The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

More Sleepy Adventures in Crescent City – Part 5 (The Wickedly Webbed Wraith Wrapping)

The Gadgeteer was startled from her reverie, when a soft male voice whispered in her ear.

“There will be plenty of time to admire our new acquisition later. I suggest that you go outside and see how our visitor arrived, and whether she has any more friends coming”

The young villainess blushed, and biting back the retorts that sprung to mind, she punched several buttons on her control console. Then she jumped to her feet and hastened out of the room. She could not believe that The Anaesthetist had managed to sneak up on her undetected. She had been supremely confident that one of her gadgets would have alerted her. Chiding herself for once again underestimating her ‘boss’, she set her mind to the task at hand.

* * *

The Anaesthetist watched with wry amusement as The Gadgeteer left. He gazed with undisguised interest at her retreating backside. She was certainly an asset to his plans at present, but he did so relish the thought of capturing the proud woman and demonstrating some of his very own toys on her helpless and anaesthetised body.

Shaking his head sadly, the supervillain banished such thoughts from his mind. He had a more pressing problem to deal with. Obviously this new visitor had special abilities. She was, after all, able to get past a variety of defences and had seemingly appeared from nowhere in his trapped corridor.

The obvious conclusion was that she had followed one of them back to the lair. The possibility of a heroine stumbling onto him by chance was just too unlikely. The villain was certain that he had not been followed or observed. Likewise, he felt sure that The Gadgeteer would not have been trailed so easily. That only left one other member of his team who could have ‘slipped up’.

The Anaesthetist had long ago decided that The Adherer would be more useful to him as a ‘product’ rather than for her superpowers. She was impulsive and tended to be brashly overconfident, two characteristics which made her a liability in the villain’s eyes. The latest mistake was merely one of a catalogue of disasters, and today the villain had come to the end of his patience.

* * *

Geist wasn’t really thinking anymore. She had even given up trying to drag herself towards the open chamber. Both her hands busied themselves deep in the wet cleft between her legs, and her orgasms ran together in one glorious flood of pleasure.

The Gadgeteer had entered a series of commands before leaving the lair. At her request, one of her small semi-autonomous robots, left its recharging pod and made its way to where the heroine had appeared. Shaped like a cross between a crab and a spider, the machine moved rapidly on nimble metal legs. The villainess called her creation ‘capture bot mark 1’ but her colleagues felt that ‘spiderbot’ summed it up more succinctly.

The spiderbot scuttled towards the helpless heroine, and extruded a fine ceramic needle from between its mandibles. A single drop of brilliant blue liquid formed at the tip. Then, with surprising speed, the spiderbot leapt nimbly onto Geist’s body, before plunging the needle into her pert backside.

It was a testament to the seductive power of the ‘Siren Stone’ that Geist hardly registered this assault. She just kept pleasuring herself, riding the tide of arousal from one orgasm to another. The venom acted quickly, making Geist’s hands become clumsy, slow and heavy. An overwhelming lethargy grasped her, and in her already weakened state, the young superheroine was unable to fight it. Moments later, she slumped, her body relaxing totally.

The spiderbot opened its mandibles and sprayed several gouts of clear fluid over the unconscious woman’s legs. The liquid hardened almost immediately into thin strands of webbing. Then, ponderously, but displaying incredible strength for such a small machine, the robot began to drag the unresisting heroine into the lair.

* * *

Almost as soon as she got outside, The Gadgeteer discovered Geist’s car. The villainess could find no sign that they had any other ‘visitors’. But it seemed a safe bet that the lone heroine would have contacted someone, before so foolishly entering their hideout. She spent some time seeding the area with more sensors, thereby expanding the range of surveillance.

Almost as an afterthought, she ‘gimmicked’ open the car door, using one of her many toys, and then carefully tossed a small grenade inside. She managed to slam the door shut, before the grenade exploded with a soft ‘pop’, filling the inside of the car with a fine silvery mist. The glittering dust gradually settled, and was absorbed into whatever surface it landed upon.

She smiled at the thought of how she had turned the simple car into a complex trap. Then, satisfied that she had done all that was necessary, the villainess headed back to the lair, being careful to check that she was not being observed.

* * *

The exotic, silver motorcycle rolled to halt, its engine purring so softly that it was almost inaudible. Despite her headlong rush, Ampere was still precious minutes too late. She could not realise it, but the heroine arrived only moments after The Gadgeteer had re-entered the lair.

To be continued…