The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Never Have Colourful Outfits Heralded A Hivemind Incursion

By Mr. Scade

Part 2: Crimson and Brown Tend To Induce Obedience

Sometimes after a long, refreshing sleep that leaves you full of energy to face the new day you just don’t feel like getting out of bed, even if the bed was rock hard. Bor wrestled with the cotton vipers that kept his legs pinned down against the squeaking mattress until he managed to push himself free from the uncomfortable bed. He complained loudly at the missed opportunity for a new couch some years ago and made his way out of his room. That was if he could find the door.

He stood and the world began spinning under his feet. “Blasted hell,” He hissed, one hand keeping him supported against the wall and the other nursing his head. A headache... He thought bitterly. That’s strange. As far as he was concerned, Bor was impervious to hangovers; no matter how much he drank and indulged Bor had not once awoken hungover. He knew exactly how it felt, by other people’s accounts, but he had never experienced it first hand. It was not a pleasant experience.

“Well, it had to happen eventually.” He mused and took a towel hanging from the door. Yet, if it was a hangover, how come he felt energetic and refreshed, even if the pounding headache made standing up difficult? He shrugged off the idea as he walked into the shared bathroom and took a long, hot shower.

He walked from his bedroom, past the living room and into the kitchen proper. He was wearing black jeans, a crimson shirt with three buttons undone to show his chest and to allow some cool air to refresh things, and a pair of black sneakers. His black hair was combed back and to the side. Bor took a pear from the bowl of fruit on top of the wobbly kitchen table and started preparing breakfast. Out of the fridge he took vegetables, eggs, cheese and ham. Soon he was lost in the chopping, dicing and frying of the ingredients. He left the chopped onions, tomatoes, garlic, peppers and spinach to fry while he set the table.

He placed three plates, then realized that now he was going to have to feed four people thanks to the strange girl from last night. A mix of ham, eggs and cheese went into the frying pan before Bor set a fourth plate on the table.

Once done with his cooking, Bor let the meal sit on the stove so it wouldn’t cool down and he retired to the living room to read a while.

Three pages into the book and Bor realized that the living room was empty. He set the book down, and looked around the twenty square feet of living room. “Shit,” He cursed under his breath and began to push himself off the couch when he felt a slender hand touch his shoulder and startle him.

“Fuck!” He cried as he almost tripped over the coffee table in front of the couch. Bor turned around to see Cosette standing behind the couch, a smile on her face. Bor stared at Cosette, all words lost. A usual happening.

“Hello. My name’s Cosette.” The girl wearing the long overcoat all but cooed. She straightened, making her copper-coloured hair flutter about her face, and put her orange-nailed fingers out for a handshake. “Thanks for carrying me here last night.”

Bor relaxed his leg and his arms and his neck and everything. Then he tensed. He was strange, that way. It was like his body never quite knew how to react to people, especially women. So, with eyes downcast to the side, right arm rubbing the back of his head, he said: “Uhmm... ‘twas nothing, really. Anyone could’ve done it.” Stupid thing to say, he cursed himself.

Cosette was about to say something, but she saw Bor pull himself straight and sniff the air. Quickly he pushed his way back into the kitchen and turned off the stove’s knobs even faster. He had accidentally left the oven on. With equal skill he removed the steaming hot pan from the stove, grabbed a spatula, placed the lid in the sink, and served all four plates equally-sized meals in the blink of an eye.

Satisfied that he hadn’t burnt anything, he threw the pan into the sink and then turned to walk towards the living room... but quickly stumbled backwards, almost falling on the kitchen chairs. Cosette had been standing behind him and he had not noticed. Damn, she is sneaky. Bor thought.

“That smells good.” Cosette said with a smile and skipped towards the table. She took one of the chairs and pulled it to the fourth plate Bor had added.

Bor frowned to himself and sat in front of Cosette, his frown replaced by a satisfied smile as soon as his behind touched to wood.

“So, I have to ask, Cosette.” Bor said, thinking he was masking his distrust with merriness. He was not. “Why were you walking from one town to the other?”

Cosette regarded him for a while. She felt like she shouldn’t tell him anything for fear of giving him a wider opening for a knife to cut her, but Bor just looked so inoffensive. Besides, he was terrible at hiding his intentions. Cosette could clearly see that he was distrustful of her. Well, it also helped that she knew Bor, albeit indirectly.

“Well,” Cosette started, eyeing the plate of food longingly. She didn’t dare start eating without everyone at the table. But she was hungry. She decided to wait a little while longer before her companion would wake. “You can say it was something I just wanted to do—see how long I could walk before I collapsed.” She masked her dishonesty with a smile.

Bor raised an eyebrow, not buying it. “What?”

“Yeah... that and that I have family living in Little Hintock, a day’s walk from here. Actually, I just wanted to see if I could walk all the way over there. Guess I can’t.” She smiled to herself, finding her story both ludicrous and silly. But that was the point—their first impression had been of a silly and weird girl, if she continued polishing that image her lies would be believed faster than the concept of deities.

And then it would be so much easier to spread haigure. Control yourself, haigure.

“So, you wanted to walk all the way to your, what, cousins? How far is that?”

“Hmm...” She cocked her head, finger on her lips. “About two-hundred miles or so.”

Bor’s eyes widened.

“Anyway... can I eat?” Cosette pointed at the omelette on her plate and didn’t wait for an answer. Immediately she was eating, a smile on her face. She had clearly forgotten how hungry she was, and it had surely stopped Bor from asking more questions.

Bor just watched her, eating fast and enjoying his cuisine. He couldn’t help but smile. Either I am a good cook or she’s just so hungry she doesn’t care. He thought. He kept looking at her, hoping for an opening to keep on talking about her walk, something he didn’t quite believe, but she didn’t leave him much opportunity. She just looked too grateful for the food.

Eventually the thoughts disappeared from his mind, replaced by something that had been bothering him since he woke: where was Amanda? She was too paranoid to have simply gone to bed when there was a stranger in the living room. So, why wasn’t she still on the couch?

Bor looked up at Cosette, who had already cleaned her plate and was cleaning her lips with her overcoat’s sleeve. “Say, Cosette,” She looked up. “Where’s Amanda?”

“Oh, her?” She straightened. She’s where she belongs. “I woke in the middle of the night and saw her just staring into space.” And then gave her life true meaning. “I convinced her she was too tired to watch me all night and promised I wouldn’t burn down the place.” Besides bringing her to the glory of haigure.

Hmm... that you did, Cosette. Haigure. A thankful voice whispered in Cosette’s mind. She felt a warm glow of happiness spread through her body. Haigure. Cosette whispered back and was then answered by a moan.

Bor’s brow furrowed in thought. Amanda wouldn’t let herself be convinced by a stranger, though she was quite tired and tipsy last night. Bor decided it was a possibility.

He must’ve been too focused on his own thoughts because he didn’t hear Amanda walk behind him and hit him on the right shoulder. He quickly pulled to his left side, hand rubbing the shoulder. Fuck, that’s going to bruise. He thought as he glared at the golden-haired girl.

“Good morning.” Amanda said, returning Bor a glare and looking at Cosette suspiciously. Haigure, sister.

Haigure. Cosette answered back, unable to contain her smile.

Bor kept on staring at Amanda, noticing that she was oddly overdressed. Usually Amanda chose to go bare-legged and show her shoulders, but today she was wearing her only pair of jeans (a very tight pair at that), tucked inside her cowgirl boots; the old Sega t-shirt she always complained of being too tight for her; and her red, long-sleeved leather jacket that just matched with her boots.

Fuck, even when she dresses plainly she looks hot. Bor mused, turning to look at his plate. Why have we not fucked yet?

“Bor, my door had paint stains again. If you want to paint more shit do it on your own door.” Amanda said just as she began making herself some coffee. She had to do it because she was the only one out of the three who drank coffee.

And there’s the reason. Bor thought as he began eating his food. “You look like a mummy today, Amanda. Hiding your beautiful ugliness from the world?”

“Oh, stuff it, Bor.” That was all it took to silence him.

Cute relationship you two have there, Cosette eyed Amanda, elbows on the table and hands intertwined.

Amanda kept preparing coffee. Oh, we love each other, haigure. We just can’t stand each other, haigure. It’ll get better when he joins us in glorious haigure.

Shall we convert him now? Cosette, eyed Bor eating It was like watching a cow chew. The answer made her whisper haigure to herself and press her legs together.

“Lore is not up yet.” Bor said suddenly, checking his watch. He drank from a glass of juice he had served earlier and kept on putting food in his mouth.

“Yeah, that’s weird.” Amanda controlled a giggle. She knew exactly why her friend was not awake yet. “Usually she is the one waking us up.”

Cosette looked up, furrowing in thought. Bor kept eating, as if she was not there. That was strange, the guy had been extremely inquisitive and suspicious about her just moments ago and now he didn’t even look at her. Was it because of the food? Or was he tricking her? Cosette couldn’t tell.

So, she met Amanda’s eyes as she turned around, cup of coffee in her hands. Amanda nodded and then walked towards the table, seating next to Bor. “Maybe she’s just too tired. I mean, you two did carry this hussy into the house.” She waved dismissively at Cosette, who just raised an eyebrow.

It amazed Cosette how natural Amanda acted after being converted into beautiful haigure. Cosette herself could not go more than an hour without breaking into joyful chanting or breaking her cover. Unless she was unconscious, of course. It took all of her willpower to not explode into the mass of arousal, devotion and bliss she should be with another haigure girl standing so close.

“Yeah... no. Even if she is completely tired she wakes at six, sharp.” Bor added, finally finishing his plate. He leaned back on the chair, careful not to put too much weight on it lest it break in two.

“Bor, even Miss Eighteen Hours can oversleep once in a while.” Amanda felt Cosette poking around her mind, looking for an explanation to the nickname. Amanda smirked when she heard Cosette stifle a laugh.


“I am sorry if I caused inconvenience.” Cosette interrupted. She looked apologetic, yet with a hint of glee. It was a strange yet interesting look.

And Bor loved it.

“Well... hmm... don’t worry about it.” Bor said. What was he talking about? Oh, yes. “It does make sense, but... you know.”

“I know.” Amanda said, starting to eat the decreasingly hot food. “You outdid yourself today, Bor. Omelette’s tasty.”

Bor looked away, fingers tapping the table. He was not good with compliments. Not once had he been able to even mutter a thank you at either of his best friends, not even for the small things. Lore had told him over and over that a thank you would suffice, but Bor, for some ungodly reason that was buried deep within his psyche, could not even say that.

Unlike Bor, Amanda did eat quickly. Some would say that she ate too fast to be healthy. University life and erratic schedules had been at fault, until recently. Amanda had finally found enough stability to guarantee she would never have to hurry again, unless she overslept. Old habits are a cable made of a billion threads—unbreakable.

“Bor, what do you do? For a living, I mean.” Cosette’s voice broke through Bor’s shyness barrier.

Bor blinked as if coming out of a dream. He regarded Cosette for a second while what she said was registered as information in his brain. “Oh, sorry. I was miles away.” He blinked, shuffling in his seat. “Well... I used to be a clerk and now, well—”

“Bor’s a librarian.” Amanda added, fork clattering on her plate. She cleaned the sides of her mouth with her hand, drank the rest of her coffee, and then stared at Cosette.

Cosette was clearly suppressing a laugh, but the jerking of her shoulders betrayed her. She placed a hand over her overcoat, drawing a circle over one of the buttons and then it was Amanda’s turn to control herself. “Haigure,” Amanda whispered in silent bliss. Right there she had the urge to jump at the other side of the table and rip open Cosette’s overcoat, and then rip off the nasty clothes she was wearing. God, why do I have to keep my leotard hidden? She thought, even though she already knew the answer. The world was not yet ready for haigure, and thus she had to keep up appearances. But that didn’t make it any less frustrating.

Patience, she heard. The voice was Cosette’s; Amanda didn’t know how she knew it, but she did. The voice and words, they always sounded in her head as if from far away. They had no distinctive characteristic, but she understood their meaning and emotion. They were just like thoughts. Not her own, but they felt exactly the same. She understood why she heard Cosette’s thoughts as her own: the glory of haigure.

“No way!? You are a librarian?” Cosette leaned closer, her overcoat rustling under her.

Bor looked up at the ceiling, fingers nervously tapping the table.

“Oh, you totally are.” Cosette returned to her seat once she realized Bor wouldn’t speak further.

Cosette smirked as she regarded Bor with an inspecting eye. He was good looking and even cute, in a shy and paranoid kind of way. Then again, even before Cosette joined into the hive-mind glory of haigure she had strange tastes in men. Precisely those kind of tastes, weird and deviant, had given her an edge other haigure converts didn’t possess. They had made her desire to spread haigure even stronger than it usually turned out to be; and when haigure was so incidental and it rewrote your mind to think like a virus, it was a massive thing to consider. Cosette not only craved to convert others—she needed it.

And Bor was a perfect candidate; no one would ever suspect a male librarian to be a leotard-clad slave capable of infecting others.

The young-looking girl and Amanda turned their heads simultaneously, sharing stares at the same time. Luckily for them, Bor had decided to avoid shame by burrowing into his own thoughts, like a hermit crab. Therefore Cosette and Amanda were practically alone, to do as they had to. Their faces were drained of emotion, going completely slack, their eyes glazed and blank. They were gone to a different place, a comforting and loving place, a place with an echo that would soon be replaced by a carnival of haigure-infected thoughts. But not yet. Now the place was solitary; only two voices echoing in it. Two voices scheming for the glory of haigure.

When Bor finally looked up he saw the two girls staring straight at him.

“Okay, yes! It is strange for a man to want to be a librarian, but I love my job. Okay?” Bor moaned and checked his watch. He could still spare half-an-hour. Half-an-hour of teasing. Usually he would’ve had thousands of responses against the teasing, all which usually were rendered useless by Lore’s quicker tongue, but he had them nonetheless. Right now he had none.

“That is more than I can say about mine.” Amanda said, reclining on the only decent chair in the kitchen. She raised her legs and placed them on Bor’s hips.

Bor almost fell backwards on the chair.

“What? Can’t I do this? You used to like it.” Amanda said matter-of-factly. She rubbed her legs together, mostly for her own enjoyment rather than teasing Bor. Her boots, on the other hand, were what would keep him entertained.

Bor had his arms in the air, as if he had dropped a plateful of food that had a roach on it. He wriggled his fingers, staring at Amanda’s legs, and specifically her boots, with a hesitant look. He clearly felt uncomfortable, yet had no idea how to approach the situation.

Cosette grinned. Good job, sister. “So, Bor. Do you like Amanda’s boots? You seem to be... hmm... captivated.” Cosette said, her tone somewhere between sultry and silly.

“I... Well...”

“He loves my boots.” Amanda added, brusquely. “Actually, he loves boots in general. Loves them so much he even—”

“Shut up!” Bor interjected, suddenly pushing his whole body towards Amanda; his tone was grave enough to silence Amanda’s teasing.

Amanda closed her mouth and simply shoved her boots closer to Bor’s belly. He used to like that. Amanda had discovered Bor’s fascination with boots in general several years ago when they first met and when she had a crush on him. Back then Amanda had accidentally stumbled upon this fact on their second date when she wore a pair of black combat boots she has lost since. Bor had been overly distracted and he kept catching glances at her boots, just as he reached to accommodate his member into a more comfortable position.

She would’ve used that knowledge to further her plans, but eventually the two realized they just wouldn’t work as a couple and left it at that. Eventually they ran into each other and decided to rekindle the relationship, but just as friends.

But now Amanda could use that very obsession as a way to convert Bor, to bring him into the glory of haigure. And Cosette, by extension, knew about this too and considered it their best weapon against his resistance, just as the weapon she had against Amanda had had been Amanda’s obsession with breasts.

So Cosette began by saying, in a very sultry way, “Look at her beautiful boots, Bor.” This is how haigure begins.

That would’ve been the case, if Bor had heard Cosette’s words. Instead, his watch’s alarm began to beep and the scene and the plans of conversion were destroyed.

The beeping sound brought Bor out of his fantasies and reminded him that he would be late for work, again. Bor quickly jumped to his feet, all but throwing Amanda’s feet over her own head, and scurried out the kitchen door. “Sorry, but I’ll be late again!” The sound was almost drowned by the sound of a door slamming.

Cosette and Amanda needn’t look at each other to know what the other was feeling. But they felt so disappointed, and irritated, that they had to share a surprised look. Quickly Amanda’s stare turned to a scowl; she pushed herself off her chair and then kicked it to the side. It almost exploded into splinters. She paced the kitchen up and down, muttering to herself. “That fucking idiot! Haigure. I was going to bring him joy! Haigure.”

“Calm down, haigure.” Cosette said from behind the kitchen table, her finger tapping the wood. “Patience and discretion is what will help us spread the joy of haigure, not angry outbursts. Haigure.”

Amanda took a deep, calming breath. She had known all along that she shouldn’t get angry, that eventually they would get Bor and give him the joy of haigure. She knew everything about haigure now since she was haigure. Then why was she still acting like herself?

‘Haigure is good. Haigure lets you be your own haigure girl to better serve haigure.’ Amanda heard Cosette’s voice in her mind and couldn’t be angry anymore. Instead she walked over to her haigure sister and gave her a kiss on the cheek. ‘Thank you, haigure’ The gesture said.

Finally, Amanda wrapped her arms around Cosette and let out a loud sigh. “Well, at least he didn’t suspect a thing, haigure.” She managed a smile.

“Indeed. But this also means that we should find a new way to corner him, haigure.” Cosette said. She removed Amanda’s hand from herself and rose from the chair. The new haigure girl took a step back, head slightly bowed, hands fidgeting with her jeans. “Maybe we should be more direct.” Cosette added as she made her way back to the living room.

Amanda followed, whispering haigure, and nervously running her hands over her jeans and shirt. Now that Bor was gone, there was need for her to cover her delicious haigure uniform. “Why don’t we deal with that problem when we get to it, haigure?” She said as Cosette sat on one of the couches. Amanda didn’t sit.

Cosette regarded Amanda with a lustful smile. The two locked their stares and a wordless conversation ensued. In the span of a second, many thoughts were exchanged, many plans were made, and many things were decided. But more specially, haigure was worshipped, and haigure was spoken. The haigure girls fed each other with the glory of haigure until they couldn’t stand it any longer.

The two reached an understanding: they needed someone to join the glory of haigure this morning, and if Bor were no longer available then they would take over Lore.

Cosette removed herself from the couch as she allowed Lore to finally wake from her imposed slumber. Soon enough the girl would walk into the room, too groggy to think straight.

The haigure girls didn’t have much time before that happened.

“Haigure.” Amanda giggled, already removing her t-shirt.

“Haigure.” Cosette moaned, starting to get rid of her coat.

“Haigure’s good!” Amanda moaned, struggling to remove the too-tight t-shirt. Eventually she succeeded and took a relieved breath as she felt the cool air on her leotard-covered nipples. “Haigure!” She didn’t find her skin-tight leotard ‘too-tight’ at all.

Cosette’s expression was one of pure joy and pure bliss—her very being was alight with the fires of happiness and arousal. Her loins screamed at the world, begging to be pressed and filled; her leotard was roaring, hurting to touch another one and to reproduce; her breasts, happy to be covered, desperately struggled against the latex just to feel the pleasure of touching it. This was the feeling of being a haigure girl, amplified, duplicated and enhanced by the presence of another haigure girl. Their collective thoughts fed each other, making them stronger and stronger.

“Haigure, haigure, haigure.” One word for every button undone. “Haigure, haigure, haigure, haigure, haigure.” Until the overcoat fell to the floor, quickly followed by a happy giggle from Cosette.

Ooooh, haigure delicious, Amanda thought, her eyes now stuck on the orange on Cosette. “Haigure, haigure. Oh, god, haigure is so right!” She moaned, more of her black leotard showing as she slowly threw her tight jeans on a pile with her boots and t-shirt.

Two haigure girls, orange and black, stood in the middle of the living room, whispering, chanting, worshipping, over and over. Every breath used to birth words was transformed into the wind that pushed the sails on the ships of bliss and perfection closer to shore. Closer to themselves and others.

“Haigure. Cosette, haigure, what shall we do now, haigure?” Amanda moaned, her hands fidgeting around her crotch as if they were trying to figure out how to get beyond her leotard.

Cosette stared at Amanda and smiled. How silly she is! “Oh, you know that, haigure sister!”

Amanda cocked her head and pondered for a second, and then, suddenly, she knew. “Haigure! Oh, of course! Haigure!” Suddenly Amanda spread her legs at about three feet apart and then slightly bent her knees. The position gave the world a good view of her leotard-covered crotch, how the leotard dug into it, and the light reflecting off the wetness moving down her thighs. “Ooh... feels so much better. Haigure.”

“Oh, yes, haigure. That’s the haigure pose... haigure perfection!” Cosette moaned as she walked and stood next to Amanda. Soon enough she began to mimic her sister’s movements.

Amanda’s eyes went blank for a second, just as she straightened her arms in front of her body, hands outstretched so her palms would face each other inches away from her cameltoe. “This is how we’ll trap Lore, haigure!” She said the words from monotone to pure happiness. “Full haigure cannot be resisted. Haigure. Haigure must be obeyed.”

Cosette simply nodded and straightened her arms out. “Haigure and obey.” She told Amanda, and the girl’s eyes momentarily unfocused.

The two girls held their gazes for a long while, in silence. The only sound in the house was of a door unlocking and a yawn.

“Haigure.” The two said in unison. “Haigure” they said again, matching their chanting with their arm movement—they would lift their arms so their outstretched palms would graze their encased breasts, then they would thrust down in a perfect line, not touching their swollen nether lips but grazing them ever so slightly. “Haigure. Haigure. Haigure.”

Lore’s mouth tasted as if a rubbish monster had crawled inside and died, a thousand years ago. She curled against the pillow nested between her legs until she finally couldn’t stand the taste in her mouth. She threw the pillow back to its proper place at the foot of the bed and then shifted to a sitting position. Her black hair was plastered all over her face and she had her left arm out of the long t-shirt she wore as a pyjama. Rubbing her left eye and yawning once more, Lore managed to get off her) bed, collect her towel and make her way towards the bathroom.

She didn’t much feel like thinking—she was feeling strangely groggy and sleepy—but even so Lore noticed that there were voices coming from the living room, and they seemed to be chanting. She decided her personal hygiene was a priority.

Several minutes later Lore walked out of the bathroom, feeling a little bit more like herself, but not quite. She quickly walked into her bedroom, the strange chanting voices following her inside. “Those sounds... what are they saying?” Lore pondered out loud as she began dressing. Today Lore decided it was best to dress plainly, as usual. Black dress trousers showing grey patches of wear, black sneakers and a white top covered by a loose red shirt hid her beautiful body from the world.

Her laptop was on a desk next to her wardrobe and Lore decided she wouldn’t get another chance to check her emails during the day. Fingers flew over the keyboard and passwords were typed, click clack the keys went as Lore quickly got into her email account. Outside Lore could still hear the chanting, getting increasingly loud every time. “Okay, seriously!” She mused to herself as she waited for an email to load. “Who’s doing that? And what’re they saying!?” Lore rubbed her fingers against each other, frustrated not at her lack of knowledge of who was doing the silly chanting but what they were saying. Lore prided herself in able to eavesdrop on anything.

“Halue?” Lore kept on sneaking glances at the door while she skimmed through the barrage of spam in her inbox. “Hargue? No... Hai. Yes.” Lore stopped wondering for a while and began to write an important email regarding an order of new cameras she did some weeks ago. Haigure, haigure. The chanting echoed in the closed room, but Lore couldn’t quite figure out what they were saying, but not for want of eavesdropping skill, but because her order of new cameras was delayed a whole week. Annoyance can cloud the mind.

Haigure, haigure. Lore decided to stop reading emails lest she find something less tasty. Sighing heavily she began putting her three cameras in their respective bags and then set her computer inside its bag. Haigure, haigure. Once sure she had all her things in order and she had no distractions Lore was able to quickly realize what the chanting was.

“Hai... gure?” She said, obviously disturbed—Lore was good with words and at first she thought it was a new one, but then realized it was a made up word. “Haigure.” She repeated it again just to get a feeling of it. Suddenly a warm feeling crept down her body.

Lore looked around, eyes wide. What was that? She thought, slowly making her way to the door. “Haigure?” She whispered to herself, absentminded. “Haigure. Haigure.” Lore then shook her head. Why was I whispering? Strange. And with that Lore walked out of her room and into the hallway.

It was the last time she saw her bedroom with the same eyes.

The scene that greeted Lore could’ve driven a sane man insane, and a madwoman into a coma. Two girls wearing skin tight, latex leotards, with empty, happy stares were doing a silly and utterly bizarre little dance. That Amanda was one of them, the girl who while silly and introverted in her own way, utterly detested such strange things made the scene twice as improbable. But there they were, chanting, crouching and just wallowing in the blissful trance of haigure.

Lore stood at the mouth of the hallway, arms in front of her chest as if bracing for an impact. Her mouth was twisted to the side, baring her teeth; both eyes were wide open. She stood there for a whole minute before she was able to speak.

“What the fuck is going on!?” She yelled, her eyes shifting from Amanda to the girl she picked up last night.

“Oh, good haigure morning, Lore!” Amanda giggled.

Lore just stared at Amanda, unable to find something coherent to say. She dropped her arms and thought about taking some steps back, but then realized that if she was going to run—she didn’t know why, but she had the feeling she should—there was no way of escaping through the small windows since they were kept locked after a thief had broken into the house through those a year ago. Luckily, the thief had found nothing of value to steal.

Cosette kept on chanting, mindlessly enjoying the feel-good feeling of haigure while she reached towards Lore. She felt the haigure already growing inside her—Lore had pronounced the word, and that was enough for haigure to be sowed and grow.

“Amanda,” Lore demanded, staring more at the dance than at her friend’s eyes. “Tell me what is going on here?” Haigure, she thought. What is that? Why are they crouching? Is that haigure?

Amanda ‘haigured’ some more, crouching and chanting in a slow and almost sensual rhythm; Every time she thrust her arms downwards her leotard rode between her sweet lips. “We’re haigure girls!” Amanda said as if that explained everything. The answer was extremely vague, but it was perfect for enticing Lore into asking more, into watching more of haigure.

Cosette felt proud at her companion’s cunning.

Frowning slightly, Lore kept watching the girls. “That... that is not an answer!” Lore blinked hard, finding it difficult to stare at the their dance—the light shining off their leotards, and the constant thrusting of their arms similar to staring at a police car’s lights. “What is a hai—” Lore felt a shiver choke the word in her throat and make her legs quiver. “What is haigure?” She whispered then. What’s going on? Lore thought. I am... it is affecting me, whatever that is.

Cosette screamed haigure so loudly that a dog started barking in the distance. Amanda shook powerfully, her body reacting to Cosette’s obedience to haigure.

“Haigure is... a glorious thing...” Cosette panted. Her eyes were glazy and looked almost far-off, but they were focused on Lore, who just realized she couldn’t move. “Haigure is love, is happiness—haigure—and bliss. Perfect, unquestionable bliss. Haigure. Haigure is unison, is belonging, is being part of something so much bigger and better. I am haigure.”

“I am haigure.” Amanda echoed.

I’ve got to get out of here, Lore thought, but her legs wouldn’t move. She tried to stare away from the ceaseless dance, but her eyes wouldn’t comply. Lore was simply stuck in place, and she didn’t know why. Her heart was a drum in her chest, her breathing gusts of wind. Haigure. “What...” She began, but then realized she heard the voice in her head.

Cosette smiled and slowed down her thrusting. “It has started.” She cannot escape, she’ll join the glory of haigure.

Oh, yes... she will. Amanda thought.

Lore shuddered. She wondered what the stranger meant, but she already knew. Lore just didn’t want to accept it—she still had no idea what haigure was, or why Amanda was in on it, or why they were wearing leotards... shiny, deliciously tight leotards—“Stop it!” She screamed at herself. Neither Amanda nor Cosette reacted to this. What’s happening to me? How’re they doing this? What has started? Again she wondered and the answer became apparent when she looked down at her legs—her knees were slightly bent—yet she asked: “What... has started?” Dread permeated her voice.

The joint smile the haigure girls returned was like staring into a headman’s eyes when your head was on the block.

“Haigure.” Both began, “You’ll join us in haigure. You’ll be haigure.”

Immediately Lore felt her knees bend at an angle, her arms suddenly straightened in front of her. She felt terror coated with a hinge of curiosity. No! This will swallow your being... will change you... do not think about it! But it was impossible to not think about haigure when it simply seeped into your mind and reproduced like a memetic virus.

“No... no! Whatever this is... I won’t join! I won’t become haigure!” Haigure, haigure, haigure. The word echoed and echoed in her mind, forcing shivers to run down her spine. She felt her palms outstretch and frame her crotch.

“It is too late to stop, haigure.” Cosette smiled.

“You’re already turning into a haigure girl, Melanie.” Amanda giggled, still thrusting up and down.

“Soon you’ll join us and worship haigure like an obedient haigure girl. Haigure!”

Lore grimaced, fighting desperately to clench her fists. “No... I will never become—” She stopped herself, lest the mental noise deafened her thoughts.

“Oh, but you’ve already joined haigure, Melanie.” Amanda giggled. “It is just a matter of accepting it! Hai-gure! Hai-gure!”

“Never!” Lore screamed, but she knew it was hopeless. She struggled some more with the position she was in, but finally gave up when she noticed her legs starting to move on her own. “No, no, no!”

“Yes, yes, yes! Haigure, haigure haigure!” Both haigure girls said.

Haigure. Lore heard her own mental voice echo. Haigure. “No... please, no.” She pleaded, the voice going on and on in her head, the girls chanting on and on in her eyes.

Her body began moving on its own: her arms rose ever so slightly until her outstretched palms were next to her breasts. “No... please no.” Tears began to lick her cheeks. Her hands remained there for what seemed a small eternity.

“Haigure.” Both girls said in unison and suddenly Lore’s arms thrust downwards, her palms rubbing just the sides of her sex through the jeans.

Lore would’ve fallen to her knees had they not been locked.

The motion brought a powerful sensation, a mix of peace and the afterglow of an orgasm with hints of bliss scattered all over. Lore let out a small gasp of surprise.

“Oh, she’s enjoying it!” Amanda said.

“Of course she is; haigure can only be enjoyed!” Cosette giggled. “Now, Melanie,” Cosette cooed, her voice a breath of lust and happiness. “Let’s do it at the same time.”

Lore shook her head, but the blush on her cheeks and the tell-tale twinge of arousal betrayed her intentions. “N-n-no... I won’t.” She pleaded to no avail.

“First, you pull up your arms.” Cosette said, pulling her arms so her hands framed her chest. Amanda and Lore mimicked. “You take a deep breath as you feel the glory of haigure fill your every cell,” Cosette shivered all over. “And then you haigure!” Cosette screamed the word as her arms thrust downwards, her palms rubbing her outlined sex through the leotard.

“Haigure...” Lore groaned, unable to control her actions. “No... no...”

“Yes, yes!” Amanda moaned, suddenly stopping her thrusting motion. “You’re haigure! Oh, I am so happy, Lore!” Amanda skipped towards the frozen Lore as her arms began to thrust anew.

Amanda stood to Lore’s right and quickly returned to the crouching position. “Give in, Lore. It feels so much better when you give into haigure.”

Lore shook her head, but couldn’t say anything. The more her arms moved up and down her pelvis, the weaker she felt, the more aroused she felt, and the more happy she began to feel. Every motion brought again that delicious feeling of peace and bliss, and she was starting to want it. “Nnoo... Amanda, please, help me. Oooh... it feels...”

“So right.” Amanda finished and then whispered haigure over and over.

Lore remained silent for a long while. The only sounds in the room were of haigure. Her mind was racing through a minefield—haigure was in her mind, Cosette and Amanda’s voice and even her own whispering the word like a mantra. Her consciousness travelled around the field, trying to not step on a mine, failing almost every time. Whenever she stepped into a mine, her whole body would give into the feeling of haigure and she would almost mutter the word. Lore managed to control herself, knowing that saying it would be her downfall.

Resist, goddammit. Resist, Melanie. Lore thought, desperately. She already knew she was done for, but wouldn’t accept it. She would fight haigure to the last second; even if it felt better than life itself.

Lore looked up to see Cosette standing in front of her. Her orange leotard was oozing as if it was boiling hair gel. “It is time to break you, Melanie.” She said, her smile a devious line. Suddenly drops began to fall off her chest and arm and onto Lore’s skin and clothes.

Lore’s eye went wide. She wanted to scream, but found that the moment she opened her mouth the only sound that came out was “Haigure!” Lore decided to keep her mouth shut.

“Oh, good haigure girl, Melanie.” Amanda cooed from behind. Her leotard was also oozing its black material on Lore’s back. Each drop on her skin and clothes felt like a million jolts of pleasure, and every drop was a link in the chain that would forever bind her to haigure.

Lore just stared at the liquid falling on her body. Black and orange intermingled, and the gel-like fluid began to move over her body as if it had a mind of its own.

Her shirt was the first one to be consumed, its red colour quickly dominating and replacing the orange and black. Her brown dress trousers suffered the same fate, becoming shapeless brown gel. Amanda and Cosette began to rub their bodies against Lore, whenever the thrusting motion permitted it. They spread the latex and watched with glee as the rest of her clothes dissolved into a swirling, oozing mess of red and brown latex.

Lore was shivering all over, gritting her teeth to avoid letting the moans escape. The sensation felt utterly divine. Never had she experienced something so delicious, so relaxing and sensual at the same time. She was powerless and would soon her personality would be swallowed, but, god, she was enjoying it.

It was not until a crimson leotard with brown bands around her waist, wrist and neck formed that Lore gave in.

“Hai... gure.” She whispered, as if testing the sound of the word. Her leotard tightened around her body, showing the beautifully round pair of young tortoises on her chest; exaggerating the waves on her waist and hips; letting the muscles on her belly, arms, shoulders and back protrude. Her legs and bottom showed perfectly; the leotard turned into a high-cut thong, showing all of her legs and her buttocks as it drove between the latter; her iliac crest was visible just where the leotard gave way to skin. Her feminine fruit showed comfortably pressed against the crimson leotard, looking enticing and forbidden.

“Haigure. Haigure. Haigure.” Lore realized she was smiling and thrusting, up and down, on her own. She could flex her fingers, but she didn’t want to, as it would break the holy pose of haigure. With every thrust and crouch her sex would be greeted with licks and touches, caresses and jolts of pleasure. With every muttering of the holy word she would feel post-orgasmic bliss, Christmas excitement, holiday happiness, hot-bath peace and much more fill her mind and body. And every time the feelings raced through her veins, nerves, skin and orgasm as if they were racing maps in a videogame she would feel herself grow closer to Amanda and the stranger Cosette, joining into the hivemind glory of haigure.

“Oh... god...” Lore moaned loudly.

“Not god, Melanie.” Amanda said as she wrapped her arms around her friend’s waist. “Haigure.”

“Hai...gure... Haigure and obey.” Lore closed her eyes, feeling the glory seep into her being.

“Haigure and obey.” Cosette and Amanda whispered happily.

The three haigure girls stood there, unmoving, silent, like statues for a long while. They no longer needed to hear each other’s voice to know what they were thinking, what they were feeling or needing. They were as one—they were haigure.

Amanda stood by the doorway, regarding Lore as she hid her beautiful crimson-and-brown leotard under a long-sleeved black blouse, a black pencil skirt and her tight leather jacket. When the latter came on she saw Lore smile broadly and hug herself. “I need to buy more tight-fitting clothes now.” She turned to smile at Amanda, black hair looking lustrous. “Though, I doubt I’ll wear them much.”

“I don’t know why you can’t stay and worship haigure with us. Haigure.” Amanda smiled, one hand idly running over her black-coated breasts.

Lore sighed and then turned to her friend. “I haigure and obey, and will always do it. I see it now. I cherish it now. But I have to work, still. I have several sessions for the afternoon and I am already late.” Lore picked up her photography equipment from her desk and began walking towards Amanda.

The two shared a look and then Lore tapped Amanda’s chest twice with her palm. “I’ll be back late...” Amanda gave her a wide-eyed look. “I don’t promise anything, haigure, but I’ll try. Haigure and obey.”

“Haigure and obey.” Amanda said as she watched Lore take her leave. Have fun, haigure. She thought and giggled as she heard Lore’s voice in her mind.

Amanda walked towards the living room and saw Cosette rubbing her sex through the leotard and whispering the word over and over. For a second she wondered what Cosette was doing—haigure should be worshipped with the dance and thrusting—but quickly received and answer, the leotard needs it. It was all Amanda needed.

She sat in front of Cosette and stared into her eyes. Now what?

Now we spread the glory of haigure. Cosette stared, moaning and worshipping.

Amanda looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and smiled. “I work at nights,” She said, idly. “We have a whole day ahead.”

“I already knew that, haigure.” Cosette smiled at Amanda and then stood. “Why don’t we go into town?”

Cosette’s lovely lips curled into a devious smile and Amanda couldn’t help but haigure and obey.