Geoff said typing in some more commands. “Just for fun until the demonstration is over.”

Biting her lip, Winnie did all she could to contain her excitement.

* * *

Once in the bathroom, Sarah tried to take stock of things.

She couldn’t believe how wet her blouse had gotten. She couldn’t believe that it wasn’t from sweat. She couldn’t believe a lot of things that felt like they were happening tonight.

But as she peeled her blouse off, it was clear from the stick that it wasn’t mere perspiration that had wet her top.

When had she started lactating?

She knew her bra had soaked right through as well.

Shit, she didn’t have a backup or change of cloths. At least there bathrooms had hand dryers instead of paper towels.

Well, at least that was on of the perks of working late at night. The likelihood of anyone coming in and seeing her like this was pretty slim.

Sarah knew the cleaning staff wouldn’t be in until dawn, and doubted Winnie would come looking for her here. With that knowledge she took her blouse off entirely and held it beneath the hand dryer.

Fortunately, the fabric was thin enough that it dried quickly. But it still felt a bit tacky to the touch. But she had been wearing it all day, so that wasn’t much of a surprise.

She slipped her blouse back on over her shoulders. She could wear just it for a little while as she dried off her bra. At least that way she’d preserve a little bit of her modesty if anyone did perchance walk in.

Out of habit she stood in front of the mirror to take of her bra. She noticed her own conditioning and laughed at herself for doing so. She shook her head then undid the hooks before looking up at her own reflection.

Her jaw dropped. She blinked, double checking her reflection before looking down upon her own chest.

It couldn’t be. She didn’t have any tattoos. And even if she did, she’d never get one there!

But there it was.

Looking down she had trouble making it out upside down, so she leaned into the mirror. Even then, it was difficult to read the cursive through the reflection. But once she made out the letters, there was no mistaking what the tattoos on her chest read.

‘Milk Jugs’

* * *

“She looks pretty hot, huh?”

“Yeah.” Winnie answered. She had only just realized that she was breathing heavy. She had always thought Sarah was attractive. She’d just never thought of her like that.

But now, with Sarah’s doll posed on all fours on Geoff’s desk. Her bust expanded and hanging beneath her chest like lemondrops. Winnie knew she’d never think of her boss the same way.

“So, uh, this next part is just an extra carry over. Since the prototype uses the same programming as the Onster series. No use for any sort of sick leave, but I figured it would save you from having to do any extra research, right?”

“Right.” Winnie licked her lips and tried to maintain her professional dignity.

“Go ahead and pull her nipples like you were before. As if you were trying to milk her like a cow.”

“Okay.” Winnie swallowed. There was no denying how excited this was making her. With only a little reservation, she reached out and began to tenderly tug as the dolls nipples.

It wasn’t long before she felt the doll start to shudder. She could feel it trembling against her fingertips.

She pulled back immediately, afraid she’d broken it. Then she watched the doll’s mouth open and heard it moan. Just like Sarah would. At least, that’s what she thought Sarah would sound like if she was moaning.

“Did it… did she just have an orgasm?” Winnie whispered. That last exhibition had left her almost speechless.

Geoff was grinning ear to ear. “Yeah.”

“But, but why would you leave that feature in there?” Winnie swallowed, trying to hide her arousal.

“Like I said it was a carry over. It was easier to just leave the programming in there.” Geoff explained, digging through his desk drawer. “Here. You haven’t played much with the Onster series have you?”

* * *

Sarah’s heart raced. She pulled off her blouse and checked her back for any more unknown tattoos.

Her bra had fallen to the floor. Thoughts of drying it forgotten.

When had she gotten a tattoo? She hadn’t been drunk anytime recently. Had someone drugged her?

Her fingers traced over the ink. It felt smooth, as if she’d had it forever. It didn’t even hurt.

How long had she been walking around with a tattoo on her boobs. Surely she would have noticed?

Looking at her reflection, Sarah tried to remember any time that she could have possibly gotten the tattoo. But the only conclusion that she could come to was that she liked it.

The more she looked at it, the more she appreciated the fine artistry that went into it. She might not approve of most tattoos, but at least her’s was done well.

She giggled, and somehow it was accurate, too.

Sarah cupped a breast. She held it up to better look at. Her nipple was starting to stiffen from the attention given it. Well, at least that would let her more easily examine it.

The breast, as a whole, did feel heavier than the last time she’d held it this way. She gave it an experimental squeeze.

The sensation made her weak in the knees. Dropping down to the floor, lest she faint from the next touch, Sarah checked the nipple.

Sure enough, a thick drop of yellowish cream had formed at the tip of her tit.

Was she having a hormone imbalance? Had her diet changed? She had felt overly bloated earlier.

She cupped her other breast and gave it a similar tug. The same euphoric sensation swept through her. As if she could feel the newly formed milk flowing through her bosom.

God it felt good.

Sarah leaned back on her knees and started to squeeze both of them at the same time. Each time she did, it felt as if they grew just a tiny bit.

Mmm… She’d never done it before. But Sarah was beginning to wonder if she could get herself off by just playing with her boobs.

At the thought, Sarah could swear she could hear herself moaning in the distance.

She bit her lip and looked to the restroom door.

Fuck it.

* * *

Winnie licked her lips. Seeing Sarah with such engorged breasts again was enough to get a rise out of her. And holding the little Sarah doll was turning her on to such a point that she was having trouble hiding it.

But what Geoff was offering her now was too much.

“Geoff… this seems wrong. I mean, she’s our coworker.” Winnie said, her eyes on the box he was offering.

“Really, Winnie? You work with this doll? Come on. This isn’t a coworker. This is our product. To sell the product, you have to know the product.” Geoff held back a laugh. and took the doll back from her. “Besides, I was the one trying to keep this particular project on the down low. It was you and Sarah who barged over here. So do you want to see the product’s full potential or don’t you?”

“Yeah… but.” Winnie wanted to protest more, but just ended up fidgeting. She really was impressed by the detail of all the doll sized sex toys in the box.

“Oh. Oh!” Geoff said, smiling brighter than he had before. “I get it! Don’t worry, Winnie, it’s perfectly natural! That’s what the dolls are for after all!”

“But… She’s our coworker…”

“No, it’s a doll that looks like our coworker. That’s a big difference! Besides, she signed a contract agreeing to this.” Geoff answered. “And so did you.”

“What?” Winnie’s sexual excite was pierced by the thought of betraying herself like that.

“I swear no one reads the fine print.” Geoff said shaking his head. “Well, except for me, maybe. But I signed it anyway. It was in the terms for employment with Folks Company. ‘Any likeness of ourselves we submit to the benefit of the company.’ remember?”

“But…” Winnie started again.

“Really, Winnie, they’re just dolls. Look here’s your’s.” Geoff said handing her a small likeness of herself. “Here’s mine. A pretty good likeness, too. Much better than the first doll I made.”

Winnie wanted to protest more, but she was distracted by her own doll. And it’s potential. She wanted to know what she would look like with breasts like Sarah’s. “I guess you’re right, but…” Winnie swallowed and licked her lips. “Did they have to be sex dolls.”

“Jeez, Winnie.” Geoff said looking around as if to make sure no one else heard. “It’s the Onster line, do you want to get fired?”

This time it was Winnie’s to laugh. It felt good to be the one with a handle on things. “Really, Geoff. Ms. Leong and I are the only ones here. You’re not going to rat on me and I know Ms. Leong won’t. Especially for calling it like it is. The Onster line is just a fancy name for sex dolls. The only people stupid enough to think otherwise are our consumers!”

Geoff grit his teeth. “People who appreciate art, and pay for its production aren’t stupid!”

“Pfft. Art. Look, Geoff, I’ll give you that what you’ve got here is more impressive than the stupid bird robot outside. But all this,” Winnie said pointing to the box of ‘accessories’. “This isn’t art. It’s just an expensive way for someone to get off.”

His smile returned, Geoff finished typing in another command then leaned in over the desk. “You’re embarrassed because it’s getting you off right now.”

“What? No! I…”

“It’s no big deal, Winnie.” Geoff said, cutting her off. “That’s the purpose of this sort of art after all. The fact that you’re turned on by it is just a measure of it’s quality.”

“I wasn’t…”

“C’mon, Winnie, there’s no need to lie. I saw how worked up you got over Sarah’s expanding bust.” Geoff said holding up Sarah’s doll. “That’s what they’re for! They’re erotic, yes. But they aren’t merely sex dolls. The Onster line was designed for evoking emotions, not merely gratifying carnal pleasure. Though the technology has advanced quite a long way there, too. Look at this!”

* * *

Sarah was on her hands and knees. Her body glistening with sweat, she was no completely naked.

Her impromptu masturbation session had started with just her top off. Her hands were caressing her breasts. Never before had she been so stimulated from her own tits!

But then the milk began to flow!

She was long since past the point of wondering, or caring, why. She was just happy that they felt so good. Sarah had never thought heavy breasts could be such a pleasurable thing!

And the pleasure had been too great for her. A simple hand beneath her panties was not enough to sate her self satisfactory needs.

So addled from her own sexual delight, Sarah didn’t care if anyone had heard her moaning in orgasm.

Nor did she care about the sticky mess she was leaving behind on the bathroom floor.

She just knew she wanted more.

* * *

Winnie couldn’t believe it. Geoff had taken off the doll’s pants and panties. Underneath was the most detailed sex she’d ever seen on a doll.

There were even small hair follicles that she could see. Who would have thought Sarah would be one to trim her bush?

And after the doll’s recent orgasm, her sex even looked like it glistened.

But not just that, Sarah’s doll smelled of sex. And not just a generic musk. It smelled like a woman. Not like Winnie, though. She knew her aroma was different. How did they find something that smelled so much like Sarah?

Why did Sarah have to smell so good?

Winnie bit her lip. Both frustrated and aroused, she didn’t want Geoff to know how turned on she was. It was okay for him to know she was a little turned on. But not this much. And not by a doll that looked just like Sarah. Smelled like Sarah. Was Sarah.

Geoff typed a few more commands into his computer then said, “So, what do you think?”

Winnie’s mouth felt dry. She swallowed again and licked her lips. They felt chapped. She took a breath getting ready to tell him the truth.

“I told you it was pretty cool, didn’t I?” Geoff said, answering his own question.

Winnie breathed a sigh of relief. She had never been so thankful to be interrupted as Geoff went on.

“No for the piece de resistance! I told you earlier that dolls were interactive, right?”

Winnie swallowed again. She looked down at her own doll, hoping that he might use it with Sarah’s. And then, maybe he could inflate her breasts the same way? Then she would know how she looked with them and could decide once and for all whether to get the surgery.

But until then she could play with these dolls. She wanted to smell the doll’s pussy again, to touch her breasts again. To taste them, even.

She could holds her doll under Sarah’s. Letting Sarah’s doll’s breasts dangle over her own doll’s face. Then she could feel what such amazing breasts were really like. Well, her doll could. But...

Winnie bit her lip, starting to get lost on her own fantasy.

“Winnie, are you even paying attention?”

She looked back up at Geoff and nodded weakly.

“Good, I’m sure you’ll like this. Like I said, completely interactive.” Geoff said, pulling out one of the Onster strapon accessories. He slid the cock portion into Sarah’s doll’s mouth.

He then put the doll back all fours for Winnie to see.

As Winnie watched in awe, Geoff then took off his own doll’s pants. They revealed an erect penis. One larger than Winnie had expected.

Geoff then slid his own doll’s cock into Sarah’s doll’s pussy.

The doll moaned. So loudly, in fact, that Winnie could swear she heard it echo all the way from the storage closet.

* * *

Stretching his fingers, Musagetes nodded his head. The lifesize doll that Geoff had created for himself was quite impressive. He would be sure to bless him for such fine work.

And himself of course. It wasn’t easy pulling so many strings to make such a puppet come to life as he did. Especially having a puppet pull another puppet’s strings.

His stretch finished, Musagetes smiled. Blessing the mortal would have to wait. His own blessing would have come first.