The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Naked Superhero

MM, Sci-fi

Lewis Lane, investigative reporter, is about to do an exposé of SuperTeen’s shocking secret, But gets more than he bargained for

A story from the Various Techniques universe. A dramatis personae is included at the end if you don’t want to root through 16 chapters of VT to figure out who’s who.

The Naked Superhero

Chapter 1—The Blue Panther

The first time Lewis had seen the superhero, In that instant he had interview..would make the career of whichever reporter got there first. And Lewis Lane intended be that reporter.

It had been the kid’s third appearance. there had been rumours of course, a visit from The Agency who’s stone faced operatives had removed a roll of film from the Daily World’s office, and that odd business when the New Orleans administration had vanished en mass. Then there was Tiffany’s..after that things would never be the same.

Tiffany’s, the most famous jewelers in the western hemisphere, dwarfed by the towering monoliths of the Trump tower and IBM building.

Lewis had been inside doing a report on the gem called the Blue Panther that had been on special display for the last week as part of a world tour.

Without warning six armed men had run into the boutique sending a burst of automatic fire into the light fittings. It was a brute force raid, with no finesse..and as it turned out.. Very little by way of research.

The state of the art security at Tiffanies is delicately hidden so as not to distress the wealthiest of clientele. Within seconds steel shutters had slammed down cutting off their escape Trapping them in shop’s trading floor along with 2 sales assistants, a scruffy black teenager, faded film legend Troy McClure and one Lewis Lane.

From the moment the shutters came down the situation had turned into a typical hostage standoff. For the next three hours the sales assistants sobbed, Troy McClure did his level best to get his mouth closed permanently and the homeboy just leant up against the display cabinet and appeared to be asleep.

“I need to piss” It was the first thing the black kid had said. As such it caught the robbers attention.

Not trusting the kid the leader had sent two of his thugs to escort him to the bathroom. The remaining robbers waited..and waited, their tension level rising.

Finally the leader grabbed McClure and placed a pistol to his head, ordering the three remaining thugs to find their mates.

The door from the bathroom flew into the room as it had been blown off its hinges, squashing the first gunman against the far wall. A naked foot swung into view, connecting solidly with the second robber’s crotch. The squelching sound indicated the damage was more than superficial.

The third robber, too stunned to react, suddenly found his Uzi’s barrel was now pretzel shaped. The assailant didn’t even bother with a proper punch he just reached out and flicked the robber’s forehead with his index finger, toppling him like a felled tree.

That was the time frozen moment when Lewis first saw him. A teenager, with dark curly hair that flopped into his eyes. Eyes that were a beautiful shade of hazel.

His chest was hairless. In fact except for his hair, slightly lighter eyebrows and neatly trimmed pubes his entire body was as smooth as glass.

His naked flesh seemed to glow slightly giving ghostly impression of a superhero costume over his exquisitely muscled physique.

The superhero flashed a wicked grin at Lewis and it seemed to him that the superhero’s semi erect penis briefly came to full height...and then the moment had passed, the superpowered teenager...The SuperTeen...Lewis decided to call him, already imagining the headline..had turned his attention to the final jewel thief.

The pistol fired, a dull crack, crack, crack. For a terrible moment Lewis thought that their rescuer had been killed. A second later there was a tinkling noise as three disks of flattened lead hit the ground.

Seeing his failure the gunman returned the smoking gun to McClure’s temple.

“Back off Fucker!”

The SuperTeen seemed to just stand there, hands on hips, looking at the gunman.

To Lewis’s adrenalin heightened senses the stand off seemed to last minutes. Reviewing the tapes later it was actually less than 30 seconds before the gunman started blinking and screwing up his eyes as if he were tired or looking at a bright light.

Bizarrely, the gunman used his free hand to unbutton his pants and pull out his cock. His face had a wild panicked look, sweat pouring off him as his hand began masturbating, his pants landing heavily around his ankles. He moved his hand left off his now proud cock and ran it up under his T-shirt tweaking his own nipple, all the while his gunhand was tight against McClure’s head.

Still the SuperTeen did nothing.

The gunman groaned and began to pull the T-Shirt over his head, letting the gun clatter to the floor. Lewis had expected SuperTeen to move in then and give the guy a good slapping. It didn’t happen, he just continued to stare.

Meanwhile the gunman had sat heavily to the floor and seemed to curl in on himself. It was the first time Lewis had ever seen a man accomplish auto-felatio...the sucking of one’s own cock.

SuperTeen turned his gaze on the unconscious henchmen a beam of laser light hitting each in turn. Lewis watched startled as their hands began to masturbate despite their obvious lack of conscious thought.

In the future the world would see many criminals immobilized by a sudden inexplicable desire to suck their own penises and recognize it as the SuperTeen’s handiwork, like the fictional Spiderdude and his webbing, it was his signature power.

* * *

Chapter 2—Return of The Orgy

After Tiffanies, Lewis had managed to get himself appointed as the paper’s SuperTeen expert, always the one sent to feature the latest appearance. His interest wasn’t sexual despite his colleagues frequent jibes, merely the newshounds instinct for the best story in town.

The next big break had come during the Transgenderiser’s rule of terror. The deranged shemale villain had watched the Batman Movie once too often and decided to place gender altering mutagens in male deodorants and hair gel. It had been blindingly obvious to Lewis that S/he would also place the mutagens in the annual balloon parade’s dirigibles. A broadcast warning to SuperTeen had come just in time to save much of NYC’s male population from a double breasted future. SuperTeen had taken timeout to publicly thank him, incidentally confirming his editors impression that there was a special relationship.

Unfortunately the same editor needed a continual string of new angles. Having built up the superhero’s fame it was now time to find the dirt that would bring him down...and sell three times as many papers in the process.

Lewis looked one more time at the central park security footage. It was a remarkable piece of film, date stamped a week before SuperTeen’s first appearance. One clear shot showing the SuperTeen, Governor Troy Masterson the teenage Governor of New Orleans and more significantly the villainous Transgenderiser.

“Gotcha” smiled Lewis picking up the phone. “get me the number for Governor Masterson..”

* * *

Under New Orleans City

Vahid O’toole squelched his way toward the blockage, gas monitor held ahead of him, ready at a moments notice to slip on a breather mask. Sewer inspection was a really shitty job, literally. But as a slave of the Governor he was more than happy to be a public servant.

Ahead of him something glowed blue, at first he thought it was the lamp of one of his inspection team. Now that he was closer he could see it was a doorway with highly phosphorescent graffiti in a circular pattern.

He had tried radioing the others but this area was a notorious radio black spot. Curious, his gloved hand brushed the glowing mark.

The door faded away under his touch revealing a room totally out of place. Brushed aluminum walls, neon strip lights, a mass of scientific gadgetry surrounded various obviously ancient artifacts.

Vahid offered a silent prayer to his Master and entered the lab. Occupying a central position was a nest of monitoring equipment, between the forest of cables and probes human skin was just visible.

Cautiously moving closer vahid looked at the most bizarre thing he had ever seen. The thing being monitored was not human at all..or at least.. he wasn’t sure. It appeared to be a six foot long penis with baseball sized gonads held tightly at the base of its shaft. He could just make out vestigial arms, torso and head about a third of the way down its length.

He circled around the thing, noticing with disgust as he reached its head that it was leaking pre-cum into a collection tray.

Without warning, just as he was directly in front of it, the cock gave a convulsive jerk and splattered his Day-Glo yellow coveralls with cum.

“Gross!” he muttered with revulsion brushing the stuff off with his glove. It was past time to report this. Hastily he stepped back into the sewer, the door fading back into place behind him.

His hand was tingling, looking down he could see in the light of his helmet lamp that the glove’s rubber had been eaten away. Alarmed, he hurried back toward the main tunnels and the rest of the inspection team.

Finally catching sight of the others he wasted no time. “Hey! I got a problem, there’s some fucking weird shit down there its eaten through my glove. Get the fucking first aid box!”

The others clustered around concerned. The tingling had spread up vahid’s arm, the splatter on his chest had eaten through several layers of clothing and the itch now crawled across his abdomen.

Something inside him said NOW. A surge of ecstasy burned through him. The sensation was like cumming...but cumming in all directions at once. His skin formed bulges that grew into prehensile penises. His friends began to back away.

New instincts took hold and he thrust his new limbs outward entangling them, thrusting into mouths and anuses, Pumping his cum into them.

Sated, he pulled his penis-tentacles in, dragging the others into a close embrace. Ready to begin the sacred process, merging, body mind and soul. The men trembled in repeated orgasms as their bodies became amorphous. cum slick flesh interpenetrating.

A search later that day revealed discarded clothes and skeletons. ...The Orgy had moved on.

* * *

Chapter 3—Interview with a Superhero

New York City

It had taken Lewis a long time to get to the point where he had what he needed. A definite link between New Orleans’s Governor, Troy Masterson and SuperTeen. That link was enough to get him the interview. The Governor had even offered the use of his New York penthouse as a meeting place.

The apartment was palatial, it’s rooms wide and spacious. It was tidy but definitely a young man’s place, a basketball, weights, a radio controlled helicopter with a video cam duct-taped to it. Out on the roof garden a seat had been placed and next to it a coffee table, on which were a vase containing a single red rose and a piece of paper with the words “Look East”.

Lewis looked. Across the city a pale fleshtoned blur streaked across the sky, suddenly changing direction at right angles and heading straight toward him. And then he was there hovering an inch above the grass

“Hi Dude”

“HI SuperTeen...I...It is good of you to agree to this Interview.”

“Chill man, I’ve had my eye on you for some time. You’re pretty sharp as an investigator. Take a seat” said the naked superhero.

Lewis looked about confused, there was nowhere for SuperTeen to sit.

“Air is more comfortable” explained SuperTeen arranging himself as if floating on an invisible lounger..“Here’s the deal I get to ask a question for every one of yours...k?”

“Of course...First question. What made you want to be a superhero?”

“I get off on it, its way intense..and NYC needs a hero. My turn. Why did you want to become a reporter?”

To his surprise Lewis found himself telling the truth “Most money for least effort”

“Why naked. Surely you would be better received by the “moral majority” with...umm...clothes?”

“I like it this way. If you have a hot bod you should show it off. The “moral majority” sucks. My question...does my style offend you personally?”

“Well no, I guess not.”

SuperTeen smiled brilliantly. “You shouldn’t lie. You feel uncomfortable and are trying hard not to look.”

“Sorry” mumbled Lewis, embarrassed.

“Don’t sweat it, Mr. Lane. Its pheromonal, its sort of a sideffect power. Ya’ could say I’m a walking arousal generator”

Lewis hadn’t noticed it before but the SuperTeen did have a sort of fresh healthy scent with a hint amyl nitrate.

“Yes, your powers. We’ve seen you fly, you’re incredibly strong, invulnerable to bullets and then there’s that thing you do to criminals minds. Where do you get these powers?

“I think its based on sexual energy, the more lust and desire there is in the area the stronger I am.”

“So you’d be weak if you had to take on someone in a monastery?”

“You are kidding right? All that monastic self denial? That’s three questions you owe me now. First, are you gay or straight?”

“Straight” replied Lewis blushing

“How old are you?”


“Do you have a girlfriend? Mr. Lane”

“No...not at the moment. What about you do you have a girlfriend?” replied Lewis instinctively.

“Me?...naaa. I prefer men...and no, I have no steady boyfriend..yet.”

“Not even Governor Masterson?” asked Lewis digging into the lead that had got him the interview.

SuperTeen’s demeanor seemed to change, from relaxed verbal sparring to deadly seriousness. “Trust me Mr. Lane, you do not want to go there.”

“Ok...The thing you do to criminals minds, what is that all about. Turning people ..even criminals.. Into submissive gay nymphomaniacs. There are many out there that think what you do could be classed as assault.”

“The justice system is not set up to give permanent solutions, Mr. Lane. My way, the criminal is taken out permanently. My cocksuckers are totally focused on subservient gay sex. They are happy that way and no longer have any criminal intentions.

“...and incidentally increase the amount of sexual energy available to you?” asked Lewis

“Of course.” smiled SuperTeen changing the subject “Are you feeling warm Mr. Lane?”

“Please, call me Lewis” replied Lewis loosening his tie. “So SuperTeen, are you working on any cases at the moment?”

“ or two. The Transgenderiser’s pistol is missing from the police evidence vault and there’s a fundamentalist Christian cult with a sideline in gun turn, do you work out Lewis?”

“Yes.You’ve got to be fit in my job.”

“Neat! Lets see you abs dude.”

Not wishing to offend the superhero and being quite proud of his hard won washboard, Lewis got up undid his shirt and tensed his muscles.

SuperTeen stopped hovering, his bare feet touching down right in front of Lewis. Gently he ran a finger over the exposed six-pack. “Not bad Lewis, not bad at all.”

Lewis felt an involuntary shiver run through him and could feel his cock getting semi hard, despite his heterosexuality.

Get a grip, he thought to himself, turning away and walking across the roof garden, discarding his unbuttoned shirt. He took a deep breath and steeled himself. It was time to ask the tough questions.

“What do you know about Governor Masterson’s rise to power? From what I can find out his appointment in New Orleans was even more irregular than Bush in Florida.”

SuperTeen looked grim for a moment but his infectious grin soon returned. “I can answer that. But the answer has consequences. Are you ready for consequences Lewis?”

“Yes.” replied Lewis without hesitation

“A demonic sorcerer, Talon, made an attempt to enslave the city, Troy Masterson, a mentalist, was able to defeat him with a little help from me. All the slaves switched allegiance to Troy once Talon was defeated. So he already controlled the city, getting appointed acting Governor just made it official.”

“So...his election was a fraud!” exclaimed Lewis, his suspicions vindicated

“Not at all, the slaves believe he is the best Master they have ever had and did not want to endanger their Master’s rule by having some Washington geek appointee officially running the city.”

“Exactly how many people has he enthralled?..and why have YOU done nothing to release them?”

“By now...everyone above the age of 7 within New Orleans belongs to him. And I’ve done nothing to release them because he is my Master too.”

Lewis began to back away, getting ready to flee.

SuperTeen’s eyes began to glow filling Lewis’s vision with beautiful patterns. As suddenly as it had started it was over.

Lewis blinked, he’d lost his train of thought, “sorry what were you saying?”

“It was nothing important, we were discussing your excellent six-pack..not bad for a normal dude BTW. Next question.”

“Who’s been your toughest opponent?” asked Lewis trying to get back on subject.

“Well, The Transgenderiser was a tricky oppon...I....damn! ..Masterson.. telepathing me. There’s serious trouble in New want to tag along?”

“Sure, but is a commercial airliner going to be fast enough?” replied Lewis

“No need. We’ll fly the SuperTeen way.”

“Ff..Fly?!.I’m not sure..”

SuperTeen led down on the floor. “Lie down on top of me, think of me as a surfboard. Quickly! There’s not much time.”

Lewis led down on top of the hero, only slightly reassured by the firm bear hug that held him in place. This will make excellent copy he told himself.

Suddenly they were airborne and terror gripped him, the wind whistling through his hair. but soon he found himself distracted by the gentle rub of his nipples against the superhero’s naked chest, the heady pheromonal aroma and the rock hard rod pressed against his naval.

After the first half hour Lewis finally opened his eyes, and after a brief glimpse of the Shenandoah valley passing below closed them for another 15 minutes. Concentrating on the warm body pressed tight against him helped keep his mind off the scenery. When he next opened his eyes he focused on examining SuperTeen’s face at this close close range.

The teen’s complexion was smooth, without a trace of blemish, moist inviting lips and eyes that danced with an inner light. Eyes that seemed to draw him in, the iris a delicate hazel starburst surrounding a black pupil with its pinpoint of laser red zipping around like a trapped fly...and then he glimpsed the farmland flashIng by and closed his eyes tight once more.

“Loosen up Lewis, we’re gonna be airborne for at least another hour. At this rate you’ll have cramp by the time we get there.” advised SuperTeen

“I’m sorry SuperTeen. Its just that I’ve discovered I am shit scared of unassisted flight...I know logically you won’t drop me but that’s not helping.”

“I can help if you let me. You know that thing I do that turns criminals into cocksuckers..its really just a very powerful hypnosis. I can try to tune it right down and give you a zapp that’ll keep your mind off your vertigo.”

“I..I guess. Ok do it!” replied Lewis through gritted teeth.

“Open your eyes dude”

Lewis opened his eyes and looked watching the tiny dancing pinpoint of laser red in the core of ‘Teen’s eye divide into two, brighten, subdivide, merge, brighter, faster, hotter. So very hot.

He let his hands explore SuperTeen’s muscular back, running a finger up the teen’s spine, stroking his soft curly black hair. Snuggling close and inhaling his wonderful intoxicating scent that he had been trying not to smell. Gently kissing the teen’s expectant lips. Easing down the torso to lick and bite at the invulnerable nipple...and then further down to take the cock in his mouth, held in place by the SuperTeen’s gentle but firm hold on his wrists.

For a while their course became erratic and aerobatic as the zapped journalist worked hard sensual magic upon the SuperTeen’s body, entering the mile high club at 20,000 feet.

Finally sated Lewis rested his head on his lover’s chest savoring the taste of thick hero cum.

“How’s that for a cure for Vertigo?”

“I’ll ride you any time you want.” Giggled Lewis still high from hypno-Zap “But I can’t keep calling you you have a real name?”

“You can call me Master if you like.”

“Yes..Master.” said Lewis accepting his new reality. A new part of his mind blossomed. The need to serve his Master refocusing the priorities of his entire life. He was his Master’s Slave and it was not a thing of shame. He would shout it loud if his Master allowed...I am SuperTeen’s slave ..out of all of you he chose ME to serve his every need

“You can remember everything now Lewis.” instructed the SuperTeen

Lewis remembered his questions about Governor Masterson and his new Master’s zapped order to forget his last three questions.

“So how come you didn’t give me a full blast back there in New York? It would have saved time and we could have got it on sooner.”

“Governor Masterson.. my Creator.. put constraints on my hypno-Zap I can only use it at full power on criminals, monsters, aliens ..and people who ask for it. I got lucky and you asked for it.”

“Yeah I walked straight into that one alright Master. But one thing, can we stop someplace for clothes before we get to New Orleans? I am going to look pretty out of place wearing only a pair of pants with the crotch ripped out.” replied Lewis

“Trust me, no one will notice. Public nudity is encouraged under the new administration...did I mention the city is like 100% gay.” Explained SuperTeen " Anyhow, Hold tight dude, I’m going to have to go supersonic. There’s a monster loose in the City and Troy’s mind control powers aren’t cuttin’ it.”

Lewis clung tight. curiously the double thump of going to MACH 2 didn’t bother him at all. He was in his Master’s arms and all was right with the world.

* * *

Chapter 4—And the world will never be the same..

New Orleans

As the fleeing figures reached the banks of the Mississippi a tentacle lashed out impaling the hindmost. The figure seemed frozen in place for a moment before penis-tentacles made from his own flesh exploded outward snaring the others. Lacking fresh prey the new components retreated toward The Orgy’s main bulk adding their bodies to the city block sized seething mass of penises, butts, mouths, tongues and nipples, that was moving ponderously toward the Mississippi bridges

Governor Troy Masterson handed the binoculars to Sean, his favorite slave and glanced at Avitus, the ex-roman emperor and Whisper, the patriarch of the snakelike Naga who inhabited the surrounding lakes.

“Its virtually mindless. Nothing for me to get a grip on. It..they... are totally focused on sexual gratification and it gets that by infecting and absorbing new victims. Its the same as that thing Talon’s weapons created..only larger. Any suggestions?”

Avitus unfolded from his meditative pose. “It is demonic in nature, As such my God, The Elagabalus, has no influence upon it. I am.. probably.. immune to it and it is likely to find my presence uncomfortable. I fear my powers are not sufficient.


The serpent slithered around raising its human head and torso so that he was at eye level. His voice, in the nature of his kind, was little more than a sibilant whisper.

“It iss consstrained, my children have placed wardss. It cannot passs beyond the Algierss faubourg. Disssposing of it iss your problem.”

“Great! Its bottled in with only 10,000 victims rather than the whole sodding city.” muttered Sean.

“Show respect Slave!” snapped Troy “The Naga’s done more to stop it than anyone else has managed so far. We’ve had no luck finding Sk8tr, so that leaves SuperTeen..and if he fails we may be glad that its contained.

A double sonic boom thudded across the city. Two naked figures, one hugging tightly to the other touched down on the hot asphalt.

“Someone mention my name?” smiled the smaller of the two figures.

“You’ve made good time SuperTeen. Who’s your passenger?” asked Troy

“Sir, I’m Lewis Lane. I am SuperTeen’s new slave.”

Troy grinned “Looks like you’re not going to be a problem after all.”

“No Sir. If you will allow I will suck you off by way of apology.” offered Lewis surprising himself with his own eagerness.

“Maybe later. Whisper, please allow SuperTeen through the wards. ‘Teen, what we have is an Orgy creature similar to the ones created by Talon’s weapons. The difference is size. This one got into a packed cinema and absorbed the audience before we knew it was there.”

“No probs bossman. Seeya in 5.”

SuperTeen flashed across the waters landing easily on the Algiers side. Ahead of him were what appeared to be several corpses the last of them was obviously recent, the flesh was still stripping itself off and flowing toward the main mass. At a distance the thing looked like a massive orgy. Capable of telescopic vision SuperTeen could see that figures that squirmed sucked and fucked on the thing’s surface were not anatomically complete and flowed, morphing. A head sucking a cock closes its eyes its cheeks swelling to become an arse. A penis retracting until it becomes a vagina which is itself penetrated.

Vahid sensed a presence, another person to share his passion with. With a thought he urged the others to send their penises surging toward the newest target. Only this time something was wrong, they could not penetrate the beautiful teenager’s naked flesh and the Teen was fighting back ripping penises loose at their root. Parts of the Orgy screamed in silent pain for their lost flesh. Vahid redoubled the effort. This time the penises were each the diameter of a man’s arm not attempting to penetrate but to immobilize, draw the target closer into his embrace. He thrust a penis up the victim’s arse forcing its way into the soft internal space...except that the internal flesh was as resistant as the outer.

In frustration Vahid surrounded the prey completely, nibbling at the human’s nipples and neck, licking every inch of flesh with eager tongues

SuperTeen gritted his teeth and held his breath as The Orgy flowed over him. Waiting until he felt he was near the centre of the mass, he launched himself upward heading for the icy chill of space.

Lewis watched as the massive ...thing.. seemed to levitate, rising out from the city leaving a trail of debris as the buildings it had filled fell back brick by brick. With mounting speed the mound of flesh accelerated upward.

The teenage slave Sean put a hand on his shoulder.“Don’t worry, flying is not something that monstrosity does by itself. Your Master is kicking its butt.”

“I..I miss him”

“Of course you do, your his Slave. It’s only natural for you to feel lost and helpless without your Master’s physical presence. All new slaves feel like that.”

“Loook” hissed the Naga “He returnss”

Shading his eyes Lewis could see a small speck descending from the clear blue sky, traveling fast, glowing like a comet.

SuperTeen hit the ground feet first hands on hips. The pavement cracking under the impact.

“The Orgy’s on its way to the sun” informed SuperTeen “Am I fucking good or what!”

Giving a cry of joy Lewis collided with his young Master hugging him close, bringing the heroic pose to an early end in a tangle of arms and legs.

“I thought I’d lost you, you fucking little superhero” cried Lewis tears in his eyes.

Governor Masterson clicked his fingers, summoning Sean to his side and murmured something in his ear. The Young slave nodded once and ran off.

Lewis had pretty much been oblivious to what was going on around him as he eagerly wrapped his anus around his master’s cock, accepting squirt after lubricating squirt of supercum. Their mutual caresses would probably continued at a slower less frantic pace for several hours had he not noticed the audience quietly waiting.

His master was busy doing interesting things to Lewis’s nipple.“ Master I think..Aaah! I think we are wanted.” said Lewis trying to look at least slightly dignified.

Governor Masterson smiled down at him. “You present me with a little bit of a problem Lewis.”

Lewis gulped “I assure you Sir, I will not be revealing your connection to SuperTeen.”

Masterson grinned “Oh I know that. You are his slave, you are not mentally capable of doing anything that might displease him. No, that’s not the problem.

“The problem is this, when I designed SuperTeen, I built in immortality and agelessness. I never dreamed he would fall in love. As things stand he will watch you grow old and die.”

“Master!” exclaimed SuperTeen bravely “Turn me back to how I was before you transformed me into SuperTeen.”

“No, I have a better solution.” replied Masterson, flipping open a palm-pc that Sean handed him and pressing a key. “The Orgy creature was just too large for my reality manipulator to effect, fortunately Lewis you aren’t.”

Lewis felt a strange squeezing sensation, he was getting shorter and his arms thinner. He touched his chin, the stubble was gone, a lock of curly black hair fell into his eyes. Holding his hands in front of him he watched the skintone darken from the wrist down to the tips of his fingers.

“I? I’m younger?” he exclaimed his voice cracking as it went up an octave.

Suddenly like turning on a light he found he could see emotions and follow the threads that linked them. The pure white energy that linked him to SuperTeen and another from ‘Teen to Masterson, where many threads merged. Lewis realized with a start that he was seeing the emotions of servitude and lust that bound these people together...and that in someway he was feeding on that lust.

“Look down” suggested Masterson

Lewis looked, feeling a strange tightness in his head.

His naked feet no longer touched the ground...which was, like, awesome.

“Who are you?” asked Masterson

“WonderTeen, SuperTeen’s younger, hornier sidekick” replied WonderTeen as he folded up his Lewis Lane persona and put it in the compartment of his newly expanded mind marked secret identity.

“No fucking way are you hornier than ME, slave!” protested SuperTeen

“Yeah! Well lets see who catches who!..Master :—p " replied WonderTeen leaping high into the air.

The two fleshtoned blurs shot off into the clear blue sky, circling like dogfighters. Sean turned to his master “I love a happy ending, but is the world ready for two naked superheroes?”

“It will have to be Sean. Somewhere out there someone has his hands on one of Talon’s demonic bioweapons. I just hope two of them will be sufficient.”

* * *