The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

More Sleepy Adventures in Crescent City – Part 15 (Two Girls, One Heroine, One Villainess and Lots of Drugs)

The Gadgeteer was amazed by how powerful and fast acting this new drug was. Still slightly frightened by The Adherer’s threats, she decided to test another idea. Her former colleague still knelt obediently where she had left her, and the villainess was happy for that to continue while she tinkered in her workshop.

Soon she had fashioned two earbuds, which she then carefully placed inside her captive’s ears. The earbuds would continuously play a recorded phrase, which would then hopefully embed itself in the victim’s drug-soaked brain. Her message was simple, and effectively ‘stolen’ from Asimov. “I must never harm Gadgets or allow her to come to harm”. She wasn’t sure that it would work, but her other commands had seemed remarkably effective.

Once she was happy that the devices were in place and broadcasting, it did not take long to place the drugged woman into a storage cylinder where she could happy listen to her programming. Idly, The Gadgeteer considered making some more modifications to the cylinder, in order to ‘reinforce’ her commands. But, she decided that could wait, after all, she had more pressing matters to attend to.

* * *

At that moment, Geist was trying to find her way through the steam tunnels. She knew that trying to launch a one-woman rescue would be hopeless. Having barely escaped The Anaesthetist’s gauntlet she was not eager for a rematch. Getting somewhere she could contact Ampere and let the more experienced heroine come up with a plan was really the only option. The problem was that these tunnels were like a maze, and she just seemed to be getting more and more fatigued.

The young woman was not aware that two potent toxins were affecting her now. First, the tiny sliver of needle crystal was weakening her, fatiguing her muscles and slowing her progress. Secondly, the oily contact poison was leeching into her, where it covered her hands. This was the villain’s final trick, covering the only exit from his fiendish trap. Geist, weakened as she was, had taken a long time to open the hatch, and because of that, the dose she receive was very large.

The poison was subtle, so as not to alert any victim until it was too late. On initial exposure, it began steadily to inhibit some of the brain’s higher functions. Specifically, it targeted the frontal lobes, the region concerned with impulse control and concentration. For Geist, the affect was to make it almost impossible for her to work out a sensible plan to explore the tunnels, and stopped her from recognising that she was in deep trouble.

The heroine found herself at the same junction again; she couldn’t understand how difficult it was to navigate. She was so tired now; the effort of just putting one foot in front of the other was almost too much for her. All she wanted to do was rest, in fact that was all she could do. She slumped down, leaning against a wall. It seemed a sensible plan, just to pause for a while, until she got her strength back.

Geist rested her head back, and for a second let her eyes close. If she could just sleep for a few minutes, she would wake refreshed. Not really aware of what she was doing, the young woman idly traced one finger down to the torn crotch of her outfit. Just a short rest was what she needed, and what better way to relax than to play, just for a little?

The poison continued to work, silently paralysing the heroine’s mind as it lulled her into drugged oblivion. She was now sprawled, one hand gently touching herself, eyes closed, a rivulet of dribble escaping the corner of her slack mouth. All thoughts of concentrating on her powers had vanished, and soon all thoughts of anything else vanished as well.

* * *

The Gadgeteer had originally intended to pass on her report to The Anaesthetist, but when she checked the computer system, she saw that he was otherwise engaged. She knew that he would not be happy if she interrupted him while he toyed with a heroine. So, the villainess issued an instruction to the security system, requesting that she be informed when he had finished, and then she returned to her workshop. She had an idea that she did not seem to be able to get out of her mind, and some experimenting was in order.

First she disabled the security cameras. There was no point in advertising what she was about to attempt. To all intents and purposes anyone viewing the room would see her hard at work on gadgets, not aware that they were effectively watching ‘stock footage’. Then she locked the door, just to make sure that she was not disturbed.

She was not sure exactly what was driving her. The Anaesthetist’s commands were very specific that she should not remember, but she knew that the thought of drugging herself was making her incredible hot. She rationalised this, thinking how many beautiful captives she had seen drugged, helpless and somehow all the more desirable because of it.

Taking one of her control collars, the villainess disabled the locking mechanism, (she certainly wanted to be able to take it off when she was finished). Then she set about emptying all of the reservoirs, except the one filled with sedative. The Gadgeteer took a deep breath, for a moment she wondered whether this was really such a good idea. But then, the memory of the blissful look on Joanne’s face helped to strengthen her resolve and she carefully clipped the collar around her slender neck.

She shivered at the sensation, a mixture of fear and arousal. Then, before her courage waned, she lay carefully down on the couch and entered a complex command into her remote. With that, a measured dose of sedative was administered. It travelled quickly around the young woman’s body, and she let out a soft gasp as she felt it start to work.

At this dose the drug acted gently, soothing her to sleep. The Gadgeteer knew what was happening, but was of course powerless to stop it. The sensation was incredibly erotic, and for some reason she found herself thinking of The Adherer, or Jo, she corrected herself. Her body relaxed and she felt as strange tingling sensation in her hands and face. Then her vision seemed to dim slightly, and her eyelids began to feel so heavy. Her entire body felt light as a feather, but somehow almost too heavy to move.

The villainess felt so aroused, but as she came closer and closer to orgasm, she slowly slipped into a deep and dreamless sleep. Her body shuddered slightly, responding to her arousal even while she was totally unaware.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later she awoke, the small dose wore off quickly and without any residual effects. The experience had been so incredible; she could not imagine why she had not tried it earlier. Images filled her head, thoughts of further drugging, perhaps even some bondage. Then, suddenly she found herself imagining what it would be like to ‘ride’ the Programmer. Shocked, the villainess dismissed such thoughts. How could she even think of such a thing?

Shaking her head in confusion, she busied herself on returning everything to normal. Soon the cameras were once again showing a true picture of the room, and the door was unsealed. It was only then that The Gadgeteer noticed that she had received a signal while she slept. It seemed that The Anaesthetist had finished with his latest victim.

To be continued…